
The leader's treadmill is often very crowded. But not everyone can be leaders. There is always enough space for a "quiet" service. And there you can meet the true heroes of the faith. Heroism is different, including spontaneous, and stupid, and unjustified... And there is a true, conscious, pleasing to God! As a rule, such heroism is not recognized during the lifetime of the one who displays it. True heroism does not trumpet itself, does not want to attract attention. And only over time people appreciate the nobility and courage of souls who risk for the salvation of their neighbors.
Wise Solomon calls: “Save those taken to death, and will you really refuse those doomed to death?”

Of the 6 million Jews tortured by the Nazis during World War II, about 1.5 million were children. But some, although a very small part of adults and children, managed to escape thanks to the courage and selflessness of people who did not abandon those doomed to murder.

On May 12, 2008, at the age of 98, a woman namedIrena Sandler. Then many publications wrote about this: The Times, NY Times, Los Angeles Times. During the war, she rescued more than two and a half thousand Jewishchildren, much more than the famous Oskar Schindler. Amazing is the faith that has found a home inone small fragile female soul.

According to BBC Warsaw correspondent Adam Easton, Irena Sandler was categorically opposed to her life being called "heroic". She said that she had done too little and therefore her conscience tormented her.

Who was Irena Sendler? Irena Kzhizhanovskaya (married Sendler) was born on 15February 1910in the family of doctor Stanislav Kzhizhanovskyin the city of Otwock near Warsaw. Her father was a doctor in charge of a hospital. He treated the poor for free. Then the family moved to the town of Tarchin. Parents from early childhood inspired their daughter with the idea that people are divided into good and bad, regardless of race, nationality or even religion. And the girl turned out to be a good student. The Kzhizhanovskys themselves were Christians. When Irena was seven years old, her father passed away.He died of typhus in 1917, contracted from patients whom his colleagues avoided treating..Later, Irena often recalled her father's parting words, spoken shortly before her death: "If you see that someone is drowning, you need to rush into the water to save, even if you can't swim."

The girl was left alone with her mother. Some time later, representatives of the local Jewish community came to their house. People were very grateful to Irena's father for free medical care and decided to somehow help his family, which was left without a breadwinner. They offered to pay for the girl's education until she was eighteen. The mother, who knew firsthand about the poverty that reigned then among the Jews, refused the generous offer, but did not fail to inform her daughter about it. This made an indelible impression on Irena.

In 1920, mother and daughter left for Warsaw, where Irena's mother made paper flowers and embroidered napkins. This barely saves them from poverty.

In pre-war Poland, prejudice against Jews was prevalent. But many Poles opposed these prejudices. One of the most courageous was Irena Sendler.In the lecture halls of the University of Warsaw, where she studied Polish language and literature, she and her like-minded people deliberately sat on the benches "for the Jews."(In the last rows of University auditoriums in Poland, special benches for Jewish students were installed in the 1930s, the so-called “lavkow ghetto” - “bench ghetto.” When nationalist thugs beat Irena's Jewish friend, she crossed out the seal on her student card, which allowed her to sit in "Aryan" places. For this she was suspended from school for three years. Such was Irena Sendler by the time the Germans invaded Poland. She always acted according to the call of her heart.

Irena Sendler was thirty years old when Nazi Germany occupied Poland. During the Nazi occupation, the Jews of Warsaw and small towns were herded like cattle into the city ghetto: four square kilometers for approximatelyfive hundred thousand Jews, children and adults. Their living conditions were appalling.

Irena Sendler got a job in the department of social security in the municipality of the capital and went to the Warsaw ghetto. She secretly carried food, medicine, clothes to its inhabitants. Soon the Germans issued a ban on non-Jews visiting the ghetto. Then she started going there as an employee health service.

Since 1942, the Polish underground Organization for the Relief of Jews - "Zhegota" assisted Irena Sendler in a large-scale action to save Jewish children. Irena acted under the pseudonym "Iolanthe". She knew the people in the ghetto - this served as a good basis for the success of the action.

In the ghetto, Irena Sendler went from house to house, cellar, barracks and looked for families with children everywhere.

From March 1943, overcrowded trains left the Warsaw Ghetto for the gas chambers of the Treblinka concentration camp every day. Three hundred thousand people were killed there in five months.But not everyone waited for transportation, hunger killed earlier. Even before the deportation to the Treblinka concentration camp began, death in the ghetto became a daily routine - from poverty and a half-starved existence (the monthly portion of bread was two kilograms).The liquidation of the ghetto continued for a whole year. Only teenagers and young people working in military factories were left in Warsaw. For the destruction of the Jews, the Nazis had two reliable comrades-in-arms - typhus and hunger.

Every morning Irena saw Jewish children on the street asking for a piece of bread. In the evening (when she returned home) these children were already dead, covered with paper."It was a real hell - hundreds of people were dying right on the streets ...". Irena realized that children must be saved at any cost. The Nazis feared the outbreak of epidemics and allowed medical workers from the Warsaw Health Office to contact Jews. They had access to a heavily guarded ghetto to distribute medicine. In the ghetto, Irena wore a Star of David in solidarity with the Jews.
This "legal" loophole allowed her to save many Jews. Irena organized the secret transfer of children - aged from a few months to fifteen years - from the Warsaw ghetto to freedom.

Irena used the Nazis' fear of the epidemic and found four roads leading children out of hell.Sendler did not act alone. In all the stories about her activities in the ghetto, other people are mentioned. The driver of the truck is known, in the back of which the kids were taken out. The driver had a dog, he put it with him in the cab. As soon as he saw the Germans, he would ruthlessly press the dog's paw, and the poor dog would begin to bark plaintively. Lai was supposed to drown out the cry, if at that moment he heard from the body. Dogs learn quickly, and soon she was barking up at the first movement of her master's foot. This dog also took part in rescuing children... There were not only the truck driver and not only the dog with a wet nose and shining, hungry eyes.Volunteer nurses gave the babies a small dose of sleeping pills and, along with the corpses, took them to the city. There was also the famous tram number 4, the "tram of life" as it was called, which ran all over Warsaw and made stops in the ghetto. The nurses hid the babies in cardboard boxes under his seats and shielded them with their bodies. And children were also taken out of the ghetto in garbage bags and in bales of garbage and bloody bandages intended for the city's garbage dumps. That's right, Irena was taken out of the ghetto in a trash basketin July 1942, his adopted daughter, Elzhbetta Ficowska. She was not even six months old then.The girl's parents were destroyed by the Nazis. Subsequently, the rescued child had to change his name and family. “Without Sendler, I wouldn’t have survived,” says the former girl, now in her sixties and only learning the truth at 17. “The biggest trauma for me was the realization that the woman I loved all my life as a mother, in fact, is not a mother.” Elžbetta runs the "Association for the Children of the Holocaust". She, having learned the truth about her fate at a young age, never stopped dealing with the consequences of those terrible events. Many learned that they were born Jews only at the age of 40-50, and this could not but lead to a reassessment of life values. Elzhbetta provided moral support to such people. For many years she courted then Irena Sendler, whom she rightfully considered her third mother.

Babies were also taken out through the sewers. Once, Sendler even hid the baby under her skirt.The older children were led through secret passages through the buildings that surrounded the ghetto. Operations were calculated in seconds. One rescued boy told how he, hiding, waited around the corner of the house until the German patrol passed, then, counting to 30, he ran headlong into the street to the sewer hatch, which by that moment had been opened from below. He jumped and was led out of the ghetto through sewer pipes.

Irena Sendler recalled what a terrible choice she had to face Jewish mothers, whom she offered to part with their children."Will they be saved?" - Sendler heard this question hundreds of times. But how could she answer him when she did not know if she could save herself. No one could guarantee that they would leave the ghetto alive.

Irena recalled: “I witnessed terrible scenes when, for example, the father agreed to part with the child, but the mother did not. Scream, cry... The next day it often turned out that this family had already been sent to a concentration camp.” “Yes, it was these mothers who were the real heroes,” Irena said, “who trusted me with their children.”

All they knew one thing: if the kids stayed in the ghetto, they would surely die. Irena calculated that in order to save one child, 12 people were needed outside the ghetto, working in complete secrecy: vehicle drivers, employees who got food cards, nurses. But in most cases, these were families or religious parishes that could shelter the fugitives. Children were given new names and placed in nunneries, sympathetic families, orphanages and hospitals.“No one has ever refused me to take in Jewish children who needed to be taken in,” Irena wrote.

One day a little boy, whom Sendler passed on to a Polish family after he spent several months in an orphanage where a nun looked after him, asked Irena: "How many mothers can a person have?" Indeed, everyone who cared about him was his mother.

The Union for Aid to Jews "Zhegota" helped to arrange children in the wild, which took four thousand adults and two and a half thousand children during 1943.In total, "Zhegota" saved about 80 thousand Jews.

It was a tragic paradox that it was sometimes easier to pull a child out of the ghetto than to keep him alive in freedom. Babies were hidden in the most unexpected places. One of the hiding places was the Warsaw Zoo, where actor Alexander Zelverowicz and climber Wojciech Zhukavsky hid forty children. The real heroines were Polish nuns. Helping Sendler, the sisters saved 500 Jewish children and paid for it with their own lives: in 1944, at the Warsaw cemetery, the Nazis doused them with gasoline and burned them alive.

Irena Sendler risked her own life, the life of her mother, because helping Jews was considered a crime and punishable by death.

This little round-faced woman was not only a brave person, but also a very organized, responsible worker. For each child, she started a card, where she wrote down his former name, his new name, as well as the address of the foster family. Much has been written and much is known about Polish anti-Semitism during the war, but there were also families who took their children in during this time of famine. Irena Sendler also entered the address and number of the orphanage on the card. It was a whole system of salvation that worked in the very center of despair, hopelessness, hunger, darkness and destruction. Irena, like midwives in the times of the Old Testament, saved the future of the Jewish people - their children - from the hands of a merciless enemy.

In 1943, Irena Sendler was arrested by an anonymous denunciation. GEstapovites raided on October 20, in her name day. Irene and handed the papers with the names of the children to her friend, so that she hid them, and she herself went to open the door. The friend was not arrested. The Gestapo, unable to find the documents, thought that Irena was only a small cog and not the central figure in the ghetto rescue network. She was taken away.

Alexey Polikovsky, a Novaya Gazeta columnist who researched the biography of Irena Sendler, writes: “Irena Sendler was arrested on the basis of an anonymous denunciation. Anonymous has not been disclosed so far and will never be disclosed. This person goes into the darkness of time without a name and surname. Just a figure without a face or voice, just a dark silhouette against a bright window. Remaining anonymous, he refused the reward. So, they were not driven by self-interest. He could not have personal hostility to Irena Sendler. So what motivated him, this man? Only a professional doctor in rubber gloves and a professional writer with an interest in any manifestations of life can delve into the slippery tangle of concepts that lived in his soul.
Perhaps there was not one motivation, but several. First, anti-Semitism. He could not allow a Polish woman, his compatriot, to save Jewish children at a time when the Germans were destroying them. Secondly, vigilance and passion for order. It is impossible to violate the laws established by the government, even if it is German... Everything could be completely different... How to call that deaf meanness that happens in people. He was a careful, prudent person. He did not want to prowl with his denunciation in the light of public viewing. I understood that it was better to stay away from the Germans. And it is also better to stay away from the Poles, you never know how things can turn around. He reported where it was necessary, showed vigilance, satisfied his passion for order ... and live in peace further ... "

Irena was afraid of torture. But most of all she was afraid that the lists with the names of Jewish children would not be lost. In the Gestapo, Irena Sendler had her arms and legs broken. Under torture, Irena did not reveal anything. During interrogations, she was shown a thick folder with denunciations from acquaintances and strangers. There were moments of consolation when she received a note from friends: "We are doing everything to pull you out of this hell."
Alexey Polikovsky continues: “
She did not give the Germans the location of the tree under which the jar with the names and addresses of the children was buried, and thus prevented them from finding the children she saved and sending them to Treblinka. She did not betray her comrades from the municipality, who were doing documents for the children. She did not betray those who helped her to take the children out through the courthouse adjoining the ghetto. Not only did she not betray anyone, she also did not forget how to smile. Everyone who met her writes that she always smiled. All the pictures had a smile on her round face» .

For three months, the Nazis kept Irena in the Pawiak prison, and then they sentenced her to death.Then the underground reached out to one of the highest Gestapo officers and bribed him. Irena was released, officially announcing her death. Polikovsky writes:The vaunted German bureaucracy proved corrupt. It is a blessing that bureaucrats can be corrupt, corruption in some conditions is the only way leading to saving lives…”.

It happened inlate February 1944. Irena, along with other suicide bombers, was sent to the Gestapo on Shukha Street. A few hours before the execution German soldier called in redeemed Ire well, Sendler with broken arms and legs and a face swollen from beatingsto the investigator for interrogation. But there was no interrogation.The soldier pushed her out and shouted in Polish: "Run away!"People from "Zhegota" picked her up. The underground provided her with documents for a different surname.The next day, Sandler found her name on the lists of the executed. They didn’t look for her anymore - the prayers of the saved children kept their deliverer. Until the end of the war, she lived in hiding, but continued to help Jewish children.

Later, Irena said: “The underground organization appreciated me, but first of all it was about children. Only I owned the whole list. On small sheets of tissue paper, so that they could be easily hidden, the data was written: “Helenka Rubinstein, new name - Glowacka and encrypted address.”

After the war, Irena Sendler opened her glass jar. She was a very tenacious woman. She took out her cards and tried to find
rescued children and their parents.

Irena handed over the entire card index to Adolf Berman, who was a secretary in Żegota, and in 1947 became the head of the Central Committee of Jews in Poland. The committee searched for rescued Jewish children and took them to Israel.

She also faced the death penalty in post-war Poland for having been funded by the Polish Government-in-Exile in London during the war.

After the war, Irena Sendler continued to work in the Social Patronage, created shelters for children and the elderly. She created the Mother and Child Care Center.

Irena was "restricted to travel abroad". In the USSR and in the countries of "people's democracy", to which post-war Poland belonged, permission was required from the "security agencies" under the ruling communist parties to travel abroad. And there were black lists of those who were not allowed to leave regardless of anything.

Irena's daughter, Janina, passed the entrance exams to Warsaw University, but she was denied admission because of her mother's past - helping Jews. Education had to be received in absentia. "What sins have you taken on your conscience, mother?" her daughter asked. It wasn't until some time later that she found out about everything. In one of the interviews Irena Sendler asked an American journalistU. S. News“Did your daughter know about your help to Jewish children?” replied that she never boasted about it to anyone, because she thought it was normal to help those who were dying. It was a very sore subject for her. She was sure that she could do more ... The daughter learned all the details about her mother's feat only when she visited Israel.

In the same interview, she was asked what was the scariest moment in her life? She replied that one picture would forever remain in her memory: a column of Jewish orphans from the ghetto, dressed in elegant suits and dresses that they wore to worship, and in front of the columns - a clergyman. He went with them to their deaths.

In 1965, the Israeli National Memorial of the Catastrophe and Heroism "Yad Vashem", which means "Memory and Name", honored Irena Sendler with the highest honor that a non-Jew can receive: he was included in the lists of the Righteous of the World and invited to plant a new one on the Alley of the Righteous wood. It was not until 1983 that the Polish authorities lifted her travel ban and allowed her to travel to Jerusalem, where a tree was planted in her honor.

In 2003, Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski awarded her the Order of the White Eagle, Poland's highest award.A bit late she was recognized in her homeland ...

The world generally knew little about Irena Sendler until 1999, when several teenage girls from Kansas in the USA, Liz Cumbers, Megan Stewart, Sabrina Koons and Janice Underwood discovered her story. These schoolgirls from the city's rural high schoolUniontownwere looking for a theme for the National History Day project. Their teacher, Norman Conrad, gave them an article called "The Other Schindler" about Irene Sendler from the newspaper "USnewsandworldreport» for 1994. The leitmotif of the school project was the words from Jewish wisdom: "He who saves one person saves the whole world." And the girls decided to explore her life. An internet search turned up only one website that mentioned Irena Sendler. (Now there are more than three hundred thousand). With the help of their teacher, they began to restore the history of this forgotten Holocaust hero. The girls thought that Irena Sendler had died and were looking for where she was buried. To their surprise and delight, they discovered that she was living with relatives in a small apartment in Warsaw. They wrote a play about her called Life in a Bank, which has since been played over two hundred times in the US, Canada and Poland. In May 2001 they first visited Irena in Warsaw and through the international press made Irena's story known to the world.Megan Stewart described her first meeting with Irena Sendler: “We ran into the room andrushed to hug this woman. She just took us by the hands and said that she would like to hear about our life. Liz Cumbers said admiringly to Sendler, “We love you so much! Your heroic deed is an example for us! You are our hero!” Then this tiny old woman in a wheelchair, less than one and a half meters tall, replied: “A hero is one who performs outstanding deeds. And in what I did, there is nothing outstanding. These are normal things to do.” She knew whom she served, in her heart lived the humility of a slave, worthless, faithful to her Master. Lech Kaczynski and the Children of the Holocaust Society petitioned for the nomination of Irena Sandler for Nobel Prize peace.In this regard, newspapers wrote about her that year.Many of the children she saved, already old people, tried to find her in order to thank her.

However, Irena Sendler did not become a Nobel laureate - the committee considered her merits insufficient.And received the Nobel PrizeUS Vice President Al Gore for his lecture on energy conservation,"for his efforts to gather and disseminate as much knowledge as possible about human-induced climate change and to lay the foundation for measures to counteract such change."

Journalist Alexei Polikovsky commented on this as follows: “The award was dishonored. This is a dummy in which there is no point, but there is only money. It is even more surprising that Al Gore, a respectable man living in a big house, in need of nothing, belonging, as they say, to the powers that be, accepted the award. The rich became even richer, the well-fed became even more well-fed, the world nomenclature divided one more piece among themselves, and the little quiet woman, as she lived in her one-room apartment in Warsaw, remained there to live. It is difficult to describe in words the feat of this woman. She devoted her youth to the fact that day after day she went to the ghetto. This is a simple and at the same time majestic story about a woman who, risking her life, saved Jewish children, about a driver, about a dog, about a glass jar buried in the garden. Before some topics and events human language just dumb..." April 11, 2007 97-year-old Irena Sendler - on the recommendation of a teenager Shimon Plotsennik from the city of Zielona Góra - was awarded the Order of Smile. According to tradition, before receiving the award, she had to drink a glass of lemon juice, and then smile. She valued this award very much, because her children gave it to her.
May 24, 2007 she was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Warsaw and the city

When American journalists told Irena that they wanted to make a film about her life, she replied: “Make this film in order to help Americans understand what this war really was, what the ghetto looked like, what kind of battle took place there. And so that the soul of everyone who saw all this could weep.” Her daughter was against filming a film about her mother, but then, when she saw the result, she was shocked.

On July 30, 2008, the US House of Representatives passed a resolution in memory of Irena Sandler, Hero of Poland.

In April 2009, when Irena was no longer alive, a television film "The brave heart of Irena Sendlerfilmed in autumn 2008 inLatvia.

The world has not become immoral just now - it has always beenso - from the moment of the fall ... The reward is not always received by the one who deserves it more than others.The life of Irena Sendler is a confirmation of how many modest heroes live among us, being a testament to love for one's neighbor, which in trouble realizes itself as heroism.

For the former Israeli Ambassador to Poland, Professor Shevach Weiss, Irena Sendler wasthe embodiment of the righteous of the world. He wrote: “She will surely ask God, ‘Lord, where were You during those terrible times? And God will answer her: "I was in Your heart."

In an interview with the Polish Radio News Agency, Professor Mark Edelman said: "Irena Sendler is an unusual person, a person with a big heart, who can be an example for everyone."

Chief Rabbi of Poland Michael Schudrich is sure that Irena Sendler showed with her life that the main thing is to help another person.

And here are the words of the chairman of the Shalom Foundation, Golda Tenzer, said after the death of Irena Sendler: “It was a great happiness for me that I knew her.” Tenzer emphasized that Irena retained the youth of her spirit until the end of her life. “She was a wonderful person with a dove heart. The world is crying for her."

The head of the Union of Jewish Communities Piotr Kadlicik noted that Irena Sendler saved the future of the Jewish people. She, according to him, was a person who perfectly understood what the purpose and meaning of human life was.

The newspaper Žiče Warsaw quotes the opinion of Bishop Josef Zycinski of Lublin: “... The life of Irena Sendler is a quiet valor without an atmosphere of hype ... It is a pity that she is no longer there. Let's hope God in heaven rewards her for what she did on earth. And we ourselves must learn to look for moral authorities around us, although some argue that the only reality is nihilism and emptiness. Pani Irena resolutely refuted such opinions with her life.

God grant that we, modern Christians, do not lose the salt that keeps this world from evil and decay.

Irena Sendler (Sendlerova, nee Krzyzanowski) is an underground activist who rescued 2,500 Jewish children from the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. The Israeli Holocaust Museum Yad Vashem awarded Irena the title of Righteous Among the Nations, along with Nikolai Kiselyov and Oscar Schindler. This woman, with the help of the Zegota resistance organization in German-occupied Warsaw, provided the children with forged documents and, with a team of like-minded people, smuggled them out of the ghetto, giving them to shelters, private families and monasteries.

Irena Sendler was born on February 15, 1910 in Warsaw into a Polish Catholic family, but grew up in the city of Otwock. Her father, Stanislav Krzyzanowski, was a doctor. Stanisław died of typhus in February 1917, contracted by a patient of his who had been refused treatment by his colleague. Many of these patients were Jewish. Stanislav taught his daughter: if a person is drowning, you should try to save him, even if you yourself cannot swim.

After the death of her father, Irena moved to Warsaw with her mother. The leaders of the Jewish community offered Irena's mother to pay for her daughter's education. The girl from childhood sympathized with the Jews. At that time, in some universities in Poland, there was a rule according to which Jews were supposed to sit on the benches reserved for them at the end of the lecture hall. Irena and some of her like-minded people, in protest, sat at such benches together with the Jews. In the end, Irena was expelled from the university for three years.

In 1931, Irena married Mieczysław Sendlerov, an employee of the Department of Classical Philology at the University of Warsaw. However, later she will divorce him and marry Stefan Zgrzembski, from whom Irena will have a daughter, Janka, and a son, Adam.

During the Nazi occupation of Poland, Sendler lived in Warsaw (before that she worked in the city departments of Social Security in Otwock and Tarczyn). In early 1939, when the Nazis took over Poland, she began helping the Jews. Irena, along with assistants, created about 3,000 fake documents to help Jewish families before joining the underground resistance organization Zegota. Helping the Jews was extremely risky; all household members would have been shot immediately if a hiding Jew were found in their dwelling.

In December 1942, the newly formed Jewish Relief Council "Zegota" invited Irene to head their "children's unit" under the assumed name of Iolanthe. As a social worker, she had special permission to enter the Warsaw ghetto. According to her position, she had to check the inhabitants of the ghetto for signs of typhus, because the Germans were very afraid that the infection could spread beyond its borders. During these visits, Irena wore a Star of David headband as a sign of solidarity with the Jews, and also in order not to draw unnecessary attention to herself.

She carried children out of the Jewish ghetto in boxes, suitcases, and also on carts. Under the pretense of checking sanitary conditions during outbreaks of typhus, Sendler went to the ghetto and took small children out of it in an ambulance, sometimes disguised as luggage or carry-on luggage. She also used an old courthouse on the outskirts of the Warsaw ghetto (which still stands) as her main transfer point.

Children were left in Polish families, Warsaw orphanages or monasteries. Sendler worked closely with social worker and Catholic nun Matilda Getter.

Irena wrote down the data on the children taken out and put them in jars, which she buried under a tree in her friend's garden. These banks contained information about the real and fictitious names of the children, as well as data on where they were taken and to which family they originally belonged. This was done so that after the end of the war, children could be returned to their families.

In 1943 Sendler was arrested by the Gestapo, severely tortured and sentenced to death. She didn't betray anyone. Luckily, "Zegota" saved her by bribing German guards on the way to her execution site. Irena was thrown into the forest, unconscious, with broken legs and arms. Sendler's name was on the lists of the executed. Until the end of the war, she had to hide, but she continued to save Jewish children. After the war, Irena took out buried jars, which contained 2,500 records of children. Some children managed to be returned to their families, but, unfortunately, many of the parents were destroyed in concentration camps or went missing.

After the war, Irena Sendler continued to be persecuted by the secret police, as her activities during the war were sponsored by the Polish government. Interrogations of the pregnant Irena eventually led to the miscarriage of her second child in 1948.

In 1965, Sendler was awarded the title of Righteous Among the Nations by the Jewish organization Yad Vashem. Only this year, the Polish government allowed her to leave the country to receive an award in Israel.

In 2003, John Paul II sent a personal letter to Irene. On October 10, she received the Order of the White Eagle, Poland's highest honor; and the Jan Karski Braveheart Award given to her by the American Center for Polish Culture in Washington DC.

In 2006, the Polish President and the Prime Minister of Israel nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize, but the prize was awarded to US Vice President Al Gore.

Irena Sendler died on May 12, 2008 in her room at a private hospital in Warsaw. She was 98 years old.

In May 2009, she was posthumously awarded the Audrey Hepburn Philanthropy Award. Named after a famous actress and UNICEF Ambassador, this award is presented to people and organizations that help children.

Sendler was the last survivor of the "Children's Section" of the Zegota organization, which she led from January 1943 until the end of the war.

American filmmaker Mary Skinner began working on a documentary based on the memoirs of Irena Sendler in 2003. This film will include the last interview of Irena herself, made shortly before her death. Three assistants of Irena and several Jewish children, whom they saved, took part in the shooting of the film.

The film, shot in Poland and America with cameramen Andrey Wulf and Slawomir Grünberg, will recreate the places where Irena lived and worked. This is the first documentary about the feat of Sendler. Mary Skinner recorded about 70 hours of interviews for the film and spent seven years poring over the archives, talking to experts in the story, as well as witnesses in the US and Poland, to unearth previously unknown details about Irena's life and work. The film will premiere in the US in May 2011.

Back in 2010, I was a rare "dense ignorant" and stupid, gullible, demschizoic overage young man.
That's why I posted this:

And now if you please - criticism of this case:

Irina Sandler: true or false?

“Recently, on the Internet, all sorts of dense ignorant people are actively dragging from page to page a photo of a good-looking old woman with the following sentimental text: “Look at this woman - and remember her forever! Recently, at the age of 98, a woman named Irena Sandler died. During the Second World War II, Irena received a permit to work in the Warsaw Ghetto as a plumber. She had "ulterior motives" for this. Being German, she knew about the Nazi plans for the Jews. At the bottom of a tool bag, she began to at the back of the truck she had a sack for older children.There she also drove a dog, which she trained to bark when the German guards let the car in and out through the gates of the ghetto.The soldiers naturally did not want to mess with the dog, and its barking covered the sounds that could during this activity, Irena managed to take out of the ghetto and, thereby, save 2500 children. she kept a record of the names of all the children she carried, she kept the lists in a glass jar buried under a tree in her backyard. After the war, she tried to find all possible surviving parents and reunite families. But most of them ended their lives in the gas chambers. Last year, Irena Sandler was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She was not elected... I am making my small contribution by forwarding this letter to you. Help us spread it around the world."

Wiping away an uninvited tear, I still could not resist the following non-politically kosher comment: What a blatant and shameless lie! Guys, at least look at what you are signing up for! 2,500 Jewish children carried out at the bottom of a shopping bag are not even “bullshit nonsense”, they are, in fascist language, some kind of pizdochen schwanz! Do you even imagine such a number? The Warsaw Ghetto is known to have existed for a little over 500 days. It turns out that every day the brave plumber Sandler, taking advantage of the reverent horror of German submachine gunners in front of a yapping mongrel, endured 5 children on her! But these are not pieces of soap that can be stuffed into pockets and dragged wherever they go (by the way, after the war, the Zionists tried to convince the whole world that soap in Germany was made from Jews. A little later, however, they admitted that they were joking ...) Agree, some kind of strange ghetto, from which you can roam back and forth, leading whole crowds of juvenile prisoners behind you. Was there a front yard? And then, what did this kind Nobel soul do with so many lucky ones? Handed it over to the guardians from the German authorities? Parents - then by that time they were no longer there, as is clear from the text - they were poisoned "in the gas chambers" ... Now attention! To date, there is not a single evidence of the murder of Jews with the help of gas. No wonder such a well-known falsifier of history as Spielberg, in his “Schindler's List” advertised to the whole world (if you want to get an Oscar, shoot about the Holocaust!) did not dare to show a “gassing action”. Even in today's times, this is an extremely costly and dangerous (primarily for the executioners themselves) procedure. When in one of the American states they set out to kill a criminal in this way, they had to evacuate the entire prison and the streets adjacent to it ... And they are trying to convince us that the Germans, experiencing a colossal need for labor (in the same Auschwitz, for example, they produced strategically important rubber ) holocaust 6 million people through gas chambers. As the Jews themselves say: Do not tell my slippers! ..

“No, just look at him! - some excessively impressionable reader will exclaim - There is nothing sacred for anti-Semitic cattle! And he will be right. Because I decided not to dwell on this remark, but to acquaint you with even more interesting facts concerning one of the most shameless and inhumane scams of the 20th century. Anticipating accusations of anti-Semitism, fascism and cannibalism (which for burry liars and talkers are, in fact, the same thing), I note that I have nothing against the Jews and attributing all these mortal sins to me is just as wrong as trying to equalize the Zionists (who organized on a couple with the Nazis Holocaust) and ordinary Jews who became victims of this monstrous blood scam. I'm just good at history and I would like you to know it just as well ...

So, until now, in world historiography, it is generally accepted that the initiators of the bloody massacre that claimed the lives of tens of millions of people around the world were the National Socialists, led by the demon-possessed Fuhrer. All this is true, but only in part. The Zionist behind the scenes carefully hides the fact that Hitler was just a puppet in Jewish hands and clearly carried out the instructions sent down to him from above. Those who conceived and paid for the incitement of the Second World War have been blackmailing the rest of humanity for several decades. "Holocaust" - a crime, the authors-performers of which they themselves are! Truly, there is no limit to the impudence of the Jews!.. What happened in reality?..

In the early 30s, immediately after Rothschild's emissary Trotsky was thrown out of the USSR, which meant the country's turn to independence from the international financial kahal, Jewish bankers brought Adolf Hitler to power in Germany (and you seriously believe that a rogue, who often did not have enough money to pay for a mug of beer in a Munich bar, could afford to conduct mass election campaigns and propaganda?) helped him rearm German army and threw it on the Soviet Union. During this "Drang nah osten" a huge number of goyim of different nationalities died (which is always welcomed by the Jews), as well as a certain number of Jews useless for Zion. Actually, the Jewish elite (and not the fascists, as many people think) own the idea of ​​​​destroying part of the Jewish people so that the rest, frightened, began to hastily move to Palestine. The strategy of these scoundrels was to incite Hitler to more and more severe anti-Semitic measures to oppress the Jews. On the one hand, this pushed the German Jews to emigrate to Palestine, on the other hand, the Zionists argued to the governments of the Western powers that it was necessary to create their own national home for the Jews. The propaganda of "horrors" about the extermination of the Jews, which began in 1942, was also aimed at the same. So it was the Zionists, and not Hitler, who came up with the idea of ​​driving Jews into concentration camps, it was the Zionists, and not Hitler, who robbed the unfortunate, doomed to death people to the last thread ... The results of this bloody scam were not long in coming. Immediately after the end of World War II, a new Jewish state, Israel, was created in the original Arab territories.

The German writer Hennecke Kardel in his book “Adolf Hitler - the founder of Israel” writes about one of the main organizers of the Holocaust: “SS comrades were surprised how this Jew Eichmann with a pronounced Semitic nose got into their circle. “He has the key to the synagogue sticking out in the middle of his face,” they said, but they were interrupted: “Silence! Fuhrer's order!" Everyone understood that the Fuhrer was always right, and Eichmann began his activities in the Berlin Bureau, for which his defender Servatius, at the trial in Jerusalem in the early 60s, demanded an order for him, since Eichmann helped the Jews settle Palestine ... "A little later, Israeli the secret services caught the legendary exterminator of the Jews - Adolf Eichmann (he knew too much about the behind-the-scenes agreements of the Fuhrer with the Zionists), tried him and hanged him in Israel. They say that Eichmann's last words on the scaffold were - "Well, hang, hang... There will be one less Jew..."

Today, not a single serious historian will undertake to deny the fact that the so-called. The “Holocaust” and “pogroms” the Jews “owe” exclusively to the Jews (remember the famous: “because of you, the Jews, Jews do not like us!”) It has long been known, for example, that there were clear agreements between the Nazis and the Zionists regarding the Jewish population of Germany. Hitler did not touch a single Jew without consulting the Jewish elite. Only those who were of no interest to the Zionists were destroyed. Those that were richer, under the protection of the SS men, went to Europe and Palestine. The poor were driven straight to the concentration camps. One of the main ideologists of Zionism, Chaim Weizmann, said bluntly: “the old Jews are just dust, economic and spiritual dust in a cruel world, and therefore must disappear” ... Researchers are already struck by the very confidence of the forecast: after all, in 1937, when this statement was made, even not a single Jew died at the hands of the Nazis. Nevertheless, Weizmann confidently predicts the extermination of the Jews, which did not really begin until five years later...

Where does such cruelty towards one's own people come from? The fact is that the calls of the Zionists to master the “legacy of the ancestors” remained the voice of one crying in the desert, for Palestine then was a wild wilderness, into which none of the Jews wanted to go. Try to get some "Russian writer" Katz or "German lawyer" Gotz to leave their homes and go thousands of kilometers away to build kibbutzim. Yes, he will send you to hell and that will be the end of it. A Jewish worker and a collective farm woman is just some kind of anecdote... And then the top of Zion drew up a plan for the forcible resettlement of their European compatriots to the "promised land". Theodor Herzl, when asked what could force Jews to leave their countries and establish a Jewish state, answered categorically: “Anti-Semites!” And they did not fail to appear! Smart-assed Jews began to drive Jews to Israel with the help of the Nazis. Those who did not want to leave Europe were considered by the Zionists as traitors - apostates and were subject to destruction. When the same Chaim Weizmann, who later became the first president of Israel, was offered to ransom the Jews in German concentration camps, he cynically replied: “All these Jews are not worth even one Palestinian cow” ... So the “holocaust” (which in Hebrew means burnt offering) - is nothing more than the inhuman sacrifice by the leaders of Zionism of hundreds of thousands of sick, poor and defenseless Jews (women, old people, children ...) on the altar of the "great goal" - building the state of Israel ...

The Jewish writer Hana Arend admitted: “In general, the role of the Zionist leaders in the destruction of their own people is for us, undoubtedly, the darkest chapter in this whole unsightly history. Both in Europe occupied by the Wehrmacht and in the occupied part of the USSR, the Nazis could count on the fact that their Jewish assistants would draw up lists of persons and an inventory of property, get money for deportation and destruction of "human ballast", register the vacated apartments and provide the police to help grab Jews and shove them into trains...” The fact that in the death camps the Jewish Sonderkommandos themselves provided direct assistance in the destruction of the victims is a fact that has long been known, it is fully confirmed by witnesses:

“Among the 13 works that I presented at an exhibition in the Palace of Arts in Minsk in 1980,” recalls a former prisoner of fascist concentration camps, artist M.A. Savitsky, “there was one called “Summer Theater”. - So the Nazis, whose humor was peculiar and cynical, called the destruction after the execution in open pits of the corpses of their victims ... In the picture on both sides of the bulldozer, which rakes the bodies of the dead and tortured into the pit for burning, I painted two black figures. On the one hand, this is an SS man with a machine gun, on the other, a prisoner with a Star of David on his chest. Concerning this second figure the strongest scandal has burst. According to some hotheads, it turned out that with this picture I offended the Jews. But I knew what I was writing. After all, it is a fact that among the camp authorities, as well as in the teams that burned the corpses, there were many Jews. I was told it was a lie. I stood my ground. Then the Minister of Culture was hastily sent to one of the extermination camps in Poland. They showed him the documents, confirmed that yes, it was so. However, the scandal grew. They demanded to remove, if not the painting itself, then the sign from the prisoner's chest... A real terror began against me. Strangers repeatedly called home: at night, early in the morning ... with threats: “You are not a tenant now, we will kill you, and destroy your work” ... Then my son and I discovered that out of thirteen works, at least eight were damaged by punches, fists ... They wrote to the UN, UNESCO, to the New York Times. Svoboda and Voice of America were tirelessly talking about the "anti-Semitic" work, not counting other echoes. Worn with many letters, even in the name of Brezhnev ... I signed that I "acquainted myself", disdaining to read them. Because I was deeply convinced: there was not a drop of lies in any of my paintings ... "

It is impossible not to pay attention to one more surprising circumstance noted by many researchers: as we are assured, millions of Jews died, however, for some reason, there were no famous people among them. With the exception of Janusz Korczak, a writer and educator killed in Treblinka, and historian Semyon Dubnov, who died at the age of 81 in the Riga ghetto, it is difficult to name any prominent representative of the Jews who perished under the rule of the Nazis: they all either left the occupied territory, or by some “miracle” ”survived in the Nazi paws. Anyone can name prominent figures of the Jewish religion, culture or politics, not to mention Jewish business, who fell victims of the notorious Holocaust. Amazing: "six million victims" - and not a single celebrity! ..

Let us now turn to the quantitative indicators of the Holocaust. Where did this figure of 6 million come from? Here is what the historian and scholar Jurgen Graf writes about this: “Our amazement will have no bounds if we turn to the newspaper American Jews, where the “Holocaust” is mentioned in the issue of October 31, 1919: the author of the article talks about the destruction of “ six million Jewish men, women and children." It is impossible to understand where and how that “holocaust” was carried out from the crazy writings in the newspaper, but the number 6 million was named 7 times ... But where is the answer, why this figure is absolutely needed: it was taken from antiquity, this sacred number was borrowed by crazy politicians from Talmud"... It is clear that having determined the magic figure, the Zionists began to "fill it with real content." In his book The Zion Controversy, Douglas Reid describes the technology of such manipulations: “The Jews were singled out from the general mass of Hitler's victims and their number arbitrarily inflated from day to day: the burning of unwanted literature in Germany turned into a “burning of Jewish literature”; concentration camps, in which 90% of the prisoners were Germans, turned into "concentration camps for Jews"; in a wartime report about the murder of "150,000 Belarusians, Ukrainians and Jews" in German-occupied areas, this phrase was changed to "150,000 Jews", etc. without end "...

Back in the 19th century, the famous Russian writer Nikolai Leskov (author of the famous "Lefty") wrote a story with the telling title "Jewish somersault", which dealt with the tricks that the Jews then resorted to in order to avoid military service. Exactly the same swindle, only with numbers, the Zionists are engaged in now. Immediately after the war, Jewish propaganda declared that "5 million human beings were killed in Auschwitz." How many of these "human beings" were Jews was not said at first. The fact is that the Germans did not separate the prisoners along ethnic lines. In the card indexes that have come down to our time, it was indicated from which country the prisoners arrived, their names and the total number. For example, prisoners from the Soviet-German front were called Russians, although among them were Ukrainians, Belarusians, and representatives of other nationalities that inhabited the Soviet Union. How the Jews subsequently managed to determine that all those who died in Auschwitz were Jews is still a mystery. But nothing is impossible for the Jews... The surviving documents also make it possible to accurately determine the total number of prisoners in the same Auschwitz. For example, in September 1942 there were about 4 thousand prisoners in the camp, and by September 1943 their number had grown to 20 thousand people. As we can see, we are not talking about any millions here. And a small Polish village could not accommodate so many people! ..

It must be said that with the attempts of a scientific and documentary approach to the study of the Holocaust, the number of its victims has consistently decreased. Here is how these figures changed as scientists and researchers, including Jewish ones, exposed the false data of Zionist swindlers about the victims of concentration camps: 9.0 million people. - according to the film "Kristallnacht"; 8.0 million people - according to the report of the French department for war crimes; 7.0 million people - according to the testimony of prisoner Raphael Feidelson; 6.0 million people - according to the Jewish publisher Tiberius Kremer; 5.0 million people - according to the newspaper "Le Monde" dated 20.04.1978; 4.0 million people - according to the Nuremberg Tribunal; 3.0 million people - According to the Israeli Holocaust expert Yehuda Bauer in 1982; 2.0 million people - according to the "confession" of the SS Perry Broad; 1.0 million people - according to the statement of Raul Hilberg; 500 thousand people - according to the statement of Zh.K. Pressac in 1994... As you can see, the number of victims of the Jewish catastrophe is catastrophically decreasing over time. But according to the Zionist laws of mathematics, if you subtract 5.5 million from 6 million, you still have 6 million...

“But what about Babi Yar?” - you ask? In this ravine alone, according to official historians, more than 150,000 Jews were exterminated... Well, it depends on which side you look at, my dear reader. There is no documentary evidence or material evidence of the massacres at Babi Yar. So far, not a single forensic examination has been carried out there! The Soviet underground workers, who had radio transmitters at their disposal and regularly reported to the "Mainland" about everything that was happening in Kyiv, did not mention the executions in Babi Yar. At the same time, it is known for certain that more than 150 thousand people were evacuated from Kyiv to the east in the summer of 1941 - all the then Jewish population of the city. That is why Kyiv, in fact, did not defend itself - the Jewish authorities were busy with their evacuation. The question is: where did the additional 150,000 Jews allegedly killed by the Germans at Babi Yar come from, should probably be considered anti-Semitic? bloodless... Investigators found 47 terrible stab wounds on the corpse of the schoolboy... The case of the Jew Beilis, who was accused of committing this savage crime, then shocked all of Russia. But today, few people know about it ...

The most indisputable fact of the so-called. Holocaust is that so far not a single document, order or directive has been found confirming that it actually happened and that the Germans really planned mass destruction Jews! This has become a real headache for Zionist propaganda. “Remember,” writes Holocaust scholar Germar Rudolph, “the crime in question is considered the largest genocide in human history. Its victims in three years were, allegedly, more than six million people, it covered almost the entire European continent and involved countless institutions and small employees: someone built gas chambers, someone delivered gas cylinders, someone unloaded corpses, someone brought them to the crematorium, someone raked out the ashes ... And all this huge and complexly organized work does not leave the slightest trace in official papers ... It remains to be assumed only one thing: either meticulous German bureaucrats, accustomed to fixing their every step on paper, suddenly , as if by magic they mastered the art of telepathy, or the Holocaust, in the form in which the Zionists paint it for us, did not exist ... "

Another big problem for official historiography is the lack of mass graves near the so-called. "death camps". At first, the Zionists babbled something about the destruction of corpses in crematoria, but after it turned out that it was simply impossible to burn such a number of Jews in camp ovens (even if the crematoria worked 25 hours a day and disposed of a hundred corpses per minute), the Zionists declared that the Nazis burned people in the open air too ... They combined, so to speak, business with pleasure ... Fate once threw me to India, where in the holy city of Varanasi I had the opportunity to observe the process of cremation of the dead Hindus. So, I can testify that it is not so easy to burn a human corpse. It's not like setting a mosquito on fire with a lighter. This process is very laborious and lengthy. As a local guide told me, one corpse takes up to 200 kilograms of firewood, the body burns for at least two hours and does not completely burn out. Its charred parts are dumped by the Hindus into the sacred waters of the Ganges, but what did the Nazis do with the “waste of their production”, if they still cannot find a single burned fragment either on the territory of concentration camps or in the district? ..

And now, with the help of Germar Rudolf and his hushed-up Lectures on the Holocaust, let's list a number of parameters that the legendary bonfires for burning corpses should have had according to the testimony of "Holocaust survivors." For example, let's take the Nazi “extermination camp” Treblinka: “The number of corpses (murdered Jews) is 870,000; duration of cremations - April-June 1943 (122 days); the number of corpses per day - 7.250; number of gratings for cremation - 2; number of corpses per grate per day 3.625 = 163.125 kg; the amount of firewood per grate per day 570.937.5 kg; the height of the pile of corpses and firewood is 26.4 m (nine-story building!); the total amount of firewood required is 137,025,000 kg... According to the same witnesses, one team of lumberjacks, consisting of 25 people, got firewood. A little arithmetic. This team would have to work hard for 122 consecutive days, fell 1,148 tons of trees, cut them into logs and take them to the camp. This means at least 760 trees per day, or about 30 trees per brother per day... This also means that about 280 hectares of forest (2.8 km²) would have to be cleared. However, on the aerial photographs of Treblinka, which were taken at that time by the allied aircraft, there is not the slightest sign of anything like that. It also lacks the giant mountains of ash that such cremations should have left behind. If the ashes were evenly distributed over the territory of the camp where all this allegedly took place, then the entire area would have risen by almost four meters! It should also not be assumed that such a method of cremation would completely turn all the corpses into ashes. There would be many fragments of bones and charred parts of corpses, as well as the remains of firewood and charcoal - countless millions of such fragments. But they don't exist!"

Once again, like any normal person, I deeply regret the fact of the death of millions of people (including Jews) during the Second World War. I never divided these unfortunates along national lines. But those who today are trying to cover their dirty financial dealings on the blood of the innocently killed, singling them out into a separate caste and inventing monstrous stories about the Holocaust, cause contempt in me. In this regard, questions: when the Zionists set up cubes in the center of Berlin with a list of all the victims of the Holocaust, demanding repentance and money from the Germans (otherwise, why bother with a garden?) do they incite ethnic hatred? "No," you say. Then why, when we remember that the Gulag was organized by ethnic Jews Bronstein, Kogan, Frenkel, we are immediately shouted about “Russian fascism” that “raises its head”? What is the difference between the Jewish commissars who unleashed the Red Terror in Russia and destroyed millions of Russian people from the SS men who liquidated Jews in concentration camps? If the murder of Jews in a gas chamber is considered the crown of evil today, can the atomic bombing of Japanese cities be considered as such? The total destruction of the civilian population of Dresden by Allied aircraft? Siege of Leningrad? Why is no one raising their voice in defense of these victims of genocide? Why has not a single reliable proof of the existence of gas chambers been presented so far? (Except for the unfounded assertion that "they were"). Where are the documents (at least one!) Signed by Hitler, on the basis of which the decision was made on the so-called. "final solution of the Jewish question"? Why is there no mention of the Holocaust in Winston Churchill's famous three-volume book about World War II? Why do the numbers of victims of the Holocaust constantly “dance”? And finally, why are people prosecuted (including criminally) who try to answer all these questions? What is this truth about the Holocaust that must be protected by prison terms?..

But let's continue... In his book The Myth of the Holocaust, the Swiss scholar Jurgen Graf writes: “You will be extremely surprised, but the entire history of the Holocaust is based on the testimony of less than two dozen key witnesses! The rest of his "victims" do not even claim to be eyewitnesses; they heard about the gas chambers from second and third parties... The only thing that is indisputable is that there are genuine photographs of dead and living skeletons in German concentration camps taken after they were liberated by the Allied forces. But by no means do they serve as proof of the systematic extermination of Jews, since even the official point of view of historians is that these corpses are victims of epidemics that have spread widely in the last months of the war that have thrown everything into chaos. Argument: I myself saw it in the movies, on television! - able to impress a very simple, trusting soul. All films about the extermination of Jews - "The Holocaust", "Shoah", "Schindler's List" - appeared many years after the end of the war and therefore, naturally, do not have any probative force. It is no coincidence that such a craft as "Schindler's List" was filmed in black and white. In this way, they try to give the uneducated viewer the impression that this is a documentary film "...

So, it turned out that there is no real evidence of the Nazis using gas to kill people. The lie rests only on a few Jewish witnesses, and the world knows what kind of “truth-mongers” these are. Among the more than 150,000 documents that punctual Germans kept in Auschwitz day after day, there is not a single mention of execution in gas chambers (believe me, if there was such a document, the Jews would have long been running around with it on all TV channels, like with a written sack) . And what is quite strange - there is not a single act on the autopsy of the bodies of the dead, which would confirm death from gas! Often Jews refer to the testimony of the Nazis themselves, allegedly confirming the massacres. But how were these "confessions" obtained? Let us turn to the fate of the commandant of Auschwitz, Rudolf Hess. After the war, he hid in a peasant's house, but in March 1946 he was arrested by the British. He was tortured by a Jew, Sergeant Bernard Clark. In Legions of Death, Rupert Butler describes this "conversation" as follows: "Hess screamed at the sight of the British uniform alone. "What is your name?" - growled Clark, and every time the answer sounded "Franz Long" (the name of the peasant with whom Hess was hiding), Clark's fist fell on the face of the interrogated. From the fourth interrogation Hess identified himself. Then he was stripped naked and stretched out on a slaughterhouse, where Clark got up with him such that screams and blows merged into one cacophony and it seemed that there would be no end to it ... It took three days for Hess to start saying what demanded of him." Hess himself later, shortly before his execution, admitted: “Yes, of course, I signed a statement that I killed 2.5 million Jews. I could also say that there were 5 million of these Jews. There are ways by which any confession can be obtained, whether it be true or not.”

As another example, let's take the testimony of Franz Ziereis, the last commandant of the Mauthausen camp, who was wounded three times in the stomach, after which, bleeding, instead of being sent to the hospital, he was interrogated by the former prisoner of Mauthausen, Hans Marsalek. In his “confession”, the dying Ziereis allegedly stated the following: “SS Gruppenführer Glucks gave the order to treat weak prisoners as sick and kill them with gas in a large installation. About 1.5 million prisoners were killed there. The section in question is called Hartheim, and it is located ten kilometers in the direction of Passau. Would anyone take seriously such a "confession" of a mortally wounded man who is bleeding and not only receiving no help, but also being interrogated by one of his former prisoners? By the way, as the researchers found out, the room in Hartheim Castle, which supposedly was that gas chamber, has an area of ​​​​approximately 26 square meters. m. And they want to make us believe that one and a half million people were killed in a tiny room of the castle? ..

And here is what honest and decent people told during interrogations (although, it would seem, they had a lot of good reasons, to put it mildly, to dislike the Germans). From the testimony of Emil Ber, a prisoner of one of the so-called. “death camps”: “After the investigators told me that experiments were carried out on women in the 10th block, I must say that I did not know this ... In the camp they said that the political department carried out executions. But I don’t know anything more specific about this… I definitely saw how the SS mistreated the prisoners… However, I can’t recall any obvious murders. Also, I do not know of individual cases in which prisoners would die after being beaten by the SS ... I have never seen crematoria and gas chambers. Also, I don’t know which of the SS men worked there ”... Austrian Maria Fanhervaarden was interned in Auschwitz in 1942 for sexual intercourse with a Polish prisoner. Maria confirmed that Auschwitz was not a resort. She witnessed the death of many prisoners from diseases, especially from typhus, some even committed suicide. But she did not see any evidence of either massacres, or gassing, or evidence of the implementation of any plan of extermination ...

“While preparing for the criminal trial of the former Auschwitz police investigator Boger,” writes Hermar Rudolph in his book Lectures on the Holocaust, “the German Jew Marila Rosenthal, who worked for him as a secretary, was interrogated. During interrogation, Rosenthal found that she could not substantiate the accusations leveled against her former boss, as well as general allegations of atrocities allegedly committed in Auschwitz. Among other things, Rosenthal's testimony contained statements about her good relationship with her former boss and about the general working atmosphere: “Boger was polite to me, and I cannot complain about him in relation to me personally. It even got to the point that he regularly handed me some of his food on plates, under the pretext that I should wash them. In addition, he organized the transfer of clothes from the Birkenau camp to me ... He was very polite to other Jewish prisoners who worked in the political department, and we Jews loved him very much. I also remember that Boger did not feel much hatred for the Jews... I can't say anything bad about Boger as far as me and other prisoners are concerned.” What, in my opinion, is the most striking thing is that at this trial Rosenthal's testimony was accepted by the court not as acquittal, but as accusatory evidence! As the judge stated, the atrocities committed in Auschwitz were so terrible that the witness - Marila Rosenthal - received a mental trauma - so strong that she lost all memories of these very atrocities ... "

Now we turn to the testimony, in fact, of the “miraculously saved victims of Nazism” themselves, and the material collected by the same Rudolf will help us in this: witnessed the following scene: “I continued to stay behind the tree and watched what was happening. Then I saw Boger move aside with a Jewish girl, about fifteen years old, who had just arrived with the last transport. When the policeman and the girl moved about one hundred and fifty meters away from his other colleagues, Boger said something to the little girl and immediately after that hit her hard, as a result of which she fell unconscious to the ground. I couldn't make out what Boger said to that girl, but I can assume that he wanted to use her for sexual purposes. After the girl fell unconscious, Boger could no longer satisfy his lustful desires, because in the meantime the selection squad approached, and Boger was afraid that he would be seen. He tore off part of the girl’s clothes, and cut off part of it with a pocket knife… The girl was naked down to her underwear and stockings… Then he pulled out his gun and shot the girl in the left and right breasts. After that, he inserted the muzzle of a pistol into the girl's genitals and fired one more time "...

In response to the remark of the investigator (who was clearly not so stupid) that because of the shots, Boger's actions could not go unnoticed, Roegner stated that in Birkenau he heard shots "around the clock, during all day and night hours, so for this murder no one simply paid attention ... No one paid attention to the girl’s body either. ” Actually, this is real pornography, sadomasochism. But how can you prove it's a lie? Yes, very simply: there were no trees at the Birkenau platform for Roegner to hide behind ... Then Roegner stated that he had witnessed thirty other murders committed by the same Boger in a similar or even more sadistic manner. He also claimed to have seen Boger torture people "while remaining unnoticed, through a keyhole or window." This is already some kind of “Behind the Glass”! Did the prisoner Roegner have no other business than to follow Boger through the keyhole? .. It seems that there was not ... And here is another scene described by Roegner, which has become a real classic: “After the arrival of another batch of prisoners in Auschwitz, Boger took one of the children lying on the floor, took off his diapers so that he was completely naked, grabbed him by the legs and began to beat his head against the iron edge of the freight car - weakly at first, and then harder and harder until his head was completely crushed. Then he twisted the arms and legs of an already dead child and threw him away ”... Well, at least one mentally deranged, pathological liar out of the five million“ Holocaust survivors ”we identified” ...

In the fall of 2008, Irena Sendler's Braveheart was shown in the United States. He talked about a woman who died quietly in May of that year in Warsaw at the age of 99. Most of the viewers, while watching the picture, could not hold back their tears, the story of Irena Sendler was so touching and tragic.


Irena Kshizhanovskaya was born into the family of a doctor who was a member of the PPS, who ran a hospital and often provided medical assistance to poor Jews who were unable to pay for treatment. Even before the birth of his daughter, he was an active participant in anti-government actions. When Irene was 7 years old, her father died of typhus, having contracted it from patients. The Jewish community, highly appreciating the merits of Dr. Krzyzhanovsky, decided to help his family by offering to pay for Irena's education until she reaches the age of 18. The girl's mother refused, because she knew how hard many of her husband's former patients live, but she told her daughter about it. So, gratitude and love forever settled in Irena's heart, which later gave life to thousands of children.

At the university, the girl joined the Polish Socialist Party, as she wanted to continue her father's work.

In 1932, Irena married Mieczysław Sendler, but the marriage did not last long, although they did not file an official divorce.


When the Holocaust began in Poland, Irena Sendler was an employee of the Warsaw Health Authority. Along with this, she was a member of the Polish underground organization "Zhegota", which was engaged in helping Jews.

By virtue of professional activity a young woman regularly visited the Warsaw ghetto and helped sick children. Using this cover, Irena Sendler and other members of the "Zhegota" rescued 2,500 Jewish babies, who were then transferred to monasteries, private families and orphanages.

According to the recollections of participants in those events, babies were placed in boxes with holes, after drinking sleeping pills, and then they were taken away from the ghetto in cars that delivered disinfectants. As for the older children, they were carried out in bags and baskets, taken out through the basements of houses and buildings adjacent to the area reserved for Jewish habitation.


Irena Sendler also made sure that after the war the rescued children could find their parents. She wrote their names on slips of paper and put them in a glass jar, which she buried in a friend's garden.

In 1943, Irena Sendler was arrested, the reason was an anonymous denunciation. A young woman was tortured, trying to find out who from her entourage led the Resistance movement or simply belonged to its underground organization. At the same time, Irena was shown a thick folder with denunciations and reports about her activities, signed by people she knew well. The goal of the Nazis was to find out the names of other participants in the children's rescue operations and the places where the children were hidden. Despite the beatings, the fragile Irena did not betray her comrades-in-arms and did not tell the Gestapo where the lists with the names of little Jews were located, since in this case they would have been sent to and died.

"Execution" and escape

Failing to achieve a result, the Nazis sentenced Irena to death. Fortunately, Sendler survived - members of the anti-fascist resistance in Poland saved her by bribing the guards. Those, in turn, reported to the command that the execution had taken place, so Irena was not wanted.

According to the recollections of the woman, before the execution she was summoned for the last interrogation. The soldier accompanying her did not bring Irena to the Gestapo building, but pushed her into an alley and ordered her to run. There were Polish underground workers who took her to a safe place. “In memory” of her stay in Nazi dungeons, Irene was left with poor health, and she spent the end of her life in a wheelchair.

Mission Completion

Irene Sendler had to go into hiding until the very end of the war. After the liberation of Poland, she was able to pass the data on the rescued children to Adolf Berman, who from 1947 to 1949 was chairman of the Central Committee of the Jews of Poland. Thanks to a long search, it was possible to reunite the families that became victims of the Holocaust. As for the orphaned children, after a long ordeal, they were finally transferred to Israel.

Life in the postwar years

It would seem that with the advent of peace in Europe, the brave heart of Irena Sendler can calm down, and she will finally live a calm family life. However, fate decided to deal her another blow: the state security organs of the PPR found out about her connections with the Home Army and began to persecute her. In 1949, during a tough interrogation, a pregnant Irena gave birth prematurely to a child who died a few days later.

belated recognition

Although over time, the Polish authorities left Irena Sendler alone, she felt the hostile attitude of the authorities towards her person until the fall of the communist regime. So, when in 1965 Israel's Yad Vashem decided to award Irena Sendler the honorary title of Righteous Among the Nations, she was not allowed to visit the country where the boys and girls she had once saved lived, who had already grown up and considered her their second mother.

Only in 1983, the Polish authorities lifted the ban on her travel abroad, and Irena Sendler was able to visit Israel, where she planted her tree on the alley of memory.

And even after that, few people in the world knew that an old woman lives in a modest apartment in Warsaw, who has accomplished a feat that deserves all the highest awards and honors. However, fate wanted Irena Sendler to live to see the day when her story is known in different parts of the world.

Moreover, everything happened by pure chance in 1999, and the children again became the initiator - four schoolgirls from the American town of Uniontown. They were preparing a report for the History Day project, and the teacher showed them a five-year-old newspaper article titled "The Other Schindler." The interested girls began to look for information about Irena Sendler and found that she was alive. With the help of their relatives and teachers, they wrote the play Life in a Bank, which was staged in various theaters in the United States, Canada, and later in Poland. The girls even came to Warsaw, where they saw their idol. Their friendship with Irena Sendler continued for several years, during which they repeatedly visited Mother


The merits of Irena Sendler were very belatedly appreciated by the Polish government, which in 2003 awarded her the Order of the White Eagle. Before Sendler, European monarchs, including Peter the Great, famous military leaders and the Pope, became holders of this highest award. The order was restored in Poland only in 1992, and among those awarded over the past 24 years, hardly anyone was as worthy of it as Mrs. Sendler.

In addition, a year before Irena's death, the Prime Minister of Israel proposed to the Nobel Committee to award her the Peace Prize. Sendler's award did not take place, as the committee at that time did not begin to change the rules that require awarding an award for actions that have been committed within the past two years.

As one of the Polish journalists wrote, "the prize has been dishonored." Those presenting it went around the most deserving person to honor Al Gore for his presentation on global warming.

And in 2007, Pani Irena was awarded the Order of a Smile medal. As always in Irena's life, children intervened: she was presented as a contender for an award by a boy, Shimon Plotsennik from Zielona Góra. The Order of Smile was established in Poland in 1968 and is given to people who bring joy to children. In 1979, the award was given international status, and since then applicants for it have been selected by a commission consisting of representatives of 24 countries.

Irena Sendler's Braveheart movie

The motion picture, which has already been mentioned, was filmed in Latvia. When American journalists told Irena that they were going to make a film about her life during the war years, she said she agreed. At the same time, the woman asked that the picture be true and show the Americans what that war really was, what the Warsaw ghetto looked like and what happened there. The role of Irena Sendler in the film was played by New Zealand actress Anna Paquin, who in 1994 was awarded the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. According to the audience, the film turned out to be very poignant and truthful. The picture was also liked by Irena Sendler's daughter, Yanina, who was initially against the idea of ​​creating a cinematic version of her mother's biography.

Resistance movement in Poland

Talking about the feat of Sendler, it should be understood that a courageous woman could not act alone. According to Pani Irena herself, to save one child, she needed the help of at least 12 people: drivers, medical workers, security guards, shelter workers, officials who issue fake documents, and others. The role of Polish nuns was quite special. It is known that 500 children rescued by Irena Sendler could only survive thanks to their help. At the same time, many sisters paid for their Christian humanism, shown in relation to children of another religion, with their lives and even became martyrs. So, in 1944, in the Warsaw cemetery, the Nazis doused with gasoline and burned alive a group of nuns who helped Jews.

No less touching is the story of how Wojciech Zhukavsky and Aleksander Zelverowicz hid 40 children from the ghetto in the zoo, where they had to hide among enclosures with animals.

Now you know who Irena Sendler was, a film about which you should definitely watch, especially since it is available in Russian translation.

Her list of 2,500, twice as long as Oskar Schindler's famous list, earned her the Righteous Among the Nations medal in 1965. She had to wait 18 years before she was able to travel to Israel to plant her tree in the alley of memory.

When the Nazi Wehrmacht invaded Poland in September 1939, Sendler was not yet thirty years old. Before the war, she worked in the social welfare department of the Warsaw municipality. And when the invaders introduced new laws against the Jews and separated the Jewish population from the Poles, she could not stand aside and decided to take risks.

The first year, Sendler was literally torn to pieces in order to somehow help the most needy Jewish families from 350,000 prisoners. However, the closure of the entrance to the ghetto in 1940 significantly complicated the situation: there was not enough food, the children were malnourished, and epidemics began. “It was a real hell: hundreds of people died right on the streets, and the whole world silently looked at it.”

With the help of her old teacher, Sendler secured a ghetto pass for herself and several of her girlfriends. The Nazis were afraid of epidemics, so the Poles were engaged in sanitary checks inside the ghetto. Irena organized a whole system of assistance, using the money of the city administration and charitable Jewish organizations. She carried food, essentials, coal, clothes to the ghetto. In the summer of 1942, when the deportation of Jews from the ghetto to the death camps began, Irena decided that there was no time to waste. Together with her friends, she looked up the addresses of families with children and suggested that parents take the children away from the ghetto in order to give them under false names to be raised in Polish families or orphanages.

In 2006, the Polish President and Israeli Prime Minister nominated Sendler for the Nobel Prize. A year ago, Irena Sendler became a holder of the Polish Order of the Smile, the only order in the world that is awarded to adult children.

Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski awarded Irene Sandler the Order of the White Eagle in 2003.

Novaya Gazeta about Irena Sendler.

She saved children in the Warsaw ghetto. It was a whole system of salvation in the very center of despair, hopelessness and darkness. Information about this woman was posted earlier in the community. But in this case, there is more complete material.

In 1940, Irene Sendler was thirty years old. She went to the Warsaw ghetto and carried food, medicine, clothes there. Soon the Germans issued a ban on visiting the ghetto. Then Irena Sendler got a job in the municipality and continued to go there as a sanitation worker. At that time, she was already a member of the underground Polish organization "Zhegota", created to save the Jews.

In the ghetto, Irena Sendler went from house to house, cellar, barracks and looked for families with children everywhere. She offered her parents to give her children to take them out of the ghetto. There is no guarantee. She could be arrested when leaving the ghetto, she could be seized on a denunciation later, already outside the walls of the ghetto; the Germans could also find the children on the other side of the wall and send them to Treblinka. But still, parents gave their children to Irena Sendler. Different sources give a different number of children taken by Irena Sendler from the ghetto, but no one gives a figure less than 2400. Age - from 6 months to 15 years.

Irena Sendler, this little round-faced woman, was not only a brave person, but also a very organized, responsible worker. For each child, she started a card, where she wrote down his former name, his new name, as well as the address of the foster family. Much has been written and much is known about Polish anti-Semitism during the war, but there were also families who took their children in during this famine, there was the Żegota organization, and there was Irena Sendler. From Polish families, children were distributed to orphanages as Polish children. Irena Sendler also entered the address and number of the orphanage on the card. It was a whole system of salvation that worked in the very center of despair, hopelessness, hunger, darkness and destruction.

Irena Sendler was arrested on the basis of an anonymous denunciation. Anonymous has not been disclosed so far and will never be disclosed. This person goes into the darkness of time without a name and surname. Just a figure without a face or voice, just a dark silhouette against a bright window.

Remaining anonymous, he refused the reward. So, they were not driven by self-interest.

He was a careful, prudent person. He did not want to prowl with his denunciation in the light of public viewing. He reported where it was necessary, showed vigilance, satisfied his passion for order - and live in peace further.

Irena Sendler went to the ghetto with an icon that said "I believe in God." With this icon, she ended up in the Gestapo. In the Gestapo, Irena Sendler had her arms and legs broken. The Germans wanted to know how Żegota worked and who was behind it. By the way, any government officials who are obsessed with their power want to know this. They cannot understand that no one stands behind people, that people act of their own free will, at their own discretion. I do not compare anyone with anyone, I do not, in any case, compare the Nazi power in Poland with anyone. I am only talking about some of the mental traits that some people in similar social positions have. When I wrote about the shareholders who went on a hunger strike in Domodedovo, one representative of the authorities convinced me with fervor and fervor that someone was behind the starving people. The fact that people can fight for their rights themselves seemed impossible to him.

Irena Sendler buried a glass jar with her card index in the garden of her friend. She did not give the Germans the location of the tree under which the jar was buried, and thus prevented them from finding the children she had saved and sending them to Treblinka. She did not betray her comrades from the municipality, who were doing documents for the children. She did not betray those who helped her to take the children out through the courthouse adjoining the ghetto. Not only did she not betray anyone, she also did not forget how to smile. Everyone who met her writes that she always smiled. In all the photographs that I saw, there was a smile on her round face.

Irena Sendler did not act alone. For example, in all the stories about her activities in the ghetto, a truck driver is mentioned, in the back of which she took the children out. In some sources, it is not about a truck, but about a cart, and not about a driver, but about a driver. Maybe this is a confusion, or maybe there was a truck, and a cart, and a driver, and a driver.

The driver had a dog, he put it with him in the cab. As soon as he saw the Germans, he would ruthlessly press the dog's paw, and the poor dog would begin to bark plaintively. Lai was supposed to drown out the cry, if at that moment he heard from the body. The dog did not understand why he was guilty and why the owner kicked his leg in a heavy boot on her paw. But dogs learn quickly, and soon she was barking up at the first movement of her master's foot. This dog also participated in the rescue of children.

There were not only the truck driver, and not only the cart driver, and not only the dog, which I imagine to be a mongrel large dog of gray-red color, with a wet nose and shining hungry eyes. There were also people who bought Irena Sendler from the Gestapo. The vaunted German bureaucracy proved corrupt. It is fortunate that bureaucrats can be corrupt, corruption in some conditions is the only way to save lives or to justice.

The amount for which the unknown Gestapo agreed to release Irena Sendler from prison is not indicated anywhere. I think all the paperwork was done correctly. That is, the execution protocol was written flawlessly and went through the authorities. In the accounting department, they put it in the correct folder and wrote out the appropriate amounts. Perhaps someone even received an award for shooting during non-working hours. Some Reichsmarks were also issued for the cremation of the body, which, presumably, a Polish gravedigger or a German soldier put in his pocket with a calm soul and drank it in a pub.

Only the execution itself was not .

The ransomed Irena Sendler with broken arms and legs and a face swollen from beatings, the Germans threw out of the car in the forest.

People from "Zhegota" picked her up. The icon was with her. The underground provided her with documents for a different surname. Until the end of the war, she did not appear in the ghetto. And there was nowhere to appear: in the spring of 1943, the Germans decided to finally liquidate the ghetto. The SS detachments, having entered the ghetto, ran into fire, which was fired from roofs, from windows, and even from underground sewers. This was the first uprising in a European occupied city, and the Germans failed to suppress it for two months. With France, they coped faster.

After the war, Irena Sendler opened her glass jar. She was a very tenacious woman. She took out her cards and tried to find the rescued children and their parents. She was the only one who knew what Polish names the Jewish children brought out of the ghetto had and in what orphanages they lived. Nothing worked, she failed to reunite families. The children no longer had parents.

Irena Sendler lived quietly in her one-room apartment in Warsaw. I was in Warsaw in 1983. Martial law in Poland has just been introduced. I remember wandering the gloomy, snow-covered streets and entering Catholic churches. I remember a pallet in a grocery store, on which a lone bone with growths of meat lay in a pool of blood. I remember the gloomy faces of the Poles. Now I think that during those wanderings of mine in an unfamiliar city, in those shops among gloomy people, in those cathedrals where I stood behind the worshipers as a quiet stranger, I could meet her. What a pity that I did not meet.

On a dark, cold morning, I once stood on a long snow-covered platform - I don’t remember what city it was - and waited for a train. The trains in Poland were either gray or bluish, and their clanging and clattering gave off anguish. I was wandering through the untouched snow, waiting for a train, and suddenly I saw a table with a train timetable, which indicated what time and from which platform the train to Auschwitz leaves.

In 2006, when Irena Sendler was 96 years old, the Polish government and the Israeli government nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize. In connection with the nomination for the award, newspapers first wrote about her that year. It was then that Irena Sendler and her story became known to many people. I read several newspaper publications in which they wrote about her as a laureate even before the prize was awarded. But the prize went to US Vice President Al Gore for his lecture on energy conservation.

Of course, it is surprising that in choosing between Irena Sendler and Al Gore, the Nobel Committee chose Gore. It seems to me that after this the Nobel Peace Prize can no longer be awarded. This is a dummy in which there is no point, but there is only money. The award was dishonored. It is even more surprising for me that Al Gore, a respectable man who lives in a big house, does not need anything, belongs, as they say, to the powers that be, accepted the award. The rich became even richer, the well-fed became even more well-fed, the world nomenklatura divided one more piece among themselves, and the little quiet woman, as she lived in her one-room apartment in Warsaw, remained to live there.

I knew about Irena Sendler for a long time. I read about it in various sources. And every time I read about her, I told myself that I should write about her, but every time I put it off. Because I felt the discrepancy between this whole story and the arsenal of words at my disposal. I'm not sure I can put it into words. About a young woman who went to the ghetto day after day, about a driver, about a dog, about a glass jar buried in the garden. Before certain topics and events, human language - at least my language - falls into a swoon.

The other day I received a letter from an unknown addressee. It was a distant echo of a mailing list started by no one knows who and no one knows when. More and more new people were involved in the mailing list, and my address accidentally got into it. The entire letter consisted of a brief summary of Irena Sendler's story. The letter ended like this: “I am making my small contribution by forwarding this letter to you. I hope you do the same. More than sixty years have passed since the end of World War II in Europe. This e-mail is being sent out as a reminder of the millions of people who have been killed, shot, raped, burned, starved and humiliated!

Become a link in the chain of memory, help us spread the letter around the world. Send it to your friends and ask them not to break this chain.

Please don't just delete this email. After all, it will take no more than a minute to redirect it.”

Here I sent you this letter.

Alexey Polikovsky