Basic Study Guidelines foreign language here: In this post, I will only provide useful courses, audiobooks, etc.
I learned Italian for a few months in 2012, after French and Spanish. Roughly speaking, Italian is French words with Spanish grammar. Therefore, on the one hand, its study went quite quickly, and on the other hand, I still confuse words between Spanish and Italian, since these two languages ​​have a similar pronunciation. For about a month I traveled around Italy and learned the language there too.
Unlike French and Spanish, the amount of online material available in Italian is quite limited. What bothered me the most was the acute shortage of audiobooks, mostly modern ones. Finding interesting audiobooks was generally difficult, as the available audiobooks in Italian were mostly written in the early 20th century. Therefore, I cannot say that I learned Italian at a high level. I can almost freely watch movies and series, read popular books. But it is still difficult for me to read Dante or Umberto Eco in Italian.

Audio courses
First stage: From zero to entry level:
1. Michel Thomas Italian Foundation Course
This ingenious audio course is only 8 hours long, during which time it teaches the structure of the language. The most important thing when listening is to press the pause button when Michelle speaks and think about the answer, and not just repeat after the students.

Second stage: Beginner to Intermediate:
2. Assimil - Italian(new version, available in Russian) or/and Italian with ease(old version).
Audio course + book. The best course for beginners, which allows you to rise from Beginner level to the intermediate level. You can go through both versions.

3.Michel Thomas Italian Advanced
Continuation of the basic course. Allows you to learn the complex structures of the language in 4-6 hours.
Further it is desirable to listen Michel Thomas Italian Builder.

4. (Optional) Italian with [email protected] pleasure.
Video series of 13 episodes. Worth watching only if you have not seen this series in another language.

5. ItalianPod
The world's best podcast, and unfortunately it only exists in a few languages.
Unlike most courses that stop at the Intermediate level, this course goes all the way up to the Advanced level. True, ItalianPod was canceled pretty quickly, so there aren't that many podcasts out there.

6. ItalianPod101
Also a good podcast for all levels from Newbie to Advanced.

Third stage: from the intermediate level to the highest:
7. Assimil - Perfectionnement Italien
Continuation of the initial course Assimil. Best course for intermediate level. Removes from Intermediate level to the Advanced level. But the book exists so far only in French.

Audiobooks with text for entry-level (in brackets the level is indicated)
01 - Pasta per due (livello 1)
02 - Amore in Paradiso (livello 2)
03 - Dov "e Yukio (livello 1)
04 - Fantasmi (livello 2)
05 - Il Signor Rigoni (livello 1)
06 - Maschere a Venezia (livello 2)
07 - La Commissaria (livello 2)
08 - Mistero all'Abbazia (livello 3)
09 - Linea A (livello 4)
10 - Il sosia (C1)
11 - L "Ultimo Caravaggio (livello 3)
12 - Mistero in Via dei Tulipani (A1-A2)

Audiobooks with text for the intermediate level
13 - Lewis Carroll
14 - Collodi Carlo
15 - Emilio Salgari - Le novelle marinaresche di mastro Catrame
16 - Calvino Italo - Marcovaldo (letto da Marco Paolini)
17 - Dino Buzzati - il Deserto dei Tartari

Audiobooks without text for the intermediate level
01 - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Il Piccolo Principe
02 - Margherita Hack
03 - Daniel Pennac
04 - Laura Rubino - Viaggio a Venezia
05 - Sciascia - Una Storia Semplice
06 - Piergiorgio Odifreddi - Che Cosa e La Logica
07 - Giorgio Ruffolo - Che cosa e l "Economia
08 - Gherardo Colombo - Che cosa e la legalita
09 - P. Odifreddi - Alle 8 della sera - Vite da logico

Books for entry level
01 - Radio Lina
02 - Modelle, pistole e mozzarelle (livello 3)
03 - Mafia, Amore e Polizia
04 - Piccole storie d "amore (livello 4)
05-La Partita
06 - Mediterranea
07 - Opera
08- Altra Vita
09 - Dolce Vita

These are just the series that I watched in Italian. Of course, you can find many more of them. All these series have subtitles in Italian.
01 - Il Tredicesimo Apostolo (original Italian series)
02-V (2009)
03 - Terra Nova
04 - Leverage
05 - Il Trono di Spade
06 - The Listener
07 - Flash Forward
08 - Person unknown

Interesting movies
Sul mare
Generazione mille euro
Ti amo in tutte le lingue del mondo
Scusa, ma ti chiamo amore
Scusa, ma ti vogliosposare
Ex (2009)
Il gioiellino
Magia nuda
Manuale d'amore
Manuale d "amore 2
Manuale d "am3re
La giusta distanza
Passato proximo
Cosa voglio di piu

You can see
L "uomo che ama
Non ti muovere
La peggior settima della mia vita
Copie conforme
Parlami d'amore

A good Italian torrent tracker where you can download all this:

We live in an age of freeways, instant messaging, and fast food in the microwave. Advertising various language courses promises that you can learn italian during the week! To keep up with the times, I suggest you familiarize yourself with ten effective ways to learn italian fast language.

    Visit places where Italian is spoken.

    Have you always wanted to visit the ancient city of Rome. And the description in the tourist guide of the ruins of Pompeii is breathtaking. Most fast way learn to Speak Italian - go on a trip to Italy and immerse yourself in Italian. If you travel to Italy, you will not only be able to see ancient Roman ruins, Renaissance masterpieces, Raphael paintings and more, but you will also learn how to pronounce the specific Italian “rrr”!

    Look around you.
    Find Italian-speaking people in your hometown and start practicing your Italian with them. In many major cities there are centers of Italian culture.

    Listen to radio and watch TV
    One of the key skills to master Italian is understanding oral speech. Nowadays, many cable companies offer foreign channels to choose from. In addition, there are many Italian radio stations that can be accessed via the Internet.

    Cinema on Italian- another great one way to learn this beautiful language. You will hear them say in Italian various attori while exercising your ear. Subtitles or dubbing are not desirable - they will only distract you. It is best to watch some movie you know (that you have already seen).

    Check your home library
    Italian novels, travel guides and books describing Italy, newspapers are a great way to enrich your experience. Read books with parallel text (one side in Italian and the other in Russian): The Divine Comedy (La Divina Commedia) or The Sovereign (Il Principe), or try reading books by contemporary Italian authors such as Enzo Biaggi, Umberto Eco, Or Oriana Fallaci.

  1. Sing Italian songs
    If you already know a little Italian, you can sing out loud italian songs. Buy DVDs of Italian songs and find lyrics online. Try singing a traditional canzone napoletana or a classical libretto from an Italian opera.
  2. Games and entertainment
    Learning a foreign language doesn't have to be boring. Learn jokes, puns, or riddles in Italian, impress your friends. Solve the cruciverba (Italian crossword) or try your hand at La Routa della Fortuna. If you feel confident, improve your Italian skills with il Motore Anagrammatico (Anagram Generator).

    Use stickers.
    Learning a foreign language requires creativity, so why not try something that will amuse you and your family and friends! Feel free to take a notebook with self-adhesive multi-colored stickers, write on them the Italian names of everything that is in your house. Place your stickers with words everywhere: in the kitchen, in the living room, in the bedroom. Whenever you see a sticker, say the word out loud until you remember it. This is a great way to increase your vocabulary.

    Say it again, Samuel
    Do you have a favorite Italian expression? Do you say "mille grazie" when someone does something for you? Every time you learn another important Italian phrase, you expand your vocabulary. Use phrases in Everyday life, and soon you will speak Italian like your first language.

See also video

Let's start with the main one. You would like to learn Italian. Why him? Maybe you yearn for the sunsets of Rome and the view from the Aventine hill, or maybe you have a job related to Italian suppliers. Maybe you are learning your fifth language, or maybe the Italian opera resonates so much in your heart that you cannot live without the language. Or you just wanted to - it will be interesting and not superfluous, as people who know more than one language like to say. In any case, you need to decide how many hours a week you are ready to devote to classes and how much money you can spend. If there is a clear window in the schedule and a decent budget, it makes sense to take courses or find a teacher who will work with you individually. Self-study is worth considering if several factors are present:

  • if you have a difficult or unstable schedule;
  • if you teach for yourself and the investment will not pay off with an increase in income;
  • if you do not have the opportunity to travel somewhere (if you have a small child at home or have an hour at work that you can devote to classes);
  • if you have no time at all, but there is a desire and half an hour before going to bed to realize the dream of watching Fellini films in the original;
  • if you are limited in funds.
So, you understand that self-study is right for you. What's next? Here you need to make a small digression and say that the Italian language is perfect for self-study. Firstly, the grammatical structure of the language is moderately simple and understandable to native Russian speakers, secondly, the pronunciation rules are not too confusing and generally easy to learn, and finally, purely subjectively, the vocabulary is pleasing to the ear and the language.

Where to begin?

Obviously, it is worth starting with the methodology. Or rather, with the choice of textbook. There is a wide variety teaching aids, not only in the nearest large bookstore, but also on the Internet. What to choose?
There are classic manuals - English-language, first of all, which are well structured, have an exhaustive amount of grammar and workbook in addition - for example "Modern Italian Grammar. Practical guide”, by Anna Proudfoot, Francesco Cardo. It is available online, but for learning you will need a sufficient level of English, not lower than intermediate. There is an enduring classic - Katerin Katerinov "La lingua italiana per stranieri" - a textbook, a classic in its way, but it is written entirely in Italian, according to the method of the so-called full language immersion. Therefore, it is good for classes with a teacher.
There is a whole set of textbooks for group study, which are ranked by level of difficulty, contain topics for group discussion and are also completely in Italian - which is not very suitable for independent thoughtful study, moreover, from scratch.
Therefore, the most obvious choice in our case is a textbook belonging to the class of tutorials. There are a great many of them in any bookstore with a sufficient section of foreign languages, which can confuse an unprepared person. First of all, you need to distinguish between a self-instruction book and a phrase book - in the latter you are unlikely to be presented with grammar even in a minimal form, but they will offer to memorize a hundred phrases for each case of your trip to Italy. At the most crucial moment, you will find that the phrase that you want to say right now is, of course, not there. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a self-instruction manual that does not resemble a flimsy brochure, but contains, in addition to initial information about the language, also a sufficient number of exercises, texts, an audio course, a minimal dictionary at the end, and it’s just pleasant for you. For me, this pleasantness lies in good paper, on which a pen or pencil writes; in exercises designed to be done right in the textbook - then you will never find those sheets on which you happened to complete this task; in an audio transcription written in a way that you can understand. For myself, I chose the tutorial by D. A. Shevlyakova, published by AST-PRESS - it has everything you need, except for a normally recorded transcription, but for someone this may not be a minus, since it is given in Russian, but not in accordance with international rules.
After a textbook is chosen, the most interesting thing is to start learning a foreign language, to be surprised by its rules and laws, and after a while to understand that it could not be otherwise, that the language is whole and alive. And very handsome!

La lingua italiana

The very first thing we begin to study is what sounds are characteristic of the language, where the stress is placed, what intonation coloring is characteristic of it. Italian spelling rules are quite simple and, having learned the rules, it is quite possible to write down a word by ear. Italian is not French, where you will need a separate notebook only for the rules for reading letters and their combinations. Here, for the first time, you meet sayings and the most common set expressions. I write them out on small square stickers and hang them all over the house - every time my eye catches on the next phrase, I pronounce them with all possible diligence. Literally, on the way to the kitchen for another tea, in the bathroom, in the toilet - knowledgeable people confirm the special effectiveness of stickers in the toilet!
In general, the importance of memorized phrases can hardly be overestimated. If they are part of an active vocabulary, then you are often spared the painful search for the right combination of words where the answer is relevant right now, in the moment. Everyday expressions are like speed dialing on a mobile phone - convenient, fast and never redundant.
Phrases include, in addition to common words of politeness (thank you, please, good morning/afternoon/evening, good night, welcome, please, excuse me) also the most frequent dialogue options (how are you, everything is fine, how are you, where are you from, How long have you been here, etc.) With this minimum, you will feel calm - you will understand the obvious things exactly and will be able to adequately answer.
The exercises and texts in your tutorial will build the grammatical skeleton of the language, build muscle on it and allow you to slowly at first, and then confidently and quickly build phrases and phrases.
You will learn vocabulary along the way and here you need to be careful. It is impossible to study all the vocabulary and everyone understands this, but sometimes they forget. But in vain. The question of which words should be learned in the first place must be taken critically. It’s worth starting from your goals - if the language is studied for communication and travel, then everything is relatively simple - most tutorials are tailored specifically for this. most general vocabulary on the topic of transport-hotel-restaurant-city-walks you will not pass. However, even here there may be an excess. For example, you should not memorize synonyms - at the very beginning you need to navigate in single-variant combinations. You will gain the beauty and richness of the vocabulary later in sufficient quantities and with much less effort than at the very beginning of learning the language.
However, if your goals differ from classically touristic ones, it makes sense to act in two directions - to master and general course and, for example, parse the simplest texts in the specialty.

Limitless Possibilities

For a person learning a language in the era of the Internet, truly limitless possibilities are open. The world is so densely entangled with networks, Wi-Fi and broadband channel that it is a sin not to use it.
First of all, there are many sites dedicated to self-learning languages. They operate on the principle social networks and some are very comfortable. The most famous in Runet is The format is not for everyone, but the popularity speaks for itself.
There are sites filled with lessons and individual grammar topics, which is useful if some specific model remained incomprehensible after analysis in the tutorial.
For auditory tuning to melody and intonation, it is useful to watch Italian TV, which for the most part has online broadcasts, and films in Italian with Russian subtitles, of course. At a good level of language acquisition, it becomes more interesting to watch movies with Italian subtitles.
For reading, you can recommend both adapted texts and books that offer replenishment of passive vocabulary according to the Ivan Franko method - even on the net you can find a number of them. They are built in a peculiar way: first comes a short passage, which is accompanied by literal translation into Russian most of the words, and then - the same passage, but without translation. Such texts are very useful to study in addition to the main course of study.
For those who find it difficult without a company, there are conversation clubs, film clubs, sites with the possibility of making pen pals.
There are already conversation clubs in many languages, including Italian. Usually the discussion is on a specific topic, with vocabulary provided in advance for the participants, as well as a moderator, who is often a native speaker. This differs from classical language courses in that you pay only for what you cannot comprehend on your own - for communication. And you learn grammar and rules yourself, in your own mode and at your own speed.
In Moscow, there is an Italian film club that periodically shows Italian films, with subtitles and subsequent discussion. For outgoing extroverts, this may be more appealing than viewing alone.
The rather crowded offers a user-friendly interface for language exchange. You can correspond with Massimo from Turin or Silvia from Bergamo - who just want to practice Russian or English. Actually, any combination of languages ​​is possible, up to the most improbable.

To Italy, to Italy!

And the most important thing is, of course, the language journey. There are many offers from language schools in Italy for language learning. You will study a certain (not small!) number of hours every day, being in a language environment - is this not a dream?! But it is fundamentally important to go on such a journey alone - otherwise communicating with your companion in your native language will ruin your entire immersion.
For the strong in spirit, there are also volunteer programs that can include anything from restoring abandoned buildings and roads from the Roman Empire to picking cherries and other crops in summer and autumn. You can get an idea about the programs, for example, here:
Well, the most important thing in self-learning a language is perseverance and motivation. In a situation where you are not given homework and your money is not flowing away, maintaining your interest and not forgetting why you started all this is a rather non-trivial task. Here you already need to explore yourself and be able to negotiate with yourself - for the sake of a picture of the near future. Imagine yourself speaking Italian fluently and fluently, in an entourage that matches your dream - does it motivate you?

Learning foreign languages ​​in modern world became easier and more convenient. With the help of gadgets and online courses, you can even study without leaving your home. And this knowledge will help in different areas of life - on vacation, in a career or study.

Among the languages ​​studied, English is especially popular. However, in last years more and more people are choosing other options, such as Italian. It is on the fifth line in the top of the studied languages. It is chosen for its ease of pronunciation, beautiful combination of sounds and special energy.

Also, you can learn on your own. True, for this you need to make efforts, and most importantly, systematically engage. This article contains the most convenient class options that will help you learn it from scratch!

1 Tutor

Definitely the fastest and effective method learn - hire a tutor. Individual lessons will help determine the level of knowledge, find strengths and weaknesses. The teacher will be able to draw up a convenient schedule in person and work out all sides.

First of all, when studying with a tutor, there are no problems with setting the correct pronunciation and communication. The teacher will help you overcome the language barrier and learn to speak Italian faster.

An option for those who for some reason cannot devote time to individual studies is a language school. Group courses will also be effective, but will require more workload and self-discipline. The teacher will no longer be able to pay attention as in a personal meeting, so you will have to study on your own. An important plus of these classes is active communication with other students.

2 Live communication

Another interesting way to learn Italian on your own is to find a conversation partner. This may be a member of some forum of interest, a student from, or a Skype friend. This method will help those who are already familiar with the basics and want to practice dialogue. Live communication with native Italians will expand your vocabulary, raise your level of knowledge and allow you to practice your skills.

In such communication, one should take into account time zones and agree in advance on getting in touch. This will help to avoid inconsistencies and make communication as comfortable and useful as possible.

3 Journey

A method that will help you radically and effectively approach the learning process is to go on a trip to Italy. You can specifically set a goal to study, and then choose language camp or tour. Or you can arm yourself with a dictionary, language learning apps, online courses, or a connection to a tutor.

Traveling around Italy will help you get to know the culture, customs and population of the country better. This immersive language experience will allow you to learn Italian as soon as possible, based on real life situations.

4 Without leaving home

The easiest but longer way to learn Italian is to do it from the comfort of your home. Now there is. Many of them have a clear class schedule and many different exercises for grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and conversational practice.

You can also learn with the help of video courses and audio recordings. The only disadvantage of this method is that you need to have willpower and practice systematically. You also need to work out mistakes and devote more time to working on yourself. It is also desirable to find a native speaker who could sometimes check your pronunciation and correct mistakes.

In order to learn quickly and independently, you need to apply several useful practices.

  1. You can train your memory with the help of stickers with difficult words. Paste them in prominent places and write words that are difficult to remember on them.
  2. arm yourself methodical literature, dictionaries and audio-video recordings. You can also read books in the original.
  3. Another good way learn a language - watch a movie. There are many freely available that you can watch with or without subtitles, depending on your level.
  4. Feel free to say the words and expressions out loud and practice your pronunciation constantly. Learning Italian, and in principle any language, is possible only through daily training.
  5. Set goals for yourself to learn the language step by step. You can start with the alphabet and the names of the week, and then move on to more complex words and phrases.

It is not difficult to learn Italian from scratch on your own, it is important to set a goal and go towards it. Methodical classes will help to achieve success in learning the language in the desired time frame.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​today is a prerequisite for a successful career. Anyone who wants to get a prestigious job in Russia or abroad must speak at least two languages. In addition to the usual of English language, in demand recently is Italian.

Why learn Italian

In addition to job prospects, knowing Italian will help you feel confident while traveling in beautiful Italy. The absence of a language barrier will make the trip even more interesting, in addition, Italians are very fond of foreigners speaking their native language.

According to statistics, the Italian language ranks fifth among the studied foreign languages. Singing and romantic Italian is one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world. Learning Italian from scratch is absolutely not difficult, you just need to follow a few simple rules and follow a number of conditions. Mastering a foreign language can be turned into an exciting process.

For those who are wondering how to learn Italian on their own, this article will be very useful for reading, which contains basic recommendations and good advice.

How to motivate yourself to study

For motivation, you need to clearly formulate for yourself the goal for which you are learning the language. The first question should not be how to learn Italian, but why learn it.

If you decide to master Italian just because everyone else learns it, then it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve high level in your knowledge. You must clearly understand why you want to learn Italian at home, spending a lot of time and effort on this. The reason may be, for example, the search for a new highly paid job in an Italian company, an independent trip to Italy without fear of a language barrier. For some, perhaps the main reason for learning Italian is finding a soul mate in a beautiful country.

Choosing a tutorial

An important step is the selection of a good tutorial. Now you can find many options for both electronic and paper books created for various levels language learning. When choosing a study guide, you should be guided by the following rules:

Those who are interested in how to learn Italian should understand that using only a self-study book will not give you the level of knowledge you are striving for.

What to do to speed up the language learning process

Every day you need to practice different language skills.

The pronunciation of phrases is very important. When doing the exercises, be sure to read them aloud. This will help you quickly master colloquial speech and not be afraid to speak the language.

In addition, you need to learn whole phrases, not individual words. This contributes to the expansion of vocabulary and allows you to learn how to build whole sentences from phrases.

The answer to the question of how to quickly learn Italian can be advice - listen to recordings of dialogues in the language being studied. You can also watch movies and series with subtitles, and at first it is better to pay attention to the films you already know. And be sure to listen to beautiful Italian music. On the Internet, you can find lyrics with translations that you need to read and try to catch new words when listening to songs.

Find an Italian speaking pen pal. Having mastered the basics of Italian vocabulary and grammar, you need to move on to practice. This is necessary in order to feel what opportunities the acquired knowledge provides.

Read books in Italian. For starters, it is recommended to choose simple works. Of course, at first reading will be very difficult and it will seem that you understand absolutely nothing. But with each page you will notice progress. It is necessary to translate only those words that are not enough to understand the general meaning of the content of the work.

If you ask polyglots how to learn Italian, then everyone will advise you to use special cards to learn new phrases. This technique allows you to quickly memorize words. On one side of the card, a phrase is written in Russian, on the back - in Italian. Highly high results gives work with cards to those who have a well-developed visual memory.

There are a large number of applications on the Web for learning new words and phrases that you can install on your smartphone and use at any free moment.

Mistakes when learning Italian

To fully master a foreign language, it is necessary to develop four skills in parallel: listening comprehension, reading, writing and speaking. All these skills must be developed in combination with each other. A huge mistake is to focus on only one skill and neglect others. This approach will not give you the desired results.

All these simple manipulations are the answer to the question of how to learn Italian from scratch on your own, and allow you to quickly begin to perceive speech by ear and actively replenish your vocabulary.

How to Find Time to Learn Italian

The modern rhythm of life leaves very little time for hobbies and personal interests. Regarding the issue of self-study of the Italian language, we can say that the time we spend in transport, getting to work, can be spent with benefit - listening to audio books, songs, if you are not driving, then watching videos on the screen of smartphones. It is better to spend fifteen minutes every day learning Italian than to spend three hours every week trying to absorb a huge amount of information.

Contact with Italians will give a huge impetus to learning Italian. If you have the opportunity to live for a while in beautiful Italy, then you will immediately notice how much your communication skills have improved. The main condition is communication only in Italian. You need to start thinking in the language you are learning.

How to find out your level of Italian proficiency

After several months of active language learning, of course, you may wonder at what level you have mastered Italian. To do this, there are a huge number of online tests on the Internet that give instant results. In addition to identifying the level of language proficiency, you will be able to see your weaknesses and focus on them in further study.

In conclusion, we can say that in order to answer the question of how to learn the Italian language, you must first love it with all your heart and never let go of your thoughts. And then the learning process will bring you only positive emotions and high results.