Properties of the function Let's analyze according to the scheme: Let's analyze according to the scheme: 1. domain of the function 1. domain of the function 2. set of function values ​​2. set of function values ​​3. zeros of the function 3. zeros of the function 4. intervals of constant sign of the function 4. intervals of constant sign of the function 5. function even or odd 5. function even or odd 6. function monotonicity 6. function monotonicity 7. maximum and minimum values ​​7. maximum and minimum values ​​8. function periodicity 8. function periodicity 9. function boundedness 9. function boundedness

0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor "title=" An exponential function, its graph and properties y x 1 o 1) The domain of definition is the set of all real numbers (D(y)=R). 2) The set of values ​​is the set of all positive numbers (E(y)=R +). 3) There are no zeros. 4) y>0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor" class="link_thumb"> 10 !} An exponential function, its graph and properties y x 1 o 1) The domain of definition is the set of all real numbers (D(y)=R). 2) The set of values ​​is the set of all positive numbers (E(y)=R +). 3) There are no zeros. 4) y>0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor odd. 6) The function is monotonic: it increases on R for a>1 and decreases on R for 0 0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even, nor "> 0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor odd. 6) The function is monotonic: it increases on R for a> 1 and decreases on R for 0"> 0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor "title=" An exponential function, its graph and properties y x 1 o 1) The domain of definition is the set of all real numbers (D(y)=R). 2) The set of values ​​is the set of all positive numbers (E(y)=R +). 3) There are no zeros. 4) y>0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor"> title="An exponential function, its graph and properties y x 1 o 1) The domain of definition is the set of all real numbers (D(y)=R). 2) The set of values ​​is the set of all positive numbers (E(y)=R +). 3) There are no zeros. 4) y>0 for x R. 5) The function is neither even nor"> !}

The growth of wood occurs according to the law, where: A - change in the amount of wood over time; A 0 - initial amount of wood; t is time, k, a are some constants. The growth of wood occurs according to the law, where: A - change in the amount of wood over time; A 0 - initial amount of wood; t is time, k, a are some constants. t 0 t0t0 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 tntn А A0A0 A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 AnAn

The temperature of the kettle changes according to the law, where: T is the change in the temperature of the kettle with time; T 0 - boiling point of water; t is time, k, a are some constants. The temperature of the kettle changes according to the law, where: T is the change in the temperature of the kettle with time; T 0 - boiling point of water; t is time, k, a are some constants. t 0 t0t0 t1t1 t2t2 t3t3 tntn T T0T0 T1T1 T2T2 T3T3

Radioactive decay occurs according to the law, where: Radioactive decay occurs according to the law, where: N is the number of undecayed atoms at any time t; N 0 - initial number of atoms (at time t=0); t-time; N is the number of undecayed atoms at any time t; N 0 - initial number of atoms (at time t=0); t-time; T is the half-life. T is the half-life. t 0 t 1 t 2 N N3N3 N4N4 t4t4 N0N0 t3t3 N2N2 N1N1

C An essential property of the processes of organic and change in quantities is that for equal periods of time the value of a quantity changes in the same ratio. Growth of wood Change in temperature of the kettle Change in air pressure Processes of organic change in quantities include: Radioactive decay

Compare the numbers 1.3 34 and 1.3 40. Example 1. Compare the numbers 1.3 34 and 1.3 40. General solution method. 1. Present the numbers as a power with the same base (if necessary) 1.3 34 and 1. Find out whether the exponential function is increasing or decreasing a = 1.3; a>1, the next exponential function increases. a=1.3; a>1, the next exponential function increases. 3. Compare exponents (or function arguments) 34 1, the next exponential function increases. a=1.3; a>1, the next exponential function increases. 3. Compare exponents (or function arguments) 34">

Solve graphically the equation 3 x = 4-x. Example 2. Solve graphically the equation 3 x \u003d 4-x. Solution. We use the functional-graphical method for solving equations: we construct graphs of the functions y=3 x and y=4-x in one coordinate system. graphs of functions y=3x and y=4x. Note that they have one common point (1;3). So the equation has only one root x=1. Answer: 1 Answer: 1 y \u003d 4-x

4th. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions "title=" Graphically solve the inequality 3 x > 4-x in one coordinate system. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions in one coordinate system" class="link_thumb"> 24 !} Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4 x. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. We construct in one system 1. We construct in one coordinate system the graphs of the coordinate functions of the graphs of the functions y=3 x and y=4-x. 2. Select the part of the graph of the function y=3 x, located above (because the > sign) of the graph of the function y=4-x. 3. Mark on the x-axis the part that corresponds to the selected part of the graph (otherwise: project the selected part of the graph onto the x-axis). 4. Write the answer as an interval: Answer: (1;). Answer: (1;). 4th. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y \u003d 4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions "\u003e 4-x in one coordinate system. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y =4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct in one coordinate system the graphs of the coordinate functions of the graphs of the functions y=3 x and y=4-x 2. Select part of the graph of the function y=3 x, located above (because the > sign) of the graph of the function y=4-x 3. Mark on the x-axis the part that corresponds to the selected part of the graph (otherwise: project the selected part of the graph onto the x-axis) 4. Write down the answer as an interval: Answer: (1;). Answer: (1;)."> 4-x. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions "title=" Graphically solve the inequality 3 x > 4-x in one coordinate system. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions in one coordinate system"> title="Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4 x. Example 3. Solve graphically the inequality 3 x > 4-x. Solution. y=4-x We use the functional-graphical method for solving inequalities: 1. Construct in one system 1. Construct graphs of functions in one coordinate system"> !}

Solve graphically inequalities: 1) 2 x >1; 2) 2 x 1; 2) 2 x "> 1; 2) 2 x "> 1; 2) 2 x "title=" Solve graphically inequalities: 1) 2 x >1; 2) 2 x"> title="Solve graphically inequalities: 1) 2 x >1; 2) 2 x"> !}

Independent work (test) 1. Indicate the exponential function: 1. Indicate the exponential function: 1) y=x 3 ; 2) y \u003d x 5/3; 3) y \u003d 3 x + 1; 4) y \u003d 3 x + 1. 1) y \u003d x 3; 2) y \u003d x 5/3; 3) y \u003d 3 x + 1; 4) y \u003d 3 x + 1. 1) y \u003d x 2; 2) y \u003d x -1; 3) y \u003d -4 + 2 x; 4) y=0.32 x. 1) y \u003d x 2; 2) y \u003d x -1; 3) y \u003d -4 + 2 x; 4) y=0.32 x. 2. Indicate a function that increases on the entire domain of definition: 2. Specify a function that increases on the entire domain of definition: 1) y = (2/3) -x; 2) y=2-x; 3) y \u003d (4/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.9 x. 1) y \u003d (2/3) -x; 2) y=2-x; 3) y \u003d (4/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.9 x. 1) y \u003d (2/3) x; 2) y=7.5 x; 3) y \u003d (3/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.1 x. 1) y \u003d (2/3) x; 2) y=7.5 x; 3) y \u003d (3/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.1 x. 3. Indicate a function that decreases over the entire domain of definition: 3. Specify a function that decreases over the entire domain of definition: 1) y = (3/11) -x; 2) y=0.4 x; 3) y \u003d (10/7) x; 4) y \u003d 1.5 x. 1) y \u003d (2/17) -x; 2) y=5.4 x; 3) y = 0.7 x; 4) y \u003d 3 x. 4. Indicate the set of values ​​of the function y=3 -2 x -8: 4. Indicate the set of values ​​of the function y=2 x+1 +16: 5. Indicate the smallest of these numbers: 5. Indicate the smallest of these numbers: 1) 3 - 1/3; 2) 27 -1/3; 3) (1/3) -1/3; 4) 1 -1/3. 1) 3 -1/3; 2) 27 -1/3; 3) (1/3) -1/3; 4) 1 -1/3. 5. Indicate the largest of these numbers: 1) 5 -1/2; 2) 25 -1/2; 3) (1/5) -1/2; 4) 1 -1/2. 1) 5 -1/2; 2) 25 -1/2; 3) (1/5) -1/2; 4) 1 -1/2. 6. Find out graphically how many roots the equation 2 x \u003d x -1/3 (1/3) x \u003d x 1/2 has 6. Find out graphically how many roots the equation 2 x \u003d x -1/3 (1/3) has x \u003d x 1/2 1) 1 root; 2) 2 roots; 3) 3 roots; 4) 4 roots.

1. Specify the exponential function: 1) y=x 3; 2) y=x 5/3; 3) y=3 x+1; 4) y \u003d 3 x + 1. 1) y \u003d x 3; 2) y=x 5/3; 3) y=3 x+1; 4) y=3 x Indicate a function that is increasing over the entire domain of definition: 2. Indicate a function that is increasing over the entire domain of definition: 1) y = (2/3)-x; 2) y=2-x; 3) y \u003d (4/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.9 x. 1) y \u003d (2/3) -x; 2) y=2-x; 3) y \u003d (4/5) x; 4) y \u003d 0.9 x. 3. Indicate a function decreasing over the entire domain of definition: 3. Indicate a function decreasing over the entire domain of definition: 1) y = (3/11)-x; 2) y=0.4 x; 3) y \u003d (10/7) x; 4) y \u003d 1.5 x. 1) y \u003d (3/11) -x; 2) y=0.4 x; 3) y \u003d (10/7) x; 4) y \u003d 1.5 x. 4. Indicate the set of values ​​of the function y=3-2 x-8: 4. Indicate the set of values ​​of the function y=3-2 x-8: 5. Indicate the smallest of these numbers: 5. Indicate the smallest of these numbers: 1) 3- 1/3; 2) 27-1/3; 3) (1/3)-1/3; 4) 1-1/3. 1) 3-1/3; 2) 27-1/3; 3) (1/3)-1/3; 4) 1-1/3. 6. Find out graphically how many roots the equation 2 x=x- 1/3 has 6. Find out graphically how many roots the equation 2 x=x- 1/3 has 1) 1 root; 2) 2 roots; 3) 3 roots; 4) 4 roots. 1) 1 root; 2) 2 roots; 3) 3 roots; 4) 4 roots. Verification work Select exponential functions, which: Select exponential functions, which: I option - decrease on the domain of definition; Option I - decrease on the domain of definition; II option - increase on the domain of definition. II option - increase on the domain of definition.

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MAOU "Sladkovskaya secondary school" Exponential function, its properties and graph Grade 10

A function of the form y \u003d a x, where a is a given number, a > 0, a ≠ 1, x is a variable, is called exponential.

An exponential function has the following properties: O.O.F: the set R of all real numbers; Mn.zn.: the set of all positive numbers; The exponential function y \u003d a x is increasing on the set of all real numbers if a> 1, and decreasing if 0

Graphs of the function y \u003d 2 x and y \u003d (½) x 1. The graph of the function y \u003d 2 x passes through the point (0; 1) and is located above the Ox axis. a>1 D(y): х є R E(y): y > 0 Increases over the entire domain of definition. 2. The graph of the function y= also passes through the point (0; 1) and is located above the Ox axis. 0

Using the increase and decrease properties of an exponential function, you can compare numbers and solve exponential inequalities. Compare: a) 5 3 and 5 5 ; b) 4 7 and 4 3 ; c) 0.2 2 and 0.2 6 ; d) 0.9 2 and 0.9. Solve: a) 2 x >1; b) 13 x + 1 0.7; d) 0.04 x a b or a x 1, then x>b (x

Solve graphically the equations: 1) 3 x \u003d 4-x, 2) 0.5 x \u003d x + 3.

If you remove a boiling kettle from the fire, then at first it cools down quickly, and then the cooling goes much more slowly, this phenomenon is described by the formula T \u003d (T 1 - T 0) e - kt + T 1 Application of the exponential function in life, science and technology

The growth of wood occurs according to the law: A - change in the amount of wood over time; A 0 - initial amount of wood; t - time, k, a - some constants. Air pressure decreases with height according to the law: P - pressure at height h, P0 - pressure at sea level, and - some constant.

Population growth The change in the number of people in the country over a short period of time is described by the formula, where N 0 is the number of people at time t=0, N is the number of people at time t, a is a constant.

The law of organic reproduction: under favorable conditions (no enemies, a large amount of food), living organisms would multiply according to the law of an exponential function. For example: one housefly can produce 8 x 10 14 offspring in a summer. Their weight would be several million tons (and the weight of the offspring of a pair of flies would exceed the weight of our planet), they would take up a huge space, and if you line them up in a chain, then its length will be greater than the distance from the Earth to the Sun. But since, in addition to flies, there are many other animals and plants, many of which are natural enemies of flies, their number does not reach the above values.

When a radioactive substance decays, its amount decreases, after a while half of the original substance remains. This period of time t 0 is called the half-life. The general formula for this process is: m \u003d m 0 (1/2) -t / t 0, where m 0 is the initial mass of the substance. The longer the half-life, the slower the decay of the substance. This phenomenon is used to determine the age of archaeological finds. Radium, for example, decays according to the law: M = M 0 e -kt. Using this formula, scientists calculated the age of the Earth (radium decays in about the time equal to the age of the Earth).

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The use of integration in the educational process as a way to develop analytical and creative abilities....

Concentration of attention:

Definition. Function species is called exponential function .

Comment. Base exclusion a numbers 0; 1 and negative values a explained by the following circumstances:

The analytic expression itself a x in these cases, it retains its meaning and can be encountered in solving problems. For example, for the expression x y dot x = 1; y = 1 enters the range of acceptable values.

Construct graphs of functions: and .

Graph of an exponential function
y= a x, a > 1 y= a x , 0< a < 1

Properties of the exponential function

Properties of the exponential function y= a x, a > 1 y= a x , 0< a < 1
  1. Function scope
2. Range of function values
3. Intervals of comparison with the unit at x> 0, a x > 1 at x > 0, 0< a x < 1
at x < 0, 0< a x < 1 at x < 0, a x > 1
4. Even, odd. The function is neither even nor odd (general function).
5. Monotony. increases monotonically by R decreases monotonically by R
6. Extremes. The exponential function has no extrema.
7.Asymptote Axis O x is a horizontal asymptote.
8. For any real values x And y;

When the table is filled, tasks are solved in parallel with the filling.

Task number 1. (To find the domain of the function).

What argument values ​​are valid for functions:

Task number 2. (To find the range of the function).

The figure shows a graph of a function. Specify the scope and scope of the function:

Task number 3. (To indicate the intervals of comparison with the unit).

Compare each of the following powers with one:

Task number 4. (To study the function for monotonicity).

Compare real numbers by magnitude m And n If:

Task number 5. (To study the function for monotonicity).

Make a conclusion about the basis a, If:

y(x) = 10 x ; f(x) = 6 x ; z(x) - 4x

How are the graphs of exponential functions relative to each other for x > 0, x = 0, x< 0?

In one coordinate plane, graphs of functions are plotted:

y(x) = (0,1) x ; f(x) = (0.5) x ; z(x) = (0.8) x .

How are the graphs of exponential functions relative to each other for x > 0, x = 0, x< 0?

Number one of the most important constants in mathematics. By definition, it equal to the limit of the sequence with unlimited increasing n . Designation e introduced Leonard Euler in 1736. He calculated the first 23 digits of this number in decimal notation, and the number itself was named after Napier "the non-peer number."

Number e plays a special role in mathematical analysis. Exponential function with base e, called the exponent and denoted y = e x.

First signs numbers e easy to remember: two, a comma, seven, the year of Leo Tolstoy's birth - two times, forty-five, ninety, forty-five.


Kolmogorov p. 35; No. 445-447; 451; 453.

Repeat the algorithm for constructing graphs of functions containing a variable under the module sign.

The presentation "Exponential function, its properties and graph" clearly presents the educational material on this topic. During the presentation, the properties of the exponential function, its behavior in the coordinate system are considered in detail, examples of solving problems using the properties of the function, equations and inequalities are considered, important theorems on the topic are studied. With the help of the presentation, the teacher can increase the effectiveness of the math lesson. A vivid presentation of the material helps to keep the attention of students on the study of the topic, animation effects help to more clearly demonstrate the solutions to problems. For faster memorization of concepts, properties and features of the solution, color highlighting is used.

The demonstration begins with examples of the exponential function y=3x with various exponents - positive and negative integers, common fractions and decimals. For each indicator, the value of the function is calculated. Next, a graph is built for the same function. On slide 2, a table is built filled with the coordinates of the points belonging to the graph of the function y \u003d 3 x. According to these points on the coordinate plane, the corresponding graph is built. Next to the graph, similar graphs are built y \u003d 2 x, y \u003d 5 x and y \u003d 7 x. Each function is highlighted in different colors. The graphs of these functions are made in the same colors. Obviously, as the base of the degree of the exponential function grows, the graph becomes steeper and more pressed against the y-axis. The same slide describes the properties of the exponential function. It is noted that the domain of definition is the real line (-∞;+∞), the function is not even or odd, the function increases over all domains of definition and does not have the largest or smallest value. The exponential function is bounded from below, but not bounded from above, continuous on the domain of definition and convex downwards. The range of values ​​of the function belongs to the interval (0;+∞).

Slide 4 presents a study of the function y \u003d (1/3) x. The graph of the function is built. To do this, the table is filled with the coordinates of the points belonging to the graph of the function. Based on these points, a graph is built on a rectangular coordinate system. The properties of the function are described next. It is noted that the domain of definition is the entire numerical axis. This function is not odd or even, decreasing over the entire domain of definition, has no maximum or minimum values. The function y=(1/3) x is bounded from below and unbounded from above, is continuous in the domain of definition, and has a downward convexity. The range of values ​​is the positive semiaxis (0;+∞).

Using the given example of the function y=(1/3) x, one can single out the properties of an exponential function with a positive base less than one and refine the idea of ​​its graph. Slide 5 shows a general view of such a function y \u003d (1 / a) x, where 0

Slide 6 compares the graphs of the functions y=(1/3)x and y=3x. It can be seen that these graphs are symmetrical about the y-axis. To make the comparison more visual, the graphs are colored in colors that highlight the function formulas.

The following is the definition of an exponential function. On slide 7, a definition is highlighted in the box, which indicates that a function of the form y \u003d a x, where positive a, not equal to 1, is called exponential. Further, using the table, an exponential function is compared with a base greater than 1 and positive less than 1. Obviously, almost all properties of the function are similar, only a function with a base greater than a is increasing, and with a base less than 1, decreasing.

The following is an example solution. In example 1, you need to solve the equation 3 x \u003d 9. The equation is solved graphically - a graph of the function y \u003d 3 x and a graph of the function y \u003d 9 are built. The point of intersection of these graphs is M (2; 9). Accordingly, the solution to the equation is the value x=2.

Slide 10 describes the solution to the equation 5 x =1/25. Similarly to the previous example, the solution of the equation is determined graphically. The construction of graphs of functions y=5 x and y=1/25 is demonstrated. The point of intersection of these graphs is the point E (-2; 1/25), which means that the solution to the equation x \u003d -2.

Next, it is proposed to consider the solution of the inequality 3 x<27. Решение выполняется графически - определяется точка пересечения графиков у=3 х и у=27. Затем на плоскости координат хорошо видно, при каких значениях аргумента значения функции у=3 х будут меньшими 27 - это промежуток (-∞;3). Аналогично выполняется решение задания, в котором нужно найти множество решений неравенства (1/4) х <16. На координатной плоскости строятся графики функций, соответствующих правой и левой части неравенства и сравниваются значения. Очевидно, что решением неравенства является промежуток (-2;+∞).

The following slides present important theorems that reflect the properties of the exponential function. Theorem 1 states that for positive a, the equality a m =a n is valid when m=n. Theorem 2 presents the assertion that for positive a, the value of the function y=a x will be greater than 1 for positive x, and less than 1 for negative x. The statement is confirmed by the image of the graph of the exponential function, which shows the behavior of the function at different intervals of the domain of definition. Theorem 3 notes that for 0

Further, for the assimilation of the material by students, examples of solving problems using the studied theoretical material are considered. In example 5, it is necessary to plot the function y=2 2 x +3. The principle of constructing a graph of a function is demonstrated, first converting it into the form y \u003d a x + a + b. A parallel transfer of the coordinate system to the point (-1; 3) is performed and a graph of the function y \u003d 2 x is plotted relative to this origin.

On slide 18, a graphical solution of the equation 7 x \u003d 8-x is considered. A straight line y \u003d 8-x and a graph of the function y \u003d 7 x are built. The abscissa of the intersection point of the x=1 graphs is the solution to the equation. The last example describes the solution of the inequality (1/4) x = x + 5. Graphs of both parts of the inequality are constructed and it is noted that its solution is the values ​​(-1; + ∞), in which the values ​​of the function y=(1/4) x are always less than the values ​​y=x+5.

The presentation "Exponential function, its properties and graph" is recommended to improve the effectiveness of a school mathematics lesson. The visibility of the material in the presentation will help to achieve the learning goals during the distance lesson. The presentation can be offered for independent work to students who have not mastered the topic well enough in the lesson.