I want to show the author's electronic textbook. All material (text, rendered maps, navigation, tests, crossword) was developed by me personally. Section Tutorial South America consists of the following modules: Nature; Population and countries; Knowledge test (game Who wants to become an excellent student? and a crossword puzzle); and also there is a methodological block (list of references and topics for messages). Each module consists of paragraphs. Each paragraph contains text and visual material: a physical map of the mainland...

1. Circumboreal, or Eurosiberian-Canadian, region This is the largest floristic land area, a significant part of which is located on the territory Soviet Union. This includes Europe (excluding the parts belonging to the Mediterranean region), Northern Anatolia, the Caucasus (excluding the arid parts and Talysh), the Urals, Siberia, Far East(with the exception of the southeastern part along the middle reaches of the Amur), Kamchatka, Northern Sakhalin, northern Kuriles, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, large ...

Republic of Kalmykia Republican stage of the competition Teacher of the Year in the nomination Pedagogical debut teacher of geography MBOU Chilgirskaya secondary school of the Yashkulsky district Edleeva Evgenia Vladimirovna Lesson topic: Lakes Blue eyes of the planet Objectives: subject: to get acquainted with the diversity of lakes on our planet and their origin, to form students' ideas about the lake, types lake basins, sewage and endorheic, fresh and salt lakes; personal: the development of individual cognitive interests of the student ...

The program was developed on the basis of the program of the main general education in geography for grades 5-9 (classical line) authors: I.I. Barinova, V.P. Dronov, I.V. Dushina, V.I. Sirotin. Publishing house "Drofa". Working programm in geography for the 6th grade is compiled on the basis of the following legal documents: 1. The federal state standard for basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897. New sta...

It is difficult to name another school subject that would have such a wide range of intersubject connections as geography, had such a variety of forms and means of teaching that I strive to implement in every lesson. I try with all my might so that, entering the door with the familiar sign “Geography Classroom”, a world of secrets and discoveries opens up for my students, a world of diversity of nature, life and life of people in it; the world of the mighty majesty of nature and its simultaneous vulnerability and defenselessness ...

The program contains a description of the learning objectives, characteristics of the training course, personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering this course, as well as thematic planning for this course The work program is drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the federal component of state educational standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education (order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1189 dated April 10, 2012 On approval of the federal compo...

The outline of a lesson in geography for 8th grade students on the topic "General circulation of the atmosphere" is addressed to teachers of geography. When planning a lesson, a frontal survey, competence-oriented tasks were used, work with maps, and a reflection stage were provided. Lesson objectives: to form knowledge about the movement of air masses on the territory of Kazakhstan and their types. To develop the ability of students to work with maps, the ability to compare, generalize, systematize, classify. Cultivate interest in...

Geography- science of nature earth's surface, about the population and its economic activity. The name of this science was given by the ancient Greek scientist Eratosthenes. In Greek, "geo" - Earth, "grapho" - I write (other Greek. γεωγραφία "earth description" from γῆ "Earth" and γράφω "I write, describe"). Therefore, the word "geography" in translation means " description of the earth". Geography is one of the oldest sciences. Many of its foundations were laid in the Hellenic era. The outstanding geographer Claudius Ptolemy summarized this experience in the 1st century AD. e. The heyday of the Western geographical tradition falls on the Renaissance, which is marked by a rethinking of the achievements of the late Hellenistic era and significant achievements in cartography, which are usually associated with the name of Gerhard Mercator. The foundations of modern academic geography in the first half of the 19th century were laid by Alexander Humboldt and Karl Ritter.

Handout - one of the types of printed manuals, which is a set of cards with drawings and tasks for independent work. In R. and. m. include situational drawings that are close in their subject matter to the age interests of students. The expressiveness of the picture, colorfulness, polygraphic quality of printing - compliance with these requirements helps to realize the potential of visual material as an effective speech stimulus.

Cards are used at the stage of fixing the material, are intended for organizing not only individual, but also pair work, facilitate the preparation of dialogic and monologue statements.

"Population and political map Eurasia"

Geography handout for grade 7 students in the form of a task card on the topic "Population and political map of Eurasia." Questions to test the knowledge of the studied material and cartographic knowledge of students.

Geography handouts. 6-7 classes. The manual contains thematic task cards corresponding to the geography curriculum for grades 6 and 7, which are aimed at consolidating and testing theoretical knowledge and practicing practical skills of schoolchildren. It will help the teacher to organize individual control of students' knowledge, and students to test their knowledge.

Interactive crossword "Continents and oceans"

Take a trip around the world the globe, without leaving home, makes it possible to crossword "Continents and Oceans". Having solved it, students will consolidate their knowledge, test their erudition and erudition.

The crossword puzzle is intended for students, with the aim of developing a cognitive interest in geographical science, systematization and deepening basic knowledge received in the lessons. Includes 10 questions. Explanatory material can be found in the accompanying text.

Geography Quizzes

We bring to your attention quizzes that can be used in general lessons and in extracurricular work in geography. Compiled 7 quizzes for students in grades 5, 6, 7, 9 on topics that children study in the first half of the year school year. For example, in the 5th grade on the topic “Accumulation of knowledge about the Earth”, I propose the question: Which of the scientists is considered the author of the oldest geographical map that has come down to us?

Cards for independent work. Cut cards with test task and sentences with missing punctuation marks. Cards can be downloaded and printed immediately.

Geography at 100
For 9th grade students. Contains entertaining questions and tasks in pictures.

This quiz (can be used as an Olympiad) is intended for use in the subject week in order to stimulate students' interest in geography; identifying students interested in geography; activation of students' creative abilities; popularization of geography as a science and school subject. expanding the horizons of students. Grade 9 students are welcome to participate. Contains entertaining questions and tasks in pictures.

Geographic puzzles

This presentation will be helpful class teachers for a quiz class hour or geography teachers for use in their lessons. The presentation contains 20 puzzles about cities, countries, rivers and continents. There are answers to puzzles that appear at the click of a mouse.

Material Objectives: activation of cognitive activity through game elements; development of creativity, memory and attention.

Teachers can download geography handouts and use in their lessons. The files are located in the TAS-IX network and the traffic for the downloaded material is not consumed.

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The name of the science of geography is translated from ancient Greek like a land survey. At this stage, geography is a science that studies the description of the Earth and reveals the main patterns in its development.

  • Schoolchildren begin studying geography in the 6th grade, and continue to study it until the end of schooling.

In 6th grade students receive basic information and skills from the geography course, thereby laying a solid foundation for the subsequent study of the subject. The most important thing in the 6th grade is the ability to work with geographical maps and site plans.

7th grade devoted to the study of the features of the geography of continents and oceans. In addition, the main points studied in the initial course of geography are repeated.

8th and 9th grades completely devoted to the geography of Russia. Moreover, in the 8th grade the nature of our country is studied, and in the 9th grade - the social and economic geography of our country. Thus, using the example of Russia, schoolchildren learn the basics of socio-economic geography.

In 10th and 11th grade the socio-economic geography of the world is considered. And if the 10th grade is more devoted to studying the general picture of the world, then in the 11th grade the socio-economic characteristics of individual continents and large countries are considered in detail. Separately, it is worth highlighting the study in grade 11 global problems humanity.

  • It is worth noting that geography is one of the subjects for passing the elective exam, in the USE format.

All materials are divided into classes:

Geography Grade 6
Geography Grade 7

Sites, teaching materials on geography.

● rgo.ru - "RGO.ru" geographical portal Planet Earth. - The "Encyclopedia" section is "Small geographical encyclopedia"(Physical geography, Regional studies, Economic geography". There is a section "For teachers".

● geo.1september.ru - site "I'm going to geography class" Articles by sections: Geography (136); Geography of continents, oceans, countries (41); Geography of Russia (446); Economic and social geography of the world (381).

● geo.1september.ru - newspaper "Geography"(there is an annual interval between the release of the next issue of the newspaper and the appearance of the full-text version of the issue on the website)

my-geography.ru- Site of the teacher of geography Sazonova Galina Ivanovna. Educational and methodological material, presentations, photos, videos, students' work, interesting assignments in geography.

● georus.by.ru - "Geography of Russia". Data on each subject of the Russian Federation. Information about the regions. Federal districts of the Russian Federation. Economic regions. Time zones, etc.

● geo.historic.ru - geographic on-line directory "Countries of the world". Information for all countries of the world. physical map. Reference data. Time Zones.

● afromberg.narod.ru - site of Geography teacher A.E. Fromberg. 6 - 10 cells Programs, Lesson planning (for teachers), E-lessons (partly), Practical work, Reference materials, Exams (9th grade, 11th grade, Unified State Examination), Preparation for Universities.

● geografia.ru - Geography.ru- travel club. Travel around the world, geographical society, exotic countries of the world, exciting travels, interesting stories, photo albums, etc.

● nature.worldstreasure.com - "Wonders of nature" Illustrated and classified by geographical location materials about natural phenomena. (photo + text, a good site to just relax and learn interesting facts).

basni.narod.ru"Wanderer"- Directory of countries of the world. a brief description of all countries of the world. Information about geographical location, state structure, population, history and economy of each country. Image of national symbols

terrus.ru "Territorial structure of Russia"- Directory-catalog "All Russia" on economic regions.