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Normal Atmosphere pressure

As you know, our planet has an atmosphere that puts pressure on everything that is inside it, including humans. Atmospheric pressure affects human health and well-being, so scientists various specialties detect these changes and monitor atmospheric pressure, which is subject to constant fluctuations. In our material, we will tell you what is the normal atmospheric pressure for a person in mm of mercury and pascals.

First, let's look at what atmospheric pressure is. This is the pressure force of the air column on a certain unit of surface area.

The ideal conditions for measuring atmospheric pressure are 45 degrees latitude and 0°C air temperature. The measurement must also be taken at sea level.

But it is worth noting that due to changes in the height of the terrain above sea level, atmospheric pressure will also change. But at the same time, it will also be considered the norm, so each locality has its own normal atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure also depends on the time of day: at night, atmospheric pressure is always higher, as the air temperature is lower. But a person does not notice this, since the difference is 1-2 mm Hg. In addition, in areas that are close to the poles of the earth, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure become more noticeable. But there are no fluctuations at the equator.

What is normal atmospheric pressure for a person

It is generally accepted that normal atmospheric pressure in mmHg is 760 mmHg. That is, a column of air presses on 1 square centimeter of area with such force as a column of mercury 760 mm high. This is the norm of the Earth's atmospheric pressure, which does not adversely affect the human body.

A person does not feel normal atmospheric pressure due to dissolved air gases in tissue fluids, which balance everything. But at the same time, it still exerts pressure on us, equal to 1.033 kg per 1 square centimeter of the body.

But each person must individually understand what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for health, since this largely depends on the adaptation of the person. For example, many people can safely climb the top of a mountain without feeling the change in barometric pressure, while others faint from rapid changes in barometric pressure.

Only a sharp fluctuation in blood pressure can significantly affect a person's well-being if atmospheric pressure rises or falls faster than 1 mm Hg. pillar for 3 hours.

Note also that millimeters of mercury is not a standard unit of change in blood pressure. In the world it is customary to recognize the norm of atmospheric pressure in pascals. 100 kPa - normal atmospheric pressure for a person in pascals. A 760 mm Hg. column is 101.3 kPa.

Normal atmospheric pressure for Moscow

Capital Russian Federation located on the Central Russian Upland. There is always low pressure in Moscow, because the city is located above sea level (the maximum point above sea level is 255 meters in Teply Stan, and the average is 130-150 meters above the sea surface).

The norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow is 746-749 mm Hg. It is very difficult to give an accurate result, since the relief in the capital of Russia is uneven. Also, the normal atmospheric pressure per person in Moscow is affected by the time of year. The norm of atmospheric pressure always rises slightly in spring and summer, and decreases in winter and autumn. If you constantly live in Moscow, then you will feel comfortable with blood pressure in Moscow from 745 to 755 mm Hg. pillar.

Normal atmospheric pressure for St. Petersburg

AT northern capital our country the situation is somewhat different. St. Petersburg, unlike Moscow, is located below sea level. That is why the normal atmospheric pressure in St. Petersburg is higher than in Moscow.

753-755 mm. mercury column - this is an indicator of the norm for blood pressure for Peter. In some areas, blood pressure reaches 760 mm. mercury column. But this is true only for those places in the city that are very low relative sea level. In general, atmospheric pressure indicators in this region are very unstable. During an anticyclone, blood pressure can reach 780 mm Hg. pillar.

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Normal atmospheric pressure is equal to the pressure of a 760 mm high mercury column on its horizontal base with a weight per unit volume of mercury of 135951 g/cm3 and normal acceleration free fall.  

Normal atmospheric pressure is equal to the pressure of a 760 mm high mercury column on its horizontal base at a mercury density of 13 5951 g / sl 3 and at normal free fall acceleration of 980 665 cm / sec.

Normal atmospheric pressure is equal to the pressure of a mercury column 760 mm high on its horizontal base with a weight per unit volume of mercury of 135951 g/cm3 and with normal free fall acceleration.

Normal atmospheric pressure is conditionally taken equal to the average pressure of the air column of the earth's atmosphere.

Normal atmospheric pressure is the absolute pressure at the level of the World Ocean surface 1013kPa, corresponding to 760 mm Hg. Art. or 1 atm. Within the globe there are constant areas of high and low atmospheric pressure, and at the same points seasonal and daily fluctuations are observed. As the altitude increases relative to the ocean level, the pressure decreases, the partial pressure of oxygen decreases, and transpiration in plants increases.

For normal atmospheric pressure (physical atmosphere) take the pressure of the air around us, which averages 760 mm Hg. Art. The actual atmospheric pressure can be either higher or lower than the physical atmosphere. The vacuum shows how much the pressure in the vessel is less than atmospheric pressure.

What is the normal atmospheric pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art., expressed in Pascals.

Under normal atmospheric pressure 101 325 n/m2 7 5% aqueous solution of potassium chloride boils at 101 C.

Under normal atmospheric pressure of 101 325 Pa, an aqueous solution of potassium chloride, the concentration of which is 0 075 (7 5%) mass, fractions of KC1 boils at 101 C.

At normal atmospheric pressure and temperature - 84 C, acetylene goes into liquid state, and at a temperature of - 85 C - hardens.

At normal atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water is approximately 100 C. With increasing pressure, the boiling point rises, as can be seen from the table. This means that a certain boiling point corresponds to a certain pressure. If water is to circulate in a heating system, the entire system must be under a higher pressure than the pressure corresponding to the temperature. The content of a certain amount of steam in water does not interfere with the circulation of water, on the contrary, it increases it. Natural circulation has, however, certain limits. It is known that the limiting pressure in natural circulation is approximately 180 - 200 atm.

At normal atmospheric pressure, arsenic sublimates at 613 C. Refers to solid nitrogen at its melting point.

At normal atmospheric pressure, the boiling point of water is approximately 100 C. With increasing pressure, the boiling point rises, as can be seen from the table. This means that a certain boiling point corresponds to a certain pressure. If water is to circulate in a heating system, the entire system must be under a higher pressure than the pressure corresponding to the temperature. The content of a certain amount of steam in water does not interfere with the circulation of water, on the contrary, it increases it. Natural circulation has, however, certain limits. It is known that the limiting pressure in natural circulation is approximately 180 - 200 atm.

At normal atmospheric pressure, a solution of sodium chloride in water boils at temperatures above 100°C.

Most people are aware of the impact weather and pressure have on overall well-being. Headaches and other symptoms of malaise that come along with a change in the weather have even been nicknamed the special term “weather dependence”. Consider what is the norm of atmospheric pressure for a person is considered optimal, and what to do with your condition when the pressure changes.

What atmospheric pressure is considered normal?

Everyone knows that the earth is surrounded by a dense air mass called the atmosphere. Any object and living being on the planet is “pressed by air” with a certain weight. Due to the structural features human body this "air weight" is not felt.

After carrying out certain mathematical calculations and comparing atmospheric pressure in different parts of the globe, scientists came to the conclusion that the norm of atmospheric pressure ranges from 750 to 760 mm. rt. Art. The scatter of these parameters is explained by uneven terrain in different parts of the world.

What is weather dependence?

Exist different types people: some are able to painlessly withstand climbing mountains or many hours of flights on board an airplane, while for others, a change in weather causes severe headaches and deterioration in general well-being. To define this pathological condition, a special term "meteorological dependence" (otherwise - meteopathy) was developed, which indicates the relationship of the symptoms that appear with atmospheric pressure, humidity and other weather conditions.

How do changes in atmospheric pressure affect the patient?

With pressure drops in the atmosphere, the pressure in the vessels and cavities of a person begins to change. They contain special baroreceptors that respond to changes in pressure. They are located on the peritoneum, pleura, internal capsule of the joints, in the vessels and in other places. That is why patients with joint diseases can almost always predict changes in weather and pressure by how their joints “ache and twist”.

The deterioration in the well-being of people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels is also associated with a change in pressure and irritation of these receptors. They begin tachycardia, pain in the heart, the rhythm breaks and the head hurts. If the patient has a history of lung or pleural disease, then high blood pressure will remind you of pain in chest and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

When there are problems with the digestive system, the baroreceptors of the peritoneum can respond to pressure changes with flatulence, bloating, heaviness in the epigastrium, and problems with stool. Excruciating migraine-type headaches begin in patients if high blood pressure is combined with a previous traumatic brain injury or aneurysms. People with chronic otitis media or sinusitis begin to worry about the unpleasant symptoms of heaviness and fullness at the time of the weather change.

Important! The severity of the manifestation of a symptom depends on the individual sensitivity of the person and his emotional stability.

If the pressure in the atmosphere drops sharply, then even quite healthy people can experience headache attacks due to oxygen starvation of brain cells. The optimal pressure for a person is the average pressure of the geographical region where he grew up or lives for a long time.

How can you reduce the effect of pressure on the body?

Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be 760 mm. rt. st, but comfortable for a particular person can be 755 mm Hg. and even 750 mm Hg.
If a person has problems with weather sensitivity, then you can try to reduce it by the following measures:

  1. Treatment of the disease that underlies hypersensitivity to pressure.
  2. Improving the adaptive capacity of the body by maintaining healthy lifestyle life, normalization of nutrition and rest, hardening, etc.

It has been shown that the response to natural phenomena lies lability and hyperexcitability nervous system. In conditions of chronic stress, vegetative-vascular disorders and neurasthenia have become constant companions of most people who respond to pressure.

Another factor of meteorological dependence is the lack of sufficient fresh air and a sedentary lifestyle. Residents of small towns and villages are practically unaware of the reaction to pressure, unlike their brothers from megacities.

Nutrition and mode

One of the factors that influences the development of pressure sensitivity is being overweight. Obese patients are more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases and, accordingly, are more likely to respond to weather disasters. If the patient decides to cope with this disease, then first of all you need to reconsider your lifestyle and diet:

  1. A complete and balanced diet with a normal content of vitamins and microelements.
  2. Refusal or restriction of the use of alcohol and nicotine.
  3. During an attack, you need to switch to a light milk-vegetarian diet to help the body cope with the disease.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of adaptogens - drugs that increase the body's natural adaptive ability. They are of vegetable and synthetic origin. Some of the best-known adaptogens are ginseng, eleutherococcus, bee products, and reindeer antler preparations. Before taking them, you need to consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications and side effects.


Healing baths and mud have a good effect. In addition, any water procedures (circular shower, rubbing with cold water, swimming pool) cause a positive effect and increase the reserve capacity of the body.
Essential oils have positive tonic and soothing properties. You can perform inhalation with essential oils of citrus and coniferous plants, mint, rosemary and other substances or have an aromatherapy session.

Sensitivity to changes in pressure is an unpleasant condition that disrupts the usual well-being and interferes with a fulfilling life. To avoid this, you need to increase the body's natural resistance and monitor health.

The Earth's atmosphere can be compared to an air blanket that envelops the planet and with a certain force presses on everything that is on it. It has been estimated that a person constantly experiences air pressure, weighing more than ten tons. Yes, yes, it is precisely such a colossal load that does not have any effect on us due to the fact that the gases dissolved in the liquids washing the tissues of the human body balance the load. But here everything is also not so simple, because this pattern is valid only when a person is on a flat surface, and does not dive deep into the water or rises into the mountains.

So, what is atmospheric pressure, and on what conditions does this indicator depend? As already mentioned, this is the force with which a column of air exerts pressure on a certain unit area. The norm of atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. in an area at sea level. However, this value in to a large extent the relief and the change in altitude affect - the higher the territory is above sea level, the lower the atmospheric pressure there.

The time of day and air temperature also matter: since it is usually colder at night than during the daytime, atmospheric pressure indicators are slightly higher. True, the increase in pressure is so small that it does not cause negative changes in well-being. In addition, the values ​​of this indicator fluctuate significantly at the poles of the Earth, while on the equatorial plains they are barely noticeable.

How do changes in barometric pressure affect health?

As you know, each person individually reacts to pressure drops and weather changes. Some do not notice any changes at all and are able to fly to different climatic zones without any problems. And others, and most of them, by their well-being can predict weather changes without even leaving home. Painful symptoms that appear in response to changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity, and other weather conditions are called meteorological dependence. This condition has been identified in approximately four billion people around the globe.

The question is often asked, what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person? Taking into account the fact that people are adapted to life in different climatic conditions, in areas located at different heights, it is impossible to give a clear answer to it. For a person, atmospheric pressure is normal, which does not worsen his well-being. This indicator ranges from 750 to 765 mm Hg.

With changes in atmospheric pressure, weather-dependent people experience:

  • Headache.
  • Vascular spasms.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Increased fatigue and weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Joint pains.
  • Numbness of hands and feet.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders and irritability.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased visual acuity and clarity.

Deterioration of well-being is associated with the work of baroreceptors that respond to changes in pressure. In the human body, they are located in the pleural and abdominal cavities, joints, and blood vessels. Therefore, in anticipation of weather changes, such people feel pain in the joints, disruption of the heart, heaviness in the chest. If a person has digestive problems, he suffers from flatulence and intestinal disorders. Those who have previously suffered a traumatic brain injury, or people with vascular aneurysms, experience unbearable migraines. With a significant decrease in pressure, the headache is due to a lack of oxygen in the brain cells.

Emotionally unstable people react very sharply to changes in atmospheric pressure, feeling causeless anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbances. It is noted that during pressure fluctuations, a greater number of offenses, accidents on highways and high-risk industries occur.

Of particular note is the influence of atmospheric pressure on arterial pressure person. In hypertensive patients, an increase in atmospheric pressure, at which sunny, clear weather is established, causes narrowing and spasms of blood vessels, excruciating headache, nausea, and hypertensive crises. Also, these weather conditions cause a significant decrease in the activity of the immune system.

Hypotension patients react especially painfully to a decrease in atmospheric pressure, at which high humidity, rains, and cloudiness are observed. With such pressure in the air, the concentration of oxygen decreases, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, which causes circulatory disorders. People with low blood pressure suffer from migraines, shortness of breath, tachycardia, shortness of breath, and weakness.

How to become less weather sensitive?

Conducted studies have shown that the development of various health disorders in response to weather changes is based on the following factors:

  • Insufficient physical activity.
  • Improper diet, leading to a set of extra pounds.
  • Instability of the nervous system due to constant stress and nervous tension.
  • Lack of oxygen and poor ecology.

  • Eat foods rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, honey.
  • Eat less meat, fried and salty foods, sweets, spices.

It is necessary to limit the use of alcoholic beverages and stop smoking. You should make it a rule to do exercises every day, take walks in the fresh air, sleep at least seven to eight hours. It is also useful to use natural adaptogens, such as tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, preparations based on reindeer antlers. But, since these drugs have some contraindications and may have side effects, you should consult your doctor about the advisability of taking them.

It is determined by the weight of the air. 1 m³ of air weighs 1.033 kg. For every meter of the earth's surface, there is an air pressure of 10033 kg. By this is meant a column of air from sea level to the upper atmosphere. If we compare it with a column of water, then the diameter of the latter would have a height of only 10 meters. That is, atmospheric pressure is created by its own mass of air. The value of atmospheric pressure per unit area corresponds to the mass of the air column above it. As a result of an increase in air in this column, an increase in pressure occurs, and with a decrease in air, a drop occurs. Normal atmospheric pressure is the air pressure at t 0 ° C at sea level at a latitude of 45 °. In this case, the atmosphere presses with a force of 1.033 kg for every 1 cm2 of the earth's area. The mass of this air is balanced by a mercury column 760 mm high. This relationship is used to measure atmospheric pressure. It is measured in millimeters of mercury or millibars (mb), as well as in hectopascals. 1mb = 0.75 mm Hg, 1 hPa = 1 mm.

Measurement of atmospheric pressure.

measured with barometers. They are of two types.

1. A mercury barometer is a glass tube that is sealed at the top and immersed with an open end in a metal bowl with mercury. A scale is attached next to the tube, showing the change in pressure. Mercury is affected by air pressure, which balances the column of mercury in a glass tube with its weight. The height of the mercury column changes with pressure.

2. A metal barometer or aneroid is a corrugated metal box that is hermetically sealed. Inside this box is rarefied air. The change in pressure causes the walls of the box to oscillate, pushing in or out. These vibrations by a system of levers cause the arrow to move along a scale with divisions.

Recording barometers or barographs are designed to record changes atmospheric pressure. The pen detects the vibration of the walls of the aneroid box and draws a line on the tape of the drum, which rotates around its axis.

What is atmospheric pressure.

Atmospheric pressure on the globe varies over a wide range. Its minimum value - 641.3 mm Hg or 854 mb was recorded over the Pacific Ocean in Hurricane Nancy, and the maximum - 815.85 mm Hg. or 1087 mb in Turukhansk in winter.

Air pressure on the earth's surface changes with height. Average atmospheric pressure value above sea level - 1013 mb or 760 mm Hg. The higher the altitude, the lower the atmospheric pressure, as the air becomes more and more rarefied. In the lower layer of the troposphere, up to a height of 10 m, it decreases by 1 mm Hg. for every 10 m or 1 mb for every 8 meters. At an altitude of 5 km, it is 2 times less, 15 km - 8 times, 20 km - 18 times.

Due to air movement, temperature change, season change Atmosphere pressure constantly changing. Twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, it rises and falls the same number of times, after midnight and in the afternoon. During the year, due to cold and compacted air, atmospheric pressure has a maximum value in winter, and a minimum in summer.

Constantly changing and distributed over the surface of the earth zonally. This is due to uneven heating by the sun. earth's surface. The change in pressure is affected by the movement of air. Where there is more air, the pressure is high, and where the air leaves, the pressure is low. The air, warmed up from the surface, rises and the pressure on the surface decreases. At altitude, the air begins to cool, condenses and sinks to nearby cold areas. There, the pressure rises. Therefore, the change in pressure is caused by the movement of air as a result of its heating and cooling from the earth's surface.

Atmospheric pressure in the equatorial zone constantly lowered, and in tropical latitudes - increased. This is due to constant high temperatures air at the equator. The heated air rises and goes towards the tropics. In the Arctic and Antarctic, the surface of the earth is always cold and the atmospheric pressure is high. It is caused by air that comes from temperate latitudes. In turn, in temperate latitudes, due to the outflow of air, a zone is formed reduced pressure. Thus, there are two belts on Earth atmospheric pressure- low and high. Decreased at the equator and at two temperate latitudes. Upgraded to two tropical and two polar. They can shift slightly depending on the time of year following the Sun towards the summer hemisphere.

High-pressure polar belts exist throughout the year, however, in summer they are reduced, and in winter, on the contrary, they expand. All year round areas of low pressure persist near the equator and in southern hemisphere in temperate latitudes. Things are different in the northern hemisphere. In temperate latitudes northern hemisphere pressure over the continents is greatly increased and the field low pressure as if "torn": it is preserved only over the oceans in the form of closed areas low atmospheric pressure- Icelandic and Aleutian lows. Over the continents, where the pressure has noticeably increased, winter maxima are formed: Asian (Siberian) and North American (Canadian). In summer, the low pressure field in the temperate latitudes of the northern hemisphere is restored. At the same time, a vast area of ​​low pressure is formed over Asia. This is the Asian low.

In the belt elevated atmospheric pressure- tropics - the continents are warming up stronger than the oceans and lower pressure. Because of this, subtropical highs are distinguished over the oceans:

  • North Atlantic (Azores);
  • South Atlantic;
  • South Pacific;
  • Indian.

Despite large-scale seasonal changes in their performance, belts of low and high atmospheric pressure of the Earth- Formations are quite stable.