Each of us has dreams. Whether big or small, they play an infinitely important role in our lives. To fulfill your dream means to become a happy and contented person. Putting goals into practice increases our self-esteem; moreover, in the process we change and become better. So whatever your dream is - to make a million dollars, to become an artist, to become a world-class athlete - don't wait. Start your journey to it right now.


Part 1

goal setting

    Decide what you want. Your first step is to determine what you want to achieve. Taking enough time to become aware of your desires is an important first step towards achieving them, whether you dream of big changes in your life or of something small.

    • For example, do you want to become a happier person? Learn to play a musical instrument? Succeed in sports? Get healthier? All of these are possible targets. What you want is up to you.
  1. Define concepts. When you have a general idea of ​​what you want, you need to think about what exactly these goals mean to you. One and the same, at first glance, the goal is understood by two different people in completely different ways.

    • For example, if you want to become happier, you need to think about what happiness means to you. How do you imagine a happy life? What exactly makes you happy?
    • This also applies to more specific targets. If your goal is to learn how to play the guitar, what exactly do you mean by that? Is it enough for you to know a few chords to play and sing at friendly parties? Or do you aspire to give concerts? As you can see, even quite a clear "play the guitar" can be interpreted in different ways.
  2. Ask yourself why. It is important to think about why you are striving for your chosen goals. If you analyze your motivation, then it is possible that you will come to the desire to reconsider the goals themselves.

    • Let's go back to the same example - imagine that you dream of playing the guitar. You think about the reasons and understand: you just think that guitarists are always popular at school. Here we are not talking about love for music in general or for the guitar in particular. Therefore, it is worth stopping and asking yourself if there is another, easier way to achieve what you want - which, as it turned out, lies in the field of communication, and not art.
  3. Determine if your goal is achievable. Last but not least at this stage is to understand if your goal is realistic. Sadly, not all dreams can come true. If your goal is beyond the realm of possibility, it's time for you to admit it and find a new one.

    Part 2

    1. Have a brainstorm. When you have set a goal in general, you need to be specific and start making a plan to achieve it. A great way to take the first step is to use a technique known as "free writing". Take a piece of paper and write down any thoughts that come to your mind about the following topics:

      • your ideal future
      • Qualities you admire in others
      • What could you do better
      • Things you want to know more about
      • Habits you want to develop
      • At this step, you should fantasize and imagine all sorts of options without limiting the flow of thoughts. When you see several possibilities on paper, you can determine which ones are most important.
    2. Be specific. Once you've thought of a few goals and written down a series of ideas for achieving them, it's time to start getting specific. Use your brainstorming notes and goal definitions (we talked about them in the first part of the article). Write down specific things - what you would like to do and achieve.

      • A vague goal such as "I want to play better so I'll do my best" is less effective than "I want to be able to play my favorite song in six months". Poorly defined or vague ("do your best") goals are nowhere near as effective as accurate ones.
      • Move away from general words like "I want to become rich" and concentrate on the specific achievements that you will strive for. Instead of "I want to become rich" your goal could be "I want to learn how to make money in the stock market"; instead of "I want to play the guitar" - "I want to be the lead guitar in a rock band."
      • It's a good idea to make some more notes, trying to describe the goals in as much detail as possible.
    3. Try using the SMART method. It allows you to specify and evaluate goals. On the one hand, in English "smart" means "smart"; on the other hand, the method got its name from the first letters of the five characteristics that the goal must meet. Check if your goals are:

      • S (specific) - specific
      • M (measurable)
      • A (achievable)
      • R (relevant)
      • T (time-bounded) - having a time frame
    4. Rank your goals. Many people have multiple goals. In fact, during the brainstorming process, you may already find that you are hoping to achieve more than one goal. In this case, you should arrange them in order of importance.

      • In addition, you will be able to visualize the process of working towards achieving goals and provide yourself with additional motivation.
    5. Formulate subgoals. Most goals are easier to achieve when broken down into smaller tasks. These are the sub-goals—small intermediate goals on the way to the main one you hope to achieve.

      Identify obstacles. Finally, and this is also important, think about what obstacles may stand in your way to achieving your goals. If you think about them in advance, it will give you the opportunity to find ways to overcome them.

      • For example, you may find that guitar lessons cost more than you can currently afford. Then you will think about where to get more money, or decide to try to learn on your own with the help of a tutorial or video tutorials.

    Part 3

    1. Make time. There are many ways to streamline the process and help you stay focused on your goal. However, in the end, achieving most goals takes a lot of time and hard work.

      • Think about how long it will take you to achieve your goal and how soon you want to achieve it. For example, you need 40 hours to master the basics of playing the guitar, and you want to achieve the result in a month. This means that you will have to practice a little more than an hour every day.
      • The issue of time cannot be bypassed. If you are really interested in achieving the goal, you will have to solve it.
    2. Get into the habit. To make it easier for you to set aside time to work towards your goal, make it part of your regular routine. Include her time in your daily schedule.

      • For example, from 18:00 to 18:30 you play scales. Then from 18:30 to 19:00 you learn and repeat chords. Finally, you dedicate 15 minutes between 7:00 pm and 7:30 pm to gradually learn a particular song. If you get into the habit of doing this every day (or at least every other day), you will quickly master the basics of playing any musical instrument.
    3. Track your progress. Once you've started working towards a goal, keep track of how you're progressing. Keep a diary, use an electronic application or a desktop calendar to record time spent, subgoals achieved, and the like.

      Stay motivated. One of the biggest challenges of achieving a goal, especially a long-term one, is staying motivated. Breaking it down into small achievable subgoals and tracking daily progress can help. However, you may need additional reinforcements.

    • Be true to yourself. The achieved goal will not be your joy if you did things to achieve it that you are by no means proud of.
    • Do not forget the words of the wise Lao Tzu: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
    • Write! Writing empowers thoughts. Even if no one but you sees them, writing down your goals will help reinforce your intentions.
    • Other people who are striving to achieve goals, even different ones from yours, can be of great support to you. Communicate with them regularly. If you don't have one in person, try joining an online community where people set goals and report back to others on how they achieve them.


    • Things don't always go the way you planned. Stick to your goals, but be flexible. Often things turn out differently than you expect, but not necessarily worse. Be receptive to change.
    • Do not try to insert a square plug into a round hole. If something doesn't work or doesn't seem right, try a different approach.
    • Try to set yourself the right pace. Often people on the way to a new goal at first devote a lot of time and energy to it, but then they lose their fuse. Beginner enthusiasm is always great, but don't set the tempo too high initially and you won't be able to keep up that tempo for a long time.


    1. McGregor, I., & Little, B. R. (1998). Personal projects, happiness, and meaning: on doing well and being yourself. Journal of personality and social psychology, 74(2), 494.
    2. Brunstein, J. C. (1993). Personal goals and subjective well-being: A longitudinal study. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 1061–1070.

The author of this simple but effective twelve-step system is Brian Tracy. He has been a recognized leader in the study of success and personal achievement for over 25 years. His track record includes 26 published books and more than 300 curricula translated into different languages ​​of the world. One of the leading speakers and business professionals, Brian Tracy has spoken more than two thousand times to numerous audiences.

How to achieve your goal in just 12 steps- this is what Brian Tracy offers us in his twelve-step system - simple and effective, and amazes even the biggest skeptics with its simplicity. By consistently following these 12 steps, you can become and achieve what you think about, and much faster than in any other way.

This system will take you from abstract vagueness to absolute clarity. You get a ready-made treadmill that will help you get from where you are now to exactly where you want to be.

I have repeatedly read and studied the books of Brian Tracy. Once I happened to be at his seminar in Moscow with my daughter and husband. I was lucky, such people infect with their energy for a long time. My desire and desire to improve my personal effectiveness arose largely thanks to Brian Tracy. To be honest, I have not used the 12-step system in my work yet. But I really want to try to do it here, on the pages of my blog, together with my readers. I have one goal, I will experiment on it, I will inform you about the results later.

How to get things done

So, Step One: Create Desire - Burning, Strong Desire

Desire will be our motivational force that overcomes our fears. We make any of our decisions on the basis of either fears or desires. The more we talk about our desires, the faster they become strong and push our fears aside. As a result, our burning desire allows us to rise above our fears and move us forward, overcoming any obstacles.

Are you all aware of your strong and burning desire? What is it? It must be personal, even selfish. All the greatest achievements began with the definition of true desire.

Step Two: Develop Persuasion

We need to be sure that we can achieve our goal. If this confidence does not yet exist, it must be developed and strengthened. If your goals are big and require a lot of effort to achieve, don't try to do too much too fast. Otherwise, you can lose the presence of mind and faith in achieving the goal. You need a firm and strong belief that by continuing to do the right things, you will be able to attract the resources necessary to achieve the goal.

Step Three: Write It Down

This is the simplest action that not all of us do. It has already been said a million times that goals that are not written down on paper are just desires and our fantasies. If you write down the goal on paper, then you can then pick it up, touch it, examine it. Just imagine, we take desire from our consciousness and transform it into a form in which something can be done with it. Write down the goal on paper and turn on the mechanism of success at full power!

Fourth step: Make a list of all the benefits

Benefits will strengthen our desires and move us forward. You need to make a list of all the benefits that you will receive as a result of achieving the goal. The larger the list, the stronger our determination and motivation. It is very easy to lose your presence of mind if something suddenly goes wrong. If you have 30 benefits written down, it is safe to say that you will overcome all obstacles.

Step Five: Determine Your Starting Position

Before taking action, weigh yourself. There should be a benchmark against which to measure progress. The more clearly you visualize your starting position, the more likely you will be able to get where you want to go.

Step Six: Set a Deadline

By setting a deadline for ours, we program its achievement in our minds. It happens that people are afraid to set a deadline, afraid of not achieving their goal on time. Something like, "I love it when targets whistle past me." I assure you, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that you weren't ready yet and you just need to set another deadline.

If the timeframe for achieving your goal is long, for example, 3-5 years, you need to break it down into subgoals, which in turn are also divided into time periods. Make sure that the deadline for completing the sub-goal is within 30 days. This will allow you to see results in a shorter time frame.

I once watched one interesting film about a girl who was advised to create her own blog, as she cooked very tasty. This girl had a book by a culinary master who lived many years ago. And she decided that she would cook all the dishes, something like 500 dishes that are written in this book in 1 year. If she had not set such a deadline for herself at the very beginning, she would never have reached her goal. Life always makes its own adjustments to our plans. And only by clearly following her plan, in spite of everything, the girl managed to achieve her goal. The film is called Julie and Julia. I recommend to look.

Step Seven: Make a List of All the Obstacles Standing Between You and Your Goal

Obstacles are the other side of success and achievement. It's strange if they don't. So then this is not a goal, but just some kind of occupation.

Write down any obstacles that might get in your way. Group them in order of importance. Find the biggest obstacle. It needs to be focused on.

Do you know that obstacles can be external and internal? They may be within us or within the situation. If the obstacle is definitely among us, then we need to strengthen some of our skills, or change something in ourselves.

An external obstacle may tell you that you are working in the wrong job, communicating with the wrong people, and so on. Find your target blocker!

Step Eight: Determine What Additional Information You May Need

It is necessary to make a list of information and knowledge that are necessary to achieve the goal. You should immediately think about where you can get it. The advice of a specialist or consultant in the field may be needed.

Have a plan for buying services or learning so you can calculate how much time and money it will take.

Step Nine: Make a List of People Whose Help or Mentorship is Needed

If other people must be involved in achieving your goal, make a list and rank the names in order of priority.

Step Ten: Make a Plan

Finally. So when do you need to write a plan?)) A plan is a list of actions. It's better to have a detailed plan. This is your road, this is your compass, on which you can start moving. This is the basis of your planning and. To draw up a plan, all you need is a notebook, a pen, and your goal.

Step Eleven: Use Visualization

Pictures can activate your consciousness, so you need to present a clear and clear picture of your goal as if it had already been achieved. If you don't succeed the first time, practice. In the process of training, clear images will increase the power of your thinking and like a magnet, the right people, ideas and events will be attracted to the process of achieving the goal.

Twelfth step. Decide in advance that you will never back down

Do you have perseverance and determination? In any case, develop your determination and never think about failure. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching your goal. Be decisive in your decision. Often, thanks only to the strength of perseverance, we learn how to achieve our goal.

So, we have dismantled a system consisting of twelve steps, the implementation of which, according to Brian Tracy, will help us to know how to achieve the goal. In the course of writing the article, I worked on my goal - the creation of another site. How much I will succeed and how long will my desire come true, those of you who receive articles from my blog in your mail will find out. Subscribe and follow the news.

I, in turn, am interested to know what methods and methods you, dear readers, use to achieve your goals. Are there similar steps you follow in the achievement process? Is there something else that you are using? If not difficult, please share in the comments below.

Get more done in less time with

And now - a video in which the desired goal was so close ... What prevented the pig from reaching its goal? A question for you, dear readers.

Almost everything that happens to you depends on your reactions to life's daily ups and downs. And these reactions, in turn, are the result of your experience.

Thomas Huxley said: "Experience is not what happens to a person, but how he evaluates what is happening"

It's not about the events as such, but how you react to them.

"It is not the situation that makes the man, but the man the situation" Frederick Robertson

What matters is not what happens to you, but how you perceive what happened. This is what determines the strength or weakness of each individual.

Harvard University professor Abraham Zaleznik is one of the few people who has deeply studied the problem of disappointment. In the course of his research, he found that a person's reaction to disappointments and failures can quite accurately predict what heights he can achieve in life.

According to Zaleznik, most people are internally unprepared for the disappointments that will inevitably arise in life. Situations like this take them by surprise and emotionally overwhelm them.

A person generalizes his experiences and begins to think that he is generally incapable of anything. Indeed, many people tend to explain their failures by their lack of abilities, knowledge and skills.

As a result, frustration spreads to all areas of human activity, in addition to this, a person gradually loses the courage and self-confidence that are necessary for success. Often, depression develops against this background, and the person finally gives up.

The loser stops setting goals, working on himself, and begins to think more about the dangers and potential losses than about the opportunities and potential gains. Based on the research data, Zaleznik concluded that successful people react to failure in a completely different way.

The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people

The mindset of successful people is somewhat different from the mindset of unsuccessful people.

First, successful people mentally prepare in advance for their failures. Therefore, they know how to overcome the difficulties that have arisen.

Secondly, successful people attribute individual failures only to this particular situation and do not draw general conclusions on this basis about their lack of any abilities.

To achieve success in life, you need to learn how to properly respond to failures.

Ways to deal with failure

  • Change your approach to your mistakes.

Fear of failure is the biggest obstacle to success and happiness.

We have fears in early childhood as a result of destructive criticism from our parents. Luckily, the fear of failure is learned, so you can get rid of it and regain the confidence to succeed.

To achieve success in life, you must recognize or realize the fact that without failure, success is impossible. After all, any success is preceded by long periods of repeated failures, and sometimes even failures.

“Don't be afraid of failure. Don't waste your energy hiding them. Learn from mistakes and move on to the next task. There is nothing wrong with failure. If you don't make mistakes, you don't improve." Stanley Judd

The path to success lies only through failure. Without them, success is simply impossible!

  • Success obeys the law of large numbers.

Thomas Edison was the most outstanding inventor of the 20th century, and perhaps of all time. He created not only an electric light bulb, but also a huge company that made it possible to carry electricity to all the cities and villages of America. He patented over a thousand inventions in the United States, most of which were put into mass production during his lifetime.

Nevertheless, the number of mistakes that he made in his work is simply enormous. Edison failed more often than any other inventor of the day.

Edison knew that success depends not only on the mind and diligence, but also on the theory of probability. If you do something in many different ways and learn from each unsuccessful attempt, then sooner or later success will surely come.

To learn how to overcome obstacles and achieve success, you must first get rid of the fear of failure and boldly move towards your dream, no matter what.

  • Transform your fear into a passionate desire to succeed.

To do this, write down your goals on paper and make a detailed plan for their implementation, and then constantly think that you will succeed no matter what.

The more you think, talk, and write about your dreams, the stronger your determination to make them come true, and the more likely it is that the fear of failure will get out of your way.

  • Plan your future if you want to be successful.

People who have achieved success in life try to anticipate crises. Of course, this requires certain mental abilities, which distinguish all successful people from others.

  • By changing your way of thinking, first learn to analyze current affairs.

If you are in business, make a list of all the potential problems that could threaten the existence of your business. If you're in sales, make a list of events that could drastically undermine sales volume. When it comes to family matters (even if planning a vacation), make a list of all unforeseen events that can significantly disrupt your plans and goals.

  • Success can be achieved by regularly asking yourself the following questions and trying to find answers to them.

What can go wrong? What crises can happen in your life? What happens if your sales volume drops by 50 percent? In what areas of your work are you most dependent on specific people or circumstances?

What steps can you take right now to protect yourself from a crisis if it suddenly happens? You will be surprised how much your self-confidence will increase when you think through all the critical situations and make plans in case something suddenly goes wrong.

Otto von Bismarck, the "iron chancellor" of Germany, was considered one of the most far-sighted statesmen of his time. He was known for always having a backup plan ready for any situation.

No matter what happened and no matter how much time and effort he spent to achieve some goal, he always had the opportunity, in case of an unforeseen situation, to look into his desk drawer and extract from there a ready-made backup plan, which could immediately begin to be implemented into life.

The habit of anticipating possible changes made Bismarck one of the most influential statesmen in Europe.

  • Focus on solving the problem first in order to achieve success as soon as possible.

Always try to think about solving the problem, not about what happened and who is to blame. Do not waste your energy on grief and anger - after all, what happened cannot be changed.

Successful people always go forward and look to the future, not forgetting past mistakes.

  • Succeed by focusing not on the problem itself, but on its solution.

Think about what can be done immediately to overcome the problem, and be sure to look for useful experiences in the situation that will be useful in the future.

Think about how to minimize the damage, and try to discover the opportunities that lie in every setback. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

Successful people always think about how to turn the current situation in their favor.

The only effective antidote to anxiety and negativity is to take positive, purposeful, and constructive actions that move you closer to success.

Once you start taking action, your self-esteem and self-confidence will start to rise again. You will feel that you can control your emotions and control your destiny.

You will stop looking for excuses and focus on progress.

  • Be persistent and courageous to succeed in life.

The main help in overcoming difficulties is provided by clear principles, clear goals and plans, as well as complete control over one's own mind and thinking.

Success can only be achieved by constantly thinking about victory and refusing to believe in the possibility of failure. You must decide for yourself to continue the fight, regardless of any obstacles. It must be recognized that perseverance is a form of courage. It takes great courage not to give up in the face of difficulties and disappointments.

Believe in yourself and that you will be a successful person!

Your belief in yourself is the deep foundation upon which you can build a wonderful life.

It sets you up in a positive way, gives you optimism and makes you literally omnipotent. Follow Churchill's advice: "Never give up; never, never give up"

How to succeed in life, work and business? Read helpful tips from successful people. Find out what qualities a successful person has and what to do to achieve your goal.

Right now you have everything for a successful start, but you don't know it yet. Wealth, happiness and success are things to which you have every right from the moment you are born. It doesn't matter who you are, what matters is who you think you are. If you believe in yourself, others will too.

Denis Kuderin is with you - a full-time expert and editor-in-chief of the HeatherBober magazine. I will tell you how to succeed without having rich parents and super-powers, what qualities distinguish a successful person from an unsuccessful one, and why you need to change your mindset to change the world.

1. Personal qualities of a successful person

To begin with, it is worth answering the question of what success is and what kind of person is considered successful.

For some, success is wealth and prosperity, expensive cars, an apartment in the city center or, conversely, a cottage on the seashore. Others consider universal recognition, a successful career, a prestigious position as success.

Both options are correct. And they also pair well with each other. I would just add one more quality of "Lucky Man": he does what he likes and has free time for life, love, travel and other pleasant things.

The main wealth is measured not by money, but by time. It is the only irreplaceable human resource. So is it worth spending it on something that does not bring satisfaction and, moreover, drives you into melancholy and depression?

We list the main qualities of a successful person:

  • he does only what he likes;
  • knows how to competently manage their resources - time, effort, intelligence;
  • constantly improving, because such is his vital need;
  • thinks positively;
  • self-assured;
  • has increased performance;
  • is able to solve problems effectively;
  • knows how to forgive others and himself;
  • open to new ideas and opportunities.

Laziness, apathy, pessimism and self-doubt are signs of weakness. It is impossible to succeed with such qualities.

The easiest way is to call yourself a loser, complain about bad karma, fate and give up. Everyone can do it. Successful people do exactly the opposite - they believe in their star and do not stop where others have turned back.

How mindset affects success

Wealth and fame are not questions of luck, but the result of a special approach to life and way of thinking. One desire, of course, is not enough. Even if you repeat to yourself “I want, I will” every day, it will not change much. It is important to stop going with the flow: you need to get out of the water into the open.

Dream less and do more. Start small - change at least those circumstances of your life that you can change right now. For example, get rid of bad habits. Or get an additional profession that you have always dreamed of.

The most important step on the way to the goal is to start working for yourself. This does not mean that you absolutely need to start your own business. Working for yourself is when you follow your own decisions, and do not implement someone else's.

Do what you like or what you think is right and never blame yourself for it!

Success is a feeling of satisfaction from what is happening and no feeling of regret.

2. What to do to succeed in life, work, business

The inhabitants of all countries have such a tradition: to blame everyone around, circumstances, bad luck for their failures, but not themselves.

Psychologists say that it is natural for a person to protect his personality in this way. But such protection does more harm than good. It is much more effective to take responsibility for your actions and your life. If you do this, the world around you will start to change in an amazing way, as if you are looking at it through a magical kaleidoscope.

The recipes for success are largely individual, but there are universal techniques that will be useful to everyone. Some behaviors and ways of thinking work well no matter who uses them.

For example, people who think about their own realization will never waste time on useless entertainment - surfing social networks, watching TV or funny videos on YouTube. It doesn't make sense to them.

And also such people monitor their health, nutrition, hygiene of thinking. They love themselves, their body, surround themselves with useful and beautiful things, do not communicate with those who radiate negativity into the world.

Here are some tips that will definitely change you if you put them into practice.

Change your attitude towards problems

Successful people do not give in to despondency, even if there is a reason. Failure is not a disaster, but a form of learning. When they fail, life hackers don't tear their hair out in grief, but move on.

Successful people also face challenges. Perhaps there are even more problems in their life, because the one who does nothing is not mistaken. But the master of his fate treats difficulties differently. He does not think about how bad it is that the problem has arisen, but is looking for the least costly ways to solve it.

Acting rationally is the most effective way to overcome difficulties.

Do what you love

Do what you love and you'll never have to work. Because what you love is not work.

Everyone has a favorite thing, except for inveterate loafers. If you like to draw, draw, learn 3D animation, illustrate children's books. Do you love to cook? Bring the most unusual recipes to life and film the process on video.

Be perfect in your work. Don't think about money, at least not at first. If you are persistent and consistent, there will definitely be a return in the form of recognition and money. I guarantee.

Don't be lazy

Being lazy isn't just about lying on the couch in front of a home theater. Those who do routine work day after day and fence themselves off from the world are also lazy, so as not to be disturbed and disturbed.

Energize yourself

It is not only about physical energy, but also about spiritual. These are books, motivating films, trainings that help development and stimulate further steps. New energy prevents stagnation.

A variety of things can act as an energy boost. For example, good music energizes me: classical or progressive rock are stronger than coffee.

Improve Yourself

Development is necessary for people of all professions. Even in the plumbing business, the latest technologies and materials are constantly appearing: in order to be ahead of the competition, you need to master them before others.

Improvement is needed for people of all ages. British scientists have found that after 3 years of work in one place, our knowledge becomes insufficient in any profession, because progress does not stand still. Learn constantly to be in demand.

Think Positive

The practical benefits of positive thinking have been proven in practice. The lifestyle of a person striving for realization is not a path of restrictions and constant tension, but, on the contrary, the joy of every minute lived.

But a positive attitude will only be if you act in harmony with yourself. Nothing prevents you from striding towards goals like doubts, fears, disbelief in yourself.

Positive Thoughts Drive Efficiency

Psychologists advise keeping a Gratitude Diary, in which you will write down at least 3 positive events that happened to you during the day.

Do not give up

Remember the law of large numbers. If something is achieved in different ways and with many attempts, the probability of achieving it increases.

The creator of the electric light bulb, Thomas Edison, suffered more failures in his life than any other inventor of his time. This did not stop him from creating the largest energy company and becoming a true revolutionary in the industry.

3. What thoughts hinder personal growth

Each of us has blocks inside that hinder development. This one is like old junk that needs to be thrown away to free up a room and fill it with sunlight.

Let's study the main examples of negative thinking.

"I have to succeed"

You do not owe anything to anyone: self-realization is your own business. Even parents and close relatives cannot impose behavior patterns, life guidelines and goals on you.

"I can't do it"

Dooming yourself to failure in advance is not the smartest course of action. If you don't believe in yourself, don't even try. And if you are confident in yourself, then you will not be afraid of failure after the first, second and even tenth attempt.

Our understanding of reality is limited by our own stereotypes and imposed thought patterns. Change them and reality will change. The impossible will become possible.

"I do not want anything"

The position of the ostrich “I don’t see anything, I’m happy with everything” is a road to nowhere.

Life is moving forward. If you do not have the desire to develop and achieve something, something is wrong with you. It's time to re-prioritise.

"Everything as always - nothing new"

Life is constantly changing, whether we notice it or not. No one will forbid you to influence events yourself and rebuild the world for yourself.

4. 10 famous people who have achieved success

And now - 10 real success stories. These people achieved their goal despite minimal chances.

If they can do it, it will definitely work for you.

When Keanu was 3 years old, his father left him. Further worse - the future Neo did not study well at school, because he suffered from dyslexia - the inability to fully perceive written and spoken language.

In adolescence, Keanu was closed and notorious. In order to get rid of the complexes, he decided to enroll in an acting class and soon starred in a Canadian commercial for Coca-Cola. Further roles in Hollywood films radically changed the fate of Reeves. He became and still remains a world-class star.

Not only did the Desney family barely make ends meet: Walt's despotic father often beat his son, taking out his anger at his own insolvency. However, this did not spoil the cheerful and good-natured character of the future cartoonist, nor did it affect the child's passion for drawing.

Walt did not give up even when he was fired from his position as a cartoonist in a newspaper for "a complete inability to draw." Disney continued to believe in himself. And the result is well known to you!

As an ordinary teenager from a large family, Michael Jordan counted more on a career in the US Air Force than in basketball, because he was not accepted into the school team - he was not tall enough. However, the refusal was not a sentence for Michael, but a challenge - he devoted the whole next summer to training, and compensated for the lack of growth by improving the jump technique.

Work and self-discipline have become the main components of success throughout the life of this athlete.

Harrison Ford

The future Indiana Jones went to the theater circle to overcome shyness. However, he failed to graduate from college - he was expelled for poor progress.

In Hollywood, where the actor moved in search of a better life, Ford worked as a bartender, and after the first failures in the cinema, he decided to quit acting and became a carpenter. It was only through a chance meeting with Hollywood producer Fred Ross that Harrison tried his hand at cinema once again - this time successfully.

Louise Ciccone was born into a large family in a provincial provincial town. The girl had to make a career in New York from scratch. To pay for housing and training with a famous choreographer, she worked as a cloakroom attendant, a donut seller, and a model.

A spinal injury put an end to Forest's sports career, but this did not stop the future star from trying his hand at a completely different field of activity.

He managed to become an excellent actor and get an Oscar even despite a congenital physical defect - a disease of the oculomotor nerve and partial paralysis of the left eye.

Dee Jay Qualls was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphogranulomatosis at the age of 14. This did not prevent him from becoming a successful actor and producer. The tough guy from the series of the same name continues to fight the disease and supports the foundation for the treatment of this disease.

Nick has a congenital genetic pathology - he lacks full-fledged limbs (both arms and both legs). There was only a part of the foot with fused toes - it was she who, after surgical assistance, allowed the boy to learn to walk, swim and even ride a skateboard.