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The whole family is waiting for September 1 - the future first grader is growing up. How to properly prepare the baby for a new stage in his life, and most importantly, to determine whether the child is still ready for school?

It is no secret that readiness for school is not determined by the age of the child. The ability to carry out educational activities, as well as the adoption of the social position of the student, comes to the fore.

Experts identify several areas by which one can judge readiness for school: intelligence, motivation, psychological readiness and physical abilities.


It is a big mistake to assume that the baby is ready to study, as he can read and write. The child, despite this, can be difficult to be given the school curriculum. The reason for this is the insufficient formation of the processes of thinking, memory, attention.

Before starting school, a child must learn knowledge about the world around him: about other people and about the relationship between them, about nature. The kid should know basic information about himself (name, surname, place of residence), distinguish geometric figures(circle, rectangle, triangle, square), know colors, know spatial characteristics, sizes, be able to make comparisons various items and find differences in them, generalize, analyze, determine the signs of phenomena and objects. Great importance have such productive skills as drawing, modeling, designing, in which the highest forms of activity regulation develop - planning, correction, control.


Motivational readiness to school is considered formed if the kid wants to attend classes, seeks to learn new information, wants to acquire new knowledge. Here it is important to pay attention to the stability of this interest, the ability to exercise volitional effort.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the child's ability to build their behavior and activities in accordance with the established rules, the implementation of actions according to the proposed samples.

Psychological readiness

Unlike the kindergarten requirements, the set of school requirements is larger and more stringent. Pay attention to the development of your baby's communication qualities, emotional "flexibility", his independence and organization, the ability to regulate own behavior readiness for new forms of cooperation with adults.

A child ready for school should have a desire to communicate with their peers. He must be able to establish relationships both with other children and with adults.

Answer the following questions:

  • whether the child is easily included in the company of playing children;
  • whether he knows how to listen to someone else's opinion without interrupting;
  • whether he observes the queue in situations where it is necessary;
  • can he participate in a conversation with several people, can he keep up the conversation?

Physical readiness for school

Physical readiness refers to the general physical development child:

  • normal weight, height, breast volume, muscle tone, body proportions, skin and indicators corresponding to
  • norms of physical development of boys and girls of 6-7 years of age;
  • the state of vision, hearing, hand motility;
  • condition nervous system- the degree of its excitability and balance, strength and mobility;
  • general state health.

To assess development and determine whether a child is ready for a new life stage, you can do the following:

  • check his hearing;
  • check your vision;
  • evaluate the child's ability to sit quietly for a while;
  • check if he has developed coordination of motor skills (can he play with a ball, jump, go up and down stairs);
  • estimate appearance child (does he look rested, alert and healthy).

Entering school is a crucial stage in life, at which the habitual way of life of the whole family changes. Against the background of delight, joy and surprise, the child has feelings of anxiety, confusion. Parental support during this time is very important! Their task is to prepare a son or daughter and be sure to diagnose readiness for school.

Readiness to study at school is considered at the present stage of development of psychology as a complex characteristic of the child, which reveals the levels of development of psychological qualities that are the most important prerequisites for normal inclusion in a new social environment and for the formation of educational activities.

Physiological readiness of the child for school.

This aspect means that the child must be physically ready for school. That is, the state of his health should allow him to successfully pass educational program. Physiological readiness implies the development of fine motor skills (fingers), coordination of movement. The child must know in which hand and how to hold the pen. And also, when a child enters the first grade, he must know, observe and understand the importance of observing basic hygiene standards: the correct posture at the table, posture, etc.

Psychological readiness of the child for school.

The psychological aspect includes three components: intellectual readiness, personal and social, emotional-volitional.

1. Intellectual readiness for school means:

By the first grade, the child should have a stock of certain knowledge (we will discuss them below);

He is supposed to navigate in space, that is, to know how to get to school and back, to the store, and so on;

The child should strive to acquire new knowledge, that is, he should be inquisitive;

The development of memory, speech, thinking should be age-appropriate.

2. Personal and social readiness implies the following:

The child must be sociable, that is, be able to communicate with peers and adults; aggression should not be shown in communication, and when quarreling with another child, he should be able to evaluate and look for a way out of a problem situation; the child must understand and recognize the authority of adults;

Tolerance; this means that the child must adequately respond to constructive comments from adults and peers;

Moral development, the child must understand what is good and what is bad;

The child must accept the task set by the teacher, listening carefully, clarifying unclear points, and after completing it, he must adequately evaluate his work, admit his mistakes, if any.

3. The emotional-volitional readiness of the child for school involves:

Understanding by the child why he goes to school, the importance of learning;

Interest in learning and acquiring new knowledge;

The ability of the child to perform a task that he does not quite like, but this is required by the curriculum;

Perseverance is the ability to listen carefully to an adult for a certain time and complete tasks without being distracted by extraneous objects and affairs.

Cognitive readiness of the child for school.

This aspect means that the future first grader must have a certain set of knowledge and skills that will be needed for successful schooling. So, what should a child of six or seven years old know and be able to do?

1) Attention.

Do something without distraction for twenty to thirty minutes.

Find similarities and differences between objects, pictures.

To be able to perform work according to a model, for example, accurately reproduce a pattern on your sheet of paper, copy human movements, and so on.

It is easy to play mindfulness games where quick reaction is required. For example, name a living creature, but discuss the rules before the game: if a child hears a pet, then he should clap his hands, if it’s wild, tap his feet, if a bird, wave his arms.

2) Mathematics.

Numbers from 0 to 10.

Count up from 1 to 10 and count down from 10 to 1.

Arithmetic signs: "", "-", "=".

Dividing a circle, a square in half, four parts.

Orientation in space and on a sheet of paper: “to the right, to the left, above, below, above, below, behind, etc.

3) Memory.

Memorization of 10-12 pictures.

Telling rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, fairy tales, etc. from memory.

Retelling of the text from 4-5 sentences.

4) Thinking.

Finish the sentence, for example, “The river is wide, but the stream ...”, “The soup is hot, but the compote ...”, etc.

Find an extra word from a group of words, for example, “table, chair, bed, boots, armchair”, “fox, bear, wolf, dog, hare”, etc.

Determine the sequence of events, so that first, and what - then.

Find inconsistencies in drawings, verses-fictions.

Putting together puzzles without the help of an adult.

Fold out of paper together with an adult, a simple object: a boat, a boat.

5) Fine motor skills.

It is correct to hold a pen, pencil, brush in your hand and adjust the force of their pressure when writing and drawing.

Color objects and hatch them without going beyond the outline.

Cut with scissors along the line drawn on the paper.

Run applications.

6) Speech.

Make sentences from several words, for example, cat, yard, go, sunbeam, play.

Understand and explain the meaning of proverbs.

Compose a coherent story based on a picture and a series of pictures.

Expressively recite poems with the correct intonation.

Distinguish letters and sounds in words.

7) The world around.

Know the basic colors, domestic and wild animals, birds, trees, mushrooms, flowers, vegetables, fruits and so on.

Name the seasons, natural phenomena, migratory and wintering birds, months, days of the week, your last name, first name and patronymic, the names of your parents and their place of work, your city, address, what professions are.

Consultation for parents of the preparatory group.

First grade, or how to prepare a child for school.

Spring is a time of special troubles for the families of future first-graders. Soon to school.

Preparing for school is a multifaceted process. And it should be noted that you should start working with children not only immediately before entering school, but far before that, from the youngest age. preschool age. And not only in special classes, but also in the independent activities of the children - in games, in work, in communication with adults and peers.

In kindergartens, children receive counting, reading skills, thinking, memory, attention, perseverance, curiosity, fine motor skills and other important qualities develop. Children receive concepts of morality, love for work is instilled. Children who do not go to kindergarten, and do not receive appropriate preparation for school, can enroll in the "Why" circle at the Center for Children's Creativity.

Readiness for school is divided into physiological, psychological and cognitive. All types of readiness should be harmoniously combined in the child. If something is not developed or not fully developed, then it can serve as problems in schooling, communicating with peers, acquiring new knowledge, and so on.

We train the child's hand.

It is very important to develop the fine motor skills of the child, that is, his hands and fingers. This is necessary so that the child in the first grade does not have problems with writing. Many parents do big mistake forbidding the child to pick up scissors. Yes, you can get hurt with scissors, but if you talk to your child about how to properly handle scissors, what can and cannot be done, then the scissors will not pose a danger. Make sure that the child does not cut randomly, but along the intended line. To do this, you can draw geometric shapes and ask the child to carefully cut them out, after which you can make an appliqué out of them. This task is very popular with children, and its benefits are very high. Modeling is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, and children really like to sculpt various koloboks, animals and other figures. Teach finger warm-ups with your child - in stores you can easily buy a book with finger warm-ups that are exciting and interesting for the baby. In addition, you can train the hand of a preschooler by drawing, hatching, tying shoelaces, stringing beads.

An important task for parents is to teach the child to bring the work begun to the end, whether it be work or drawing, it does not matter. This requires certain conditions: nothing should distract him. Much depends on how the children have prepared their workplace. For example, if a child sat down to draw, but did not prepare everything necessary in advance, then he will be constantly distracted: he needs to sharpen pencils, pick up the appropriate sheet, etc. As a result, the child loses interest in the idea, wastes time, and even leaves the case unfinished.

The attitude of adults to the affairs of children is of great importance. If a child sees an attentive, benevolent, but at the same time demanding attitude towards the results of his activity, then he himself treats it with responsibility.

From the moment your child crosses the threshold of school for the first time, a new stage of his life will begin. Try to start this stage with joy, and so that it continues throughout his schooling. The child should always feel your support, your strong shoulder, which you can lean on in difficult situations. Become a child's friend, adviser, wise mentor, and then your first grader in the future will turn into such a person, into such a person that you can be proud of.

In the life of any child, sooner or later there comes a moment when it is time to go to school. The future first grader does not yet know what awaits him. Carelessness, carelessness and immersion in the game will be replaced by many restrictions, duties and requirements. Now I have to go to class every day, do homework.

How can you determine whether the baby is ready for a new life stage? There are special criteria for school readiness: intellectual, motivational, psychological, social, physical.

Parents are wrong when they think that their baby is ready for school because he can read and write. The child, despite this, can be difficult to be given the school curriculum. The reason is the lack of intellectual preparation for entering the educational institution. Intellectual readiness for school is determined by thinking, memory, attention.


Before starting school, the child should be given knowledge about the world around him: about other people and about the relationship between them, about nature. The child must:

  • know some information about yourself (name, surname, place of residence);
  • distinguish geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, triangle, square);
  • know colors;
  • understand the meanings of the following words: "less", "greater", "low", "high", "narrow", "wide", "right", "left", "between", "near", "above", " under";
  • be able to compare various objects and find differences in them, generalize, analyze, determine the signs of phenomena and objects.


It is much easier for a student to learn if he has a well-developed memory. To determine the readiness of the child for school, you can read a short text to him and ask him to retell it in a couple of weeks. You can also prepare 10 different objects and pictures and show them to your child. Then he will have to name those that he remembered.


The effectiveness of schooling will directly depend on whether the child is able to listen carefully to the teacher, not to be distracted by other students. The attention and readiness of preschoolers for school can be checked by a simple task - read aloud a few pairs of words and ask them to determine in each of them the word that is the longest. If the baby asks again, it means that his attention is poorly developed, and he was distracted by something during the exercise.

Motivational readiness for school

Parents, preparing a child for a new period of life, should form his motivation for learning, because it is the key to future success. Motivational readiness for school is formed if the child:

  • wants to attend classes;
  • seeks to learn new and interesting information;
  • wants to acquire new knowledge.

Psychological readiness for school

In an educational institution, the child will be subject to strict requirements that differ from the requirements that he was introduced to at home and in kindergarten, and all of them will have to be fulfilled.

Psychological readiness for school is determined by the following aspects:

  • the presence of such qualities as independence and organization;
  • the ability to manage one's own behavior;
  • readiness for new forms of cooperation with adults.

Social readiness for school

A child ready for school should have a desire to communicate with peers. He must be able to establish relationships both with other children and with adults. It is worth noting that the relationship of the child with others is a mirror of those relationships that prevail at home in the family. It is from his parents that the baby takes an example.

To assess social readiness for school, it is recommended to check:

  • is it easy for the child to join the company of children playing;
  • whether he knows how to listen to someone else's opinion without interrupting;
  • whether he observes the queue in situations where it is necessary;
  • whether he knows how to participate in a conversation with several people, whether he can keep up the conversation.

Physical readiness for school

Healthy children adapt much faster to the changes in their lives that are associated with the start of schooling. It is physical development that determines physical readiness for school.

To assess development and determine whether a child is ready for a new life stage, you can do the following:

  • check his hearing;
  • check your vision;
  • evaluate the child's ability to sit quietly for a while;
  • check if he has developed coordination of motor skills (can he play with a ball, jump, go up and down stairs);
  • evaluate the appearance of the child (does he look rested, vigorous, healthy).

Testing a future first grader

Before entering an educational institution, children undergo special testing. It is not aimed at accepting only strong students and refusing weak ones. The legislation states that the school does not have the right to refuse parents to accept a child in the first grade, even if he cannot pass the interview.

Tests are necessary for teachers to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the child, the level of his intellectual, psychological, social and personal readiness for classes.

To determine the intellectual readiness for learning at school, the following tasks can be given:

  • count from 1 to 10;
  • perform simple arithmetic operations in the problem;
  • change nouns by number, gender;
  • come up with a story for the picture;
  • lay out figures from matches;
  • arrange the pictures in order;
  • read the text;
  • classify geometric shapes;
  • draw something.

To assess psychological readiness, the teacher suggests passing a test to assess the level of development of fine motor skills of the hand, to identify the ability to work for some time without being distracted, and the ability to imitate a specific model.

On testing, the following tasks may be given to determine the readiness of the child for school:

  • draw a person
  • draw letters or a group of dots.

Also in this block, the child can be asked questions, the answers to which can determine how he is oriented in reality.

When assessing social readiness, the teacher offers to draw a picture by reflection in the mirror, decide situational tasks, color the figures according to a specific instruction, drawing the child's attention to the fact that other children will continue the drawing.

Personal readiness is determined by the teacher in the course of a conversation with the child. Diagnosis of a child's readiness for school is carried out thanks to the questions that are asked to the crumbs about the school, about how they would act in certain situations, with whom they would like to be at the same desk, with whom they would like to be friends. In addition, the teacher will ask the child to express his opinion about himself, talk about his qualities or choose them from the proposed list.

The second time in the first class, or the readiness of parents

Not only children, but also their parents should be ready for school. It is important to understand that getting your child into first grade is a rather costly process. Mom and dad should be prepared for big expenses. The child will need stationery, clothes, shoes, a briefcase. The school may need to provide material support. Monthly expenses will include the cost of meals, security services.

Of no small importance is the psychological readiness of parents for school. Many mothers and fathers often worry about their child when there is no reason for it. You need to understand that the baby has already matured and wised up, moved into a new stage of his life. life path. He no longer needs to be treated like a child. Let him get used to independent living. If the child encounters failure or finds himself in some unpleasant situation, then you should immediately come to his aid.

What if the child does not meet the eligibility criteria?

Many parents are currently faced with the problem of school readiness when a child is found to have shortcomings and is told that it is too early for him to learn. Inattention, absent-mindedness, lack of perseverance are manifested in almost every 6-7-year-old child.

Parents should not panic in such a situation. If the baby is only 6 or 7 years old, then it is not necessary to send him to school at this time. Many children start school only after they are 8 years old. By this time, all the problems that were noticed earlier may disappear.

Do not forget about classes. It is desirable for parents to teach their son or daughter to read and write before school. If a child has some problems with memory or thinking in terms of readiness for school, then there are a huge number of different tasks and exercises that can develop this. If the baby has any deviations, then you can contact a specialist, for example, a psychologist or a speech therapist.

The leading activity of children is the game. But as the baby grows, it begins to give way to learning. We will talk about how to determine the level of readiness of a child to study at school, what methods and tests are recommended for this, we will talk in the article.

According to psychologists, the readiness of children for learning is not evidenced by the amount of their knowledge and the ability or inability to read on the eve of going to first grade. Psychological readiness for school is determined by the child's ability to listen, hear and follow certain instructions. If he does not hear what they want from him, then he is not yet ready to accept instructions.

If he understands what is required of him, but does not want to fulfill it, this indicates that it will not be easy for him to study at school. Those children who do not know how to organize themselves and plan work will also have problems with learning in the primary grades. The third indicator of the maturity of the baby is the willingness to admit the mistake he made and an attempt to correct it without outside help.

It's too early to go to first grade for that little one who doesn't know how to concentrate, to concentrate on something even for a short period of time. Checking the readiness for school of the child includes his ability to find mutual language with peers. Parents themselves can determine the level of readiness of their child for the new status of a student by doing such a simple job.

Ask your child to redraw a specific drawing or circle a picture you made from dots. If he is able to sit for 15-20 minutes, completing the task you proposed, then his ability to concentrate and follow this instruction is formed at a level sufficient for his age.

The child's answer to the question of whether he wants to study in the first grade may indicate the psychological readiness for school. If a positive answer is accompanied by an explanation that he will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things at school, then he has a sufficiently developed cognitive interest. In the case of a negative answer, or even a positive one, the explanation for which will be the opportunity to play there, the conclusion is unambiguous: it’s not time to go to school yet.

Tests, diagnostics of a child's readiness for schooling

Professional diagnostics of the level of preparation of children and the readiness of the child (including psychological) to study in primary school has as its goal not a simple statement of the achievements of an individual child, but the determination of the correct direction of his preparation and the timely elimination of identified problems.

To determine the level of readiness of a child of 6-7 years old for school, there are various tests with tasks and questions, the answers to which will help to get a general picture of the development of the baby. It includes many components, including:

  • physical readiness,
  • psychological,
  • emotional
  • social and communicative.

Tests aimed at determining the psychological readiness for school of a particular child help determine whether he can learn the proposed school curriculum while in a group of peers.

Before proceeding directly to the methods of conducting a test aimed at determining the degree of readiness for school of a child, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • so that the baby does not experience stress and is completely open, you cannot tell him that they are going to check him;
  • tasks should be offered in the course of daily activities or play (in a relaxed atmosphere);
  • testing is usually not tied to a specific time, do not rush to get the result yourself and do not push the child.

Methods for determining a child's readiness for school

A detailed description of these and other methods can be found on the Internet. But this does not mean that parents can diagnose their baby on their own, especially if they try to draw conclusions based on the results obtained. This business is the prerogative of specialists. You can simply find out in which direction the preparation should be carried out.

There are a large number of methods that allow diagnosing a child's readiness for successful education in elementary school. You can determine the ability to follow instructions orally and do tasks according to the model using a graphic dictation and the Wenger-Elkonin “Sample and Rule” technique. To determine the level of mental development of the baby, fine motor skills, his eye, the ability to imitate, you can use the Kern-Ierasek technique.

There comes a time when any parent asks himself the question: “When should I send my child to school?” Undoubtedly, there are generally accepted standards, but each of us is individual. Children are all different, someone is able to easily assimilate school material at the age of 6 and study well, while someone will not be able to simply master the proposed program. Then how to determine the readiness of the child for school? This will be discussed in the article.

To answer this question, three aspects must be taken into account at once. They are in close relationship with each other.

Aspect #1

First of all, the physical is considered. It is established as a result of passing a special medical commission. All results must be recorded in the child's card. In case on this moment he has some kind of disease, then admission to an educational institution may be delayed

Aspect #2

Readiness of the child for school from an intellectual point of view. He should have developed attention, memory, perception and other important processes of brain activity. If this condition is not met, the child will be difficult situation, because the requirements for it will be based on the assumption that all students have an equal level of development. Various psychological methods are used to assess this parameter. They show how the child has developed speech, thinking, coordination, attention, upper limbs, and so on. Elementary math problems may be offered during the course. Tests are also possible that characterize his knowledge of the world around him and his readiness to act according to a certain algorithm.

To determine the level of intellectual maturity, the successfully completed tasks are counted. If this indicator is more than 80%, then this is an excellent result, average degree is in the range from 55 to 80%, lower numbers - a low score.

Note that by the age of six to seven years, the child needs to know the following points:

Address of residence, hometown;

The name of your country and its capital;

Full name of parents, information about their place of work;

The sequence of the seasons, features;

Months and all days of the week;

Differences between domestic animals and wild ones;

He must navigate in his environment, space.

Aspect #3

The readiness of the child to study at school is also determined by personal motivation. He should have an interest in gaining knowledge, mastering new skills and abilities. This parameter is clarified during the conversation. It determines how much the child strives to communicate with peers, the level of his independence, initiative and other features. The readiness of the child for school largely depends on the parents. Their role is to explain to their child why people go to study, what they get from it. The child should receive exclusively positive information about an object unknown to him - the school. It should be remembered that everything said by adults, he perceives literally.