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The best faculties and universities in Moscow
according to the site version 2018–2019

Rating of faculties of Moscow universities in eight professional areas according to the site version 2018–2019

The rating of the site does not take into account scientific degrees and research work in universities. As a basis, we took the demand for graduates in the labor market - what worries applicants in the first place. On the top lines of the list are the faculties that train the most successful specialists. These graduates receive more interviews, are offered higher salaries, and are more likely to look for jobs in their specialty than their competitors.

How did we count?

Analysts of the site analyzed the resume database of graduates of Moscow universities in 2017-2018. The rating included 8 professional areas for which the most complete data was available: each contains at least 1,100 resumes with a correctly indicated educational institution and published at least 20,000 vacancies in Moscow, which indicates the demand for these specializations in the labor market.

  • Information Technology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • economics and finance;
  • personnel Management;
  • Marketing communications;
  • the medicine;
  • journalism;
  • tourism and hospitality.

More about the methodology - in the last part of the study.

So, we are announcing the list of winners, who release the most demanded specialists on the labor market!

Ratings of faculties of Moscow universities for areas:

Information Technology


Economics and finance

Personnel Management

Marketing communications

The medicine

Tourism and hospitality


Can't find a university or faculty?

This is an objective rating based on the realities of the labor market, and there are limitations in its methodology. The absence of a university or faculty in the list is due to the low activity of its graduates or incomplete information in their resumes. In connection with the reform of the education system, a number of universities were reorganized and merged with leading universities. A number of faculties were also abolished or reorganized in accordance with market requirements.

Faculty ranking methodology website 2018–2019

Unique features of the site rating that distinguish it from other ratings:

  • used data on the demand for graduates of 2017-2018 from faculties / departments of Moscow universities who posted their resumes;
  • the real demand for graduates was assessed by analyzing the actions of applicants / graduates (profile of placement) and employers (invitations for interviews, the salary to which graduates are invited, and comparison with the general market salary);
  • weights for ranking are based on an online survey conducted in May 2016 among 159 employers/HR managers hiring in this moment young professionals.

Parameters used when calculating the site rating:

Region of the analyzed university: Moscow.

  • p i - invitations to an interview for graduates of a particular faculty who have posted resumes only in the profile area.
  • p f - the total number of invitations for an interview of all graduates of a particular faculty.
  • s m is the average salary to which graduates of a particular faculty are invited.
  • s bdzp - the average salary for beginners in the field according to .
  • r i - the number of resumes of graduates of the desired faculty, posted in the profile area, as well as in the profile specialization in the professional area "Start of a career, students" *.
  • r f - the total number of resumes of graduates of the desired faculty.
  • w j - weight for each rating criterion, determined by the degree of importance for the employer when hiring young professionals based on an online survey.

* For example, the profile of posting resumes for lawyers is the number of resumes of graduates of law faculties posted in the professional areas "Lawyers" and "Start of a career, students" (specialization "Lawyers").

Three criteria used in ranking a site:

  1. Demand for graduates of a particular faculty: the ratio of invitations to interviews of graduates who posted resumes in the profile field to invitations to graduates of this faculty as a whole - ( p i p f).
  2. Salary demand for graduates from employers: an indicator of the ratio of the average salary to which young specialists are invited to the average salary according to - ( s m s bdzp).
  3. Profile job search by graduates or “correspondence of the labor market and the education system”: the share of resumes of graduates of a particular faculty posted in the profile area among all graduates of a particular faculty - ( r i r f).

X = w 1 × p i p f+ w 2 × r i r f+ w 3 × s m s bdzp

Scale description:

  1. Salary demand for graduates on the part of employers was rated by employers as the highest (w 3 ). This criterion, in terms of importance in the recruitment of young graduates, has received GPA, equal to 3.64 out of 5 possible.
  2. The profile job search by graduates or “correspondence of the labor market and the education system” (w 2 ) as a criterion for hiring young graduates received a score of 3.18 points out of 5 possible.
  3. Applicant activity of the candidate (w 1 ) as a criterion for hiring young graduates received a score of 2.86 points out of 5 possible.

Restrictions, or why some universities or faculties are not in the ranking:

  1. The purpose of the rating is to assess the demand for graduates by employers by measuring their mutual activity in the labor market. We deliberately did not conduct surveys of graduates and did not measure the criteria that affect the assessment of the quality of the education system of a particular faculty, for example: publications in journals, teaching staff, the number of graduates of candidates and doctors of science, etc.
  2. Time period analyzed: Applicants from Moscow universities in 2017-2018 release.
  3. The object of analysis is the resumes of graduates posted only.
  4. The minimum number of resumes of graduates of a particular faculty of the university who posted their resumes on the site is 30 pieces.

The research center site presents to your attention a new project - the SuperJob University Ranking.

The purpose of the rating is to assess the picture of the real employment of graduates of Russian universities.

The source of information for building the rating is the largest database of resumes in Russia, a website with more than a million resumes of Russian specialists. The information base of the portal contains information about graduates of most higher educational institutions Russia of almost all professions that exist at the present stage of development of the labor market. Two-thirds of the entire base are resumes of specialists with completed higher education.

The structure of the composite rating is a set of independent ratings for individual segments that characterize the picture of employment and the quality of education of graduates of higher educational institutions today, namely:

  • employment rating by specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working in their specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working outside their specialty;
  • index of salary variation of university graduates when changing their specialty.
First of all, we address our rating to future applicants and their parents, that is, directly to those who will face a difficult choice in the near future - the choice of a profession and a university where they will receive an education. Of course, it is impossible to look into the future, but we hope that our rating, showing the real situation as it has developed for hundreds of thousands of graduates of Russian universities, will become a reliable guide for young professionals.
Rating Employment in the specialty Average salary of workers in the specialty (M c) Average salary of non-professional workers (M n) Wage variation index
A over 60% over 50,000 rubles. over 50,000 rubles. the ratio of the average salary of workers not in their specialty to the average salary of workers in their specialty
(IVM= M n )
B 45-60% 40,000 - 50,000 rubles 40,000 - 50,000 rubles
C 30-45% 30,000 - 40,000 rubles 30,000 - 40,000 rubles
D 15-30% 20,000 - 30,000 rubles 20,000 - 30,000 rubles
E less than 15% less than 20,000 rubles. less than 20,000 rubles.

Attention! The place of the university in the table has nothing to do with the place of the university in the ranking! There is no first place, no second place, no third place in the ranking. research center presents to your attention a new project - the SuperJob University Ranking.

Moscow city

22:27 20.05.2019

Negative impression

The other day I had the "pleasure" of listening to the motivational speech of the rector of the State University of Management Lobanov in front of the team. I still can't shake the feeling of disgust. In short - "employees must create scientific schools, obtain grants, conduct world-class scientific research, establish interuniversity relations, and ensure the highest quality of education." And all this was said to a team of 60+ year-old employees, where for a full-time assistant professor the salary is 30 thousand per month (in Moscow!), And for half-time - 15 thousand))))))). And only pensioners sit there, who simply have nowhere to go. Well, no one even asked anything anymore, everyone understood everything about these "bosses" for a long time. In general, I experienced the same disgust only from Putin's New Year's speech about "mercy", after raising taxes, retirement age and exempting oligarchs from taxes. Probably, throughout the country, bossy degenerates like Lobanov take an example from the main hypocrite?

This "genius of management" also spoke about how he "is ready for the development of the university." Any grants, equipment and everything. For the sake of interest, I asked the employees how much they received assistance with their production requests - they answered that all their requests were ignored, they did not give funding for anything.

During the time he was sitting on feeding (in office), Lobanov repaired the premises of the administration - it became prettier there, for his beloved. But the student toilets, as they were homeless, have remained.

In general, parents of applicants, this information is for you. If the budget - still all right, for the sake of some formal piece of paper. But paying - it makes no sense at all. You can't get any education at SUM.

Moscow city

11:17 05.01.2017

Positive impression

I entered the GUU in 2014, the first opinion, to be honest, was not the best, because I got to the university through local small shops and arches where ordinary people who do not study at guu pass. Upon admission, everything was very organized both when submitting documents and from the beginning of study. There are many good teachers in guu. The quality of education, of course, is one level lower than in the more prestigious universities of Moscow, but this will not hurt a student who wants to study!

Moscow city

11:55 15.12.2016

Negative impression

He graduated this year with a bachelor's degree from the State University of Management. I got a lot of bad impressions.
The disgusting organization of everything that can only be badly organized. Just the inability to reach out to the program leaders, one of whom is your thesis supervisor, is worth something.
The disregard of teachers: I vividly remember one sweetest lady who was constantly late for lectures on management, skipped them, canceled classes, let everyone go early, gave assignments and tests downloaded from the Internet. A lot of freebies. A lot of "overdue" data. There is a lot of corruption, like teachers who directly said that it was impossible to pass without buying their books, but fortunately it is not rampant, they are trying to fight it, and as a result, you can pass it without it.
The disregard attitude is also in the majority of students. Nobody wants, knows or wants to know. And this is quite enough to graduate from the university.
Curators changed one after another, but none of them knew anything.
The organization of foreign internships is disgusting, even though it is not easy to participate. Again, no one knows anything, no one is responsible for anything, there is no correspondence between programs.
I'll dilute this barrel of tar with a spoon of honey. Often there were teachers who knew how to interest in their subject and knew a lot about it, for example, Beregovskaya Tatyana Aleksandrovna. It was only thanks to such teachers that I did not drop out from the very first course.
I finished and am very glad that I will not return here again. I will apply for a master's degree at another university.

Moscow city

15:50 23.09.2016

Positive impression

My son entered the State University this year. I will not write about the successful organization of the host company again. I would like to write a few words about my son's first days at SUM. The first thing that struck me was that a meeting was organized for the first-year students even before the start of the educational process. It was not a boring meeting or "subbotnik", but a meeting in the fresh air with contests and quizzes, well organized by the curators, where the children could get to know each other. I quote my son's review: "This is cooler than graduation at school!" Further, from the first days of September, the curators met the children and accompanied them everywhere around the SUM "by the hand", until the first-year students themselves began to navigate the process and the building of the university. I see how my son rushes to the State University of Management every morning with pleasure and compare it with how I used to have to push him to school. I am glad that my son made the right choice by entering SUM.

Moscow city

12:48 18.08.2016

Positive impression

Good afternoon. My daughter is not yet studying at the State University of Management, but has just entered. I can say right away that the first impression of the Admissions Committee is extremely important for me. Here everything was organized at the highest level. I myself am a top manager of a large holding and I can evaluate any action from the point of view of a competent organization :)
A crowd of excited applicants with crazy moms (like me) and dads, especially those who didn’t write the exam very well - this is a very difficult audience! There are always a lot of the same questions and errors when filling out documents. At SUM, I liked that people were let into the lobby in parts, where a very polite senior student told in detail about how to fill out applications, what to pay special attention to and whose applications would be accepted. Further, this "bunch" passed into the next hall, where there were a lot of tables, and samples of filling were hung. Further, with the completed papers, you go to the tables with the inspectors, who will tell you what to correct (if any inaccuracies were made). and only then you go to the hall, where you are entered into the database by the students operators under the strict control of responsible teachers.
I don't know, maybe for someone it's too much, but for me it's a big plus! No fuss, no extra worries - everything is clear and efficient!
We came to the university twice, the second time to write a statement of consent and sign a contract (my daughter is one of those who did not write the exam very well). The main thing is that ALL the staff of the State University of Management (from students in the PC, to teachers and deans' staff) were always very polite, explained everything in great detail and calmly.
My husband and I recommended this university to our daughter due to the fact that a very respected specialist in the field of Marketing sent us to SUM. Yes, the language base is weak. But we go to SUM precisely for marketing knowledge. And I really want to believe that my daughter will not be disappointed in the learning process! And she will learn the language in parallel at the language school.
Also, I'm not a hired person. Not an employee of the university))) I'm a real person :)
In addition, I can personally say that a good half of my very successful friends are GUU graduates. :)
All the best studies - there would be a desire!

Moscow city

01:03 02.03.2016

Positive impression

Good university! Excellent teachers! They give good knowledge, you just learn! Yes, every university has flaws! There is corruption in the GUU. But since 2013, they have been struggling with it. There is a change of leaders and quite successfully! There is an opportunity to go abroad on an exchange (nothing complicated - you pass the exam and that's it). There is also a business center where they give real knowledge! I am for GUU.

Moscow city

14:18 30.01.2016

Negative impression

Nobody is responsible for anything! For all 6 years, they have not provided a single practice! Money tear up is not small, but zero sense! Talentless teachers who cannot even explain their core subject! Deans change like gloves! The buildings are in ruins! One projector for the whole building, no normal canteen, no cash desk. Machines with coffee do not work "UK" Semenovsky! The curator of the group was disgusting! Everyone doesn't care! 6 months could not explain the standards of writing a diploma! A mess in the schedule, no one can adjust it forever, teachers quit before the session! At tests and exams, others are already accepting! Universities like this need to be shut down!

Moscow city

16:45 19.01.2016

Negative impression

Second course, evening, world economy. Knowledge here is exactly zero. The lecturer on the world economy lectured from Wikipedia. Grandmother, a mathematician, fell asleep at seminars. Since the second year, the so-called CAE (optional subject) began, for which the teachers simply did not come. Even if you want to learn, you can't. Most of the lectures are a repetition of the textbook word for word. You ask about an incomprehensible moment - in response only: "Well, look for yourself in the textbook." Or just ignores. There is no language here. Not according to the curriculum, not as extra. courses. Rather, there are courses, but they are taught by senior students who speak very poorly themselves.
Everything is done for money and for the sake of money. If you are a payer, you can take a session at least until the next one. State employees are forced to go to pay or deduct. But to open a new cafe at the university and sell pasta and rolls there.
The rector is always happy.
By the way, there were also three rectors in 3 years. There is something to think about.
All positive reviews are written by the university itself. Do not enter here under any circumstances.

Moscow city

19:49 15.01.2016

Positive impression

There are a lot of reviews about the State University on the Internet, I will add my own) I love my university. Yes, there are overlays here, some teachers are annoying, but where is it different? Here they give real knowledge, and not just extracts from books of the third grade. Do you want to study? You will be given maximum knowledge, and if not, your problems. Getting the specialty of a manager on the Ros-Brit program, I am very pleased with the choice, I will immediately make a reservation: no one forces you to go to England by force) Moreover, the university has absolutely real opportunities to go to study abroad for six months free of charge, on a competitive basis. There are many subjects, some are interesting, some are frankly boring. But, nevertheless, when you start working, they turn out to be almost the most important. Student life deserves special attention, there is something to do even for the most picky)
Summing up: no one will pull by the ears, it is clearly stipulated here that the people who surround you are your competitors, your future and what place you will take in life depends only on you. And if you are ready to learn, knowledge will give more than enough.

Moscow city

15:29 27.10.2015

Negative impression

I am finishing the first module at the HSE Master's program in Moscow, but I got my bachelor's degree at the State University of Management, so there is something to compare and say.
My review is more neutral than negative.
I will make a reservation right away - I graduated from economics and will tell you how it was in my group.
In my opinion, the main problem of guu is the unwillingness to develop in most teachers, but, apparently, this is strongly influenced by their age and their salary.
At SUM there is no red button for teachers like in the tower, although this would not hurt many, because, for example, my management was led by the head of one of the departments of my institute, but there were at most 5 lectures for the entire semester, and even fewer seminars. Reason: Classes were on Friday from 5 to half 7, she was constantly interfered with by her personal affairs (I need to take my daughter to the doctor, I need to go to the cinema with her, meet friends). These are the reasons she herself voiced. Also, the seminarian in sociology actively imposed his opinion on political and religious rules, the teacher in finance was from the same series as the sociologist. The lady who kept my accounting was about 85, and she had a very negative attitude towards the male half of the group. The young teacher, who taught several subjects in his specialty and econometrics, actively threw a show off about how wonderful and promising he was, and that he would not stay in teaching for a long time. While still teaching :) Although in his disgusting manner.
1-2 courses were filled with a lot of strange subjects, such as political economy. But there were a lot of mathematical disciplines (a big plus, I think. Although the program is at the level of the 11th grade of a regular school)
Years 3-4 are already more interesting, but the lack of English immediately after the 1st year was annoying, but we continued to go to physical education until the end of the penultimate semester. :)
Separately, a few words about English: if you want to learn a language from scratch, then it is better to choose courses in special language schools. In most directions foreign is disgusting. We read texts, learned vocabulary and retelling, we did this for the entire 1st year. In the group with English, only 3 people were good.
By the way, it was easy to do.
Nevertheless, I want to say thank you to the State University of Management, because for the time being I am worthy of leaving on the knowledge that I received in 4 years of undergraduate studies, but with pleasure I ran away to a better university. :)

Moscow city

18:11 04.09.2015

Positive impression

Hello forum members! I plan to enter the GUU master's program next year in the direction of Management. Is there anyone out there already doing this kind of training? Is it possible to get all the knowledge that is mentioned on the university website?
I would be glad to hear all your opinions - Pros and Cons.! Thank you in advance.

Moscow city

00:43 16.08.2015

Negative impression

GUU is my pain and deep disappointment.
I entered the magistracy of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and I am happy. The following will be arguments on 11 points that especially upset me.
1) There is a big problem with languages ​​at SUM. Moreover, the scientific and lecture base in the humanities is significantly outdated. Modern knowledge, methods and approaches can be gleaned from current scientific articles in Western journals. But, unfortunately, most of the SUM teachers do not speak English at a sufficient level, and the university itself does not provide access to the most relevant scientific database ("expensive" and "no money").
HSE has a different approach. Most of the courses are taught in English, as various courses are often attended by exchange students. The professor's English is not bad. For the most part, everyone studied or received a PhD abroad, participate in international conferences in other countries of the world, and are published in English.
There are strict requirements for the teaching staff compared to the SUM. In the tower every year there are re-elections for the position. Moreover, any teacher must publish at least 1 scientific article in a (foreign) journal.
At SUM you will meet a lot of non-professionals. During my time, in 2008, several luminaries in statistics and mathematics left, complaining about the low criteria for selecting students and general stupidity (people could not calculate the proportion in the 2nd year, and the assistant professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences killed 40 minutes explaining this to glamorous "blonds").
2) Moreover, HSE has many visiting lecturers from South Korea, Great Britain, New Zealand, and Italy. There are also Turks with a Berkeley diploma :) At SUM, you are unlikely to find at least one teacher with a PhD from a normal university, say, at least the top 20 in the world ranking.
3) There are many international students at HSE. Yes, yes, not from Zimbabwe or Vietnam, as in the SUM, but from normal European countries (Italy, France, Holland, Great Britain). The guys come on an exchange for a semester or two. There are smart people who enter the full-fledged program. But there are still few of them (Finns, Latvians, Chinese).
4) The modular system of education, in comparison with the SUM, is implemented in a radically different way. In the SUM, all disciplines are imposed and the DPA (the disciplines of your choice have already been chosen for you and often this is some kind of nonsense).
In the tower within the module, 60% of compulsory disciplines, and 40% you choose yourself. And no one will forbid you to be like the courses of the "coolest" programs - joint with the London School of Economics (see the world rankings for yourself).
5) A chic library, as you have to read a lot and all the textbooks are in English. Expensive books on econometrics for 6-8000 tr. they can easily give you a hand (of course, they are not endless, but there are definitely 17-20 copies in stock). I remember looking in horror at the prices on the Internet for these books and was afraid that there would not be a specific textbook in the library. The books were in rows.
What's more, subscriptions to the online libraries of Oxford, Harvard Business School and the most famous magazines are also available. This is all useful in your studies to develop your models and hypotheses.
6) There are no endless 2-3 retakes in HSE, as in SUM. Did not pass the exam - you immediately get on the commission for expulsion. Therefore, lazy people do not stay here for a long time. You will be surrounded by interesting and smart guys. I was lucky with the group, and even having gone to different countries, having found a job in Europe in our specialty, we keep in touch.
7) All exams are written. An appeal is possible after grading. And you are respected as a young colleague, and not as one who took it into his head to challenge the point of view of the great and terrible, hardened in the scoop and insanity professor from the State University of Management without any merit (neither domestic, nor even world). At HSE, during the appeal, I managed to challenge two questions with the winner of the award, Adam Smith, and still get 6.
8) Oh yes! The rating system is 10 or 100 points, which gives a more objective picture. Five to five strife.
9) Minimum bureaucracy: you will find out grades and other important news in your personal account. Order documents online.
In GUU, you need to run with your legs. The dean's inspectors still manually collect all the exam records and take them to the CC (computer center), where the aunts enter the grades of all students into an antediluvian system. This is only needed for scholarships, as students also have transcripts. In short, endless duplication of pieces of paper by pieces of paper.
10) EACH auditorium has a ceiling projector and screen (or 2 - depending on the size of the room) and a monoblock. For very young children, you can take the equipment without any problems in a special room. There are always markers.
At HSE, all lectures are in presentation format, which are duplicated to students by email. In SUM, this approach is not possible: there are no equipment or classrooms with equipment. The teachers mumble on a piece of paper or a book (most of it), or they ask you to buy your manual.
I remember this shame - you can't get a projector at the SUM or you need to look for a special audience that does not work on Saturday. The students ended up wasting a lot of paper.

Vissarionov Alexander Borisovich

Moscow city

15:25 03.04.2015

Positive impression

He graduated in 1980. The knowledge gained at SUM is still enough for scientific and practical work. Until today (2015) I have been successfully cooperating with the university. I work in the specialty I received to this day in the system of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, doctor, professor. Relations at the university are very benevolent and democratic. A large number of my classmates have achieved significant success in science, business, and public administration. The education provided by the SUM can be called fundamental and comprehensive both in the field of theory and in the field of management practice and management.


Moscow city

10:42 27.03.2015

Positive impression

Moscow city

12:34 19.03.2015

Negative impression

A shame! The country's main university, which graduates "managers" and managers within itself, cannot get the job done. Everything is terrible with regard to the organization of studies, none of the organizational staff wants to work, I have been studying for the 6th semester, and only once in all the time I found out my schedule before the start of the semester, before that they always gave the schedule after a week or even two! after the start of classes. And the pairs were thrown at random (in the dean's office they simply mixed pairs with free teachers). From this semester, "DAYS of self-study" was introduced, and so our dean's office did not bother to coordinate the schedule with the departments so that it was planned to give us DAYS (exactly DAYS, not hours) of self-study. As a result, ALWAYS, without exception, it turns out that you have to come to one class at five in the evening, or come to the first and third classes, and there is a window of TWO HOURS between them. And for some, the way to the GUU (only one way) takes 2 hours, and all this to sit 1 couple. And this is all the university, which, at every opportunity, declares that it is preparing the future of the country, that the best managers are graduating here, that everything is at the highest level in our country. Yes, even with cockroaches in the dining room you will not surprise anyone.
SUM rests only on individual teachers who sincerely try to convey knowledge to students.

Moscow city

17:39 19.11.2014

Negative impression

Dear parents, do not send your children to this "State University of Management". It's just awful! The hostel simply does not shine for your children, and prepare money, a lot of money. It is a shame for our country to have such universities. The housing commission does not work, the children have not been settled for six months. Only promises that cannot be trusted and a lot of lies.


Moscow city

17:20 19.11.2014

Negative impression

Dear parents! If you want to send your child to study 1000 km or more than 1000 km from your home, namely to this State University, then you will get nothing but deception. And prepare for your children a monthly amount for living in an expensive apartment in the capital of our country, the city of Moscow. What a mess was, apparently, in this university according to reviews, so it remained. You will be promised that your children will be settled in hostels, but this, I assure you, is not so. You will face another deception. This is a shame for such a seemingly prestigious university! Go where there is no such lies and falsehood. And there are universities in Moscow where you will not be deceived. And my advice to you is to listen to feedback sometimes. For those who are interested in this review, leave your phone number. WRITE. We will tell you in detail how the housing commission works at the SUM.


Moscow city

09:35 17.09.2014

Negative impression

If a person studied with you and is a friend, this does not mean that he is a good leader.
Our entire country is working on an outsourcing system, maybe it will be more profitable for your manager.


Moscow city

09:50 12.09.2014

Negative impression

My son is studying at SUM for the second year. Last year there was a normal hot meal. But this year started with chips - nothing else. If you have a normal lunch, then one change is not enough - you also need to grab a couple to stand in line. Everything is cold. Zero quality.

Moscow city

14:29 03.09.2014

Negative impression

I am a student mother. The son finished school well (without triples), a high USE score. He graduated from the 1st course of Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, evening department at the branch in Lyubertsy. But the branch decided to close. They wanted to transfer to the SUM for a fee. Called the admissions office today. Apparently an old klusha is sitting there, who immediately began to accuse that my son was probably kicked out and no one would take him. After talking with her, I received a lot of negativity. Although I contacted the dean's office by mail and they wrote back that there would be no problems. It looks like GUM doesn't need paying students. They called several more state universities, they take them there without any problems. In one of them, the son went to apply.

ISSU student

Moscow city

23:48 28.08.2014

Positive impression

I want to remind everyone that when you graduate from high school, you become adults who will fight their own way. I did not study at other universities, but after graduating from school with a gold medal, I entered the State University of Management at the Institute of Information Systems (Management). My institute is much more complicated than others: the course of mathematics, design and programming is about 70%, the rest is the same subjects as other institutes: management, finance, logistics, psychology, sociology, foreign language (2 years), etc. When many have five days and 2 couples a day, we sat 6 days a week for 3-4. When others were walking, the students of my institute sat on endless assignments all night long. For the first time in my life, I was able to sleep 8 hours a week in order to have time to complete tasks for one week, despite the fact that I do everything regularly at other times. Teachers understand what to give students. Many of them are employees of very well-known IT companies. We are not given lectures, we learn how to work. So at the moment I am a senior student, but I work in a prestigious large company and I get quite serious money, despite my age. Most importantly, I know what I'm doing and I get great satisfaction from understanding myself as a specialist. Thank you very much to all the teachers of my institute. It is a pity that many highly qualified personnel were reduced, but I am glad that it was you who taught me. There are many opportunities here - job fairs, expensive software (SAP training, which is supported by the university itself), IBM products, BI platforms and much more, exchange training with universities in Asia and Europe, courses, student asset organizations, conferences and employment. You yourself choose whether to make yourself a man or barely get out of debt, leading an idle life. Unfortunately, it is the same in life, someone prefers the easy way and complaints about the government, lack of money and the high cost of living, while someone overcomes laziness, looking for opportunities and ways to develop. It is a pity that we enter the university as children, many of whom did not understand what a university is.

Sergey A

Moscow city

03:04 25.06.2014

Negative impression

I completely agree with the user "Answer for the user" Rooster ". At the institute, if I may say so, they don’t teach anything. Continuous theorizing of people who have not come into contact with real business even an inch.
All training in this institution consists of:
1) Payment of considerable sums in the bank "Dalena". For example, on the State management price tag - 270 thousand rubles. in year (!). It's not realistic to get on the budget. Only thieves come. Nothing has changed in 2 decades;
2) Sitting at meaningless lectures where they read material, firstly, adapted to the states, according to American textbooks and having nothing to do with the real state of affairs in the Russian Federation;
3) Cheating on answers to exams (materials, as it was rightly said, from the 90s).
Applicants! I don't recommend coming here. And not only here. Choose those universities where they fight in two skins and where studying will be more or less tolerable. Although in Russia there are few options in this regard.
P.S. Bots that will refute my review in every possible way, calm down already. Better focus on improving the quality of education in your Alma Mater. You are only engaged in populism and idle talk (like all teaching here).

Sergey A

In the annual RAEX ranking for 2019, the State University of Management left behind such universities as MIREA, Moscow Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics,…

Sat, 14 Mar 2020

Tue, 3 Mar 2020

SUM is among the leaders in the rating "Russian universities through the eyes of students - 2020"

According to the results of the study "Russian universities through the eyes of students - 2020", the State University of Management was among the 15 best universities in Russia.

Tue, 3 Mar 2020

State University of Management in the ranking of "100 best universities in Russia"

One of the results of the anniversary 2019 for SUM was the strengthening of the university's position in the rankings of higher educational institutions in Russia. Forbes magazine presented the ranking of the best universities,

State University of Management in the TOP-10 of the Ranking of Higher Educational Institutions

The State University of Management entered the TOP-10 of the Ranking of Higher Educational Institutions, taking the 4th position in it.

In the III International competition of students and teachers of professional educational institutions Professional stars - ...

SUM institutes in the top 5 in the rating of Russian business schools according to the MBA.SU portal

According to the annual People's rating, which is compiled by the portal "MBA in Moscow and Russia", in 2019 the Graduate School of Business of the State University of Management took the 3rd place ....

Tue, 10 Sep 2019

The magazine "Management" entered the TOP-100 on the topic "Economics. Economic Sciences” in the Science Index ranking

The electronic library has updated the indicators of scientific journals for 2018: the scientific journal "Upravlenie" entered the TOP-100 on the topic "Economics.

SUM in the ranking of "100 best universities in Russia" according to Forbes

In the top three Moscow universities: the Institute of Economics and Finance of the State University of Management took third place in the ranking of Moscow universities in the field of "economics and finance" in terms of the demand for graduates in the labor market

According to one of the most influential recruiting portalsHH. EN,

Interfax National Ranking of Universities: SUM is among the leaders in the development of further vocational education

According to the Interfax National University Ranking for 2019, the State University of Management ranks 2nd in terms of the number of students enrolled in CPE programs and 9th in terms of the share of income from the provision of additional education services.

8.2 /10
769 ratings

Student of this university:
January 26, 2016

Good afternoon! I am a student of the State University of Management. I study at the 3rd year, the direction "Applied Mathematics and Informatics".
I will list some facts that may help to understand what kind of university it is - SUM.
1. GUU is a university where you will not be forced to study. If you want to gain knowledge, then you will get it. If you don’t want to, and you did it just for show, then you will be given a “3”, either the first time, or after several retakes. Well, if you are completely arrogant, then you will be deducted.
2. Teachers. I think, as in all universities, we have very cool practicing teachers, to whom you want to go to classes, behind whose stories you can not notice how time flies. And there are those to whom you want to approach and say "Teaching is not your business." With such people, it is more difficult to assimilate the material, and often you don’t discover anything new for yourself at all, you just waste your time. So here's how lucky.
3. Students at SUM are very friendly. We always support our people at various competitions, we help each other in our studies (I speak as a person who communicates with guys not only from his group;)). And if you wish, you can establish contact with alumni, ...
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who will help with employment or just life advice.
4. SUM has a very active student life. Our university is famous for it. During the year, many events take place, among which each student can find something to their liking and take part. There are also different clubs: KVN, "Debaty", Case Club "Garnet", Studos, Photoclub "Objective", etc.
5. Hostels. Settlement has a "wave" character. Factors such as the distance of residence, the right to benefits, the number of points in the exam are taken into account. The administration decided to take care of their out-of-town students and started renovations. From the last thing that was done, all the windows were replaced with plastic ones. By the way, there are floors with improved living conditions for excellent students and activists. So there is an incentive not just to spend your student life;)
6. Admission. Open days are constantly organized for applicants and their parents. Sometimes these are general university events, sometimes each institute (the same as the faculty in other universities) holds its own open day. Here you can communicate with the administration and teachers, as well as with students. During the period of admission, members of the Admissions Committee work with applicants. To work with you, students are carefully selected. So it’s not Vasya Pupkins who work with you, but the best activists;)
7. SUM cooperates with universities from different countries, so students have the opportunity to go to study on an exchange. Internships usually last about six months. All the guys who flew to study in other countries returned satisfied and happy.

For me, GUU is the university of freedom. You can study, be an activist, work, implement your plans and projects. What this university will definitely teach is to prioritize and highlight the important among everything!
Good luck to you!

Good day. Since now the time for entering universities has begun again, I decided to write a review about the State University of Management, where I have been studying for a year now.
I wanted to start with the admissions committee and the submission of documents. I applied to 4 Moscow universities, and at the State University of Management, the acceptance seemed to me the most adequate, inviting: my parents talked with the deputy. the dean of my faculty, who told us a lot about directions, specialties, and, in fact, this conversation also influenced my choice in the end.
I entered the budget for the specialty "Hotel and tourism business". I say right away, as in all universities, at the SUM the attitude towards payers is, so to speak, "a little different." So I wish state employees patience in some moments.
Hostel. A huge plus is that everything is in one place. Dormitory, all educational buildings, sports complex, swimming pool - all in one campus, no need to go anywhere. The downside is the appearance of buildings and dormitories, and the very location of the university scares some (this is Vykhino, baby). Although, in fact, there is nothing terrible in this place, it quickly became native and it is difficult to call it criminal. But the repair of buildings could already be done with t ...
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how many paying students. But I'm already getting into it. The rooms are mostly good, block system (for 3-5 people, shower, toilet), kitchen on the floor, everything is fine here.
Studies. Here, of course, it’s still difficult for me to judge, because there are almost no special subjects in the 1st year, but some subjects (management theory, psychology, economics, culture of speech and business communication) were very interesting and useful, for which many thanks to the teachers. I hope it gets better. there are not the most pleasant teachers, but I think without it anywhere anywhere. Learning is not difficult, the session is more than realistic. The downside here for me was that there are 2 study shifts at the university (from about 8-15 hours and from 11-18 hours) and no matter what direction you study, you will unlearn for two years in the second shift. A huge minus for combining study with work, and indeed with personal life. But the entire 4 course is strictly on the 1st shift. Here I can only wish you patience and strength.
Stud. life. Very saturated. At first, I participated in many places, played in KVN, participated in the talent parade, and so on. In general, you can find something to your liking or continue your hobby at the university.
The people here are good, not "snickering majors" (let's call them that, no offense). Mostly adequate, simple and good guys with whom it is pleasant to communicate.
In the end, I want to say that in any university there will be a lot of minuses and pluses, they won’t work for you anywhere, and if you don’t look for something additional yourself (internships abroad, competitions, conferences, etc.), no one will bring you anything saucer. If you don’t have super high scores in the Unified State Examination (by the way, a headscarf is also relatively inexpensive in Moscow), but you have a desire to study in Moscow at a very good university, then GUU will suit you. I hope I can help someone with my personal experience in choosing a university. Good luck to all!

The other day I had the "pleasure" of listening to the motivational speech of the rector of the GUU L***** in front of the team. I still can't shake the feeling of disgust. In short - "employees must create scientific schools, obtain grants, conduct world-class scientific research, establish interuniversity relations, and ensure the highest quality of education." And all this was said to a team of 60+ year-old employees, where for a full-time assistant professor the salary is 30 thousand per month (in Moscow!), And for half-time - 15 thousand))))))). And only pensioners sit there, who simply have nowhere to go. Well, no one even asked anything anymore, everyone understood everything about these "bosses" for a long time. In general, I experienced the same disgust only from Putin's New Year's speech about "mercy", after raising taxes, retirement age and exempting oligarchs from taxes. Probably, throughout the country, bossy degenerates like L ****** take an example from the main hypocrite?

This "genius of management" also spoke about how he "is ready for the development of the university." Any grants, equipment and everything. For the sake of interest, I asked the employees how much help they received in their ...
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production requests - they answered that all their requests were ignored, they did not give funding for anything.

During the time he was sitting on feeding (in office), L***** repaired the premises of the rector's office - it became more beautiful there, for his beloved. But the student toilets, as they were homeless, have remained.

In general, parents of applicants, this information is for you. If the budget - still all right, for the sake of some formal piece of paper. But paying - it makes no sense at all. You can't get any education at SUM.

Sharashkina contra. The entire educational and organizational process is built through f**k. Situations like: they gave lectures on one subject in one semester, and during the session they took and put another exam on which there were no lectures-private. The next semester, they again put the same subject on which they read and the teacher sits and reads the same material ... there is constant rudeness in the departments, if you are a correspondence student, then you will not be held any meetings about the diploma and practices, you will call the department you1. Be sure to get nasty 2. They won’t say anything specific. A simple example: you are looking for a place of practice, you need to know specific dates, but the department itself does not know anything. There is no study, 3 they will always draw you ... in short, do not go here, waste your time. Previously considered one of the best, about nothing

Student of this university:
January 19, 2016

I'm studying for the second year in the evening. World economy.

The level of education is simply zero. Teachers don’t give a shit about you, they may be half a class late or not come at all, or they may go on vacation for a couple of months in the middle of the semester.

Half of the subjects are passing - the teachers themselves read them for the first time. Most of the time they just don't show up. They promised two languages ​​throughout the course. As a result, there was one English semester. One mathematician grandmother fell asleep at seminars.

Corruption is the heart of the university. And if the teacher also liked you, he can pester you and not put a test under any pretexts. The dean doesn't care either. I'm shocked.

The contingent is also appropriate. One blackness, which does not even know the Russian language.

Maybe in the daytime it’s different, but evening people are simply not considered people here. They just hate it.

A graduate of this university:
June 15, 2016

studied at the university for 5 years on a paid basis. I can only say one thing: this establishment is not worth the money they ask for their services.
1) teacher training is very questionable. Of course there is an exception, but these are units. basically it's just an hour and a half reading of the code or NLA with rare answers to the students' question.
2) there is absolutely no technical equipment in the classrooms. The repair is like after the bombing: blowing from the windows, swollen floors, cracked walls and ceiling. Again, there are a couple of auditoriums with repairs and equipment, but they are only open on holidays.
3) flies and cockroaches crawl around the dining room, fly and even come across in a cutlet, it's good that they returned the money.
4) the subjective attitude of teachers. The rating depends on the opinion of the teacher.
5) boorish behavior on the part of the administration of the university (personnel department, legal department, dean's office). They can scream hysterically.
6) no one will solve any problems, for sure for free.
An acquaintance is studying in graduate school, for work, a certificate of free attendance was required. No one betrayed, listened to a lot of insults from the head of the dispatch department. Their refusal was not explained either verbally or in writing. I decided to transfer for budget points for a credit card, it turns out that they do not give out only for a paid department and transfer rates for a credit card !!!
In the end, I want to say: if you decide to choose this university, then study in a barn with useless lectures.

I am a student of the Jurisprudence Institute of IGUIP. Well, I don't really regret that I came here! Of course, I don’t know the situation in other institutes of our university, but I can guarantee for IGUIP! This is an excellent institute, the teachers are all excellent, practicing lawyers, many with good service and impressive status! To be honest, there is only one teacher who is absolutely no good. We had Latin and Roman law! Myamlya mumbles all the time and explains incomprehensibly, and, by the way, graduated from the Moscow State Law Academy named after Kutafin ... but this person has nothing to do with such a university! Let's get back to our sheep. At SUM, there is a great opportunity to lay the foundation for the future! Here, I think, as in any other university, it will be good only for the student who makes even the slightest effort to study, and then the teachers will help, but if a person does nothing and does not want to study and study, then he will be a moron even at the State University of Management, at least at Moscow State University then excuse the work of the student.
In general, he briefly spoke about the university, and more specifically about the IGUIP Institute. YES, and by the way, there is no corruption in our institute, at least a friend suggested it, but they sent him to hell and said once again, offer to hand over to the police.

I graduated from the State University of Management with a red diploma, I can say that the university consists of freebies, sensible teachers and teachers who do not look like teachers at all (they read from a piece of paper, they see an object for the first time, etc.).
Most unlucky with the teacher of management. She didn’t care at all, she downloaded tests and crossword puzzles from the first page of Google, let go of half of the couples, was late for most of the couples, sent graduate students instead of herself, etc. Some subjects were taught by pensioners who are already completely, as they say, " off topic."

Of the good sides - a lot of really good teachers, demanding, knowledgeable, interested. Marketing, all mathematical disciplines, statistics, world economy, management accounting and other subjects I know well now.

In principle, "if you want to know, you will know, if you don't want to, you will still get a diploma" - this is about the GUU. When the lecturer of our group did not suit me at all, I agreed to go with another stream, the teachers selected study materials for me for self-study, an interested student is always welcome.
The English teacher at SUM is the only good one I know. P******* T.S.Um ...
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I have a fairly high level of proficiency, only I learned something new from her. The rest are useless, and during the training I attended classes with four different ones.

The word "organization" is not known in the SUM. Everything at the last moment, queues to the offices at the right moments, all the papers have to wait a lot, etc. Many ladies and gentlemen are very fond of yelling. Some speak to students only by shouting.

Corruption, which is always trying to fight. In the process of learning, I came across two teachers who set an ultimatum in the spirit of "either bought my book from me, or did not pass it." One was suspended from classes after my session, I don’t know about the fate of the other. I myself did not buy their waste paper out of principle.
Some acquaintances, as far as I know, bought term papers, grades, diplomas from teachers, but there are also really fundamentally incorruptible ones.

In general, students have an atmosphere of "it will go like that", but at the same time they want a lot, all the streams with which I went. I have repeatedly seen the dramas "WELL PACHIMA I HAVE A TROIKA" from especially impudent students.

Vykhino is a normal area, I don’t know why some people are so afraid of it. There have never been any problems with the local fauna

Student of this university:
May 30, 2019

I’ll note right away that before entering this university, I also read a lot of reviews about it, judging by which, the university seemed like an average among the rest. Now I am finishing the first course and decided to write my own most truthful review. About everything in order.

1. Admission
As mentioned earlier by many people, the easiest way to enter the areas of study is "management" or "economics". The reason is the large number of allocated budget places. The main advice for applicants is to be as vigilant as possible if you enter management, as you will need to prioritize the list of study profiles (this includes financial management, international and all that). It is also worth mentioning here that, despite the considerable number of budget places, no more than 25 are usually allocated for each individual profile. Most dudes do not go where they wanted, inattentively ticking the boxes. In general, you can be sure of entering at least a management degree if your total score in the final exams is more than 245 points.

2. Hostel and its location.
The main advantage is that ...
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both hostels and the university are located on the same territory. Nearby are the main grocery stores such as pyaterochka, crossroads, vkusvilla, there is kfs. The way to the metro will also be no more than two minutes on foot, the hostels can be seen right at the exit from the station. There are 2 dormitories in total, built a long time ago, but the condition is quite normal. The blocks have two rooms, one of which is usually single and the other triple. Usually first-year students get the last one, but if you're lucky, you can get a kopeck piece. There is corruption in the campus system, the newly minted director apparently loves the loot. It happens that they also get odnushka (prepare your money at the time of settlement, just in case). The resettlement system is hierarchical, senior students apply for living with a smaller number of people.

Now the cons. Despite the proximity to the metro, the station itself and the branch can hardly be called a gift. Vykhino is one of, if not the most worn-out station of the Moscow metro. Line trains stop frequently, especially between Volgogradsky Prospekt and Tekstilshchiki, as well as Ryazansky Prospekt and Vykhino. In the morning, you can get to the university in 18 minutes from the ring road, but it happens that all 35 are in a very strong crush inside the car. If you are from Moscow, then a trip to the university will eventually make you hate its location. The university stands on the outskirts of the city, a kilometer from it is the Moscow Ring Road. At the exit from the main educational building - Ryazansky Prospekt, at the exit from the dormitories - the southeast chord and railway tracks. In short, the campus is not in the best location.

During the period 2018-2019, the hostels were modernized. In each of them, free laundry rooms appeared on the ground floor, in which there are washing machines and dryers. There are surveillance cameras on every floor and in the elevators. The dormitories have a headquarters for handymen.

3. Training.
"If you want to study, you'll get knowledge, if you don't want to, you'll get a diploma" - this is about the State University of Management. It's another matter what quality of knowledge you get. Having studied for only a year, it is safe to say that there are no practical teachers at the university. Of course, there are sensible ones, but they are very few. An exception, perhaps, is the institution of marketing. At other institutes, you will be given the most ordinary and boring theory in class, which is already outdated at the moment (maybe this is also observed in other Moscow universities). The university is not demanding, you can skip tons of classes, the main thing is to pass the session and still crawl to the next course. The dean's office system is finished, people in which it is not clear what they are doing, but they definitely do not work. The dean's office of the IEF deserves special attention, whose employees are complete imbeciles. You will most likely get the answer to your question only when you raise your tone ;-)

In general, if you want to enter on a paid basis, then it’s better not to. Flush down the toilet ~800k for a bachelor's degree. You won't get any special knowledge. There is time for self-development at the university, so it is better to pay more attention to it. If it turned out to be enough brains to pass the exam for 250 for the GUU, but not enough for the tower, then welcome.

Student of this university:
November 11, 2015

I entered the State University of Management, 250 points, management, and I went here - because I needed a 100% option for passing into the first wave + a hostel! Initially, I knew that there are stronger universities (finish / pleshka); I will say one thing - the university does not yet cause any positive emotions, well, I assumed that the university was self-education, but not spontaneous in the education system. After 2.5 months of training, to be honest, I didn’t learn anything NEW, the only thing I do from dz is matan, because I got a very noble hellish lady; foreign languages, namely eng, at the level of zero, if you passed the exam or at least have at least some knowledge in the field of language, I assure you, you will forget absolutely everything here, nothing new. As for the subjects themselves, many are uninteresting, those teaching staff, it seems, are not interested at all. They are afraid of deductions for passes, but in fact no one has been expelled for this yet. In short: if you want to hang out - GUU is for you, if you want professional skills, you are not here. After the university teaches to fuck, apparently a true manager should have such a quality

Student of this university:
November 02, 2015

I study at IOM. Therefore, it will be about my faculty (in guu they are called institutes), it is not correct for me to talk about others.
There are no requirements. Of the worthy teachers, 2-3 can be distinguished. In addition, in 95% of cases, IOM is attended by people who did not get into another faculty by points. And at the State University of Management the system is special. You enter the direction of training, and then you are assigned to the institute (dates August 11-15). Very inconvenient and not transparent.
They give a hostel to those who do not have benefits, only from September 11th. Where to live before September 11 is not clear. Hostels for 5 out of 10. Cockroaches and unsanitary conditions (except for floors for excellent students)
In general, the level is quite average. Go there if you want to hang out and don't want to study. If you have a head on your shoulders and the quality of education is important, then you are not here.

Although the university positions itself as an economic university, there are also good training options for techies.
1) Relatively low admission score, although in 2019 it increased by + -20 points
2) Strong mathematics, future programmers will understand me. The teachers are demanding, skipping couples will immediately affect the result of the exam. Some practice a point-rating system, so for absenteeism you can not get at least a three point at all. You won’t be able to cheat on the exams themselves, you will be closely monitored.
3) Start of couples for the first shift at 8:15. Some will think it's too early, but in fact, with the maximum number of pairs, at 15:15 you will already be free. In my first semester, in general, 4 days a week, there were 2 couples, at 11:25 we were already leaving home.
4) Repair. Now the SUM is being repaired everywhere, the windows in the dorms have been changed to plastic ones, all the buildings of the university have been sheathed in a more or less beautiful cladding, at the moment the library and the coworking area are being completely renovated.
5) On the territory there are three cafes, two canteens, next to the KFS university.
6) Proximity to the metro, in winter it is especially pleasing.
7) Very active student life. Many different activities for students, interest groups ...
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by the type of "Instrumental", "KVN", etc.
8) New computers. Those who are somehow connected with the computer will understand how important this is. All programs fly, fast internet.
1) A very important disadvantage that you will have to deal with on your own is that they teach programming poorly. Some teachers take the position that the best programmer is a self-taught programmer, so the bulk of the information needs to be studied independently.

A graduate of this university:
June 15, 2018
Institute of Economics and Finance

If you go to this university, then in no case to the department of world economy.
The drain will be about her. The motto of this department is "to take away all the money and nerves from people."
The head of the department, L *** T.N., practically does not appear at work, therefore there is nothing to say about her, except that she simply does nothing. S*** E.N., her faithful assistant, who, on the whole, does all the work of the manager, tirelessly smokes in the office, in front of pregnant women, in front of girls and in front of everyone, while swearing, not at all embarrassed by the presence of students (including number and on the exam). As a teacher, he is not bad, he tells interesting, demanding, but as a person it is very difficult to endure him. He has a friend P *** A.V., also a teacher responsible for fire safety, who smokes in the office and loves to sip strong drinks during the work process. As a teacher, he is terribly irresponsible. He threatened almost with expulsion for absenteeism of his couples, because of which all students arrived by 8:15, while he himself appeared at 9:30-10:00, without apologizing or explaining. Their faithful friend is C *** S.M., monotonously lecturing from a piece of paper, but at the exam ...
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a good answer (well, if, of course, you are "friends" with her, namely, you help her fill out the documents that she must fill out, then you can not teach at all), the money is pumped out only in this way.
Needless to say, for all their shortcomings, this trio mixes students with dirt, instead of coming to class on time and doing their job.
M*** A.N. He sells his books for credit, that is, he didn’t buy a book, he didn’t get credit (5 out of 100 passed without books).
There are also good, conscientious teachers, such as A*** O.B., M*** I.S., M*** O.V., G*** K.G., but they are only shadows of the above-described mafia, which even has a separate office from the entire department.
It’s realistic to hand over without money (personal experience), but you will be rotten. Nevertheless, at the defense of the diploma and state exams, they will still write you a list of products (henesi, caviar, a case of champagne) that you will have to bring to the table. This year there were two cases: the guys modestly set the table (water, fruit, cold cuts), for which P *** called them ungrateful (what to thank for?), took some alcohol for himself (although he was not a member of the commission) and went to sunset. The second case: the guys covered everything according to the list sent in advance, a sea of ​​​​alcohol (which they said to buy at the department), and then a surprise: a check from the rector's office! All the alcohol was taken away, the guys were scolded and forced to write explanatory notes, what did the teachers do? It's very funny, but they hid! Then they got out and said "don't worry, you won't be expelled, it will damage the image of the department."
You will not get any knowledge, only negativity and hassle. Run away from the vykhino)

2) Study. Why do lawyers need computer science in the form of tables in Excel? I'm wasting my time. The schedule is just stupid, inconvenient. Everyone absolutely does not care about you and your knowledge, you came for a couple - you can suck up your ass and get a machine gun, if only you would quickly leave here and free the poor teacher. No adequate tasks, little useful information. You can safely do nothing, no one worries about you and your education.
3) View. The case looks terrible, everything is old, for the money that they receive from payers, one could already improve the external and internal appearance
4) People. Sorry, some girls of easy virtue, who only hustle along the corridors, in obscene clothes, and anxious guys, speaking of clothes, you can have some limits, dress code ...
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certain to establish why people look at the cutouts in the front and the underpants in the back as a panel, and not to study everyone comes. Some swearers who have no upbringing. Boorish attitude, no help, everyone thinks about himself. Dedication is a separate issue altogether. It's just a disgrace, it's better to spend a weekend at the zoo with animals, and wait, those were the animals. The curators don't care, they encouraged everyone to drink and smoke, the more - the better, they didn't follow in any way. Debauchery and casual sex was not very pleasant to watch, everyone goes there with one goal - to get drunk and find a partner for the night. Sorry for the money spent. How can you argue for the cancellation of this event altogether?
5) Conclusion. I don't live in a hostel, so I can't say anything. I really regret coming here, by the way, it’s easy to enter here, there are enough points - welcome, there is money - you are already on the list of students without a queue. No meaningful study, teachers don't care, no practice, just a useless supposedly "student" life that takes away the time of learning. Boring things in events, you can fall asleep. I don't like studying at this university at all. I regret my admission It was a lyrical digression. Now, in a nutshell, the pros and cons.
1) Dormitory. Two dormitories right on the territory of the university, you do not need to travel through the whole city, which is definitely a plus.
2) No extortion while studying. You don't have to pay money to take the exam. But if you want, it can be done through certain people.
3) You need wings to fly out of guu.
4) SUM teaches to learn. Find out how he does it below.
1) Administration. The main problem of the University of Management is the ...
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sleepy management. All further problems follow from this.
2) Hostel. To get into the hostel, you need to submit the necessary documents, and then hope that the commission will settle you at a certain housing commission. Usually settled in several stages until December. There have always been small complaints from those who are not settled for a long time, but this is normal. In the same year, Pervak ​​parents began to call the housing commission and whine about the fact that their children were not being settled. And there were a lot of calls. The residential complex cannot do anything, because there are not enough places in the hostel. Why they are missing is another story. We won’t talk about the fact that, in addition to students, teachers also live, as well as a mini-hotel is organized in the hostel, we will not talk about it, it has always been like this. The acute shortage of places was due to the ingeniously implemented renovation. It was originally planned to make repairs during the summer holidays, but the deadlines were delayed and it has not yet been completed. As a result, several floors are simply idle without residents.
Okay, there aren’t enough places, parents call and complain that they don’t accommodate first-class students, what will the managers of the first management do? They decided to evict everyone who can be evicted for more or less formal reasons. People were called to the commission for conflicts with neighbors, as well as for partial residence in a hostel, the former have so far been forgiven, the latter have not. The second are people who have not lived in a hostel for more than two weeks, including those who went to practice in another city, went on vacation, etc. The fact that they have nowhere to live does not bother anyone. In general, the position of the university: the student must fulfill all obligations to the university, and the university does not owe him anything.
It feels very good when you already live in a hostel. You can be evicted for the garbage in the room, unwashed dishes, the presence of a kettle stand in the room, a microwave oven, etc. It is also forbidden to be in someone else's room after 22-00, the passage between hostels is also until 22-00.
What is the administration doing for its part?
For several weeks, students have been freezing without heating in dormitories, and on September 30, an announcement finally appeared about turning on the heating. After that, heating did not appear, but there was no hot water for several days. Today they again announced the inclusion of heating, at the moment the heating did not appear, but hot water again disappeared.
The dorms have terrible wiring, so heaters cannot be used. How not to connect microwaves and kettles in the room. They are all taken to the kitchen. The kitchen is one per floor. Yes, it's easy to go into the kitchen and heat it up. Everyone is used to it. But not everyone manages to get access to their appliances, because some kitchens close at 22-00. For example, they are closed in the 6th hostel on the 9th and 11th floors, because the vice-rector lives on the 10th and the students who are noisy in the kitchen allegedly interfere with him. Why the hell does he live in a student dormitory and why two floors of students should suffer because of him is not specified. It is noteworthy that the kitchen on his floor does not close, apparently its noise does not interfere.
Another of the disadvantages of the hostel: frequent false fire alarms in the morning, dead rooms, nagging commandants when they are pressured from above, cockroaches, some rooms have bedbugs.
Of the advantages of the hostel, it is worth adding the availability of free washing machines, weekly linen changes, the presence of a plumber and a locksmith, the ability to replace furniture, if available.
It should be noted that the cost of the hostel has increased over 3 years from 11 to 30 thousand.
3) The quality of education and teachers. The competence of most teachers is under huge question. To study in guu is either to go and celebrate, or not to go and negotiate. Moreover, those who agree, take exams more often, prepare for them, so they know the subjects better than excellent students. Most of the teachers are old theorists who rewrite their textbooks from year to year, and some even explain to this day using the example of the Soviet Union. But this is still normal, because there were those who did not understand anything at all in the subject being taught. There was a case, for example, where the teacher called on the phone during the couple and asked her husband for the answer to the problem, which she herself gave us on the control. This is not the only and far from the most severe case.
Of course, there are teachers from God, they sometimes come across and most often have real experience in the profession, they explain well and give real cases. But, alas, there are few of them.
The education system itself is also strange, at first general education subjects for the first three semesters, and then we just did that we handed over the same subjects only under different names. Apparently it was necessary to stretch the training for 4 academic years, but the subjects were not enough.
It is not difficult to learn, rather it is not clear why it is necessary at all. The university only takes time from those who have already found a job on their own and gain experience, than it really gives something. Since most teachers don't explain but demand a lot on the exam, you will learn to study on your own. This is a definite plus.
4) Discrepancy between the positioning of the university and the real situation. The university proudly calls itself the first managerial university, constantly reposting the ratings of universities in social networks, where it appeared. In reality, the situation is quite different. GUU has not been top for a long time, employers will not tear you off with arms and legs after graduation, they look at its graduates in the labor market with some distrust. You should not expect help from the university in the matter of employment, although you will be provided with an internship place, it may not correspond to your field of study. For example, some "managers" had an internship at the museum.
In general, this is a common situation for Russian universities, but education at the State University of Management is quite expensive, so decide on your own whether it is worth spending money on it.
5) Rules. In guu, the rules often change, especially for those who live in the hostel. For example, at the beginning of this year, guu said that he only accepts certificates from certain clinics, some have detached themselves from their hospitals and attached themselves to the recommended ones. A month passed and they were allowed to bring from any. In general, if you live in a hostel, then be prepared that they will constantly scare you with eviction or blocking your pass for not delivering a certificate or some other little thing. Previously, these were just threats, now they are slowly putting them into practice. Recently, the guards began to check the bags at the entrance for the presence of alcohol. If you don't want to show it, they threaten to call the police. In general, fun.
In fact, you can’t tell everything about the GUU. There are enough jambs and absurdity, but having entered this university, you can be sure that you will be ready for the quirks of life.

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