Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman) Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University) State University of Management (GUU) Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Information Technology (IT)

In the age of global computerization of society, no organization or firm can function successfully if it does not have a well-functioning information system based on advanced technologies. The need for specialists who can make life easier and more convenient with the help of information collection and processing technologies, for example, improve or automate production processes, is growing every day. Now is the right time to choose as the supreme vocational education at the university innovative specialties in the field of information systems and technologies.

Range professional activity university graduates in the region information technologies extensive: from applied mathematics in the field of programming to bringing high-tech software products to specific consumers. The object of professional activity of a specialist in information systems and technologies is their mathematical, information and software, methods and methods of designing, debugging, production and operation of software in information systems in all areas of life. The task of a specialist is to create such a complex of software and hardware that will allow the employing company to achieve a competitive advantage in the market.

Specialties and Specializations in Information Technology (IT)

The choice of training programs in this area in Moscow universities is quite large: the table shows the most common areas of training and specialties.

Number according to the classifier OKSO

Name of direction / specialty

Study period (years)


Region professional activities

"Applied Mathematics and Informatics"

Bachelor of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematical and software support for high-tech areas of science, engineering and information technology with an emphasis on efficient programming; construction of algorithms for solving optimization problems

Master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

mathematician, system programmer

"Business Informatics"

Bachelor of Business Informatics

Information management in the field of modern business; implementation, analysis and maintenance of corporate information systems

Master of Business Informatics

« Applied Informatics» (by region)

Bachelor of Applied Computer Science

Creation, implementation and maintenance of professionally oriented information systems; evaluating the effectiveness of software and databases in a specific area; use of advanced information technologies for obtaining and processing information

Master of Applied Informatics

"Applied Informatics" (by areas: in economics, management, management)

computer scientist-economist, manager, manager

"Computer Science and Computer Engineering"

Bachelor of Engineering and Technology

A set of means, methods and methods aimed at creating and using computers, systems and networks, automated information processing and control systems; ensuring the functioning of all computer equipment

Master of Engineering and Technology

"Computers, complexes, systems and networks"

"Software for computer technology and automated systems"

"Information Systems"

Bachelor of Information Systems

Creation and support of modern information systems in all sectors of production, commerce, science and education; solution of a wide range of problems in the development of software for information processing and control systems using methods of computer graphics, network information and multimedia technologies

master of information systems

"Information systems and technologies"

"Information Technology in Design"

«Information technologies in the media industry»

«Information technologies in international business»

*Master's studies after 4 years of bachelor's degree.

One of the most popular specialties in Moscow universities in the field of information technology is "Information Systems and Technologies", since students who receive this education at the university get acquainted with programming, computer design, and data management, and also gain knowledge in specific area of ​​future professional activity. In addition, this specialty has a number of interesting specializations in Moscow universities:

  • "Computer graphics and modern methods of programming in the Internet environment"
  • «Information technologies in property management, in international business»
  • "Telecommunication technologies, networks, complexes"
  • "Security of information networks and information protection"
  • "Information networks of electronic commerce"
  • "Corporate Information Networks"
  • "Banking Information Networks"
  • "Information Systems Management"
  • "Information networks in specific areas National economy: instrument making, transport»

What are they studying

Future specialists in information technologies and systems receive fundamental mathematical training at the university, knowledge in the field of computer science is especially important for successful professional activity. system analysis, managing dynamic objects, designing intelligent databases. At the same time, students acquire knowledge and skills modern methods programming in the Internet environment, in the field of global control systems, information security, etc.

Since the designed and used IT, as a rule, is focused on a specific area of ​​​​application, a specialist will need knowledge in this particular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe national economy, for example, in mechanical engineering, railway transport, e-commerce, advertising. Separate types professional activity of a university graduate in the field of information technology will require knowledge in the field of economics, finance, law, management, marketing, project management.

All computer programs are written in English, so the future IT specialist must speak technical English at a sufficiently high level.

You can also become an IT specialist by obtaining one of the specialties listed in the table at the university; it is important that you decide for yourself what you want to become: a specialist in "brains", "iron" or "configuration" of finished products and models. A profile of activity similar to the one described above is provided to graduates of the university in the specialty "Applied Informatics", who are also called upon to use advanced information technologies in specific areas of the national economy. In Moscow universities, you can find interesting programs of study in the specialty "Applied Informatics" in economics, management, management, tourism, medicine, etc. If you know in advance in which area you want to specialize in the future, choose a university with a suitable profile that can teaching in the proper amount of a complex of related disciplines.

Where do IT professionals work and how much do they earn?

There are several options for the development of a career of university graduates in the field of information technology: administrative, design and management.

The administrative direction is represented by the positions of system administrator, network administrator, database administrator. All these administrators are required to ensure uninterrupted and safe work computers and their complexes in the network. Novice administrators receive 25,000 rubles, each year of work adds 15% to the salary, additional knowledge, for example, foreign language, add another 10%. Professional certifications, especially international level increase wages by 30%. Thus, a salary of $ 5,000 is not the limit for an administrator, and additional earnings are possible for performing one-time orders.

The design direction is represented by the positions of a programmer, lead programmer, network application developer, web programmer, etc. The average salary of a programmer is 1,500–2,000 dollars, it depends on the programming language, the level of knowledge of the English language (plus 20%), experience work. Often, programmers, especially in the Internet environment, are outsourcing, that is, they work for themselves; their incomes are usually higher than those of full-time employees.

Supervisory work for IS specialists includes the positions of project manager, project director, general director. You can find out about the formation of wages for positions in this area in the description of the specialty "Management of the organization".

University graduates, IP specialists, can find work in all areas of life where computer technology is used:

  • - in academic, scientific, educational institutes;
  • – in computer centers, experimental design bureaus;
  • - in information centers, archives, funds and libraries, state statistics bodies;
  • – in state and government institutions, state and municipal authorities, taxation, law enforcement and social protection authorities, customs;
  • - in management bodies at enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership;

If you want to get a new specialty, basic (from scratch) knowledge and applied skills in IT, economics, finance, management, and are ready for a long (almost 3 years) study, then the second higher education program is better suited for you (preparation of a bachelor in the direction Business Informatics).

Who can study on the program?

The program of the second higher education - training of bachelors in a shortened time in the direction of "Business Informatics" - accepts specialists and managers with a state diploma of higher education (bachelor, specialist, master) in various specialties and directions.

At the same time, the direction of the first higher education, the availability of primary knowledge and practical experience do not matter.

Admission is carried out on the basis of the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which is determined by the university independently, and interviews. .

Why is it worth studying at the Higher School of Economics?

A second higher IT education in a relevant and in-demand specialty significantly increases your chances of finding a decent job, as well as devoting all your time to the type of activity that will be most interesting to you.

The second higher IT education received at the Higher School of Business Informatics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics will allow you to gain the missing knowledge or expand the existing ones, move up the career ladder, get a better-paid job, change the scope of your professional activity. This is especially true in Moscow, where high level competition for high paying jobs.

By choosing a bachelor's program in Business Informatics at the Graduate School of Business Informatics, YOU GET A NUMEROUS BENEFITS:

1. RELEVANCE. GSBI programs are developed based on market requirements, taking into account modern standards and best practices (ISO, IEEE, CMM / CMMI, SPICE, COBIT, ITIL, VABOK), and are reviewed by leading partner companies.

2. QUALITY. The quality of education at GSBI is achieved through a combination of the university's methodological base and the expert experience of partner companies. When developing and implementing programs, HSBI uses the unique in Russia methodological base of the Higher School of Economics in the field of business informatics and the basic departments of leading companies ( .

3. BUSINESS PRACTITIONERS AND LEADING SPECIALISTS. The GSBI programs are taught by people who everyday put into business practice what they talk about in the audience, as well as by the most authoritative experts in the IT market. Our teachers

4. PRACTICAL SKILLS. The main principle of education at GSBI is learning through action, applying the acquired theoretical knowledge in the real practice of students. All study tasks and draft programs are of an applied, practical nature. Topics practical tasks, final works students determine themselves based on their tasks and interests.

5. DEMAND. Diplomas of NRU graduate School Economics” enjoys high prestige among employers. The Higher School of Economics has been the leader in ratings and surveys of company executives over the past 5 years.

In addition, the Higher School of Economics is one of the few Russian universities whose diplomas are valued in other countries.

6. UNIQUE. Almost all GSBI programs have no analogues in the Russian market of additional and business education in terms of focus and content.

GSBI programs differ not only in duration, cost, issued diploma, but also in content and focus.

On the program of the second higher education (preparation of a bachelor in the direction of Business Informatics), training in all disciplines is carried out from the zero level to the level of a specialist. The program contains long blocks in economics, finance, management, basic and applied disciplines in IT. The list of disciplines is determined by the educational standard. Of all the GSBI programs, the second higher education is the most basic education. This is a complete higher education in the field of IT management. Graduates of this program are ready to work in any field of economics and public administration related to the use of IT.

After completing a bachelor's degree in Business Informatics, you will be able to work as

  • CIO, Director of Information Services;
  • Director of business development of the company (CEO);
  • Information systems architect, IT business architect;
  • IT business consultant;
  • Business analyst;
  • Financial analyst;
  • IT Strategy Consultant;
  • Director of analytical service;
  • business architect;
  • Specialist in modeling and optimization of business processes;
  • IT manager, IT specialist;
  • Project manager, including Internet projects;
  • IT Management Consultant;
  • Internet project manager;
  • Entrepreneur, head of the company.

The program complies educational standard in the direction of "Business Informatics" and professional standard Information Technology Manager

The issued document is a state diploma of higher education of the National research university"Higher School of Economics" in the direction of "Business Informatics", BACHELOR degree

Students who successfully completed this program, are accepted for the MBA-IT program of the Higher School of Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics with a study period of 1 year !!!

Class Schedule

Cost and payment procedure

If you still have doubts about choosing a training program, then you can get acquainted with curriculum and annotations of disciplines, learn more detailed information about the features of training, certification, preparation of final work and get answers to other questions.

For more information and to book an interview, please contact:

You like to work at a computer, are not indifferent to technology, carefully follow breaking news in the field of innovative inventions? The profession of a specialist in the field of computer science and telecommunications would be perfect for you. How can one enter such a specialist, and what profession in this direction to choose?

First of all, you need to write, which has become from 2014-2015 school year admission to the Unified State Exam. Having successfully overcome this test, you can take exams in mathematics, Russian language and the third subject, which will depend on the direction you have chosen. For example, a leading university for training personnel in the field of telecommunications and information technology accepts the results of the USE in computer science and ICT or physics.


1. Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology
2. Information Security
3. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems
4. Applied Informatics
5. Informatics and Computer Engineering
6. Information systems and technologies
7. Information security of telecommunication systems


Future specialists in the field of computer science and telecommunications can enter both college and university. In the first case, the period of study takes 3-4 years, depending on whether students are enrolled after grade 9 or 11. In order to get a higher education in this area, you need to study for 4-6 years: 4 years for bachelors, 5 years for specialists, 6 years for masters.

If you have already decided where exactly - at a university or college - you want to get an education in the field of telecommunications and information technology, then you have to choose the educational institution itself. Those who decide to become an IT specialist have many options. For example, more than 160 universities are ready to train students in the specialty "Information Security" in Russia.

Be aware of all the events taking place during the admission campaign, clarify unclear questions with members of the admissions committee. This will help you better assess your chances of admission. The main thing is to score the maximum possible number of points for yourself on the exam and be confident in your own abilities.

IT specialist is one of the most demanded professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to master this profession? Where can you get this job? What "inconveniences" do IT professionals face? Let's try to figure this out.

In the twenty-first century, information is everything, and almost no industry can work without the use of information technology. Hence, there is constantly a high demand, both for the development and implementation of special programs for existing and newly opened enterprises, and for specialists in this field.

That is why an IT specialist is one of the most sought-after professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to master this profession? Where can you get this job? What "disadvantages" do they face? IT professionals? Let's try to figure this out.

Who is an IT specialist?

Scientists began to develop information technologies in the middle of the twentieth century, when there was a need to automate the processing, systematization and storage of information, since classical sources (library, periodicals) no longer fully coped with this task.

By the way, at present, librarianship is also not complete without the use of technical support: expanding network electronic libraries, ancient manuscripts and archives are entered into electronic file cabinets and duplicated in digital form. This makes rare editions more accessible to the general public, while access to original sources remains very limited.

The first computers (electronic computers), which appeared in the late sixties of the last century, have already sunk into the past. This technique recorded information on punched tapes, long strips of paper with a dotted pattern. But such information also had to be stored somehow. From the beginning of the 60s, mankind began to actively use magnetic recordings, cellular communications, and by the end of the 90s, hard drives appeared that record information in the language of numbers. Information processing required people who can create commands (programs) for machines, as well as specialists who create artificial intelligence.

Thus, a whole family of professions appeared that are united by one name: programmer, system analyst, system architect, system administrator, information systems specialist, information security specialist, PC operator, information technology manager, database administrator, Web master, etc. .d.

Today, information technologies are widely used for communication, in the field of management, banking, on their basis educational programs are developed and implemented, geoprospecting and resource extraction, high technologies are necessary in modern industry, medicine, and security. The areas of application of information technologies in various industries are gradually expanding, and this directly indicates a constant and increasing need for the services of IT specialists, which means we can safely say that this profession of the future.

What personal qualities should an IT specialist have?

To become a sought-after IT specialist, it is necessary, first of all, to have a high basic level of training in such disciplines as mathematics and English language. This requirement is due to the fact that all computer programs are written in the language of numbers, while the international language, English, is used to create them.

Also, the future IT-specialist must:

  • have a good memory;
  • be able to find a logical relationship;
  • to show non-standard approaches to solving various problems;
  • be diligent and attentive;
  • have a tendency to self-organization;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • take the initiative.

We emphasize that the listed requirements are only the "Minimum" program.

To realize yourself in one of the profile areas of information technology, certain creative abilities are often required: artistic taste, creativity, dedication to the field of activity for which the program is being developed.

Benefits of being an IT specialist

It is believed that every job should have at least three advantages, which are the incentive to do it. The profession of an IT specialist has the following advantages:

  • Each person strives to keep up with the times, engaging in self-development, raising education, expanding horizons. But for this, most often, it is required to specially allocate free time from work. An IT specialist has the opportunity to improve his intellectual level on the job, since this is also his direct responsibility.
  • Since labor activities of an IT specialist is intellectual, then, thanks to the same technologies, he can carry it out while on long distance from the immediate place of work (that is, remotely).
  • It is impossible not to note the demand for the profession and a fairly high level of salaries (both in private business and in the state system). According to statistics, this profession is marked by an annual increase in wages of 10-16%, which is often paid in dollar terms.

In addition, the still ongoing shortage of personnel in the field of IT technologies makes it easy to solve employment issues, while it is very difficult for specialists in other professions to find vacancies. This trend will continue for a long time, because the training of specialists in the field of technology support is still far behind the growing demand for their services.

Disadvantages of the profession of an IT specialist

It's no secret that even the smartest machines sometimes fail and require the intervention of a person who is able to get them working - an IT specialist. Well, since the machines have not yet learned to determine whether it is working time or a day off, they break down at any time of the day. And this means that such a profession is most often associated with an irregular work schedule, which, of course, often violates personal plans.

To Disadvantages of the profession of an IT specialist can also be attributed to constant and high mental stress, which adversely affects emotional state and normal functions nervous system. Therefore, choosing a profession, a person should be able to properly organize the regime of work and rest, despite the irregular schedule.

Do not forget about the negative impact of professional activity on health: constant and very high visual loads require attentive attitude to the organs of vision, and a "sedentary" lifestyle often leads to problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal system.

Where can you get a job as an IT specialist?

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The best higher educational institution, a "forge of personnel" in the field of information technology is considered to be the Moscow Technical University communications and informatics, which has two branches. The diploma of this educational institution is recognized all over the world, and the profession of an IT specialist can be obtained in fifteen programs.