Short description

In circle activities, children will develop the ability to navigate in the sound-letter system of their native language, and phonemic processes will be formed. Specially selected creative and didactic games, exercises and tasks allow children to expand their vocabulary, teach them to build phrases correctly, express their thoughts, show their creativity, in a word, develop the child's literacy.


Educator: Mitrokhina Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Explanatory note AT last years many teachers primary school and school speech therapists note the large growth of children with writing and reading disorders (dysgraphia, dyslexia). In my opinion, this is due to the lack of formation of phonetic-phonemic perception and hearing in older preschoolers. In this regard, I believe that much attention should be paid to the formation of a sound culture of speech and the element of preparation for teaching literacy among older preschoolers. Preparation for teaching literacy is closely related to the sound culture of speech. If the child does not pronounce sounds correctly, cannot distinguish and highlight them, select words with a certain sound, then the process of mastering the initial elements of literacy will be difficult. In circle activities, children will develop the ability to navigate in the sound-letter system of their native language, phonemic processes will be formed, i.e. the ability to hear, distinguish and differentiate the sounds of the native language; the sound side of speech, i.e. the child must have the correct, clear pronunciation of the sounds of all phonemic groups (whistling, hissing, sonors). Specially selected creative and didactic games, exercises and tasks allow children to expand their vocabulary, teach them to build phrases correctly, express their thoughts, show their creativity, in a word, develop the child's literacy. The literacy preparation course lasts one year.
The program includes one lesson per week in the afternoon. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. Purpose of the program- to form in children the necessary readiness for learning to read and write. Main tasks educational program mug "Gramoteika": Ø formation of orientation to the sound side of speech: - development of the ability to listen to the word; - own sounds; - select sounds; - to distinguish sounds similar in sound; - divide the speech stream into sentences, sentences - into separate words, make a graphical notation simulating the sequence of words in offer. Ø development of skills to navigate in the sound composition of the word: - consistently select sounds; - establish their place in the word. The effectiveness of this program by the end of the year:
1. children are well oriented in the sound side of speech;
2. own the action sound analysis words consisting of 3-5 sounds;
3. characterize sounds, differentiating them into vowels and consonants
(hard and soft);
4. compare words of different sound structures using
simulation action; 5. select words according to a given model;
6. analyze the speech stream, isolating sentences in it and graphically recording them.
children should know:
- differences between sounds and letters; - Differences between vowels and consonants.
children should be able to: - identify individual sounds in words;
- determine the number of sounds in words and their sequence;
- distinguish between sounds and letters, vowels and consonants, hard and soft
consonant sounds;
- determine the number of syllables in a word;
- determine the place of stress in a word;
- determine the number of words in a sentence and the number of sentences
in the text.

Targets and goals


The concept of the word.
The development of ideas about the diversity of words. Consolidation of the concept of "word".
"Name the toy"
« Child's world»


So different
the words
The development of ideas about the word. Development of the ability to compare words by sound (the word sounds different and similar); measure their length (long and short words). "Name delicious words"
"Words Friends"


word, syllable,
Fix the terms "word", "syllable", "sound". Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in words; intonation to distinguish sounds in a word. Perfection is the ability to select words with a given sound.


syllable, sound
Development of the ability to determine the number of syllables in words; intonation to highlight a given sound in a word. Improve the ability to select words with a given sound. "Name the words"


syllable - part
the words
Mastering the sound analysis of words; drawing up a scheme of the sound composition of a word; determining the number of syllables in words. Acquaintance with the graphic notation of syllables. "Telegraph"


word, sound
Mastering the sound analysis of words. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Live Sounds"
“Name the words with the sounds “d”, “d”.


Sounding words
Mastering the sound analysis of a word, comparing words by sound composition (the ability to find the same and various sounds in words). Acquaintance with the semantic-distinctive function of sound. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Live Sounds"
"Name the words with the sounds "m" and "m"


Sounding words
Mastering the sound analysis of words. Acquaintance with the semantic-distinctive function of sound. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Live Sounds"
""Find the lost sound"


Sounding words
Mastering the sound analysis of words. Acquaintance with the semantic-distinctive function of sound. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Name a Couple"
"Live Sounds"


What is this sound?
"What a sound got lost"
"Name the words"


word, syllable,
Mastering the sound analysis of words; determine the length of words and make their graphic record. Improve the ability to select words with a given sound. "Live Sounds"
"Let's build a house"


Vowel sounds
Introduction to vowel sounds. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Name the words"


Word analysis. Vowel sounds
Mastering the sound analysis of words. The development of ideas about vowel sounds. Acquaintance with the syllable-forming function - the function of a vowel sound. Developing the ability to distinguish vowels from consonants. "Live sounds" "Find a vowel sound"


Words and sounds
Continue to teach children to hear different sounds, be able to distinguish them; divide words into parts, change words. "Change the Word"


Consonants - hard and soft
Mastering the sound analysis of words. The development of ideas about vowel sounds. Acquaintance with the differentiation of consonant sounds into hard and soft. "Name a Couple"


Vowels and consonants
Mastering the sound analysis of words. Strengthening the ability to select words with a given sound. Distinguish between vowels and consonants (hard and soft). "Live Sounds"
"Name the words"


impact sound
Mastering the sound analysis of words. Distinguishing sounds according to their qualitative characteristics. The development of the ability to highlight the stressed sound in the word. Consolidation of ideas about the length of words, the semantic function of sound. "Which sound got lost?"
"Look for words"


Stressed syllable and stressed sound in a word
Development of the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, qualitatively characterize sounds, select words for given sounds. Mastering the ability to highlight the stressed sound in a word. Acquaintance with the meaningful role of stress. "Name the words"


Sound analysis
Development of the ability to perform sound analysis of words; distinguish between hard and soft consonants, stressed and unstressed vowels. Improving the ability to select words with a given sound. "Say the words with the sound" h "
In the land of words and syllables.
Develop the ability to determine the number of syllables in words. Mastering the ability to highlight the stressed sound in a word. "Divide the words into parts" "Hammers"


Word and sound

"Name the words with the sounds g and g"


Sound analysis
Development of the ability to perform sound analysis of words using a sound-letter model. Development of the ability to select words for a scheme consisting of three sounds. "Name the words"


Sound analysis
Development of the ability to perform sound analysis of words. Development of the ability to name words with a given sound. "Name the words with the sound sh"


Pick a word
Change the word
Improving the ability to perform sound analysis of words using a sound-letter model. Development of the ability to select words for a three-sound model. "Name the words"
"Name a Couple"


impact sound
Development of the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words and qualitatively characterize sounds. Mastering the ability to highlight the stressed sound in a word. Perfection is the ability to select words with a given sound. "Living words" "What sound got lost?"


name the word
Improving the ability to perform sound analysis of words. Mastering the action of changing words. Development of the ability to name words with a given sound. "Find your house"
"Name the words"


Acquaintance with the sentence, the rules for writing it, dividing the sentence into words and composing it from words. Teaching the ability to make a graphic record of a sentence. Development of the ability to select words for four - sound model. "Live words" "Name the words"


"Live words" "Name the words"


Make an offer
Working with a sentence: analysis, repetition of writing rules, graphic notation. Development of the ability to select words for four - sound model. "Name the words"


Offer and
Improve the ability to analyze the proposal. Development of the ability to name words with a given sound. "Telegraph"


sentence, word, sound
Improving the ability of children to analyze a sentence and make it graphic diagram. Improvement of the ability to compose words according to the sound model. "Telegraph"
Mystery game
May Sentence Improve the ability to make sentences of 2-3 words; determine the sequence of words in a sentence research institutes. "Word-sentence"
May Make a proposal Exercise in drawing up proposals according to schemes. Consolidation of the ability to make a graphic record of the proposal. "Name the Word"
May Sound, word, sentence To teach children to independently select words with the sounds "s", "sh". Strengthen the ability of children to divide words into parts; independently transform words consisting of two syllables. To consolidate children's knowledge of the composition of sentences (two to four words). "Name the Word"
May Smarties and smarties Create a joyful mood for children from the game. Consolidate acquired skills. “Live words” “Hammers” “Look for words” “What sound got lost?”
MBDOU Kindergarten





Circle leader:

2014-2015 academic year

Explanatory note.

Preschool childhood is the time of the formation of the fundamental principles of personality, individuality, the most sensitive period for the development of curiosity, general and special abilities. Thanks to a special process of cognition, which is carried out in an emotional and practical way, each preschooler becomes a small explorer, a discoverer of the world around him. The fuller and more varied the child's activity, the more significant it is, the more successful the development is, the happier his childhood.

The development of children's speech is one of the leading tasks that preschool children solve. educational institutions and parents.

The successful development of speech at preschool age is of decisive importance for the subsequent systematic teaching of the native language in primary and then in secondary school.

The levels of speech development of children of the same age are different. These differences are especially clear in the middle preschool age. Work on the education of the sound culture of speech should include the formation of the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of phonemic perception, the vocal apparatus, speech breathing, the ability to use a moderate rate of speech, intonation means of expression. In children of average preschool age it is important to form and consolidate the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language.

At this age, the active vocabulary of children noticeably increases due to words denoting the properties and qualities of objects, actions with them, and their functional features. Individual differences in vocabulary are observed, which is due to a number of factors, including the environment in which the child lives, is brought up and learns. At the same time, children have a special sensitivity, susceptibility to the sounds of speech, which is why this age is very important for learning the elements of literacy. Children master almost the correct pronunciation of all the sounds of their native language. They develop awareness of their pronunciation skills.

Speech - this is the most important creative mental function of a person, the area of ​​​​manifestation of the inherent ability of all people to cognize, self-organize, self-development, to build their personality, their inner peace through dialogue with other personalities, other worlds, other cultures.

Satisfying the need of children for verbal communication is one of the most important pedagogical tasks.

Target: complex development of cognitive-speech activity of children, development of phonemic hearing.


Develop speaking and listening skills;

To develop interest and attention to the word, to one's own speech and the speech of others;

Enrich active and passive vocabulary;

Develop the sound culture of children's speech;

Develop the ability to analyze the sound side of oral speech.

Develop the articulatory apparatus;

Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech;

Promote the development of graphic skills,

Build skills of self-control and self-esteem,

Develop fine motor skills;

Cultivate positive relationships among children.

Ways and methods of implementation:

1. The correct model of the teacher.

2. Finger gymnastics, verbal outdoor games, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes.

3. Drawing with a finger, brush, chalk, pencil.

4. Laying out rhythmic patterns (seeds, cereals, sticks, etc.) according to the model and by ear.

5. Showing words, poems, fairy tales, riddles with hands.

6. Articulatory gymnastics combined with hand exercises.

7. Proper selection of furniture, lighting.

8. Gymnastics for the eyes.

9. Dynamic pauses (alternating load and rest).

10. Change of activities in the classroom, compliance with the regulations.

List of children:

Attendance card





Time of the circle: Wednesday 16-00

Perspective work plan of the circle "Talkers"




Methodological techniques

Acquaintance with a variety of words, modeling, drawing short jerky lines.

Learn to understand and use the term "word". Get to know a variety of words. Strengthen the skills of correct pronunciation of sounds in words. Learn to draw short, jerky lines. To form an interest in speech activity.

Game exercise "Circle correctly"

Fizkultminutka. ball game"


Game exercise "Draw a picture"

Memorizing a poem by O.G. Zykov.

To teach children to memorize a poem, to understand its content, to develop memory, thinking, speech.

Conversation with children about autumn. Note what has changed in nature




Methodological techniques

"Lariska has two radishes"

Finger game "Lariska has two radishes"

Game with sticks "House" (square, triangle)

Compilation of the story "My room"

To teach children when compiling a story to connect sentences with each other in meaning. Develop creative imagination. Invite the children to note what they like best in their room. After compiling the story, sketch your room.

Comparison of words by sound, familiarity with the length of words (long, short)

Learn to solve riddles. develop attention, logical thinking. Continue with modeling. To form interest in speech activity, initiative in solving cognitive problems. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Riddles game

Fizkultminutka. Friends meeting game

The game "What are the words."

Drawing "Needle"


Memorizing a poem

N. Konchalovskaya.

Consolidate knowledge about vegetables. Develop the ability to find the right word in confusing words. Develop intonation expressiveness of speech.




Methodological techniques

Acquaintance with the variety of words, their sound is loud, loud, quiet; sun drawing.

Continue to introduce the sounding word. Practice identifying similar-sounding words. Learn to compare words by sound. Learn to draw rounded and straight lines. To form an interest in speech activity.

Game exercise "Who lives in the house"

Physical education "Charging"

Game "Give me a word"

Game exercise "Connect correctly"

Sunshine drawing.

Evening of riddles.

Continue to teach children to guess riddles according to the description, to think logically; create a festive atmosphere, cheer up children.

Material: objects on a tray, a needle, a hedgehog, a Christmas tree, a potato, an elk, a goose, a toy bicycle, a boletus (it is possible to replace pictures).

Acquaintance with the variety of words, the game "Tell me a word", finding inconsistencies in the pictures

Familiarize yourself with the length of words. To teach to listen carefully to the poem, to select words not only close in sound, but also suitable in meaning. Learn to find inconsistencies in a drawing.

Game exercise "Connect correctly"

Game "Give me a word"

Physical education "Meeting friends"

Game exercise "Find the artist's mistake"

Memorizing a poem by N. Sakonskaya.

Invite the children to sing a poem, choose the right intonation. Develop attention, ear for music, intonation expressiveness of speech. Learn to express your opinion and explain why I chose this melody for this poem.

Questions: What would you do? Why? Where does the berry come from? What color is the strawberry flower?




Methodological techniques

"Incredible Stories"

Invite the children to compose some interesting story from a personal wholesale. Develop coherent speech, thinking, fantasy, imagination. Cultivate the desire to share your stories. Learn to describe interesting stories.

Stories are recorded, drawn up by children's drawings


Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.

Finger game "Snowball"

The game "A lot of snow has fallen" (Tearing paper)

The sound "Sh" (song "wind"), drawing balls, memorizing nursery rhymes.

To learn intonation to highlight the solid consonant sound "Sh" in words. Learn to pronounce sounds clearly and clearly. Learn to expressively read the nursery rhyme, using natural logical pauses. To form interest in speech activity

Game "Give me a word"

Game exercise "be careful"

Physical education "Ball"

Drawing "Balls"

Learning fun.

Didactic game "Travel the path"

Teach children to make sentences related to each other in meaning. Talk about family. Cultivate a desire to play together.




Methodological techniques

Sound "Zh" (beetle song), drawing acorns, memorizing a poem

I. Soldatenko

To learn intonation to highlight the sound "g" in words. To consolidate the ability to divide words into syllables, use the model of words. Develop attention, visual-figurative. To form an interest in speech activity. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

The game "riddles and riddles"

Game exercise "stripped correctly"

Game exercise "Be careful"

Physical education "Beetles"

Drawing "Acorns"

Sounds "Sh-Zh", drawing tracks, repeating poems.

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, to distinguish between consonant sounds "Sh-Zh" in words. Continue to introduce the term "sound". Develop a poetic ear. To form the selectivity of visual perception, interest in speech activity. Develop graphic skills.

Game exercise "Help the animals find their car"

Game "Give me a word"

Physical education minute

Game exercise "Connect correctly", "Repeat verses"

"My favorite animals"

Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.

Finger game "At the deer"

Drawing "My favorite animals".




Methodological techniques

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man"

Continue to teach children to distribute roles among themselves, get used to the images fairytale heroes use different intonation expressiveness of speech. To cultivate love and respect for artistic creativity.

Writing a story about winter.

Encourage children to make up stories personal experience. Develop imagination, thinking, coherent speech.

Stories are recorded, drawn up by children's drawings

"Merry Snowman"

Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.

Finger game "Pallets - palms"

The game "A lot of snow has fallen" (Tearing paper).

Sound "C", drawing cucumbers, memorizing a poem

G. Sapgira.

Learn to distinguish and pronounce the solid consonant sound "Ts" in words and phrasal speech. To learn to listen carefully to the story and answer questions on the text, to develop coherent speech, to form interest in speech activity.

Reading A. Maksakov's story "Chicken Chick"

Game "Finish the sentence"

Physical education minute "Game exercise "Heron"

Drawing "Cucumbers".




Methodological techniques

Learning vocabulary.

Improve the distinct pronunciation of words and phrases, intonation expressiveness of speech.

"Mimosa for Mom"

Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.

Teach children to draw with poke, learn to draw by creating a flower shape.

Finger game "Flower"

Drawing "Mimosa for Mom"

Didactic game "Garden"

Learn to actively accompany your activities with speech, develop attention.

Improvisation (we collect vegetables in baskets).


Work on the pace and rhythm of speech.

Finger game "Friendship"

Game "Drivers"




Methodological techniques

Sounds "L-L", drawing a tumbler, memorizing a poem

E. Alexandrova

Learn to distinguish between hard and soft consonants. Learn to name the first sound in words. To develop children's active speech, answer questions with lines from a poem, convey their attitude to the environment. Develop graphic skills.

Drawing "Tumbler"

Game "Give me a word"

Fizkultminutka. "We drew a little"

Game exercise "Divide correctly"

Memorizing a poem

Memorizing a poem

A. Kochergina

Develop intonation expressiveness of speech, memory, attention. Cultivate interest in artistic word.

Sounds "M"

Mb", drawing a bear, memorizing a poem

T. Shorygina.

To acquaint with hard and soft consonant sounds "M-M". To teach intonation selection of hard and soft sounds in words. Learn to name the first sound in a word. Learn to guess riddles, develop graphic skills.

Memorizing a poem

Drawing "Bear"

Physical education minute

Game exercise "Color correctly"

Reading a fairy tale

S. Marshak "Little Red Riding Hood"

Continue to teach children to listen carefully to a fairy tale, retell its content, distinguish between positive and negative characters. To develop the ability to understand the content of a fairy tale, to empathize with the heroes of a fairy tale. Continue to build interest in the book.




Methodological techniques

Compiling an extraordinary interesting history about forest dwellers in spring.

Learn to use the most consumer adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions in speech. Develop coherent speech, imagination, fantasy. Activate children's vocabulary.

Using pictures of wild animals to compose a story.

Sounds "g-k", painting over objects, memorizing a poem

T. Shorygina.

To promote the development of phonemic hearing, to distinguish between consonant sounds "G-K". Continue to learn to name the first sound in words. Help develop graphic skills. Develop active speech.

Natalia Moor
Circle for the development of speech "Talkers"


"I approve" Agreed

Head of MKDOU - Art. educator

Kindergarten "Gold fish" Kilin A.S. /___

Karpushkina N. M. /___

Program club activities

on speech development

in the middle group No. 2

« Talkers»


Moor Natalia Sergeevna

R. settlement Krasnoobsk 2016

Circle« Talkers»

People talkative

speak clearly,

Clean, clear, distinct -

Everyone understands.

S. Svetlova

1. Explanatory note.

By the age of four in physical and mental development the child undergoes significant changes. However, children of this age are still characterized by instability of attention, inability for long-term volitional effort, and a rapid decline in working capacity.

A long stay of a child in a preschool educational institution creates favorable conditions for systematic work on the sound side speeches. Work on pronunciation consists of the following interconnected stages: 1) survey speeches and pronunciation of the child; 2) development correct articulation; 3) fixing the correct pronunciation in free speeches; 4) Development phonetic perception; 5) skills of sound analysis of sentences and words.

The formation of many speech skills requires multiple repetitions (for example, when teaching a clear pronunciation of a sound, using it in speeches a certain grammatical form of a word, drawing up a story from a picture, memorizing a poem). This is difficult to achieve in one lesson, therefore, in the preschool educational institution it is necessary speech development circle. Classes are held once a week in the afternoon. All these exercises are aimed at the formation of the correct child's speech which is a prerequisite for a child's success in school.

1.1. Information card of the program.

Type of: educational

Level: developing

Form of conducting classes: subgroup

Integration of educational regions:

1. Speech development

2. Social - communicative development

3. Cognitive development

4. Artistic - aesthetic development

5. Physical development

2. Relevance Cup.

Age from 3 to 5 years is of particular importance for speech child development. The main task of a teacher in the region speech development preschool children - help them learn colloquial speech to master your native language. The most important sources development expressiveness of children's speeches are works of oral folk art, including small folklore forms (numbers, lullaby songs, rhymes, fairy tales, riddles) and finger games. The educational, cognitive and aesthetic value of folklore is enormous, as it expands the child's knowledge of surrounding reality, develops the ability to feel art form, melody and rhythm of the native language. Development fine motor skills of the hands and fingers in children is important for the general child development, as he will need precise coordinated movements to write, dress, and perform various household and other movements. Therefore, hand movements are always closely related to speech and contribute to it. development. Finger training affects the maturation of speech function. Otherwise speaking if the baby has dexterous, mobile fingers, then talk he will learn without much difficulty, speech will be develop properly. Finger games are not only an incentive for development of speech and fine motor skills, but also one of the options for joyful communication. No wonder funny folk rhymes, fairy tales, finger games, games are passed from generation to generation. "Tell verses with your hands", finger theatre. Based on this, I chose the topic of my Cup: "The use of folk art in speech development children of primary preschool age" under the name « Talkers» .

3. Purpose:

4. Tasks Cup:


1. Introduce children to oral folk art, Russian folklore.

2. Enrich, activate the speech of children.

3. Learn to discuss the content of the nursery rhyme, the text of the finger game.

4. Encourage activity in choosing a role, to enter the role.

5. Strengthen the ability to coordinate the movement of the hands with the text of the nursery rhyme.

6. Learn to imitate the movements of adults.


1. Develop fine motor skills, imagination, thinking, memory.

2. Develop interest in folk art.

3. Develop a sense of rhythm, figurative thinking of children.

4. Develop attention, visual perception.

5. Develop coordination of movements of both hands.


1. Cultivate love and emotional attitude towards the heroes of nursery rhymes.

2. Cultivate love for all living things.

5. Methods of conducting Cup:

1. Verbal (conversation, learning nursery rhymes, poems, riddles, Russian folk songs, texts of finger games);

2. Visual - showing actions.

3. Actions with the hands of the child.

4. Independent actions of the child.

Circle Classes are held for 10-15 minutes, in the afternoon, once a week on Wednesdays.

Pedagogical analysis is carried out 2 times a year (at the beginning of the year - introductory, at the end of the year - final).

6. Calendar - thematic planning Cup

1.2 weeks of the month - learning folklore, 3 weeks of the month - acquaintance with folk tales, 4 weeks of the month - learning finger games.

Advanced lesson planning circle for the development of speech« TALKERS» for the 2016-2017 academic year.

No. Topic of the lesson Date Tasks


1 Didactic. An exercise

"Who eats what?" Activate in speech verbs: lap, gnaw, etc.

2 ZKR "Say A" Pronounce sound clearly "a" (aurally).

3 Learning the nursery rhyme

"Finger Boy" Teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize the words of nursery rhymes.

4 Toy theater "Goby tar barrel" Recall the content of the fairy tale, encourage them to pronounce and repeat after the teacher individual words and phrases.

5 Didactic. upr "Tell me what do you hear?" Learn clearly, pronounce individual sound combinations. Strengthen the vocal apparatus, enrich the vocabulary of children.

6 Looking at pictures "Pets" To teach children to name animals on their own, to reproduce onomatopoeia.

7 Learning the nursery rhyme

"Pussy, pussy, pussy, shove" Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize the words of nursery rhymes. Pay special attention to the pronunciation of the sound "FROM".

8 Toy Theater "Turnip" speak with the voices of heroes.

9 ZKR "Pronunciation of the sound M" Teach children to pronounce the sound "m" correctly and clearly. (mu)". Learn to pronounce the sound with sufficient voice power. Learn to pronounce the sound m in words and verbs.

10 "Magic Cube" Strengthen the ability to name pictures on cubes.

Answer questions about the content of the picture, repeating individual words and phrases.

11 memorizing nursery rhymes « Shadow - shadow sweating" To instill love for the artistic word, the ability to listen and understand. Encourage active pronunciation of nursery rhyme words. Explain words that children do not understand.

12 Toy Theater

"from the market" Introduce a new poem. The staging of this piece. Consolidate knowledge in the section "vegetables".

13 ZKR "Sound U" Pronounce sound clearly "at". Find it in syllables, words (aurally).

14 memorizing nursery rhymes "The fox walked through the forest" Introduce new fun. Learn it. Explain unknown words. Play a joke.

15 Didact ex. "Guests" Develop connected speech. Remind polite words. Teach children to look at objects, highlight details. Strengthen the ability to communicate with each other.

16 Toy Theater "Mitten" Recall the content of the story. Learn to retell the story speak with the voices of heroes.

17 Didact. The game "Name it right" Assign words to a section "clothes", "furniture". Develop connected speech.

18 memorizing nursery rhymes. "Like our cat" Introduce new fun. Learn it. Explain unknown words. play the nursery rhyme

20 Didactic. The game "Be careful" Learn to recognize given sounds in words and syllables.

21 memorizing nursery rhymes "The cat went to the market". Introduce new fun. Learn it. Explain unknown words.

22 Toy theater "the cat went to the market" Teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, repeat after him. Encourage children to pronounce words in their entirety. Learn to memorize the words of nursery rhymes. Encourage children to repeat the words of the nursery rhymes. To achieve an understanding of the content of a poetic work.

23 Didact. The game "Bee" Develop fine motor skills. Fix sound pronunciation "AND"

24 Memorizing counting rhymes "One, two, three ... There is nowhere for a bunny to jump" Introduce a new counter develop coherent speech to achieve clear pronunciation of sounds.

25 Looking at a picture "Tanya and pigeons" Learn to write a story from a picture Develop attention, memory

26 Toy theater "Grandfather wanted to cook an ear" Introduce new verses. Play the poem.

27 Speech game

"Automobile" Introduce a new game. Achieve a clear pronunciation of words.

28 Learning "Lullaby" Develop the ability to raise and lower your voice.

29 Staging a fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" Recall the content of the story. Learn to retell the story speak with the voices of heroes

30 Didact. The game "Echo" Develop hearing, attention, speech. Repeat words after the teacher and peers.

31 Game "Who's doing what?" Answer questions about the content of the picture, repeating individual words and phrases. Learn to carefully consider the picture and name the objects depicted on it and the actions of people.

32 Fairy tale kaleidoscope To consolidate knowledge about fairy tales that were read throughout the year.

Circle work on teaching the Russian language

in preschool group



Russian language educator MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 6 of Aktanysh village"

Aktanyshsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Vakhitova Guzeliya Kharisovna

Explanatory note

Introduction to the Russian language, Russian culture is one of the most important aspects of teaching and educating non-Russian children, preparing them for schooling. In kindergarten, children learn Russian with middle group. By the preparatory group for school, children develop the correct pronunciation, accumulate a primary vocabulary that allows children to understand Russian speech and speak Russian within the limits of the topics studied. Oral folk art is of great value in teaching children the Russian language. Therefore, I decided to organize a circle of the Russian language "Gatherings" with the children of the preparatory group for school. Riddles, nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales make it possible to teach children the Russian language in an accessible form. Colorful illustrations from the Learning Russian language kits help keep children interested in learning the language.

Classes are held once a week for 30 minutes. In the classes of the circle, children get acquainted with Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, games, riddles, proverbs and sayings. Develop oral language.

Purpose of the circle: mastering the Russian language as a means of communication through folklore.

The purpose of the circle program isto give initial language knowledge and prepare the child for the process of further language education at school. Children learn to understand Russian speech by ear and speak Russian according to the model. Learn by heart a lot of nursery rhymes, games, songs. Playing out stories. We actively use the material studied by children in circle classes during entertainment, open classes.


Develop speaking skills in a non-native language,

To teach to tell fairy tales, nursery rhymes, poems, counting rhymes, to sing songs.

To teach to play fairy tales, to cultivate expressiveness of speech,

Thematic planning of study groups




1. Oral folk art (introductory conversation)

Give the concept of Russian folk oral art. To expand the knowledge of children about the peoples living in our republic. Encourage the desire to get acquainted with Russian folklore.

Dolls in national costumes, illustrations for folk tales.

2. Russian folk tale "Kurochka Ryaba"

Recall a fairy tale, teach it to retell. Develop monologue speech.

"Chrestomathy for the little ones", illustrations by UMK

3. Learning the nursery rhyme "Ribushechka chicken"

Develop dialogic speech. Expand children's vocabulary.

"Christomathy for the little ones"

Page 16

4. Finger games "Forty white-sided", "Finger boy"

Recall familiar finger games. Show a desire to learn the game. evoke joy

plot pictures

5. Russian folk tale "Turnip"

Cultivate attention, perseverance. Expand words knowledge. Reading. Dramatization of a fairy tale. Invoke joy.

subject pictures, models of vegetables. "Chrestomathy for the little ones". Page 32, illustrations UMK

6. Nursery rhymes "Ladybug", "Snail, snail"

Learn jokes. Arouse interest in the Russian language. Expand words knowledge.

"Chrestomathy for the little ones" pp. 73,79

7. Russian folk tale "Teremok"

Get interested in the story. Learn to use in speech means of expression. Set up a puppet theater.

puppet characters

8. We love riddles

Recall familiar riddles. Continue learning to solve riddles. Introduce (familiar) and new riddles. Raise interest in oral folk art.

subject pictures, toys

9. Russian folk tale "Kolobok"

Learn to retell the story. Set up a tabletop theatre. Cultivate independence. The development of dialogic speech.

table theater characters, UMK illustrations

10. Russian folk tale "Kids and the wolf"


11. We learn proverbs and sayings.

Introduce proverbs and sayings about labor, about human affairs. Expand words knowledge.

illustrations, subject pictures

12. Nursery rhymes.

To get acquainted with the nursery rhymes “There is a horned goat”, “Our ducks in the morning”. Expand vocabulary, develop dialogical speech.


13. Songs

Introduce the songs "Funny Geese", "Okay, okay." Cultivate interest in songs.

geese masks, UMK illustrations

14. Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Introduction to fairy tales. Cultivate perseverance, interest in a fairy tale. Learning the words of the characters. Develop speech.

fairy tale illustrations

15. Rhyme "Tili-bom caught fire in the cat's house", "Like our cat"

Generate interest in jokes. Develop Russian speech.

WMC illustrations

16. Russian folk tale "Zayushkina's hut". Rhyme "Hare walk"

Introduce a new fairy tale and nursery rhyme. Continue to develop spoken language.

fairy tale illustrations

17. Who is the smartest?

Develop ingenuity. Continue learning to solve riddles.

subject pictures

18. Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Crane"

Learn to retell the story. Develop expressiveness.

fairy tale illustrations

19. Gatherings

Repetition of learned proverbs, nursery rhymes, songs.

illustrations, masks

20. Folk holidays. Pancake week.

Tell children about folk holidays. Give an idea of ​​Maslenitsa.


21. Wide Maslenitsa.

Introduce children to the games and songs of the Maslenitsa festivities. The song "Pancakes". Game "Fight of roosters"

Masks, tape recorder, audio recording of the song "Pancakes"

22. Hello Maslenitsa (open entertainment)

Costumes, masks, attributes for games.

23. Appeal to natural phenomena.

Acquaintance with appeals to nature "Sun", "Rain". Studying the song "There was a birch in the field."

illustrations, plot pictures. "Christomathy for the little ones"

24. Visiting a fairy tale

Repetition of learned stories.

illustrations, masks, costumes.

25. Russian folk tale "Geese-swans"

Introduction to fairy tales. Learning the characters' words. Develop Russian speech.

fairy tale illustrations

26. Ukrainian folk tale "Mitten"

Dramatization. The development of dialogic speech.


27. Finger games

Repetition of learned games. Introduction to a new game.


28. Russian folk tale "Three Bears"

Introduction to a new story. Extension vocabulary. The development of dialogic speech.

masks, illustrations

29. Nursery rhymes “Vanya, where did Vanya go?”, “Where are you going to Thomas?”

The development of dialogic speech.

illustrations, basket. "Chrestomathy for the little ones". Page 214, 217

30. Nursery rhymes.

Acquaintance with nursery rhymes "You geese, geese, legs, legs." Learning "Hare-coward".

"Chrestomathy for the little ones" p. 219

31. Lullabies.

Learning lullabies. "Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word"

"Chrestomathy for the little ones" p. 221

32. Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Geese"

Introduction to fairy tales. Learn to retell. Dramatization. Rhyme "Cockerel"

fox and goose masks

33. Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Goat".

Dramatization. The development of dialogic speech.


34. We love fairy tales.

Repetition of learned stories.

masks, illustrations

35. Proverbs and sayings.

Repetition of what has been learned.


36. Gatherings (reporting event)

Systematize children's knowledge. Develop Russian speech. Invoke joy.

Costumes, masks, attributes for games, audio recordings of songs

Ludmila Rychkova
The program of the circle "Rechevichok" for the development of speech

Explanatory note.

The role of the native language in the upbringing of preschool children is very great. Through speech, the child learns the rules of behavior, communication, agreements between people on interaction, perceives beauty surrounding world and can tell about what he saw, conveying sensations and feelings. Already from preschool age, the child shows great interest in linguistic reality, "experiments" with the word, will create new words, focusing on both the semantic and grammatical side of the language. This is a necessary condition for its linguistic development, which is based on the gradual awareness of linguistic phenomena speeches. Such development leads to the mastery of all the riches of the native language. With a spontaneous speech development kids get low enough speech skill, so I was faced with the task of creating Cup: « Rechevichok» . Program according to the level of content - introductory, according to the direction - socio-pedagogical, according to the form of organization - group, according to the breadth of coverage and content of activities - profile, according to the degree of professionalization - general cultural competence. This program designed for one year of study for children - 6-7 years old.

Number of students in the group - 12 people.

Weekly load for 1 year of study - 1 hour per week

This working program calculated for 32 hours (1 hour per week)

Relevance programs due to the fact that, educational activities should serve as an impetus for a more complete child development, their intellectual sphere - memory, attention, thinking and the physical state of motor activity and thereby serve to form a positive attitude towards learning in older preschoolers.

The course is multi-faceted child development, its connected speeches, phonemic hearing, creative thinking, coordination and fine motor skills of movements, muscles of the motor apparatus, etc. The course allows you to prepare children for learning to read, write and forms elementary cultural skills speeches.


main goal programs school preparation is comprehensive child development: formation of motivation for learning, development of thinking, fantasy, creativity, increased memory, development of attention, speeches and the ability to argue their statements, identifying individual features future first-graders and the formation of readiness for schooling.


Formation of language skills in its communicative functions: connected speech development, development of speech communication;

Formation of the ability to elementary awareness of linguistic and speech phenomena;

Personality formation preschooler: the study of the needs and individual characteristics, the behavior of the child, interpersonal relationships with peers and adults;

- development imagination and creativity.

Adaptation to school conditions, preparation for literacy, vocabulary development.

The content of the training does not duplicate first class program, but aims to prepare the child for systematic successful schooling through, above all, the formation of positive educational motivation. The age characteristics of a child of 6-7 years old is that he is aware of himself as a person, as an independent subject of activity and behavior. Voluntary regulation of behavior is based not only on learned (or given from outside) rules and regulations. The motivational sphere of preschoolers is expanding due to development motives that are social in origin, such as cognitive, prosocial (encouraging to do good, as well as motives for self-realization. The child’s behavior also begins to be regulated by his ideas about "What is good and what is bad".

Forms and mode of operation.

Classes are held once a week. The duration of the lesson is 25 minutes. The structure of the lesson speech development determined by the principle of interconnection of various sections speech work:

1. Enrichment and activation of the dictionary.

2. Work on the semantic side of the word.

3. Formation of grammatical structure speeches.

4. Education of sound culture speeches.

5. Development elementary awareness of linguistic phenomena.

6. Development coherent monologue speeches.

It is the relationship between different speech tasks in the lesson will create the prerequisites for the most effective assimilation speech skills. Therefore, an integrated approach is advisable, where different speech tasks are often on the same content.

Principles of work with children of preschool age speech development:

1. Scientific.

2. Accounting for psychological, age features children.

3. Accounting for preschool activities of children (game, life, occupation).

4. The systematic relationship of educational material and the child's interest in his native speeches.

5. Accessibility, specificity.

6. Concentricity.

Forms of classes:

1. Examining the picture.

2. Examination of objects

3. Riddles.

4. Didactic games : - finger; - rhyme (learning verses with the movement of arms, legs, fingers, body, eyes, head); - articulation gymnastics; - sound games; - breathing exercises.

Expected results and how to check them.

Specially designed lessons mug in preschool children lead to major shifts in speech and their general mental development. Children develop the following results:

1. Culture rises speeches, connected speech develops, expands verbal communication , which contributes child's personality development, revealing his creative potential;

2. Increased accuracy, coherence and expressiveness speeches. The child begins to appropriately use the means of artistic expression in his own verbal creativity. (when composing fairy tales, riddles, stories, poems). At the same time, the clarification of the means of forming and expressing thoughts becomes an important incentive development of higher speech forms of his thinking.

3. Children are successful in learning and assimilating program schooling mother tongue, both in terms of linguistic knowledge and speech development- oral and written. Training Requirements preschoolers: as a result of studying this course, preschoolers will be able:

Conduct analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification of objects;

Orientation in space;

Proper use of writing instruments;

Know new words, enrich, consolidate, refine your vocabulary;

Be able to compose a story, selecting the most important facts;

Choose words to describe the subject in order to highlight certain qualities;

To be able to invent a fairy tale on the proposed topic, conveying the specifics of the genre;

Identify the main characters of the work, express your attitude towards them;

Determine the genre of the work;

Catch the most striking examples of language figurativeness;

Expressively retell the text, without the help of questions from the teacher;

Choose definitions (adjectives, name actions (Verbs);

- the ability to divide words into syllables; highlight sounds in a word, determine the place of a sound in a word;

Describe the sound freely use and compose sound schemes of words yourself;

Improving the skills of sound-letter analysis of words, placing stress in words, distinguishing between stressed and unstressed syllables;

Expanding the concepts of a sentence, making a sentence of two to four words; compiling a story with a given number of sentences, compiling a story based on a series of paintings, the ability to build sentences of various types;

- development of reading skills, knowledge of proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters; the ability to solve puzzles, crossword puzzles.

Security programs.

Logistics security: In order for children to keep up with the times and master information and communication technologies, the kindergarten has sufficient technical means: there is an interactive whiteboard, music center, computer. Scientific and methodological resources. In order to prepare well for the lesson in mug, I will use the scientific and methodical publications indicated in the list of references. Didactic security: to implement this programs in life there is a fairly favorable cultural educational space. The group has a library where children, with the help of a teacher, can find additional literature. This will help to reveal their intellect, will contribute to cognitive and creative activity. In progress programs I will use pictures, photographs, presentations, dictionaries.


1. Bezrukikh M. M. Steps to the school. A book for teachers and parents. M.: Bustard, 2010. 2. Volkov B. S. We prepare the child for school. St. Petersburg: Peter, 20012. 3. Grizik T. I. How to prepare a child for school. Methodological guide for educators. M.: Education, 2011. 4. 5. Pre-school education (education of children of senior preschool age). Guidelines. The team of authors E. V. Buneeva, R. N. Buneev. 6. Tsenarva N. N. Formation of school-significant functions in the conditions of variability of models of preparing children for school: diagnostics of school-significant functions of first-graders. Toolkit. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2009. 9. E. G. Yudina "Bukvarenok"

Topic: "Entertaining alphabet"


senior preschool age



2. Teach children to listen carefully to the poem, answer questions with lines from this poem.

3. Promote clear and correct pronunciation of sound "a" in words and phrases speeches.

4. Develop graphic skills(drawing tracks).

5. Show the children the capital letter A. Picture "The bird feeds the chicks"

The game "Bird"

Articulation gymnastics

Di "Let's put the doll to sleep"

Reading a poem by A. Barto

"The Frogs"

Pictures: dog, hare, fox.

Who lives where? Draw paths from animals to the place where they live.

C/r "Hospital"

Show a picture of lips with the letter A written on it.

3. "Magic wand" October 1. To teach children to clearly pronounce vowels and consonants, separate words.

2. Develop connected speech, its expressiveness.

3. Enrich vocabulary.

4. Listen carefully to the text of the poem, select words that fit the meaning. di "Tell Petrushka"

The game "Give me a word"

Articulation gymnastics

How does a goose cackle?

How does a frog croak? How does a dog bark?

To fix the pronunciation of the letter of the sound and taking into account the picture - diagrams and mirrors.

Memorizing a poem by P. Voronko "Time to sleep"

4. On a visit to the chanterelles - sisters. November 1. Continue to teach children to clearly pronounce sounds and words.

2. Be able to come up with single-root words (chanterelle, fox, fox).

3. Be able to come up with action words and definitions.

4. Learn to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

5. Engage in active participation in dramatization. Toy, picture of a fox.

Di "Say words about the fox"

Telling a tale "Snow Maiden and the Fox"

Game - dramatization "Who lives in the house"

5. Sound "U" November 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound y.

3. Develop speech hearing, strengthen the articulatory apparatus.

4. develop graphic skills(drawing tracks). An exercise "Blow on the ball"

How does a cow moo? How does a cuckoo crow?

How buzzing (big) small steam locomotive.

Show pictures of the scheme and block letter y. Pronunciation of sounds in front of a mirror (a, y).

Di "Recognize pictures with sound by lips"

Reading a poem by S. Marshak "Syllable"

Answer the questions close to the text, drawing tracks (draw a line with a felt-tip pen along the track between the rails).

6. "Child's world" November 1. Show children the meaning of a language concept "word".


3. Contribute to the clear pronunciation of sounds a, y. The game "Score" (arrange toys, clothes, shoes, vegetables, fruits - pictures).

Children buy items, while receiving toys pictures.

How many are on your tables.

How many words do you know, what word did you name your kart inca with?

Di "Know by the lips"

7. Sound "O" December 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing a sound "about".

2. Promote clear and correct pronunciation of sound "about" in words and phrases speeches.

3. Develop logical thinking - to correlate the acquired knowledge with the image in the picture. Articulation gymnastics


What does a hen call her chicks?

Riddles, clues to find in the picture (sound o in guessing pronounce drawlingly).

Offer to connect the paths and each animal with the house.

Where does he live.

Picture - scheme with sound o.

What pictures can live here? (donkey, Olya).

Game - dramatization "Donkey and Olya".

8. Introduction to the word "Forest" December 1. Continue to introduce children to the word.

2. Learn to correctly understand and use the term "word".

3. Develop a clear and correct articulation of the sounds a, y, o.

4. Teach children to name baby animals correctly. Pictures panorama of the forest.

Here we are in the forest.

What did we see in the forest? What word… called this animal?

What word can you call his cubs, etc.

What grows in the forest? (generalize). Suddenly a breeze blew, then a strong wind, etc. We were scared oh-oh-oh. And then they got lost, etc.

Di "Know by the lips"

9. Sound "Y" December 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound y.

2. Contribute to a clear and correct pronunciation of the sound s in words and phrasal speeches.

3. Encourage children to pronounce the text of the poem correctly.

4. To consolidate the skills of the correct pronunciation of the sounds a, o, u.

5. Continue to learn how to draw tracks with a felt-tip pen. The picture is a diagram and showing the correct pronunciation of the sound of an angry y.

Pictures of skis, soap, cheese, smoke, roof - name objects, highlighting sounds with your voice.

Poem by M. Myshkovskaya "Mice" answer the questions with text from the poem.

Draw a path from the mouse to the cheese.

Di "Know by the lips"

Have a set of boxes. With the initial sound a, o, o, find where they can live.

10. "Who's doing what" (introduction to action words). January 1. Continue introducing children to the word.

2. Generate interest in the word.

3. continue working on the articulatory apparatus.

4. Improve intonation expressiveness speeches.

5. . Riddles about a cat and a dog.

Make sure the animals are pets.

What is the name of this toy?

Pronounce clearly. What does the cat do when we pet it? What words can you say?

What does a cat do when it sees a mouse? Etc.

Put all the above words into "chest".

11. Sound "AND" January 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound and.

2. Promote clear and correct pronunciation of sound "and" in words.

3. Develop general motor skills and motor function of the hands (physical minute).

4. Develop basic graphic skills. Show an angry, smiling face.

The game "Horse"

The picture is a diagram of the pronunciation of sound and.

From the pictures, choose which words can live around this scheme.

The game "Give me a word"

We draw grains for chickens.

12. Sound "E" January 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing evukae.

2. Promote clear and correct pronunciation of sound "E" in words and phrases speeches.

3. Work out the pronunciation of all passed vowels.

4. Learn to highlight the first sound in a word.

5. Develop graphic skills. Picture "Goat with a kid"

What is the name of this animal? How does a goat call its mother? To lead the path from the kid to the mother.

Picture - scheme

What are the short pronunciations of E

The game "Name the first sound" (vowel)

"Know by the lips"

Phys. minute "This finger"

Clear sound extraction "e".

13. Vegetables (acquaintance with words - signs). February 1. Continue introducing children to the word.

2. Generate interest in the word.

3. Fixing color forms.

4. Development cognitive features.

5. Classification.

6. Development visual attention and memory. I want to turn you into little seeds.

The game "Vegetables fruits"

To learn about color and size, ask what question? What kind of tomato is this? etc.

The game “Who will name more words about each vegetable”

"What's wrong here?" "What's gone?"

If coleslaw. So what is this salad? And what kind of salad will we make from beets?

The game "In the garden"

14. Sound "M" February 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing a sound "M".

2. To achieve the pronunciation of the poem correctly and clearly.

3. Promote a clear pronunciation of the sound m in words.

4. To learn to understand the poetic images underlying the riddle. What is your mother's face when she gets angry? What do you do when you are scolded?

The game "Clockwork Dolls"

Highlight mother's sound. Can you make this sound? What's stopping you?

We pronounce it with our lips. Mm.

Reading a poem "Bears" G. Sangiro, riddles (in the guessing there was a sound m)

Find clues and color.

15. Sound "B" February 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound B.

2. Fix the correct pronunciation of the sound "b" in words and phrases speeches.

3. Repeat the correct pronunciation of vowels.

4. Fix the selection of the first vowel sound in the word.

5. Learn to paint over objects without going beyond the outline. The game "Clockwork Machines"

Squirrel toy - a riddle about a squirrel.

What is the word for this animal? (each child drawn: beads, brooches, bows).

Poem by M. Myshkovskaya "Squirrel"

Answers to questions on content. Color in the decorations.

The game "Know by the lips"

Select the first sound

Game - dramatization "Squirrel" and "Bobik"

Singing a lullaby.

16. Acquaintance with the sounding word. March 1. Teach children to listen to the sound of words.

2. Learn to pronounce a word with a drawl, highlighting the given sounds.

3. Continue to teach children to highlight the first vowel.

4. Learn to pronounce the passed sounds clearly and correctly. The game "What sounds around us"

Poem "Word Game" A. Barto

"Hello, I'm Petrushka"- the game (character)

The game "Know by the lips""Choose the first

17. Sound "P" "P".

2. Fix the pronunciation of this sound in words and phrase speeches.

3. Cultivate intonation expressiveness speeches. The game "Snowflake" the character Petrushka, the postman brought a letter, in the letter there is a riddle about piglets.

Piglets come Peak - Pak - Pok sing a song. Then with the kids. Piglet teasers pa - poo, poo - pa - poo, pa - poo - pi - kA

The piglets came with pictures in the name there is a sound P, they show and are mistaken, the children correct.

Reading Yudin's fairy tale "Pig Day"

18. Sound "D" March 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing a sound "D".

2. Enrich vocabulary.

3. . The game "Woodpecker" hollow out a hollow

Who can live in this hollow? A squirrel toy with a pipe, and pictures so that the first sound is d.

Name clearly all the words and look for an extra word.

The game "Give me a word"

19. Words are long - short. April 1. Show the children that in different words different number of sounds (i.e. words can be long or short).

2. Teach children by walking, clapping, finding a long - short word. Games: "The Word Can Be Walked", "Who went ahead", "Find out which word is long?"- Countdown with claps.

20. Sound "TO" April 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing the sound k.

2. To learn to understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.

3. Develop the ability to compare, analyze, distribute and attract attention.

4. Develop phonemic awareness. Riddles (riddles the first sound to, clearly highlighting the choir ind., A frog comes to visit and brings riddles and pictures

Croaks (hor. ind. response, consider the picture (cat laps milk, climbs into bed, sits on rug).

Look at pictures and find words with sound "TO".

Tale of G. Yudin "How to cook compote"

21. Sound "T" April 1. develop a clear and correct articulation when pronouncing a sound "T".

2. Teach children to clearly pronounce the sounds t, p, k.

3. Fix the pronunciation of the sound t in words and phrase speeches.

4. Develop graphic skills(draw rain from a cloud). Articulation gymnastics

"High fence". Let's learn how to pronounce the tongue. Let's try to sing. And if you pull the thread (tear).

The game "Big feet walked the road"

Knock knock - knock guests - puppy Tyap, bear cub Top, treat them with compote.

Cloud mystery. - children draw rain.

And if it's raining, take an umbrella. We escort guests to the train.

The game "Train". Trailers t - t - t

22. Sound "G" May 1. Develop a clear and correct articulation.

3. Learn to pronounce the poem slowly, clearly pronounce each word.

4. Develop graphic skills. Mystery "About the goose, Gog's toy goose"

Poem by G. Vieru "Goose"

Answers on questions.

The game "Give me a word"

Consider a picture of a pea. Pea Mystery.

Draw peas.

23. Review (vowels) May 1. Fix the pronunciation of vowels in words and phrasal speeches.

2. To achieve a clear and correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing vowels.

3. Develop phonemic awareness. The game "Know by the lips"

"Mirror". Find a place for each picture.

The game "At Grandma's in the Village"

24. Review (consonants) May 1. Fix the pronunciation of consonants in words and phrases speeches.

2. Listen carefully to the text of the poem, select words that are similar in sound, suitable in meaning.

3. Develop logical thinking.

4. Understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle. The game "Give me a word"

Puzzles. Find answers to pictures (about wild domestic animals, clarify why these animals are wild and domestic, clearly distinguish the first sounds in all answers.

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