A flat back of the head in a child is a common condition that many parents struggle with. Flattening of the head can occur in the life of the baby only after he is born. How to care for a small head so that it is deformed? What to do if the problem has already arisen?

Plagiocephaly - a flat back of the head in a child

Babies are born with a soft skull, which allows them to adapt to the needs of rapid brain growth in the first year of life. This feature contributes to the fact that the heads of young children are easily deformed. Flattening of the head is called plagiocephaly. Flat nape (pictured) usually occurs if the baby sleeps in the same position or when he has problems with the muscles of the neck. The syndrome does not affect brain development in any way and does not cause permanent changes. appearance child and, fortunately, does not require surgical intervention. Usually, simple procedures such as changing the position of the baby during sleep, holding him in his arms and playing on his stomach have a positive effect on the gradual reduction of skull deformity.

Why is the back of the head flat?

The most common cause of changes in the shape of the back of the head is prolonged pressure on the bones of the skull during sleep. Because babies spend a lot of time lying on their backs, their heads can be deformed. In addition, children may be placed in devices that require a reclining or semi-reclining position (car seat, stroller, some baby carriers, swings, etc.).

Prematurely born babies are much more susceptible to head flattening. Their skulls are even softer than those of babies born on time. Also, due to their prematurity and health conditions requiring a stay in the intensive care unit, they spend even more time lying in one position with limited ability to change it.

Flat head syndrome can appear in children even before birth if the skull is depressed by the pelvic bone or by multiple sibling pregnancies. Indeed, in many cases, twin babies are born with flat head syndrome. The position of the fetus in the uterus can also sometimes lead to flattening of the head.

Signs and symptoms

A flat nape in a baby is something that parents can easily recognize and notice. Usually the back of the head is flattened on one side, and the amount of hair on that side is slightly less. Looking down at the baby's head, you will notice that the ear on the side that is flattened may be a little more protruding. In more serious cases, flattened head syndrome causes the head on the opposite side of the flattening to form a significant bulge and lead to an asymmetric forehead of the baby.


A doctor usually diagnoses a flat occiput through visual assessment and observation of the patient. To detect torticollis, the doctor can observe how the baby's head moves and how the baby uses the neck muscles. X-rays, additional laboratory tests and studies are usually not needed. The doctor decides to follow the child over several visits to observe changes in the shape of the head. If changes in position during sleep positively affect the shape of the skull and the head begins to regain its round shape, then the problem is known to be associated with plagiocephaly. If not, this may mean that the deformity is the result of another disease - craniosynostosis.


If a child has a flat head caused by one sleeping position, there are several ways to reduce further deformity:

If the child has a very pronounced flat occiput and the above methods do not improve the condition within 2-3 months, the doctor may prescribe a special helmet or a special shaping tape. However, helmets do not eliminate flat head syndrome in all children. A custom-made helmet works best when the baby is 4 months to a year old because then the baby grows faster and the skull bones are very plastic. The effect is that it gently but constantly puts pressure on the growing bones of the skull, causing them to assume a normal (rather than flattened) shape.

Do not use items such as a helmet or shaping tape without consulting a doctor, as this may cause more harm to the baby. Only a small percentage of children need to wear a helmet, and the decision to use one is based on the individual assessment of the little patient and the doctor's diagnosis.

Orthopedic pillow for babies

For small children, special orthopedic pillows can be useful. According to the manufacturers, this is a medical product responsible not only for the prevention of skull deformity, but also for its treatment. As a preventive measure, the baby can sleep on a specially designed pillow from the first days. It is also suitable for babies born prematurely. Due to its unique properties, the pillow allows the head to naturally take on a round shape when sleeping on your back.

It is enough to put your head in the recess of the pillow in order to contribute to its correct shape day after day. Such a product is recommended for children with asymmetry and torticollis as an adjunct to therapy. It is also an excellent support for premature babies and children after surgery, when the child remains in one, forced position for a long time. It does not restrict the movement of the baby, allows you to freely move the head and neck. When using it, there is no need to change the position of the baby. The only "requirement" is to place his head in the recess of the pillow.

How to learn about a person by the shape of his head? There are a large number of signs by which it becomes possible to distinguish an evil and mercenary person from a kind and cheerful one.

At least, this is what adherents of folk signs, traditions, medicine and so on say.

Consider the relationship of character with the shape of the human head.

A certain shape of the back of the head (it always hides behind the hair), as well as its various areas, for a knowledgeable person, can say a lot about the development of the abilities of this person, as well as the characteristics of his psyche.

What are the shapes of the human head and what folk signs say about this, according to physiognomic standards:

- If a person head slightly larger than body , then this person is slow, shameless, lazy, but brave. Some lover to lie on the couch alternately watching something intimate and scary.

- If a although the head is large, it is in proportion to the body such a person is noble and generous. A kind of "Slavic wardrobe" in sparkling armor.

- If a a large head is located on an equally large neck , then such a person is wise, truth-loving, faithful. Oh how you guessed! It's all about me!

- If it's the other way around - thin neck and small head - then this person is unfaithful, crafty, evil, weak in body. In general, a typical negative character!

oblong head shape is a sign of boredom and anger. Evil bore - it was always scary!

round head- impatience, inconstancy, anger, sometimes criminality. It's funny if the judges during the verdict announced “Guilty! Because the defendant has round form heads."

If a person's face is pushed forward , then he is: weak in memory and body, but reasonable and prudent.

Big and ugly head often testifies to the shamelessness and bad temper of its bearer.

Disproportionately small - about the deceit, stupidity and weakness of the character of its owner.

sharp crown symbolizes vanity and criminal inclinations.

Bulging forehead- is an indicator of poor memory and stubbornness

Developed occiput - a sign of a good mind, courage and memory.

Unexpectedly for many, these statements were confirmed by modern psychologists they generally agree with these statements.


high crown characteristic of successful people who strive to implement their plans, active ones.

low crown- characterizes people with a weak character and will.

Convex a beautifully outlined (but not protruding nape) is an indicator of the harmony of character.

sloping nape - is an indicator of disharmony in the development of character.

Franz Gall (he is the founder of the science of phrenology) created a scheme in which he placed certain character traits on the human skull.

In his opinion, twenty-seven abilities of the soul are localized on the human skull:

1. The instinct to preserve the species.

2. Physical love.

3. Compassion, kindness.

4. Sense of personality.

5. The spirit of contradiction.

6. Resourcefulness, cunning.

7. Pride, arrogance.

8. Tendency to steal.

9. Prudence, foresight.

10. Ambition.

11. Taming.

12. Innocence.

13. Good orientation in the area and memory of the area.

14. Memory for faces.

15. Speech.

16. Memory for names, words.

17. Artistic talents and sensitivity to colors.

18. Account and arithmetic ability.

18. Musical talents and sensitivity to tones.

19 Ability to architecture, mechanics.

20. Wit.

21. Liveliness of thinking.

22. Ability for metaphysics.

23. Poetic talents.

24. Developed facial expressions, the ability to imitate.

25. Kindness.

26. Religiosity.

27. Constancy, firmness.

Franz Gall assumed that the numbers 3, 5, 9, 22, 23, 24 and 27 are characteristic only for representatives of the human race, and all the rest - for both humans and animals.

« Aristotle's treatise on physiognomy"- is the first European source that has survived to this day. In this treatise, Aristotle wrote the following about the size and shape of the head: “Those who have a large head are sensitive; it relates to dogs. Those who have a small head are insensitive; it correlates with pigs. Whose head narrows upward - shameless; this correlates with birds having crooked claws. Those who have small ears are like monkeys, large ones are like donkeys; it can be seen that dogs have the most proportionate ears.

All of the above, according to folk experts, is only the basis for understanding the character, but by no means a complete picture inner peace this person. For this reason, one should not make hasty conclusions about a person, guided only by the shape of the head, or by any other signs, for example: eye color, hair color, body structure, zodiac sign, age, and so on.

Id: 20993 48

The cause of "Flat Head Syndrome" may be plagiophalia (beveled skull), which can develop both as a result of pregnancy and childbirth, and when the child is on the back for a long time, when the skull that has not yet grown stronger seems to be “flattened”.

Are there implants to increase the volume of the nape, and is such an operation purely theoretically possible for cosmetic purposes? (Remove the flat nape) Given the fact that there is no deformation, there is just a flat nape, which gives an imbalance in proportions (in the profile of the head. According to personal observations of the volume the implant would probably be enough from 3 or more centimeters, the shape should smoothly fit to the back of the head (closer to the crown). What biomaterials or artificial implants can be used, and will hair grow after such an operation.

In America, silicone is inserted into the top of the head to make a person 5 cm taller, so it makes it difficult to do the same on the back of the head.

And here comes Korea again.

Today, head shape correction is a low-traumatic procedure that takes about an hour. During that time, bone cement is introduced through a small incision, with the help of which a new, rounded shape of the head is created. The introduction of bone cement eventually becomes part of the skull bone and adds 20 to 80 grams to the weight of the patient's head.

Here's what it actually looks like..

A sloping or flat nape is a pathology that many parents may not pay attention to. However, in some cases, plagiocephaly, and this is exactly what the name of this feature of the body sounds like, can in some cases lead to certain unpleasant consequences.

What can cause such a defect? According to pediatricians, the main reason for this pathology is improper care of the baby. Many young mothers take more care of the skin of the child, often wash it, feed it properly, but forget that the baby should not lie on the same side of the body for a long time.

Precisely because of constant pressure in one place and a flat head is obtained. Therefore, every mother of a newborn should know that the position of the baby must be changed every 2 to 3 hours. Let him lie on his right side for some time, then after two hours his position should be changed and shifted to his right side, and after another two hours - on his back. In this case, avoiding an uneven nape will be easier than ever, because frequent changes in body position are the best prevention in order to prevent further complications.

Other reasons

However, positional deformity of the skull, which is the name of the type of pathology described above, is not the only reason for the development of such a defect. It can also appear for a number of other reasons, among which rickets, torticollis, and increased intracranial pressure come to the fore.

- This is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which leads to the fact that calcium salts are not deposited in the bones. As a result, the bones become very soft and often deformed. Therefore, a constant position in one position, for example, lying on your back, often leads to the development of a sloping nape in a child.

With congenital due to the fact that there is a defect in the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the head constantly leans only in one direction, which leads to a flattening of the skull on the affected side. You can get rid of this pathology with the help of massage, physiotherapy and gymnastics, which must be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist.

In addition, other reasons can be the cause of a deformed nape, for example, frequent and prolonged transportation of a child in a hard car seat, when pressure is constantly applied to the head at one point.

In order to timely identify this pathology of the skull, it is necessary to regularly visit a pediatrician, as well as other specialists - a surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist. In this way, you can accurately understand whether the child has any health problems.

What to do

The sloping occiput is a feature of the skull that requires a special and integrated approach. While the child is small, this can be dealt with quite simply, therefore, in order to prevent a beveled occiput in an adult, treatment should begin in early childhood, while the bones of the skull are still very pliable. While the baby does not raise his head, it is necessary to change his body position as often as possible, preferably every hour or two. If he has already learned to hold his head, then his position can be controlled by bright toys, voice or other distracting maneuvers.

An orthopedic pillow helps to cope with such a problem, but it should be selected strictly in accordance with the age of the crumbs. As for the car seat, it is desirable to use it as little as possible, and only in the most necessary cases. It is also necessary to ensure that the child does not sleep in it during the trip.

If, despite all the measures taken, the child’s skull still began to deform, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe additional methods of treatment, for example, physiotherapy and gymnastics. If this turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to use a corrective orthopedic helmet specially designed for such cases for some time.

Does such a back of the head pose any danger to the child? In fact, there is no health hazard here. But at the same time, this defect almost always causes an inferiority complex, so the fight against this condition should be started as early as possible.

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The skull is formed from a fixed part (the upper part - where the forehead, cheekbones, eye sockets and bones of the nose are located) and a mobile part (the lower jaw and chin), connected by a joint. There should be no missing bones or missing ones. If this happens, it is a genetic defect of the skull, it is always associated with diseases. In medicine, abnormalities in the structure of the cranial bones are often diagnosed. Such deviations also include too large or too small (irreparably large and small) sizes of the skull and severe deformation of all or individual parts of the face.

Here, for example, what signs are paid attention to when examining newborns and young children:

Dysmorphic faces of "parrot", "elf", "prince", "sphinx".

A flat face with a small nose and red, like a clown's cheeks.

Broad face with prominent cheekbones.

A flat, rectangular face with a high, convex forehead.

A sleepy face with an inexpressive, stupid look and flabby "marble" skin.

Craniostenosis (early overgrowth of sutures).

Micro- and macrocephaly.

Dolichocephaly with a flat or protruding occiput.

Pronounced frontal tubercles, high superciliary arches.

The absence of bald patches on the forehead.

Low hairline at the back of the head.

These signs indicate genetic defects of the skull.

Doctors note that the appearance of an adult can also change. But here, deformations of the bones of the skull or soft tissues are not associated with genetic disorders, but with the development of the disease.

Doctors did not take their knowledge from the ceiling. Long before them and in European countries, and in the East, the shape of the skull was considered almost the main criterion by which the future was predicted. Fortune-tellers, based on centuries-old observations, concluded: the closer the shape of the skull is to the ideal, the more harmoniously the person himself is developed. Then nothing else was known about genetics, and the diseases reflected in the shape of the skull were attributed to fate. In the XVIII-XIX centuries wide use received phrenology, which for the first time tried to introduce the concept of the correct shape of the skull into science. Everyone was fond of phrenology: from the enlightened public to the common people. And quite respectable pundits substantiated their opinion as follows: human body and - naturally - the state of health is managed by such important organ like the brain, and the brain is inside the cranium. If the shape of this box is wrong, then some areas of the brain will be squeezed, while others, on the contrary, will be too loose. Health, both physical and mental, depends on the degree of constraint and freedom. The famous Italian physician Cesare Lombroso even deduced from the irregular shape of the skull a person's inclinations to aggressive and criminal actions. Of course, it would never occur to any modern prosecutor to accuse a person of atrocities on such a shaky basis as the shape of the skull, but Lombroso examined many skulls of rapists and murderers, and most of them turned out to be skulls with deviations from the ideal. Lombroso noted as the main defects of the skull a sloping forehead with protruding frontal bones, highly developed superciliary arches, and a cut chin. All progressive scientists then opposed the teachings of Lombroso. And already in the 20th century, neurophysiologists came to the conclusion that such a structure of the frontal part of the skull often causes hyperfunction of the frontal lobes of the brain, resulting in increased aggression. And today, on the basis of phrenology forgotten by all, craniometry and craniology quite officially exist. Anthropological craniometry, for example, studies racial characteristics in the structure of the skull. Indeed, despite the fact that within each race there are elongated or round skulls, each people has its own limits in size fluctuations. The skull of a long-headed Japanese will be very different from that of a long-headed Scandinavian.

The features of each race are “recorded” in the structure of the bones of the head and face, so scientists manage to restore portraits of long-dead people. The famous anthropologist artist Gerasimov created a whole gallery of such portraits. Among his works there are primitive Neanderthals, famous princes, generals. And all these faces bear features of originality.

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Profound mental retardation in adults

Type of mental deviation - deep mental retardation in adults, characterized by the value of the coefficient mental development less than 20. Otherwise, this deviation is called idiocy.

Characteristic features of idiocy in adults

  • These people, in most cases, do not react to any external stimuli, are inactive. In the few cases where the reaction persists, it can be called very primitive.
  • Due to the lack of the coloring pigment melanin in the body, patients with idiocy very often have light-colored hair and eyes, and the skin is thin and white.
  • In addition to profound dementia, patients may suffer from deafness, various eye lesions, and heart problems.
  • People with a similar diagnosis do not perceive the words with which they are addressed, and they themselves are able to make only inarticulate sounds.
  • This form of mental retardation differs from others in the complete absence of the simplest self-care skills - they are untidy, they cannot eat on their own. When feeding, they try to swallow large pieces of food without chewing, which often leads to injury. These patients should be provided with a liquid diet.
  • Those who suffer from idiocy cannot remember the members of their own family. Their emotions are primitive, and limited to such feelings as pleasure and anger.
  • If the patient is in a state of displeasure, he shows his anger and aggression towards the people around him. Often, in a fit of rage, he can inflict bodily injury on himself.
  • If there is no one next to him, then such a person shows passivity and indifference to what is happening. He is able to sit motionless for hours, peering pointlessly at one point. In those cases when the patient is in a state of excitement, he makes the same type of movement - sways from side to side, claps his hands.
  • The type of illness that doctors characterize as profound mental retardation in adults is almost always accompanied by a gross violation physical development: short stature, sloping nape, flat skull, slanted eyes, flat bridge of the nose, funnel-shaped chest.
  • These people must be under vigilant control, which is very difficult for the family in which they live. Adult patients are usually kept in specialized boarding schools, where they are provided with medical care and the necessary care.

What leads to idiocy

All types of such deviations have long been studied by physicians, so the causes of such diseases are well studied.

Experts consider one of the main causes of the disease to be various lesions of the brain. This may be a consequence of an injury, severe infectious diseases, congenital pathology.

This type of dementia is characterized by developmental disabilities. It is not only the intellect that suffers. There is a complete lack of will, deviations in behavior and general development, including the physical.

To the primary defects of this type of mental retardation, scientists include organic lesions of the human brain. Scientists emphasize that idiocy is not always a disease, they call it an independent syndrome that cannot be treated. Although, sometimes it is possible to carry out corrective measures that allow at least a little to adapt the patient to life in society.

Treatment methods

Since the treatment of such a type of disease as profound mental retardation in adults, and measures for its prevention depend on the causes, the symptoms of the disease are treated. Doctors believe that those who suffer from idiocy need to improve the metabolic processes occurring in the body, and prescribe nootropics to patients.

Such nootropics include cerebrolesin, glutamic acid, lipocerebrin.

Vitamin therapy courses are often carried out, and magnesia or glycerin is used to reduce intracranial pressure.

With severe lethargy, it is possible to prescribe stimulants, in the form of medicinal tinctures from ginseng, aloe, and radiola rosea.

In cases where the patient shows signs of increased arousal, he is recommended to use sedatives.

Causes of development and treatment of a flat occiput

A sloping or flat nape is a pathology that many parents may not pay attention to. However, in some cases, plagiocephaly, and this is exactly what the name of this feature of the body sounds like, can in some cases lead to certain unpleasant consequences.

What can cause such a defect? According to pediatricians, the main reason for this pathology is improper care of the baby. Many young mothers take more care of the skin of the child, often wash it, feed it properly, but forget that the baby should not lie on the same side of the body for a long time.

It is because of the constant pressure on one place that a flat head is obtained. Therefore, every mother of a newborn should know that the position of the baby must be changed every 2 to 3 hours. Let him lie on his right side for some time, then after two hours his position should be changed and shifted to his right side, and after another two hours - on his back. In this case, avoiding an uneven nape will be easier than ever, because frequent changes in body position are the best prevention in order to prevent further complications.

Other reasons

However, positional deformity of the skull, which is the name of the type of pathology described above, is not the only reason for the development of such a defect. It can also appear for a number of other reasons, among which rickets, torticollis, and increased intracranial pressure come to the fore.

Rickets is a disease that occurs as a result of a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, which leads to the fact that calcium salts are not deposited in the bones. As a result, the bones become very soft and often deformed. Therefore, a constant position in one position, for example, lying on your back, often leads to the development of a sloping nape in a child.

With congenital torticollis, due to the fact that a defect in the sternocleidomastoid muscle occurs, the head constantly leans only to one side, which leads to a flattening of the skull on the affected side. You can get rid of this pathology with the help of massage, physiotherapy and gymnastics, which must be carried out under the supervision of an orthopedist.

In addition, other reasons can be the cause of a deformed nape, for example, frequent and prolonged transportation of a child in a hard car seat, when pressure is constantly applied to the head at one point.

In order to timely identify this pathology of the skull, it is necessary to regularly visit a pediatrician, as well as other specialists - a surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist. In this way, you can accurately understand whether the child has any health problems.

What to do

The sloping occiput is a feature of the skull that requires a special and integrated approach. While the child is small, this can be dealt with quite simply, therefore, in order to prevent a beveled occiput in an adult, treatment should begin in early childhood, while the bones of the skull are still very pliable. While the baby does not raise his head, it is necessary to change his body position as often as possible, preferably every hour or two. If he has already learned to hold his head, then his position can be controlled by bright toys, voice or other distracting maneuvers.

An orthopedic pillow helps to cope with such a problem, but it should be selected strictly in accordance with the age of the crumbs. As for the car seat, it is desirable to use it as little as possible, and only in the most necessary cases. It is also necessary to ensure that the child does not sleep in it during the trip.

If, despite all the measures taken, the child’s skull still began to deform, then it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe additional methods of treatment, for example, physiotherapy and gymnastics. If this turns out to be ineffective, then you will have to use a corrective orthopedic helmet specially designed for such cases for some time.

Does such a back of the head pose any danger to the child? In fact, there is no health hazard here. But at the same time, this defect almost always causes an inferiority complex, so the fight against this condition should be started as early as possible.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free book "TOP 7 Bad Morning Exercises You Should Avoid"
  • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis - free video recording of the webinar, which was conducted by the doctor of exercise therapy and sports medicine - Alexandra Bonina
  • Free low back pain treatment lessons from a certified exercise therapy doctor. This doctor has developed a unique system for the restoration of all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2,000 clients with various back and neck problems!
  • Want to learn how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 Essential Nutrition Components for a Healthy Spine - In this report, you will learn what your daily diet should be like so that you and your spine are always in a healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend that you study effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

    Sukharev V.A. - Psychology of intelligence.

    The human face is divided into three horizontal zones. The upper zone covers the forehead and eyebrows. It reflects inherited intellectual abilities and tells the story of an individual between the ages of fifteen and thirty. If the forehead of an individual is well developed, then this person is most likely cheerful and inventive, as well as endowed with other qualities that can lead to life success. The term "well developed" means proportionate to other parts of the face. The ideal forehead - wide and high - should be balanced by wide ears. If the forehead is unusually large or. perhaps shapeless, this indicates mental retardation. If the forehead is narrow and poorly formed, then this indicates that the person has a difficult character and that he is subject to all sorts of misfortunes.

    The length of the middle zone is equal to the length of the nose. She governs the heyday, from 35 to 50 years. If this zone is well developed, then it speaks of an enterprising spirit and a proud, arrogant nature. A small middle zone, especially with clenched, compressed features, is evidence of mediocrity. If the middle zone is long, and the other two zones are of the same size, then this is evidence of the nobility of character. If this zone has a good shape, without flaws, then this indicates a long life of the individual.

    The lower zone, extending from the tip of the nose to the coccyx of the chin, governs the years 50 to 75, and also recent years life. If the back of the head is well developed, then the facial features in this area - the mouth and chin - should be broad and relatively heavy. Such individuals tend to be affectionate. If the lower zone is too wide, then this person, in all likelihood, is characterized by increased passion. When this zone is too narrow, the individual has little interest in family and friends, is prone to introspection (internal contemplation), and prefers a lonely existence. If this zone is too long, then the person is subject to failure, that is, he has an unhappy fate. An elongated, moreover, narrow lower zone, and even with a sharp chin, usually indicates a “born loser” who fails in life.

    On an ideal face, all three zones are in good balance and proportion. This means that all facial features are in their "proper places", they are not too long, not too small and not defective.

    The shape of the face is divided into five main outlines. The owner of a rectangular face has the same width of the forehead as the width of the jaw. This is the so-called aristocratic form, since most rulers and persons in positions of power have this type of face. Usually they have organizational talent and the ability to work with other people in order to achieve the intended goal. Typical character traits of such people are intelligence, sensitivity, forethought, foresight, justice and calmness. They usually achieve success in life.

    People with a triangular face shape have a high and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, and a thin nose. deep-set eyes and a small, pointed chin. The face is considered bony because it has little soft tissue between cheekbones and chin. Men and women of this type are usually hypersensitive and very busy with themselves. The triangular shape of the face is often observed in thinkers, intellectuals, as well as in people who are cunning, dodgy, jealous, devoid of devotion and affection. It is often difficult for them to get along with other people. In positive cases, these people turn to science, philosophy and art; in the negative - these are spies, scammers, shameless businessmen. They often become the instigators of protests and demonstrations, and sometimes the fanatical leaders of unpopular causes. Failing, they retreat and become hermits.

    The trapezoidal shape of the face has much in common with the triangular, although it differs from it in many significant aspects. A person with such a face is intelligent, receptive and artistic, but he lacks a fighting spirit. Many women are of this type: they are very loving and invariably lead a happy family life.

    The square shape of the face corresponds to the rough, masculine, bony type of people with a quick temper. These are leaders and great fighters. Usually they are slow-witted, stubborn, persistent and resolute, direct and open in business and in love, strive for success and are good performers. A woman with a square face will be a fierce competitor in any field. In love affairs and in family life, she always strives to play a dominant role.

    The round shape of the face characterizes people with a heavy weight. If such a person also has a small nose, then this is a sign of a carefree nature: he is a gourmet, loves the comfort of life, great lover. By nature, soft, gentle, peace-loving, great materialist, not ambitious, does not seek to achieve fame or position.

    If on a round face there is a high nose bridge, protruding cheekbones and penetrating eyes, then this is a purposeful person: authoritative personalities, military leaders come out of such people.

    Different parts of the brain are the centers of certain inclinations of the individual, in particular, intellectual ones. Therefore, the outline of the head visible to the eye often determines the greater or lesser development of individual parts of the brain. ‘So, if the head is squeezed at the temples and expanded at the jaws, then this often means animal instincts, greed, materialism, gluttony.

    The head is narrow, elongated, speaks of the ability to science, curiosity and affection. The head, expanded above the temples, indicates a rich imagination and even a desire for mysticism. A strongly convex nape often shows that its owner is distinguished by affection, sometimes - mathematical ability, and more rarely - only sensuality.

    A flat head is a sure sign of selfishness. The bulge of the crown of the head closer to the forehead speaks of kindness and piety. If the bulge of the crown is closer to the crown, then this is a sign of will and fortitude. Head tilted back means vanity, and tilted forward - developed intellect. The head tilted to the left or right characterizes observation, sarcasm, and sometimes pretense.

    People who have the habit of putting their chin forward are very proud and arrogant: they will not condescend to communicate with a person whom they do not consider their equal in intelligence, social position or any other signs. As a rule, they are lonely, but do not suffer from this.

    If the lower part of the chin is pointed in the middle and protrudes forward, then this person strives for an ideal marriage. He meticulously compares the future spouse with his ideal. Otherwise, as far as marriage is concerned, he is quite compliant.

    A wide square chin in men indicates a passionate nature, a slave to their unhealthy feelings: jealousy, suspicion, deceit. All this together, taken to the extreme, threatens with the danger of insanity.

    A heavy square jaw, combined with a straight neck, often speaks of firmness, poise, and a strong lifestyle. These people are self-satisfied, but they are not very good with a sense of humor: they are especially intolerant of jokes addressed to them.

    A cleft chin is a sign of inconstancy and frequent amorousness. A long chin speaks of negligence and excessive talkativeness in men, anger, indelicacy in the choice of words - in women. An elongated, rounded chin indicates self-confidence and pride, a round chin with a dimple - meekness and good looks. Soft, thick hair speaks of a calm, reasonable character, phlegmatic temperament; long, soft hair - about a sanguine temperament, blooming health; dark, curly, thick hair - about a choleric temperament, irascibility (in children - about a predisposition to melancholy); sticking out, coarse hair - about cowardice; soft, straight, even hair - about politeness, tact, gentleness; brittle hair - about poor health; black hair - about recklessness, impulsiveness; redheads - about the same qualities, but expressed more moderately; golden hair - about mischief and disobedience; straw hair - about honesty and fidelity; thin silky hair - about unusual sensitivity.

    A thin soft beard testifies to the inconstancy of character, effeminacy; red beard - about a calm, polite, friendly character (nevertheless, these people are quick-tempered and easily succumb to deception and flattery). beard with red or yellow tint- sanguine beard: these are friendly, funny, witty people. A straw-colored beard belongs to a phlegmatic temperament, it speaks of honesty. A thick beautiful beard is a sign of an outstanding mind and impeccable character. A small mustache without a beard speaks of waste.

    The long neck expresses innocence; short - wisdom and even cunning; muscular neck - absurdity of character, a neck with wide, clearly visible veins - passion.

    Massive cheekbones protruding under the eyes are a sign of caution and vigilance. These people are very sensitive, attentive and hardy: only 4-5 hours of sleep is enough for them to fully restore their strength. The color of the face is able to characterize a person's personality in a certain way.

    A swarthy complexion indicates oratorical abilities, inconstancy of character, a sharp change in mood, even beliefs, White color faces - about wasteful habits, unrestrained desire for the joys of life. A pale, leaden complexion, red wrinkles or spots on the forehead, deep-set eyes are signs of a slave to their passions, a choleric in temperament: a mixed red-white complexion is a sign of a cheerful, optimistic nature, a lover to talk, bringing, however, little practical benefit. Red (purple) complexion speaks of irascibility, pink - about good health, poise, prudence. A pale lilac or lead complexion is a sign of absurdity, deceit.

    It is known that the state of hatred for one's opponent and the desire to fight with him is accompanied by a rush of blood to the head, as a result of which the person's face turns red. The state of fear, on the contrary, is accompanied by an outflow of blood from the head, which causes pale faces. Since ancient times, these symptoms have made it possible to distinguish a brave person from a cowardly person in the face of life-threatening dangers.

    The most important components of a person's face, which make it possible to judge his character, include the nose, eyes, ears, lips, eyebrows, forehead, and chin. hair.


    The shape and size of the nose are not only determined by genetic factors. The fact is that, unlike other parts of the body, the nose grows and changes its shape throughout life. Therefore, depending on the daily work of the nasal muscles, the intensity of mental and mental activity, the abundance of emotions and passions, mimic habits developed throughout life, pathological deviations in the performance of vital functions, the shape and size of the nose are constantly changing. It is easy to see this by comparing a photo of a person's face at a young age and in old age. A thinly outlined noble nose can be inherited by a person, but also formed during a life full of spiritual, emotional and mental experiences. On the contrary, blunt, upturned noses become less and less expressive over the years if their owners lead a serene lifestyle and do little mental activity.