The past 12 months have affected the fate of many people. Some believed that the fact that the year of the Fire Monkey was a leap year was the cause of the misfortunes, others blamed the unstable situation in the world for everything, and someone suggested that the position of the stars influenced the misfortunes. Astrologers, numerologists, clairvoyants and psychics have their own answer to these questions.

Before the New Year, StarHit decided to remember what 2016 was like. For 12 months, there have been many changes not only in the life of our country, but throughout the world: several terrorist attacks in different points peace, inciting military conflicts, as well as a plane crash with a Tu-154 aircraft. In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year. Moreover, this affected both world celebrities and representatives of Russian show business. Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.


Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious, ”said the astrologer Samodelova.

The planets could have a great influence on the mutual understanding of partners this year. There is an opinion that Saturn negatively affects pairs. When he is in the right cycle, he freezes communication, cools it, often leading to the separation of lovers.


It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Litvin warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.

In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year. Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.

Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious, ”said the astrologer Samodelova.

It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Litvin warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.

The psychic is sure that in order for the time until February 2017 to pass most safely, it is necessary to protect yourself from rash acts. In January, you need to correctly prioritize for all the coming months, so that everything goes exactly the way you planned. To predict everything, according to Alexander, will be impossible, but it is worth trying.

"Until the fifth of January - really good time to do some planning. Use it for its intended purpose! Do not follow the instructions, but create them yourself. The energy of the month allows you to stand on a par with leading people, and not remain led. Do not be afraid to ask - the universe needs to be informed about your intentions, ”said Alexander Litvin.

Pavel Globa echoes the words of the participant in the Battle of Psychics, but puts forward a much more disappointing diagnosis for the Year of the Fire Monkey. He is convinced that in connection with globalization in the world, all processes began to proceed much faster than before, therefore the tragedies of people whom they did not expect seem very obvious, since they proceeded at a breakneck pace, ahead of the natural course of history.

“Globalization, which has swept the world, has significantly accelerated the rhythm of life: everything around is spinning wildly, pictures change each other in the blink of an eye ... And it would seem that this is the natural course of history and it simply cannot be otherwise. But in fact, the acceleration of global processes affected all spheres of life, and in 2016 the world fully felt the full severity of the consequences, ”the palmist said at the end of last year.

Before the New Year, StarHit decided to remember what 2016 was like. For 12 months, there have been many changes not only in the life of our country, but throughout the world: several terrorist attacks in different parts of the world, inciting military conflicts, as well as a plane crash with a Tu-154 aircraft. In addition, many marriages have been annulled this year. Moreover, this affected both world celebrities and representatives of Russian show business. Some astrologers are unanimous in their opinion that the leap year opens a new cycle, so it is important for people to make room in life. And the Fire Monkey, according to astrologer Veronika Andreeva, loved to test people's feelings for strength.


Julia Samodelova confirms all the most insidious fears, declaring that this year has passed under the banner of fire. Every day was filled with emotional outbursts that led to rash actions. Samodelova does not deny the fact that the future is built according to an individual horoscope, but the general patterns are the same for everyone.

“I believe that this year is especially rich in divorces, not only because 2016 is a leap year, but also because it is the year of the red monkey. It is during these years that many provocations take place that achieve their goal. And when in a couple one provokes, the other can react with the words: "Then let's part." The result is obvious, ”said the astrologer Samodelova.

The planets could have a great influence on the mutual understanding of partners this year. There is an opinion that Saturn negatively affects pairs. When he is in the right cycle, he freezes communication, cools it, often leading to the separation of lovers.


It should be noted that the winner of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin has his own opinion about the past 365 days. He believes that we have become victims of the strongest exposure. In his opinion, this year every person fell under a wave of euphoria, which resulted in a whole list of rash acts. A year ago, Lytvyn warned that it was necessary to learn to make independent decisions and not be led by others. This could have had negative consequences.

“The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Then it will be easier,” promises Lytvyn.

The psychic is sure that in order for the time until February 2017 to pass most safely, it is necessary to protect yourself from rash acts. In January, you need to correctly prioritize for all the coming months, so that everything goes exactly the way you planned. To predict everything, according to Alexander, will be impossible, but it is worth trying.

“Before January 5th is a really good time to start planning. Use it for its intended purpose! Do not follow the instructions, but create them yourself. The energy of the month allows you to stand on a par with leading people, and not remain led. Do not be afraid to ask - the universe needs to be informed about your intentions, ”said Alexander Litvin.

Alexander Litvin is also sure that 2016 became the year of global reincarnations, under the influence of which the consciousness of people was also transformed.


Pavel Globa echoes the words of the participant in the Battle of Psychics, but puts forward a much more disappointing diagnosis for the Year of the Fire Monkey. He is convinced that in connection with globalization in the world, all processes began to proceed much faster than before, therefore the tragedies of people whom they did not expect seem very obvious, since they proceeded at a breakneck pace, ahead of the natural course of history.

“Globalization, which has swept the world, has significantly accelerated the rhythm of life: everything around is spinning wildly, pictures change each other in the blink of an eye ... And it would seem that this is the natural course of history and it simply cannot be otherwise. But in fact, the acceleration of global processes affected all spheres of life, and in 2016 the world fully felt the full severity of the consequences, ”the palmist said at the end of last year.


Expert numerologist Klara Kuzenbaeva is convinced that the reason for all the cataclysms this year was the excessive proximity of the Moon to the Earth. As a result, processes took place that in one way or another affected the life ordinary people. Therefore, it is not surprising that so many tragic events have happened in the past 365 days. Speaking about the deplorable events with the fall of the Tu-154, Klara said that there are things that are predestined, that is, programmed. She also noted that the next 12 months will be successful for replenishment in the family.

“The worst thing is the tragedy that occurred on December 25. If you count the dates of people, these are recessions, if the pilot is in a recession, there is a certain predestination. Someone is destined to live a long life, someone earlier. The program of these people was destined. The most important thing is that people do not lose faith. Children who are born in 2017 will be charismatic and loved by everyone, ”said the numerologist Kuzdenbaeva.

In 2016, we got exposed to radiation, which provoked our desire to get everything at once, here and now, without thinking at all about the consequences and responsibility for our actions. It was a kind of euphoria; a state about which they usually say "the drunken sea is knee-deep". Criticism to myself is minimal, and the feeling of power was so overwhelming that I wanted to turn everything upside down. Here is what we have done this year.

I warned about many things back in January 2016 - I said what you can try to avoid, and what you can’t do, alas. For example, he mentioned that in the summer there is a danger of a mass gathering of children, and if it happened, total control is needed. This tragedy could have been prevented, but, unfortunately, it happened. But what happened at the end of the year - no one could predict. Many things in our life are predetermined much earlier. So the events of December were programmed neither a year, nor two, nor ten, but, to a greater extent, centuries ago. This is a very old story that has found its realization at the current moment.

I called 2016 the year of people who can transform. This is the year of actors, the year of crooks - artistry, after all, can be different. The year of those who know how to captivate. I warned that you should not be led by others, but try to make decisions on your own, based on your own motives, and not imposed from outside.

If we are talking about today, it is too early to calm down. The energy of 2016 is prolonged in time, it will partially capture 2017 as well. It will dry up only somewhere around the first decade of February. But, since this month is hard in itself, I expect peak, stressful loads on people around the 17th, plus / minus five days. Further it will be easier.

To protect yourself from vibrations that will last until February, be as careful as possible in making decisions. It is very important to give up momentary benefits and not fall into the traps that fate sets. The upcoming January is very good for correcting what we have already done. If you doubt your rightness, some kind of conflict persists - be sure to talk to the other person and even ask for forgiveness. It is important to have time to do this before February - the month that sums up the results of 2016.

Each month is dedicated to a specific activity. If we talk about December, this is the best time to get away from the usual way of life. I know very few families who get together once a year and plan their future, brainstorm, set specific goals for themselves. It seems to us that we live according to the plan - and this is true. Only now this plan, most often, is not ours, but imposed by some institutions, public and industrial organizations ... Until January 5th is a really good time to start planning. Use it for its intended purpose! Do not follow the instructions, but create them yourself. The energy of December allows you to stand on a par with leading people, and not remain led. Do not be afraid to ask - the universe needs to communicate your intentions.

Why is all this happening in December? This process has physical prerequisites. Firstly, low air temperature, which allows the brain to be in the most working condition. Secondly, the shortest days of the year - this allows us to stay in the fourth dimension for a longer time (sleep - Approx. ELLE), where we can observe ourselves in the past and future, experience genuine emotions of happiness, grief, horror, pride, joy and sadness ... Here is such a story.

Forecasts of the best Astrologers
for 2016.

Rector of the Academy of Astrology

Levin Mikhail Borisovich

First about the year as a whole

New 2016 - Year of the Fire Monkey- red.

Monkey starts February 8, 2016. It is lighter than the Goat, and in general, for Russia, the Year of the Monkey is notthe scariest, he usually ends a series of difficult years.

Kabbalistic sum of the year: nine. it cycle completion. 2016 is also the end of a longer cycle of 252 years. The ending cycle passed under the sign of Saturn. Saturn is a planet that creates boundaries and forms, and the previous period brought the world to hard boundaries and global alienation. 2016 is the last year in this cycle. After the period of Saturn, the period of Jupiter will go, and Jupiter, on the contrary, strives for universal unification. But in 2016, the trends of the previous period will prevail.

leap year. It is believed that a leap year is unlucky. But in this case it is not. Of course, often in a leap year the number of cataclysms, catastrophe accidents is above average. But not as much as in the year of the Snake.

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In the New Year's chart, Jupiter comes first - it is a breakwater and connects with the Moon at the ascending lunar node.

Speaking in a normal human language, this year the desire to remove barriers and restrictions, to mutual understanding and cooperation is increasing. First of all, we are talking about mutual understanding and cooperation between the two leading civilizations - Russia and Western European civilization. But mistrust and alienation will still prevail. A noticeable approach will begin later, at the beginning of the Jupiter period: in 2017 and 2018.

We will not write in detail about 2016, we will limit ourselves to the most important topics.

Relations with Europe and the USA

Circumstances are pushing both the West and us towards rapprochement, but it will not be very strong, a noticeable rapprochement will begin later. In 2016, the confrontation between the West and Russia continues. But, surprisingly, right now, in 2015 and 2016, new relations with Europe and the United States are being formed. With all the confrontation and the war of sanctions, the foundation is being laid right now for future rapprochement and the establishment of a lasting and positive alliance. Moreover, a new world order is being created for the coming decades. And Russia will play a more worthy role in it than in previous years.

paragraph for astrologers

I primarily proceed from the secondary progressions, which show a brilliant effect in world astrology.

Updated map of Russia:07/06/0862, Veliky Novgorod, UT 19 h 35 m 35 s; Asc 9 ° 14 22 aquarius,MC 15 ° 09 07 Sagittarius.

The above conclusions are based on the fact that in the chart of Russia the progressive Sun has joined the natal Rahu in the seventh natal house. In addition, there are astrological analogues between the time of the Yalta conference and today's period.

Back in 2001, after the Twin Towers, I wrote that the only thing that could bring the East (Russia) and the West closer together is the fight against a common enemy in the South. Now we see that this is happening.

The question I've been asked the most in recent months is: "Will there be a war?"

Of course, we got involved in hostilities and we will not be able to successfully complete them before the end of 2016. Firstly, the shooting in Ukraine will not stop until the autumn of 2016. And we take part in this, although indirectly, but nevertheless, participation.

Secondly, it will not be possible to quickly cope with the state of terrorists.

Thirdly, there is a war of sanctions.

But there will be no "hot" war on the territory of Russia.

Economic crisis in Russia in 2016 continues and even intensifies. The first thing that awaits us is inflation. It will grow shortly after the New Year. However, the trends are twofold. On the one hand, the state does not have enough money, and this will become especially acute in the second half of the coming year. On the other hand:

Economic policy is changing. In the near future, the government and the president will take measures that will reduce the pressure of the state and power structures for business.(This is a euphemism intended for official publication, and in a private conversation I would say that the racketeering of law enforcement agencies is decreasing).From the second half - the end of the year, a new economic policy will begin - NEP in Putin's way. It will become a little easier to live first of all for large businesses, but then for medium ones. But not at once. It is very difficult to change the established practice. Therefore, concrete results will be visible in two or three years, not earlier. Still, Putin is not Lenin, and now is not the first years of Soviet power, but the last.

Tradesuffers the most in the "battle of sanctions" and this, of course, causes an increase in prices and foreign exchange rates. So that the reader does not think that we draw our information from the media, I will give astrological indicators that directly indicate this.

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Pr Mercury makes a semi-square to Pr III. This semi-square began in June 2015 and continues until August 2016. This means that trading conditions will improve in August. True, in parallel with this Pr Jupiter makes a similar semi-square to Pr III. And it continues until February 2017.

Means, significant improvements in trade will take place at the beginning of 2017. But it will get a little better in the second half of 2016.

Financial situation , as already mentioned, is dual. There is not enough money in the country for everything. At the same time, a noticeable and rather sharp deterioration in the financial situation will occur in the spring. But, at the same time, already from the middle of the year there are prerequisites for future economic growth. So, although the crisis continues and even intensifies, there is already visible light at the end of the tunnel.

Armyintensifies. It is finally possible to get out of the crisis in which the army fell after the war in Afghanistan.

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in the chart of secondary progressions, progressive Pluto entered the XII house at the beginning of 1980 (the USSR sent troops to Afghanistan at the end of 1979), and only now Pluto is leaving the XII house.

At the same time, the progressive Mars remains in conjunction with the progressive Desc until the end of 2018.

The warfare in the south, in which we have become involved, will not end this year or next. At the same time, 2018 will be hotter than the previous ones. Possible aggravation of the conflict with Turkey. But, I repeat, there will be no war on the territory of Russia.

This war is an astrological analogue of the Afghan one, but with the opposite sign. Therefore, we will win this war, and this will end the long period of decline in the army, which began with the entry of troops into Afghanistan.

Political situation in the country fundamentally unchanged until the end of the year. But the elections to the State Duma should bring some surprises. It will not be possible to pull out a united Russia this time. And it looks like the president decided to distance himself from these elections. The president's rating is high, but this will not help the United Russia party. Of course, they will cut off their piece of votes, but this piece will be significantly less than last time. A new balance will be created in the Duma. This will not affect the situation in the country right away, but in 2-3 years the consequences will begin to be felt.

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Elections are scheduled for a very interesting time. Transiting Sun in conjunction with the natal half-point Saturn - Moon. At the same time, transiting Saturn from a weak position in Sagittarius makes an exact opposition to natal Jupiter in the III house. Transit nodes conjunct natal and transit Neptune on transit Ketu.

A few words about international finance

Europe will stabilize by the summer, although it has not yet completely overcome the crisis. She is still waiting for some difficulties at the end of the summer, but in 2016 nothing bad will happen to her. The dollar is still stronger in the long term.

Accidents, natural disasters

It is believed that a leap year is marked by growth natural Disasters and man-made disasters. But I believe that the war in Syria will cover everything.

As it was said at the beginning, in Russia the Year of the Monkey is not the worst, although difficult.

On New Year's Eve in Moscow, on top of the house of death, there is a sign of the fiery element. So, again, the main causes of losses are fires and wars. But in the world map at the top of the eighth house is air, which means that in the new year we should expect an unusual amount of precipitation, hurricanes, storms and other atmospheric disasters.

The square of Uranus with Pluto has not ended, which means that astronautics will continue a series of failures. But it will affect aviation most of all - there are many disasters and accidents.

There will be accidents in the mining industry - in mines and mines.

The square of Saturn with Neptune will bring trouble from water - floods.

N aimore emergency and catastrophic periods

!!! Pay attention to this section as well. Of course, since the forecast is general, the characteristics are also very general. But statistics show that during emergency periods, the number of accidents and disasters increases markedly.

This year, the most fraught with accidents and disasters:

1. the last week December 2015 - the first decade of January 2016;

2. the last decade of March - the first decade of April;

3. first half of July;

4. first half of October;

5. the last week of December.


In terms of health, 2016 continues the trends of 2015. The square of Uranus with Pluto is still going on, although it is already coming to an end. As before, people with chronic nervous diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, and vegetative-vascular dystonia suffer the most. During emergency periods (see previous section) high danger pressure surges, heart attacks and strokes.

In addition, in the first half of the year and in autumn, the condition of people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system worsens.

The square of Saturn with Neptune also continues, which promises an increase in infectious diseases in the spring and late autumn-early winter.


The year 2016 is not the best, but not bad in the physical world, that is, in our daily material and social life. But spiritually, this is a very strong year. It is the completion of the previous stage of development and prepares for the next 252-year cycle. It will bring new and bright opportunities to those who strive for something new, strive to grow and develop.

I wish everyone to take advantage of these opportunities to the fullest!


M. Levin, 23.12.2015, Moscow

Astrological forecast for 2016

Pavel Globa

Pavel Globa gave a forecast for 2016 on RSN.

At the same time, the astrologer said that the future is unpredictable.

full interview published

M. BACHENINA: Good morning, our guest is Pavel Globa, an astrologer.

P. GLOBA: Good morning!

M. BACHENINA: I wonder when you have an interview or some important business, buying a car, for example, do you check with the stars?

P. GLOBA: In interviews, probably not, there are too many of them, but about the car, not always, of course, but in serious things - yes. But in everyday life, I think that astrology should be approached much more pragmatically and you don’t need to constantly compare all your actions, as you say, with the stars.

R. KARIMOV: What are serious things? The same purchase of a car or housing?

P. GLOBA: Buying a home is a serious thing, it is a big investment.

R. KARIMOV: What signs should I pay attention to?

P. GLOBA: You should pay attention not to the signs, but to your own horoscope. For some other indicators. But why initiate you into astrological cuisine? If I ask you how your broadcast works and all the subtleties, it will be a long conversation.

M. BACHENINA: Okay, then let's talk about something serious. Have your own predictions come true? And in general, do you keep track of whether they are confirmed from year to year, or is there a misfire somewhere? And what are your expectations for this year?

P. GLOBA: The fact is that astrology is a science, so there are mistakes, just like meteorologists make mistakes, any doctor makes mistakes, any representative of science makes mistakes. Science itself is not perfect, it only strives for perfection. But it won't reach it. Therefore, of course, there are errors, but the efficiency of an astrologer is revealed when he has at least 70% of the confirmed trends of his forecast. Because the astrologer does not predict the future, the future is basically unpredictable. But to give the right trend, to determine the trends that should be realized, this is the task of the astrologer.

M. BACHENINA: Speaking of trends and tendencies. In September, Pavel Globa commented to the Russian News Service, it was recorded on our website that: “In September-October there will be an increased background of solar activity, which can lead, especially after the lunar eclipse on September 28, to a much greater likelihood of accidents and disasters” .

P. GLOBA: Yes, for another one and a half or two months. That's exactly right.

M. BACHENINA: And increased crime will increase the likelihood of unmotivated crimes.

R. KARIMOV: Here we recall the “Krasnogorsk shooter”, the catastrophe over Sinai.

M. BACHENINA: Yes, there were several other events.

P. GLOBA: And November 13th. This forecast ended November 15-20. That's all for about a month and a half.

M. BACHENINA: Is it possible, after reading this warning, to understand where to lay a straw for an ordinary person?

P. GLOBA: One person cannot cope here, a whole group of like-minded people is needed. Not a terrarium of like-minded people, but a real group, but no one is seriously engaged in this today. You have to raise all this at your own peril and risk, make predictions on your knees or on your laptop, of course, sometimes there are mistakes. This is clear. They are inevitable in this case. It's all the same that the atomic project could not be raised by one, even the most brilliant person. Kurchatov would not have built a nuclear reactor alone. Korolev, too, if he were alone, if he did not have a huge group of like-minded people, a man would never fly into space.

M. BACHENINA: I meant that I read your forecast, and how should I behave in order to competently, in your opinion, respond to these warnings?

P. GLOBA: How does the weather center warn you? It will rain, take an umbrella with you. The same is true here. There are warnings that some kind of increased accident rate is quite likely in the near future.

M. BACHENINA: Do not fly or travel?

P. GLOBA: Of course! For airlines, this will be very ruinous.

M. BACHENINA: And now I will throw some firewood in the proposed circumstances. Let's say you tell me that my death is under the wing of an airplane, let's say so.

P. GLOBA: Under the wing of an airplane, only the green sea of ​​the taiga sings about something.

M. BACHENINA: So astrology cannot give such a forecast?

P. GLOBA: She simply won't do it. Moreover, it is not included in its tasks. The task of astrology is optimistic: to help a person.

M. BACHENINA: That is, if you see something completely bad, you will not say about it?

P. GLOBA: I will try to warn you. Firstly, doctors, if they see a really bad diagnosis in a patient, oncology, today there is a tendency to say this. But we didn’t talk before, and it was right, why scare a person, you never know what kind of reaction he might have? And secondly, the task of astrology is different: not to scare a person or predict his future. I repeat once again: the future is, in principle, unpredictable. Trends can be identified correctly.

M. BACHENINA: A woman comes and says: “Should I marry or not”?

P. GLOBA: I immediately ask, provide the details of your future husband. I look, draw a conclusion and say: “Yes, it’s very difficult.” The general trend is this.

R. KARIMOV: How much time do you generally spend on this analysis?

P. GLOBA: The fact is that now it is much easier, a professional does it quickly enough. It takes a day, maybe two to spend in order to accurately calculate everything, determine trends, some kind of time frame. Again, I identify the trend: "If you have a marriage, then it will be very difficult for you with this person, hard."

M. BACHENINA: And then the woman herself decides?

P. GLOBA: It is not only she who decides further. If she asks what she should do, that question is always asked, drop everything and look for a new candidate? I say no, if you love him, and love is above the stars. “Love is what moves the suns and luminaries,” Dante ends his Divine Comedy. Therefore, if you want to live with this person, then we can help you and tell you what to do. Find the psychological key to communication. If you stick to this, then it is likely that you will live for many years and, although you have little compatibility now, you will develop it. But then it depends on the person. The final outcome of our fate still depends on us. We create our destiny and we are personally responsible for it too. Nobody else, you know.

M. BACHENINA: Can we conduct some kind of experiment, for example, prophesy something to Karimov?

P. GLOBA: Once again, I'm not prophesying, and secondly, I need to make a horoscope, and I don't have a laptop with me.

M. BACHENINA: And so Karimov can come and find out whether he will become a director or not.

P. GLOBA: It will or will not, depends on him. I'll just tell you what his chances are.

M. BACHENINA: Can you tell me the key?

P. GLOBA: And what should you do, yes, I will tell you. I had to do this, there were people who did not listen, Talkov, for example, did not listen. He was a wonderful musician and poet. Because there was only one meeting. Unfortunately.

M. BACHENINA: Do you mean you need to go to a psychologist? Regularly.

P. GLOBA: No, it's not necessary as a psychologist. In general, I believe that the consumption of large doses of this kind of information, psychological, astrological, is very harmful for the person himself.

M. BACHENINA: You will know a lot, you will sleep little?

P. GLOBA: That's not why. Because many everyday issues a person must decide for himself.

M. BACHENINA: Would it be correct to ask a question about the most successful sign of the zodiac in the coming 2016 and not the most successful one? Or does it not happen and everything is relative?

P. GLOBA: The most successful sign is every person. Each person as a sign carrier is the most successful. If he believes in this success and implements it. If he does the right thing and does not make mistakes. Or learn from these mistakes without stepping on the rake again.

M. BACHENINA: Does anyone learn from their mistakes?

P. GLOBA: Some are studying, yes.

M. BACHENINA: I have not yet met people who learn from the mistakes of others. Hope to see them someday.

P. GLOBA: But some do not even learn from their own.

R. KARIMOV: The listener asks a question: “I see the future of my children if they work in the field of astrology. Tell me, is it difficult to enter the Academy of Astrology and what kind of competition is there?

P. GLOBA: I don’t know anything about the Academy of Astrology, I have my own institute, but I have nothing against such educational institutions, because astrology is long overdue to organize it all. And as for abilities, whether they exist or not, of course, everything can be determined, any astrologer, first of all, must have non-standard thinking. Because astrology itself combines a creative approach, and its basis is rather strict calculations. That is, the mathematical apparatus, and a person should understand it and astronomy at least a little. He must also be able to draw conclusions.

M. BACHENINA: I think that they will not forgive us if we do not ask for a forecast for New Year.

P. GLOBA: Forecast for the next year, 2016. Let's just say that this year for astrologers begins only on March 21. And in the east, in China, they celebrate it on February 8 and 9. First New Moon of Aquarius. This will be the year of the Red Monkey.

M. BACHENINA: What kind of animal is this?

P. GLOBA: A monkey is a very cunning, insidious animal. This is the year of intrigue, big problems, multi-way combinations, keep in mind that all the years of the Monkeys have been associated with conspiracies. When was Soviet Union, in the post-war period, almost all conspiracies against Soviet power in the camp of our allies in Eastern Europe were in the years of the Monkey. Example: 1956 Hungarian uprising. 1968, Czechoslovakia. 1980, Solidarity, Poland. Here you have all these years of the Monkey.

R. KARIMOV: It seems that for the last two years we have been the Year of the Monkey. Solid two-year-old Monkey. Some conspiracies, some attacks.

P. GLOBA: Attacks, conspiracies, in general, to be honest, it is believed that clever and enterprising people are lucky at this time. You have dexterity, enterprise, collectivism, that is, teamwork, and the Monkey is such a collective beast, he loves the team, find a leader, follow him, cheer for the winner. By the way, monkeys always have a leader. Alignment with the leader. Therefore, in the year of the Monkey, the one who is stronger leads others, he wins.

R. KARIMOV: Is it better for losers to be in a team?

P. GLOBA: It's also better for the losers to be in a team. Join the strong. All sorts of revelations, scandals - this is all the year of the monkey. 1956 - please expose the cult of personality. Also the year of the Monkey and also red. M. BACHENINA: Which signs are lucky, and which ones are not in the year of the Monkey?

P. GLOBA: It's impossible to say that who is lucky and who is not. It is only in the East that the Monkey is considered to be very closely related to the Dragon and the Rat. And in the year of the Rat and the Dragon in China, they believe that they are very good. And people born in the year of the Rooster, in the year of the Cat, in the year of the Horse, on the contrary, need to be careful, not to ask for trouble. It's not that primitive, but rather too general formulation. It is impossible to focus on it for each individual. You need to build a personal horoscope and see the trends of your personal year. And so I told you the tradition, for Rats and Dragons a very good time.

R. KARIMOV: The listener asks: “In many horoscopes they write about the patronage of planets at birth. How does this affect the character of a person?

P. GLOBA: The fact is that the horoscope is individual and is compiled for each individual. Personally for you, for example, for me. Because a horoscope in Greek means an indicator of the hour. Or an indication of the exact time. It is necessary to ban the word "horoscope" altogether, because it is absolutely wrong in its essence. We need to talk about some predictions. Regarding the patronage of the planets, there are statistics that were conducted by the French researcher Michel Gauquelin in the 60s of the last century. He conducted a statistical study on a huge number of dates of birth and proved that very often the planet Jupiter, and it is in a special position in the horoscope, really often happens to actors and the military, and the planet Mars happens to athletes, generals. These are real statistics, studies were conducted in the 60s. They were first accepted by the scientific community and then rejected, as a result of which this great researcher committed suicide due to years of persecution. M. BACHENINA: How do you feel about the science of semiotics, about sign systems, and how does it resonate with astrology?

P. GLOBA: Astrology is also a sign system. But this, of course, is a slightly specific science, I am fine with it. Although, of course, I do not use it in practice. But I am normal, like many others, and psychology too. M. BACHENINA: Do you often make a horoscope for yourself and your loved ones?

P. GLOBA: Only when necessary. Once again I want to emphasize that one should turn to astrology only in critical cases. When any other information does not satisfy you. When you really don't know what to do. M. BACHENINA: Why?

P. GLOBA: I will explain. Because astrologers have huge statistics that allow them to deal with precisely these issues. Only then should you apply. In critical, deadlock situations. If you can solve some of your problems on your own, solve them yourself, God forbid that you solve them.

M. BACHENINA: Does this also apply to magazines? Do not read the horoscopes that are published there every month?

P. GLOBA: Yes, don't read any. Correctly. Horoscope forecast can only be your individual. For you personally. I'm not saying that everything else is nonsense, just if it's not put together by the editor, or by any chance, some staff of this journal, then it can be general information, just like a doctor's recommendation. The Ministry of Health advises for the last time that smoking is bad for your health. Of course, it is harmful, but not for everyone. M. BACHENINA: What data is needed to make a forecast?

P. GLOBA: The exact time and place of your birth. This is the initial data, according to which the astrologer draws up the horoscope of any person.

R. KARIMOV: Within the city? Or even the streets?

P. GLOBA: If it is a big city like Moscow, then it would be desirable to clarify. If it's a small town, then that's enough. For Moscow, it must be said that in the north of Moscow, in the center, Moscow is a fairly large city in terms of territory. M. BACHENINA: You brought books with you.

P. GLOBA: The first book is ephemeris, just the very tables by which we look at what will happen at this time. For any date of the XXI century. This is my workbook. M. BACHENINA: So there is something to watch tomorrow?

P. GLOBA: For tomorrow, for the day after tomorrow, you want for 2077. The second book is a forecast for Russia in the 21st century. The main trends of our real future. M. BACHENINA: How long did you write the forecast for Russia?

P. GLOBA: I have been writing the forecast for Russia for 20 years. I used what was already there, analyzed my mistakes, which also happened. They are about 20%. 15-20 percent of erroneous forecasts. Indeed, I studied them. But still, I didn’t say 85%, but the Germans, when they counted.

R. KARIMOV: So you started writing this book right after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

P. GLOBA: I even started writing before the collapse. Because 1991 is one of the most critical years for Russia, I predicted this much earlier. It was also associated with six eclipses. A large number of eclipses during the year, unfortunately, gives rise to such very difficult trends. In 1917 there were seven eclipses and two revolutions. In 1991 - six eclipses and the collapse of the country. M. BACHENINA: How many eclipses are there in 2016?

P. GLOBA: There will be four eclipses in 2016, more or less normal. So we'll survive. We live in a crisis, and the crisis continues right up to 2021. M. BACHENINA: You just started talking about this book, of course I would like to ask if everything will be fine with us?

P. GLOBA: What do you mean everything is fine? Russia will. Russia is in for a big upswing. I wouldn't say that it will be an economic upsurge, but that it will be an upswing associated with the national idea, a population explosion in Russia, that's for sure. And it will be right after 2023. I explain why. The trend in this case is determined by the planet Pluto, which astronomers for some reason removed from the composition of the planets. But Pluto is a relatively large planet and doesn't care if it's accepted or not. So, being in the Aquarius sign sector, Pluto very often determined the time of the population explosion for Russia. Time to expand boundaries. Time to define the national idea. This happens once every 250 years. Because Pluto's cycle is 248. When was the last time? This is the time of the end of the 18th century, the time of Catherine II. M. BACHENINA: And this awaits us in 2023?

P. GLOBA: Yes, and for 20 years! And then it was the Crimea, the conquest of the Crimea, the victorious Russian-Turkish wars, the expansion of borders and the annexation of Poland. Before that was the 16th century, this is Ivan the Terrible, his dad Vasily III, We have the Kremlin, “Kazan took, Astrakhan took”, this is the time of Pluto in Aquarius. And now we are waiting for it.

R. KARIMOV: History in a circle.

M. BACHENINA: The audience is asking you to tell us about the forecast for Russia for 2016 in terms of Turkey, our situation as a whole.

P. GLOBA: Well, there will be no war, I can tell you that for sure.

M. BACHENINA: This is very important.

P. GLOBA: We do not need the Turkish coast, and we do not need Africa.

R. KARIMOV: And the war is not needed.

P. GLOBA: The war is all the more unnecessary. And thank God that there will be no such war as the previous world wars. Unfortunately, what is happening now can be called a world war. But it will be such a "creeping" world war, of a different type. And by the way, it will not end either in the next year, or in 2017, or in 2018. It will continue somewhere before Pluto enters the sign of Aquarius, until 2023-2024.

M. BACHENINA: Will there be such a tense situation on the world stage?

P. GLOBA: Yes, with the involvement of different countries. Conflicts will flare up in various territories, up to Africa, Asia, Indonesia.

M. BACHENINA: And the world will not fall apart? Walls will not fence?

P. GLOBA: The world can fall apart, but reunite again. And by the way, the end of 2020 will be associated with a new global project, a project with a capital letter. It is usually determined once every 20 years by the conjunction of the two most major planets solar system- Jupiter and Saturn. Last time in 2000, Jupiter and Saturn joined in May, and new trends in world politics came. Vladimir Vladimirovich won for the first time. May 7 was just the inauguration of Putin. George Bush was in the USA in the same year. And what is interesting - the redistribution of the energy resources of the world has begun. Now there are wars everywhere where energy resources are. In Ukraine, for example, there are few energy resources, but there is an oil and gas pipeline.

M. BACHENINA: Yes, depending on what angle you look at.

P. GLOBA: This struggle for the redistribution of energy resources will end by the end of 2020. On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will join in the sign of Aquarius for 20 years.

M. BACHENINA: Will Russia be firmly on its feet by 2020? Or, buckling down, after this five-year plan?

P. GLOBA: It will, of course, but by that time new young forces will come. Moreover, it is very interesting that technocrats, know-how carriers, will come. This is also related to the sign of Aquarius. People who think outside the box will be managers. It will be a new administrative apparatus, and not the hardened one that is now.

M. BACHENINA: We will not die! This makes me happy.

P. GLOBA: I think that we will have the same leader.

M. BACHENINA: Putin will be until 2023?

P. GLOBA: Yes.

M. BACHENINA: Then, it turns out, medicine will take a long step.

P. GLOBA: It is very correct that Vladimir Vladimirovich is in power in our country.

R. KARIMOV: And how can you sweep away these “hard-nosed” ones?

P. GLOBA: The quantity of these tendencies will turn into quality. They will just crush them. One will be sent to retire, the other - as an ambassador, the third - to an honorary sinecure. They will be replaced by young, pragmatic know-how carriers.

R. KARIMOV: The main thing is that they should be patriots.

P. GLOBA: That is absolutely correct. Because the zodiac sign of Aquarius, in which there will be a conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn, Pluto in Aquarius, is really closely connected with our country. Because any accumulations in the sign of Aquarius determine the trends in Russia. This is true, as can be seen from the statistics.

R. KARIMOV: Many are skeptical about astrology.

P. GLOBA: This is very good.

M. BACHENINA: Does it invigorate?

P. GLOBA: No, it doesn't invigorate. This is quite natural. People just respond to propaganda. After all, if the general propaganda is against astrology, it is understandable that most people will say that they reject it. "I have not read Pasternak, but I condemn."

P. GLOBA: You don't have to believe. This is the wrong question. I don't believe in astrology either, I believe in God.

M. BACHENINA: Then you formulate the question.

P. GLOBA: Good: do you recognize astrology?

M. BACHENINA: I want to move on to the artistic part of the program.

P. GLOBA: I started writing this under the influence of one of my acquaintances who worked in law enforcement agencies. He told me that I have a lot of stories that are asking for paper. And on his advice, I began to write detective stories.

M. BACHENINA: Why were there so many detective stories in your life?

P. GLOBA: Many clients come to me who have really real detective stories. You don't believe stories like this exist. And I developed a new direction in detective literature, which I called "astrological detective." Now two such detective stories have already been published, the third one is being prepared for publication. Interestingly, he hit the top ten in sales at the beginning of this year. In the first place, of course, my respected Daria Dontsova, then Marinina, I got to 9th place.

M. BACHENINA: Well done. Your energy is enviable.

P. GLOBA: This direction differs in that in it the astrologer unravels the most intricate crimes, the roots of which rest in the past. I discovered the so-called law of the matrix that very many resonant crimes under similar circumstances are repeated in the future. Especially when the initiator of these crimes is born on the day of the death of his prototype. Let's say Chikatilo committed 55 murders, he was shot in March. On the same day, a person is born, and after some time he may repeat stories similar to the stories of Chikatilo. Of course, this is artistic lighting, but this is the basis of a discovery that I have been researching for many years on real human destinies.

M. BACHENINA: Are there any historical examples?

P. GLOBA: Of course. Assassination of Alexander II, Tsar-Liberator. This happened on March 13, 1881. The murderers were hanged a month later, on April 15, 1881, and what is interesting is that the future Socialist-Revolutionary militant, anarchist, revolutionary was born exactly on that day. Forgot his last name. From early childhood he was obsessed with the idea of ​​regicide. He did not kill the king, but on his birthday, when he was 21 years old, he killed the second person of the state, the Minister of the Interior Russian Empire. I went to his office and emptied my entire revolver into him. Here is the action of the matrix.

P. GLOBA: Two-thirds, okay. The electorate is assembled. The national average is about 70%.

M. BACHENINA: Astrologer Pavel Globa was our guest. Thank you very much.

P. GLOBA: Thank you. The main thing is more optimism. This should be treated with skepticism and always checked.

M. BACHENINA: And do not fold your own paws, hoping for some higher power.

P. GLOBA: Yes, because we create fate. The stars give direction, but we ourselves are responsible for everything.

Astrological forecast for 2016

Konstantin Daragan

A few words

In the process of preparing the forecast, I went over the Internet. I don’t really want to comment on the “forecasts” of obviously sick people who have picked up astrological terminology somewhere. Well, that’s all - “Crimea will return in 2016” and other similar glitches and nonsense, which are mainly interesting to psychiatrists. Or employees of the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine. But even less do I want to be thought that I am familiar with such "forecasters". And even less like to think that we are engaged in one thing. Therefore, we will have to start with a little retrospection.
First of all, I must say that 2016 is just a stage, a part of astrological processes, which I have been writing about in forecasts for many years. I address those who are interested, for example, to the forecast for 2009 "Peculiarities of a new era", where at the very beginning it was already described what we, in fact, are experiencing today.

And for those who are too lazy to read and understand all this, I will briefly recall the main essence of all these mundane predictions for the last decade. In 2008, an objective astrological process of restructuring the existing system of power in the world began. This will be accompanied (and is already happening) by the redistribution of borders, the disappearance of small states and the emergence of new, radical renewal of international rules. Naturally, the instrument of these processes will be military, economic and political conflicts, which are also easily predictable. The restructuring process will continue until the turn of 2023-2024. I singled out the period in 2013-2015 separately as a "military three-year period" - and yes, the name fully justified itself. In Fasten Your Seats, I wrote that it is the last year of the triennium, 2015, that will make the changes taking place irreversible. In the future, the next few years will take the legalization of what happened in 2014/15. This is not the final. This is a respite, and it will only take a few years. Until the next, truly systemic crisis - in the period 2020-2024. And I am telling all this to understand the scale, and to understand what place 2016 occupies in the ongoing processes.

Big Picture

The main feature of the year- a total crisis of power structures around the world. The models of power management are changing, as well as the very rules by which the ruling elite existed. AT different countries this will happen in different ways, but in general it is a completely inevitable process. Actually typical revolutionary situation in the world is caused precisely by this - after the "military three years" the old rules no longer work. And the old "red lines" don't stop anyone anymore - there is no cold place in a cauldron of boiling water. The search for new rules of the world order will just begin in 2016-2017, but this process will be interrupted again - by the crisis of 2020-2024.
Politics. In 2016, both public reputation and laws, and moral considerations will be brought in favor of shadow considerations, behind-the-scenes deals. It is very likely that the West, defending the dream of a "golden billion", will play with trump cards - betraying its principles, losing face, committing acts that cannot be explained to anyone, even to its own fellow citizens, within the already familiar demagogy. For two recent years many have gorged themselves on the characteristic duplicity and hypocrisy typical of the colonial history of Western civilization. But this year new standards will be set in the same direction. Straight from the classic: there were times harder, but it was not meaner».

military provocations. 2016 is just the result of the fateful changes of 2015, as I wrote about in Fasten Your Seat Belts. And now there will be only the consequences of the "military three years" successfully predicted four years ago. However, the inertia of events will lead this year to at least one more military incident or provocation (in fact, I expect a successive series of incidents) in the RF-NATO clash. The situation will become much more complicated this year. Events will go further than after the situation with the Russian attack aircraft shot down by Turkey. And the precedent will be bigger.

Complications. Also at risk, in terms of unrest or limited use of force - Egypt, Iraq, Tajikistan. And, it is possible that the Black Sea. A crisis is possible in the calm UAE and Kazakhstan - after August-September 2016. I am not ready to discuss the details now, I do not understand everything myself.

WMD. 2016 is one of those that I am in 2008 called the year of "probable local use of weapons of mass destruction" - in the form of a threat, provocation, terrorist attack or the like. One such point is near mid-June. The other is at the end of September. Of course, there is a temporary tolerance in both directions. Approaching the issue strictly analytically, now I do not believe in this forecast, despite the sometimes threatening publications about nuclear weapons and its prospects in Syria. I am almost sure that in this sense everything should pass at the maximum level of loud statements. But the use of chemical or bacteriological weapons this year, or a technical disaster with the same consequences, or a terrorist attack of this type, in the approach that I am now using, has a maximum probability this year.

Critical point of 2016- August and September. Not so, sharply and contrastingly, like April 2014 year. But there are very serious reasons to believe that this August the road to the future will be opened to a great evil.

Oil. The oil situation is without a doubt the main intrigue of 2016, both astrologically and analytically. It is extremely difficult to predict such multifactorial trends as the price of oil, especially during a geopolitical crisis. Eminent market professionals regularly fail to cope with this. This is a public risk. But I will take a risk, since the very fact of the oil market crisis, which has not yet happened either in 2014 or 2015, is predicted quite confidently. And paradoxically, permanent exporters will benefit from this. For a relatively short period of time, oil prices will drop extremely this year, which is very likely to set a record low in the last 20 years. And then there will be a trend reversal in the direction of growth - for the next few years. In general, at the average price for 2016, oil will remain in the 35-50 corridor. And either from the end of 2016, or from the beginning of 2017, the price of oil will begin to grow slowly and steadily. Or it will hold the level with slight fluctuations. The crisis point, the most important events and changes that will affect its value, will occur from the end of April to mid-June 2016. In addition, strong fluctuations are planned in September and December 2016. Probably due to sharp political changes in these months. However, I still wouldn’t bet on the dates themselves - in mundane astrology it happens that not the event itself takes place on the indicated dates, but fateful decisions are made, which will then be played out many times in the consequences. A favorite example of such a phenomenon is the year 2010, deceptively "quiet" for external events, but astrologically very crisis. And if I'm not sure about the dates, then with the general character of the year " oil fracture" - sure.


Syria. Syria will actually be divided into parts. This is my long-term prediction, and it will not yet be fully fulfilled in 2016. But it is in 2016 that the process will begin to legitimize the territories seized from Syria and Iraq under a foreign protectorate. It is very likely that they will recognize the right of the renewed ISIS to control part of the territories they have occupied. How they will be called in this case - ISIS, ISIS, DAISH, Caliphate, "independent Syria" or in some other way - I do not know. But it is very likely that they will be recognized as an independent political force and, probably, even introduced into the political dialogue. This should happen before September 2016. Will this end the war in the Middle East this year? Not at all.

European Union. Contradictions within the countries of the European Union will become significantly aggravated, to the point of fundamental conflicts. First, the confrontation between the rich North and the impoverished South and East of Europe will intensify. Secondly, it will lead to a conflict between the new generation of sovereign European leaders and the European bureaucracy. That is, those centrifugal processes that were described at the end of 2008 will continue. Thirdly, if in 2015 Greece was shaking the foundations of the EU, then in 2016 I expect Poland and the UK to oppose. Each for their own reasons.

Germany. Since 2016, Germany has entered a serious crisis - political, economic, and in subsequent years - military. Most likely, the power component will occur due to terrorist attacks and riots. And the political will begin this year - with an economic agreement or a very controversial reform of the European Union. Taking into account the special role of Germany in the EU, in general, Europe has come close to the forecast "World-2040" - ahead of the actual restructuring of the European project, with partial closure of borders, with a partial return of economic and political sovereignty to the incoming countries, with the loss specific gravity EU in world politics and economics. Alas.

USA. Although I plan that the dollar will continue to grow in 2016, but this year the United States will be one of the countries that will suffer very serious reputational damage due to foreign policy and large-scale non-transparent economic reform. After 2014-2015, when it seemed that their reputation in the world could not fall further, it turns out that there are still new depths. Since Obama will have to voice all this, then personally Obama will face another disappointment and a further increase in the anti-rating. By the way, it's nice that the rapid decline in his popularity was correctly predicted back in January 2009 years, when he was still quite white and fluffy "the hope of mankind."
US elections. As I write this forecast, Donald Trump is the absolute leader in the race for the presidency. I will not vouch for the result of the US elections, but astrologically there are serious grounds for counting on the victory of a conservative politician, an integral part of the American establishment. And not a non-systemic charismatic, breaking people into an established business. In general, Bill is not as scary as his Clinton. And the forecast is that the elections will not only not end, but, on the contrary, are guaranteed to start a new round of the political crisis in the United States. It can also be confidently predicted that the US policy of creating an Empire that stands above international law and morality will not change. At least until 2025/26. So the result of the 2016 elections is more of a technical interest.


Unlike Ukraine, with forecasts for which I have been “on you” for a decade, I still need to focus on forecasts for the Russian Federation - I have only a little more than two years of successful experience in forecasting for this country. Russia, it seems, has firmly entered the club of developed civilized countries - it bombs whom it considers necessary and without regard for other people's opinions. Just like most other democracies in modern world. Throughout the year, the Russian Federation will confidently be one of the main news makers, as in 2014-15. But politically, it will have to partly surrender its positions in order to reach a political compromise.

From the good. The world crisis will paradoxically play into the hands, which will allow us to get out of a very difficult situation with dignity and even with a profit (or other advantages) at the end of spring or early summer. There will be no economic collapse, although sharp fluctuations in the national currency following oil are expected. The standard of living, in general, will be preserved. Moreover, I expect in 2016 the arrival of large targeted investments or loans in the country. Under what conditions they will go - it will be very interesting to know. If these details are revealed at all by the end of the year. True, residents in 2016 will not see a real effect from the arrival of these funds in the economy.

Critical points- January, the end of August (the famous fatal month for the new Russia), as well as November. Including financially.

From the bad. Starting from the autumn of 2016, Russia will begin to enter the situation of 2017, when there is a high probability of an armed conflict, a large-scale counter-terrorist operation, or violent riots provoked from outside.


reforms. From good. A patriot's dream has come true - the processes of political restructuring of the country, promised in the World-2040 forecast, will begin . But the result of these political processes will be unexpected. 2016 for Ukraine is no less historical than 2014. An exceptionally significant astrological event takes place here according to the (still valid) horoscope of the state. If we talk about the shock that will happen to the political system, then the most accurate word is not "perestroika". And not even a “crisis”, but a “demolition”. Moreover, this process will begin from above, by the hands of people in power (and, probably, of foreign origin/citizenship). This process will not fit into 2016, and will also take over 2017. Unfortunately, the same factor is responsible for the radicalization of power and for the further, already undisguised, feudalization of the country.

military situation. Although until September 2015 the astrological factor of violence and war was increasing in the map of the country, and now it is already decreasing, but until mid-2016 it is premature for everyone to relax. In mundane astrology, events also occur during divergence.

Power. The President himself will have difficult times - he will be openly betrayed by some of his associates. And, very likely, the curators will refuse to support him with the solution of his problems. But, as I predict, he will retain his place, and in the coming year he will continue to delight us and the world media with stories about a prosperous country, and about his personally crushing successes.

Economy and welfare. From the bad - the collapse / deconstruction of the state machine and the fall of the economy will continue. Very confident. The loss of independence has been here for a year as an official fact for pride, but it will be even more interesting. In 2016, there will be a loss of control over important economic processes in the country, on the ground. The situation will be periodically resolved by the local authorities, in the mode of improvisation, ignoring or bypassing the orders of Kyiv. But the bottom in the fall of the economy, business and the standard of living of the population in 2016 will not be reached yet. And in 2017, too. There are astrological grounds for believing that the national currency exchange rate will “sink” significantly again. But, here you need to introduce non-astrological adjustments. In the forecast for 2014, I named three possible points of decline in the quality of the national currency. All three were completed, and in the indicated months. February - the fall of the hryvnia, July - a technical default, December - the actual default on external debts. However, it is important how exactly we passed these points. When I wrote the forecast for the horoscope of Ukraine, I expected that the third passage, as is usually the case in astrology, would be the most unpleasant. But very, very substantial external assistance was provided to prevent this from happening. Looking at how and why this was done, I am also correcting the forecast for 2016 - at critical moments, foreign curators will not allow the hryvnia to collapse. They will scrape together for a new dose of loans - just enough so that the patient does not die ahead of time. But he never came out of a coma. So a realistic, corrected forecast is a confident, relatively even decline in living standards throughout the year, and not a collapse.

Critical points- from February to May 2016 (here, rather, a whole period) and December 2016.


Religion. In 2016 there will be a very big scandal in the Christian world, and more precisely in the traditionally Catholic or Orthodox sphere of influence. The scandal probably has no analogies - a precedent will be created. In form, this will be a rejection of the established tradition or the established order of things. Possible variant interpretation of the same factor - a confessional schism or a scandalous reform. The acute problem of religious extremism and fundamentalism, as well as the violence and unrest associated with it, will not go anywhere until at least 2024. 2016 is nothing special in this, except for the further growth of stupidity and obscurantism, which will be very clearly visible in the mass and popular culture of 2016.

Science and discoveries. Three years ago, a really good prediction was made. about the most important biological discovery, " probable proof of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms". I did not write about the dates in the forecast itself, I was playing it safe, but a discovery exactly similar in meaning occurred exactly in the middle of summer, as expected, with an accuracy of two weeks. This event says little to people far from science, because "it was not on TV." Well, not Conchita Wurst, of course. And although 93% of foreign genetic material, of course, is not 100%, but it turned out so well. And the fact that science is conservative and not for years, but for generations does not accept facts that fall out of the established worldview - this is not news to anyone. There were serious astrological reasons why I was very confident in the result. This time I am not so sure (and most of all with the date), but 2016 is a very significant year in biology, genetics and medicine.

First, I am waiting for the emergence of a fundamentally new type of antibiotics or a completely new type of anesthesia. Secondly, in 2016, one of the most important events will not even be a discovery in biology and genetic engineering, but the legalization of genetic manipulations with people. There will be legal precedent. In addition, it is planned to discover a completely fundamental property, probably in the field of physics. The dates are July-September 2016.

  1. In the world: the long economic crisis is close to completion and the transition to a new phase. From the summer of 2015, the situation in the world will begin to change (it would be nice not at our expense). The last extra-events will take place in December 2015, they may still stretch until the spring of 2016. But from the summer of 2016, the recovery of the world economy as a whole will begin.
  2. In Russia: economic crisis. Let me emphasize that it has not started, but it continues - it has not stopped since 2008. A little let go in 2011, since 2012 a new wave has begun, connected with the global situation. The crisis will not last a maximum of 2 years. Here I will allow myself to disagree with President V.V. Putin, who is forced to calm the electorate before the New Year. 2016 may turn out to be even more difficult than 2015 if the country's leadership does not take emergency measures.
    The most difficult periods of time are expected:
    • January to April 2015 (with an emphasis on February and March)
    • End of July 2015
    • November and December 2015 are very tough. Especially the beginning of December 2015
    • 2016 promises to be a challenging year. Especially summer - the period from May to September 2016. But it will depend on this time how Russia will spend the next 9 years until 2025.
  3. In Russia, on a large scale: growth rate and relative stability 2006-07 the country's economy for the next many years will not reach. Minimal improvements will start no earlier than 2017-18.

    Period from 2015-16 until 2025-26 this is the time when the established economic and political system will continue to operate. There won't be another until 2025. Again, I emphasize that this does not mean that the personalities of power will not change, it is not about personalities, but about economic system, about its basis, about what the Russian economy is built on. We will not have another economy (in terms of management and functioning mechanisms) in the coming years. And it depends on the actions of the country's leadership whether the change in the power and economic system in 2025 will be soft or revolutionary.

  4. Why is everything "screamed" right now?
    Oddly enough, it will sound - accumulated. The global situation was superimposed on the Russian one. Even now it is impossible to deny that Russia is already going through this initial phase of the crisis harder than it should. Of course, this was inspired from abroad, which was facilitated not only by the weakness of our oil economy, but also by "kind people from the USA and Europe." Sanctions are not revenge for Crimea and the situation in Ukraine. Crimea and Ukraine are a reason for sanctions, attempts to blame global problems on the Russian head and seize world domination.

    The exchange rate of 50 rubles per dollar was predictable a year and a half ago, this figure was discussed by employees of the banking system. The ruble was artificially supported, and then was released abruptly. But the ruble exchange rate above 50 is not justified in any way, it is artificial. In the summer of 2014, a persistent girl from Ukraine wrote to me with a question that worried her (verbatim): “Tell me, Vasilisa, when will the Russian economy collapse? When can we expect the collapse of the ruble?
    I, as a patriot of my country, was outraged by the wording - I just wanted to sarcastically ask in response - “why don’t you ask about the economy of Ukraine? Or are there no more questions? Unable to find the strength to answer the letter politely, I did not answer at all. But the girl did not stop trying and repeated the question in even more formidable terms. Draw conclusions - it is not the girl who is to blame, but those who disseminated this information in Ukraine and, probably, planned such a thing. A whole series of blows from outside + natural (cyclical) weakening of the economy = a bright beginning of the crisis.

2013-2025 Our place in history. Analysis and forecast.

A lost person first tries to understand where he ended up, and then decides where and how to move on. Our life is a wandering in the wilds of time, and in order to make predictions for the future, we need to be well aware of what moment of this time we are in, what are its features. So it is clearer what is there, around the next turn. With this article, I want to simply and clearly talk about one planetary cycle and its powerful influence on the history of Russia in the last 130-140 years. He is just one of several that I relied on when I wrote What's Happening in the Country? , but its clarity captivates even those who do not believe in astrology. It's about about the cycle of Saturn and Neptune, the duration of which is about 36 years.

Saturn for an astrologer is order, structure, system, hierarchy, management, responsibility, duty, material, durable, stable. Neptune - dissolution, blur, faith and religiosity, illusions, deceptions, intangible, shaky. The joint influence of these two planets gives an eternal struggle of order with Chaos, industriousness with laziness, material and spiritual, rigidity and compassion, harsh reality and ideological illusions. Just what is so rich in the history of Russia and our own ideas about ourselves. So, every 36 years in the sky, Saturn and Neptune are connected (they are as close as possible to each other for an earthly observer). This is the beginning of a new cycle. Then the distance between them increases, passing through the phases of the first square and the first trine (9 and 12 years after the conjunction, the angular distance of 90 and 120 degrees), and coming to opposition - opposition (18 years after the conjunction, half a cycle). Then they are for the earthly observer as far as possible from each other. After that, the two planets begin to approach again, go through the phases of the second trine and the second square (24 and 27 years after the conjunction), and again connect.

So, the phases of the Saturn-Neptune cycle perfectly correspond to important milestones in the history of Russia. But it was not always so. This pattern has been traced only since 1881, and it is not known how long it will continue to exist (different cycles have the peculiarity of either strengthening or weakening their influence). But the last cycle of Saturn and Neptune, which began in 1989 and has not yet ended, is still “working” perfectly in our history, which means that it can be safely taken into account in forecasts at least until 2025-26. That is, until the end of the old and the beginning of a new cycle.

So, a few obvious patterns.

Change of the ideological system / dramatic change of the first person of the state

As you can see on the chart, the beginning of the cycle (in astrological language, “conjunction”) of Saturn and Neptune has already been accompanied 4 times by dramatic events of a gigantic scale for the country - the violent change of the first person of the state, his death (in 3 cases out of 4) and a serious change in the ideological course , the existing economic formation.

1881 (March 13)- the assassination of the emperor-reformer Alexander II by Narodnaya Volya, the beginning of the period of counter-reforms Alexander III. The exact date of the beginning of the cycle is May 12, 1882.

1917 (February-November)- February and October revolutions, the abdication and subsequent assassination of Nicholas II, the fall of the monarchy. The exact date of the beginning of the cycle is 1.08.1917.

1953 (March 5)- the death of Stalin, the beginning of the Khrushchev "thaw", the end of repression, attempts to turn the economy towards the consumer. The exact connections were in November 1952, May and July 1953.

1989-91 (December)- the crisis of Perestroika and the economic crisis, political changes in the country, the Belovezhskaya Accords, the collapse of the USSR. The exact conjunctions of Saturn and Neptune took place in March, June and November 1989. The only case in this sequence, when there was no death of the first person of the state (M.S. Gorbachev), but the state itself ceased to exist.

It is hard not to admit that these are the main milestones in the history of Russia (USSR) in the political and ideological field over the past 100+ years. Of course, they do not coincide day by day with the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, Mrs. History rarely makes such "gifts"-coincidences. But the date of each important event is separated from the conjunction by 2 months to 2 years, on average by 11 months, this is a small error for a cycle of 36 years and by historical standards.

With this in mind, we can expect that at the next conjunction of Saturn and Neptune (2025-26), Russian Federation expects a radical change in the ideological (political) course and the existing ruling elite, forceful removal or loss of authority by the first person of the state (the person who will be in power by 2025). The main events should fall on the period from the beginning of 2025 to the middle of 2027.

Of course, I would like to hope that this will not bring shocks similar to 1917 or 1989 to the inhabitants of Russia, after all, the degree of destructiveness of the cycle clearly depends on what efforts are being made by the current government to solve the problems of the people, and not their own. But in any case, this time will be very important. Before 2025-26 Russia should not experience global political and economic changes. I will emphasize the word “global”, as important changes, albeit of a smaller order, of course, can be.

On the same graph, you can see that in the first half of the cycle, the first person of the state may change, but it does not radically change the system and new system set on the connection. For example, the death of the counter-reformer Alexander III, the death of V.I. Lenin (with seeming importance, she did not fundamentally change anything in the life of the country), the resignation of Khrushchev and the arrival of Brezhnev. And finally, the transfer of power from B.N. Yeltsin to the successor V.V. Putin - all this took place without large-scale upheavals, global changes in the system and ideology in the country. You can also notice that in the second half of the cycle, after the opposition, the death or change of the 1st person of the state does not change anything at all. It's almost a formality. For example, Andropov, who replaced the deceased Brezhnev and quickly died, Chernenko's appointment and early death, the almost formal castling of Putin-Medvedev-Putin 2008-2012.

Any cycle works like this - the foundations of a new idea are laid at the connection. Then it develops, passes strength tests in the 1st half of the cycle, shows its advantages over the old idea, reaches its maximum disclosure in the opposition area (18 years after each conjunction in the case of the Saturn and Neptune cycle). After that, the idea becomes obsolete, begins to become obsolete more and more, events show its weaknesses and the need to change something. By the very end of the cycle, the old idea is completely unviable, it is replaced by a new one. But it is unlikely that it can change seriously in the middle of the cycle. The cycle itself may cease to operate - the repetition of events (I already wrote about this above), but not before the next changes in 2025-26.

The middle of the cycle gives the maximum stability of power, but not necessarily the stability of life for the population. This time most clearly expresses the main qualities of a new political or economic idea, laid down on the connection, the main features of the new system. For example, the middle of a cycle coeval with the revolution fell on the second half of the 1930s - repressions and at the same time industrialization, an industrial boom, which later allowed the country to survive the Great Patriotic War.

Next - the middle of the "post-Stalin" cycle of 1953 - this is the Brezhnev stagnation of the 70s - everything is stable, understandable, calm: 120 rubles a month and no more, thank the CPSU, free higher education, shortage of consumer goods.

AT newest Russia we passed this point in 2006-2007 - the maximum strengthening of the existing government, no serious opposition, apparent pre-crisis stability and activity of the new "capitalist" economy that was born at the beginning of the 1989 cycle. In fact - conditional well-being against the backdrop of rising oil prices. On the chart, the middle of each cycle is each blue “hill”, you can see for yourself.

The change of order and leadership at the beginning of the cycle is the most striking pattern of the Saturn-Neptune cycle. We are now living in a waning phase of the cycle and therefore any changes are likely to be a formality until a new powerful idea of ​​a new direction for Russia's development (2025-26) is born.

I have identified some more interesting patterns of the same cycle.

Weather forecast for 2016:

what awaits Russia?

December 2015 was a record warm for Russia. The Hydrometeorological Center predicts that this trend will be typical for the coming year.

According to meteorologists, warm air masses formed over the Atlantic are transported at great speed through Western Europe. Usually they move over the southern part of the mainland, but this time they changed the route and go north. As a result, warm air penetrated great distances, and now the temperature over the northern region of Europe and over the Atlantic is approximately the same.

In Moscow, on December 20, the temperature reached +5ºC, exceeding the level of 2014 by 0.1ºC. And the next day, with +9ºC, the 1982 record was broken. In the forests of the Leningrad region on these New Year's Eve people gather mushrooms. Even Yakutia has warmed up, where the temperature is 10 degrees above the norm. As explained in an interview " Russian newspaper" Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation Roman Vilfand, this is a rather rare occurrence.

Meteorologists call the main culprit of climate anomalies global warming. High annual averages follow each other: temperature records were updated in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2010 and 2014. The hottest in the history of meteorological observations, most likely, will be 2015, and scientists make the same forecast for 2016. At the same time, as in previous years, the changed climate model will continue: winters will become warmer, while summers, on the contrary, will be characterized by relatively low temperatures. But if long-term forecasts are not always justified, then for the next few days the data of meteorologists, most often, are correct. For Moscow, in the last days of December and the first days of the New Year, the Hydrometeorological Center promises a cold snap and light snow.

Of course, the main culprit of warm anomalies is called global warming. Since the beginning of continuous climate observations in 1880, temperature “outliers” have been increasingly recorded, and high average annual temperatures now follow each other: in 1995, 1997, 1998, 2005, 2010 and 2014. By all indications, this could be the hottest year on record. Moreover, 2016 will also be abnormally hot, according to scientists' forecasts. FROM highly likely he will set a new record. The phenomenon of El Niño will make its contribution. We are talking about an anomalous increase in temperature in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, which has a huge impact on the formation of the world climate.

The main reason for the impending global warming, according to experts, is the growth of carbon dioxide emissions. Most rapidly in the last 30 years. Scientists note that it is during these years that the rapid increase in the average annual temperature on Earth occurs. And the last 9 of the 10 hottest years are observed just in our millennium. That is, the fault of man for global warming is obvious. Indeed, in 135 years, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has doubled.

In the scenarios presented by climatologists - melting ice, drought, epidemics of dangerous diseases. And most importantly - the flooding of ocean coasts and, above all, many largest cities the world, such as Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, St. Petersburg, Buenos Aires, etc. In a word, the climate is ringing a bell, warning of impending cataclysms. The response of earthlings should be the commitment of all countries to reduce emissions. What, after heated debate, they managed to agree on at the just concluded UN Climate Conference, which was held in Paris.

However, many meteorologists are, to put it mildly, skeptical about the long-term forecasts of their colleagues. For example, two years in a row, in 2014 and 2015, a group of German experts predicted unusually cold winters. They were supported by some Russian scientists. However, this forecast did not come true, the temperatures did not even come close to critical levels. Moreover, a number of scientists predict not global warming, but cooling. So the climate debate is going on with varying degrees of success.

But what practically all scientists are unanimous about is the "capriciousness" of the current climate. Summer on the planet becomes colder, and winter warmer. And this trend, which began at the beginning of the century, will only intensify. This is how global warming works in such a strange way. In a word, it is he who must be blamed when the strongest frosts hit.

Concerning last days December and the New Year, then Roshydromet specialists cautiously promise a cold snap and light snow.