Brain Destruction Test

These tests are sometimes given at interviews ...
It was explained to me that if a person answers correctly to all 12 questions - this is chocolate, not an employee.
Less than 6 - this person is generally tight with logic.

Test for logical thinking.

1. Some snails are mountains. All mountains love cats. So everything
snails love cats.
a) correct
b) wrong

2. All crocodiles can fly. All giants are crocodiles.
So all giants can fly.
a) correct
b) wrong

3. Some cabbage heads are locomotives. Some locomotives play on
So some heads of cabbage play the piano.
a) correct
b) wrong

4. Two clearings are never alike. Pines and firs look
exactly the same. This means that pines and spruces are not two clearings.
a) correct
b) wrong

5. No person can become president if he has a red nose.
All people have a red nose. So no one can become
a) correct
b) wrong

6. All crows collect pictures. Some art collectors sit in
bird cage. So some crows are sitting in a birdcage.
a) correct
b) wrong

7. Only bad people cheat or steal. Katya is good.
a) Katya is cheating
b) Katya steals
c) Katya does not steal
d) Katya cheats and steals

8. All sparrows cannot fly. All sparrows have legs.
a) sparrows cannot fly without legs
b) some sparrows do not have legs
c) all sparrows that have legs cannot fly
d) sparrows cannot fly because they have legs
e) sparrows cannot fly and they have no legs
e) none of the above

9. Some people are Europeans. Europeans have three legs.
a) people with two legs are not Europeans
b) Europeans, who are human, sometimes have three legs
c) Europeans with two legs are sometimes human
d) There are no non-European people with three legs
e) People have three legs because they are Europeans.

10. Flowers are green animals. Flowers drink vodka.
a) all green animals drink vodka
b) all green animals are flowers
c) some green animals drink vodka
d) Green animals do not drink vodka
e) green animals are not flowers
e) none of the above

11. Each square is round. All squares are red.
a) there are squares with red corners
b) there are squares with round corners
c) there are round red corners
d) corners and squares - round and red
d) none of the above

12. Good bosses fall from the sky. Bad bosses can sing.
a) Bad bosses fly down from the sky.
b) Good bosses who can fly can sing.
c) some bad bosses can't sing.
d) some good bosses are bad because they can sing.
d) none of the above

P.S. I ended up with 8 correct answers.

Correct answers - see below

Mood now - for the umpteenth time, touching the void with your hand ...

The test consists of 30 items. Each item looks like:

a. first consequence
b. second consequence
c. third consequence

"Condition" is a condition of the problem, some circumstances that are considered previously proven in some way and always true.
A "consequence" is a logical consequence of a condition. Of the three corollaries, one and only one is correct. Your task is to test your ability to separate correct logical consequences from incorrect ones.

The test does not require special mathematical knowledge. All words in the test must be interpreted in the same way as it is done in ordinary everyday Russian, but not in the same way as in mathematics or another special field. All words in the test must be interpreted literally, no metaphors or allusions are provided in the test.

In the test, you may find unfamiliar words such as "kuzdra". These words are meant to evaluate your capacity for logical thinking, separating it from your other knowledge of the world around you. Consider that these words can mean anything, as long as the phrase in the condition is true in meaning. For example, if it is written that "kuzdra runs", this means that the kuzdra really knows how to run and, apparently, has legs or paws, it can be, for example, a person, an animal or a walking mechanism :)

Sometimes in the test there are words and expressions that are opposite in meaning, for example, “can” and “cannot”, “big” and “small”, etc. In all such cases, it is assumed that the intermediate options "can do it, but badly", "average") are not considered.

You've got...
26-30 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make mistakes in reasoning, it is mainly by chance or from fatigue, but not because of incompetence. However, remember that all good things can always be improved - if, of course, you need it.

20-25 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. However, you can make mistakes in non-standard or confusing cases. Having received any conclusion as a result of reasoning, do not rush to accept it as the truth. Make it a rule to double-check your conclusions, look for errors and simply weak points in them. Do not be surprised, do not be indignant if you are corrected: perhaps for the cause.

14-19 points:
Option 1.
You did not have the patience to go through the entire test, you only did part of it, and the remaining items were chosen at random.
Option 2.
Your logical thinking is undeveloped. If you try to talk publicly, then it is quite possible that you will be ridiculed. You will have to turn to other strengths of your personality if you want to convince someone of something or learn something. However, you may not be completely hopeless if you try to learn.

6-13 points:
Option 1.
You passed the test by poking at the points at random.
Option 2.
You have no logical thinking at all. The result that you got can be obtained by simply poking at random. Do not try to "reason logically", especially in public. You may be taken for a lunatic.

3-5 points:
You didn't want to take the test.

1-2 points:
Your logical thinking is well developed. If you make mistakes in reasoning, it is mainly by chance or from fatigue, but not because of incompetence. However, remember that all good things can always be improved - if, of course, you need it. In this case, you decided to show off and answer questions intentionally incorrectly.

Logic tests are designed to enable the test-taker to determine whether he is operating on information processing capabilities in a logical way. They do not reflect the level of education or enlightenment, but they measure the ability to intelligently process information. This is an important aspect in practice! The ability to discursively analyze data is required in everyday life, in training, creative or work. To pass the test, you will not need advanced mathematical skills, knowledge of exact or humanities. Hence, testing is suitable for all users.

Using a test for logical thinking, you can find out whether it is well developed or there are some problems in his work. In any case, you can get practically useful information for self-knowledge and improvement of your own potential. Obtaining a positive result - an indicator that the individual's thinking is well developed - you can discard all doubts about your intellectual abilities, if any. If the results state that the test person does not have the ability to use all mental possibilities, then there is a reason to start developing him. It is never too late to engage in self-improvement, for which there are specialized techniques.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

The discursive test for logical thinking shows whether an individual is able to use logic in the perception and analysis of information data. This is the ability to reveal the truth through reflection, based on inference.

Number of passed: 2604 434 21

The technique is tested, based on the analysis of users' answers and their comparison with the correct answers. The results of the test for the logic of the online format also take into account the percentage of correct conclusions of the test person and their comparison with the complexity of the questions. The goal is to test the level of logical skills.

Number of passed: 2852 475 23

Special technique, which allows you to test the user on the answers to the proposed tasks of an analytical type, involving the solution of logical fabrications, inferences. Choosing answers from the list, you will need to thoroughly analyze the conditions and mark the most correct logical consequence. It is not recommended to act intuitively here! Passing a logic test of 30 questions provides an extremely accurate result, revealing the possibilities of the testee's logical thinking.

Number of passed: 2976 496 24

Testing that allows you to assess the development of the child in terms of intellectual abilities to analytically process information. Compared to standard methods, the logic test for children is designed with the specificity of early age in mind, and therefore offers questions that are more understandable and suitable for them.

Number of passed: 3224 537 26

To test the level of intellectual potential and logical abilities allows the test for intelligence and logic, the passage of which is available to everyone in a convenient online format. After spending a little time, it becomes possible to know your own abilities, and if you wish, you can do their adjustment.

Number of passed: 3348 558 27

Adult and child intellectual thinking have clear distinctive features in the level of development of logical abilities, due to the difference in age and the presence life experience. Therefore, logic tests for adults are based on specialized methods that take into account these differences and include logical tasks that are relevant to adulthood. They most accurately convey the individual characteristics of the test.

Number of passed: 2108 351 17

The level of intelligence is usually measured according to the methods of IQ testing. Many scientists are working to improve its measurement, and the logic IQ test remains a reliable way to find out details about one's own mental potential.

Number of passed: 5456 909 44

For those who planned to get a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to enter the police school, logic tests will allow them to find out about the level of deductive abilities that are considered necessary in law enforcement. After passing the test, you can understand - you should train them or their level is sufficient for successful employment and admission.

Number of passed: 3596 599 29

At juvenile age, it is important to timely identify problems in the development analytical thinking This is the best time for improvement. Logic tests for teenagers allow you to detect these problems or make sure that they do not exist.

Each person is individual not only by the type of appearance, but also by the level of mental development. Usually, intelligence is laid down in a child, and a number of factors affect how smart and erudite he will be - heredity, individual characteristics organism, temperament, relationships in the family. To find out how intellectually developed you are, take a simple online test.

Brain Development Tests

Do you think you have enough mental development Do you read a lot and always like to learn something new? So you have the right to call yourself comprehensively developed personality, but is it really so? To determine this, it is not necessary to contact a specialist. You can check how well your brain works by passing a simple online test.

General development test

Some people who believe that they have sufficient intellectual development exaggerate their capabilities. To determine the ability of the brain to perceive and retain information well, special tests developed by professionals to assess the level of intelligence will help.

Want to measure your IQ? We bring to your attention interesting test, which will help everyone to analyze the level of their IQ. You have to not only answer questions, but also think, compare and draw conclusions. It will be very interesting and useful!

Do you remember the spelling rules you were taught in school? Are you really sure that you write correctly and do not make elementary mistakes? Check your level of knowledge of the Russian language with a short test that contains questions from the standard school curriculum.

Sometimes adults cannot answer elementary questions and riddles correctly, which any competent student can solve. Do you think that you have a sufficient level of knowledge to call yourself an erudite person? You can check it right now with the help of the test. Good luck!