Throughout time language changes, enriches, develops, but at first glance this is not noticeable. If you come to an elderly person and talk to him about his childhood, then in his speech it will be noticeable that some words have been slightly changed. Each generation invents a new word, changes the style of speech and pronunciation. Looking at 2000 thousand years ago, we would not be able to understand people, since the language has changed a lot before our time. The factors that cause the language to change may be different and it is impossible to describe all of them because in different time at different stages of language development factors influencing the language different. Each generation of mankind comes up with new inventions that need to be given names. For example, people invented a laser, a car, a computer, discovered a new star, found a new type of insect or plant, and each discovery must be given its own name. Also, some words are lost over time due to the fact that they were replaced or named differently. Hence the conclusion that over time the language improves and today our language is much richer than in the past.

More than better baby learns the dominant language at home, the easier it will be for him to learn in another language. If a child attends French-speaking child care, the child quickly realizes that caregivers and other children do not understand this by speaking their own language. Therefore, at first it is possible that he speaks very little or not at all for a short time.

Gradually he begins to understand the words and then the sentences he hears. To understand himself, he uses gestures and then words. Gradually, he can make short sentences, even if they are sometimes poorly built. In general, a child can carry on a conversation in childhood with age after 1-3 years of regular and varied exposure to a new language. The same thing happens when a child enters school without speaking French.

Every century, the picture of the spread of language in society changes, its role in human life. Until the creation of writing, people used language to communicate only in sound form. After the advent of writing, the language acquired the ability to fix specific forms of words and phrases. It became possible to fix information with the help of language. Also, the emergence of typography, television broadcasting, and the spread of grammar - all this, to one degree or another, affects the pace and direction of the development of the language.

Strategies for the development of learning another language

For a child to be fluent in two languages, he or she often needs to hear them and be able to speak them. Reading stories to your child different languages around him is an effective and fun way to stimulate his tongue. In some communities, this learning occurs naturally when it comes to languages ​​that in question and if the child is in contact with different people in their family or environment who speak one or both.

The most influential on the language are others foreign languages. Since different nations in the course of the development of relations on an interstate scale closely communicate. During the conversation between the two different peoples Languages ​​borrow commonly used words from each other. AT modern languages there are a huge number of words that hundreds of years ago were borrowed from other peoples. AT English language there are many French words, in Romanian and Polish there are many Slavic words, in the Ukrainian language there are a large number of Polish words.

If one parent speaks French and the other, it is important to propagate the opportunities in which the child is exposed to the minority language. Adopting a positive attitude towards this language is necessary to encourage the child's learning, as the child realizes very early that one of his languages ​​is not widely used outside of his home. Since he is naturally more exposed to the majority language, the child develops less ability to express himself in the minority language. This may make him understand the latter, but not know how to say it.

Approximately in the 17th - 18th century, many words were borrowed from the Russian language from the French language; lampshade, applaud, ticket, glass, broth, gesture, chest of drawers, magazine, compote, theater, shawl, overcoat.
from German language; cotton wool, bath, fan, workbench, tie, gloss, corporal, volley, buckshot, passport, plank, sample, napkin, secretary, locksmith, soldier, student, secretary, dance, scarf, closet.
from Dutch; pennant harbor, inch, umbrella, receipt, bodice, number, shoe, hatch, oyster, mop, darn.
Borrowings from English fall mainly on the 19th-20th century; boycott, budget, station, gangster, goal, jazz, jungle, import, cupcake, clown, harvester, comfort, conveyor, leader, match, knockout, jacket, pony, pudding, radar, round, record, relay, ring, square, standard, start, tram, coach, tunnel, film, finish, football, hockey, hall, champion etc.

When both parents speak French, promoting bilingualism requires some planning and effort. They should then agree on strategies to encourage their child to learn another language. For example, dinner always takes place on Spanish, but in the bath, on French or speak French with mom and Spanish with dad. On the other hand, it is preferable that parents do not mix languages ​​in the same sentence when referring to their child.

If you think your child is lagging behind children of his own age in the language he or she has been most exposed to since birth, see a speech therapist. If your child is studying new language in a day hospital, make an appointment with a speech therapist if he or she expresses little or nothing after several months of exposure or if he/she seems unable to communicate properly with their environment after 2 years of exposure to that language.

If you take part of the population of any country and transfer it to the island, then after two hundred years you can see that the people who lived on the island and did not communicate with outside world would keep the language unchanged. For example, at the beginning of the 18th century, when the uprising Kondratiy Bulavina was defeated, part of the Cossacks fled to Turkey. Having lived in a foreign land for about two hundred years without mixing with the local population, the Cossacks returned to their homeland. Forced isolation forced the Cossacks to preserve the features of their native dialect and their language remained almost unchanged. At present, one can also observe how the isolation of the population affects the language of truth to a small extent. For example, a resident of a large regional city comes to the village and changes into the clothes of a local hard worker. Then he goes to the store, where he strikes up a conversation with a middle-aged local resident. During the conversation, both interlocutors will immediately understand that their style of conversation is different. In a village where people have little contact with the outside world, they preserve the traditions of their language and currently use the words and dialect of speech that our grandfathers used, and which we do not use in modern communication.

Tips for developing bilingualism in your child

However, if you have a language delay, you do not need to speak the same language with your child. Research shows that speaking bilingual to him should not exacerbate his difficulties. You represent the best model for it when you use the language you will learn best. Remember that it is much better to speak to him in your own language than to speak very little to him. Attending friendly gatherings, social gatherings, and other activities involving people who speak each language allows your child to practice them and understand that they are useful and appreciated.

  • Talk to your child in your native language.
  • Use it when you play with it.
  • Design social network, which uses both languages.
Even if some of these solutions are not always possible, it is important to strike a balance between the two languages ​​as soon as possible.

An unusual gift was made by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to schoolchildren and students. On September 1, 2009, the order came into force: within the framework of the Dictionaries of the 21st Century program, the Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language by Bronislava Bukchina, Inna Sazonova and Lyudmila Cheltsova, the Dictionary of Russian Accents by Irina Reznichenko, and the Grammatical Dictionary of the Russian Language were adopted under edited by Andrei Zaliznyak and "The Big Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" with a commentary by Veronika Telia.

Make sure your child is very well established in the minority language, if possible by enrolling in an early childhood center or Kindergarten, where it is the only language used or the main language. Browse the list of services offered in the minority language and get them privileged. To do this, you will probably need long-term planning and possibly travel long distances, but your child will benefit from your efforts. Offer your child books, movies, music, and TV or radio channels in both languages. Visit family members who speak a minority language or receive one at home. Staying abroad or visiting extended family members also contributes to learning this language. These activities will enhance their language skills and appreciation of both cultures. . Several factors influence the learning of two languages ​​and the choice of the language a child speaks: age, time of exposure to languages, the status of these languages ​​in the country of adoption, etc. however, regardless of the context and environment in which the child works, it is important that parents show a sense of pride and a positive attitude towards the use of these languages.

Of course, it was not the dictionaries themselves that caused a real stir among philologists, journalists, and all interested parties, but the innovations that appeared there. How necessary are they? All this caused a lot of controversy and opinions. And I decided to talk about this with the 1st Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Anatoly Semenovich KARMAZIN, the dean of the IFFa KSPA Elena Alexandrovna KALASHNIKOVA and the teacher of Russian language and literature of the University Lyceum Galina Vasilievna OMELCHENKO.

Thus, the child will want to learn everything. On the other hand, it should also be remembered that bilingual children remain children first and foremost, with their own individuality, needs and preferences, and that they may choose one language over another expressed by their loved ones.

Due to its negative reputation, the Russian language is little known to our compatriots. An unpopularity attributed to his difficult grammar, his incomprehensible alphabet, and his vigorous accent.

  • But let him pretend?
  • Is it really impossible to become a polyglot in the language of Pushkin?
What if you teach Russian?

— Do you recognize innovations in the Russian language?
A.S. Karmazin:
“Yes, I admit it, because I believe that language is a living tissue. It helps development and improvement. We change, our lives change, and he changes. Changes are needed.

E.A. Kalashnikov:- In no case would I start talking about any innovations: this is not something new that has appeared in the language: just an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation was published recently. It contains a list of dictionaries that were recommended for use, thus they received the status of an official authoritative source. The experts of the new dictionaries were employees of Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, the Institute of the Russian Language. Vinogradov, Institute of the Russian Language. Pushkin and the Institute for Linguistic Research.

Ease of learning Russian

Our teachers are so happy. Belonging to a subcategory Slavic languages, the Russian language is one of Indo-European languages, just like Spanish, French or Italian. To see the beauty of the metro, do you want to go to Moscow? Therefore, it is easy to imagine that the common historical context of the countries of Europe played a role in the possible similarities between the languages.

Really, official language Russian includes, of course, its own characteristics, but also some similarities with the French language! The Russian population is already tempted to learn French, mastering the language in just a few years thanks to the concomitant activities of two languages.

Other dictionaries this examination is still waiting. Consequently, the procedure for quality control of dictionaries has been launched. Therefore, there are no innovations.
We are not indifferent to the state of our language, and we cannot change literary norms on command - this is contrary to the natural processes of language development. But the state must pursue a competent language policy, including educational. For example, latest reform orthography took place in Russia in 1956. And a new one is long overdue.

The Russian alphabet is simpler than it seems

Why not reverse the truth and take it? Fundamentals of learning the Russian language? Cyrillic alphabet, of course! Although this unknown alphabet may startle the French-speaking reader at first, the Cyrillic alphabet is actually much easier to remember than what it implies.

The Russian alphabet has 33 letters and consists of. For French speakers who studied ancient Greek in school, the first 16 letters of the Russian alphabet can only be assimilated in one or even two sessions. Calligraphy is also readily available: Russian signs seem to be mistaken for variations of our capital letters and are very easy to reproduce, for example, in contrast to kanji signs, which change direction according to the orientation of the feature.

The process of changing norms is a dynamic and very controversial process. Language changes and develops. And dictionaries record the current state of the language. There have been changes related to pronunciation: for example, new pronunciation options have arisen: contract instead of contract or yogurt and yogurt, pickling - pickling, cooking - cooking, on Wednesdays - on Wednesdays. The word coffee began to be given a neuter gender, whiskey - masculine, appeared different variants spelling of words: Internet Internet, karate-karate, there is even a mixture of graphic systems (Cyrillic and Latin), etc.

Moreover, Russian students can choose to learn Cyrillic cursive, which allows them to learn Russian calligraphy more naturally and quickly, although typographic writing is still required to work on a computer using a Cyrillic keyboard.

Russian language: simple rules for learning

Russian language is not so difficult! In this way, the student will be able to find a common base in French regarding the formation of words! At the level of conjugation, the student will be able to blow a few minutes: Russian conjugation is nowhere near as difficult as French conjugation!

We cannot limit ourselves to the dictionaries specified in the order, there are other academic dictionaries and publications. On the other hand, dictionaries also reflect the facts of non-normative speech; they present these phenomena using a system of stylistic labels. Any reference publication gives a recommendation to a native speaker and, accordingly, orients the speaker or writer to comply with these recommendations. If there is an ordinary situation (dialogue, conversation), then reduced elements appear in speech. The main thing is that the speaker is aware of this. And in order for this awareness to come, one must turn to dictionaries, receive information and follow it, that is, dictionaries perform a protective function. So, spelling dictionaries give us information about the uniform spelling of words, orthoepic dictionaries introduce the correct stress and pronunciation, grammatical dictionaries - the forms of words, their combinational capabilities. If we write, pronounce, use words differently, this will complicate the perception of the text. Let's not forget that literary norm extremely conservative. But it is precisely following it that ensures the automatism of speech, the unity of the literary language and, ultimately, the continuity of historical, cultural, and linguistic traditions. Possession of the norms of the literary language indicates the general cultural level of a native speaker.

Russian speakers use only two simple forms. As in the language of Molière, there are six Russian personal pronouns. These three singular persons and three plural persons are actually not actually used by the natives, since the conjugated forms of Russian verbs are quite different to be identifiable without personal pronouns.

Finally, the syntax of Russian words is easier to master than the French syntax: Russian does not recognize the subject of a definite or indefinite character. The absence of an article is supported by the place of the subject in the sentence, indicating whether the latter is defined or indefinite.

G.V. Omelchenko:— The Russian language is a living, developing, ever-renewing phenomenon. Whether these innovations will enter into life, whether they will become sustainable, only life will show.

- What is your prediction: will the new dictionaries be able to shift to the background the generally accepted and beloved dictionaries of Dahl, Ozhegov?
A.S. Karmazin:
There has been a little confusion here. What is a dictionary? This is not a collection of laws. Who is forbidden to speak one way or another? Nobody. These dictionaries simply recorded the emergence of new words or new norms. That's all. And therefore, the old dictionaries remain in demand, and they must be used. They really contain a wealth of material. And at the same time, any dictionary becomes outdated. It makes no sense to compare new dictionaries and the dictionary of past decades - they have different tasks. One must understand these four new vocabularies do not make a revolution. Although some things certainly surprise and even annoy me. Therefore, I will most likely stick to the already established forms. And for me, the fact that someone will try to say "hot coffee" in a way that we are not used to will be a signal of the person's illiteracy.

What are the problems of the Russian language?

For example, it would literally say: "Grandma came in" to insist on the verb: grandmother is already defined, this is "grandmother". In contrast, literally "grandmother enters", if the item is unknown, it is called "grandmother". If strangers went to Russian from childhood, as for English, it would not be easy for them. After that, freedom and unlimited pleasure - speaking, reading and writing the language is absolutely magnificent.

Almost impossible pronunciation

For young people, the most difficult part of learning is pronunciation!

E.A. Kalashnikov:- Of course not: they can neither remove nor change. Dictionary V.I. Dalia is a cultural phenomenon, a life-giving language element, a treasure trove of Russian proverbs and sayings. This dictionary does not have and will not have analogues! It is unique in itself. We will always turn to him and draw not only philological, linguistic, but also general cultural information. Ozhegov's dictionary is one of the most commonly used, well-known and popular. It is designed for a wide audience, is in many families. Sociolinguistic surveys show that it has no equal in terms of demand. Dictionaries that have passed the examination will occupy their niche in the general cultural space and the philological world.

Gradually, you will begin to naturally memorize Russian words. Russian is an accented language, unlike French: the tonic accent of Russian words is translated from one form to another, making learning difficult for French students. To become a true Russian-speaking expert, you will not only need to learn the Russian alphabet, but also the international phonetic alphabet, especially useful for helping French-Russian dictionaries.

Here short description pronunciation of the Russian alphabet. The last two signs of the alphabet indicate palatization or non-adaptation of the previous consonant. This concept is especially difficult for French students to understand: many of them ignore this rule.

G.V. Omelchenko:- For me, the authoritative are the Explanatory spelling dictionaries Academy of Sciences and, of course, Dictionaries of V.I. Dahl and S.I. Ozhegov.

— Will the Russian language change? Are these changes necessary?
A.S. Karmazin:
“Language never stands still. A significant number of words are borrowed from other languages. First of all, those words that most Russians use today. How can you do without the word "Internet"? New word. And the fact that he is offered to write with capital letter, says nothing. Until now, the question has not been resolved: how to write the word "God" - with a capital letter or with a small one? And here the dictionaries diverge. I think it all depends on the context, the person and the meaning. If this is connected with Orthodoxy, then, of course, with a big one. And if in the context of “God forbid,” as they like to say, then how can you apply it with a capital letter? Another example: do you know what a "blue tooth" is? In the dictionaries of the Russian language, this word is not! And we use it, because today it is impossible to do without these words. It's the word "Bluetooth". Should this word be in the dictionary? Of course. In fact, there is simply a process of democratization of the language. Again, the dictionary is not the law. And there is no punishment for mispronunciation. But it is still necessary to comply with some rules.

However, the accent must be understood by Russian, like accentuation in English! Moreover, in Russia there are several accents in the language itself. Therefore, depending on your geographic region, you will encounter indigenous peoples using different dialects, sometimes incomprehensible to the uninitiated! And better understand the natives of different regions!

Unlike French, Russian is an inflectional language, that is, Russian words change their form according to their grammatical relationship to other terms of the sentence. These unprecedented rules are a real headache for our compatriots!

E.A. Kalashnikov: - Giving linguistic forecasts is as ungrateful as predicting the political or economic situation in the country. Rather, it is possible to track the general processes taking place in the language, to identify their correspondence to the language system. But what is certain is that changes in the language cannot be timed to coincide with dates, for example, the issuance of an order. Language is a dynamic, living, evolving phenomenon. And we feel the changes taking place. Thus, the process of increasing the lexical fund is underway. This can be taken as a positive thing. Another example: we stop using patronymics, addressing each other, naming scientists, poets, writers. This is a change with a minus sign. As a result, we may lose the traditions of the Russian speech etiquette that have evolved over the centuries.

G.V. Omelchenko:“Language cannot change. But not all language changes are positive. Of course, foreign borrowings often negatively affect the development of the language. And although one cannot do without them, I think one should not forget about the brilliant language of the Russian classics: I.S. Turgenev, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov and others.

— Do you agree with the opinion that in Russia there is a process of destruction of the culture of the language? For example, "Albanian" is gradually replacing classical Russian.
A.S. Karmazin:
“There is a certain danger. The very possibility of a display that contains a certain number of characters leads us to try to shorten the sentence in order to accommodate more information. And, of course, this prevents you from expressing yourself beautifully, vividly. When we write sms to a friend, we understand that we have a limit of characters. Moreover, we have the opportunity not to put signs at all. Indeed, some simplification of written speech is taking place ... But it will not reach newspaper or magazine pages. There is a completely different format and tasks are different. But I consider it normal to use this language for short, precise communication.

E.A. Kalashnikov:— “Albanian” language is one of the phenomena of youth culture. It is not very common. It has a narrow scope of functioning, mainly in Internet communication. This is a very interesting phenomenon, a kind of language game, a reaction to officialdom, to state ideology, partly to formalism and bureaucracy. Displace the Russian literary language can only be destroyed or enslaved by its carrier, that is, Russian-speaking people. But this is the plot for an American thriller. The negative processes taking place in society, of course, affect the language.

G.V. Omelchenko: I answer this question: yes and no. But most of all, it worries that the process of destruction of the Russian language and culture is penetrating into the youth environment. Youth slang does not stand up to scrutiny in the same way as the ubiquitous spread of jargon, "criminal" language. Yes, and the programs of some television channels cause, to put it mildly, a feeling of bewilderment.

And what do those who study today think about innovations?

Julia Golubtsova, 5th year student of IFF KSPA: Innovation, in my opinion, is a natural process. Any science must develop and improve. The main thing is that these updates should not be random and spontaneous. So it is in Russian. In any case, forcibly reshaping a familiar language is almost a fantastic task. It will take decades for people to start accepting these norms. It is not so important which syllable is stressed in the word "yogurt", it is important that the language is not spoiled by obscene and slang words.

Kristina Kabakova, 11th grade, University Lyceum:- Language is a guide to understanding, the relationship of generations. The language should not change drastically. Those people who place stresses incorrectly, inflect words incorrectly, should be taught to speak correctly and beautifully, and not change vocabulary, adjusting to the uneducated part of the population.

Maxim Mikhailov, 9th grade, Lyceum No. 40:- Changes in the Russian language, of course, are needed. I believe that the language should change and keep up with the times. Although, probably, this will complicate the life of schoolchildren who have yet to pass the exam in the Russian language. On the other hand, it would be better if the state dealt with social problems, for example, raising the salaries of teachers - after all, this is much more important ...

Although I personally doubt any innovations in the Russian language, I am with two hands for innovations that cannot be dispensed with today - borrowed words: such as “fax”, “e-mail”, “marker” and many others. But remember that "coffee" is masculine, I think everyone can do it.

Sofia GOROCH, University Lyceum