Modern information technologies have firmly entered the life of an ordinary person. They make it easier and more convenient. Not surprisingly, the demand for specialists in this field is constantly growing. Without applied informatics, it is now impossible to imagine the activities of organizations in almost any industry. The corresponding diploma opens the way to this profession. In order to gain the necessary knowledge and find a worthy application for yourself, it is important to have a clear idea of ​​​​what you will have to face.

In contact with

Application area

Applied Informatics allows you to train IT-specialists of a wide profile. This science includes, combines the knowledge of many others and is on their border. Information technology, knowledge is used in various fields for innovative products and solutions. The scope is so large that any person interested in IT will be able to choose one of the narrow areas to his taste.

Applied informatics is needed in a variety of industries:

Requirements for employees

Who can work in the profession? Due to the growing role of modern technologies, applied computer science is one of the most promising areas of study and work. Naturally, knowledge of computer science is required. From other disciplines are required:

  • mathematics - everything is based on this science;
  • English - instructions are written in it, a huge number of terms, etc.

To choose a profession in the field of applied informatics, the following qualities are required:

  • the ability to estimate the time to perform a particular job;
  • the ability to explain, sometimes to think for others, if the requirements are fuzzy and there is no way to clarify the situation (incompetence, etc.);
  • the ability to constantly and productively learn, since the amount of necessary information is very large (design, management, etc.) and it inevitably changes.

Communication is worth a special mention. An applied computer scientist is one who must combine the efforts of people from completely different areas. "Techies" will have to tell, for example, about the differences between debit and credit, the subtleties of design, etc. When this stage is completed, it is necessary to explain to the "humanists" which buttons to press. In both cases, most likely, you will have to face misunderstanding, sometimes conflicts are possible. Therefore, it is important to find a common language with people, professionals in their field and amateurs in someone else's.

Common Positions

Due to the specifics of applied informatics, the range of available professions and positions is very large. Thanks to the possibilities of the staffing table, people who perform the same (or similar) duties in different organizations can be called differently. Different companies require certain skills. The industry leaves its mark. However, the most common ones include, for example, the following positions:

  1. Organizational system administrator- Troubleshooting and troubleshooting. Many graduates have to work in this position. It is hardly worth expecting serious career growth or a big salary. But the work schedule often allows you to carve out a certain amount of time. You can use it to implement your projects. Such work will not allow you to “grab the stars from the sky”, but will provide a stable income and develop the skills necessary for the profession. In the future, you can apply them, for example, for your own business. If you need a free schedule, independence, you should think about providing services to several small organizations. If you need a big salary, you can try to get a job in some large company in the field of economics, design, etc.
  2. Developer at a startup. New technologies are in great demand lately. If you have creative ideas, you can try yourself here. Moreover, such events are often held in cooperation with serious companies interested in finding new things in economics, education, design and other areas. If they like the project, there is a chance to get a job with them or receive regular payments for their invention.
  3. Security officer- protects information from various threats. Courses may be needed. More and more crimes are being committed in the virtual space, as there are more and more opportunities here. The dependence of the economy and other areas on new technologies is inevitably increasing. Such a position is very relevant, but it is believed that the specialists working here have somewhat one-sided knowledge. Self-education can help. Not a single good worker can do without it anyway, due to the specifics of the field.
  4. Engineer- the profession is more suitable if interest in any industry is clearly expressed. Although this is rather a related area of ​​applied informatics. There are not enough engineers in the country now, so the profession is in great demand. It is unlikely that there will be problems with employment at any enterprise.
  5. Specialist in the implementation of new technologies. To optimize work, improve performance, companies have to learn new things. However, in an admissions announcement, such a vacancy can mean anything. Even a sales manager will fit under it. It often refers to the development of an update to a product or system.
  6. Analyst- collects information from customers, potential users of the product. Then he processes it and informs the development team, explains what needs to be done.
  7. - receives information from the analyst, sometimes directly. He decides exactly how something needs to be done, that is, determines a specific way to implement the idea.
  8. tester (tester) is responsible for the quality. His responsibilities include testing the product under various conditions. Able to tell the programmer what else needs to be improved.
  9. Project Manager- usually manages the overall work on a project in the field of applied informatics, sometimes takes on the functions of an analyst. Distributes responsibilities, monitors their implementation, solves emerging problems, provides resources, helps to work, etc.

Creating new software or improving existing software is a common job of an applied computer scientist. Sometimes you manage to create something outstanding. In this case, you can not think about tomorrow and receive well-deserved dividends.

However, this is obtained in units. But in any case, development skills are extremely useful in terms of professional growth. Experience of overcoming difficulties in a team very important and often remains a pleasant memory. In general, it is desirable to start your career already in senior courses. Practical skills, experience are always an invaluable advantage in the struggle for a good place.

Form of study:
Training period:
Cost of education:
Disciplines of entrance examinations:

About specialty

The specialty "Applied Informatics (in Economics)" enables students to gain extensive knowledge of both economic and applied nature. In the process of theoretical training, students acquire practical skills for effectively solving economic problems using modern information technologies and systems.

This is one of the most promising and sought-after specialties. In addition, it is universal, as evidenced by the qualification of the specialty "Applied Informatics (in Economics)" - "Informatics - Economist". A computer scientist-economist is an erudite generalist who has received fundamental knowledge in the field of computer science and professional knowledge in the field of economics, management and marketing. Such a specialist can work both in the field of computer science and in the field of economics.

Areas of application of acquired knowledge

The widest opportunities for applied informatics exist in the field of economics and entrepreneurship. It is easier for a professional to provide an enterprise with suitable business tools. For this purpose, it uses the most modern developments in the field of Internet technologies. He has to work with databases, develop a marketing strategy for the company, keep computer records of technological operations.

An economist specializing in the field of applied informatics is engaged in solving problems of managing not only information, but also material and financial flows, using specialized information systems. Without such a specialist, today it is impossible to imagine the work of a large bank, stock exchange or other institution operating in the field of finance.

  • 1C programmer
  • IT manager
  • Computer scientist-economist
  • IT department manager
  • Entrepreneur
  • Employee of public and private enterprises and institutions
  • Governing body manager
  • System Administrator
  • Engineer in any company
  • Specialist in the development and implementation of everything related to high technologies and information

What are the salaries?

The figure below shows the average salaries in Yekaterinburg for some professions related to the specialty "Applied Informatics". The salary review is based on the Yandex.Job service. If you wish, you can follow the link and conduct your own study of wages in the Yekaterinburg market. Perhaps this will help you decide more precisely on your future profession.

Is the specialty right for you?

You don't have to be able to assemble a computer blindfolded and reinstall software with just a glance at the mouse. Of course, it will be much easier to learn for someone who is already interested in computers. However, something else is important: do you believe with all your heart that the development of technology is right, that it is necessary to look for moments that require improvement and automate various processes so that they can be carried out without human intervention by a multimillion-dollar number of operations. (For example, in the field of exchange trading in securities, even about 1.3 billion transactions are carried out daily on accounts for an average day: 99.9% - automatically, and only 0.1% of the remaining ones require human participation.)

Those who want to master a highly regulated specialty will be mistaken if they choose applied computer science. This is an innovative specialty, here you are always pioneers. Even if there is someone who does the same thing, your task is to figure out how to do it differently.

In 1-2 courses, students study according to the general program, from the 3rd year they choose a department and a supervisor. The curricula of the department cover all modern areas of computer science and mathematics studied in both specialties, although in slightly different volumes. The plan also includes a set of lecture courses of natural science, applied content. A significant place in the curriculum of applied students is occupied by programming. The students of the department study the fundamentals of mathematics and programming, mathematical modeling, numerical methods, software packages for solving scientific, technical, fundamental and applied problems, the study of mathematical models of physical, chemical, biological and other natural science systems, as well as social, economic and technical objects.

"Applied math"

  • IT disciplines:
    • programming - 324 hours;
    • architecture of computing systems - 108 hours;
    • discrete mathematics - 234 hours;
    • theory of algorithms and mathematical logic - 216 hours;
    • operating systems - 126 hours;
    • computer systems software - 126 hours;
    • mathematical statistics - 108 hours;
    • calculation methods - 234 hours;
    • computer networks - 126 hours;
    • object-oriented programming - 108 hours;
    • data analysis - 108 hours;
    • databases and information systems - 162 hours;
    • game theory - 126 hours;
    • modern software design tools - 126 hours;
    • optimization methods - 180 hours;
    • information security - 90 hours;
    • programming theory - 90 hours;
    • decision-making systems and methods - 108 hours;
    • graph theory - 180 hours;
    • management theory - 180 hours;
    • computational geometry and computer graphics - 126 hours.
  • Mathematical disciplines
    • algebra and geometry - 378 hours;
    • mathematical analysis - 540 hours;
    • probability theory - 144 hours;
    • theory of functions of a complex variable - 108 hours;
    • differential equations - 216 hours;
    • random processes - 108 hours;
    • operations research - 126 hours;
    • functional analysis - 126 hours;
    • variational methods - 108 hours;
    • equation of mathematical physics - 162 hours;
    • mathematical modeling - 144 hours;
    • mathematical models of natural processes - 90 hours.
  • Humanities
    • history of Ukrainian culture - 72 hours;
    • philosophy - 108 hours;
    • foreign language - 216 hours;
    • formal languages ​​and grammars - 126 hours;
    • political science and sociology - 108 hours;
    • ecology and safety - 108 hours;
    • term paper from calculation methods - 54 hours;
    • term paper from intelligent systems - 54 hours;
    • educational practice - 108 hours;

Within the framework of the specialty “Computer Science”, specialists are trained who are able to design, implement projects, operate and manage information systems and information technologies (IS / IT). Informatics studies a set of problems associated with the passage of information processes in society, economics, economic and environmental processes.
Basic skills: analysis and systematization of data, construction of information processing algorithms.

List of subjects and hours by specialty "Informatics"

  • IT disciplines
    • programming - 396 hours;
    • discrete mathematics - 288 hours;
    • probability theory and mathematical statistics - 216 hours;
    • calculation methods - 198 hours;
    • architecture of computing systems - 144 hours;
    • basics of computer graphics - 108 hours;
    • algorithms and data structures - 144 hours;
    • computational geometry and computer graphics - 126 hours;
    • organization and processing of electronic information - 144 hours;
    • data analysis - 108 hours;
    • corporate information systems platforms - 288 hours;
    • information networks - 144 hours;
    • operating systems and system programming - 288 hours;
    • optimization methods and operations research - 234 hours;
    • object-oriented analysis and design - 108 hours;
    • databases and information systems - 324 hours;
    • game theory - 108 hours;
    • modern design tools - 90 hours;
    • modeling of socio-economic processes - 90 hours;
    • intelligent information systems - 126 hours;
    • information technology management - 90 hours;
    • graph theory - 180 hours;
    • programming and support of web applications - 126 hours;
    • parallel and distributed computing - 180 hours;
    • management theory - 180 hours.
  • Mathematical disciplines:
    • algebra and geometry - 360 hours;
    • mathematical analysis - 342 hours;
    • theory of algorithms and mathematical logic - 198 hours;
    • differential equations - 144 hours;
    • argumentation theory - 72 hours;
    • decision-making systems and methods - 108 hours.
  • Humanitarian disciplines:
    • history of Ukraine - 90 hours;
    • Ukrainian language (for professional aspirations) - 54 hours;
    • ecology and life safety - 108 hours.
  • Rest:
    • physics - 198 hours;
    • physical culture - 54 hours;
    • coursework from programming - 54 hours;
    • term paper from the theory of algorithms and mathematical logic - 54 hours;
    • course work in discrete mathematics - 54 hours;
    • term paper from modern software design tools - 54 hours;
    • term paper on optimization methods and operations research - 54 hours;
    • term paper from intelligent information systems - 54 hours;
    • educational practice - 108 hours;
    • introductory practice - 108 hours;
    • industrial practice - 108 hours;
    • final work of the bachelor - 324 h.

You can view data on the demand for specialists

Applied computer science and mathematics cover the theory and application of these disciplines in various fields of science, technology and the social sphere.

These are promising and modern interdisciplinary specialties.

How much is paid to specialists in Russia

Specialists educated in applied mathematics and informatics are valued in the country.

You can see it in salaries.

The average salary in Russia for 2017 is 45,000 rubles.

The maximum salaries are at the level of 2500 dollars.

It is very difficult to track the highest incomes of people whose profession is related to computers.

Good professionals often work remotely, and their salaries can reach $8,000.

The profit depends on the project that the programmer is doing.

Statistics for major Russian cities:

  • Moscow - 50 thousand rubles;
  • St. Petersburg - 45 thousand rubles;
  • Nizhny Novgorod - 45 thousand rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 35 thousand rubles.

Income in other countries

Below are the minimum and maximum salaries for professionals in the field of applied mathematics and computer science:

  • Kazakhstan: 70-700000 tenge;
  • Belarus: 700-3100 Bel. rub.;
  • Ukraine: 7900-60000 UAH

Top most profitable professions

According to the popular American job search resource Glassdoor,

people involved in applied mathematics and computer science are in the top 25 highest paid professions.

The average annual salary for mathematicians is $95,000.

Specialists develop mathematical applications for scientific needs and for industry.

Applied informatics specialists have a wide scope of employment.

The choice of the direction of work depends on how much the employee will earn.

Software developers and IT project managers are among the top 10 highest paying jobs in the US.

Annual salaries reach 100-125 thousand dollars.

Employees solve problems related to hardware and software.

Earnings while studying and choosing a university

University education is worth from 30 to 230 thousand rubles. in year majoring in applied mathematics and computer science.

The price depends on the prestige of the educational institution.

There are also budget places. For example, in the Novosibirsk State. university.

Often there are no problems with finding a job for future specialists.

Even during their studies, they get jobs in various organizations as web designers, network administrators and programmers.

Jobs in large companies can bring in $1,500 a month.

With work experience and graduation, the figure often doubles to $3,000.

In order to have the latest knowledge, a professional in the field of applied mathematics and computer science should:

  1. Constantly learn.
  2. Improve your skills.

In order to receive salaries in thousands of dollars, you should:

  • speak a foreign language;
  • study computer systems;
  • know modern methods of information processing.

Interesting facts of a profitable profession:

  1. People who work in the field of applied mathematics say that knowledge from the school computer science course is almost never used in their work.
  2. Most problems are built on mathematical algorithms that solve the problem in the shortest way with the best result.
  3. When choosing a university, it is better to give preference to those where practicing teachers work. The experience gained will be based on new information and will be worth the money spent on training.
  4. It is better to start working while studying. After graduation, there will already be experience and profitable job offers in the specialty are possible.
  5. Some professional programmers and mathematicians are good chess players. Playing chess develops logical thinking.

Where to go to work to get good

After receiving an education in applied mathematics and computer science, the question arises for specialists who is better to work with.

Of course, the main role in choosing a workplace is played by salary and working conditions.

When choosing a direction of work, everything depends on the interests of a young specialist.

You can work in the following areas:

  • web programming;
  • computer design;
  • data and information protection;
  • business and system analytics;
  • mathematical modeling;
  • creating programs that solve specific problems.

Depending on the work experience and the position held, the monthly income of a novice employee is 500-1500 dollars.

In addition to profit, young people are attracted by the fact that a lot of work is done remotely, there is no need to be tied to the workplace.

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What does Applied Informatics teach?

If the desire to become an IT specialist is great, and the school curriculum does not provide an opportunity to prepare well for studying in this direction at a university, many students decide to go to college, where training in the specialty "Applied Informatics" is usually offered. After completing the entire course, you can easily enter the Faculty of Information Technology in almost any university, be it SGA, FEFU, VSUES or other universities in Vladivostok and Russia.

You can enroll in the specialty "Applied Informatics" after 9 and after 11 classes, subject to successful passing exams in the Russian language, computer science and ICT, mathematics. Ninth-graders who entered the college study for 3 years 10 months, school graduates - 2 years 10 months. After completing the course in the specialty, the qualification "Technician-programmer" is awarded.

"Applied Informatics" is a specialty bordering between the actual computer science and many other areas of knowledge, each of which constantly requires an IT specialist. For example, economics is an independent science, but the effective work of economists depends on well-established work with various information technologies. And a software engineer with the necessary knowledge in the field of economics is responsible for this. Or take a top manager as an example. In order to effectively manage and promptly fulfill the tasks of management, he needs to control many processes that can be spatially distributed very widely - in a city, in different cities, or even in other countries. Information technology is indispensable here. But for these technologies to work like clockwork, you need a software engineer with knowledge in the field of management. Thus, a software engineer is a generalist who will always find a place in any field of human activity where there is information technology, be it law, management, design, economics or anything else.

In colleges in the specialty "Applied Informatics" they teach how to create databases, optimize numerous processes using IT technologies, learn how to effectively design computer networks and carry out administration. With such a wealth of knowledge and a clear understanding in which direction you want to develop further, obtaining a subsequent higher education will not cause difficulties and doubts.