Altai - Sacred Land

If from Xinjiang we rise strictly to the north to the region of Gorny Altai, then we will find ourselves on the land of tribes related to the tribes from Western China - the Pazyryks, who, like them, belonged to the Yueji.
This land was intended by Nature itself for cattle breeding and always presented unlimited opportunities for hunting and fishing, gathering and primitive agriculture, mining of gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, cinnabar, mercury, and clay. Excellent winter pastures provided food for herds of small cattle, herds of the famous Altai horses, camels and yaks.

Geographical position Altai Mountains was extremely beneficial and convenient for people who lived here in ancient times. It made it possible to maintain the connections necessary for the Pazyryks with the outside world. At the same time, Altai has always been a kind of refuge, and not an arena of constant struggle, which is the steppe.

By the middle of the 1st millennium BC. in the great belt of steppe and mountain pastures of the Eurasian continent, the cultures of nomadic pastoralists, the Scythians, have already developed. By this time, the nomadic "empire" of the Scythians occupied the territory from the Danube in the west to Transbaikalia and Ordos (Southern Mongolia) in the east. Back in 1925-28 of the Central Asian expedition N.K. Roerich managed to find traces of the influence of the Scythian world, which preceded the pre-Buddhist culture, on the nomadic tribes of the northern and central regions of Tibet. And thus the southern borders of the nomadic world moved to the northern borders of the Trans-Himalayas.

People who belonged to the nomadic environment lived a busy life. Man himself had to constantly attack and win in order not to be defeated. This life was bright and full of action, and so was the art born of it. The ideal of beauty, perhaps not quite realized, was combined with the desire to create such objects in which everything that they symbolically expressed would have some kind of magical power over the mysterious forces of Nature. The conditions of existence of pastoral nomads were not conducive to fixing these symbols in monumental painting and sculpture. After all, they were constantly moving, therefore, works of art could only serve as decoration for their equipment or weapons. It was not just applied art.
The "animal" style (i) of the Scythian-Siberian world, which spread to the habitat of nomads, was distinguished by a deep inner content. There was nothing accidental or superfluous in it: complete, thoughtful compositions, a harmonious balance of lines. Everything in it was conditional, and at the same time truthful, subject to a special tense rhythm. And not form, but perpetual motion expressed this art. And therefore there must have beenA land where sacred knowledge acquired the property of Charisma - divine grace bestowed by Heaven on the ruler and his people, and became an ideology that ruled the vast world of pastoral nomads with the help of "speaking", easily portable and accompanying symbols. Altai became such a land.

"Gold Guard Vultures" - Keepers of the Sacred Land

The tribes of the Altai Mountains were known to the Greeks under the name"gold-guarding vultures" the Chinese called themyueji. The bulk of the Yueji lived in the Mongolian Altai and to the south, up to Beishan, but part lived in the Sayans. The ancient connection of the nomadic world of Inner Asia with the world of Tibet was repeatedly evidenced by the historical chronicles of China.
The Yueji society was a collection of patriarchal families belonging to separate clans that were part of independent tribes. Tribal elders and tribal leaders belonged to the elite of the ancient military-democratic society of the Altai-Sayan region. Their remains were found in large burial mounds in the permafrost of mountainous regions. Mostly they were people with a European appearance. All those buried (both men and women) in large burial mounds, especially in Gorno-Altai, differed from those buried in ordinary mounds by their high stature and strong physique. The Chinese rulers of that era preferred to take wives from among these beautiful people. By the way, one of the canons of female beauty among the Iranian peoples has always been considered high growth.
In the 5th century BC in these parts, the spirit of the Scythians was felt literally in everything - in the form of weapons and tools, horse attire, decorations and burials, which the permafrost of the highlands brought to us in an undisturbed form.
When applied to the Altai mounds, the word "Scythian" means not just a temporary affiliation, but also a genetic relationship between the Mountain Altai and European Scythians. However, among the cultures of the Scythian world, common at that time in Eurasia, Pazyryk culture of Altai occupied a unique position. She is differed from other cultures in a special style in weapons, horse harness and art - the "animal" style.

The originality of various images of the animal world found in the permafrost of Altai mounds allows us to speak about the purity of culture. Altai "animal" style. This deeply symbolic, especially refined, decoratively refined and elegant style suggests that in those distant times there was a province in Altai where, under the supervision of dedicated clergymen, skilled craftsmen made sacral items, amulets and symbols of power,
cult objects, etc., bearing a unique vision of the world, albeit harsh and sometimes fantastic, but expressed in truly beautiful images. There is no doubt: the decorative effect of these products is one of the most significant achievements of all world art, but at the same time they are masterpieces of fine art. Subordinating the image of an animal, a bird, a fish to a general decorative idea, at the same time, it was given the highest expressiveness and self-sufficing mystical meaning.
Many researchers believe that the refined Altai "animal" style, along with other regalia and symbols, was intended to distinguish the social elite of the ancient Altai, emphasizing its unlimited power over the entire nomadic Scythian world.

characteristic feature burials of the Altai Scythians is the presence in almost all the graves in a large number of images of eared griffins. This fantastic creature is depicted on clothes, weapons, horse harness, vessels, jewelry ... It seems that the eared griffin was a kind of symbol of the ancient people: "we are he, he is we."
The modern Altaians revere Kara-Tas - the Black Griffin; the coat of arms of the Republic of Altai depicts a lion griffin. The inhabitants of this republic still have a generic name tas, which translates as a griffin.
Thus, the semi-mythical tribe of "gold-guarding vultures", which the ancient Greeks knew about, actually existed. In all likelihood, this was a tribe of keepers of the Sacred Land of Altai.

Princess of Altai - the mistress of the Scythians

The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that at the head of the "royal Scythians" - the elite part of the Scythian society - was a certain mysteriousLady of the Scythians. From ancient myths, we can conclude that she is connected with the mentioned tribe. "gold-guarding vultures". But myth is not historical evidence.
Confirmation of this ancient saying of Herodotus appeared only in 1993, when in Altai, on the Ukok plateau,
on the "second layer of heaven", as the native Altaians call the Ukokexpanses, under a cold, improbable blue sky, archaeologists unearthed a unique burial of the Scythian era, two and a half millennia distant from us. The mummy of a young, slender, tall woman with a European appearance was found in the burial, which was later confirmed by genetic studies. The structural features of her jaw indicated that this woman mastered the art of riding in the Scythian way: the Scythians shot from a bow at a gallop, while they controlled the horse, holding the reins in their teeth. Archaeologists and journalists began to call herAltai Princess.

Ukok is an alpine treeless plateau in the south of Altai, located at an altitude of 2.5 kilometers above sea level, up to 150 kilometers long and up to fifty kilometers wide. The plateau is cut by steep windings of the Ak-Alakha (White Waters) river; there are many lakes and huge boulders: moraine hills rise in the north - traces of a disappeared glacier. From a helicopter, the plateau strikes with surreal landscapes in purple and black tones of the lifeless space of an abandoned planet. There is hardly a more fantastic and majestic landscape in Altai.
This area is even now difficult to access. A steep slope of the mountain node Tabyn-Bogdo - Ula ("Five sacred mountains") adjoins the plateau. Domed peaks covered with eternal snows make the landscape dazzlingly beautiful; like Belukha - the sacred mountain of the Altaians - these peaks could also be revered by the ancient inhabitants of Altai.

The high social position of the Altai Princess was manifested in the fact that a spacious burial chamber was built for her, and the mummy was placed in a larch log. Among the Siberian peoples, larch is still considered a light tree. She was associated with the sky and the sun. She was a symbol of the generative feminine. Burials in hollowed-out larch decks were supposed to help return the dead to the origins of life and revive them.
On the left shoulder and arms Great Woman had a tattoo
Altai griffin - a symbol of belonging to the elite of Pazyryk society. In their composition and manner of depiction, the griffins on both arms from her shoulders to her hands are close to the tattoo on the man's mummy. Mongoloid type, found back in 1949 in the valley of the Ust-Ulagan river here in Altai. In all likelihood, the similarity of tattoos on these two mummies is not accidental.
In the same place, on Ukok, in 1995, another well-preserved burial was discovered - a young male warrior with blond hair. And on his right shoulder is a tattooed image of an elegant stylized griffin deer.
Most likely, the image of a griffin is not an ornament, but an element of a certain sign system, a kind sacred text.

It is known that tattooing was popular among the Scythian tribes. But for all time archaeological sites only a few tattooed bodies were found on the territory of Gorny Altai. The repetition of elements of the drawing recorded by ethnographers and archaeologists can be interpreted as evidence of the careful preservation of the tradition of tattooing by the carriers of the culture. Apparently, here, in Altai, not just an ornament or drawing was applied to the human body, but a sign system, a kind of text.
The fantastic and real animals depicted on the bodies of the Pazyryks are perceived as the figurative language of the Altai culture, its writing and, in addition, the carefully guarded language of the ancestors. Apparently, with the help of sacred signs, important information was applied to the bodies of the chosen ones, most likely of a mythological content. There was a transformation of the natural human appearance into a carrier of pictorial symbols of tribal knowledge. The nature and location of the drawings put these people in a certain relationship with each other. It is possible that it was the tattoo that made a person involved in the great mystical secrets of society, its equal member.

First, I propose to watch the official video report on the launch of the Proton-M launch vehicle on May 16, 2014, which never reached the place that scientists forced everyone to call space. There is no need to strain during all nine minutes, it is enough to view the first one and a half minutes of the flight. You need to watch in full screen mode, frame by frame (by pressing the pause key), and do not pay attention to peppy reports from the MCC. The most interesting thing happened precisely at 59 seconds of flight. To the right, just below the center of the screen, a dim bright dot is rapidly approaching the rocket.

Well, how? Didn't see? I suggest:

Fifty-ninth second of flight.

Photos are clickable.

First minute of flight.

Further, the object dissolves into a blue halo, and from the third second of the second minute of flight, a trail of celestial beauty appears behind the rocket. This is probably when the emergency situation began to develop, in fact.

No one hid anything, did not retouch, however ... The satellite did not get into orbit, and the sad statistics of launches of "peaceful satellites" was replenished with another catastrophe.

It is appropriate to recall recent history.

After the fall of the Chelyabinsk "meteorite" a lot of time has passed, but there are no more people who want to believe that it was a cosmic body. There is no point in citing video footage from a video recorder that was studied under a microscope, and where a foreign object is clearly visible, knocking down a fireball falling on a nuclear waste repository. Everyone saw them.

True, there are many convincing revelations in the press, the filming presented, the very fact of a massive attack directed by the media on the heads of the population, in order to convince everyone that this is an ordinary space rock, leaves no chance that normal person believed in the official version of the event.

However, only the most desperate optimist can believe that our air defenses have SUCH capabilities. It is clear to everyone that if this is the work of hands, well, or what they use there, suckers, paws, or wings, intelligent creatures, then these are hardly people posing as the rulers of the world. This is something that is not included in the sphere controlled by our civilization.

I don't know, these are aliens, aliens from the future, shamans from the past, it's not so important. The main thing is that this mind exists, does not hide from us, and clearly protects earthlings from trouble.

Now I propose to recall a long list of accidents and disasters that have haunted the world of taikonautics from its very foundation. Let's discard what was at the very beginning. There was not enough experience. But Proton!!! The most reliable rocket, and once again a fiasco! Explanations like “the sensor was hammered with a hammer of the wrong design”, or “Kerosene was overdone at the gas station” (probably the gas station operator was pretty), they cause nothing but a smile in me. It would be possible to find more convincing reasons, not everyone around is idiots.

So what then? Innuendo is immediately filled with conjectures, this is the law of nature. Naturally, in such circumstances, there are very different versions, from reasonable to absurd. One of the versions says that every failure in launching new equipment into orbit occurs precisely with those cargoes that are officially declared to be communications satellites, either meteorological or navigational, but in fact were samples of space weapons.

Then what forces constantly prevent the launch of dangerous toys into orbit?

- Guardian angels?
- Aliens?
- Chrononauts?
- The Earth itself, as a living being?
- Indigo children?
- Members of the circle "Young Cosmonaut" at the House of Culture of Railway Workers?

What other versions are there?

The American author-initiator Neild Sheldon, in his book "Galactic Man", sets out amazing information that space astroships of the 14 Regional Councils of the Galactic Federation of Free Worlds of a local group of stars with a diameter of 1333 light years arrived in the solar system several decades ago.

These are the Luminary Races of the Cosmos, of the Nordic genotype, they have blond hair and beautiful appearance. They are similar to the archetype of ASHTARA - the legendary creature of the first channelings, but under this code name, the real Heroes of the Starry Illustrious Races of the boundless space are hidden.

They send us only the light of kindness, friendly help, they offer projects of an Alternative Spiritual Civilization. With its highest quantum technologies, the Ethereal Fleet of the GF is saving the earth from a possible mega-catastrophe. The Elder Brothers of Mankind carry out asteroid protection, deflecting the flight paths of dangerous objects approaching the earth's orbit.

Witness's testimonies Enrique Castillo Rincon

In October 1973, he received a telepathic message, which he wrote down on two pages. It was about danger. third world war and the future of his country. In conclusion, it was said that brothers from Andromeda, who are part of the Space Confederation, will soon arrive on Earth.

Rincón and his group are to meet the next day at known time. The meeting took place and a message was given to the people. It dealt with a free large civilization in the highlands of Peru. The next contact was scheduled for 11/03/1973 in one of the lagoons in the north of Bogotá.

the 3rd of November Enrique Castillo Rincón arrived at the spacecraft's landing site and was brought on board. On the ship, he met a man whom he met in 1969 in Costa Rica and who introduced himself as the Swiss Coril Weiss.

Weiss said that he prepared not only Rincon but also 24 other people for this contact. This is very serious, because events of extreme importance are brewing on Earth. The aliens themselves came from the constellation Pleiades. Many inhabited planets cooperate with each other in the cultural, technological and economic fields.

They formed Space Brotherhood - Galactic Confederation, this organization sent them to Earth for a specific mission. Indirectly, they have long controlled our evolution.

The formation of a worldview is what is most important now for modern humanity. This is what Castillo must prepare the people for. In the coming years, all more people will come to the greatest discovery in the history of mankind: they will understand that it was a mistake to look for God somewhere outside and that in fact God is in us, in each of us.

They have a plan for the future, and it is important that all people know about it, even if "a very powerful and influential organization on Earth wants to prevent this. This organization includes clergy, politicians and the military. Their power is so great that they can start a war at any time.

They confuse people in order to plunge them into a state of fear and horror at the right time. "Castillio was on board the spacecraft for eight and a half hours. In November 1973 Enrique Castillo Rincon's second meeting, this time in the east of the country. At 3.00 am, 13 spaceships of various types appeared. One small ship went to land. Castillo received further information. He was told that aliens come not only from the Pleiades, but also from other constellations.

The third meeting of Enrique Castillo Rincon. A disk-shaped ship landed and was introduced to a visitor from Venus. Rincon was assigned to create a group that should spread information about aliens. Colombia and Venezuela should participate in the implementation of the plan.

Arriving in Venezuela to give lectures, he learned that on December 24, 1974, he was to meet in Peru with other contact persons. Enrique Castillo Rincon was taken on an alien spacecraft to one of the high Andean valleys. There he met people with whom the aliens came into contact.

These were people from 19 countries of the world, among them only one woman, a 59-year-old Californian. Others include Peruvians, one Indian, one Australian, two Europeans and several people from South America, scientists, artists, artisans and workers. In total, 218 people from all over the world lived in this colony. They took a course there, in their homeland they were considered missing. Total in South America There are ten such colonies.

As aliens predicted, starting from 03/07/1970, the Earth was to enter a new era, the era of superhumans. The key moment of the era is the meeting of man with himself, with his inner essence, which will lead to the discovery of God in man.

Many brothers in the universe have banded together to help us through this transition. They cannot openly intervene - this is forbidden to them by the law of the Cosmos. They can only supply us with information, and in the future everything will depend on us. The aliens talked about their Plan A, which consists of three phases.

1. Orientation in the state of affairs. Its essence is as follows. Alien spaceships will systematically and unobtrusively appear in the airspace of all states, primarily in areas that are technically, scientifically and militarily developed. Thus, they will clearly and ambiguously demonstrate their intentions regarding the Earth and its inhabitants.

The training of earthlings should include the distribution of as much as possible complete information– via radio, television, press, congresses, individual and group talks, leaflets, etc. Forces will act against them that do not take seriously the offered chance for salvation and support the dark machinations of the powers that be carried out throughout the planet, sow doubt and undermine faith in any good undertakings.

2. World enemy. After many years of observation, the aliens came to the conclusion that it is necessary to help earthlings in their evolutionary development. But there were moments when they doubted the correctness of this decision. It is about the cruelty with which we wage wars, bombard cities, torture men, women and children; we are talking about the indifference with which our governments and spiritual leaders see how, even in peacetime, children die of hunger.

And, nevertheless, the aliens decided to help people in their struggle against those who only want profit and power and who are supported by certain forces. These enemy forces are known, the ring around them is shrinking, it is about to close, and they feel it. In their last convulsive attempt to survive, they will involve the whole world and all of humanity, including their faithful standard-bearers, in a decisive battle. But it will only be a hopeless race to their own destruction.

3.Help the planet Earth. This phase involves the provision of direct assistance to people through their education. For this, in some cases it will be necessary to evacuate many of them from the Earth to specially prepared places, where they will be brought up in the spirit of a new consciousness, in order to then lead their earthly brothers with them.

These are representatives of humanity who, thanks to their merits, their courage and their desire to work for the good of the Earth, were chosen to carry out this great cause. It is for this purpose that many people have already disappeared from the planet.

Testimony given by Karl Anderson

Contact with aliens took place at his home, a message was telepathically dictated to the earthlings.

“Very soon, the negative forces on Earth that have been active for the past 7,000 years will be overthrown. Fragments of these evil forces will pierce every centimeter of your planet, which is called SHAN in the Universe.

Devastation, a third of the world's population will perish... Just before the catastrophe, thousands of you humans will be saved. With the help of levitation along our wire beam, they will be delivered to our spaceships ... MILLIONS of space beings are waiting to immediately come to your aid. Many aliens are incarnated on Earth.

They are all here to save the human race from extinction. The souls of the great scientists of our planets have been chosen to incarnate with you as newborn children. Your top leaders have been warned of the terrible devastation of the planet unless they change their course of action. The lack of understanding and cooperation on the part of your leaders upsets and worries us.

We do not use force, but for the sake of the elect, we have found it necessary to pass our special means through the atmosphere of your planet in order to absorb and neutralize a significant part of the deadly radiation. If we had not done this, many more millions of people would have died. Our deactivators are green fireballs that have been seen in many parts of the world.

We have at the ready spaceships of every kind and every size. We are at any moment ready to carry out a mass landing, when it is necessary to evacuate the chosen ones. They will be our guests until your planet SHAN is completely cleansed and habitable again.

And then your Almighty will erect his kingdom on Earth, in which you will live in peace and love, because all evil on the planet will be curbed. And don't be surprised when we approach your Earth in large numbers. It's just that those who should spread the word about our arrival have not yet received the necessary order, because your governments refuse to cooperate with us.

Ashtar. space station SHARE ».

Witness's testimonies given by Oscar Magozzi.

He was invited by aliens to board the crystal ship "Peace on Earth". This is the flagship of the interplanetary hierarchs in our solar system. His task was "to collect, amplify and transmit back the energy radiated by millions of earthlings, who will gather on December 31, 1986 at 12.00 GMT, for universal peaceful meditation."

This huge crystal ship flew to the Earth's call for help and is filled with self-radiating streams of Love collected in many otherworldly galaxies and worlds... 12.00 GMT is the time of universal peaceful meditation. The mission of the crystalline ship "Peace on Earth" was to "collect, amplify and transmit back the energy radiated by millions of earthlings, who will gather on December 31, 1986 at 12.00 GMT for universal peaceful meditation.

All the accumulated cosmic energy, collected by many millions of beings seeking to help earthlings, delivered and transformed by a crystal ship, must now be poured in huge quantities in the form of Light throughout the Earth and thereby stop its “swinging”, the amplitude of which has already reached critical values.

Oscar Magozzi visited the New Age Sedona colony in Sedona (an old alien landing site). He was led through the rocks into an underground crystal cave, the base of the aliens. There he was explained the essence of the struggle between Light and Darkness, which had just entered its final phase. Since ancient times, along with the positive Interdimensional Confederation of Free Worlds, there has been a negative Imperial Alliance.

Earthly humanity has its roots in the Pleiades constellation. Ever since it voluntarily plunged into the abyss of ignorance, it has been "worked" on both sides. Earth branches of the Imperial Union are scattered around the world in the form secret societies Illuminati, and the Confederation has an extensive network of "enlighteners" conducting a "velvet" revolution. The confederation is governed by the Council of Guardians.

“Harmonic Convergence” (peaceful connection of people in sacred meditation). From the center of the Galaxy, the location of the galactic hierarchs, people were given their forecasts regarding the further development of the Earth.

After this date, a 5-year phase of the transformation of the Earth (1987-1992) should follow, after which in 1992-1993. the landing of "galactic rescuers" will be carried out; 2012 - the year of "galactic synchronization" and the beginning of the Fifth World Epoch according to the Mayan calendar - the acceptance of the Earth into the Galactic Union. These thoughts were received by 144,000 "rainbow people" who must pass them on to all of humanity.

The aliens invited Oscar Magozzi to a meeting at Niagara Falls, from where he was teleported aboard a spaceship. He and several other contacts were told how much the situation on Earth had changed for the better after the Universal Peaceful Meditation on December 31, 1986, and especially after the Harmonious Convergence on August 16-17, 1987.

Witness's testimonies Sixto Wells

Ufologist from Peru, gathered a group of six people and in early July 1974 they received a telepathic order to go to the desert near the city of Chilka. There, Sixto saw an object in the shape of a hemisphere about 10 m in diameter. A figure emerged from the object and invited him to follow her. They went through some kind of energy barrier. Sixto suddenly felt weightless. There was dizziness and nausea. A strange warmth passed through his whole body, he felt a tightness in the back of his head and forehead. The man who met him by name oxalk explained that Sixto had just crossed "XENDRA", that is, the threshold of light into another dimension. The surrounding landscape had changed a lot. Before Sixto lay a brightly lit settlement with domed houses, the capital of MORLEN, the planet Ganymede, Jupiter's moon. He saw people, they were about 1.80-2.00 m tall, very similar to ordinary people, only their skin was too white, without a shade. The inhabitants of MORLEN used to inhabit the planets of the stars Bellatrix and Rigel. About 20,000 years ago they arrived in our solar system, there was no life on Ganymede at that time, they created their civilization at the level of multidimensionality.

With the help of cesium and crystalline materials brought from Jupiter's moon IO, they built their own, partly underground, crystal cities. Morlen is governed by the Council of Elders and is part of the Galactic Confederation. Its population has outlived the sense of selfishness and abandoned private property, building a society of a kind of spiritual super-communism. In July 1974, the Sixto Paz-Wells Group travels to Chilka again.

There they see the landed spaceship and a humanoid over 2 m tall, with platinum-colored hair falling to the shoulders, slightly slanting eyes and a massive chin. The creature arrived from A P y , one of the planets in the Alpha Centauri system. He introduced himself as Astar Sherart, commander of the Rama mission UFO fleet. His group was ordered to settle on Earth and carry out Ram's mission. The purpose of this mission is "liberate people from the slavery of ignorance and ease their way to the fourth dimension"". Antar announced in the press about the expansion of Ram's mission to the whole world.

Testimony gives James Forbes

D. Forbes was born 1965 and lived in South Africa, already at a young age had contacts with galactic aliens from the planet Enstria from the nebula Andromeda. It turned out that his Soul is from the kind of Higher Humanoids living on Enstria. He received a task and after incarnating into a small child, he had to grow up and learn social system of our world in order to fulfill its mission - to help humanity in the transition to a new era. In 1980, psychic contact was made with him for the first time, then meetings followed, during which James and his friend were taken to the mother ship. It was round, had a diameter of 700 km, and was located in Earth orbit, at an altitude of 30,000 km. On the flight deck they saw many other ships of various sizes. It was explained to them that all these ships came here from different parts of the Universe to help humanity at the call of love. Five million aliens are in the solar system here, of which 6 percent are women. Several crews came from Enstria, the rest from the constellation Orion, from the star Mentaka, the planet Auriega. At that time, 2000 aliens were already prepared to land on Earth and live among earthlings. Both youths were introduced to the Council of Elders of the planet Enstria. The Elders are here now and are watching the implementation of the majestic and noble plan - the spread of the spirit of Love and Light on Earth.

" We greet you with love on behalf of the immense Creator, by whose will you are here today. The inhabitants of Enstria devoted their entire existence to the accumulation of spiritual knowledge and the fulfillment of the laws of the Creator. When the first life was born on Earth, they were sent by the decision of the Galactic Command to observe its evolution. After millions of years, the Earth reached that level of maturity that allowed it to have intelligent life... Individuals were selected from all parts of the Galaxy to populate the Earth. It was necessary to act for sure, so that the Prince of Darkness could not find a new bastion here for himself. It was for this purpose that the planet Maldek was placed in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. However, the Prince of Darkness managed to establish control over the colony on Mars, using it to attack Maldek and destroy it, while Earth experienced the famous "pole jump". Man has degraded, and the Earth has become a battlefield between the forces of good and evil. Then the Enstrians incarnated their best representatives on Earth so that they would show humanity the way to the Creator.

They taught that God is a unity of visible and invisible essence, immanently present in every atom. The first nuclear explosion on Earth alarmed our cosmic brothers... The Law of the Cosmos forbids them to interfere directly, unless there is an urgent need for this. Nuclear tests harm the Earth's atmosphere and the earth's crust. But the main danger lies in the fact that the protective magnetic belts of the Earth, the so-called Van Allen belts. At one time, the governments of all countries of the world were informed about this. But all attempts to warn humanity were shattered like a blank wall. They even hid the existence of aliens. In their opinion, this will lead to the collapse of all religious and scientific worldview systems. The Enstrians have many stations on Earth and in the solar system that monitor the situation on Earth and are ready at any moment to take the necessary steps, up to the evacuation of people from the planet. Station locations: Alaska, Antarctica, Arctic, Atlantic, Indian Ocean. Northern Tibet, Pacific Ocean. South Africa.

Adele Foley testifies

It happened in the early sixties, Adele Darra Foley remembers the visit of the alien visitor clearly and distinctly. She described this moment a few years later.

« All this happened a few years ago, and when you talk about it, it seems that everything was very simple. This incident stuck in my memory, so I still imagine that person in front of me as a living person.

"One evening I wanted to go to bed, but I decided to go downstairs to the living room again, as if someone had called me there. There was a very tall man standing in front of the fireplace. He was very slim, with a straight posture. He folded his hands behind his back and slightly spread his legs. He was wearing a light uniform with a high collar. Around his neck he had a kind of braided ornament, a slightly darker color, and stretched down his chest. There were no buttons, clasps or belts.

His face was oval, the border of the hair on his forehead formed a characteristic sharp corner. There was no break. His eyebrows were thin and well defined, his nose was thin, his mouth was straight, his lips were also quite thin. His almond-shaped eyes were bright and piercing, there was something, I would say, “oriental” in them. I stood and silently watched…………..his gaze seemed to hold me in place. The expression on the man's face was serious and solemn. Then I said, “Hello. My name is Adele Darra." He smiled in response, his teeth perfectly even and very white. It was a wide smile. Small wrinkles appeared near the corners of his eyes. He slyly replied, "I know." Then he drew himself up and said in a military way clearly: “ I am ASH TAR.”

Next in my memory is a gap. I have no idea what happened next, as if my memory was erased. I know for sure that we did not talk for a long time, but the meaning of the conversation remained secret, I was distracted for a few seconds, but the night visitor suddenly disappeared. The next morning I woke up with a wonderful memory of this amazing person. I told several of my friends what happened. Later I found out that there really is a certain personality named Ashtar."

Electronic book

AVATARS. Space Brotherhood.

Stella Amaris

I give you, dear reader, the opportunity to follow how this book will be written... By the way, there is no title yet. Maybe call it like this: "In Search of Arctida" or "Secrets of the Seids".


A person is so attracted by everything connected with magic and sorcery ... From childhood, we are brought up on fairy tales in which heroes, with the help of various items carried out various activities. The magic ball presented by Baba - Yaga led the hero in the indicated direction. The apple rolled down the saucer and served as a real-time TV. Firebirds, humpbacked skates, Sivki-Burki fulfilled the wishes of the heroes.

But even more we are worried about our past, past history Rossi is so confused that we involuntarily try to find the roots, peering intently into the depths of centuries.

With the advent of the Internet, researchers different countries began to generalize the accumulated experience, and came to the conclusion that the history of the development of Mankind is not so unambiguous. There was a time when Magic existed on Earth. This mysterious word is so fascinating... And something strange happened there, far beyond the horizon of time, when magic left people's lives. Only a few remained its carriers.

Scientists have already proven that thoughts and words have their own length, power. Recently, dream hackers have emerged, mastering the technique of invading other people's dreams. Yogis spread their knowledge about the possibilities of traveling outside the body, and prove that all people living on earth are united in one single information field. A lot of psychics have bred. Everyone is interested in reaching the magic ...

Man is getting closer and closer to the secrets of the universe. And the closer he wants to get close to the secrets of the Universe and the planet with his mind, the more he understands that he knows very, very little. Nevertheless, it is already clear that there was a period on the planet when people, or part of the people who inhabited the earth, owned the secrets of the universe, and effectively used the forces of the Earth for a variety of purposes: from healing from ailments to controlling the weather and the elements. These mysterious people brought knowledge from the North of the planet, a place still covered in riddles and secrets.

Having chosen the profession of an ecologist, living in the Far North, I myself did not notice how I began to touch the many secrets of the Earth and often encountered such a phenomenon as seids.

Now a lot is written about them, but, in my deepest conviction, almost no one has touched the depths of the truth that lies in these ancient stones.

I had an irresistible desire to tell about what I know, understand, felt, what knowledge some Seidas revealed to me,

and also, together with my friends - researchers, to follow the emergence and development of Mankind,

knowledge left to us by the Ancients,

whom the people called gods.

I thank P. Globa, I. Blavatsky, V. Troshin for the information provided, which will be used in this book as a confirmation of my thoughts in those searches that I have been conducting for almost 20 years.

I am happy to share my knowledge with you, and I hope that someday we will regain lost ties with those who helped develop our planet and the peoples inhabiting it.

Earth Guardians

There is a legend about the Guardians of the Earth.

On the one hand, people who live for a very long time are called this name: according to some data, more than five hundred years, according to others, of course, not verified, these people live forever.

On the other hand, the Guardians of the Earth are called crystals of extraordinary size, which were found deep under the Earth.

They were officially recorded by scientists as a discovery on the planet only in 1986. These massive crystals are found 30 to 60 feet below the earth's surface, and even on the hottest day they feel as cold as ice to the touch.

The Guardians of the Earth are like giant sequoias. Their aura draws your attention, and the mind tries in vain to comprehend their huge size. They have experienced many annual cycles of the earth's rotation and have accumulated a huge amount of life experience.

One of the legends says

that a very, very long time ago, when our world was still very young, and the whole universe was much younger,

Earth was visited by highly developed beings,

whose homeland was much closer to the center of the Galaxy,

and they were nurtured by a fountain of abundant light emanating from the great central sun.

With more light at their disposal and being closer to a source of pure energy, they developed very quickly, and soon went to other star systems in search of new knowledge and adventure.
Looking at the virgin Earth, and seeing its blue waters, lush vegetation and fertile soil, they named it "Terra", which means "that which gives life."

By observing the natural physical laws that Terra obeyed, they realized that she was ready to be fertilized. These beings, whom: we will call the "Ancients", tirelessly worked with the forces of the elements, preparing the planet for the emergence of intelligent life forms. They took the natural substance of the earth, silicon dioxide, and, directing a stream of their light power on it, created huge quartz crystals, known to us as the "Earth Guardians". With the help of these crystals, which were their predecessors, these beings, preparing for physical incarnation, created the electromagnetic force field of the Earth.

When all the elements were in proper order, and the crystals - the Guardians of the Earth brought the planet into line with the highest cosmic power, the Ancients took on a human form and incarnated in the world of feelings.

Many of them came to Earth and created the original civilizations of Mu, Lemuria and Atlantis, Arctida.

It is they: they are the ancients about which all myths, legends and religions speak. They stood on the edge of time and were the Teachers who created the evolution of the Universe.

At the same time, Neanderthal Man was evolving on the planet, being an animal form of life emerging from the womb of Terra. The simultaneous existence on earth of an animal tribe and a race of highly developed beings marked for Terra the beginning of a new cosmic cycle, which, perhaps, could lead to the fulfillment of its highest destiny.

The ancients used the Earth Keepers in Everyday life and bathed in their radiance. These crystals served to keep the consciousness attuned to the higher vibrations of their ancient ancestral home, and everyone who entered the field of their aura was filled with power. Apparently, the Ancients did not need the Language and the Word, they perfectly communicated telepathically, using the vibrations of the subtle field of the Earth to enrich their experience. - Terra.

Later, the Ancients passed on their experience to the first people, perhaps born from the Ancients and people.

The crystals for the initiates became powerful tools through which cosmic force could be channeled, serving to obtain food, water, make jewelry and sacred robes, which were subsequently worn.

In certain cases, these crystals were used in the administration of justice: twelve people had to stand around the crystal, holding hands, and if eight of them received the same answer, it was considered true.

As part of the divine plan for the development of beings that arose directly on earth, it was decided that some of the Ancients would enter the cycle of the evolution of the Earth in order to, if possible, raise the tribes to a level of consciousness in which they would also become attuned to the power of light that encompasses the entire universe. . During the mass exodus from the planet, the Guardians of the Earth were hidden deep in its depths. In the literal sense of the word, they were supposed to become "keepers of the Earth", to observe the course of evolution and record the experience of the fall and rise of the spirit in matter.

Those who chose to stay and incarnate on Earth again and again made a great sacrifice as they plunged into the material world, knowing that the day would come when they would rise again into the sky. The territory of the Arctic was chosen for its habitat.

As they became human over time, they became accustomed to the earth and many of them fell in love with the pleasures of the five senses and began to use the cosmic power emitted by the crystals to fulfill their own personal desires. They put this power at the service of their own greed and petty aspirations, which inevitably led to the fall of the original civilizations.

Others remembered their destiny and tried to bring knowledge and enlightenment to people, gradually mixing with the tribes that inhabited the Earth. According to some researchers, it was they who became the inhabitants who inhabited the ancient Arctida.

These people skillfully mastered the forces of nature, knew how to treat, heal, and could control the weather. They were tall, blue-eyed, and remarkably strong. In some incomprehensible ways, the hypotheses of which will be explored below, they communicated with the clergy and peoples of India.

Currently, many scientists who come to the Kola Peninsula are trying to find these temporal and spatial passages.

There is another interesting view on the further development of the civilizations of the planet Earth. In short, it lies in the fact that as a result of nuclear wars, shifts in the Earth's crust, its climate at certain moments underwent significant changes, and along with them, not only the appearance, but also the growth of a person changed. This theory will also be discussed below.

But perhaps the most incredible is the existence of mysterious stones - seids in the Arctic North. What secrets do they keep? Could they be related to bygone civilizations? Or, perhaps, some civilization continues to exist parallel to our world? We will try to explore this topic and talk about a number of discoveries.

According to my deepest conviction, Seida Arctida is nothing but the remains of a huge Observatory, or in other words, the Laboratory of Life on Earth and Communication with Cosmic Forces.

We go to the polls and elect "servants of the people" and how often our vote is decisive when a person from our hands and with our consent receives the right to power, honor, money and any actions that are contrary to our interests.

Whether Earthly Rulers, Presidents, Masons, Illuminati, Globalists rule the peoples, or WE have given them our consent to the illusory power of power, these "figures" have controlled our bodies and personalities for too many centuries, now they are ready to take captive our Souls and SPIRIT. Can we really agree again ......... after all, the plan is already ready ....... robotization ........ take away the soul ....... bionic man 2045 !!!
The Technocratic Age gives way to the Technotronic Age... or the World of Quantum Light!
What shall we choose?...........

And each Chela on the Path must stand up to his full height and say - NO!
An earthling will never become a robot!!! No one will ever make us zombies with a chip and identification number, because we are protected and saved by the Great Bodhisattvas of the Pleroma Worlds of higher dimensions, who are born by the Plasma of the Stars and the Consciousness of the Creator of Creators! They are born forever! Great Monadic Souls incarnated on earth in the form of a biological being, sometimes forgetting about their greatness in the space of the Universe, but they always remained Faithful to God and the entire Cosmic White Brotherhood of the Milky Way.

13 thousand years ago, the Himalayan Stronghold - Shambhala made the transition to the Spiritual planet - the World Salvatera. high mountains Himalayas. 72 Lords are always on the Thin Planes of Existence and 72 Lords are on earth, but only the best of the best people- initiated into the mystery of the Eternal Truth.

In 1879, H. P. Blavatsky created the Theosophical Society, while she said that the Teaching of Theosophy was revealed to her by the Eastern Adepts of Wisdom - El Morya and Kut Humi, Upasika collaborated with them all her life. At the age of 21, she went to India for initiation to the Mahatmas and spent 3 years in the Himavat Temple, which she did not always speak directly about, because this was her biggest secret of life.

The first mention of Kut Hoomi - he is a student at the University of Leipzig, with a very narrow circle of contacts, in Europe they heard about El Morya when he lectured at the University of London, he was the creator of the journal of Eastern philosophy - "Theosophist". The life of the Mahatmas is a mystery, no one knows where and when they were born, who their parents were when they died ...... because they were not born on earth ....... they transcendentally came and went beyond the brink of the earth being into a multidimensional radiant world. But there were numerous witnesses that the Mahatmas existed in a physical real body. El Morya since 1880 corresponded with the editor of the English newspaper Sennett, after 30 years these letters fell into the hands of Helena Roerich, she publishes the book "The Bowl of the East - Mahatma Letters", currently the original letters are stored in the British Museum in London and are the shrine of the earth, as the Sign of Divine Wisdom.

The Mahatmas appeared in the Theosophical Department of Bombay in subtle astral forms, then many Indian chelas (Kassava Pilai, Damodar Mavalankar) went to Tibet to find the Teachers in physical bodies and there is evidence that the Mahatmas came to them from the crowd, on trains, in the mountains, at rest stops, they were dressed in white clothes, their black wavy hair fell below their shoulders, piercing eyes looked straight into the heart, with the laying on of hands they blessed Chela and so they suddenly left. Helena Blavatsky repeatedly received letters from them, but not by mail, and the envelopes miraculously ended up right on the table, as if falling from the ceiling. Thanks to these letters and direct contact, the "Secret Doctrine" was written.

After ascending to the spiritual planet with the capital "Heavenly Shambhala" - El Morya became the Manu of the Sixth Race of Humanity and is the Head of the Temple of Planetary Evolution. After 1926, the Mahatmas no longer appeared on earth, with the exception of several times when they wanted to establish Peace and Humanistic Accord between the peoples of the earth, but were refused, the UN, the Governments of the countries - categorically rejected attempts to negotiate, passing off the Mahatmas as impostors and not believing them that only THEY are the true Guardians and Spiritual Rulers of the earth. El-Moriya, Kut-Khumi, Hilarion from Cyprus, Saint-Germain, Nicholas Roerich, Daniil Andreev, Upasika, Urusvati, Vernadsky, Nikola Tesla, Einstein are included in the Electronic Board of the World Salvatera.

The Ascended Masters are aware of what is happening on earth, that the most difficult and difficult test has begun. The earth does not tolerate violence against it, the earth is in revolt, the planet has entered into a cycle of renewal of its body, the Masters and Guardians are trying to come to an agreement with its pure consciousness - to save the Human Race, but it is also not inclined, and committed others Natural disasters when civilization deviated from the Ways of Mercy. Now in the technosphere with advanced technologies and progress, ignorance, rudeness and self-will, immeasurable consumerism and immorality flourish in the souls of people. The Masters are lamenting........They were once people too.....but they carried their Light of Creativity, Science, Culture, Ethics, Beauty of Truth.

The Ascended Masters - brilliant poets, scientists, philosophers - whose light is pouring to us through the centuries - they are all indestructible by time, alive, in other images and physical bodies, but their consciousness is the Eternal Source of acceptance of the Holy Truths.
They always follow only the commandments - "do no harm - neither by word nor deed" - they follow the Creative Beginning of the Beginnings - Love and Harmony, High Ethics and Justice. Happiness of All and Everyone is their Cosmic Credo, Meaning, Purpose and Plan!!!

They will definitely come to the planet to save US, those who ask them for HELP and, burning in the flame of Planetary Karma, wish to Revive this wonderful blue Planet. SAVE and REVIVE!!!

Hallelujah Love. Aum.