Russian military jargon is the most difficult and, until recently, unofficially forbidden area of ​​Russian linguistics, especially in those parts that come into contact with the jargon of the Main Intelligence Directorate, the State Security Committee and other secret organizations of the USSR. This, in particular, explains the lack of research into Russian military jargon, in contrast, for example, to English. Another reason for its lack of research is the difficulty of collecting jargon, the inaccessibility for outside research of military society, the impossibility of authorized questioning, polling and microphone recording of modern live colloquial speech bearers of military jargon.

Interest in the army of the last ten - fifteen years is special. In a certain sense, the army is a model of our society, it is there that the social, economic and cultural processes taking place in Russia are reflected. Therefore, this work is characterized by the sociocultural aspect of the study of the problem indicated in the title. Novelty this study lies in the very interpretation of the topic, hence its relevance today. The subject of the work is the study of the linguistic implementation of military jargon. The object of the study was the jargon of the military unit located on the territory of the Achinsk region in the village of Kamenka. Soldier and officers s parts are diverse, people come here from different parts and regions to serve Russian Federation: from Gorky and Ryazan, from Kazan and Samara, Krasnoyarsk and Penza, from the northern territories and Krasnodar. Coming to one team, military personnel bring their own words and expressions specific to each area, enriching their speech with local jargon. Hence the purpose of this study: to establish the social and cultural reasons for the emergence and spread of army vocabulary in the colloquial speech of servicemen. This goal has determined the setting of the following tasks:

1. analyze the theoretical material related to the study of jargon, in particular, military jargon;

2. consider ways of forming military jargon;

3. identify lexical, grammatical, syntactic features of army slang;

4. reveal the hidden additional semantics of the structural and syntactic features of the object under study;

5. analyze the use of military jargon in army folklore.

In solving the problems posed above, we used following methods and tricks:

1. method of linguistic observation;

2. descriptive method;

3. reception of internal interpretation (reception of systematics and classification).

Characteristics of slang and jargons

Language is "practical, real consciousness", which reflects not only the socio-historical experience of mankind, but also the social status of a particular stratum of society. Selecting and activating various language tools in each case depends on the goals, objectives and conditions of communication, as well as on social environment, age group and many other factors. This is how the functional stratification of the Russian language manifests itself. In various functional layers of the language, a peculiar stylistic system is used: in everyday life - household, in social and political life - journalistic, in administrative and legal - business. Social dialects also differ, which are usually divided into three large groups: jargons, conditionally professional languages, and slang.

"Jargon" - from the French "jargon" - the speech of a relatively open social or professional group, which differs from the common language in a special composition of words and expressions. This is a conditional language, understandable only in a certain environment, it has a lot of artificial, sometimes conditional words and expressions. However, at present, there is a tendency for jargon to go beyond the professional or social groups that gave rise to it, the reasons for this, on the one hand, are the increase in the gap between literary and jargon speech, and on the other, the democratization and even "vulgarization" of public life. Jargon seeks to increase the rate of speech, for this abbreviations, shortened words, abbreviations are used. Even themselves linguistic terms"jargon" and "slang" are increasingly being replaced by a shorter one - "slang".

Initially, slang was called the jargon of informal youth groups, created on the basis of English words ("khair" - hair). The slang migrated to other youth groups, and then to the criminal environment ("killer" - a professional hired killer).

In public language speech practice, there is a special kind of bilingualism associated with the so-called marginal culture.

Margo, marginus (lat.) - edge, border. Marginal culture - the culture of the "edge", the social "bottom", which arose among people prone to illegal behavior. Marginal people are interested in maintaining the closedness, isolation of their cultural environment from the rest of the world, which they perceive as alien and hostile.

These goals are served by a specific language of marginal culture - slang (from the French "argot"). There are several main functions of argo:

1. Secret - to hide information from outsiders who do not belong to the thieves' community. Argo is produced spontaneously, many words from argo can turn into ordinary colloquial. Recently, more and more words from the slang penetrate into the common vocabulary.

2. Identification. Argo is a password by which declassed elements recognize each other. When the thief is brought into a new cell, he asks: "Are there people?" (People are thieves who follow the thieves' rules). 3. Worldview (serving criminal activity). Persons belonging to a marginal culture become bilingual: in their environment they use slang, and when communicating in normal conditions they use the national literary language. The mechanisms for mastering slang speech are simplified, since slang does not have its own grammar and differs from the literary language only in lexical composition.

1. 1. Military jargon. Question history.

For the first time in our country, a scientist, Professor V. A. Khomyakov singled out two vernacular: expressive vernacular (corresponding common slang) and socio-professional vernacular (corresponding to special slang). Socio-professional vernacular includes various sociolects - jargons, corporate and professional, different kinds kenta, or slang, that is, dialects of the criminal world. It is to professional jargons that V. A. Khomyakov and his follower V. P. Korovushkin refer military jargon.

Professor V. M. Khomyakov proposed the theory of "Non-standard vocabulary". It gives a more concrete and understandable idea of ​​the specifics of the functioning of military jargon as a social and professional vernacular. AT summary The main provisions of this theory are as follows:

1. Social isolation and specificity of functioning act as distinctive features of jargon, including military jargon.

2. Military jargon can make speech incomprehensible to an outside observer. They can act ritually, as if emphasizing the commonality of the military profession in the past or present, and military jargons can also be a kind of "password" - an indicator of belonging to the soldier's brotherhood.

3. Ways of semantization of jargon, including military ones, are as follows: a) direct translation - socio-semantic repetition; b) duplication of jargon by another, more well-known and used more often in colloquial speech; c) using a broad context;

Taking into account the main provisions of the theory of V. A. Khomyakov, military jargon can be considered as a historical, social experience of people, fixed in certain systems of cultural values, traditions, indirectly ensuring the collective nature of human life. According to this, it is possible to identify the main reasons for the appearance of military jargon.

The first reason for the emergence of military jargon is the need to convey concepts that do not have a one-word expression in Russian. In military jargon, there are a large number of words and phraseological units used to refer to those objects and phenomena for which there is no equivalent in the literary language. For example, "chip" is a store.

The second reason is the desire for verbal expressiveness. This is a response to the frequent stress and alienation of society. This is how the desire for self-affirmation, bravado and ostentatious recklessness is manifested. And military jargon is a kind of "vent" for military personnel.

The third reason, and probably one of the main reasons for the emergence of military jargon, is the need to indicate the realities of military life. Military jargon is also born in order to refresh the old concepts of the generally accepted literary language and replace them with new, more expressive and concise ones.

Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that in the structure national language military jargon is between expressive vernacular and non-literary forms of speech (coarse vernacular, local dialects).

1. 2. Functions of military jargon

Military jargon acts as a means of communication between people of the same age category. It differs in that the slang names relate only to this world, thus separating it from everything else, and are often incomprehensible to people of other categories. Communication with military personnel is a great value for a soldier. It often becomes so attractive that the literary language is relegated to the background and the possibility of communicating in a common language no longer looks so attractive. Based on the analysis of the literature on the topic under study and taking into account all of the above, the researchers identified the functions of military jargon.

One of its main functions is information content. After all, military jargon carries important information. Soldiers put a certain meaning into every word. A striking example of this is the common jargon found in almost all military units and divisions - "SPIRIT". This is an abbreviation of the phrase "I really want to go home." Of course, while serving, you always want to go home, and the most difficult period for soldiers is in the first six months. It is easy to determine that this military jargon is applicable to the military personnel of the first period of service. The phrases used by the soldiers sound more playful than usual, giving the speech a humorous character and turning into a “collective game”. Therefore, the second main function of military jargon is motivation. The main principle of jargon is the element of shock, shake-up. It also reflects the relationship between military personnel. There is a special jargon "one" in the soldier's lexicon. When it is pronounced, and the word can only be pronounced by "grandfathers", one of the "spirits" must come out and carry out any order that was said to him. Using this particular jargon, one soldier encourages another to complete a specific task. Judging by the jargon, the attitude towards this or that soldier is also determined.

The expressive function of military jargon is the broadest in its meaning. Expressive means include words and expressions, main feature which is emotional coloring, which serves to express a positive or negative assessment. Summing up the above, it should be noted: for many centuries, military personnel have not abandoned slang word formations, since the slang coloring of such word-formation options attracts them by the fact that such words seem to be reborn and especially expressive. That's why jargon It has wide use in the speech of military personnel. At the same time, military jargon is not used groundlessly, but has its own functions: informative, motivating and expressive.

3. Military jargon XVIII - XX

Quite clearly and reliably Russian military jargon correlates with wars or long-term military conflicts in which the armed forces of Russia and the USSR took part over the past three centuries. Let's trace it on the examples offered by V.P. Korovushkin. one

Military jargon XVIII

1. The period covering the Russian-Turkish wars (1686-1713) and the Northern War (1700-21) can be considered the beginning of the formation of Russian military jargon: "fool" (cannon), "ball" (core), "fart" (shoot ).

2. During the period covering the wars for the Polish inheritance (1733-35) and for the Austrian inheritance (1740-48), the Russian-Turkish war (1735-39), jargon appeared in the everyday life of cuirassier officers: "dove" (double-headed eagle on parade helmet).

3. During the period of the Russian-Swedish war (1741-43), the Seven Years (1756-63) and the Russian-Turkish (1768-74) wars, in addition to the named jargon, they also used: "garrison rat" (staff or non-combatant officer or soldier), " guardhouse" (guardroom), "flying army" (avant-garde units).

4. During the Russian-Turkish (1781-91) and Russian-Swedish (1788-90) wars, military jargon was enriched with such elements as: "busurman" (soldier of irregular Turkish troops), "break off" (to march).

Military jargon XIX

1. At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. during the Italian and Swiss campaigns (1799), during the Russian-Iranian (1804-13), Russian-Austrian-French (1805), Russian-Prussian-French (1806-07), Russian-Turkish (1806-12) and Russian-Swedish (1808-09) wars, military jargon was enriched with the following elements: "bourbon" (an officer who came out of the lower ranks), "send to the grass to rest" (send the officer to resign), "trink" (drink).

2. During the Patriotic War (1812), military jargon expanded significantly due to such jargon as: "Chat and Only" (M. B. Barclay de Tolly), "big caps" (higher authorities), "speak" (shoot from a cannon), "Matveevna" (cannon).

3. During the period of the Crimean and Russian-Turkish (1877-78) wars, including the Bukhara and Kokand campaigns, Russian military and naval jargon was enriched with the following jargon: "dentist" (scuffle officer), "corps rat" ("land" naval chief), "brushing teeth" (scuffle).

Military Jargon XX

1. Russo-Japanese War brought to life a large number of new jargon: "Guest" (war correspondent), "macaque" (Japanese soldier).

1. V. P. Korovushkin “Dictionary of Russian military jargon (non-standard vocabulary and phraseology of the armed forces and paramilitary organizations Russian Empire, USSR and the Russian Federation of the 18th – 20th centuries)”, Yekaterinburg, 20002.

2. In the period between the Russo-Japanese and World War I (1MB) wars, the following jargons appeared in military use: "spirit" (fireman on a ship), "stenolaz" (a mixture of whiskey, beer, pepper, mustard and salt). 1. V. P. Korovushkin "Dictionary of Russian military jargon (non-standard vocabulary and phraseology of the armed forces and paramilitary organizations of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation of the XVIII - XX centuries)", Yekaterinburg, 20002.

3. During the 1MB period (1914-18), a lot of new jargon was created: "kill a thrush" (drink until you lose consciousness), "croak" (shoot from a bomb launcher), "mortar" (field kitchen).

4. Great Patriotic War(1941-45) brought to life a huge number of new military jargon: "karlusha" ( German soldier), "sabantuy" (battle), "Slavs" (infantry), "soldier's wife" (rifle), "forty" (cigarette butt, "chinarik", "bull").

5. The war in Afghanistan sharply intensified slang word creation: "indefinite demobilization" (death), "mass grave" (trench), "cat's house" (women's hostel), "rafiq" (Afghan soldier), "Romashka" (women's hostel) , "black tulip" (an aircraft carrying zinc coffins with the bodies of the dead).

10. With the end of the Afghan war, military conflicts did not stop. At present, Afghan veterans - local residents, and " wild geese"(mercenaries) from other countries. Their jargon is still waiting for its collector and researcher.

In conclusion, it should be noted that in some cases it is possible to establish with certainty up to a year, sometimes a month or even a day, the time of entry or the period of operation of some military jargons. And in general it is very difficult to determine at what time a certain military jargon appeared.

1. V. P. Korovushkin "Dictionary of Russian military jargon (non-standard vocabulary and phraseology of the armed forces and paramilitary organizations of the Russian Empire, the USSR and the Russian Federation of the XVIII - XX centuries)", Yekaterinburg, 20002.

2. Sources for the formation of military jargon

Having traced the path of the word from birth to the transition into the speech of military personnel, the researchers found that military jargon is a kind of "vent" that facilitates the process of adaptation of military personnel to military service.

After analyzing the situation of the use of military jargon among military personnel, the researchers identified several of the most characteristic sources of the formation of military jargon.

A powerful source for the formation of the lexical composition of military jargon is the literary language. Literary vocabulary falls into jargon in two ways.

The first way is the emergence of new, figurative meanings for words of common vocabulary. And this feature is indeed very common in the speech of the studied jargons of the military personnel of this military unit, for example, “catch up” - understand, assimilate.

A characteristic feature of jargon is its synonymization. Unlike, say, synonymization in the literary language, where one concept is replaced by a neutral, decent expression appropriate to the context, in military jargon it has the character of banter, joking.

So the synonymous series of jargons denoting the concept of "death", according to the results of our study, has about 6 expressions. For example, in the part under study, you can hear: to die - “wrap sneakers”, “glue flippers”, “move horses”, and so on. There is another game technique used in military jargon, used by the military personnel of this unit - this is the convergence of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, “gene” instead of general, “land” instead of fellow countryman.

The second way of the formation of military jargon, found in the military unit, is the emergence of jargon from the material of the commonly used literary language in various ways:

A powerful source of formation of the lexical composition of slang is metaphor. Here are the actual metaphors (“scoreboard” - a face, “turnip”, “pumpkin” - a head, “sleeper” - a very tall and thin soldier).

Connection, contraction: "warrior" - a military ID;

Abbreviation: "SOCHI" - unauthorized abandonment of the unit, escape,

"PCD" - park and economic day (general cleaning). Abbreviations of phrases sound like independent words, they are declined according to cases.

Punning substitution: "disco" - work in the kitchen, washing dishes. Cymbals are associated with records (discs), besides, you have to spin and move quickly, like in a disco.

The restructuring of the fields of meaning - "to die" - to run out of breath, get tired.

Speech rethinking of terms and terminological phrases, the creation of their expressive doublets - "flyer", "liter" - lieutenant, "company" - company commander.

The third source of the formation of jargon is the "pouring" into it of slang and colloquial speech - "dubak", "kolotun" - frost, cold.

The researchers found that the communication of servicemen is subject to such important life motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the need to assert themselves. As a result, military jargon is an important component in the speech of soldiers. But he does not appear from outside. The main source of the formation of military jargon is the literary language, and literary vocabulary gets into military jargon in different ways.

2. 1. Classification of army slang

In the process of linguistic analysis of jargon in this part, it became necessary to classify military jargon according to various criteria, for example, in the unit there is a ranking of servicemen by service life:

"Spirit" - a soldier of the first period of service (from the moment of conscription to 0.5 years, that is, until the arrival of the younger generation).

"Elephant" - a soldier who is in the army for the second half of the first year of service.

"Cherpak" - a soldier who served a year.

"Grandfather" - a military man of the fourth period of service (from 1.5 years before the release of the order to transfer to the reserve).

"Demobilization" (aka DMB) - the highest "rank" among the soldiers, a person after the release of the order of the Minister of Defense to be transferred to the reserve, subject to demobilization.

An army is a small community of people interacting with each other. And, of course, as in any other society, it gives certain characteristics to colleagues, using jargon, you can classify people by appearance:

"cabinet" or "fittings" - large, big man; by occupation:

"rat" - a thief, according to the sensations:

"Shortage" - a soldier experiencing a constant feeling of hunger.

In military jargon, clothes were classified. Everyone knows "kirzachi" - boots.

"Airfield" - cap.

"Submenka" - clothes for doing chores.

"Afghanka" is a summer field uniform of the modern type.

Pea coat - winter uniform.

A room or some special place among the military is also defined by its jargon, for example:

"bread cutter" - a room in which bread, butter and sugar are stored; "kaptyorka" - a room where the personal belongings of all soldiers are stored;

"torpedo" - a room for washing dishes;

"smoking room" - a place near the barracks, intended for smoking;

"gunsmith" - a room for storing weapons in the barracks.

Army linguistics does not live at the expense of semi-official and "general" insights. Army slang is born in the bowels of the barracks, during exercises, in the medical unit, in tents. Of course, the vocabulary of military personnel is limited by the realities of their world: the limited number of members, the territory, the formation and use of military jargon is influenced by the education of military personnel, the place of service.

It is not surprising, therefore, that in the main military jargon, the necessary items for a soldier were classified, for example, his clothes, rooms where he spends a large amount of his time. And you can see: military jargon in any field military service finds its application.

2. 2. Military jargon in terms of morphemics

The Russian language is distinguished by a developed word-formation system. This is expressed primarily in the fact that there are various ways of forming words. Most often, these methods are associated with the use of word-forming morphemes: prefixes and suffixes. In this case, the morpheme is attached to the original word or the original part of the word (generating stem). Absolutely the same process is observed in the formation of military jargon. For example, by adding the suffix -an to the generating base potato, the word kartofan or music - Mouzon is formed.

In the dictionary of military jargon of the studied part, a number of jargon words can be distinguished, which were formed by adding certain suffixes:

An - (forms nouns with the meaning of a person prone to what is called the original word):

"Korish" - friend - "korifan"

"Chushka" - a pig-"chukhan"

"Churka" - a non-Russian person - "chump"

Ah - (the resulting word acquires the meaning of a person according to the predominant feature). "Informer" - informer

Nick - (forms nouns denoting an object, book or essay):

"Warrior" - military ID

"Handbrake" - brake

K - (words with this suffix denote an object (room) intended to carry out an action. In addition, words with this suffix acquire a diminutive meaning).

"Torpedka" - a room for washing dishes.

Chik -, -shchik- (nouns with the meaning of a person by occupation):

"Kaptershchik" - a soldier in charge of storing uniforms and military equipment.

Military jargon words formed by the prefix method are inferior in number to the jargon formed by the suffix method. But when you add a prefix to the original word, the meaning of the word absolutely changes. For example,

"Garry" - avoid morning exercises, and "stock" - climb, boot.

That is, the prefix - for - denotes an inward orientation.

In the lexicon of military personnel there are also compound words formed by addition with the help of the interfix "o". An example of this is: "AWOL", "self-propelled" - unauthorized absence, "bread cutter" - a soldier engaged in slicing bread and distributing butter and sugar.

But the formation of new words is also observed by adding parts of words, for example: “disbat” - a disciplinary battalion, “sukhpai” - a dry ration, “starley” - a senior lieutenant, “stodnevka” - a hundred days before the demobilization order.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that military jargon has the same ways of forming new words as the vocabulary of the generally accepted literary language, jargonisms can be formed by adding different morphemes or by adding word stems, and each morpheme of military jargon has its own significance. That is, military jargon still obeys the rules of the Russian language, lives on its grammatical basis.

2. 3. Morphological implementation of military jargon

It was found that in most cases the military jargon in this part is represented by noun forms. Nouns, being addressed to the objective world, are characterized primarily by objective meaning. Absolute significance, functional mobility of nouns significantly expand their communicative and expressive possibilities. Nouns call simple properties (), qualities ("brake" - a soldier who does not understand the task well), states ("quarantine" - the course of a young soldier), actions ("snitch" - informer), events () and so on. Characteristically, in terms of frequency of use, a group of nouns occupies a dominant position among words that serve to express an emotional assessment. It is necessary to highlight the nicknames that aptly, succinctly, briefly characterize the military personnel according to some of their qualities:

Mouflon is a hard-witted person;

Dzhus - the son of the chairman of the collective farm (brought from Kazakhstan);

Bormann is a complete person.

The second place in terms of use in the speech of military personnel is occupied by the verb. As you know, a verb is a category of words that denotes the actions or state of an object as a process. The life of a soldier is a continuous movement, an unstoppable process. This is one of the reasons for such a wide use of jargon verbs among soldiers. The word "process" is understood as labor activity, movement, work of the sense organs, thinking, physical and mental state:

“Balabasit”, “sharpen” - there is;

"Shake" - get into a difficult situation;

"wet" - beat.

For example, the verbs: "to cut in" - to understand and "trigger" - to hide something, not to finish speaking - express a state related to a person as a subject of this state, as well as to time. As for the presence of adjectives in military jargon, they are much less common than verbs and nouns. However, we did find a few adjectives. It was found that they are used to characterize a particular object, for example:

"muddy" - not accustomed to the army, dull person.

For the most part, military jargon is represented by adjectives formed from nouns - jargons, for example:

"brake" from "brake".

As a result, it should be pointed out that, considering the morphological features of military jargon, the researchers found the prevalence of military jargon represented by a noun. The second most used in the speech of military personnel is military slang, expressed as a verb. Adjective jargons are the least in demand among soldiers. The reasons for such a different quantitative use of parts of speech in military jargon are explained by the very life of military personnel.

2. 4. Structural and syntactic features of military jargon

If we consider the military jargon at the syntactic level, then it can be noted that the syntactic structure of the military jargon is very simple, since it is mainly presented in the form of single words. For example, "AWOL", "cricket", "snitch".

In the speech of military personnel, phrases are also used:

“Drown on the ground” and “knead the mug” - sleep, “sniff footcloths” - serve in the army, “knock on the melon” - beat on the head. At the same time, in almost all phrases, the method of subordination is control. Military jargon, presented in the form of sentences, does not exist at all or is found, but very rarely.

2. 5. Army linguistics in soldier folklore

The genre of army folklore is little studied, there is not a single serious study on this topic. It's a pity. Usually soldier's folklore is passed from mouth to mouth, recited in smoking rooms, learned by heart during the hours of night duty. Of interest are the soldiers' songbooks, notebooks, which were compiled mainly in the medical unit, in the hospital, on the "lip". In them you can see a reflection of the entire army life of a soldier. For example, after reading only one poem by a soldier, one can easily determine his place of service, his attitude to army life, his feelings and experiences. In the studied part, poems of this kind were found. Here is one of them:

Greetings from the Krasnoyarsk Territory,

Where the Achinsk wind is noisy,

Where young life passes

And my heart beats at home.

A generic feature of both song books, demobilization albums, and soldier's notebooks is devotion to one's branch of service. It can be a winged aphorism: "Although I'm not that many years old, remember, son, I'm your grandfather", "brake in the company, company in the sweat." The soldier's resourcefulness knows no bounds, in a rhyming form or in short poems, the researchers found vivid sketches of soldiers of different periods of service. For example:

If you are swollen from sleep,

So you are just "SPIRIT".

If you sleep somehow

So you are already a "CHERPAK".

If you overslept lunch

No doubt, you are already "Grandfather".

The researchers found in the notebooks of the soldiers of the investigated unit hidden encryptions of the following type:

Take into account the most

Soldier Best

You Lesson

Army of Life

Brings up Was

In general, the emergence of jargons is rightly assessed as a negative phenomenon in the development of the modern Russian language. Therefore, the language policy is to refuse to use them. However, writers and publicists have the right to turn to these vocabulary layers in search of realistic colors when describing the creative aspects of our reality. In the author's speech, he helps to describe the environment for the existence of the military as a social group; in the speech of the characters - their unusual language inherent in this social group, shades of intra-group relations at the speech level. Military jargon is applied to a limited layer of vocabulary, performs the functions explanatory dictionary. Intra-group communication needs, depending on the conditions of communication - formal, informal, mixed - are satisfied through the use or non-use of socially marked lexical means in speech. The internal form of these lexical means has, as a rule, unerased figurativeness - "diesel" - a disciplinary battalion, "citizen" - civilian life.

In their own way, military personnel relate to one or another military concept. All this is reflected in military jargon.


In the course of the study, the jargons of the military unit located on the territory of the Achinsk region in the village of Kamenka were studied. This work is based on the socio-cultural aspect of the study of the problem indicated in the title. The course of the study confirmed the novelty of this work, which lies in the very interpretation of the topic, hence its relevance. In the course of studying the linguistic implementation of military jargon in this military unit, the researchers, using the knowledge of theoretical material related to the study of the object, as a result of conversations with military personnel, completed the tasks:

1) examined the lexical, grammatical, syntactic features of army slang;

2) identified the main sources of the formation of military jargon;

3) characterized the main functions and methods of using military jargon in army folklore and on the pages of literary works.

Conclusions drawn from the study:

1) Military jargon is not only a lexicon that is born in the bowels of the barracks, during exercises, but at the same time, like all social dialects, it feeds on the juices of the national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

2) Communication using military jargon among military personnel is one of the great values ​​for a soldier. Military jargon is an integral part of the life of military personnel. This is the historical, social experience of people, fixed in a certain environment. And it is this socio-cultural experience that is embodied in the already established system of customs.

3) The main functions of military jargon are informative, motivating and expressive.

4) Most of the vocabulary of military jargon is represented by military vocabulary mastered by Russian literary language during the years of past wars and earlier - "company", "platoon", "medical unit", "medical battalion". But still, each specific military unit has its own military jargon peculiar only to it.

In general, military jargon is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, but also by social, temporal and spatial limits. It exists among military personnel, as well as in some separate more or less closed groups, for example, among young students.

This work may be of interest to a wide range of people: teachers, students, schoolchildren who want to expand their horizons.

Axel - aglet, wicker pendant.

B -
Babos - money.
Bucks are money.
Balabas - some kind of food, often something very tasty, but when you want to eat, then any food! The origin of the word can only be guessed at.
Balabasit - eat, eat, take food.
Bardak - BRDM - combat reconnaissance and patrol vehicle.
Beluga - underwear - shirt and underpants.
Without fawn - secretly, imperceptibly, observing conspiracy and maintaining the effect of surprise.
The beaver is a morally and physically downtrodden soldier. The beaver is always sloppily dressed, dirty and prone to humiliation. In the Navy, a beaver is a sailor before taking the Oath.
Bolts - barley porridge, due to its high taste and nutritional qualities, is very "adored" by the personnel of the RF Armed Forces.
Armored - tankers.
Paper Grandfather - that is, not real. After graduating from higher educational institution, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and after six months of service becomes a paper grandfather.
Boomer - BMP, Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
Bems is the combat vehicle of the duty unit.
Beters - linen lice - from the word armored personnel carrier, as they resemble the Combat Reconnaissance Transporter in shape. Linen lice appear if a soldier does not change his underwear for a long time and does not wash. Easily carried and moved from the clothes of one soldier to the clothes of a nearby soldier. Hot spots are often the source of distribution, where soldiers do not have the opportunity to wash and take care of their clothes. The soldier method is removed by heat treatment of all folds on linen and uniforms (for example, using an iron), as well as by boiling or steaming linen and uniforms. It is also necessary to shave the hair under the armpits and on the groin, where the Baters lay their eggs.
Beha - BMP (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).

AT -
Varkul - a palm strike to the neck.
Vzletka - the central passage in the barracks.
Get stuck - get into trouble, get an unwanted job, get into a mess, and the like.
Get on skis - make an escape, arbitrarily leave a military unit, desert.
To rub - to say something convincingly, to prove one's point of view to someone.
Vtutuhat - the expression describes all the problems of soldiers with a short service life. Constantly work, humiliate yourself, fulfill the whims of the senior call.
Vyalitsya - do nothing, sit back, relax.
Pass out - fall asleep soundly.
Tower - higher education, higher education institution.

G -
To drive - confidently tell a lie, lie to someone.
Granik - grenade launcher.
Guba - a guardhouse - a place of serving a sentence, something like a punishment cell.
Goose - pull a hundred days.

D -
Put pressure on the mass - sleep soundly.
Give slack - relax, forget about responsibilities.
Grandfather is a soldier who has less than half a year left until the end of his service.
Grandfather in kind - a soldier in the junior conscription, whose age is more than 25 years old at the time of conscription into the army.
Hazing is the principle of relationships in a military team, according to which senior soldiers have more privileges than junior soldiers.
Demobilization is the Grandfather who will be transferred to the reserve in the coming months. From the word demobilization, transfer to the reserve.
Wooden demobilization - that is, not real. After graduating from higher education
institutions, "towers". A soldier called up for a year and already after nine months
service becoming a Wooden demobilization.
Dembelskaya porridge, Dembelyukha - a dish of cookies, condensed milk and something else sweet.
Dembel chord - this means that Dembel, before leaving home, will need to do something useful for the company or military unit. Usually exactly what they have learned to do well during the service.
The demobilization lump is a very beautifully designed uniform that Dembel makes in order to boast at home that he served in the Army.
Extract asphalt - clear the parade ground from snow.
Spirit - a soldier with a service life of up to six months (from taking the Oath). Transcription - Home Terribly Want. In the Navy - Karas.
Dukhanka - a period for a soldier, while he is considered a Spirit.

Blow up - blow up.

Z -
To score - to be indifferent, to show negligence, not to pay attention.
Shave - deprive.
Driven, Driven - come up with something unusual, at first glance stupid (to those who are driven, this idea never seems stupid), delve into reflections or into some kind of creative thought.
To suffocate - to fall asleep, usually for a short time.
Castle - deputy platoon commander.
Flying - a violation of some grandfather's law, rule, custom, and so on, as a rule, carries a punishment.
To sulk is to refuse to do something.
The smell is a soldier before taking the Oath.
Refueling - stall (outside the territory of the unit).
Zasharitsya - several options: 1. Get a job where no one drives in the neck, no one vows, does not stand over the soul. 2. Rest while everyone is working. 3. Get civilian food. 4. And in general, to get what brings joy in army life.
Zold is a soldier (from the lips of officers).

Words have not yet been remembered!

TO -
Calabashka - a blow to the neck with the palm of your hand.
Kalich - sick, usually someone who is constantly sick or pretends to be sick. From the word feces (poop).
Kaptyorka - a room where the personal belongings of all soldiers are stored, as a rule, they are not stored there for a long time, they are stolen.
Corporal - in some military units, the unofficial title of a junior sergeant, as a rule, is used disparagingly to him.
Quarantine - the course of a young fighter, the period while all newly drafted soldiers are driven by drill, forced to learn the charter, walk in pack, conduct all sorts of exercises: getting up on an alarm, shooting, and so on, starts from the moment of the call and lasts until the oath or longer - from 2 -x weeks to 4 months.
Swing or pumping is an intense, meaningless exercise to the physical and moral exhaustion of "athletes".
Swing - perform physical exercises in large quantities, most often under duress from senior soldiers.
To throw - to deceive someone without fulfilling their part of the promise or contract.
Komodo is the squad leader.
Lump is a uniform camouflage suit. Lumps are "glass", "birch", "watermelon", "dirty snow", "wave", "raincoat fabric" and many others. They are divided according to the quality of the fabric, color, direction of the stripes.
Kompot - regiment commander.
Double bass - a contract soldier, appeared in connection with the transition to a contract.
Mower - 1000 rubles.
To mow - to make mistakes, to do something wrong.
Kosepor, joint - one who often mows.
Cardan is a car depot employee.
Rat (close) - a greedy soldier who hides and does not share anything with anyone. A soldier caught stealing.
A piece is an ensign.

L -
Sheet - 100 rubles.
Fly - pull a hundred days.
Lobar - a slap with the palm of the spelled.
Lyulya is an ordinary bed for sleeping.
A skier is a soldier who left the military unit without permission, a deserter.
Badge - a small strip on shoulder straps: 1 badge - corporal, 2 stripes - junior sergeant, 3 stripes - sergeant and so on. A large number of stripes gives the right to walk next to a crowd of soldiers, and yell for them to keep pace.

Mabuta - motorized rifle troops.
Matsubarit - smoking.
Mechan, mechanic - driver mechanic.
Mobile - cell phone, mobile rapid response company.
Murlocatans are an endearing appeal to soldiers.
Fly slayers are anti-aircraft gunners.
Matl, Motolyga - a light armored multi-purpose tractor, originally and correctly - MT-LB, however, these words have become firmly established in everyday life.

H -
Strain - loads, constant burdens and hardships.
Underweight - a soldier with a deficient body weight, who was put on enhanced nutrition.
Lack - a constantly hungry soldier who is always short of food and always wants to eat them.

O -
OZK - Combined Arms Protective Kit.
Monkey - a soldier, from the lips of officers.
To puzzle is the same as to order, but in the language of soldiers. They are usually puzzled by something complex and difficult to accomplish.
Deer is a dumb soldier.
Fight back - go to sleep.
To smear - to skillfully help someone avoid punishment or an unpleasant situation, unnecessary work.
To be fascinated - to think, to forget for a while.

P -
Palevo - the threat of revealing the secret. Sudden threat.
Pepper - this is the name of the soldiers who put themselves higher than they should be in terms of service life.
The dog is an employee of guard units, respectfully.
Jacket - an officer serving on conscription, after graduating from the university in which he took place military department, usually personnel and regular officers have a sharp dislike for the "jacket".
Flattening (wetting) a mug is the same as pinching, that is, sleeping without pale.
To shave - to make someone hope for something, and then not live up to his expectations.
Fitting (fitting) - a gift (give).
Hemming - a collar, a strip of white fabric that is sewn on the collar of a tunic or simply on the collar of a garment. Serves for the prevention of hygiene of the surface of the skin in contact with clothing.
Catch the silence - shut up.
Buyer - this is the name of a person who recruits and accompanies a team to places of further service, usually in the rank of officer
Confuse - 1. Experience shock. 2. Get out of hand (be impudent).
Porthoses - footcloths.
Get lost (get lost) - in a short time to disappear somewhere, disappear from the eyes of the one who ordered.
The order is the day when Dedov will be transferred to the reserve.
Prikolyuha - a joke, a funny thing, a funny incident.
To pierce the soul (ballast, pierce plywood) - hit in the chest.
To pierce - to lose something.
Proshareny - smart, cunning, thoughtful, taught by bitter experience.
Gingerbread (zampushka) - a palm strike on the forehead, with a slap.

R -
Relax - relax.
Rubber day - Wednesday, the day of RKhBZ (Radiation-Chemical-Biological Protection).
Give birth (generate) - find, get. Time to find something.
Cuts (cuts me) - strongly tends to sleep. Possible not arbitrary falling asleep "on the go".
To steer - to command.

Salaga is a young, inexperienced soldier.
Self-propelled - leave the unit without permission, go AWOL.
The swineherd is an employee of the support company.
Two hundred - means the death of a person or the breakdown of some thing.
Simulator - one who pretends to be sick, pretends to be sick.
To communize is to borrow something without permission.
A violinist is a soldier who is suicidal or has already attempted suicide.
An elephant is a soldier with a service life of six months to a year. Decryption - Soldier Loving Awesome Loads. In the Navy - Vigorous crucian.
Elephant - a period for a soldier, while he is considered an Elephant.
Elephant radio - false information, unjustified rumors, an empty promise, not true.
SOC (leave in socha) - Unauthorized Abandonment of the Part (arbitrarily leave the part).
Stodnevka - the period of service 100 days before the release of the Order.
Arrow - a secret meeting of colleagues to resolve a controversial issue.
Squealer, bitch - I think there is no need to explain ...
Snot - the same as Lychka, that is, a strip of military distinction on the pursuit.
Sochinets - a serviceman who left his unit without permission.
Burn a chip - notice that something is happening.
Sleep - become noticeable, lose secrets and secrets.
Chest - ensign.

T -
Taski - also that it dries, does not do anything, from the word "dragging". In the sense of resting when others are working.
To trudge - to enjoy something, to have fun.
The body is a living combat unit, a unit. A unit of quantitative measurement of subordinate personnel.
Brake - a soldier who incorrectly follows orders or correctly, but slowly.
Tochevo (to sharpen) - food, take food.
A tracer is a soldier sent somewhere, for something. It came from the name of the bullet, which glows during the flight, is used for night firing practice, a tracer bullet.
Trindets is the final and irrevocable end, the tragic culmination of the action.
The torso is a soldier with a short service life, offensive.
Pulling an elephant - pulling a hundred days.

U -
Dismissal - a dismissal ticket.
Ustavshchina is a variant of the corporal-sergeant hazing.
Umiralovka - punishment for flying, can be both to one and to all at once.
Charter - in addition to the generally accepted concept (code of military laws), it is also cigarettes that are issued to soldiers (charter cigarettes).

F -
Fibring means hardening the chevrons and all the different patches to make them look cooler.
Chip (stand on the chip) - make sure that no one notices anything.

X -
The trunk is the nose of a soldier with a short service life.
The hamster is a greedy soldier who hides everything and shares only with "his own". A soldier seen in the habit of stocking up for a rainy day.

C -
Integrity - accuracy.
Tsentryak - the central passage in the barracks (take-off).

H -
Chapala - In everything, an unsightly, sloppy fighter. Often they call those who have a dressed uniform 2-3 sizes larger and weigh a bag.
Scoop, skull - a soldier with a service life of a year to a year and a half. Decryption - Man Daily Destroying Peace of the Army Barracks. In the Navy - Godok.
Chipok - a soldier's tea room, a cafe on the territory of a military unit.
Chushin - untidy, dirty, sloppy, worn out and so on.

W -
Jackals - officers and ensigns, from the lips of privates and sergeants, disrespectfully.
Shisharik - car GAZ-66.
Shkonka - bed.
Shmon - a sudden and thorough check.
Screws - all the soldiers from the lips of the border guards, except for the border guards, of course.
Rustle - work actively.
Shukher - a sudden threat of revealing a secret.

Swallow (boil, boil) - doze off, sleep without pale, that is, imperceptibly for those who can interfere with sleep.

E -
Equator (spirit day) - half a hundred days. Only 50 days left to order!
Electric train - a tangible blow to the shin, is used to improve the quality of training in drill training.

YU -
Yuzat - use.

I -
Anchor is a soldier who constantly slows down, blunts, incapable of learning.

Lots of ideas as always. And there is not much time for implementation. Another article on the topic of the army. But with deep implications. Everyone who has been in the army at least once knows who spirits, elephants are, knows about Masha (this is not a whore from the sixth entrance) and jackals, etc.

Oddly enough, the idea of ​​writing an army dictionary came to mind. Let this be a dupe for someone, but for my blog another article. Get an army dictionary a la Dalia.
Spirit is the main actor in the army. Eats for three, works for four. Virtually no sleep. But there are exceptions (*finger_pokes_in_himself*). 2 spirits and a shovel replace the excavator. Transitional stage from scent to elephant. Differs in the weak development of the mind and little imagination. There are also rare smart specimens. They are divided into dull and eternal spirits.
Smell is the first stage in the development of a private. It is considered a smell from the moment of arrival to the unit and until the moment of taking the oath. Absolutely free at this moment of life. Nobody touches you, everyone is afraid for you. Since you are still civilians.
Elephant is a spirit with experience. The third stage in the evolution of the ordinary. Comes after the order is issued to start the next call. Unlike the spirit, he is lazy, gluttonous. Hits everything and everything.
Grandfather - famous army grandfathers. Soldiers who are about 3 months away from home. Hazing develops on them. So far, I have little studied species. I'll tell you more about how I transform into them.
The scoop is an extinct species. They were soldiers who served 1.5 years.
Demobilization is the final stage of a soldier's development. Differs in special laziness and desire to return home. They are always waiting for their demobilization train, chasing spirits and just fucking around for the rest of the time.
MPP - the medical center of the regiment (the place of the complete fuck-up).
Jackals - the officers of the unit.
Bolts - barley porridge.
OZK is a combined arms protective kit, but in some cases a tool for punishing the guilty (a circle around the parade ground in an OZK and a gas mask and you are a corpse).
Zelenka, silver, gold - types of plaques on the belt. Green is worn before the oath. Then it is cleaned to a silvery sheen. Well, they put on gold after 6 months of service. Although all these traditions have already been forgotten.
Leather, linoleum, rag - types of belts. Leather is definitely better.
Masha is a piece of footcloth with pastogy applied to it. It is used to clean plaques from plaque and dirt.
A footcloth is an alternative to socks in the army. Rectangular piece of matter.
Golden Spirit Day - a la teacher's day at school. Spirits change places with grandfathers.
Orderly - oh, this is generally a miracle from the section of paranormal phenomena. This is the person who should keep the company clean. They usually go in groups of 3.
The sergeants are former privates who put on badges and received more rights and duties.
The straps are shoulder straps.
The corporal is a fucked up private, a fucked up sergeant. Better to have a prostitute's daughter than a corporal's son.
Ensign - ensigns. The most thoughtful in the army. Basically, they manage what kind of warehouse. They are not capable of more.
This is probably enough. The second part of the dictionary will be released later. While learning this, future spirits)).
All the best. Sincerely, E.N. a.k.a. rxn