Chubukova Elena Mikhailovna

Work experience: 22

Education: secondary special (Krasnoufimsk Pedagogical College).

Place of work, position: Municipal state preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Birch" village Arti, educator.

Professional achievements:

Participation in competitions:

  • Municipal competition "Vocation - 2013" - 2nd place; year 2013.
  • II regional competition of pedagogical skills "PROFI-2014", nomination: "Teacher - master" - 1st place, nomination "People's recognition" - 1st place -2014.
  • Municipal competition of pedagogical projects "Intellectual piggy bank" - 1st place, 2014;
  • Competition of pedagogical products "Development of professional competence of a teacher as a condition for the successful implementation of innovations in the educational process", 2012.

Participation with children in regional competitions:

  • I stage of the regional festival "City of Masters" - a competition of children's creativity. One child has 1 seat. year 2014;
  • Regional competition of applied arts "Space World" 2011.

Participation with children in municipal competitions:

  • "Christmas Fantasies" 2012;
  • "Toward the Stars" 2011;
  • "Defender of the Fatherland Day" 2012;
  • "The world through the eyes of children" 2012;

The topic of in-depth research (or the topic of certification, self-education):

  • Program "Magic World of Theater";
  • The subject of certification: "The development of speech of preschool children by means of theatrical activities."

Self-presentation of professional activity:

  • Participation in the seminar "Design and organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education", 36 hours, 2013.
  • Scientific and practical conference. Exhibition of pedagogical products "Formation of cognitive activity of preschoolers through various activities" 2012.
  • District methodological association, report on the topic: "Organization of the educational process to ensure the successful socialization of children", 2012.
  • District methodological association "Solving educational problems in the daily routine through the organization of gaming activities" - work experience, 2012.
  • District methodological association "Formation of the basics of life safety in preschool children as a factor in maintaining health" - theatrical production "Cat's House" - work experience, 2013.
  • District seminar for teachers of the Artinsky urban district “FGT and GEF: solving the problem of continuity” - work experience, 2013.
  • District methodological association "Modern approaches to organizing the cognitive and speech development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions" - presentation of work experience and master class with children, 2014.
  • Open events for kindergarten teachers:

“Introduction to the nursery rhyme: “Like our cat”;

"Journey of a droplet";

"Objects made of glass and metal";

Fairy tale - the game "The ABC of the Pedestrian";

"On guard of the motherland";

"We are funny kittens";

"1,2,3,4,5 we came to the fairy tale again."

"My Pedagogical Philosophy"

Is educator a job or a state of mind?

I have one calling

I love to open doors to the big world for kids,

And I bring children into the world as into my own home,

I belong here, and everyone believes in me.

A solo song flows from my soul:


What could be more wonderful?!

Educator - what is this word, why is it so named?

It sounds simple, but how much meaning is invested in it

To begin with, the Educator is, first of all, just a person,

Love for children - this is his road and he will not turn off it forever!

The educator is a man from God, everything is already laid in him:

Kindness, purity, faith in everyone and also care for everything!

The educator is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice,

He gave his heart to the children - for him it is both reality and romance!

Educator ... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about this:

There are both personal and professional qualities here, but the most important of them is taking care of children!

From early childhood, I wanted to work with children. Therefore, when it came time to get a profession, I had no doubts.

I chose my profession at the behest of my heart. More and more I am convinced of the correctness of the words of the Roman historian Sallust: “Every person is the creator of his own destiny,” and I, having found my star, create my own destiny. My second home was a planet called the World of Childhood. At first I worked as a primary school teacher - fourteen years. And when I was offered to work in a kindergarten, I gladly agreed. And now I have been working for the ninth year. Over the years, I have never regretted that my life was spent among children. Being in the kindergarten, I forget about all the problems and sorrows, I always feel energetic, young, I like to be in the world of a unique, fabulous childhood. For me, this is not just a profession or job - it is a state of mind, a way of life.

The Eastern saying is very close to me: “The work of an educator can be compared with the work of a gardener who grows various plants. One plant loves the light of the sun, the other a cool shade; one loves the bank of a stream, the other a dry mountain peak; one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clay soil. Everyone needs special, only suitable care for him, otherwise he will not reach perfection in his development. So in my work, every child needs love, understanding of his individuality. After all, only in love is the uniqueness of each baby revealed, its image is revealed. Everyone has their own idea, their own special world, which cannot be destroyed, which must be helped to open up. I always believe in the possibilities of every child, in the good that is in him. And it was I who was entrusted by Humanity to "sow" the reasonable, kind, eternal into the little souls of the most beautiful treasures on Earth! It's so wonderful to give these restless creatures the warmth of your heart.

I am a loving person! I have a wonderful mission - to give my Love to children! And with great pleasure I bring it to life, while teaching my children this feeling. As Leo Tolstoy said: “To love means to live the life of the one you love.” These words are the meaning of why you go to the children every day. Child, this is the most important value in my work. And I, as a teacher, am responsible for ensuring that this child takes place as a person, that is, he is not broken, humiliated, so that he finds out who he is, understands what his capabilities are, what he knows, what he wants.

I am in constant creative search. After all, only a creative teacher can inspire with his warmth, faith, talent. Do not be afraid to take risks, change, learn. It is worth trying, daring, creating, not stopping there. I do not consider myself a genius of pedagogical work, but I sincerely strive to be a decent, honest person, to be an example for my children. After all, the power of imitation is so great and its significance is so enormous.

Every day I am happy to meet my guys. Their bright, clear, pure eyes, curious, believing, kind, appreciating my every look, gesture, step, deed. How painful it is sometimes to meet the extinct, not childishly serious look of a child. What happened? Where is his smile? I immediately want to help him, caress him, give him a piece of his soul. After all, every child has a great need for emotional contact. Correct something in clothes, pat on the head, smile. The little man believes me - the teacher. And here we can say in the words of V.A. Sukhomlinsky "... to become a real educator of children, you must give them your heart."

The more joy a child has in childhood, the more he will give it to people when he becomes an adult. Childhood experiences leave a deep imprint on a child's life. And so I strive to ensure that these impressions are light, bright, joyful. What a child takes from childhood will be with him all his life. And if it turns out to be happy, then a person will remember it all his life. Every day I strive to pass on my love and knowledge to a child. And a miracle happens! In return, I get their trust, revelations, joy, little secrets and tricks. Children change, and I change with them. To be a teacher for me is to live. I am proud of my profession, I am proud that my former pupils, when they meet me, smile at me with their special smile, by which I immediately recognize them, greet them, share their news and achievements.

I often think about what I would do without these little rascals, without their burning eyes. And I can't find an answer. I enjoy answering a "waterfall" of questions, and I try to take them seriously, explaining what they're asking, translating a child's curiosity into a strong need to learn new things. I like to draw, sculpt and sew, sing and dance, play, read, dream, fantasize, perform in front of my parents, rejoice together, and just be around with my children. I love children very much and understand them perfectly.

It is difficult to say that work is an everyday holiday, but it is still a huge responsibility. Sometimes they just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that's it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them.

To go to work with joy, from work - with pleasant fatigue - in this I see the highest happiness and the meaning of life. Children are my main wealth, surrounded by whom I am both at work and at home.

I'll give everything for a child's smile:

Your warmth, attention, care.

I really thank heaven

Which gave me a great job.

I'll give everything for a child's smile:

Awards, praise and respect.

In prayer I will give glory to the Lord

For what gives this pleasure!

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My pedagogical credo Let me not be destined to accomplish a feat, but I am proud that people have entrusted me with the most precious thing - their children! Motto: Doing? Problems? Everything is empty! The soul of a child is sacred! The flower in the soul is still so small! Have time to water, so as not to wither!

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Scientific and methodological activity Many times my pupils were participants and winners of village drawing competitions. The graduates of my group are students of the School of Arts, participate in competitions and exhibitions and show high skills and abilities laid down in kindergarten. As part of the work on self-education at the pedagogical hour, a creative report was presented on the topic: "Formation of the basics of fire safety in preschool children" Project No. 14 dated 02.03.2015 Member of the working group on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO dated February 25, 2014 Member of the working group for the development of the Basic Educational Program of Preschool Education. Member of the working group for the development of the development program "Spiritual, moral and civil-patriotic education of preschool children" 2011-2015. Participant of the innovative platform "Approbation and implementation of the program" Conversation about proper nutrition in the educational process of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Teremok"

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BEI OO DPO (PC) C "Oryol Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, certificate No. 608, 07.04-18.04 2014. "Website building". BOU OO DPO (PC) C "Oryol Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, certificate No. 1678, 12.05-23.05 2014. “Federal State Standard of Preschool Education: Organization and Content of the Pedagogical Process in a Preschool Educational Organization of the Institute for the Development of Education”, certificate No. 941 15.02.-19.02.2016. "Innovative processes in education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education"

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My achievements Diploma of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Oryol Region (2013), Diploma of the Head of the Department of Education of the village of Zalegoshch (1998), Diploma of the Department of General and Vocational Education of the Administration of the Zalegoshchensky District (2006) Letter of thanks from the Administration of the Zalegoshchensky District ( 2012).

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My publications Article "Cooperation with parents to develop fire safety knowledge in children." Feedback on my teaching activities

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The relevance of the experience is due to the fact that preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to the fire situation. The desire to constantly discover something new, immediacy often puts them in front of real dangers. The number of children affected by the fire is increasing every year. This cannot but cause concern. Parents do not take this problem seriously enough. Children are allowed to play with flammable objects; matches and lighters are kept in an accessible place. To change a person's attitude to this problem, it is necessary to deal with fire safety issues from preschool age.

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Availability of a theoretical base In my work I use the partial program of N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina "Fundamentals of safety for preschool children", one of the areas of which is the section "Child at home". Additionally uses the following materials and manuals: · Ivanova T.V. "Fire safety" development of classes for all ages; Khramtsova T.G. "Education of safe behavior in everyday life of preschool children", textbook; · ON THE. Aralina "Familiarization of preschoolers with the rules of fire safety", Moscow 2007; L.V. Maksimchuk “What preschoolers should know about fire safety”, textbook;

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Purpose: to generalize ideas about fire safety; to form skills of safe behavior in everyday life; teach adequate actions in fire hazardous situations; Tasks: - clarify, systematize and deepen children's knowledge of fire safety rules, form the habits of their observance; - to teach children to dial the fire department phone number, to be able to communicate with firefighters on the phone (clearly know and name your address); - Familiarize yourself with fire fighting equipment; - contribute to mastering the techniques of elementary practical interaction with surrounding objects, with which you can put out the fire; - to expand the knowledge of children about the profession of a firefighter; - to educate children in self-confidence, to carry out the prevention of fear of fire; - to form a sense of responsibility for their actions and personal attitude to compliance with and violation of fire safety rules;

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Directions of work on teaching preschool children the basics of fire safety Work with children Work with parents Work with society Work with teachers organized activities for children - classes, project classes, trainings, excursions; joint activities of adults and children - dramatization of fairy tales, conversations between the teacher and the child, observation, work, reading fiction; free independent activity - role-playing games, verbal didactic games. This work is being done through:

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Organized activities Comprehensive and integrated classes "Fire is a friend", "Good fire, evil fire", "Wonder tree", "Firemen's work". Practical lesson “So that there is no trouble”, “How to behave during a fire

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Organized activities Holidays and entertainment Leisure "Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy", Entertainment - "We are firefighters", "Guest of the group". The purpose of which is to consolidate children's ideas about the work of firefighters. Improve knowledge of fire safety. Excursions around the kindergarten and outside the kindergarten

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Joint activities of the Exhibition of children's creativity on fire safety "Fire safety rules are yours and mine", "The work of firefighters", "It's dangerous" Modeling and analysis of given situations "Fire at home", "Mom went to the store", we were left alone .. " “What would you do” Acquaintance with fiction It is assumed not only direct reading, but also all work on the read work: conversation, examination of illustrations, etc.

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Independent activity Forms of work Examination of illustrations Playing out situations Productive activity Dramatization of fairy tales Games

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Subject-developing environment The group also has a fire safety corner. It contains didactic games, books, pictures, transport on the topic. Pictures on a fire-fighting theme, posters, illustrative material, manuals, booklets, attributes for the role-playing game "Rescuers", encyclopedias are introduced into the subject-developing environment. books.

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Methods for familiarizing children with the basics of safety Comparison method Situation modeling method Repetition method Experimentation and experiments Game techniques

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. On the basis of the preschool educational institution, consultations were organized for teachers on the topics: “The main areas of work on the basics of fire safety”, “Introducing children to harmful and dangerous factors during a fire”, as a result of which cycles of educational games on fire safety were developed: “Dangers when using electrical appliances ”, “Dangerous situations”, etc. Working with teachers


Non-traditional drawing techniques are ways to create a new, original work of art in which everything is in harmony: color, line, and plot. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. R. G. Kazakova, T. I. Saiganova, E. M. Sedova, V. Yu. Sleptsova, T. V. Smagina, O. V. Nedorezova, V. N. Volchkova, N. V. Stepanova and others.

Visual activity brings a lot of joy to a little person, copying the world around them, they study it. Having experienced an interest in creativity, they themselves find the necessary ways. But not everyone succeeds, especially since many children are just beginning to master artistic activity. Children love to learn new things and enjoy learning. It is by learning, gaining knowledge, skills that the child feels confident.

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"Creative presentation for the performance at the competition" Educator of the Year 2017 ""

Shvydchenko Daria Alexandrovna

middle group No. 1

Pedagogical experience - 3 years

"Development of creative abilities of preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques"

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

V. A. Sukhomlinsky


Non-traditional drawing techniques are ways to create a new, original work of art in which everything is in harmony: color, line, and plot. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.


Firstly, to introduce various ways and techniques of non-traditional drawing techniques using various visual materials.

Secondly, to enrich the developing environment, contributing to the maintenance (formation) of interest in artistic creativity.

Thirdly, to promote the acquaintance of parents with non-traditional drawing techniques; stimulate their joint creativity with children

Stage I - informational and analytical

  • Studying the literature on the problem and existing experience
  • Studying educational technologies
  • Definition of goals and objectives of the topic
  • Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem
  • Drawing up a long-term plan for the work of the circle "Colorful palms"
  • Development of GCD abstracts for drawing by non-traditional techniques: “Flowers in a Vase”, “Beauty Butterfly”, “Snowman”, “School of Magicians”, “Autumn”, “Aquarium with fish”, etc.
  • Carrying out diagnostics
  • Creating conditions for the effective use of non-traditional drawing techniques
  • Development of consultations and recommendations for parents: "Drawing a hedgehog", "Drawing in non-traditional ways", "Unconventional drawing techniques - fantasy world"
  • Parent survey

II main stage

  • Implementation of a long-term work plan for drawing with non-traditional techniques
  • Circle activities
  • Conducting GCD, co-creation with an adult
  • Observations, looking at illustrations, talking with children
  • Joint games-experiments with children
  • Experimenting with visual materials
  • Collective creativity
  • Project "Our Younger Friends"
  • Exhibitions of children's drawings
  • Consultation « We draw at home using different methods and means»
  • Speech at the methodological association "Development of the creative potential of preschoolers by means of visual activity"

In our work we use:

  • finger painting,
  • hand drawing,
  • cork imprint,
  • potato prints,
  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush,
  • foam impression,
  • wrinkled paper print,
  • wax crayons + watercolor,
  • stencil printing,
  • monotype
  • blotting with a tube,
  • spatter,
  • leaf prints,
  • poking, etc.

In my work I adhere to the following principles:

  • Respect for the personality of the child
  • Accounting for the individual characteristics of each child.
  • Assistance and cooperation of children and adults
  • Support for children's initiative in various activities
  • Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of children in various activities
  • Developing and educational nature of educational material
  • Visibility, availability of training
  • Systematic and consistent presentation of material

In my work I use different forms:

  • GCD on fine arts;
  • joint games-experiments with children;
  • looking at illustrations;
  • conversations about art;
  • solving problem situations;
  • workshop (production of jewelry, decorations, gifts, items for games) ;
  • experimentation with visual materials;
  • game situation;
  • collective creativity;
  • viewing colorful encyclopedias (according to the age) ;
  • projects;
  • exhibitions of children's works

Working with parents

  • Development of consultations and recommendations for parents: "Drawing a hedgehog", "Drawing in non-traditional ways", "Unconventional drawing techniques - a fantasy world".
  • Parent survey
  • Parent meeting "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten."
  • Consultation “We draw houses using different methods and means”
  • Organization of exhibitions, competitions
  • Project activity

As a result of joint activities with children, cooperation with parents, children learned:

  • Possess the simplest techniques for working with various visual materials and various technical skills when working with non-traditional techniques
  • To convey the mood, state, attitude to the picture with color, experiment with paints
  • The children showed a steady interest in visual activity as a means of expressing feelings, relationships, familiarizing themselves with the world of beauty.

Thank you for your attention

I wish you all creative success


Suprun Elena Borisovna, teacher of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 74 "Mayachok" of Veliky Novgorod.

"The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in pedagogical activity"

To create a comfortable feeling in the new socio-economic conditions, where the priority value of a modern person is information and the ability to work with it, the Information Society Development Strategy is currently being implemented in our country. Therefore, the use of information and communication technologies is one of the priorities of education.

Scientific work on the introduction of ICT in preschool education has been carried out in our country since 1987 on the basis of the Center. A.V. Zaporozhets by researchers led by L.A. Paramonova, L.S. Novoselova, L.D. Chainova. In 2008, the theoretical foundations for the use of scientific information technologies in the educational work of preschool educational institutions are being developed. Meanwhile, at present, there is not enough scientific research on the use of ICT in kindergarten.

The problem of informatization in modern conditions has touched kindergartens. The use of ICT is one of the priorities of education. And today it is one of the newest and most urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

I present to you the topic of my pedagogical experience: “The use of ICT in pedagogical activity”

Realizing that the informatization of society leads to the informatization of education, I realized that the development of ICT is a vital necessity for every teacher of preschool education. Before a kindergarten teacher who has mastered ICT, there are endless opportunities for effective creative work.

What is ICT?

ICT is a general concept that describes various methods, methods and algorithms for collecting, storing, processing, presenting and transmitting information. Information technology is not only and not so much computers and their software. ICT refers to the use of a computer, the Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can provide ample opportunities for communication.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology. This is, first of all:

  • Transformation of the subject-developing environment
  • Expanding the possibility of knowing the world around
  • Using the new visibility

I asked myself: What ICT tools can I use in my work in kindergarten? I actively apply:

  • Laptop
  • Music center /for listening to music, audio fairy tales/
  • Multimedia projector /presentations, cartoons/
  • TV
  • Video player
  • Camera
  • Printer, scanner, copier
  • Mobile phone /photo, internet, voice recorder/
  • Camcorder

In my work, these ICT tools perform the following functions:

  • A source of information- selection of additional educational material for directly educational activities, material for the design of stands, acquaintance with the scenarios of holidays and other events, acquaintance with periodicals, developments of other teachers in Russia and abroad, etc.
  • Preparation tool for various materials- creation of presentations in the Power Point program, demonstration material, both static and dynamic: subject, plot pictures, illustrations, reference diagrams, etc., document forms, slide folders
  • Storage of materials- regulatory documents, lists of children, information about parents, photo albums, music, game library, video library, diagnostic results, electronic library of books, articles, magazines, etc.

Where and how do I use ICT in my work?

  1. The use of ICT in the organization of the educational process.

The use of ICT makes it possible to make joint activities with children attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative tasks based on visibility. Solving educational problems, I apply ICT in all educational areas.

Using the Microsoft PowerPoint program, I created presentations on the world around (about the seasons, about the senses, about the structure of the body), on safety (on the rules of behavior on the road), slides on fine art, design.

In fiction: reading works and then watching cartoons.

With the help of a video camera, a video was created for parents for the New Year.

For matinees, together with the music director, we create background accompaniment /music, presentations/.

In the play area, my little pupils have the opportunity to learn the basics of computer literacy: these are various types of modern technical devices (printer, keyboard, telephone, computer, etc.). In their usual activities, preschool children perform various game actions with attributes, use game modules and constructors that allow them to show imagination and creativity in playing out various situations associated with the use of technical devices.

The use of multimedia presentations makes it possible to directly make educational activities emotionally colored, attractive, arouse a keen interest in the child, are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to good performance. On the positive side, the use of ICT is aimed at enabling all analyzer systems. Elements of visual-figurative and theoretical thinking are being developed. Vocabulary is actively replenished. Presentations in PowerPoint are brightness, visibility, accessibility, convenience and speed in work. At the same time, interactive equipment is used in working with children with unconditional observance of physiological and hygienic, psychological and pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations, I always use sets of exercises for the eyes, and ventilate the room.

  1. The use of ICT in the process of organizing methodological work.

Our kindergarten is an Innovative Development Complex (IDC), I am the leader. Theme of the KIR this year: "Using ICT in Kindergarten". Target: 1. Increasing the information culture of teachers. 2. Generalization and translation of own experience. The work of the KIR showed that this topic is quite relevant in our city, which can be judged by the number of people visiting the KIR.

  1. Use of ICT in the process of interaction with parents.

The use of multimedia presentations during parent meetings, the design of the parent corner. The presence of the kindergarten's own website (under development), a page on the social network (in contact) provides an opportunity for our parents to receive up-to-date information about the life of the kindergarten, group. On the page of our group in the social network (the group is closed due to the confidentiality and safety of children), I present various information to parents: announcements, congratulations, a story about the life of children in the group, photos and videos. Parents share their impressions, communicate with each other. To increase the interest of parents, I present events from our lives in the form of small stories using photos on the wall of the group (presentations, annotations of photo albums).

I communicate with parents by e-mail, in SMS - discussions, by mobile phone.

Information technology is an integral part of our life. Using them wisely in our work, we can reach the modern level of communication with children, parents, teachers - all participants in the educational process.

Every day more and more teachers begin to develop their own information resources and other ICT tools, many of which end up on the Internet. Even if the teacher does not develop his own developments, he can use the already created Internet resources.

But at the same time, it must be remembered that the computer will not replace the emotional human communication that is so necessary at preschool age.


Ivanova Olga Vladimirovna , teacher of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution No. 12 "Kindergarten of a combined type" of the village of Grigorovo, Novgorod district

Description of teaching experience on the topic: "Educational situations in the educational process"

In modern preschool education, one of the main tasks of the teacher is to find the most effective ways to involve the child in the position of an active subject of various types of children's activities ...

Today, one of the leading approaches to the development of a child as a subject of children's activity is the creation of an educational pedagogical situation that ensures the active participation of the child as a partner in the educational process. , therefore, in my teaching activities, I use educational situations

Leading idea: to create conditions for independent activities of children through the formulation of a problem that allows the child to independently find answers to questions, attract partners in activities to achieve results, get results

I use educational situations of different directions in a group with children of senior preschool age, these are:

  • Accidentally - arising (spontaneous) situations
  • Pre-planned, requiring a certain preparation from the teacher.

Situations are aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills that children have through their application in practice in new conditions, at the manifestation of activity, independence, and creativity by the child.

The main rule that I take into account is the creation of conditions in the group for the independent activity of the child.

When modeling the educational space, it is important to proceed from the real level of the child's skills:

  • one child is enough to remind
  • another child needs a show,
  • the third is joint action.

In my practical activities, I take into account the classification of educational situations, which is proposed by O.N. Somkov, classifying situations as gaming, research, search and communicative-dialogue.

I introduce problem situations into the educational process in stages:

1. Statement of the formulation of the problem.

2. Making assumptions and hypotheses.

3. Selection, testing, substantiation of hypotheses.

4. Summing up. Reflection. Conclusion.

It is necessary that the child constantly encounters some kind of problem and tries to solve it on his own. The use of educational situations allows:

  • lead the child not to knowledge, but to knowledge of the surrounding reality;
  • the child independently set a goal and achieve its result;
  • to develop a child's logic, activity, creativity, to form competencies.


Struts Ulyana Olegovna, educator of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined type" with. Pes, Khvoyninsky district

Description of teaching experience on the topic: "The use of psychological games and games-instigators in creating motivation in the organization of activities of preschool children with disabilities"

Modern conditions are characterized by the humanization of the educational process, the appeal to the personality of a child with disabilities, the development of his best qualities, the formation of a versatile and full-fledged personality. The implementation of this task objectively requires a qualitatively new approach to the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, the organization of the entire educational process. The ways, means and methods of teaching and educating such children must undergo changes. Education should become developing, exciting, problem-based game, provide the subjective position of the child and the constant growth of his independence and creativity.

Often, pathological personality traits develop in children with disabilities: isolation, insecurity, irritability, tearfulness, negativism. All deviations in the development of children with disabilities cannot be overcome spontaneously; specially organized work is required to correct them.

Motivation, as one of the leading factors of any activity, has been given great importance since ancient times. This can be evidenced by the works of Aristotle, Democritus, Plato, who studied the need as the basis for obtaining knowledge, experience, considered it as the main driving force. There have been attempts to explain what and how makes a person act. In other words, already at that time they tried to find out the structure of motivation, the conditions for its formation and the mechanisms of action.

It should be noted that it was not possible to clearly define both the structure and the mechanism of formation and action of motivation, as well as to give a clear definition of the terms “motive” and “motivation”, neither then nor now.

Currently, there are a large number of motivation theories that reflect different views on such phenomena as need, need, motive, motivation, interests, inclinations, etc.

In domestic psychology, such well-known psychologists as A.F. Lazursky, N.N. Lange, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein. L.S. Vygotsky was the first who began to study the question of the formation of arbitrary motivation. A huge contribution to the development of motivation in educational activities was made by L.I. Bozhovich, A.K. Markova. All scientists who have dealt with the problem of motivation for educational activity emphasize the great importance of its formation and development in older preschoolers, because it is she who is the guarantor of the formation of cognitive activity, and, as a result, thinking develops, the knowledge necessary for the successful activity of the individual in later life is acquired.

Today this term is understood by different scientists in their own way. For example, motivation according to V. K. Vilyunas is a total system of processes responsible for motivation and activity. And K. K. Platonov believes that motivation, as a mental phenomenon, is a combination of motives.

There are several types of motivation:



Educational and cognitive;





You can also distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.

As a result of daily observations of children with disabilities, it was noted that with insufficiently thought out motivational activities, children were often distracted, constantly required additional help from the teacher, and could not concentrate their attention.

All children need motivation that helps them achieve the desired results. Adults are a role model for children and a source of motivation to achieve what they want. If children have motivation, then they develop their abilities by their own efforts. Such children have a craving for information that will help them on the way to the goal. In addition, motivation will help children focus on acquiring new knowledge and skills.

Therefore, it became necessary to select psychological games and games-instigators that help increase children's motivation to achieve their goals. This made it possible to more fully organize work with children of preschool age with disabilities, lay it out in a sequential order.

The work assumes a sequence, one goes clearly after the other.

Picked up:

Psychological games:

- “On the main street with an orchestra…”;

- "Cubs on a walk";

- "Far, far away, in a dense forest ...";

- "Shipwreck";

- "Photographer", etc.

Invigorating games:

- "Teasers";

- "Bears";

- " Funny boys";

Games-instigators with speech accompaniment;

Invigorating games with musical accompaniment, etc.

With the successful use of psychological games and games-instigators in direct educational activities, children develop a need for interesting activities, a desire to act both independently and in a team, to bring the work started to the end, to enjoy the results achieved.

In my work I use six mechanisms of motivation - these are the ways by which you can increase the motivation of the child to achieve the goal.

Here are the 6 mechanisms:

  • Encourage exploration of the environment;
  • To instill initial abilities for research, such as: identifying objects, ordering, sorting, comparing;
  • Praise your child for accomplishments.
  • Assist in the development and training of skills;
  • If possible, refrain from punishment and criticism for mistakes and poor results;
  • Stimulate linguistic and symbolic communication.

Fulfilling all 6 conditions will help children to be motivated to achieve success from an early age. Based on the foregoing, recommendations can be provided on how to develop children's motivation.

  1. Provide the child with the necessary stimulating environment and a variety of experiences. Books, cut pictures, cubes, etc. can help with this.
  2. Let the child make their own choice. This will give him self-confidence and create motivation.
  3. Give your child tasks appropriate for their age. This will give him confidence in completing tasks.
  4. Help your child complete tasks. Thanks to the help, the child will be able to stay in the game longer and will not back down from the first difficulties.
  5. Reward and encourage your child for a job well done. But don't use the reward as a way to get people to complete the task. And never promise a reward before you give it.
  6. In meeting the needs of the child, be consistent and set certain limits.
  7. Have your child complete a simple experiment to spark their curiosity.
  8. Ask the child to evaluate for himself how well he did the task. It is much more useful to ask what the child himself thinks about his work than just to praise him.
  9. Instead of telling your child exactly how to do a particular task, just offer him different ways to do it and let him choose for himself.

Taking into account the use of these recommendations in children with disabilities, it is possible to create a stable motivation for activity. The democratic style of interaction with children allows you to create great motivation. Also, when working in a group with children with disabilities, it is important to pay attention to children who are not engaged in any activity.

In children with disabilities, motivation for activity develops slowly and with certain difficulties. The attitude towards the activities of children with disabilities is characterized by instability, changes under the influence of a situation of success or failure, a change in the environment, the degree of control on the part of the educator. Play plays a significant role in developing a positive attitude towards activity. The game makes the learning process emotional, effective, allows the child to gain their own experience, to experience a situation of success.

Games and exercises in which a problem child acts through trials and rewards develop his attention to the properties and relationships of objects, the ability to take these properties into account in practical situations. In the future, this improves visual perception.

Games have a great influence on the formation of a holistic perception. Conventionally, games can be divided into two stages in the development of a holistic perception: the first is recognition, in which children experience difficulties; the second is the creation of a full-fledged image that takes into account all the properties of objects (shape, color, size, presence and ratio of parts, etc.).

Thanks to games, it is possible to organize the child's activity in such a way that it will contribute to the formation of his ability to solve not only accessible practical, but also simple problematic tasks. And the experience gained at the same time will make it possible to understand and solve familiar problems in a visual-figurative and even verbal way.

Particular emphasis in motivational activities is placed on the game not by chance, because the game is the leading activity of preschool children. Game methods, exercises used in the work, allow you to solve several problems at once:

  1. Expand and enrich the range of gaming skills and abilities.
  2. Increase the cognitive activity and performance of children.
  3. Activate the processes of perception, attention, memory, thinking.
  4. Smoothly regulate the behavioral difficulties of children, gradually accustoming them to obey the rules of the game.
  5. Increase the amount of corrective action by including game exercises at various regime moments.

The game method involves the use of various components of game activity in combination with other techniques: showing, explanations, instructions, questions. One of the main components of the method is an imaginary situation in expanded form.

Therefore, I consider it successful to use psychological games in my work, games-instigators, which allow not only to concentrate the attention of children, liberate them, but also allow you to create a stable motivation for activity.

As a rule, if a properly thought-out motivation has been created, then additional installations for activities will not be required. This is also proved by the results of daily observations of children.

This work can be useful not only for educators working with children with disabilities, but also for parents, speech therapists, defectologists.

Parents are offered options for games that they can spend at home with their children without spending much time and effort, psychological games that do not require special training. Game card files are located in the locker rooms of the groups, which are constantly updated with new games.


"Vocation-kindergarten teacher"

Education is not the sum of events and receptions, but the wise communication of an adult with the living soul of a child.

V. Sukhomlinsky

One oriental wisdom says that the work of a teacher can be compared with the work of a gardener who grows various plants: “One plant loves sunlight, the other a cool shade. One plant loves the bank of a stream, another a dry mountain peak, one grows on sandy soil, the other on oily, clay soil. Everyone needs special, only suitable care for him, otherwise he will not achieve perfection in his development. ”I believe that the educator is a professional person, he is familiar with both theory and practice, he gave his heart to children - for him this is reality, and romance!

An educator ... you can’t count everything, you can talk a lot about it: There are personal and professional qualities here, But the main one is care for children, love for them!

I often think... Why did I choose the profession of an educator?

My choice of profession was more than conscious. I wanted to apply the first experience gained in the Pedagogical College immediately. "Teach children! What could be more interesting for a young girl? "I thought. Of course, many things can be more interesting, but how important it is to realize yourself where you want the most. Kindergarten! Here it is! Trusting eyes of preschool children, smelling of cereals and baby soap heads. It was in college that they helped me become an educator, and finally establish myself in my choice of profession. After graduating from college, with a red diploma, indicating the receipt of education, an exciting journey into adulthood and the world of childhood began at the same time.

My teaching credo:“My destiny is I am a teacher! And there is no profession more necessary!

Success formula: U - diligence; C - self-education, P - dedication, E - like-mindedness, X - character

Pedagogical philosophy:to reach the innermost corners of the child's soul. Help to believe in yourself.

Topic of self-educational work:"Patriotic education of preschool children by means of ecology"

I believe that the educator is the first teacher after the mother that children meet on their life path. These are people who always remain children in their hearts. For me, my profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, fairy tales, fantasies. You especially understand the significance of your profession when you see the eyes of children wide open towards you, greedily catching every word, gesture, glance. Looking into those eyes, you understand that they need you. Kids test me for strength and at the same time love me. The secret of their pure love is simple: they are open and ingenuous. They are open to goodness, beauty, they are sensitive to lies, to injustice.

The great teacher G. Pestalozzi said: "If you do not love, then you have no right to educate."

Indeed, without love there can be no teacher. And a real educator loves all the guys: timid and courageous, slow and lively, talkative and shy, finds his own zest in everyone, gives everyone a piece of his heart.

I want to teach every child to live in harmony with himself and the world around him, to show him how beautiful and friendly the world in which we all live. I strive to instill in them mutual understanding, philanthropy, so that Good, Truth, Love, Beauty, Compassion remain values ​​for them for life. I try to pass on to the children all my knowledge and skills, and the teacher should know and be able to oh so much, because everyone needs to be captivated, interested, satisfy the curiosity in the child and awaken curiosity.

I am a teacher!!! I am proud of this! There are many professions in the world, but this profession is not chosen, SHE chooses! There are no random people here, they simply cannot live in this state.

I think that when my pupils grow up and become adults, they will also appreciate my efforts. Even if they don’t become great and famous, they don’t discover new planets and the laws of physics, but they live in harmony with the world around them, they are kind, honest, fair, they enjoy life and the fact that they are on this planet - this is already happiness, it is the meaning of human existence on earth.

And I ... I will know that in each of them there is a piece of my work and heart, that my efforts were not in vain!