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Traditionally, odes are divided into types: Genre of ode Victorious-patriotic Solemn (commendable) Philosophical Spiritual Anacreontic

Slide 7

In accordance with the requirements of classicism, the ode is distinguished by logical harmony. Each of the main themes receives its justification and detailed development, each new thought follows logically from the previous one. "Ode on the day of the ascension ..." consists of 24 ten-line stanzas with repeated rhymes. Ode composition

Slide 8

1 - 2 stanzas - a beginning with a traditional appeal to silence and glorification of the beauty and greatness of the universe and the empress herself: Joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth, Beloved silence, Bliss of villages, fences of cities, If you are useful and red!

Slide 9

3 - 6 stanzas - the glorification of the deeds of Empress Elisaveta Petrovna: When she entered the throne, As the Most High gave her a crown, She returned you to Russia, Put an end to the war ...

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In stanzas 7-11, the poet recalls with admiration Peter I, the reformer tsar, the ideal of the Russian monarch, whose death the author of the ode mourns, regretting the death of his wife Catherine I: He sent a Man to Russia, What was unheard of from time immemorial. Through all the obstacles, he lifted up the Head, crowned with victories, Russia, trampled by rudeness, He raised him to heaven with himself.

slide 11

Starting from stanza 12, the poet again returns to the praise of the “Great Peter's daughter”, already dwelling in more detail on her merits. At the same time, he describes the wealth, beauty and immensity of the expanses of her power. Calls for the development of yet unexploited natural resources and the development of science in this regard: Look at the high mountains, Look at your wide fields, Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows; Wealth, hidden in them, Science will be frank, What blooms with your generosity.

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22 - 23 stanzas - the famous appeal to compatriots whom Lomonosov convinces of the benefits of doing science: Dare now encouraged by your zeal to show that the Russian land can give birth to its own Platons And quick-witted Newtons.

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The last, 24th stanza is the final glorification of the Empress and the blessing of her wise, peace-loving reign: To you, O source of mercy, O angel of our peaceful years! The Almighty is an assistant to him, Who dares with his pride, Seeing our peace, Rise up against you with war; The builder will keep you In all ways unstumbling And your blessed life He will compare with the number of your bounties.

slide 14

Themes and problems of the ode The poet talks about what, in his opinion, should contribute to the development and prosperity of the Fatherland. On the importance of the peace-loving policy of the Empress. On the need to develop education and science, which, from his point of view, will contribute to the development and prosperity of the state.

slide 15

The artistic features of a work are determined by its genre and ideological and thematic content. It fully corresponds to the odic canon, which consists of a stable meter and a stable stanza. The ode is written in iambic tetrameter, consists of ten-line stanzas with a specific rhyming system: aBaBvvGddG. Artistic originality

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The solemnity of the style is achieved by the use of Slavicisms in the ode: classes - ears of corn, the builder - God, daughter - daughter, look - look; images drawn from ancient mythology: Minerva - the goddess of wisdom, Mars - the god of war, Neptune - the god of the sea, Boreas - the north wind;

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An abundance of rhetorical questions, exclamations and appeals: “Be silent, fiery sounds, and stop wavering the light ...” “But oh, cruel fate!” “What lordship surrounds Parnassus in so much grief?”

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Often Lomonosov uses characteristic comparisons, metaphors, personifications: “There, the darkness of the islands is sown, the ocean is like a river”; “Your generosity encourages our spirit and urges us to run, Like a capable wind in a swimmer’s bluff…”; “You insolent whirlwinds, do not dare to roar, but meekly divulge our beautiful times.”

slide 19

4 - Joyful change ... - a palace coup that brought Elizabeth to the throne. 7 - He sent a Man to Russia ... - Peter I. 9 - Then the sciences are divine ... - we are talking about the Academy of Sciences founded by Peter I, opened after his death in 1725. 10 - Jealously rejected by fate ... - Peter I died in 1725. 11 - Catherine I (1684-1727) - wife of Peter I, Russian empress. Notes on the ode

slide 20

11 - Sequana - the Latin name for the Seine, an allusion to the Paris Academy of Sciences. 19 - Russian Columbus - Vitus Bering (1681-1741) - Russian navigator. 21 - Tops of the Riphean ... - Ural. 22 - Plato (427-347 BC) - Greek philosopher. Newton - Isaac Newton (1643-1727) - English physicist and mathematician. 23 - Science feeds young men ... - the stanza is a poetic translation of a fragment from the speech of the Roman orator and politician Mark (106-43 BC) in defense of the poet Archius (b. 120 BC).

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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“Ode on the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elisaveta Petrovna in 1747” In the ode, the poet is disinterested: he does not rejoice at the insignificant events of his own life, he does not complain about them, he speaks the truth and the judgment of Providence, triumphs about the greatness of his native land, intersperses thunderstorms in comparison, blesses the righteous, curses the monster. V.K.Kukhelbecker

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Genre of the ode - Lomonosov's favorite genre Lomonosov wrote 20 large solemn odes. They marked the beginning of biased poetry, custom poetry, the poetry of public service. The idea of ​​the state crowned the system of views, which found expression in odes. Monarchs were sung because they personified the state, heroes - because they served the state, geographical expanses - because they testified to the power of the state, peace - because it contributed to the prosperity of the state.

4 slide

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Lomonosov's ideal was an enlightened monarchy, the ideology of which took shape in Western Europe during the era of absolutism at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, and Peter the Great was the ideal hero. Empress Elizaveta Petrovna was too unlike her father. Despite the fact that the ode was composed in connection with some official event - a military victory, the next anniversary of the accession to the throne of a reigning person, etc., Lomonosov always found the opportunity to talk about what worried him, which was especially important for Russia. His praises to Elizabeth were of an instructive nature and were, rather, praises not for what the Empress had done, but for what she should have done in the interests of the state, science, and education.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Analysis of the ode When and why was the ode written? The day of accession to the throne occupied a central place in the annual cycle of court holidays. In 1747, the fifth anniversary of Elizabeth's accession was celebrated. But this ode was written on one more specific occasion: the Russian Academy of Sciences was "granted" a new charter. Lomonosov pinned great hopes on him in the spread of education in Russia.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Analysis of the ode What mood and intonation should the reading of the ode be colored with? Patriotic enthusiasm, appeal, etc.) What meter does Lomonosov choose? iambic tetrameter. According to Lomonosov, iambic enhances the nobility and loftiness of the content, contributes to the best expression of thought.

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The content of the ode This ode can be considered classical in content and form. Pay attention to 3-4 stanzas, read. These stanzas are especially characteristic of the classical ode. What topics are covered in the ode, which of them do you consider the main ones? Pictures of peaceful life; Praise of Elizabeth (Why does the poet glorify the Empress?); Hymn to Peter (What is Lomonosov's attitude towards Peter1? What is credited to him?) Description of the boundless expanses and riches of Russia; Appeal and call to youth - to master the sciences. This is both the structure of the ode and its main themes.

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Description of the slide:

The main theme of the ode What is the main theme of the ode? The main theme of the ode is Russia, its prosperity. A kind of introduction to the disclosure of the topic are stanzas glorifying the onset of peace, "beloved silence" as a condition for the flourishing of domestic sciences, necessary for the development of the riches of their native land, for preparing Russian youth for useful scientific and practical activities for the glory of the motherland. Peace is also the basic condition for the success of enlightenment. This is how Lomonosov approaches his main idea, which determines the main pathos of the ode... The lyrical development of this theme forms the content of the central part of the ode, which, in turn, thematically breaks up into several parts.

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Description of the slide:

The main idea of ​​the ode What kind of internal logic can be seen in this "lyrical mess"? Peace is a condition for the prosperity of the state and a necessary prerequisite for the success of education. Peter 1 for Lomonosov is a national hero, famous for his victories on land and at sea, who realized the need to develop science and education. In Elizabeth Lomonosov wants to see the successor of his father's affairs. The great riches of Russia can be discovered and mastered with the help of science, to the study of which the Russian youth should turn. This is the guarantee of the Russian state.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

The idea of ​​the ode What can you say about the central part of the ode? The theme of the enlightened monarch stands out, whose role in the spread of education in the country, according to the classical poets, is very significant. Such a transformation of the traditional theme of the laudatory ode, characteristic of Russian classicism, is the great merit of Lomonosov, whose personal feelings and experiences are merged with national, civic interests.

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Description of the slide:

The image of Elizabeth Petrovna Let's compare the portrait of the Empress with her description in the ode. Lomonosov's praises to the Russian Empress are traditional for odes. These praises are combined with the mandate to be an enlightened ruler, to expand science, to take care of the welfare of society. The idea of ​​the Russian classicists about the ideal enlightened monarch, who has no equal either on the battlefields or in peaceful work to transform the country, was embodied in the image of Peter 1.

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Drawing up a plan for an ode 1. Introduction. Peace is the basis of the welfare of the state. 2. Main part. The greatness of Russia, its prosperity: a) praise the generosity of Elizabeth; b) the merits of Peter 1 to the people of Russia; c) wealth, beauty of Russia; d) an appeal to young people to master the sciences; e) science and its role in Russian society. 3. Conclusion. Gratitude to the monarch for the deed for the good of Russia.

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conclusion The plan convinces that the civic pathos and content of the Lomonosov ode correspond to a majestic, monumental and at the same time simple and harmonious composition. Freely developing themes, "lyrical disorder" are subordinated to the main theme, which creates the ideological and artistic unity of the entire ode. Moreover, all independent themes have the same structure.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov (1711-1765 )

Public lesson in Russian literature in 8 "B" class

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. Composition features "Odes on the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747". Images of Elizabeth and Peter I in the work.

Brief Lesson Plan I. Motivational beginning of the lesson. Knowledge Tree II. Historical warm-up. III. Literary Parade IV. "Conceptual warm-up" V. Messages. VI. "Literary Lotto". VII. Explanation of new material VIII. Work with text. Analysis of "Ode..." IX. "Thin and thick questions and answers". XII. Lesson summary. Plus or minus interesting. XIII. Homework. XIV. Self-assessment of activity in the lesson. Reception "Zigzag »: 1-2 ; 1-6 ; 4- 6 -12 ; 4-1-12. Individual, pair, group, collective

II . Historical warm-up . 18th century

II . Historical warm-up . 18th century

Peter I 1682-1725- during the reign of Peter I , 1700-1721 - North War , 1703 .- foundation of Petersburg 1707-1708 .- peasant war led by K. Bulavin , 1725 - death of Peter I, foundation of the Academy of Sciences in Russia.

Elizaveta Petrovna 1741-1761 - the reign of Elizabeth 1755 - foundation of Moscow University, 1756-1763 - Seven Years' War, 1756-1761 .- founding a public theater in Russia, 1757 .-foundation of the Academy of Arts in Russia

Catherine II

  • 1762-1796 .-

reign of Catherine II,

  • 1768-1774 .-

Russo-Turkish War

  • 1773-1775 -

peasant war

under the leadership of


  • 1787-1791

Turkey's war with Russia.

Pavel I 1796-1801- reign time Paul I , 1799-1815- Napoleonic Wars

III. literary parade

The first decade of the 18th century is an amazing picture of an explosion of creative forces, energy, and enterprise. The old world is cracking and collapsing. Europe, which has been waiting for something completely different, is looking in horror and fear at the emerging Russia.

A.N. Tolstoy

Prokopovich Kantemir (1681-1736) (1709-1744)

Trediakovsky Lomonosov (1703-1769) (1711-1765 )

Sumarokov Kheraskov (1717-1777) (1733-1807 )

Maykov Fonvizin (1728-1778) (1744-1792)

Derzhavin Radishchev (1743-1816) (1749-1802)

Krylov Karamzin (1768-1844) (1766-1826)

How are these concepts related?

with 18th century literature?

  • Exposure of vices
  • Old Russian literature
  • Russian folklore
  • Ancient literature

Repetition of the theory of literature. "Conceptual warm-up"





  • Exposure of vices
  • The hero is a Russian, Orthodox person
  • New Russian satire, drama, prose.
  • Ideas of statehood and education
  • Old Russian literature
  • Western European literature
  • Russian folklore
  • Ancient literature

Name this literary movement. An artistic direction that originated in the second quarter of the 18th century in the work of the pioneers of new literature. » Focus on absolute monarchy (in France - Louis XIV (XVII century), in Russia - Peter I (XVIII century).

An artistic direction that originated in the second quarter of the 18th century in the work of the pioneers of new literature. “The focus is on the absolute monarchy (in France, Louis XIV (XVII century), in Russia, Peter I (XVIII century).

Classicism - an artistic direction (flow) in art and literature of the 17th - 18th centuries. Translated from the Latin "exemplary". This direction is based on the recognition of ancient art as the highest model, the cult of reason, rationalism, imitation of nature, and a strict plot and compositional organization.

Decipher these keywords. What concept can unite them?

  • 1.Nature.
  • 2. Antique art.
  • 3. Simplicity of composition.
  • 4. Public issues. 5. Tsars, commanders, statesmen.
  • 6. Submission to genres.
  • 7. "Three calms."
  • 8. Positive and negative characters.
  • 9, 10. Possessor of virtue or vice. 11. "Trinity".

Aesthetic principles of classicism

1. The principle of "imitation of nature." 2. Orientation to ancient art. 3. Simplicity, harmony, consistency of the composition of the work. 4. Patriotic themes and social, civil issues. 5. The main characters are kings, generals, statesmen. Interest in Russian history. 6. Strict hierarchy of genres. 7. Theory of "three calms". 8. A clear division of heroes into positive and negative. 9.Isolation of one leading feature in the character of the hero. 10. "The system of roles." 11. The rule of "three unities".

  • High :
  • Medium :
  • Low :

High - Medium - Low.

The main genres of classicism

  • High : tragedy, ode, epic.
  • Medium : scientific poetry, elegy, epistle.
  • Low : comedy, fable, satire.

"Role system". Heroes of classicism .

Heroes of classicism

"Role system". Heroes of classicism.

Maid (Heroine's Helper)

Ideal heroine

Deceived father


Heroes of classicism

Second lover


Lover Hero

  • The action develops...
  • The author should not transfer the action from ...
  • …… . line, quantity ……….. limited(5-10).

The rule of three unities

  • Action develops no more than a day
  • The author must not transfer the action from one place to another.
  • One storyline line, quantity actors limited (5-10).

Time 1 day

Place 1

Action 1 Conflict

The first half of the 18th century is the beginning of the development of Russian classical culture, literature, and poetry. Special start: powerful, energetic,

which gave impetus to the rapid movement of scientific and artistic thought.

Theory and practice, science and poetry coexist harmoniously in one creative person. This can be seen on the example of the life and creative path

M.V. Lomonosov .

1. Information about the life and work of M. V. Lomonosov. Reformatory activity of Lomonosov in the field of Russian language and literature.

M.V. Lomonosov made a significant reform in the field of linguistics.

His works: “The Teaching of the Three Calms”, “On the Usefulness of Church Books in the Russian Language”, “Letter on the Rules of Russian Poetry ».

Three groups of words

I (high) II (medium) III (low) )

  • I open my hand (I open it) for now, only
  • Glory I call (I call) I say
  • Now the right hand (hand) stream
  • I - about important matters, significant events
  • II - scientific essays, poetic messages to friends
  • III - comedies, songs, friendly messages.

The theory of "three calms"



High: Church Slavonicisms

Average: common words



Short: colloquial, colloquial words

Rarely without violating style


2. Reform of versification

The reform of versification is the most important event in the history of literature of the 18th century.

In the works of Trediakovsky "A new and concise way to compose Russian poetry" And Lomonosov "Letter on the rules of Russian poetry" the possibility of organizing a short verse with ordered stress is described in more detail .

Lomonosov described everything

syllable clean and intelligible"

A. N. Radishchev.

Delight sudden mind captivated,

Leads to the top of a high mountain,

Where the wind in the forests forgot to make noise,

There is deep silence in the valley.

Listening to something, the key is silent,

Which always murmurs

And with noise down tends.

Laurel crowns curl there,

There the rumor hastens to all ends;

Far away the smoke in the fields is smoking

  • . M.Yu.Lermontov. "Gifts of the Terek"

Te-rek is wild and evil-ben


M.V. Lomonosov Vos-bargaining out-of-the-west mind captivated (iambic )

“Reveal to me the former, oh antiquity, times »

3.Ode as a genre of heroic civil lyrics .

Strict rules:

  • high style of speech,
  • many Church Slavonicisms,
  • stanza in ten verses with a solid rhyme scheme - ababvvgddg
  • Oh yeah a solemn lyrical poem, glorifying the majestic in life and nature, glorifying the heroic past. The ode was written for solemn occasions of court life. Lomonosov created the genre of program ode - ode-recommendation.

  • What is the creative legacy of Lomonosov?
  • It is believed that the poetic heritage of Lomonosov is diverse in terms of genre. Give specific examples.
  • What are the main themes of Lomonosov's odes.
  • It is true that "Ode on the day of the accession to the throne of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747" was written by order of the court?

  • 1. The structure of the work fully complies with the laws of the poetics of classicism and has a clear three-part division:
  • introduction, main body and conclusion. At the same time, the introduction and conclusion are connected both in content and in form and form a single “frame” into which the main part of the ode is “inserted”. 2. In the introduction (1-2 stanzas), the word-image “silence” breaks off. Why is silence “the joy of kings and kingdoms”, “the bliss of villages”, “fenced cities”. The word-image has a “double character”, since the word “Elizaveta” in Russian means “silence”

  • 3. The main part is divided into two independent segments: the first - stanzas 1-14, the second - stanza 14 - before the conclusion. The composition of the first section of the main part is composed according to a linear-step principle, based on comparison and a logical figure Elizabeth - Peter I - Elizabeth . The first 14 stanzas have a classic three-part form: thesis-proof-conclusion.
  • Tezi c: Elizabeth is an enlightened monarch.
  • D evidence : comparing it with the ideal in the person of Peter I.
  • Conclusion: "This is the only glory to you ...".

  • 4. The structure of the second section of the main part also has a clear scheme : problem - thesis - development of evidence - conclusion . The main idea - a hymn to science - is repeated twice: at the beginning and at the end of the section .
  • 5. The conclusion consists of one stanza: praise back to the empress.
  • Composition of the ode as a whole
  • very solid and well thought out.

Text analysis plan

according to the proposed fragments

  • Selective reading by heart of a fragment from the ode.
  • Topic in the proposed snippet
  • Lyrical plot
  • Problems
  • Composition.
  • Lyric hero. Basic images.

VIII. Work with text. Analysis of the ode

Group work plan:

1. Analysis from the first stanza to the 13th stanza .

2. Analysis from the 14th stanza to the 23rd.

3. Analysis of the final stanza

IX. Blitz-poll "Thin and thick questions and answers"

Subtle questions - subtle answers

  • 1. How is the ode structured?
  • 2. What did Russia look like?
  • 3. What goals does the author set for the reign of Elizabeth?
  • 4. What is the author singing about?

Thin and thick questions - thick answers

  • 5. By what means is the union of two "finished" parts into a single whole achieved?

7. Why does the ode dedicated to Elizabeth sound solemn when it comes to Peter I?

  • 8. How would you define the main theme of the ode?

  • truncated word forms(“The lyre is admiring”, “I will crown the head”, “I will trample Russia”, “The Neva is fortified and surrounded”, “new fruits”, “useful labors”);
  • Slavicisms(“wants”, “care”, “in vain the sword in the hands”, “builds up”, “Builder”, “this”, “this”);
  • comparisons(“Lena, like the Nile, will water the nations”);
  • epithets ( in the fields bloody, fiery sounds; divine sciences, the purest mind, deep lamentation, happy citizenship).

  • 3. "Edition of illustrations of the ode" (guessing stanzas). 4. Write a mini essay "Appeal to Lomonosov", which would answer the following questions:
  • What turned out to be interesting for you in the 18th century?
  • What surprised you, made you think?
  • What question would you, a man of the 21st century, ask M.V. Lomonosov?
  • 5. Writing your own ode.

1. Filling in the associative table - comparison of the images of Elizabeth and Peter I.


Lexical chain



The soul of her marshmallow is quieter,

brought with her kindness her beautiful face!

“Sent to Russia a Man, what has not been heard from the ages.


He lifted up his head, crowned with victories, Russia, trampled on by rudeness, lifted him up to heaven with him ”

your generous will,

hard worker



"Source of mercy", "Oh, the angel of our peaceful years",



"Your life will be blessed with the number of your bounties"


  • 1-3. Beloved silence - quiet soul - silence and the monarch . 4-6. The beautiful face of the monarchine - her generosity - Elizabeth.
  • 7-9. A man who has not been heard of for centuries - a sword in Peter's hands and the Russian flag - Peter I and divine sciences.
  • 10-13 .deep lamentation - the path of the bright spirit - Peter I - the great Peter's daughter and the door to happiness - the deplorable long-drawn moan of the people, the army for the emperor.
  • 14-21. Happy citizenship - miracles in the northern country - miracles performed by man - the magnanimous will of the monarch - Russian Columbus - The river is like the Ocean - silver, gold and precious metal from the mountains of the Riphean heights.
  • 22-23. Platons and Newtons of the Russian land are sciences.
  • 24 .Bounty of an angel of peaceful years.

  • XII. Lesson summary .
  • "Plus- minus- Interesting
  • What are the new facets of M.V. Lomonosov opened for you an acquaintance with his work?
  • XIII. Homework . Learn by heart the poem you like by M.V. Lomonosov.

XIV. Self-assessment of activity in the lesson

  • 1. I worked at the lesson active / passive 2. With my work in the lesson, I happy / not happy 3. The lesson seemed to me short / long 4. Per lesson I'm not tired / tired 5. My mood got better / got worse 6. Lesson material to me was
  • clear / not clear useful / useless interesting / boring easy / difficult

7. Homework seems to me interested / not interested


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Slides captions:


"Ode on the day of the ascension ..." Why is the XVIII century considered the century of enlightenment in Russia? In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the work of a brilliant man - M.V. Lomonosov, a great scientist, public figure and poet-reformer. You will learn about the theory of "three calms", developed by the poet, get acquainted with the ode genre, which occupies a large place in his work, and read one of them - "Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747".

The life and work of MV Lomonosov Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov is the first Russian natural scientist of world significance. Everyone knows the versatile talents of this man, his numerous discoveries, the breadth of his activities (research in the field of chemistry and physics, navigation and navigation, astronomy, history, law, philology).

In 1757, Lomonosov wrote a preface to his collected works "On the Usefulness of Church Books in the Russian Language", in which he outlines the famous theory of "three calms". The division of styles into "high", "medium" and "low" has existed in poetics since antiquity. The essence of Lomonosov's research was that the dependence of the style of speech on the number of Church Slavonic words in it was shown. The theory of "three calms"

Analysis of the ode Ode can be called "typical" for Lomonosov. It is written in iambic tetrameter and consists of 3 parts: in the first, the poet turns to the empress and calls the muses for help; the second part - the largest - is dedicated to the actual glorification of Elizabeth; and in the third, Lomonosov asks the Empress for help. This is a traditional odic composition, dating back to the ancient hymn.

Conclusion In this lesson you have learned: that MV Lomonosov was a brilliant Russian scientist, writer and poet; about the genre of the ode and the rules by which it was built; about the "theory of three styles", which allows you to classify a work of art in a low, medium or high style.

Test 1. Lomonosov's work belongs to ... a) classicism b) sentimentalism c) romanticism 2. In Moscow, M.V. Lomonosov entered ... a) the Theological Seminary b) Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy c) Navigation School

3. To study mining, Lomonosov is sent to ... a) Cambridge University b) Eton University c) Marburg University 4. In Russia, Lomonosov served in ... a) the Academy of Sciences b) the Academy of Arts c) the Military Academy

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

M.V. Lomonosov. Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747

The purpose of this lesson: Consolidation of information about the biography of M.V. Lomonosov, his role in literature. Working with the concept of "ode", with ...

Integrated lesson. Study of an excerpt from "Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elisaveta Petrovna in 1747".

Integrated lesson of geography and literature dedicated to M.V. Lomonosov "Study of an excerpt from" Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty the Empress Empress Elisa ...

"Ode on the day of the ascension .." Features of the ode genre.

In the literature lesson, you can apply game design. Children remember the genre of the ode, which is inherent in it, and then write the ode themselves ....