The most characteristic sign of the Mongoloids is a combination of very dark, coarse hair and a special cut of the eyes, in which the upper eyelid hangs over the inner corner, making the eyes narrow and slanting. Most often, representatives of this race are recognized precisely by these features. It should also be noted that they are characterized by brown, sometimes almost black eyes and a yellowish or brownish complexion.

Looking more closely at the representatives of the Mongoloid race, one can notice other signs. The nose of such people is usually either thin or moderately wide. Its lines are clearly defined, and the bridge of the nose is slightly shifted down. The lips of the Mongoloids are not too, but not too thin. Another feature is prominent, very clearly defined cheekbones.

Representatives of the Mongoloid race are also distinguished by poorly developed body hair. So, Mongoloids rarely see hair growing on the chest or in the lower abdomen. Facial hair is also quite rare, which becomes especially noticeable when comparing the appearance of representatives of this race with the appearance of Caucasians.

Different variants of the appearance of representatives of the Mongoloid race

All representatives of the Mongoloid race are usually divided into two types. The first - continental - includes people with a darker skin tone, thin lips. The traits of representatives of the second type - the Pacific - are a relatively bright face, a medium-sized head, thickened lips. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the second type is characterized by a very slight, almost imperceptible protrusion of the upper jaw above the lower one, while in representatives of the first type the jaw does not stand out in comparison with the general outlines of the face.

Geographically, the Mongoloids are divided into northern and southern. Representatives of the first type are Kalmyks, Tuvans, Tatars, Buryats, Yakuts. They tend to have fairly fair skin and round, somewhat flat faces. The second type includes the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese. They are often distinguished by shorter stature, refined, medium-sized facial features, and a special section of the eyes. It should be borne in mind that many representatives of the second type have clear signs of mixing with Australoids. Due to this, the features of their appearance become more diverse, so it can be somewhat difficult to accurately determine their belonging to the Mongoloid race.

Features of the description of signs of appearance of the Mongoloid type



List of used literature


The modern racial image of mankind was formed as a result of the complex historical development of racial groups. The term "race" (ar. ras-head, beginning and became. razza-tribe) denotes a community or group of people who are connected by a common origin and, as a result, are characterized by the similarity of many morphophysiological features.

The problems of the theory and practice of identification of a person by signs of appearance are devoted to the works of many criminologists. However, all studies were conducted in relation to persons of the Caucasian race, whose representatives are only part of the population of our country. It is known that the anthropological composition of the peoples of the world according to the similarity of the morphological structure, geographical distribution and formation features is divided into three large races: equatorial or Australo-Negroid (10% of the total population of the globe), Eurasian or Caucasoid (50%) and Asian-American or Mongoloid. The Mongoloid race covers about 40% of the total population of the globe, of which more than half are Chinese - 1.200 million people. The bulk of the representatives of this race is concentrated in the vast expanses of Asia, especially in its northern, eastern, central and southeastern regions. The Mongoloid race is also common in Oceania and America.

Many Mongoloid groups include their own composition of the population of Russia, its predominantly Asian part, where typical representatives are the Buryats, Tuvans, Altaians, Yakuts, Evenki (Tungus), Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Aleuts. In the European part of Russia, Mongoloid anthropological types are common among the Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashs, and some other peoples.

In addition, the visual perception of each other by representatives of different anthropological races differs sharply from the same perception within the same race. As a rule, in people of a different race they see only their common features and cannot distinguish features: for a Caucasoid, for example, representatives of the Mongoloid or Negroid race seem to be all "on the same face." Therefore, in our opinion, there is a need to solve one of the problems of habitoscopy, namely, the selection of signs of the appearance of the Mongoloid race.

1. Classification of anthropological types

The first attempts to distinguish races were in antiquity. Ancient Egyptians 2 thousand years BC 4 races of people were distinguished depending on the color of their skin: yellow-skinned - people of the east; the whites are the people of the north; the blacks are the people of the south; and the redskins are Egyptians themselves.

When distinguishing races of the first (large), second (small) and third order (subraces), as well as anthropological types, they are guided by the principle of the taxonomic value of racial traits depending on the time of formation of the racial trunk (taxon) and the territory on which this trait delimits groups of people.

To establish the taxonomic value of a trait, the time of its formation is used: the later a racial trait was formed, the less suitable it is for distinguishing the main races. The degree of pigmentation, the structural features of the face and head are the signs by which the differentiation of groups has occurred since ancient times. They underlie the separation of large races, that is, of the first order. When choosing a delimiting feature, its epochal variability is also taken into account. Thus, the time of formation of a racial trait, the breadth of its distribution, epochal variability and association with other indicators are the basis for constructing a hierarchical racial scheme.

In Soviet anthropology, the racial classification of N.N. Cheboksarova. Initially, in 1951, he singled out 3 large races: equatorial, or Australoid, Eurasian, or Caucasoid, Asiatic-American and 22 small races, or races of the second order. Large Caucasian race N.N. Cheboksarov subdivided into 5 small races: Indo-Mediterranean, Atlanto-Baltic, Central European, White Sea-Baltic and Balkan-Caucasian.). The Mongoloid large race is represented by 9 races of the second order: North Asian, Arctic (Eskimo), Far Eastern, South Asian, American, Ural, South Siberian (Turanian), Polynesian, Kuril (Ainu) Equatorial race of the first order, according to his nomenclature, includes 8 small races: Australian, Vedoid, Melanesian, Negro, (Central African), Bushman (South African), Ethiopian (East African) and South Indian (Dravidian) (Slide No. 2).

Consider other classifications of races that exist in modern science.

Eikstedt in 1934, in his classification of races, singled out "circles of the main races", then "side races" (which began their formation with the main races, but separated and isolated early), then "transitional races" (races in which signs were combined, mixed main races).

The Caucasoid circle of races includes: a) northern races: northern and Eastern European; b) central races: Alpines, Armenides, Turanids; c) South Eurasian races, Mediterranean, Eastern, Indian. The Negroid circle of races includes the following races: Ethiopian, Sudanese, Nilotic, Banthoid, Mountain Paleonegroid.

The Mongoloid circle of races includes the following races: Siberians, Northern Tungids, Sinids, Southern Paleo-Mongoloids (Slide No. 3).

Classification of races according to the geographical principle Ya.Ya. Roginsky and M.G. Levin in the book "Anthropology" in the form of a circle (Slide No. 4): three large races (Eurasian, Equatorial and Asian-American) are divided into small races, the gaps between the large ones are filled with six intermediate races. The Eurasian large race is divided into 5 small races: the Atlanto-Baltic, Central European, Indo-Mediterranean, White Sea-Baltic, Balkan-Caucasian. An intermediate place between the equatorial and Eurasian large races is occupied by intermediate races: Ethiopian and South Indian. Between the Eurasian and Asiatic-American big races there are intermediate races: the South Siberian and the Urals.

Classification of races by G.F.Debets in the form of a tree, which shows how from the three original races (the Negro-Australoid big race, the Caucasoid big race and the Mongoloid big race) various branches, 33 small races and 47 racial types are formed due to the historical mixing of anthropological types , weaving and merging racial characteristics (Slide No. 5).

Classification of races by V.V. Bunak in the form of a bush, where the roots are fossil neoanthropes (the original type of man), the trunks are races that are distinguishable at first glance, consisting of individuals with a full set of differences (highlights 4 trunks 1) a tropical trunk that is divided into 4 branches: Ural, Siberian, South Asian and American. In turn, the branches of races are divided into sub-branches - local races, where no more than 50% of individuals are distinguishable. There are 53 races of such subbranches in the scheme (Slide No. 6).

Khasanov G.B. identifies three large races (Mongoloid, Caucasoid, Negroid), which include 22 small ones, some of which are transitional. The very existence of transitional races testifies, on the one hand, to the dynamism of racial characteristics, and, on the other hand, to the conditionality of dividing humanity even into large races. Transitional small races combine not only morphological features, but also the genetic characteristics of large ones. From this we can conclude that small races either arose as a result of mixed marriages, or retained more ancient features that existed even before the formation of large races.

Each of the existing large races (Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Negroid) has its own history of origin.

The Mongoloid race has a very complex origin. The history of the emergence of the Mongoloid race is not precisely defined. For a long time, scientists have put forward different points of view on their place of origin. Some believed that this race originated in Asia, others in America. So, according to Tyunyaev A.A. and most other scientists, prefer the fact that the Mongoloid race was formed on the territory of America - "the indigenous population - the Indians - belong to the Mongoloid race", "discovering a special similarity with the ancient proto-Mongoloid type" This is part of the ancient continent - Neogea, which is part of the Laurentian continent, the American component of Laurasia. Their emergence in its original form was facilitated by local features of living conditions. The levels of civilization they reached were also determined by the local conditions of life. And their earlier penetration into the territory of Eurasia and further, into the territory of the Russian Plain, was hindered by natural sea barriers that made the ancient continents - Arctogea, Neogea, Notogea, Paleogea - territorially disunited. On the conditions of the late Paleolithic and in the process of mixing peoples. The Mongoloid race, according to others, was formed in the East, Southeast Asia and also in the north. Over a long period of development of races, about 60 thousand years, the processes taking place in this place on the globe led to the fact that one area became a place favorable for living. There was an isolation of places suitable for living, then a favorable climate covered a wider halo of the East Asian surface. After the end of the ice age, the Mongoloids settled on the islands in the Pacific Ocean, and populated Siberia. Moving westward across Siberia, they encountered a white race, no less strong and resilient, which stopped their advance to the West. Moving eastward across the Siberian expanses, they ended up in America, where they made contacts with the pro-Americanoids, and formed a new race, the Americanoids. The Mongoloids also came to America by water, having crossed the Pacific Ocean. But recently there have been reports that the Mongoloid race began its spread from Central America.

anthropological criminology habitoscopy mongoloid

2. General characteristics of the Mongoloid type

Quite a few works of scientists are devoted to the classification of Mongoloids. But until today there is no single classification of Mongoloid types. Both the number of local races in the composition of the Mongoloids, and their grouping and subordination continue to be the subject of discussion. Consider individual classifications, selecting them according to the principle of contrast.

According to I.E. Dineker (1900) (Slide No. 7).

He united 29 human races into six types, using only two features for this: hair shape and pigmentation. To distinguish races within types, he included a larger number of features in consideration: skin color, shape of the head, face and nose, body length, and some others. Thus, I. Deniker put the morphological criterion as the basis for the classification. The differentiating features were chosen by him so successfully that the races identified by I. Deniker with the help of the then still fragmentary material on the territory of Siberia and the Far East, as well as within the American continent, were confirmed after the appearance of additional and more extensive data on the peoples living in this territory.

According to N.N. Cheboksarov (1951) (Slide No. 8).

He was the first to propose to single out the Pacific and continental branches among the Asian Mongoloids, meaning by this the early disintegration of the proto-Mongoloids into two vast groups of populations that occupied special areas - Inner Asia and the Pacific coast. Much attention was paid to issues of nomenclature and hierarchy of identified taxonomic units. It can be said that an integrated approach to the problem made it possible in this case to approach the construction of a genetic classification of the Mongoloids.

According to G.F. Debetsu (1951) (Slide No. 9).

He singled out the classification of the Mongoloids of northern Asia, based on the use of both his own, numerous materials on the peoples of Siberia and the Far East, and the data of other authors collected earlier. G. F. Debets laid the basis for the selection of racial types by the geographical criterion developed earlier by E. M. Chepurkovsky (1913) and further developed by A. I. Yarkho (1934). The essence of this criterion lies in the fact that features are selected that form an ethnographic coordination that is not reducible to physiological correlation, and according to these features, a classification is carried out and racial complexes are distinguished. For the territory of North Asia, G. F. Debets selected six such features: the degree of protrusion of the nose, the degree of severity of the Mongoloid features of the eye area, the vertical profiling of the face, the width of the pear-shaped opening on the skull, the pigmentation of the eyes and hair, the intensity of eyebrow growth and the degree of development of the beard. As a result, four territorial combinations of characters were identified, which were considered at the level of local races.

According to Ya.Ya. Roginsky and M.G. Leven (1955) (Slide No. 10).

Summing up the data of A.I. Yarkho, G.F. Debets and N.N. Cheboksarova, Ya.Ya. Roginsky and M.G. Levin in 1955 proposed a classification of Mongoloids based on the degree of morphological similarity, the geographical distribution of similar complexes, and the antiquity of their formation. The entire Mongoloid population of Asia and America is united by the authors into a large Asian-American race, which, in turn, is subdivided into five races. Each of them is given a comparative morphological characteristic, and the distribution area is outlined for it. The antiquity of the formation of the racial type in the absence of paleoanthropological materials was presumably established with the help of data from related disciplines.

According to V.P. Alekseev (1974) (Slide No. 11).

The classification of Mongoloids, built by V.P. Alekseev 1973 - 1974, differs from those proposed earlier in that it reflects the dynamics of race genetic processes and reconstructs the initial stages of race formation. The concept of "center of race formation" is introduced, with the centers of the first order being the earliest stages of the separation of races.

Common to all these classifications is that they are based on the results of an analysis carried out at a qualitative level. This explains the differences between the classification schemes, which reflect the subjective views of one or another researcher.

It should be emphasized that in the vast majority of studies, when determining the degree of similarity of ethnic groups, craniometric materials are used only for male samples. An attempt to summarize the use of data for different sexes was made by G. F. Debets, however, the methods of integration proposed by him received almost no further development.

3. Features of the description of the Mongoloid type

In criminalistics, as in any other science, the classification of objects, their properties and features serves as a means of penetrating the essence of cognizable phenomena and objects, establishing connections and dependencies between them, expressing relationships between structural elements, between subsystems.

The scientific prerequisites for the possibility of using the properties and characteristics of a person in the process of investigating crimes are a certain set of them in the form of mappings, as well as the existing possibilities for a reliable scientific study of these properties and characteristics. Material objects, including a person, can be characterized by their properties and characteristics, as well as in relation to the surrounding material world. Therefore, all people are distinguished from each other by the totality of their inherent properties and characteristics. When identifying a specific person from among the identified persons, those properties and signs are used that, within the limits of the task, have immutability and stability. The qualitative content of the properties and characteristics of any person can change for various reasons (natural, artificial), but these changes under certain conditions do not change their quantitative content. Within these limits, they can be considered as qualitative certainty and used for personal identifications. In this case, they acquire the value of identification.

The paper examines the issue of differences in the appearance of people belonging to different groups of the Mongoloid race. In this regard, this question should begin with the division of this race depending on the territory (Slide No. 12):

SH East Asia

SH Indonesia

SH Central Asia

SH America

Let's allocate the area of ​​settlement of Mongoloid populations with some approximation.

1. "center" is practically the whole of Asia. Most of the modern Mongoloids live in the central zone, and their physical type is close to a generalized characteristic.

2. "periphery" - Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Pacific Islands, Madagascar, North and South America. On the periphery, not only is the number smaller, but also the anthropological type of populations often differs significantly, either as a result of isolation from the bulk of the population, or as a result of mixing with Caucasoids and equatorials. It is possible to outline in general terms the changes in the frequencies of the main features within the range. The color of the skin becomes darker as you move from the poles to the equator, but the Mongoloids do not have very dark shades. Hair pigmentation tends to increase slightly from west to east (within the dark shades of the scale). At low latitudes, the frequency of wavy hair increases.

The Asian-American (or Mongoloid) major race is distinguished by dark or light skin tones, straight, often coarse hair, weak or not very weak beard and mustache growth, average nose width, low or medium nose bridge, slightly protruding nose. In Asian races and strongly protruding in American races, the average thickness of the lips, the flattening of the face, the strong protrusion of the cheekbones, the large size of the face, the presence of epicanthus (Slide No. 46).

Mongoloids are divided into 4 branches (Slide No. 13):

Northern Mongoloids (Slide No. 14). (Northern Evenks, Evens, or Lamuts, Yukaghirs, some groups of Buryats, Negidals, Mongols of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Kalmyks, Buryats, Yakuts, Tuvans, Khakasses, Altaians, Eskimos, Chukchi, Koryaks).

Their modern western border runs approximately along the Yenisei, the southern border corresponds to the northern one for the Far Eastern race, the northern and eastern borders are oceanic. Characteristics: North Asian minor race. The skin color is lighter, the hair is dark and dark blond, usually straight and coarse, but there are populations (for example, Evenks) in which soft hair is quite common. Often there are light brown shades of the color of the iris. There are relatively low-faced options. Cerebral skull with large horizontal diameters and low altitudinal. This is one of the important delimiting features of the northern and Pacific Mongoloids. The nose varies in size and degree of protrusion. There are groups with a very flat bridge. Epicanthus is often found. The eye opening is very small. Body length is average and below average. Very weak beard growth and thin lips. The face, as a rule, is high and wide, very flat, large in size and strongly flattened. This small race is quite clearly divided into two morphotypes - Baikal and Central Asian.

Baikal small race (Slide No. 15). Representatives are the indigenous population of Siberia east of the Yenisei (Northern Evenks, Evens, or Lamuts, Yukaghirs, some groups of Yakuts and Buryats, Negidals of the Amur Region and Oroks of Sakhalin) (Slide 16,17). The Siberian race has been traced on the territory of Siberia since the Neolithic era. It is characterized by dark, straight, but often soft hair, weakened (compared to other Mongoloids) pigmentation of the skin and irises, weak beard and mustache growth, pronounced Mongoloid features of the eye area (up to 60-70% of the epicanthus in adults), high, wide and very flat face with prominent cheekbones, low bridge of nose, thin lips.

Central Asian small race (Slide No. 18).

Its representatives include the Mongols of the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, Kalmyks, Buryats, Yakuts, Tuvans, Khakasses, Altaians (Slide 19-26). The Central Asian minor race spread from Central Asia to the west, where it mixed with various groups of Caucasians (forming a mixed South Siberian sub-race). They are distinguished by pronounced Mongoloid features, growth below average, large face size, moderate brachycephaly.

Arctic small race (Slide No. 27).

Representatives of the Arctic small race: Eskimos, Chukchi, Koryaks (Slide No. 28). But this anthropological type is most clearly expressed among the Eskimos. Distributed in the extreme northeast of Asia, North America, in Greenland. The population of the Northeast has elements associated with the ancient population of East and Southeast Asia. Characteristics: Pigmentation is darker than that of the North Asian race (closer to the Pacific). Hair straight and hard, epicanthus - from 30 to 50%. Prominence of the nose is moderately weak. The face is less flattened, but more prognathous, than in the North Asian race. The face often has a pentagonoid shape due to the large distance between the angles of the lower jaw. The figurative shape of the legs, characteristic of many Mongoloid populations, is weakly expressed in the Arctic race. With a highly developed skeleton and muscles, subcutaneous fat is poorly developed, which also significantly distinguishes the Arctic groups from other Mongoloids. The Chukchi have preserved clear signs of the southern race - a large width of the nose, thick lips, a concave back of the nose is more common. The Arctic (Eskimo) race differs from the North Asian in coarser hair, darker pigmentation of the skin and eyes, less frequency of the epicanthus, a somewhat smaller zygomatic width, a narrow pear-shaped nasal opening, a high nose bridge and a more protruding nose, thick lips;

Pacific Mongoloids (Slide No. 29).

The main region of this group of options is limited in the west by Hindustan and Tibet, in the north by the Central Asian deserts and mountain systems of the Khingan and Stanovoy Ranges, in the south by the Wallace Line drawn between the Sunda Islands and the so-called Greater Australia, which includes New Guinea and Australia, as well as China and Japan.

The Pacific Mongoloids are divided into A) Far Eastern and B) South Asian:

A) Far Eastern small race (Slide No. 30).

Representatives: Chinese, Koreans, Japanese (Slide No. 31,32). The race is widespread in the countries of China, Korea, Japan, has clearly expressed features of the Far Eastern race. Skin color is dark. The eyes are dark, like those of other Mongoloids. The hair is straight, coarse and very dark. In adults, epicanthus occurs in 70 to 95% of cases. The tertiary hairline is poorly developed. Body length is average or above average. The face is narrow, of medium width, high, flat. The brain skull in horizontal section is small, but high. The nose is rather long, with a straight back, slightly or medium protruding. Moreover, the northern Chinese and Koreans have obvious Mongoloid features (high cheekbones, coarse hair, epicanthus, etc.). The Koreans more clearly than the northern Chinese show the features of the southern race - their lips are thicker, the nose is wider, the tertiary hairline is better developed. According to these parameters, the Koreans are moving closer to the southern Chinese. As for the modern population of Japan, it has a mixed anthropological type. According to some signs, the Japanese are moving closer to the Ainu, who have a Veddo-Polynesian appearance (a late feature), and the southern Mongoloids (relatively wide nose, thick lips, short stature). The Nivkhs can also be included in the East Asian group of Mongoloids. Along with clearly Mongoloid features (strong development of the epicanthus, flat face, low nose bridge), they also have undoubted southern features: a strong development of the beard, noticeable prognathism.

The Far Eastern race, compared with the North Asian, is characterized by coarser hair, dark skin pigmentation, thicker lips, and a narrower face. She is characterized by a high skull height, but a small face;

B) South Asian small race (Slide No. 33).

Representatives: southern Chinese, Vietnamese, Javanese, Malays (Slide No. 34). The race is widespread in the countries of South and Southeast Asia. The main region of this group of options is limited in the west by Hindustan and Tibet, in the north by the Central Asian deserts and mountain systems of Khingan and the Stanovoy Range, in the south by the Wallace Line drawn between the Sunda Islands and the so-called Greater Australia, which includes New Guinea and Australia.

The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. There is a certain percentage of wavy hair. Epicanthus is less common (20-50%). The face is less flattened and relatively lower. The lips are thicker and the nose is relatively wider. The brain skull is also small and relatively wide. The forehead often has a convex shape. The body length is short. The South Asian race is characterized by an even sharper expression of those features that distinguish the Far Eastern race from the North Asian, greater swarthyness, thicker lips. It differs from the Far Eastern race in a less flattened face and smaller stature.

American race (Slide No. 35,36).

Representatives: the indigenous population of America (Indians). It occupies a vast territory of the American continent with a variety of environmental conditions. Despite the fact that several morphotypes are distinguished within the race, it is quite uniform in its main features. At the same time, the differences from the rest of the Mongoloids are quite significant, which gives some researchers reason to distinguish it into a separate large race. Most populations and morphotypes of American Indians are characterized by a large nose, sometimes with a convex back. It is characterized by a large face and a noticeably smaller flattening. Epicanthus is rare. The total dimensions of the face and head are often large. The body length is medium and large. Most populations are characterized by increased massiveness (with good nutrition).

Combines Mongoloid features (straight black hair, wide protruding cheekbones) with features not characteristic of Mongoloids (a strongly protruding nose with a high nose bridge). On the whole, the American race stands closer to the Mongoloid racial stock, showing a special resemblance to the ancient proto-Mongoloid type. The peculiarity of the Americanoid race is explained by its long development in isolation. With modern Asian Mongoloids, Americanoids have a yellowish-brown complexion, straight and very coarse hair. weak tertiary hairline, prominent cheekbones, high orbits, very common upper spade-shaped incisors, epicanthus in children. With Caucasoids, they are brought together by a high nose bridge, they strongly retained in their appearance in different proportions the signs of all three protruding noses and the absence of epicanthus in adults. The large size of the molars, the large width of the mouth, the significant width of the nose (up to 42 mm), the presence of a slight prognathism, the elongation of the forearm, the Indians resemble some variants of the Australoid race.

Mixed Mongoloids (Slide No. 37).

In addition to the three (or, according to another classification, four) large human races with sub-races, there are special small races, the origin of which is not clearly established. They could be formed from ancient weakly differentiated populations at the boundaries of climatic zones, from contact groups of populations of different races, or appear during distant migrations to unusual conditions, when one had to adapt to them and develop new characters or activate old ones.

Mixed Mongoloids are divided into three types:

Ural (Ugric) small race.

Representatives: Khanty, Mansi, Northern Altaians and some groups of Khakasses. Distributed in Western Siberia.

The Ural subrace is intermediate between the Caucasoid and Mongoloid races. It is characterized by straight dark hair, medium development of tertiary hairline, moderate skin pigmentation, predominantly brown eyes, sometimes a flattened face, a strongly developed crease of the upper eyelid, a narrow, moderately protruding nose with a concave back.

Laponoid (Saami) minor race .

Representatives of the Laponoid race - "Saami". This peculiar anthropological type was formed in Northern Norway, Northern Finland, on the Kola Peninsula.

The Laponoid subrace is a variant of the Ural race. It is characterized by low stature, a very low face, protruding cheekbones, a concave bridge of the nose, and a small percentage of the epicanthus. According to I.I. Gohman, anthropologically the Saami are characterized by the following features. The skull box is short and wide, the height is medium. The forehead is of medium width and slope, moderately convex. The face is low, fairly broad, orthognathic, but some skulls show alveolar prognathism with a fairly wide nose (a sign of the Australoid race). The nose is slightly protruding, the back is concave, the tip of the nose and the base are raised. The hair is straight but soft, with reduced facial and body hair. The pigmentation is moderately dark. Thus, Lapanoids have signs of all three large races: Caucasoid (orthognathic face), southern (prognathism, wide nose; signs are not always observed) and Mongoloid (flat face, protruding cheekbones, sometimes epicanthus, oblique position of the axes of the eyes).

South Siberian (Kazakhstan) small race (Slide No. 38).

Representatives of the South Siberian minor race are Kazakhs and some groups of Kyrgyz. (Slide number 39-45). Place of residence: Central Asia (Kazakhstan).

The South Siberian small race was formed in the process of mixing Mongoloids and Caucasians in the south of Siberia, in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, probably starting from the Hunnic times (early Middle Ages). Most typical for the Kazakhs, but also found among other peoples of the Asian part of the former USSR, Mongolia and Northwestern China. It is characterized by a flattened, wide and high face, a medium protruding nose, weakened beard growth, dark hair and eyes, brachycephaly, and medium height.


As you know, one of the most difficult tasks that arise in the process of solving and investigating crimes is to identify the criminals who fled the scene of incidents, their victims, as well as other persons involved in varying degrees in the crime event. In its decision, data on a person's appearance are of significant importance, since due to the properties of appearance, its signs can be displayed with a greater or lesser degree of reliability on various carriers of search and evidence information. Situations that require actions that have as their content the establishment of a person, the clarification of various personal data, arise at various stages of the detection and investigation of crimes. Identification and identification of persons preparing, committing or having committed crimes. The implementation of the search for persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court, evading criminal punishment, as well as the search for missing persons are two of the three tasks defined by the Federal Law on Investigative Activities (Article 2). The Russian Federation is a multinational state. Representatives of various nationalities live in all regions of Russia. Which differ in various signs of appearance. The use of signs of appearance of the Mongoloid type for forensic purposes by the internal affairs bodies provides for the need to fix these signs in one way or another. This is especially true for the border regions of the Russian Federation. In our work, we proposed a modern representation of the classification of features of the appearance of the Mongoloid race. These methodological recommendations will contribute to a more complete compilation of subjective portraits and search orientations in law enforcement from among the persons of the Mongoloid race.

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12. Cheboksarov N.N. Mongoloid elements in the population of Central Europe. // Scientific notes of Moscow State University. - M., 1941. - Issue. 63. - S. 235-270.

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The signs on the basis of which races of different orders are distinguished are diverse. The most obvious are the degree of development of the tertiary hairline (the primary hairline already exists on the body of the embryo in the uterine state, the secondary - hair on the head, eyebrows - is present in the newborn; tertiary - associated with puberty), as well as a beard and mustache, hair shape and eye.

A well-known role in racial diagnosis is played by pigmentation, that is, the color of the skin, hair and growth. However, there are significant differences in the degree of pigmentation in each race. For example, rather light-pigmented groups of the Negroid African population and very dark Caucasians, residents of southern Europe. Therefore, the division of mankind into whites, yellows and blacks, accepted in the literature, does not correspond to the actual data. The peculiarity of growth (short stature) is typical only for a few pygmy peoples of Asia and Africa. Among the more specific features used in racial diagnostics, blood types, some genetic features, papillary patterns on the fingers, the shape of the teeth, etc. can be named.

Racial signs were not only continuously fixed, but also leveled. Being increasingly different from one another due to differences in the geographical environment with which they were associated, under the influence of labor, the development of culture and other special conditions, the races at the same time acquired more and more similarities with each other in the general features of modern man. At the same time, as a result of a qualitatively special path of development, the human races began to differ more and more sharply from the subspecies of wild animals.

NEGROID RACE: Negroes, Negrillies, Bushmen and Hottentots.

Characteristic features of the Negroid: curly hair (black); dark brown skin; Brown eyes; poor development of tertiary hairline; moderately protruding cheekbones; strongly protruding jaws; thick lips; wide nose.

Mixed and transitional forms between the Negroid and Caucasoid major races: the Ethiopian race, the transitional groups of Western Sudan, the mulattos, the "colored" African groups.

Negroid traits are most pronounced in a population living in sub-Saharan Africa, known by the collective and inaccurate name "Negroes". Negroids also include Central African pygmies, or Negrils, who are very short in stature, outwardly similar to Asian Negritos, as well as South African Bushmen and Hottentots, in which Negroid features (an extreme degree of curly hair) are combined with individual Mongoloid features (yellowish skin, flattened face, epicanthus).

EUROPEAN RACE: northern, transitional forms, southern.

Characteristic features of the Caucasian: wavy or straight soft hair of different shades; light or dark skin; brown, light gray and blue eyes; weakly protruding cheekbones and jaws; narrow nose with high bridge; thin or medium thickness lips.

Mixed forms between the Caucasoid major race and the American branch of the Mongoloid major race: American mestizos. Mixed forms between the Caucasoid great race and the Asiatic branch of the Mongoloid great race : Central Asian groups, South Siberian race, Laponoids and Subural type, mixed groups of Siberia.

Caucasoids, the center of formation of which is attributed to Southwest Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe, can be subdivided into three main groups: southern - with swarthy skin, mostly dark eyes and hair; northern - with fair skin, a significant proportion of gray and blue eyes, light brown and blond hair; intermediate , which is characterized by medium-intensive pigmentation. According to the color of the skin, hair and eyes, according to the structure of the facial skeleton and soft parts of the face, according to the proportions of the cerebral part of the skull, often expressed by the head index (the percentage of the greatest width of the head to its greatest length), and according to some other features, various second order races.

Southern Caucasians in general, given their range, are called Indo-Mediterranean race. Among relatively long-headed(dolichocephalic) populations of this race are distinguished the mediterranean proper in the west and Indo-Afghan in the east , in the composition short-headed(brachycephalic) southern Caucasians - Adriatic , or dinar , race (population of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula and the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea), Anterior Asian, or Armenoid (Armenians, some other Western Asian populations), and Pamir-Fergana (Tajiks, some Uzbeks).

Characteristic features of the Mediterranean race:

Characterized by short stature, almond-shaped dark eyes, swarthy skin, large nose, narrow lips and dolichocephaly. Representatives - b The majority of the population of the Iberian Peninsula, southwestern France, southern and central Italy, Israel, southern Greece, the Mediterranean islands, and North Africa are classified as Mediterranean.

Indo-Afghan race - distribution: central and eastern Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan

height - medium/high
leg and torso length - long legs, short torso
hair structure - wavy
hair color - black / dark brown / reddish chestnut
occiput - convex
face - narrow, long
eye color - dark brown
nose - long, narrow, convex / straight, protruding
the base of the nose is high
tip of the nose - curved down
jaw - deep
hairline - highly developed
beard and mustache growth - strong

Dinaric race- a sub-race of the Caucasoid race, represented among the inhabitants of the Balkans (Albanians, Serbs, Bulgarians, etc.). The race was named after the Dinaric Alps. Characterized by high growth; slender physique; dark (close to black) eyes and hair, brownish skin; round face (brachycephaly); straight or curved down, strongly protruding nose; the lower jaw often protrudes forward. Head index 85-87 brachycephaly, very short occiput.

Armenoid race(Aramaic) - an anthropological type of a large Caucasian race, common in the north of the Middle East (Syria, northern Iraq, part of Armenia, Lebanon). The Armenoid race is distinguished by such a phenotype as: medium height, brachycephaly, curly hair, large fleshy nose, full lips and large black "bulging" eyes, dark pigmentation, flattened nape. According to a number of indicators, it is close to dinarids. It is characterized by a particularly strong development of the tertiary hairline. A part of the population of Western Asia and the Caucasus (Armenians) belongs to the Armenoid race.

Description[typical Armenides]
[medium 86-88]
growth - low
physique - thick-boned, mature-boreal (according to Lundman)
leg and body length - short legs, long torso
hair structure - hard, curly
hair color - black
occiput - flat
face - oval, mesoprosopic, low
cheekbones - do not protrude
eyebrows - arched, fused
the location of the eyes is "Anterior Asian" (the outer corner of the palpebral fissure is lower than the inner one)
palpebral fissure - wide
eye color - black
nose - protruding, long, wide, convex
tip of the nose - curved down
ears - small, often without lobes
jaw - wide, angular
lips - thick, the upper protrudes above the lower
chin - small, not protruding
beard and mustache growth - very strong
hairline development - very strong (hair on the forehead, fused eyebrows, hair on the back)

intermediate according to the pigmentation of Caucasians, for the most part short-headed, subdivided into the following races: alpine (population of Switzerland and adjacent regions of France, Germany, Austria and Italy), Central European (population of Central and partly Eastern Europe, including some groups of southern Germans, Austrians, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, western Ukrainians, southern Belarusians, Lithuanians), Eastern European to which most of the Russian central and eastern regions of the European part of Russia, Siberia and the Far East belong, as well as many groups of northern Ukrainians and Belarusians.

Alpine race(Celtic race, Central European race, eastern race according to Gunther) - a branch of the Caucasoid race, characterized by medium height, brachycephaly, dark pigmentation of the hair and iris of the eyes. Prominent representatives of this sub-race are Hungarians, Austrians, Czechs, Slovenes and Ukrainians. Representatives of this race also inhabit Luxembourg, Switzerland, France, northern Italy and southern Germany.

The concept of the Alpine race was used by the American scientist Madison Grant to refer to the population of Europeans, which is geographically located between the representatives of the Nordic and Mediterranean races. Spreading: central France, southern Germany, Alps, Balkan Peninsula, northern Italy, Sicily, southern Norway, Denmark, Middle East

cranial index - brachycephaly
height - low/medium
physique - picnic
hair structure - hard
hair color - from light brown to black
occiput - rounded
face - wide, low, round/square
forehead - wide, high
eye position - horizontal
eye color - brown/dark brown
nose - short, wide, slightly concave/straight
the base of the nose is low
chin - blunt
hairline - highly developed
beard and mustache growth - strong

northern branch: tall medium-long-headed light Caucasians were previously described under the name northern or nordic , race, and more brachycephalic - entitled Baltic . Some scientists divide all light Caucasians into northwestern (Atlanto-Baltic race, which includes the population of Great Britain, the Netherlands, the northern regions of Germany, Scandinavian countries, Latvia and Estonia, Western Finland) and northeastern (White Sea-Baltic race, common in North-Eastern Europe among Russians, Karelians, Vepsians and Northern Komi).

Nordic race:

Term nordic race (race nordique) was first introduced by the Russian racologist of French origin I. Deniker in 1900. He described them as "a tall race with blond, sometimes wavy hair, light eyes, pink skin, and a dolichocephalic skull."

Characteristic signs:

Cranial index - dolichocephaly

Body type - leptosomal, normo-osseous

Hair texture - straight/wavy

Hair color - blond / ash blond / golden blond / blond / dark blond

The back of the head is convex

Face - narrow, long, oval-rhombic

Forehead - high, often sloping

The location of the eyes is horizontal,

Eye section - characterized by a long section of the eyes

Eye color - blue / gray / green

Nose - long, narrow, straight, protruding

The base of the nose is high

The tip of the nose is located horizontally, sometimes raised, pointed

Jaw - long, deep

Lips - thin

Chin - narrow, angular, protruding

Beard and mustache growth is normal

Subtypes of the Nordic race

There are three main subtypes of the Nordic race.

Eastern Nordic- Distributed in Eastern Europe, including Russia and to some extent in Finland. It differs from the Hallstatt Nordic in a longer skull (dolichocephaly), a higher cranial vault, a more protruding nose, and often a sloping forehead. Description [differences from Hallstatt Nordic]

Cranial index - dolichocephaly

Skull - higher

Forehead - higher

Nasal profile - more protruding

Nasal bridge - sometimes convex

Hairline - less developed

Hallstatt Nordic(other names: Teutonic, Teuto-Nordic, Scanno-Nordid) - common in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, northern Germany, and to some extent in the British Isles.

Description of the Hallstadt Nordic type
cranial index - mesocephaly [average - 75]
growth - high
physique - leptosomal (but with developed muscles), normo-bone
leg and torso length - long legs, short torso, short arms
hair structure - wavy
hair color - blond / ash blond / golden blond / dark blond
occiput - convex, pronounced
face - narrow, long, oval-rhombic
forehead - narrow, sloping
eye position - horizontal
palpebral fissure - normal, there is an effect of "swollen upper eyelid"
eye color - blue / gray
nose - protruding, long, narrow, straight (sometimes slightly convex)
the base of the nose is high
tip of the nose - located horizontally
jaw - long, deep
lips are thin
chin - narrow, angular, prominent, often pointed
hairline - developed
beard and mustache growth - strong

Celtic Nordic- common in Western Europe, the British Isles, Switzerland. Differs from the Hallstatt in shorter skull (usually mesocephalic), darker hair pigmentation (to dark chestnut), and light-mixed eye shades.

cranial index - mesocephaly
growth - high
hair color - from ash-blond to dark chestnut
occiput - convex
temporal areas - depressed
face - narrow, long
forehead - oblique
eye position - horizontal
eye color - light-mixed shades
nose - long, leptorrhine/mesorine, convex/straight, protruding
the base of the nose is high
lips - thin / medium, slightly turned out
chin - moderately developed
hairline - developed
beard and mustache growth - strong

Baltic race:

East Baltic type(also known as White Sea-Baltic race) is a branch of the Caucasoid race, localized in the north-east of Europe (around the White and Baltic Seas). It is characterized by short-headedness (brachycephaly), a lower and wider face, a decrease in forehead height, medium height, fair skin, eyes and hair, a small “duck nose” (concave nasal bridge) and a number of other signs. It is the most depigmented of the Caucasian races.

Spreading: Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, northeastern Germany, Russia, Scandinavia
cranial index - brachycephaly
growth - average
physique - picnic
leg and torso length - short legs, long torso
hair structure - hard
hair color - from ash-blond to dark blond
face - wide, short
forehead - oblique
the location of the eyes is horizontal / Mongoloid (the outer corner of the palpebral fissure is higher than the inner one)
eye color - light blue / gray
nose - short, concave, not protruding
the base of the nose is low
jaw - wide, inconspicuous
chin - round

Mixed: On the eastern borders of its range Caucasoids interacted with Mongoloids since ancient times . As a result of their early mixing, which probably began as early as the Mesolithic era (10 - 7 thousand years ago), developed in the north-west of Siberia and in the extreme east of Europe Ural race (Ladoga type) (Khanty, Mansi, etc.), which is characterized by a combination of intermediate Mongoloid-Caucasoid features with some specific features (for example, a low face, weakened pigmentation, a high prevalence of a concave nasal bridge, a flattened face and light pigmentation.). In addition to the Finno-Ugric peoples, the Ladoga type is found among Russians (35%), Poles (10%) and Baltic peoples (5%)

Close to the Urals in many ways laponoid race with a very low face (saami); some anthropologists combine these races into one - the Ural-laponoid, the features of which are also expressed in a less sharp form among the Udmurts, Komi-Permyaks, Mari, and some groups of Mordovians. Laponoid race- an anthropological type preserved by the Saami - the indigenous population of northern Europe, very different from the classical Caucasians and related to the Mongoloid race. Main features: short stature, epicanthus, concave nasal bridge. The face is low, mainly due to the very low height of the lower section. The interorbital distance is large. At the same time, Laponoids have light skin and a high percentage of light eyes. From the first centuries of our era, in the steppe zone between the Urals and the Yenisei, it has been formed in the process of mixing Mongoloids and Caucasoids South Siberian a race with a very broad face and a pronounced short head. In the Middle Ages, new mixed Caucasoid-Mongoloid populations (part of the Uzbeks, Uighurs, Salars) formed on the territory of Central and Central Asia.

MONGOLOID RACE: American races, Asian branch of the Mongoloid races: continental Mongoloids, Arctic race (Eskimos and Paleo-Asians), Pacific (East Asian) races.

Characteristic features of the Mongoloid: straight, coarse and dark hair; poor development of tertiary hairline; yellowish skin tone; Brown eyes; flattened face with prominent cheekbones; narrow nose, often with low nose bridge; the presence of epicanthus (a fold at the inner corner of the eye).

epicanthus, "Mongolian fold" - a special fold at the inner corner of the eye, to a greater or lesser extent covering the lacrimal tubercle. The epicanthus is a continuation of the fold of the upper eyelid. One of the features characteristic of the Mongoloid race is rare in representatives of other races. Anthropological examinations determine not only the presence or absence of the epicanthus, but also its development (see Fig.).

As we have already said, the eastern half of the mainland of Asia was obviously the original homeland of the Mongoloids. This area was not completely isolated: through mountain passes, valleys and lowlands, the Mongoloids were, although perhaps weakly, connected with the Caucasoids and Negroid-Australoids both in the depths of the mainland and in its southern part. Assuming that the ancient Mongoloids spread to the northeastern regions of Asia from the south and southeast, we are even more strengthened in the idea of ​​their ancient and deep family relationships with Australoids and Caucasoids. In this regard, the mixing of Mongoloids and Caucasoids in the northern regions of Asia, which caused the formation of such contact groups of types as the Ural (Ural-laponoid) and South Siberian, should be considered a later, secondary process that took place after the liberation of these regions from the ice sheet.

What was the racial type of the original Mongoloids? Is not the yellowish-brown color of the skin of the Mongoloids also the result of some depigmentation of the initially darker cover of the ancestors who occupied more southern regions?

These questions can only be answered in a very general form, referring to the most characteristic racial features of modern Mongoloids. But here it should be noted that some features of the face, nose and eyes may have a later origin.

The epicanthus, the not quite horizontal arrangement of the corners of the eyes, the strong development of the cheekbones, and finally, the local thickening of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the area of ​​the cheekbones are not pronounced in all Mongoloid types. So, for example, epicanthus in some groups of Mongoloids is found in a small percentage of representatives; it is very rare among the Yenisei Kets and American Indians.

It is possible that the totality of the most specific Mongoloid features developed under the conditions of the steppes and deserts as a protective adaptation to the nature of these regions.

Such a point of view is defended in our time, for example, by S. A. Semyonov (1951) * . He interprets the significant narrowness of the palpebral fissure of the Mongoloids and its short length (due to the strong development of the fold of the upper eyelid with the epicanthus) as a protective adaptation to the pronounced conditions of the continental climate in the homeland of the Mongoloid race. Cyclonic activity, desert landscape, dust and other natural factors have had a continuous impact on the human body for many millennia. This is joined by the "circumstance that during the long winter there is a dazzling white snow cover, therefore, there is a high albedo (reflection of light rays from snow and other reflexogenic elements of the terrain), which also has a strong effect on the organ of vision.

* (S. A. Semenov, On the addition of the protective apparatus of the eyes of the Mongolian racial type, "Soviet Ethnography", 1951, No. 4, pp. 156-179.)

The protective reaction of the human body in such natural conditions led to the formation of a kind of protective apparatus in the eye area not only among the Mongoloids, but also, for example, among the Negroids - Bushmen living in the deserts of South Africa.

So, in the depths of the Asian continent, a northern, or continental, small Mongoloid race was formed (Fig. 60 and 61), the range of which currently embraces almost the entire territory of Central Asia and Siberia with their various anthropological types, including here the transitional ones that developed as a result mixing with Caucasians (contact). Anthropologists distinguish here quite characteristic Siberian and Central Asian groups of anthropological types. The transition from the northern to the southern Mongoloids is made up of two groups of types: the Far Eastern, or East Asian (Northern Chinese, Manchus, Koreans, etc.), and the Arctic (Eskimos).

The southern Mongoloid, or Pacific, small race (Fig. 62 and 63) includes the South Asian group of types, common among the peoples of Indonesia, Indochina, and also partially in southern China, Korea and Japan. This whole group was formed, apparently, in the process of mixing with Australoid types. Some anthropologists point to its proximity to the Ceylon-Sonda group of anthropological types (Fig. 64), which are characterized, for example, by darker skin, wider wings of the nose, thicker lips.

The Polynesian group is quite close to the South Asian group: it, apparently, is also of contact origin, since both Mongoloid and Australoid types took part in its formation. The following features indicate the similarity of the Polynesians with the southern Mongoloids: black, straight, sometimes even tight hair, weak development of tertiary hairline on the body and face; yellow-olive skin color; some flattening of the face, often very wide and high. Similarity with Australoids is manifested, for example, in a wide nose, slight prognathism, thickened lips. The opinion about the connections of the Polynesians with the Caucasians, obviously, does not have sufficient grounds.

It is believed that the ancestors of the American, or Indian, small race began to spread across the continent of America from north to south about 15-12 thousand years ago. The most probable route of their migration from Asia passed through the Bering Isthmus, which lay on the site of the current strait. This path became free only after the retreat of the glaciers; Until that time, the American continent was deserted. But after the melting of the glaciers, the strait became impassable, and the Mongoloid groups that managed to immigrate remained isolated from the rest of the world, as happened with the Australians.

Settling throughout the mainland of America, the Indians developed over long millennia completely independently of the influences of the Old World. In particular, they did not know the wheel and the plow, they did not have riding and draft animals. Despite this, their culture reached a high level, as evidenced by the civilizations of Peru and Maya.

In order to judge which of the small Mongoloid races the American race is most connected with in its origin, one should first become familiar with the general anthropological characteristics of the Indians.

Most Indians (Fig. 65) have black, straight, tight hair; tertiary hairline is very weak; eyes are brown; skin is yellowish brown; the forehead is straight or somewhat sloping; the eye section is medium, the fold of the upper eyelid is moderately or strongly developed, but the epicanthus is rare, especially in men; the bridge of the nose is medium or even high, the back of the nose is convex less often straight, and the wings are medium wide; lips are medium; the chin protrusion is moderately developed; the jaw section protrudes weakly or moderately, therefore, orthognathism * or mesognathism predominates; the proportions of the body are mesomorphic or brachymorphic, that is, the legs, compared with the body, are of medium length or short. Height varies greatly from low to high, as does the shape of the head - from dolichocephalic to brachycephalic. Some other signs also vary markedly. So, some Indians, for example, the representatives of the Siriono tribe (South America), have wavy hair, a noticeably developed tertiary hairline, a darker skin color, and a wider nose.

* (From Greek. orthos - correct, straight.)

Strong variability can be explained by the significant complexity of the original racial and tribal composition of the Indians, settling in a wide variety of natural conditions from Alaska in the north to Tierra del Fuego in the south.

The Indians have inhabited America since about the time of the Mesolithic, as evidenced by their oldest bone and cultural remains. Over a relatively short period of time that has passed since the Mesolithic, during which the natural environment was fairly constant, the Indians did not lose a number of ancient features and did not acquire the full range of features that are characteristic of typical Mongoloids.

In ancient times, the proto-Mongoloid parent race probably did not yet have the full development of the features characteristic of most of its modern representatives on the Asian mainland. Therefore, the American Indians, who developed from the ancient Mongoloid branch, do not have, for example, epicanthus, and their nose bridge is not the same as that of typical Mongoloids. The wavy hair of some Indians (Fig. 66) indicates an undoubted admixture of some ancient type, closer to the southern Mongoloid minor race. This is also supported by some other data. Therefore, Soviet anthropologists (N. N. Cheboksarov) are inclined to think about the mixed origin of the Indians from the northern (continental) and southern (Pacific) branches of the Mongoloid race. Probably, the southern branch had a stronger influence on the formation of the Indian race, since the features of the southern Mongoloids are more common in it. The Indians can be compared with the Polynesians, if we ignore the Australoid admixture of the latter. Not without reason, many researchers attributed to both of them, even if erroneously, the nature of Caucasoid features in facial features. And one can pose the question: is not this distant resemblance an echo of the origin of both the Polynesians and the Indians from the same ancient group of types?

If we now turn to the problem of the dependence of the development of racial traits on the various natural conditions of the new continent, then a comparison of the Indians of the tropics and subtropics with the Indians of the northern and southern temperate zones suggests itself.

In the American tropical-subtropical group of types, a number of features are observed that are not characteristic of the Indians of the temperate zones. Thus, for example, in many Indians of Brazil and Bolivia, the skin has darker shades, the tertiary hairline is more developed, wavy hair is found, and the appearance deviates from the typical Indians living in North America or Patagonia. There is also a difference in that the head and face of the American Indians just mentioned (as well as their bone base) are smaller than those of the North American or Patagonian. Therefore, the idea arises of the emergence of group differences under the influence of the long stay of the Indians in different natural conditions. This idea is confirmed by the fact that the Patagonians, living in a natural environment very close to that in which the North American Indians live, acquired some resemblance to them.

Such a division, already by origin of the heterogeneous Mongoloid population of America, under the long influence of natural conditions, resembles similar phenomena in a large Caucasoid race, in which the depigmentation of a number of types is undoubtedly associated with their advance to the north and their long stay in a cold, humid climate. An analogy can be drawn with the Negroid-Australoid race, in which, along with an increase in pigmentation in most groups of types, we also meet lighter pigmented types (for example, Bushmen in the southern temperate zone).

The inhabitants of East and North Asia, as well as the Far North, belong to the Mongoloid race. It is known that people with features of the Mongoloid race occupy a fifth of the entire hemisphere. Representatives of this race have characteristic features, which we will discuss in this article. Naturally, many Mongols, due to mixing of blood, do not have clear external signs indicating belonging to this race, but we will now try to figure out the main signs.

The main features of the representatives of the Mongoloid race
A clear feature of the indigenous inhabitants of the Mongoloid race is the slanted section of the eyes, narrow and peculiar, since the upper part of the eyelid is distinguished by swelling that hangs over the inner eyelid. Also, the Mongols have very coarse hair of a dark shade. Only by these two signs it is already possible to recognize a resident of the Mongolian peoples.

The face of these people has a brown or yellowish tint, and the color of their eyes is either brown or raven.

The cheekbones of these people have brightly expressive clear lines. Their lips are of medium fullness - not thin, but not too full, like those of the Negroid race. The bridge of the nose is slightly lower than it is in Europeans. Straight lines, either moderately wide or thin nose, also indicate that the person is directly related to the Mongols.

We have described many features, but this is not the whole set of features of the Mongoloid race. Also, a characteristic feature is sparse hair on the surface of the entire body. It is not often in the male half of this race that vegetation can be seen on the chest or on the lower abdomen. They also don’t have to shave constantly, since there is practically no stubble on their faces - this fact is also decisive due to which one can recognize Mongoloid men, whose appearance clearly differs from that of representatives of the Euroid race.

Different variants of the appearance of representatives of the Mongoloid race
It is known that peoples who belong to the Mongoloid race are divided into two types. This division is due to the geographical location, which implies different climatic conditions. One species is Pacific, and the other is continental. People belonging to the first type have large lips, a small head, fair skin and a protruding jaw. And the other type has a dark skin color and thin lips.

Differences (signs) of the Mongoloid race

Rice. The main races of people a - Caucasoid, b - Negroid, c - Mongoloid

Representatives of the Mongoloid race

There are different groups, each of which has its own morphological features. They live in Central and Southeast Asia, the Philippines and North America (Eskimos in Alaska and Canada).

Mongoloid race

The indigenous population of the American continent only partially has characteristic Mongoloid features (see below).

Main features of the head:

- the skull (and head) is large, wide and short (brachycephalic type),

- eye sockets are high, shallow, their upper and lower edges are located horizontally,

- the lower jaw is strong, the intermandibular diameter is large,

- skin color is white-yellowish of varying intensity, from very light to dark,

The face is large, high, flattened. The nasal fold does not stand out,

- hair is smooth, thick, thick with a round section, color - black, facial hair is insignificant,

- the forehead is wide, straight and slightly sloping, the superciliary ridges and bridge of the nose do not stand out,

- the nose is small, the tip of the nose is thin, the back is straight and slightly raised (especially in the root area), the base of the nose is thin (something between "leptorrino" and "camerrino"),

- cheeky face, cheekbones are large, protrude forward,

- the auricle is medium in size or large, the earlobe is medium-sized,

- the eyeball is not convex, the eye section is narrow, slightly oblique, there is a fold in the median (inner) corner of the eye (a Mongoloid fold, expressed to varying degrees, is characteristic of some nationalities), the color of the eyes is brown or black, the distance between the palpebral fissure and the eyebrow is significant,

- lips of medium thickness or narrow, not particularly prominent,

- the chin practically does not protrude.

According to their characteristic morphological features, the indigenous population of the American continent approaches the Mongoloid race (Eskimos, Indians living in the regions of the Andes, the Amazon, etc.)

Their distinctive features of the head and face:

- the skull and head are large, wide, belonging to the dolichocephalic or mesocephalic types,

skin color varies from light brown to brownish yellowish or brownish reddish,

- the face is wide, with slight manifestations of alveolar prognathism,

- hair is straight or wavy, the color is black, facial hair is either insignificant or absent,

- forehead high, wide, sloping,

- the nose is strong, upturned, wide at the nostrils, the back of the nose is convex, there are aquiline noses,

- cheekbones stand out in the lateral part - the eyes are deep-set, the eye section is narrow, slightly oblique, the Mongoloid fold is expressed to a greater or lesser extent, the eye color is dark brown, the lips are of medium fullness (sometimes the upper lip protrudes above the lower one), the mouth gap is wide enough, the chin is well defined.


Characteristics of the Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid races of a person

The results of evolution are
A) genetic drift
B) hereditary variability
C) population waves
D) variety of species


2132. The Mongoloid race of people is characterized by
A) black straight hair, protruding cheekbones
B) brown eyes, wavy hair
B) dark skin, tall
D) dark eyes, thick lips

2133. The formation of sulfur deposits in the biosphere is associated with the vital activity of what organisms?
A) red algae
B) chemosynthetic bacteria
B) cyanobacteria
D) coral polyps


2134. In cells, the primary synthesis of glucose occurs in
A) mitochondria
B) endoplasmic reticulum
B) the Golgi complex
D) chloroplasts


2135. Oxygen molecules in the process of photosynthesis are formed due to the decomposition of molecules
A) carbon dioxide
B) glucose
D) water


2136. The mother is a carrier of the gene for color blindness, the father distinguishes colors normally (the gene for color blindness is recessive and linked to the X chromosome, the Y chromosome does not carry the visual impairment gene). What is the probability of having a daughter with color blindness in this family?
A) 0%
B) 25%
C) 50%
D) 75%


2137. Choose one of the characteristic features of the type of chordates
A) the nervous system is in the form of a tube
B) abdominal nerve chain
B) single chamber heart
D) five-fingered limbs

2138. The breakdown of proteins in the human body is completed
A) removal of carbon dioxide, water and urea
B) accumulation of oxygen in cells
C) the conversion of thermal energy into the energy of chemical bonds
D) the formation and accumulation of antibodies in the blood


2139. Parasympathetic division of the human nervous system
A) reduces undulating bowel movements
B) weakens the secretion of gastric juice
B) reduces the heart rate
D) narrows the lumen of the blood vessels of the heart

© D.V. Pozdnyakov, 2009-2018

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The eastern (Pacific) coast of Asia is inhabited by groups that are included in the large Mongoloid race, but differ in a number of ways. Far Eastern minor race. Skin color is dark. The Arctic race includes the Eskimos, Chukchis and Koryaks. These differences formed the basis for the selection of small Mongoloid races. All racial groups of the Pacific coast of Asia have mixed Mongol-Australoid features, which unites them.

The term was introduced at the beginning of racial science to describe primarily the Asian populations of various countries of Central and East Asia. Can be divided into Asian and American races. He also noted that of the races of the Old World, East Asians are closest to Native Americans.

In the Mesolithic era, Mongoloidity (or, more precisely, a complex of racial characteristics close to Mongoloid) is noted in Europe (Bavaria). There are three main racial groups on Earth - Mongoloid, Negroid and Caucasoid. The race should not be confused with other communities of people - clan, tribe, nationality, nation, which differ in social, not biological characteristics.

The original population that underwent such a profound transformation in Central Asia is unknown. The skulls from the Upper Cave near Beijing (18,000 years old), which undoubtedly belonged to Homo sapiens, also have pronounced Mongoloid features. The skull is sharply dolichocranial with a huge longitudinal diameter and moderate width. The face is exceptionally high and at the same time broad.

South Asian minor race. The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. There is a certain percentage of wavy hair. Epicanthus is less common (20-50%). The race is widespread in the countries of South and Southeast Asia. American (americanoid) minor race. Includes Native Americans (Indians). In addition to the three (or, according to another classification, four) large human races with sub-races, there are special small races, the origin of which is not clearly established.

Representatives of the Laponoid race are the Saami. This peculiar anthropological type was formed in Northern Norway, Northern Finland, on the Kola Peninsula. A number of authors put forward the hypothesis that facial features of the Mongoloid type are a special adaptive feature for life in severe cold conditions. It is known that increased fat deposition on the face is characteristic of children of the Mongoloid race, who, as is known, have a particularly strong development of the epicanthus.

Reviews, articles and news on the origin of the Mongoloid race

There is also a transitional race, the Eurasian. The creators of this monument had a very flat face, absolutely wide and high. Central Asian minor race. Its representatives include the Mongols of the People's Republic of China and the Mongolian People's Republic, Kalmyks, Buryats, Yakuts, Tuvans, Khakasses, and Altaians.

American Mongoloids (Indians)

In 1882 August Henry Keane stated that the "Mongolian type" included the following "races": "Tibetans", "Burmese", "Tai", "Koreans", "Japanese", Ryukyus and "Malays". In 1940, the anthropologist Franz Boas included the "American races" within the framework of the "Mongoloid race", among those mentioned were the Aztecs in Mexico and the Maya of Yucatán.

In 1984, Roger J. Lederer, professor of biological sciences at California State University, Chico, separately listed Pacific Islander and American Indian Mongoloid races. Race - a group of people united by a common origin, differing in purely external - biological - characteristics: skin color, hair, etc.

The forehead is strongly sloping, the brow is powerful, the eye sockets are rectangular, absolutely and relatively low. Distributed in the extreme northeast of Asia, North America, in Greenland. The face is narrow, of medium width, high, flat. With modern Asian Mongoloids, Americanoids have a yellowish-brown complexion, straight and very coarse hair. With Caucasoids, they are brought together by a high nose bridge, a strongly protruding nose and the absence of an epicanthus in adults.

Only "pure" Australoids are known, who came along the coast of the Indian Ocean, in which Mongoloid signs arose somewhere in East Asia. Along with clearly Mongoloid features (strong development of the epicanthus, flat face, low nose bridge), they also have undoubted southern features: a strong development of the beard, noticeable prognathism.