Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten No. 384", Perm

Developed and implemented by educators:

Gorchakova I.T., Mistakhova N.Z.


Project relevance

Over the past twenty years, the role of reading, the attitude towards it in society has changed a lot. In connection with the development of the entertainment industry, computer and Internet technologies, there is a decrease in interest in reading. The current situation with reading is a systemic crisis of reading culture. In the 1970s, 80% of families regularly read to children, today - only 7%. The current situation in this regard is characterized as a systemic crisis of reading culture, when the country has reached the critical limit of neglecting reading,” the preamble says. National Program support and development of reading”, developed by the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications together with the Russian Book Union, for the period from 2007 to 2020.

Objective of the project: familiarization of children and parents with the culture of reading fiction, familiarization with the work of writers, including Perm. Revival of family reading tradition.

Project objectives:

  1. Involve children and parents (legal representatives) in reading books together.
  2. Contribute to the revival of family reading traditions.
  3. To promote the development of interest in children's books on the works of the classics of Russian and world culture, including the works of Perm writers and poets for children.
  4. Create mobile libraries for children and adults, as well as the use of book crossing technology in preschool educational organizations.

Project type: practice oriented.

Project participants:teachers, parents and children of group №7 preparatory to school.

Expected results of the project implementation:

  1. the emergence in children and parents of interest in joint reading;
  2. revival of the tradition of family reading;
  3. the emergence of interest in children's books based on the works of the classics of Russian and world culture, including the works of Perm writers and poets for children;
  4. the presence of mobile libraries for children and adults, as well as the use of book exchange technology (bookcrossing);

Performance evaluation criteria:

  1. monitoring to determine the interest for children and parents to read books together;
  2. activity of children and parents in the work of mobile libraries;

Possible risks:

  • parental passivity (employment).

Ways to overcome them:

  • additional motivation for parents

Planning work on project implementation





Estimated result

I. Organizational stage.

The study methodical literature on the subject of the project

September 2017


level up professional competence teachers

Questioning of parents of group No. 7 on the topic of the project

September 2017

information on the results of the survey

Preparation of RPPS in group No. 7 for project implementation

September 2017

Teachers and parents of pupils

enrichment of centers of artistic and speech activity with children's literature

Informing parents about the implementation of the project through the creation of a tab on the website of the VKontakte group.

September 2017

Teachers and parents of pupils

creation of tabs on the website of the preschool educational institution, in VKontakte groups with the placement of: - the “Reading TOGETHER” project, - the work plan of the preschool educational institution within the framework of the project

II. implementation stage.

"The World of Children's Books" - compiling thematic catalogs for parents with placement in parental corners and in the VKontakte group

October 2017


creation of thematic catalogs of children's works for parents

Making a folder - moving for parents "Reading TOGETHER"

October 2017


increasing parents' interest in reading together with children

Joint thematic evening of children and parents "Everyone READ Pushkin"

October 2017

educators, parents and children

Design in the group of the exhibition "READING the Perm Book"

1 time per month

educators, parents

creation in groups of exhibitions "READING the Perm Book"

Making an information stand for parents "READING Poems"

April 2018


increasing the interest of parents in joint reading of poetry with children

Excursion to the children's library with parents

during a year

educators, parents and children

meeting with library representatives

"Home Library": meeting with parents

November 2017

educators, parents

Exchange of experience in creating a children's home library

Creating a folder - moving "Illustrators of children's books"

December 2017


Enriching children's ideas about illustrators

"Organization of mobile libraries" including bookcrossing:

  • "There is a book - there is a future"
  • "Reading YOURSELF"
  • "One book - one family"
  • "Reading the Book - Knowing the WORLD"
  • "MY First Book"

1 time per month

educators, parents

creation of mobile libraries in preschool educational institutions

Presentations, creation of videos, exhibitions in groups (promotion of forgotten children's books, announcements of book novelties)

1 time in 2 months

educators, parents

Action "Online - READING" - "Lesson of courtesy from S.Ya. Marshak"

parents and children

increasing the interest of parents and children in the joint reading of books by S.Ya. Marshak

Action "Firefly" (Unified parental day according to GEF)

parents and children

increasing the interest of parents and children in joint reading of books by Perm writers

Organization of intermediate monitoring, including parents and children

November 2017


Flashmob "One eccentric walked", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Permian writer L.I. Kuzmina

Educators, parents and children

involvement of parents, children and caregivers in creative process- Flash mob "One eccentric walked"

Action "From Pushkin to Pushkin" - (Pushkin's day - the day of the Russian language)

Educators, parents and children

involvement of parents and children in the creative process - Action "From Pushkin to Pushkin"

"Jubilee Literary Calendar" (anniversaries of children's writers)

during a year

Educators, parents and children

creation of methodological support for the implementation of the Project

III. reflective stage.

Formation of a package of documents: -guidelines on the organization of joint parent-child reading, - a case of methodological materials and developments for the implementation of the Project

June 2018


enrichment of software and methodological support for organizing joint parent-child reading

Organization of final monitoring, including parents (legal representatives) and children

June 2018

Educators, parents and children

determining the level of interest of children and parents in reading books together

Ways and means to achieve results:

Resource support:





*A computer

preschool, personal




Personal, preschool



* photo printing




* design of thematic albums



The title "The most reading family of the group" according to the results of the activity of parents in educational activities children


Group educators


scientific - methodical

Scientific and methodological:

  1. The program "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva
  2. Internet resources:
  1. Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. "Working with parents" Enlightenment M-2015

Methodical office preschool educational institution

preschool, personal

May 2018 Within the framework of the Reading Together project, events took place in different age group x: parent meeting "Magic World of the Book", quiz "Tales of K.I. Chukovsky", children's and parents' festival "Friends under the mushroom" and children's and parents' leisure "Reading together"

  • in the younger group, a parent meeting "Magic World of the Book" was held. Parents took an active part in the quiz "Tales of K. I. Chukovsky": they guessed riddles, answered questions, participated in an interactive game, told dialogues, performed improvisation. The event was aimed at maintaining the traditions of family reading.
  • in middle group there was a children's and parent leisure "Reading together" joint children's and adults' readings, improvisation of favorite works: "Telephone" K.I. Chukovsky, "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything ..." A. A. Milne, "The Three Little Pigs" by S. Mikhalkov did not leave anyone indifferent. Emotionally! Interesting! Fascinatingly!(photo report)
  • in senior preschool age the children's and parents' festival "Friends under the Mushroom" was held. The event was held in the form of a dramatization with game elements. This contributed to the unification of children and parents, as a result of which moms and dads were actively involved in play and creative activities.(photo report)

18.04.2018 Within the framework of the “Reading Together” project, an interesting event “Family presentation “My Favorite Book” was held in the 1st junior group. During his life, a person reads many different books and they are all different: some are instructive, others are funny, others are entertaining, and there are favorites. And I want to read it again and again, rereading page after page. What kind of books are kids reading today? What books do kids love today? At the “My Favorite Book Family Presentation”, the kids presented their favorite books. But they didn’t just talk about the book, but staged it, acted out mini-performances, and read. The event was held in a friendly, joyful, family atmosphere.(photo report)

19.03.2018 within the framework of the project "Reading together", an integrated lesson "Draw a cover for the fairy tales of D. Mamin - Sibiryak" was held in kindergarten. The children created colorful covers for their favorite works of the Perm writer: "About Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail ...", "Grey Neck". You can get acquainted with the work of young illustrators at the exhibition "Our Vernissage"(photo report)

As part of the regional project "Reading Together" in a kindergarten inI The younger group had an interesting and exciting children's and parental entertainment "Teremok". The kids, together with their parents, staged the theatrical fairy tale "Teremok", led round dances, participated in games(photo report)

In accordance with the work plan (in November - December) As part of the implementation of the regional project "Reading Together", the following activities were carried out in the institution:

    bookcrossing organized (in literal translation from Englishbook crossing-means “moving books” or a bookstore.) The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is “I read the book, pass it on to a friend.” The exchange of favorite books took place in all age groups, among families.

    the literary evenings “Reading the Perm book” were interesting, which made it possible to draw the attention of children and parents to the works of writers of the Perm region. Thanks to the interest of parents, an exhibition of books by writers was created in the group native land. The teachers of the institution prepared and recommended a list of works by Perm authors for family reading.

    a cheerful cartoon concert with a dramatization of excerpts from E. Uspensky's stories "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena", "Three from Prostokvashino", etc. allowed the pupils to remember funny, kind, Russian cartoons and try themselves in the role of "cartoon characters"(photo report)

    "Readings by the fireplace" - poems of Russian poets about winter sitting by the fireplace were mysteriously and bewitchingly perceived by children(photo report)

    Let's tell verses on the Mnemonic track. The use of this technology allowed children to quickly memorize poems and learn how to compose their own mnemonic maps.

    family leisure was held in a friendly atmosphere with the use of interactive games "Fairytale mazes"

    in the younger group, an exhibition of family creative works was organized " winter fairy tale"(based on the plots of Russian folk tales)

    joint parent-child production of “Do-it-yourself Books” allowed in the middle group to organize an exhibition of home-made books and adequately present them to their peers(photo report)

October 2017 Within the framework of the regional project "Reading Together", interesting, informative and exciting events were held in the kindergarten for different age groups:

  • Family meetings: “Sisters and brothers read books to us”
  • A joint trip for children and parents to the theater of the KSC "Azot" viewing the theatrical performance "Aibolit"(photo report)
  • Project "Visiting the Bear"(photo collage)

Project in the middle group "Fidgets" "A Book in a Child's Life"

Teacher Lapteva M.Yu .

Problem: Decreased interest in fiction (in oral folk art) among children and parents. Relevance: Fiction serves as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic development of children. Reading books has a huge impact on the formation competent speech, forms mental activity, teaches to analyze, compare, draw conclusions. Reading, a person uses the experience of predecessors. Idea: to instill in children an interest in reading, a desire to listen to fairy tales, to teach them to take care of books. Project Features: child-adult; creative pedagogical; cognitive and developing; short-term, artistic - speech. Project participants: children 4-5 years old; educators; parents; librarians; children senior group. Location: MKDOU Kindergarten No. 2 "Sun", a room for the middle group.

Objective of the project: the introduction into practice of various forms and methods of working with literary works, contributing to the familiarization of children with the book. Project objectives:*enrich and energize vocabulary children; * develop coherent speech, its expressiveness; * to prepare children for the perception that the book is a source of knowledge; * educate high moral qualities, mercy, justice, attention to each other; * instill a love for oral folk art; * teach children the correct and careful handling of the book; * increase the degree of participation of parents in the formation of the book culture of children - to involve parents in joint creativity within the framework of the project.

Project implementation

1. Working with children

drawing heroes

collect a fairy tale from cubes



dramatizations of fairy tales

exchange library

book repair

put together a fairy tale from puzzles

making bookmarks

visiting the reading room

visiting the library

cooperation with the group "Why"

open lesson "Fairy tale kaleidoscope"

meeting with fairy tale characters

bookmarks for preparatory groups

2. Working with parents

visiting the library with children

meeting "We are a reading family"

slide folders

book exhibition

exhibition of drawings "Our beloved hero"

1. As a result of the project, the children expanded their understanding of fairy tales.

2. Children have learned to recognize fairytale heroes by illustrations.

3. Children learned how to glue bookmarks for books.

4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

5. Children learned how to repair books.

6. An open lesson "Fairytale Kaleidoscope" was held.

7. The children watched performances based on the read works performed by the senior group "Why".

8. The children of the group were themselves participants in performances and dramatizations.

9. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on raising a love for reading.

10. Parents of children created a table theater, participated in exhibitions.

11. Parents together with children created books.

12. Children with their parents visited the city children's library.

Project results

Lena Chernenkaya
Project "Reading Together"

Project type: pedagogical

Project duration: long term (1 year)

Project participants: children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators.

Educational areas covered: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Project relevance:

The Internet has entered our life, which, with full confidence, has taken free time both parents and children. We, without realizing it, have stopped interacting outside the Internet, in reality we are limited in communication to conversational remarks, excluding unnecessary adjectives, we express emotions with emoticons or animated pictures that characterize our attitude to what is happening. The paradox lies in the fact that, on the one hand, the “world wide web” provides many opportunities and knowledge, and on the other hand, it denies reading with a capital letter, as the area for which we, as a country with “great and mighty”, have always been in the first place.

The heroes of the works, their actions, the form of presentation, descriptive accents, emotions and experiences that the authors convey are needed not only by adults, but also by children. In order not only to talk, communicate, express smoothly, but also to think correctly, develop, become kind, helping the needy, a fully harmonious person.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. And in preschool childhood, the foundation is laid, on which all subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based. Reading books to children is one of the conditions for the development of hearing, and on this basis, language acquisition.

Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic education of children, has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language.

These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, piece of art brought to them by an adult.

The instilled love for the book at preschool age will remain with him forever. The one who reads knows a lot. If the child understands the content of what he has read, then he thinks, analyzes, and reasons.

As a result of the survey conducted among parents, we received the following results:

What Parents Read showed that:

Fiction is read by 23%.

Parents' answers to the question "How often do children read":

Every day - 80%;

2-3 times a week -14%;

Not often - 3%;

Rarely -3%.

A survey of children in groups revealed that:

30% of children prefer computer games to reading books;

55% watch TV most of the time;

Only 15% of children named reading as their favorite pastime.

Not a single child was in the children's library.

Thus, I would like to draw special attention of parents to the importance of fiction in the upbringing of children, to involve them in the educational process through reading books in kindergarten and at home, through joint activities in the children's library of the village, the creation of a mobile library in kindergarten, where children could to exchange books, talk about what they read to peers and educators.

Objective of the project: to develop a steady interest in children and parents in fiction.

Project objectives:

To develop in children the ability to listen, learn, compare, contrast, think in words;

Develop coherent speech;

Develop attention; memory; imagination;

Cultivate responsiveness and empathy;

Cultivate love for fairy tales, poems, stories, folklore;

Cultivate respect for books.

Expected results:

Awaken children's interest in communicating with the book;

To give children ideas about the importance of the library in human life;

Form a bank of methodological materials on the topic of the project;

Replenish the developing environment in the group;

To increase the competence of family members in matters of educating a competent reader;

Establishing close cooperation between social partners: the library, the teacher and parents in raising preschoolers' interest in books and reading.

I stage. Organizational.

Purpose of the stage: Identification of the problem and development of a long-term plan for the implementation of the project

1. Analysis of the work in the educational field "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development" (section "Reading fiction")

2. Questioning of parents "Family reading"

II stage. Stage of project implementation.

Perspective plan of work with children and parents

Introduce tradition:

Monday: children's story about the literary works they read from a picture or drawing;

Wednesday: parent reading literary works children in kindergarten, followed by a discussion.


Children / Parents

Conversation "My favorite book". Advice for parents on the topic "Family Reading". Conversation on the topic "Careful storage of books." Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka at the Autumn Festival together with children and parents (tea drinking). . Reading fairy tales by parents for children of the middle group "Teremok" and the subsequent discussion ("Fear has big eyes", "Resin goby"). Excursion to the senior group.

D / and “Who is superfluous” (according to the plot of the read works, D / and “Put the tale in order” (sequence according to plot pictures). .


Viewing a computer presentation "Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow".

Reading fairy tales by parents for children of the middle group "Teremok" and subsequent discussion ("Teremok", "Wolf and Fox", "Hare and Hedgehog" by the Brothers Grimm, "Pot of Porridge"). Conducting the game "Book Hospital".

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks).

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home.


Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks) Visual information "The role of fairy tales in the life of a child"

Coloring coloring pages according to the plot of the read works

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Hree of the Boast", Ukrainian folk "Mitten", "Snow Maiden and the Fox", "Boastful Hare" (Uzbek)

Situational conversation "What book does my mother read to me at night"

Visiting a performance-fairy tale with a trip to the Youth Theater in Perm

D / and “What first, what then?” (sequencing)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

P / and "Fox in the chicken coop", "Hares and wolf"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Children's dramatization of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

Reading fairy tales by parents: Russian folk "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina's hut", "Winter hut of animals", English fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Situational conversation "What is a "library"?"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Making baby books

KVN with parents "My favorite fairy tales"

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Reading fairy tales: A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (chapters from books) translation from English. B. Zakhoder

C / r / and "Bookstore"

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

D / m / and “Guess who is walking” (developing a hearing: children listen to musical passages “who is walking”, remember, then listen again and name the characters)

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Reading fairy tales by parents: Russian folk "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Cat, rooster and fox", "Spike"

Situational conversations: “My favorite fairy tale”, “Who invents fairy tales”

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

D / and “Who is missing?” (according to the plots of the read works)

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Reading competition "Poems about spring"

Parents reading the stories of E. Charushin “How Tomka learned to swim”, “Why Tyup doesn’t catch birds”, “What kind of animal”, “Volchishko”, “Nikita the hunter”, “About Tomka”

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

D / and "Call it affectionately"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Reading by parents: Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "Why the Cat Washes After Eating" (Lithuanian, K. Chukovsky "Fedorino Grief", "Cockroach"

S/r game "Library"

Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of a joint drawing of children and parents "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

D / and “From what fairy tale is the phrase?”

D / and "Fold from parts"

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Conversation "My favorite book"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home

Coloring coloring pages according to the plot of the read works Awarding the winners of the drawing contest "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

Presentation of the project for parents

Entertainment "Book's Name Day"

Interaction with the children's library of the MBUK "Zyukay rural library"

№ Date Name of the event Target audience

1. 24.09 Autumn Festival Parents and children

2. 27.09 Gifts of the Forest Children

3. 25.10 Family Children

4. 29.10 In the world of Russian literature Parents and children

5. 22.11 healthy image life (preservation and respect for one's health) Children

6. 26.11 Wild animals in winter Parents and children

7. 20.12 Wintering birds Children

8. 24.12 New Year is coming to us Parents and children

9. 24.01 Modes of transport (What cars are for) Children

10. 28.01 Special transport Parents and children

11. 25.02 Winter has passed, spring, it's time! Parents and children

12. 28.02 Changes in nature Children

13. 25.03 Animals in the spring (Call of the jungle) Parents and children

14. 28.03 We are all different (girls and boys, different nationalities, races)

15. 25.04 Primroses Children

16. 29.04 Beauty spring Parents and children

III stage. Control and evaluation.

1. Opening of the mini-museum "My favorite book";

2. Registration of the library in the group;

3. Exhibition of children's drawings.


1. Alieva T. N., Antonova T. V. Program "Origins" - M .: Education, 2003

2. Gritsenko Z. A. Put your heart at reading - M .: Education, 2000.

3. Gurovich L. M., Beregovaya L. B., Loginova V. I. Child and book. - M .: Education, 1992.

4. Zhukova G. D. Family reading in the year of the family. - M: Russian School Association, 2007

5. International Children's Book Day. - Zh .: Preschool education, 2010. - No. 6.

6. Nezhdanova L. I., Kichenko E. A. Working with the family and promoting family reading - M .: Education, 1996

7. Holiday of books and reading. A collection of scenarios to attract children to reading and the ability to work with information. Russian State Children's Library. - M: School Library Reading support program.

8. Rudenko T., Melik - Pashaeva M. Books are good, books are bad. Zh.: Preschool education. 2010. - No. 6.

9. Reader for reading in kindergarten. -M. : Children's literature, 2007

MADOU 162 launched "Literary gatherings with parents "Mom, read!" as part of the project "Reading Together"

  • Order 0b participation of municipal educational institutions the city of Perm, implementing the main educational program preschool education, in the regional project "Reading TOGETHER" in the 2017-2018 academic year.
  • Order on the implementation of the project "Reading TOGETHER" in MADOU No. 162
  • Questionnaire for parents

  • List of recommended literature for reading to children (2nd junior - preparatory groups)

Dear parents!

Thank you very much for taking an active part in the survey.

There is a mobile library in the hall of our kindergarten, on the 2nd floor. You can use her services.

Don't forget to make an entry in the form when picking up and returning the book.

Happy family reading!


20 NOVEMBER 2017 Promotion is being held"FIREFLY" ,

which involves organizing an evening joint

family reading a favorite children's book.

We ask you to put a lighting device on the windowsill,

to mark your


Our kindergarten started the implementation of the regional project "Reading TOGETHER".

Relevance of the problem:

Over the past twenty years, the role of reading, the attitude towards it in society has changed a lot. With the development of the entertainment industry, computer
and Internet technologies, the decline in interest in reading is a global trend. The current situation with reading is a systemic crisis of reading culture. In the 1970s, 80% of families regularly read to children, today - only 7%.

“Russia has approached the critical limit of neglecting reading, and at this stage we can talk about the beginning of irreversible processes of destruction of the core of the national culture,” reads the preamble to the National Program for the Support and Development of Reading, developed by the Federal Agency
for Press and Mass Communications, together with the Russian Book Union, for the period from 2007 to 2020. (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The need for a book is laid down for life just in the first years of a child's life. At preschool age, the little reader takes the first steps
in to the world great literature. Parents (legal representatives) and educators become guides for children. It is they who teach him to take the first steps first, to speak the first words, to read the first books. It is thanks to joint reading that a child from early childhood gets used to the fact that books and literature are integral parts of his life, and that reading is not only necessary, but also very interesting. It also depends on the adult to a greater extent whether the child will become a real reader or whether an encounter with a book in preschool childhood will become an accidental, meaningless episode in his life.

Significance of the project "Reading TOGETHER" (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is determined by a number of factors:

the first encounter of a child with a book takes place in the family (thanks to oral stories, reading aloud). Joint family reading initially introduces the child to the world of book culture, is the most ancient, proven way of educating a person, including as a reader, who begins to form long before he learns the alphabet. Reading activity and reading culture are formed on the basis of listening and speaking;

family reading prepares the child for a relationship with the book, awakens and deepens attention, forms the need for reading. The lack of need for adults to read is a consequence of its unformedness from early childhood;

family reading contributes to the early and correct mastery of native speech. The types and methods of teaching a child are largely determined by the environment, depend on communication and its main means - the degree of mastery of speech;

regular reading aloud from early childhood introduces the child to the process of reading and contributes to the mastery of independent reading, determines the quality and preferences of future readers;

family reading forms the emotional and aesthetic perception of the book. Listening, the child experiences a strong influence of the sounding word, which allows you to convey the triumph, joy, sadness, sadness, joke, mockery;

family reading develops the abilities that are the basis for perception artistic images. Such perception is impossible without imagination, visual representations, the ability to experience the joys and sorrows of the heroes of works of art;

reading aloud is important not only for toddlers, but also for older children, as well as for the elderly (because it can serve to prevent aging, because, according to some experts, aging is the result of a life without books, without reading, which stimulates active mental activity).

In the process of family reading, children learn to listen attentively, assimilate
and retell what they read, and older people feel less loneliness
and in a natural form, without moralizing and notations, they convey their life experience. In addition, adults have the opportunity to observe
for the spiritual development of the child and manage it. As children mature, they will remember reading to them and will read to their children. Traditions strengthen families, and reading aloud is a wonderful tradition to follow.

Project relevance are:

In the revival, from an early age, the tradition of joint family reading;

In introducing the child to the book, to the process of reading and thinking about its content;

In the creation of mobile libraries, including using the technology of book exchange (bookcrossing).

Target and project:

1. Increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of raising a child, including the promotion of family reading.

2. Assistance in the formation of the child - the reader.

3. Creation of conditions for wide opportunities for book exchange between reading families, including book crossing (book circulation).

Project objectives:

1. Involve children and parents (legal representatives) in reading books together.

2. Contribute to the revival of family reading traditions.

To promote the development of interest in children's books on the works of the classics of Russian and world culture, including the works of Perm writers and poets for children.

4. Create mobile libraries for children and adults, as well as the use of book exchange technology (bookcrossing) in preschool educational organizations.

Project type: practice oriented.

Project participants: teachers, parents and children of preschool educational institutions.

Project implementation timeline: June 2017-June 2018