based on the interlinear texts dated 08/04/2008

The text of the 3rd edition of the Greek New Testament of the United Bible Societies (UBS 3) is taken as the original of the New Testament, as separate books Old Testament- translation into ancient Greek Septuagint (LXX).

Some words of the Greek text are enclosed in square brackets. This means that the publishers of the UBS version were not clear about whether they belonged to the original. The interlinear translation of such words is presented without any special notes.

The words of the Greek text that did not need to be translated were left without translation. This applies mainly to the article.

The words added in the Russian translation are enclosed in square brackets. These are, as a rule, prepositions in place of non-prepositional forms of the Greek text.

The Russian translation renders the punctuation marks corresponding to the punctuation of the Greek original.
The Russian translation uses capital letters in those words in which capital letters are also used in the original. Also with capital letter words are written: God, Son, Holy Spirit, etc.

This interlinear translation should not be confused with the same type of New Testament translation issued by the Russian Bible Society.

This translation includes all known errors and inaccuracies in the RBO translation. Also, there was a desire to use words closer to the Biblical vocabulary, which would not worsen the accuracy of the translation, and at the same time, not so cut the ear. In some cases, it was possible to achieve an even more accurate transfer of the structure and meaning of Greek words compared to the translation of the previously indicated edition.

The following materials were used in preparing the translation:

  • New Testament on Greek with interlinear translation into Russian. SPb., 2001.
  • Greek-Russian Dictionary, I. Kh. Dvoretsky, 1958.
  • Greek-Russian Dictionary, A. D. Weisman. Moscow, 1991.
  • Greek-Russian Dictionary of the New Testament. Moscow, 1997.
  • Strong numbers.
  • The International Critical Commentary.

1. In the theory of poetic literary translation, a literal translation of a poetic text in compliance with the basic lexical and grammatical norms of the target language, which performs the function of general familiarization of the reader with the content of the original. Often the interlinear is accompanied by the translator's notes explaining the peculiarities of the form of the original.

2. A document or text resulting from a word-for-word (interlinear) translation.

  • - Literary P. from the east. lang. appeared in Greece only sporadically, for example lost. P. "Sayings of Ahikar", performed. Theophrastus...

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  • - 1...

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  • - TRANSLATION - recreating the original by means of another language...

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  • - The process of paraphrasing statements, changing the predicates of one representation system to the predicates of another. ...

    Great Psychological Encyclopedia

  • - The process of paraphrasing statements, changing the predicates of one representation system to the predicates of another. ...

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  • - lingu...

    Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

  • - 1. Transfer of information contained in the text by means of another language. 2...

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  • - 1. Transfer of information contained in the text by means of another language. 2. Comparison of two or more languages ​​in order to find semantic matches between their units. 3...

    General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

  • - "...: the presentation of the content of the document by means of another language while fully preserving its structure and the absence of arbitrary text abbreviations .....

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  • - SUBSTRATE, th, th. 1. Located under the lines. Footnote. 2. About the translation: perfectly accurate, literal, done word for word...

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  • - subscript, subscript, subscript. 1. Placed at the bottom of the page, under body text, or under each line of body text. Footnote. 2. Perfectly accurate, literal, done word for word...

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  • - subscript adj. 1. Placed at the bottom of the page, below text, or directly below lines of text. 2. Made word for word, perfectly accurate; literal...

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  • - tweak "...

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  • - ...

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  • - textual, verbatim, literal,...

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  • - subindex, lower...

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"interlinear translation" in books


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Translation Not only in Russia, but throughout Europe, they are anxiously awaiting the first steps of the new sovereign in order to try to predict what position he will take, what his intentions and the whole form of his government will be in the future. They hope for a lot. Much is feared.


From Roth's book, Rise! author Khanin Alexander

Translation - Battery, rise, - the shrill voice of the battery sergeant on duty brought me back to reality from the world of dreams. - Climb! To wash, to dress, to clean… It was as if no one had noticed my absence. Everything went according to schedule, only an inner voice suggested that the story with


From the book I am a swindler [Confessions of a banker] author Croesus


From the book Return of the Warrior author Théun Mahrez

Translation by Kirill Semyonov Editorial staff Ina Starykh CoverVyacheslav YerkoThe exclusive right to publish the book in Russian belongs to the Sofia publishing house. All rights reserved. Any reprint without the permission of the publisher is an infringement of copyright and will be prosecuted.

Part 1. The Time of the Apocalypse

From the book Matrix of the Apocalypse. Europe's last sunset author Baudrillard Jean

Part 1. Apocalypse time


From the book The Book of Jewish Aphorisms by Jean Nodar

156. TRANSLATION Any translation is a commentary. Back - Pharisees Reading poetry in translation - how to kiss a woman through a veil. Bialik - From


From the book History the author Choniates Nikita

Translation of the editorial staff of Professor N. V. Cheltsov. CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME OF THE HISTORY OF NIKITA CHONIATES. THE REIGNING OF ISAAC ANGEL. Book 1. Favorable beginning of the reign of Isaac Angel; war with the Sicilians; the blinding of the sons of Andronicus; carelessness of the Sicilian army (1).- Vrana,


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Chapter I

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Women's School. Comedy in five acts, in verse, Op. Molière, translation by N. I. Khmelnitsky Criticism of the “School of Women”. Comedy in one act, Op. Molière, translated from the French by G.N.P. As for the resumption of Molière on the scrawny stage of the Russian theater, this is another

Idiomatic translation helps bilinguals understand the national Bible translation

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PSALTER / Translation by P. Jungerov / Translation of the Greek version, "Septuagint"

From the book of Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) by the author's verses

Psalter / Translation by P. Jungerov / Translation of the Greek version, "Septuagint" Psalm 11 Blessed is the man who did not go to the assembly of the wicked, and did not stand in the way of sinners, and did not sit in the company of destroyers, 2 but in the law of the Lord his will and his law he will learn day and night.3 And he will

μετάφρασις : μετά - through, φράσις - style, expression; paraphrasing) - a literal translation of a foreign text, often with detailed explanations, used as a draft for subsequent literary translation (the so-called "interlinear translation") or as tutorial when teaching translation. The artistic features of the text, such as rhyme, rhythm, style, are usually not preserved during interlinear translation; The main goal of interlinear translation is to convey the meaning as accurately as possible.

Interlinear translation is especially often used when translating poetry, when one translator, well knowing the language original (possibly rare language), first creates an interlinear, without rhyme, and then the poet, who is less familiar with the original language, but has a poetic talent, makes a literary translation from this interlinear.

Interlinear translation of historical documents is also widespread in science, since accuracy is important in them and style is not so important. For example, the translation of the Koran by I. Krachkovsky is an interlinear translation.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Interlinear translation of any texts in TheWord (HD 720p)

    ✪ Our Father in Greek with subtitles and translation (Pater imon)



An example of interlinear translation of poetry (an excerpt from "David of Sasun", ch. 4, interlinear translation from Armenian by P. Makintsyan):

Msramalik no longer held (did not hold) David. Mother sent him; he came to his uncle. Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him, He also ordered an iron shepherd's stick (ordered to do), Made David a shepherd (a shepherd who tends lambs).

An example of the translation of the poet V. Bryusov according to this interlinear:

Mysramalik did not hold David, And again David returned to his uncle. From iron Ovan ordered boots, From iron Ovan stocked up a staff, And from that time David became a shepherd.

Features of interlinear translation

Interlinear translation should be literal in all cases, except for the transfer of phraseological units and cases of avoiding literal errors, for example:

  • Original: I give up.
  • Correct interlinear translation: I give up.
  • Error A: I'm giving up.

If at literal translation of any turn (for example, a proverb) the reader will be able to understand the meaning, then in the interlinear (unlike a literary translation) no replacement is made for an equivalent turn of another language, for example:

  • Original: A bad workman always blames his tools.
  • Interlinear translation: A bad worker always scolds his tools.
  • Literary translation: A bad dancer is always tight on his boots.

If the already translated word can be understood ambiguously, then the translator should make an explanation in the interlinear text, for example:

  • Interlinear translation: Uncle ordered (ordered to sew) iron boots for him.

In this case, the word “ordered” can be understood in different ways: did he order to sew or did he ask the shopkeeper to bring them ready? Therefore, the translator makes an explanation in brackets.

If there is a play on words in the original, then it is usually lost in the interlinear: no attempt is made to replace it with another play on words. But the play on words is usually indicated in the notes to the translation.

Which of the ancient texts to give preference? Critical device...

"Since the beginning of this century in the world, especially wide use received an edition of the Greek New Testament, prepared by the famous German scholar Eberhard Nestle. Eberhard first published his critical edition in 1898 and published 9 editions before his death in 1913. Then his son Erwin continued his work, who over the past 40 years has prepared 12 more editions. Publications were printed in different countries West, but most of them came out in Germany. Already one number of publications issued by Nestlé (father and son) shows that the text they propose enjoys great confidence in world communities. Since 1904, this edition has been accepted by the British and Foreign Bible Society to replace the "Textus receptus" and has since formed the basis of all missionary translations produced in the world. The last edition (at that time the 21st) was published by Erwin Nestle in 1952 in Stuttgart.

Journal of the Moscow Patriarchy, 1956.

At present, the publishing house has already published the 28th edition for a wide range of readers.

But the main idea, on the other hand, boils down to the fact that " most perfect and most accurate and closest to the original original of the New Testament Scriptures”is the “summary-critical Greek text of the New Testament” (in Eb. Nestle ed.), since it is built on “the oldest and most authoritative” manuscripts (the Sinai and Vatican codes are implied). As for the text preserved by the Eastern Church from ancient times, then, according to Protestant critics, this text has many faults and errors and is not credible, since it is attested, although by numerous, but later manuscripts...

As can be seen from the preface of the edition in question, Eberhard Nestle, releasing his first edition in 1898, had the goal of instead of the then widespread « textus receptus» suggestnew textas a result of scientific textual research of the 19th century. Therefore, he deliberately refused to give his own edition of the text, built on a subjective assessment of various readings, and took as a basis the largest scientific publications of the 19th century: the Leipzig 8th edition of Tischendorf (I. 1869 and II. 1872) and the English Westcott and Hort (London, 1881 and 1886). In order to have a majority in those cases when these editions disagreed with each other, he also drew on the compilation edition of Weymouth (London, 1886) and accepted into the text the readings presented by two editions. Starting from the 3rd edition (1901), instead of Weymouth, Eb. Nestle turned to the Weiss edition prepared by that time (Leipzig. 1894-1900), so that now his text turned out to be built on the basis of the editions of Tischendorf, Hort and Weiss (THW).

It seemed to Eberhard Nestle that a comparison of the three most important critical editions of the 19th century gave a text of a possibly objective nature. However, he was aware that this text is characterized by a certain one-sidedness, since all three editions compared are based on Egyptian uncials, with Hort and Weiss preferring the Vatican Codex, and Tischendorf preferring the Sinaiticus discovered by him. Therefore, Eb.Nestlé cited other most important readings in an interlinear textual-critical apparatus, indicating the main handwritten witnesses. So, for the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles, he placed in the interlinear readings of the so-called "Western" text, represented by the code of Beza (D), as well as Old Latin and Old Syrian translations and some papyri. It is clear that the number of such problematic readings increased with each edition, and there was a need to revise some provisions. Eb. Nestle intended to make a significant revision of his edition after the appearance of the edition of G. von-Soden (1913), but died in the same year. His son Erwin became the successor of his scientific-critical publishing activity. The latter, during the First World War and in the post-war years, published several editions, in which he limited himself to minor improvements suggested to him by various people.

The 13th (1927), 16th (1936), and the 21st (1952) editions we are considering have undergone a more significant revision. However, here, too, the changes affected mainly the critical apparatus.

Some textual corrections available in recent editions do not affect the essential aspects of the text at all and can be reduced to the following:

The Greek spelling is streamlined, which in the first twelve editions adhered to the Greek writers of the 4th-5th centuries. Now it is established in accordance with the philological data of the 1st century. Improvements touched on such aspects as: stress, aspiration, signature iota, writing with a small letterχριστος but with a bigΜεσσια , replacementει signι and etc.

Changes have been made in dividing the text into segments according to semantic meaning.

Signs have been introduced into the text that indicate the readings-variants given in the interlinear critical apparatus.

Thus, leaving the text without significant changes, Erwin Nestle in his latest editions paid special attention to streamlining the scientific-critical apparatus. This apparatus is placed at the bottom of the text and deserves special attention, since it is the main advantage of the publication.

Using the experience of all previous scientific-critical publications, Nestle in his apparatus gives a clear and almost exhaustive picture of the history of the New Testament text and the state of the textual problem at the present time. All readings are given here, which are not accepted by the publisher into the text, but which are represented by known types of texts and reviews or individual ancient manuscripts. In the latter case, special attention is paid to newly discovered manuscripts.

In listing the testimonies supporting the reading, Greek manuscripts are named first, then translations, and finally church writers. Since modern criticism does not operate with individual codes, but with types of texts established as a result of the classification of manuscript sources according to the degree of their internal relationship and geographical proximity, in the apparatus, using special designations, first references are made not to individual manuscripts, but to entire groups of evidence or types. texts. These designations or symbols are borrowed by the publisher from Soden, who most fully developed the type system. These are the characters H and K, printed in bold type. The first of them marks the Hesychian or Egyptian textual form (B-text). The second (K) denotes a textual reviewΚοινη or Antiochian (A-text), which subsequently received general distribution. The third form of the text, designated by Soden as sigla I and called Jerusalem, but better known as "Western" text(D-text), not used by the publisher, since its representatives diverge and therefore they are listed separately (code D, Old Latin and Old Syriac translations). For the Caesarian textual type, the main representative is taken - the codex Θ.

Of the individual manuscripts, only the most ancient are named: the most important papyri, newly found fragments of the Mayuscules, known uncials - aleph, B, C, D, E, L, P. Of the minuscules, very few are mentioned (33, 614) and occasionally some lectionaries (39, 47). The order of evidence given in favor of one or another reading is usually this: papyri first (P with Gregory numbers), then the H-review or some of its representatives, then the K-review and, finally, other witnesses (D, Θ, W, L, 33, etc.) - The designations of the manuscripts are borrowed from Gregory. The preface of the publication contains a list of the most important manuscripts (papyri, uncials) indicating antiquity, title, place of writing and content.

Thus, the critical apparatus of the Nestlé edition makes it possible to get an idea not only of all the most important discrepancies in the New Testament text and their main handwritten guarantors, but also of the opinions of the latest publishers regarding these discrepancies. This is the undoubted advantage of the publication in question.

Turning to the text itself, proposed by the Nestlé edition, we must recall that in many scientific circles this text is considered as the latest achievement of New Testament textual criticism and, therefore, as the closest to the authentic. Therefore, in order to better elucidate its scientific significance and value, we consider it necessary to first dwell on brief outline on the state of the art textual-critical biblical science in the West.

James 1:22-23

... Be doers of the Word Word

In another reading - the Law.(critical apparatus)

... Be doers of the lawand not hearers only, deceiving themselves. For whoever listens Law and does not fulfill, he is like a man who examines the natural features of his face in a mirror ...

Here we can use any of the meanings, because in verse 25 we will see a correspondence to that:

But who gets intoLawperfect,Lawfreedom, and abide in him, he, being not a forgetful listener, but a doer of work, blessed will be in action.

And this does not contradict the main teaching:

1 John 2:7

There is an ancient commandmentWordthat you heard from the beginning.

The role of texts BUT and ATnot for opposition in opposition and contradiction, as "some" try to convince the reader, but for research and research towards understanding ...

For example, from the recently acquired early texts of 1 Peter 5:1, the presence of a bright interchangeable complement - Christ and GOD. Where is the text with the valueGODis more ancient ( θεοῦ p72, III). And both are correct!

1 Peter 5:1

suffering Godand...

I implore your shepherds, co-pastor and witnessthe suffering of Christ and...

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Russian language

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  • Perform a quick text search of all books

The program includes:

  • Interlinear translation of the New Testament into Russian Vinokurov Alexey. The text of the 3rd edition of the Greek New Testament of the United Bible Societies is taken as the original.
  • Symphony of Greek Dictionary Forms.
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  • Symphony of James Strong's numbers.
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Russian language

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