Currently, the 473rd district training center of the Lisichansk Red Banner for the training of junior specialists (motorized rifle troops), or military unit 31612, is deployed in the village. Poroshino, Sverdlovsk region. Until 2014 it was located in Elani.

Chevron of the 473rd training center


Today's military educational institution preceded by the 279th Rifle Division. It was organized from the structural units of the 59th separate rifle brigade in 1942. The formation became part of the Kaliningrad Front, and then liberated the city of Velizh (Smolensk region). In September 1943, it broke through the defenses of opponents in the area of ​​the river. Seversky Donets and liberated the city of Lisichansk, for which it received the honorary name Lisichanskaya.
During the years of the Great Patriotic War division carried out fighting on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR and Crimea. For the liberation of Simferopol, she received the Order of the Red Banner. Heroically distinguished herself in the defense of Sevastopol. The combat path of the unit ended in the Baltic States, and in 1945 it was redeployed to the city of Kamyshlov, it was understaffed with structural units of the 44th reserve rifle division.

Bringing the soldiers of the center to the military oath

A year later, personal and officers reduced - the division became a rifle brigade. In 1954 it was reorganized into the 61st Mechanized Division, and in April 1957 into the 44th Tank Division. Relocation of the connection in the village. Elanskoye took place since 1956 and in 1959 only an anti-aircraft regiment, a logistic support company and management were in Kamyshlov.
In 1987, on its basis, the 473rd district center was formed, which trains specialists for motorized rifle troops, which in 1998 was awarded the 3rd category of qualification. In 2004, it was merged with the 469th district training center. In September 2012, the 241st training center of the Airborne Forces became part of the Lisichansk Red Banner District Training Center.
Currently, military unit 31612 consists of:

  • 104th and 225th training motorized rifle regiments;
  • 32nd Training Tank Regiment;
  • 158th separate communications battalion;
  • 90th separate battalion of the RBHZ;
  • Separate repair and restoration battalion;
  • 55th separate training author;
  • Medrota, RMO and security companies.

To complete the training program, cadets are recruited 2 times a year. Training lasts 4 months, after which distribution takes place. For further military service 10% remains in the division personnel.

eyewitness impressions

The material and living conditions in military unit 31612 are classified by eyewitnesses as satisfactory. Cadets live in a hostel, in rooms-cubes. On the floor there is a recreation room and a sports corner. The dining room is located in a separate room, food is prepared by civilian employees. Among the shortcomings, specific water is noted, which is not suitable for drinking. At the moment, coolers with purified water have been supplied, it is not always enough for 7000 soldiers.
Chipok is located across the road from the unit, it is forbidden for soldiers of military unit 31612 to visit it without the escort of officers. The same applies to sergeants who do not go out without officers even on the territory of a military camp.

leisure room

Eyewitnesses did not notice hazing and hazing. A physical examination, like a medical one, is carried out daily. Due to the climate of the Sverdlovsk region, cadets often get sick. As a rule, after a medical examination, soldiers with suspected diseases are collected and brought to the first-aid post. If there is no complication, then they are treated in the company. The sick are either sent to the infirmary or hospitalized in Yelan. Tellingly, the hospital is the only place where soldiers can move without officer escort.
In addition to military and combat training, cadets undergo field exercises at the training ground in Elani. Of these, continuous fire training is carried out by four soldiers who are in shifts at the command post and raise targets to the height required for exercises.

The fighters preparing the object are sleeping in shifts. About 50 people from the auto company, the RKhBZ and the security company are in constant mode at the training ground.

One of the washrooms

Regarding the use of mobile phones by cadets of military unit 31612, eyewitnesses report the following:

  • Fighters are allowed to call relatives on Sundays after 13.00 or from 18.00 to 21.00.
  • Of the telecom operators in Poroshino, only Megafon and Beeline work.
  • During the two-week course of a young fighter, the use of mobile phones is prohibited.
  • A soldier who is in the hospital can call relatives on Tuesday and Friday before 2 pm. Phones are handed out on weekends.
  • Sim-cards issued at the military registration and enlistment office in case of loss are not restored, because. the soldier is not their owner. You can only buy a new one.

The oath takes place on Saturdays at 9.00 am. Fighters after this event are allowed leave until the evening. Even family members are not allowed to leave with an overnight stay. The rest of the time you can meet with a fighter in the meeting room at the checkpoint on Saturdays (from 13.00 to 19.00) and on Sundays from 10.00 to 21.00.

In the sports room

Dismissal cadets can only receive after they submit a report addressed to the unit commander, where they indicate the data of the visitors, the date and time of their arrival. Relatives usually leave their passport as a deposit and indicate mobile phones and the address where they are staying.
Servicemen of the 473rd training center receive monetary allowances on the VTB-24 card. The military registration and enlistment office does not issue bank cards, bank employees come to the unit on Wednesday. They are there from 9.00 to 12.00 and, if a soldier is on duty or on duty, he will be able to give data for bank cards only after a week. You can withdraw money in the lobby of the barracks of military unit 31612 - there is a VTB-24 ATM.

Information for mom

Parcels and letters

Died after a hundred meters

A case was brought against the head of the medical service in Elani after the death of a Chelyabinsk conscript

Yelan Training Center Page "Elan - 473 OTC, 31612, Sverdlovsk region" in the social network "VKontakte"

The relatives of 18-year-old conscript from Troitsk Sergey Lopan, who died in the army, obtained through the court the resumption of the criminal case of negligence against the head of the medical service of the Elan training center, senior lieutenant of the medical service Sergey Loshkarev. According to investigators, a military doctor sent the young man to pass the physical training standards, despite the fact that he was released from work due to a recent illness.

As Aleksey Kovalev, a lawyer from the human rights organization “Military personnel also have rights,” told the site correspondent, Sergei Lopan was drafted into the army in December 2014. The young man was not registered with the doctors, however, 10 days after the start of service in the Elan district training center I got to the medical unit with a cough and fever. The guy was discharged in January, and a day later he was hospitalized again. Only after a comprehensive examination, the recruit was diagnosed with heart disease "pericarditis". Sergei spent several months in a hospital bed. In mid-February 2015, he was discharged, having been declared temporarily unfit for military service(category "G"), and then sent on vacation for a month.

After resting, the soldier returned to duty. Again, not for long: in early April, during physical training, Sergei had a heart ache. The guy was taken to Yekaterinburg, where he was examined by the chief cardiologist of the Central Military District. Lopan was seriously diagnosed with myocardial cardiosclerosis with congenital deformity chest and heart failure.

In mid-May, the young man was discharged, but he was not sent to the VVK and released from service, but only recommended to be observed by the ENT and avoid stress.

“But in the military unit, they didn’t look at the private’s medical history, automatically putting a mark that he was actually healthy and had no restrictions,” said Alexei Kovalev. - Without any knowledge test, the soldier was sent to take exams. On May 17, together with his colleagues, he ran a hundred-meter race. 20 meters before the finish line, he fell and died of acute heart failure. Here is such a chaos. A case of negligence was initiated against the doctor who checked everyone before the race (Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but on January 26, 2016 it was terminated due to the lack of corpus delicti. The punishment was limited to a severe reprimand to the military doctor. This is paradoxical, since the examination confirmed that the soldier should not have been allowed to run a hundred meters, there is a direct causal relationship between this and his death.

The relatives went the other way - they filed a claim with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for compensation for non-pecuniary damage, in order to consolidate their innocence by a court decision and thereby create a prejudice for further proceedings in the criminal law field.

“The Trinity Court satisfied the claim, recovering 500 thousand rubles each in favor of the parents of the deceased. The appeal left the decision in force, - said Kovalev. - With this decision, we went to court to appeal against the decision to terminate the criminal case. As a result, the Yekaterinburg Garrison Military Court satisfied the complaint, declaring the investigator’s decision unlawful and demanding that the proceedings be reopened, since the court had already established the fact of improper performance of official duties by the officers of the unit, which contributed to the death of the serviceman.”

Many people are well aware of such a combination as Yelan, 31612, Sverdlovsk region. With this number and the name of the settlement, some former military servicemen have memories of their stay in training.

The same military unit is called the 473 district training center of the Lisichansk Red Banner. It trains junior motorized rifle specialists.

Sverdlovsk region, training (Yelan): the history of education

Initially, on the site of the current center there was a unit of the 279th rifle division, the formation of which is attributed to 1942. Previously, it was structurally part of the 59th separate rifle brigade.

The newly formed unit fought on the Kaliningrad front, liberated Smolensk region. In the autumn of 1943, she participated in breaking through the defenses near the Seversky Donets and liberating the city of Lisichansk. Since then, the name of this settlement has been fixed in the name of the existing training center.

During the war, the fighters of the division participated in the battles in Ukraine, in the Crimea. When Simferopol was liberated, the division was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for participating in the operation.

Later there was the Sevastopol defense, the liberation of the Baltic states. After the Great Patriotic War, the division was redeployed to the area. After a year, there was a reduction, and the division turned into a rifle brigade.

In 1954, it was transformed into 61 mechanized divisions, and from 1957 into 44 tank divisions, which in 1956 was transferred to the settlement of Yelan (Sverdlovsk region).

Recent history. Military unit (Elan, Sverdlovsk region) - educational complex

Since 1987, it has become the 473rd district center, where they began to train specialists for themselves.

Since 1998, the training center has received the third qualification category. 2004 ended with the merger of two district training centers - 473rd and 469th. The place of deployment was the city of Elan (Sverdlovsk region).

Since September 2012, 241 training centers of the airborne troops have joined the Lisichansk Red Banner District Training Center.

In 2014, a new hostel for cadets was built in the village. Poroshino. A training ground remained in Elani, where training is being carried out.

Conditions of service in training

During the year, newcomers are admitted to the training center twice. Cadets are trained for four months, then 90 percent of the personnel of the students are distributed to various units, and the rest serve at the place of study, which became Yelan (Sverdlovsk region).

Cadets live in the cockpit of the hostel, for each floor there is a room for recreation and sports. The cafeteria is staffed by civilians.

You can’t drink local water, so you have to deliver it specifically for refueling coolers. Given the large number of military personnel (seven thousand people), there are sometimes interruptions in water supply.

Soldiers and sergeants do not have the right to leave the location of the unit on their own, this can only be done accompanied by an officer. Similarly, you can visit the store located next to the military camp.

About medical problems

Considering that climatic conditions in such locality, like Yelan (Sverdlovsk region), are typical for the entire Ural region, that is, they are quite severe, a lot of attention is paid to medical issues. Diseases in these parts are not uncommon.

Every day, cadets undergo a medical examination. If any health problems are identified, the sick person is taken to the premises of the medical center.

With a mild form of the disease, treatment can occur in a company. In case of serious complications, the recruit is taken to the ward of the infirmary or the Yelan hospital. In this case, officer escort is not required.

From the hospital, the cadet has the right to call relatives on Tuesdays and Fridays until 14.00. On weekends, the phone is given to the patient for the whole day.

On taking the oath and visiting regime

Taking the oath is a rather outstanding event in the life of a cadet, so it takes place in a solemn atmosphere. They begin to take the oath on Saturday morning at nine o'clock. Cadets are then released for the whole day on leave.

At night, the fighters are required to be at the location of the unit; even those who have families do not have the right to leave it.

During the day on weekends, relatives can see cadets in special checkpoint rooms where visits are allowed. The time allotted for this is: Saturday from 13:00 to 19:00 and Sunday from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Receipt of leave by cadets is allowed after the submission of an appropriate report, which should contain information about visiting relatives or acquaintances, indicating the date and time of their visit.

Relatives are required to have a passport as collateral, as well as a mobile phone number and an exact location address.

About discipline in the training center

Previously, the media sometimes flashed notes about hazing in Russian army. This phenomenon did not bypass the military unit, the location of which is Yelan (Sverdlovsk region).

However, according to the cadets, the problems with hazing have recently been resolved. Of course, as in other parts, emergencies happen here.

So, in October 2012, an emergency happened in the Yelansky garrison, when the driver of the infantry fighting vehicle, ml. Sergeant Yuri Andryushchenko. When the equipment was taken out of the park area, he could not start his car. Platoon Commander Ensign Ivan Kartashev decided to use another BMP to push the faulty vehicle and gave the appropriate command.

At the moment Sergeant Andryushchenko connected the wires for an external launch of the BMP, it started to move, and it was crushed by the car door.

Currently, the command of the unit is taking measures to prevent such cases.

A massacre between contract servicemen from Tuva and servicemen from the Urals took place at a training center for junior specialists of motorized rifle troops in the Sverdlovsk region, the Ural media report. On their last day of training, Tuvans allegedly attacked the barracks with local contract soldiers with knives and sharpeners. At least 14 people were injured. AT information about the stabbing was called "an absolute lie."

In the 473rd district training center for the training of junior specialists of motorized rifle troops (military unit 31612) in the village of Poroshino near Elan, Sverdlovsk region, a mass brawl occurred with the participation of immigrants from the Republic of Tuva. This was reported by the local news agency, citing sources familiar with the situation.

According to the agency, the fight took place between 60 soldiers from Tuva and a hundred servicemen of the local garrison. All participants in the conflict were contract soldiers. According to sources,

Three months ago, about 60 contract soldiers were sent from Tuva to take survival courses. On the last evening before leaving, the fighters bought alcohol to mark their graduation. After drinking, they remembered some grievances that the local servicemen allegedly caused them.

“A large working group senior officers of the Central Military District to investigate the circumstances and causes of a group fight led by the deputy commander of the Central Military District, Lieutenant-General Khasan Kaloev, ”a source reports. The photographs posted on the Internet show that there were traces of blood and broken toilet bowls on the floor in the unit's toilet, and the furniture in the barracks was broken.

The Ministry of Defense confirmed the fact of clashes in unit 31612, but only partially. According to the defense department, the events there were not as large-scale as reported by local media. According to the Central Military District, in the military unit "on the basis of a domestic conflict, there was a skirmish between contract servicemen, which escalated into a fight."

The participants in the fight and the junior officer who separated them received "light injuries and abrasions." “The rumors about the alleged use of edged weapons by the conflicting contractors are an absolute lie,” TASS quoted the press service of the Central Military District of the Ministry of Defense as saying.

The military unit near Yelan has a good reputation. In social networks and specialized forums, it is indicated that there were no cases of hazing there, and the soldiers do not live in barracks, but in dormitories with separate cubicles and washing machines on the floors. Each floor has a recreation room and a sports area. The dining room is located in a separate room, food is prepared by civilian employees.

This is not the first clash involving Tuvan servicemen in military units of the Russian army. In November 2015, a scandal erupted in the city of Nizhneudinsk, Irkutsk Region. According to information received from the local media, four military men, of Tuvan origin, were seriously beaten by young Nizhne-Udinians. The press service of the Ministry of Defense Gazeta.Ru did not comment on the incident then.

“My friends and I went to the store, four or five cars drove up to us, and people from the cars attacked us. They were probably teenagers. There were 15-20 of them,” said one of the victims, Ayas Dongag, in an interview with the Vesti-Irkutsk TV channel. After the incident, he was admitted to the trauma department of a local hospital with abdominal injuries, and three more beaten servicemen are being treated on an outpatient basis.

Residents of the city told Gazeta.Ru an alternative version of the causes of the conflict. “This whole situation has been brewing in the last two or three months. The guys from the military unit, which is located here, behaved very impudently towards the inhabitants of the city. For example, they repeatedly came to the medical school and molested the girls who study there in a rude manner. Also, these military men liked to go to cafes, and there they often had problems with them. They bullied our guys, they could beat us, ”said a 23-year-old resident of the city , dance instructor. “Specifically, these four were beaten because they first got into a fight with one of the locals, and then fell into the Metelitsa cafe-bar and smashed everything there. And as for the girls - yes, they pestered them repeatedly. It got to the point that the military offered them to have sex for money,” added Alexander Yurkin, a student at the local railway transport college.

After beating the Tuvans, a battalion of fighters from the 55th brigade went to Nizhneudinsk and stood on central square city ​​in front of the cinema "Sayan". According to them, they themselves came to the spontaneous rally to protest against the attack. However, local residents said that the military started the "March to Nizhneudinsk" in order to avenge their comrades. According to local media reports, after the contractors arrived in the city, most of the patrol service units that the local police had, were pulled to the place where they were located, and residents of nearby houses were advised not to leave their homes unless absolutely necessary. The local police were transferred to a reinforced version of their service, and OMON hastily arrived in Nizhneudinsk from Angarsk. As a result, the Tuvan military left for their unit, and the situation was taken under personal control by the head of Tuva, Sholban Kara-ool.