Methodical development

history lesson

« Civil War in Russia"


Artemov V.V., Lubchenkov Yu.N., History.: textbook for students. institutions of secondary vocational education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2016

Designed by:

Abramenkov Alexander Vasilievich, teacher of social disciplines, State Budgetary Educational Institution "Mlynsky College of Agrotechnologies", branch in Zhukovka

Subject: Russian Civil War

The purpose of the lesson: To intensify the cognitive activity of students, improve their general educational level and broaden their horizons. Show the depth of the tragedy of the Russian people, plunged into a fratricidal war, identify the causes of the Civil War, form an idea of ​​​​the reasons for the victory of the Reds and the defeat of the White movement.

Lesson objectives:

- Identify and characterize the political, socio-economic and national contradictions that led to the Civil War in Russia.

Bring students to conclusions about the results and consequences of the Civil War.

- Continue to develop the ability to analyze historical documents.

Develop the ability to analyze and argue their own position and formulate conclusions.

To educate citizenship, orient students to humanistic and democratic values.

Lesson type : combined.

Type of lesson : lesson presentation

Forms of organization of work : frontal work with a group

Basic concepts : Civil war, KOMUCH, intervention, war communism, requisitioning, nationalization.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, handout (text of documents), media projector, presentation, screen, portraits of the ideologists of the white and red movements, wall map "Civil War in Russia in 1918-1920"

Educational equipment : Artemov V.V., Lubchenkov Yu.N., History.: textbook for students. institutions of secondary vocational education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2016.

Main dates and events:

01/18/1918 first meeting of the Constituent Assembly in Petrograd

01/19/1918 Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly

3/3/1918 signing of the Brest peace treaty

May 25, 1918 the transition of the Czechoslovak Legion to the side of the opponents of the Soviet regime

06/11/1918 education in the villages of committees of the poor

07/10/1918 adoption of the first Constitution of the RSFSR

January 11, 1919 Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the introduction of food surplus for bread

04/28/1919 the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army against the forces of A.V. Kolchak

July 3, 1919 signing of the Moscow Directive by General A. Denikin m

11/17/1920 The Red Army completely occupies the Crimea

Lesson plan

I.Organizing time

II.Checking homework

III.Learning new material

    Causes and features of the Civil War in Russia.

    Time frame of the Civil War.

    War "inside democracy".

    Reds against whites.

    "War Communism" and its consequences.

    Results and consequences of the Civil War.




During the classes

I .Organizing time . Greetings

II . Checking homework.

In the last lesson, we studied the topic: “The coming of the Bolsheviks to power in Russia. October 1917. Let's do a background check.

A) Checking d \ z consists of a written task: 1) - individual work with cards for weak students (level A tasks) on the topic: "The coming of the Bolsheviks to power." 2) - individual work with contour maps "Russia in the First World War in 1917", a - task 1 on the map, b - task on map 2.

Students complete tasks.

B) Frontal survey of students:

1. What are the causes of the October Revolution?

2. What was the balance of political forces on II Congress of Soviets?

3. Menshevik N.N. Sukhanov, in his "Notes on the Revolution", somewhat ironically, describes the controversy that unfolded between the Bolsheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries afterII Congress of Soviets:

“The Socialist-Revolutionaries shouted: a good Marxist who poisoned us for 15 years for our petty-bourgeois and unscientific attitude from the height of his greatness and who carried out our program as soon as he seized power! And Lenin snapped: a good party that had to be driven out of power in order to carry out its program!”

1. What document is referred to in the above passage?

2. For what purpose did the Bolsheviks appropriate the Socialist-Revolutionary program?

3. What were the main requirements of this program?

4. Why were the first legislative acts of the Bolsheviks the Decree on Peace and Land?

5. Why did the Bolsheviks first convene and then dissolve the Constituent Assembly?

6. When was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed? What are its conditions?

7. What were the first activities of the Soviet government in the field of economics?

The students answer the teacher's questions.

III . Learning new material.

Motivation for a new theme.Slide #1

Today we will talk about a fratricidal war unprecedented in world history in terms of the intensity and scale of class battles, the depth and fury of human passions. War in itself is terrible, terrible for a person, and even more so if it is a civil war. 98 years later, looking back, we ask ourselves the question: what do we know about her, about the civilian. It turns out not so much. History still has many unknown pages.

Statement of the problem task.

The purpose of our lesson- to identify the causes of the civil war, its features, participants, identify the stages and solve the problem-cognitive task - to find out the reasons for the victory of the "Reds" and the defeat of the "Whites".

The 1917 revolution marked the beginning of the Civil War - one of the bloodiest pages Russian history. The country split into reds and whites, friends and foes.

Human values ​​such as mercy, tolerance, humanism, morality are relegated to the background, giving way to the principle - whoever is not with us is against us. The Civil War is the greatest tragedy in the history of our country. This struggle took on the most extreme forms, bringing with it mutual cruelty, terror, and irreconcilable malice.

During the lesson, you will have to give your own answer to the following questions:

    Why did the Reds win?

    Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values?

    What do the results of the Civil War teach?

    Determine the consequences of the war for the fate of our country.

    Causes and features of the Civil War:

What is a Civil War?

slide number 2

Writing in a notebook

Civil War - this is an armed struggle within the country between different social groups.

We will meet with such a term asintervention.

Intervention - aggressive intervention of one or more states, mostly armed, in the internal affairs of a country.

Let's find out the reasons why foreign countries intervened in the course of the Civil War.

Task for students: read the text of the textbook p. 327, formulate the causes and features of the Civil War in Russia.

Discussion of the task in a group (in pairs)

The teacher completes the student's response. slide number 3

Causes of the Civil. Writing in a notebook

    Exacerbation of social contradictions in Russian society that have accumulated over decades and even centuries.

    Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and the establishment of a one-party political system.

    The conclusion of the Brest Peace, the loss of a vast territory of the country.

    Extraordinary decrees on the organization of grain procurements.

    The total nationalization of enterprises, the decline of industry, unemployment, hunger, the Bolsheviks ban on the free sale of bread.

    The policy of the leading political parties "the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks", which failed to stabilize the situation after the overthrow of the autocracy.

slide number 4

Features of the Civil War.

    Long bloody war spread over a vast area.

    The society lacked political traditions of peaceful resolution of social contradictions.

    value in the public mind human life fell to the lowest mark "man with a gun".

Fact. On February 18, 1918, Pravda wrote “All of Russia is divided into two irreconcilable camps - into Bolsheviks and non-Bolsheviks”


Based on the causes of the Civil War, is it possible to determine which social strata participated in the war? Name them. Determine who supported the Reds, who supported the Whites?

Red. Broad social base. They knew well the psychology of the people, they offered what the people craved. (Land - to peasants, etc.)

The teacher adds. The White camp was extremely heterogeneous. There were monarchists and liberals, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and open military dictatorship. A significant part of the intelligentsia turned out to be in the ranks of the white movement.

Fact. Until now, there is an opinion that capitalists and landowners went to the White Army. However, among the participants in the transition of the Volunteer Army from the Don to the Kuban in the winter-spring of 1918, half were wartime officers "remember who became officers in 1916-1917." Of the senior officers, considering 36 generals, only 6% were landowners, there were no capitalists at all, 21% of hereditary nobles, 39% of the children of officers and personal nobles, the rest came from bourgeois, peasants, petty officials, soldiers. General M.V. Alekseev came from soldiers' children, General L.G. Kornilov was the son of a Cossack.

So, we see that a significant part of the white movement was made up of people who were not personally connected with the interests of the owners. The tragedy of these people lies precisely in the fact that their interests objectively coincided with the interests of the exploiting strata, with the desire to return the old Russia with their usual way of life, which was rejected by the masses.

Slide number 5: "program of the white movement" Kolchak, Wrangel, Denikin.

(Worksheet with program)

Question: Which point of the Whites' program, in your opinion, could attract and which could repel the peasantry?

Interview between teacher and students.

    Timeframe of the Civil War

Historians give different dates for the beginning and end of the Civil War in Russia.

Question: When do you think the Civil War began in Russia?

Interview with students.

Some historians believe that its first acts were the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in October. Most give a different date - November-December 1917 - the formation of the Volunteer Army on the Don and its first military operations. The same debate is going on about the end of the Civil War.

However, most scholars limit the Civil War to the end of front-line hostilities. In the European part of Russia, this happened in November 1920 with the evacuation of Wrangel's army from the Crimea. As for Siberia and D / V, the battles there went on much longer. The last stronghold of the whites fell in the autumn of 1920.

We will take the textbook periodization of the Civil War:

    October 1917 - spring 1918

    May 1918 - autumn 1918 - the "democratic period" of the Civil War

    Autumn 1918-1920 - military confrontation between the red and white armies

    1921-1922 - the defeat of the white movement and the suppression of peasant revolts by the Bolsheviks. The end of the struggle in the Far East.

Slide number 6. Civil War posters .

Questions: Analyze what was dear to the Reds and to the Whites.

Interview with students.

    War "inside democracy". Reds against whites.

Assignment: pp. 327-332. Map number 4. Complete the chronological table.

Slide number 7

The results of the war.

general characteristics period

Man at war. How was his fate. Let's watch presentations about those who believed in the ideas of the Reds and gave their lives for them and about those who believed in the ideas of the White movement.

Presentations about the military leaders of the Civil War: M. Tukhachevsky, A. Denikin, S. Budyonny, V. Kappel.

    War Communism and its consequences.

Any movement that came to or aspired to power must determine its socio-economic policy. The white movement took advantage of the old one - and lost. The social and economic policy of the Bolsheviks was "war communism".

Exercise. Your task is to determine the essence of War Communism (group work)

After discussion, write in a notebook.

nationalization of industry. It is carried out in order to put under the control of the Soviet government all production, which should ensure the victory of the Red Army.

The introduction of surplus appropriation, i.e. the seizure of all surplus grain from the peasants in excess of the norms established by the state.

Teacher: The food dictatorship caused a sharply negative reaction from the peasantry. It was she who expanded the social base of the counter-revolution. Oddly enough, the whites helped, they began to introduce the old agrarian order in the territories they occupied, and the peasantry again swung towards Soviet power.

Wages in "kind" form with basic necessities, the introduction of labor service.

Cancellation of free trade, products were distributed by the state, money was devalued (Black Market)

Cancellation of rent, utilities, newspapers, communications.

Consequences of the policy of War Communism.

During the crisis in the country, this policy helped new government survive, but it leads to the curtailment of democracy and the establishment of party dictatorship.

There is a gradual usurpation of power by the Bolsheviks, the foundations of the administrative-command system in the USSR are being laid.

5. Results and consequences of the Civil War.

1. Red win. What ensured the victory of the Reds?

Support of the majority of the population;

An attempt by the "white" movement to restore landlordism pushed the peasants to the Bolsheviks;

The Bolsheviks in a short time were able to create a combat-ready disciplined army;

The "white" movement did not have unity, there was no single administration, there was no single center, there was disintegration in the army;

Mass action of the proletariat abroad "Hands off Russia".

2. Destruction of oppositional anti-Soviet forces.

3. Preservation of the integrity of Russia.

Consequences of the Civil War.

    From the autumn of 1917 -1922. loss of almost 13 million people, 2 million - went into exile.

    Colossal damage has been done to the Russian economy. The amount of damage in 1922 ranged from 40 to 50 billion rubles. gold rubles, which exceeded a quarter of the pre-war wealth of the country.

    Industrial production fell seven times. Reduction of sown areas (67% of the pre-war level).

    A break with the legacy of the past.

The curtailment of democracy and the establishment of a rigid one-party dictatorship in the country;

Planting a new proletarian culture and a new ideology;

Fight with the church;

The continued split of society into “us” and “them”.

Each side considered itself absolutely right. The Whites claimed to be representatives of the national cause, fought and died for the great Russia and its interests as they understood them. The Bolsheviks were convinced that they were the spokesmen for the interests of all working people, fighters against oppression and exploitation, for the speedy and final liberation not only of their own people, but of the whole world.

Interview between teacher and students.

Questions: What is the tragedy of the Civil War? Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values? What is the main lesson of the Civil War?

Teacher. The main lesson of the Civil War is the rejection of instilling intolerance, of clashes between different strata of society, of violence and arbitrariness as a method of state building.

Today we are building a rule of law state and a civil society. Your wishes to modern politicians.

Slide number 8.

"The fate of Russia is infinitely dearer than the fate of classes and parties, doctrines and teachings."

N. Berdyaev

“There can be no victory in the Civil War - in any case, it will be a victory over universal principles”

M. Voloshin

IV. Reflection.

Slide number 9.

    I realized that...

    I learned…

    I managed…

    I was surprised...

    Lesson taught me for life...

    I wanted…

V . Grading .

VI .Homework.

Section 85.86.

1. Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, Frunze, Kamenev, Wrangel, Makhno, Antonov

Indicate the lifetime of the historical figure (up to a decade). Name the main areas of its activity and give them brief description. State the results of this activity.

The documents

From Admiral Kolchak's statement on the political program of the government

[The territory of democratic Russia -

territory Russian Empire]

“2) […] Russia at the present time is and subsequently can only be a democratic state, in which all questions relating to changes in territorial boundaries and international relations must be ratified by a representative body.

[Poland and Finland]

3) Recognizing as a natural and fair consequence great war the creation of a united Polish state, the Government considers itself competent to confirm the independence of Poland, declared by the Russian Provisional Government of 1917, all statements and obligations of which we have accepted. Already now we are ready to recognize the actually existing Finnish government, providing it with complete independence in the internal structure and administration of Finland. The final decision on the question of Finland belongs to the Constituent Assembly.

[Baltic states, Caucasus, Turkestan]

4) We are willingly ready now to prepare decisions related to the fate of national groups: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Caucasian and Trans-Caspian peoples, and we count on fast decision these questions, since the Government is already ensuring the autonomous rights of the nationalities.The limits and character of the autonomies must, of course, be determined separately each time. In the event of difficulties in resolving these questions, the Government will gladly take advantage of the peaceful cooperation of the League of Nations.


5) The above principle of ratification of agreements by the Constituent Assembly, of course, must also be applied to the question of Bessarabia. […]

From the declaration of the Ministry of Agriculture of the government of A.V. Kolchak

Land grabs must stop. In order to fully satisfy all strata of the population in their land demands in various parts of a vast state, where in places there are the most diverse forms of land ownership and land use, it is required, taking into account all the local land and household characteristics of the various nationalities inhabiting the country, to develop a land law that meets the interests of their labor elements. This law will be sanctioned by the All-Russian Constituent or National Assembly.

Political program of Denikin. I. Denikin's speech in Stavropol on August 26, 1918

The Volunteer Army set itself the task of recreating a United Great Power Russia. Hence - the murmur of centrifugal forces and local sick ambitions.

A volunteer army cannot, even if temporarily, go into bondage to foreigners, and even more so throw chains on the future free course of the Russian state ship. Hence the murmuring and threats from outside.

The volunteer army, making its way of the cross, wants to rely on all state-minded circles of the population. It cannot become an instrument of any political party or public organization. Then it would not be the Russian State Army. Hence - the displeasure of the intolerant and the political struggle around the estate of the army. But if certain traditions live in the ranks of the army, it will never become the executioner of someone else's thought and conscience. She says frankly and honestly: be you right, be you left, but love our tormented Motherland and help us save it.

In the same way, attacking with all its might against the corrupters of the people, the soul and the plunderers of the people's property, the Volunteer Army is a stranger to the social and class struggle. In the difficult painful situation in which we live, when only shreds are left of Russia, this is not the time to solve social problems. And parts of the Russian state cannot build Russian life, each in its own way.

Therefore, those ranks of the Volunteer Army, on whom fate has placed a heavy burden of administration, will by no means break the basic legislation. Their role is to create only such an environment in which it would be possible to live and breathe tolerably, tolerably until the All-Russian legislative institutions, representing the mind and conscience of the Russian people, direct their life along a new direction - towards light and truth.

Denikin. "Essays on the Russian Troubles", vol. III, pp. 262, 263.

Declaration of General Denikin on the land issue. 1919

I consider it necessary to indicate the principles that should form the basis of these rules and regulations:

one). Ensuring the interests of the working population.

2). Creation and strengthening of stable small and medium-sized farms at the expense of state and privately owned lands.

3). Retention of the owners of their rights to the land. At the same time, in each individual locality, the amount of land that can be retained in the hands of the former owners must be determined, and the procedure for the transfer of the rest of the privately owned land to land-poor land must be established. These transitions can be made by voluntary agreements or by compulsory expropriation, but always for a fee.

ORDER of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia (P. Wrangel)


Government communication on the land issue

In a difficult time of great turmoil, in the hard days of bloody clashes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia decided to issue his significant "Order on the Land." Worked out in the harsh conditions of a military camp, issued under unheard of difficult economic conditions, this Order, of course, cannot bring with it general satisfaction. The land question has disturbed and tormented the Russian people for too long for any resolution of it to be able to fundamentally reconcile the often conflicting interests and calm down the passions that have long flared up to the end. But it was no longer possible to delay the solution of this issue, and on May 25 this hopelessly tangled knot was cut.

The essence of the land reform, proclaimed in the order of the Commander-in-Chief on land, is simple. It can be expressed in a few words: land - to the owners working on it. This guiding thought of the order is based on two main aspirations: to protect all land use, as it has been established to date, from violations, violence and seizures, and to transfer to the working owners of the land suitable for farming land, state-owned and privately owned.

The order is meant to create in the countryside a firm land order and security of life, so that the owner working on the land does not suffer from encroachments in the present and from uncertainty in the future.

By setting general position on the alienation of lands in favor of the owners working on them, the Order first of all determines the necessary exemptions from this provision, prompted both by the requirements of justice and by considerations of public benefit. For the former owners, part of their possessions is retained, but the size of this part is not fixed in advance, but in a separate locality is the subject of judgment of the volost and county land institutions, which are most familiar with local economic conditions. In this respect, government power belongs only to the approval of the decisions of local institutions in accordance with the benefit of the state.

All allotment lands, lands acquired with the assistance of the Peasant Land Bank and not exceeding the established size of plots allocated for cuts and farms according to land management laws, parish allotments, estates and highly cultivated plots (gardens, vineyards) are recognized as free from alienation and subject to return to legal owners. , irrigated crops, etc.), lands belonging to agricultural experienced scientists and educational institutions and schools, plots under industrial establishments (factories, plants, etc.), as well as all kinds of possessions in general, not exceeding certain sizes.

All expropriated lands are assigned to the owners who are currently cultivating them in the amount established by local land institutions, but these institutions cannot reduce farms already established below the standards of the Peasant Bank. In accordance with the distribution made in this way, acts are drawn up on securing land for ownership, similar to the previous documents on the amicable demarcation of common dachas. These acts are for indisputable possession. On the basis of them, serf documents are issued, after payment to the State of the full value of the land by the new owners.

The lands, although without immediate demarcation, are transferred to the eternal hereditary property of each owner. Such an order of land use will most of all ensure good farming. This establishes the fundamental difference between the land reform now being carried out and any experiments of a communist nature, so hated by the Russian peasantry.

Land is alienated not for nothing, but for payment to the State of its cost. This is another important aspect of the new land rules, which distinguishes them from the impracticable and unjust promises of gratuitous and universal allotment. Such a transfer of land ensures its transition to real, stable owners, and not to any person who is greedy for gratuitousness and alien to the earth.

The lesson was held in the 9th grade. Theme of the lesson: "Fiery whirlwinds of a distant war"

Lesson Objectives:

1) Systematization and deepening of knowledge on the topic; analysis of the correlation of forces in the civil war, their full characterization; analysis of the results of the war; war lessons

2) development of the ability to work in the Power Point application, present one's work, analyze historical documents representing different points of view, lead a discussion, establish causal relationships.

3) education of patriotism, tolerant attitude to different views and positions; the realization that the civil war is one of the tragic pages of our history, the repetition of which should not happen in our society, among our people.

Grade 9 is a single close-knit team of like-minded people. The average score in history is 4.25. There are 8 people in the class, 4 students have an “excellent” mark in history. There are no failures.

When planning the lesson, it was taken into account that the creative abilities of this class are above average and the guys can easily cope with tasks for the speed of decision-making, creativity. It is for this reason that the work included elements of a role-playing game (dividing the class into 3 groups, completing group project assignments, defending projects, discussions on behalf of supporters of different warring forces).

Students easily coped with problematic issues and solved problem-cognitive tasks.

All goals were achieved, because the results of the work at various stages of the lesson revealed:

Possession of factual material;

The conducted role-playing game expanded the range of knowledge on the topic and was an unconventional form of control over students' possession of both oral monologue speech and the ability of students to summarize;

Reflection of the lesson showed a formed emotional attitude to the material studied.

Communication with students was built on mutual disposition, active interaction, mutual support in the conditions of an open lesson.

In general, the results of the lesson can be considered positive:

Lesson objectives achieved;

The tasks set have been completed;

The students in the lesson demonstrated mastery of the studied material;

Test work in the next lesson has a high average score and quality;

There was no failure in the lesson;

Students actively worked in the lesson, easily involved in various forms of activity;

Demonstrated creativity;

They received an emotional charge and did not remain indifferent and indifferent to the heroic pages of Russian history.




Teachers MAOU OOSH s. Matveevka

Biryukova Elena Vasilievna

Lesson type: combined

Lesson Objectives:

1) Systematization and deepening of knowledge on the topic; analysis of the correlation of forces in the civil war, their full characterization; analysis of the results of the war; war lessons

2) development of the ability to work in the Power Point application, present one's work, analyze historical documents representing different points of view, lead a discussion, establish causal relationships.

3) education of patriotism, tolerant attitude to different views and positions; the realization that the civil war is one of the tragic pages of our history, the repetition of which should not happen in our society, among our people.

Methods - problematic (why having more chances - money, knowledge, help from the Entente - the white camp lost), explanatory and illustrative (teacher's story, students' home presentations), critical thinking (answer to a problematic question).

Techniques and teaching aids: conversation, work with historical terms, presentation, problem solving, work with historical sources, work with a historical map.


computer, projector, multimedia presentations of students, documents, historical map "Civil War and Intervention in Russia", booklet "Results and Consequences of the Civil War in Russia"

During the classes

Lesson stages

Teacher activity

Student activities

1. Organizational moment.

2.Main part

2.1. Knowledge update


2.3 Problem solving

2.4.discussion, conclusions

2.5 Solving a problem-cognitive task

Set students to work, positive emotions.

Creating a situation of educational success.

Students get ready for work

The opening speech of the teacher is a poem by M. Voloshin, a joint definition of the objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: asks for a definition of the concept of "civil war"

Definition A civil war is an armed struggle between armed groups of the population, which was based on deep social, national and political contradictions. (Academician Yu.A.Polyakov)

Three colors of war

3 groups were given advanced homework: to create presentations about the camp of "whites", "reds", "greens"

Student task: identify whatfeatures of movements, name leaders, mark on the map the location of troops during the war, using the information provided in the presentation and documents

Determine the objectives of the lesson

Define the term "civil war"

Students present their project work, defend supporters of different movements

They note features, name leaders, on historical map arrows indicate the location of the armies

The teacher addresses the students if there are any questions for the speakers

Students answer questions, reveal the essence and features of movements

Question for students: Were only Russian citizens involved in the war?

Students talk about military intervention, show on the map the landing sites.

Why did the Civil War in Russia become possible? What were its preconditions, reasons?

Was it possible to avoid the outbreak of civil war?

Students discuss, express their opinion, defend the positions of the warring forces. There is a general opinion that there were opportunities for dialogue, but the time for seeking agreement was lost.

They give the opinion of the historian M.A. Osorgin about the cruelty of the warring parties.

The teacher suggests looking at posters from the Civil War.Question to students: “What did the posters call for?”

The teacher reveals the concept of "Terror"

Question to students: “Why does the Civil War in Russia have no clear boundaries, either temporal or spatial?”

Why, having a numerical superiority, the support of the interventionists, the officers, the "whites" lost the civil war, and the "reds" won it?

The teacher invites students to work with the booklet and summarize the results and consequences of the Civil War in Russia

The teacher reads a poem by M. Tsvetaeva andtells students about the lessons of the Civil War in Russia, considers in detail what

The teacher offers to honor the memory of those who died in the Civil War and watch the video clip "To the Generals of the Civil War"

Students discuss what is depicted on the posters, come to the conclusion that they called for both to kill and destroy enemies.

Students talk about manifestations of terror from both whites and reds.

They come to the conclusion that terror made the Civil War even more terrible, even more tragic, because citizens of one country subjected each other to terror.

Students give different points of view on the dates of the beginning and end of the war.

Students reveal the reasons for the defeat of the "whites" and the victory of the "reds"

Students talk about the political, social, spiritual and moral consequences of the war.

3.Summary of the lesson

Summing up the work in the lesson, grading

Evaluate the activities of classmates, draw conclusions from the lesson.

4. Homework

The booklet contains homework: p.17 repeat p15-16, prepare for the test work. Complete a creative task of your choice:

Write an essay on the topic - "Lessons of the Civil War"

Think about homework, ask questions to the teacher on completion


Theme of the lesson: "Fiery whirlwinds of a distant war"

Alone rose from the underground, From exiles, factories, mines, Poisoned by the dark will And the bitter smoke of cities.

Others from the ranks of the military, Destroyed nests of nobles, Where the fathers and brothers of the slain were escorted to the churchyard.

And here and there between the rows One and the same voice sounds: "Whoever is not for us is against us There are no indifferent ones: the truth is with us."

And I stand alone between them

In roaring flames and smoke

And with all your might

I pray for both. M. Voloshin.

Tell me, guys, about what historical event Maximilian Voloshin wrote so poignantly

Yes you are right. The topic of our lesson is devoted to one of the most complex and debatable issues of national history

"Civil War and Military Intervention in Russia"

Today we are going to have a lesson with you ....

The purpose of the lesson:

Find out the prerequisites and features of the Civil War in Russia, consider the alignment of opposing forces in a civil conflict, their social composition and political orientations, the consequences for the fate of the country in the 20th century;

1. Civil warbecame one of the most tragic pages of our history. I'm not afraid to say that its grave consequences have had a devastating effect on Russian statehood and society to this day.

Let's remember the meaning of this concept. (Children quite easily define the concept, because it has already been repeatedly met in the course of history and only its actualization is required “A civil war is a war between citizens of one state). In addition, the teacher offers students the following definition:

Civil War- this is an armed struggle between armed groups of the population, which was based on deep social, national and political contradictions. (Academician Yu.A.Polyakov)

But what is really behind this concept? What pictures arise before our eyes when we pronounce these words - the Civil War? Society split into hostile camps. Three colors of the Civil War

Who are these armed groups?

You carried out group project assignments, namely, you investigated the role of social strata, parties, social groups in unleashing the civil war in Russia. Now you will present us your projects. First I invite supporters of the white movement.

A “white” movement has formed in Russia

Like the knights of the Vikings, To gather Russia together, Goes to battle with a tricolor flag Without fear of death, our army. She is not afraid of deprivation on her way, Delirium of bloody fears is ridiculous, She brings us rebirth In the radiance of joyful victories! F. Kasatkin-Rostovsky

The leaders of the white movement were: Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak - Russian military and political figure,Admiral , participant Russo-Japanese War . During World War I commanded a mine divisionBaltic Fleet , Black Sea Fleet , St. George Cavalier . Leader white movement during civil war . Supreme Ruler of Russia .

Anton Ivanovich.Denikin, Achieved the greatest military and political results among all the leaders of the White movement, commander of the Volunteer Army, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia

Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel,- Russian military leader, participant in the Russo-Japanese and World War I, one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea and Poland

Also, the leaders of the white movement were Lavr Georgievich Kornilov, Nikolai Nikolayevich Yudenich, Mikhail Vasilyevich. Alekseev, Petr Nikolayevich Krasnov and others
Formation of the white movement
The White movement took shape in November 1917. in the south of Russia in Novocherkassk by creating military officer formations. The formation of the Volunteer Army was started by Generals Alekseev and. Kornilov. This army marked the beginning of the white movement. April 17, 1918 near Yekaterinburg, the commander of the Volunteer Army, General L.G., was killed. Kornilov. General Anton Ivanovich Denikin took command.
The social composition of the white movement
Deprived of power and property, the landowners, the bourgeoisie; Cossacks (often fought on two fronts); Part of the officer corps of the Russian army; Clergy; Part of the workers and peasants; A significant part of the intelligentsia. The White camp was heterogeneous. It included monarchists and liberals, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and an open military dictatorship, people of ideas and people without definite political convictions, but they were all against Soviet power.

Denikin's program:
The destruction of Bolshevik anarchy and the establishment of a legal order in the country; Restoration of a united and indivisible Russia; Convening a people's assembly on the basis of universal suffrage; Democratization of power through the establishment of regional autonomy and broad local self-government; Guarantee of complete civil liberty and freedom of religion; Implementation of land reform; The introduction of labor legislation, the protection of workers from exploitation by the state and capital. Kolchak's program contained similar measures.
Agrarian program of the leaders of the white movement
It was envisaged "to preserve the rights of the owners to the land", "the landlords could transfer part of their land to the peasants for a ransom"
It was envisaged to limit large landownership, increase the land allotments of the middle peasants, "up to 600 acres were retained by the previous owners"
Provision was made for the allocation of land to landless and land-poor peasants, the return of seized lands to their owners, and the final resolution of the land issue by the national assembly.

In response to the formation of the white movement, the Bolsheviks organized the red movement. Students who share the point of view of the Reds have the floor
Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924) remained the leader of the Bolsheviks. A bit of his biography: at the age of 17, he was expelled from Kazan University for participating in student unrest. In 1888 joined a Marxist circle. In 1891, as an external student, he passed the exams for the course of the Faculty of Law. After the II Congress, he became the leader of the Bolsheviks. He wrote a number of major philosophical and economic works, created the theory of imperialism as the highest and last stage of capitalism, after which socialism will come. During the First World War, he advocated turning it into a civil one, which, in his opinion, should lead to a revolutionary replacement of capitalism by the dictatorship of the proletariat. He was one of the organizers of the October Revolution, then the head of state.

The social base of the Reds
Workers of the central industrial region; A significant part of the peasantry; Part of the officer corps of the Russian army; officialdom; part of the intelligentsia.
Red Army
January 15, 1918 . the decree of the Council of People's Commissars proclaimed the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and on January 29, 1918. Decree on the organization of the Red Fleet was adopted. In July 1918 Decree on universal conscription of the male population between the ages of 18 and 40 was published. If during the volunteer period up to 300 thousand fought in the ranks of the Red Army. people, then by the end of 1918 - over 1 million, and in the fall of 1920 - already over 5 million.

The leaders and commanders of the Red Army were:

  • Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze-revolutionary,
  • Soviet statesman and military figure, one of the largest military leaders of the Red Army during the Civil War, military theorist. He commanded the 4th Army of the Eastern Front, the Southern Group of Forces.
  • Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky- Soviet military leader, commander of the Red Army during the Civil War. The command of the Soviet units on the Eastern Front, the commander of the Caucasian Front, the commander of the Western Front - this is the battle path of the legendary hero of the Civil War
  • Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov -Russian revolutionary, military leader, state and party leader, one of the first Marshals Soviet Union. During the civil war, he fought in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea, against the troops of Makhno in Ukraine

Semen Semenovich Budyonny- Soviet military leader, legendary hero of the Civil War, Marshal of the Soviet Union, three times Hero of the Soviet Union.

Under the conditions of the Civil War, Budyonny's First Cavalry Army made it possible to carry out deep breakthroughs on the Southern Front, which changed the strategic situation.

Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev

Head of a division of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and the Civil War. Cavalier of three St. George's crosses and one medal. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner. Born in Cheboksary.For some time he lived in Balakovo, from where he was drafted into the army.The legendary figure of the Civil War in Russia, the people's commander, self-taught, advanced to high command posts due to his own abilities in the absence of a special military education.

During the Civil War, the Bolsheviks pursued a policy of "war communism"
An attempt at a direct transition to "communist production and distribution" (V.I. Lenin), the economic policy of the Bolsheviks during the civil war.
The origins of the policy of "war communism"»
communist doctrine
Martial law necessary to regulate economic processes.
New system should be fundamentally different from the old one.
Absence of commodity-money relations, property, state-commune.
The main features of "war communism"»
Nationalization of all industry
Overcentralization of industrial management
The introduction of the surplus
The prohibition of private trade, the curtailment of commodity-money relations, in-kind wages for workers and employees and its equalization, free utilities
General labor service

A green movement was formed between the two main opposing forces. I invite supporters of the green movement
"Greens" - this was the name of the peasant movement during the civil war, which opposed both the Reds and the Whites, it was not institutionalized. It became most widespread in the spring and summer of 1919. Peasants prevailed among the insurgents, and Russian-speaking population prevailed in the ethnic regions. The ideas and practices of the Greens manifested themselves especially brightly in the Makhnovist movement, which engulfed a significant region of southern Ukraine.
N.I. Makhno
Nestor Ivanovich Makhno was exiled to hard labor under the tsar. Returning in 1917 to his native village of Gulyai-Pole, he expelled the administration of the Provisional Government with a detachment of peasants and in September 1917. actually established Soviet power. In the summer of 1818 Nestor Makhno led the movement of the peasantry in the southern and central regions of Ukraine against the Austro-German troops, Hetman Skoropadsky, the White Guard, and attempts by anyone to restore landownership. In 1918-1919. The Makhnovists were in favor of "free" Soviets, against the dictates of the central government, the policy of "war communism".
The Greens program
Fight against the policy of "war communism"; Protection of the countryside from the city; Elimination of exploitation of the peasantry by anyone, true, and not formal transfer of rights to the land and its fruits to the peasants; Destruction of the dictatorship of the proletariat; Removal of the Communist Party from power and transfer of power to the non-party councils in volosts, cities and provinces; Conducting the third social revolution"with the aim of overthrowing the Bolsheviks and establishing a truly people's power ..Generally insurgentmovement in Russia was doomed, partisan detachments could not resist regular military units for a long time

And so, we named the main participants in the civil war in Russia.

And what is the peculiarity of the Civil War, in contrast to external wars? From Patriotic or World?

General Specific Enemy

The common goal is to protect the homeland or its interests

General ideology - love for the motherland, faith in the king


We see the terrible features of this event, which means that we should treat its study in a special way. Here, probably, there should be no place for an insensitive consideration of facts, schemes of military operations, which is certainly important, but much more important, in my opinion, to realize that the battlefield in this war is human hearts, thoughts, ideals, feelings, destinies, lives.

Let's think and name the peculiarity of the civil war in Russia, whether only the citizens of our country were its participants

No, its participants were the armies of European states.

foreign interventionmilitary intervention of foreign states in the internal affairs of another state.

There are 14 states in total. The strongest of them: Great Britain, France, USA, Japan. Their troops landed in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Crimea, Transcaucasia

  • The desire of foreign states to prevent the "spread" of the socialist revolution throughout the world.
  • Prevention of economic losses (the consequences of the nationalization of property, the refusal of the Soviet government to pay royal debts, etc.), the seizure of geographical zones of influence.
  • Weakening of Russia

And so, we can note a feature that is characteristic of the Civil War in Russia:it was accompanied by foreign military intervention.

2. Why did the Civil War in Russia become possible? What were its preconditions?

Russian revolution

World War

Poverty of the masses….

Thus, the social crisis did not stop by the end of 1917, but passed from the revolutionary phase into the more difficult phase of the civil war.

Now, knowing the conditions under which the Civil War began, let's determine its causes.

Causes of the Civil War.
1. The struggle of the bourgeoisie and landowners for power against those who came to power in October 1917. Bolsheviks backed by a minority of the population. 2. The collapse of the democratic alternative after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. 3. Removal from the leadership of the country of other political parties. 4.Confiscation of landowners' lands and nationalization of industrial enterprises.

Problem: Was it possible to avoid the outbreak of the Civil War in Russia?

Reds: Yes, you can, if the whites had not begun to form volunteer units ...

White: And I believe that the war was inevitable. Nobody wanted to give away their property, to lose what had been created by many generations of the Russian bourgeoisie, the local nobility.

Greens: And we believe that the war was even needed so that we - the greens - would get true freedom, we are against the dictates of any central government ...

From the people: And I believe that the war could have been avoided ... If gentlemen, the liberals took into account the interests of the common people, if the Bolsheviks were able to agree with their opponents, and not put forward the demands “All power to the Soviets!”

Teacher: Excuse me, but on behalf of what forces do you speak?

From the people: I speak on behalf of the simple Russian people, on behalf of mothers whose one son went to the whites, and the other to the reds ...

We speak on behalf of the peasants who were robbed by both whites and reds, starved, shot without trial or investigation ...

We speak on behalf of 7 million street children whose parents fell on the fronts of the fratricidal war... No one thought about the consequences, everyone achieved their own goals!

Teacher: what a difficult question we are discussing.There were opportunities for dialogue, but the time to seek agreement was lost. The Bolsheviks accused the landowners and the bourgeoisie, supported by foreign interventionists, of unleashing the Civil War. Political opponents of the Bolsheviks blamed their opponent for the outbreak of the Civil War. Both left and right parties were responsible for the incident. The Bolsheviks and monarchists showed no inclination to compromise. The liberal-democratic parties were unable to stop the decay of the state apparatus, the army, and to carry out reforms. The party struggle between classes and social groups brought the confrontation to an armed civil conflict. Each side had its own ideas, for which they were ready to shed the blood of their brothers.

The historian M. A. Osorgin is right, who claimed that during the years of the Civil War, “two fraternal armies stood wall against wall and each had its own truth and its own honor ... there were heroes here and there, and pure hearts of many, and sacrifices, and feats, and fierce atrocities and fear, and strength, and weakness, dull despair. It would be too simple for history if the truth was one and fought only with falsehood: but there were and fought among themselves two truths and two honors - and the battlefield was littered with the corpses of the best and most honest .. ”

Cruelty gave rise to reciprocal cruelty, terror was one of the most severe and pernicious manifestations of the Civil War.

The policy of intimidation, the suppression of political opponents by violent means, up to and including physical destruction, has become state policy.

Consider posters from the Civil War. What were they calling for?

Terror was carried out by both "whites" and "reds"
Red : there were attempts on the life of the Bolshevik leader - V.I. Lenin, also in Petrograd, the Chairman of the Petrograd Extraordinary Commission Uritsky was killed - 08/30/1918
White: on the part of the Bolsheviks, terror began earlier. The brutal massacre of the family of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich in Yekaterinburg in the house of the merchant Ipatiev on the night of July 17, 1918. The terrorist actions of the Reds were legalized: the Decree on Red Terror was adopted. The policy of intimidation, the suppression of political opponents by violent means, up to and including physical destruction, has become state policy.

After the murder of Uritsky, 900 White Guards were shot, after the assassination attempt on Lenin, several thousand. . Mass executions were carried out on the orders of Kolchak, special were created. camps for Bolshevik sympathizers. All these examples prove that the meaning of terror was extremely simple: the mass physical extermination of the enemy. This made the Civil War even more terrible, even more tragic, because citizens of one country subjected each other to terror.

3. Unlike external wars, the Civil War has no clear boundaries - neither temporal nor spatial.

Historians give different dates for the beginning and end of the Civil War in Russia.

When do you think the Civil War began in Russia?

Monarchists considered the beginning of the civil war in the spring of 1917 - the overthrow of the monarchy and the seizure of power by the liberals

liberals attributed the beginning of the civil war to the October speech of the Bolsheviks - the overthrow of the Provisional Government and the first steps of Soviet power.

Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviksassociated the outbreak of civil war with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the conclusion of the Brest Peace, i.e. the refusal of the Bolsheviks to share power with the socialist and democratic parties.

Many historianspoint to November-December 1917 - the formation of the Volunteer Army on the Don and its first military operations.

Teacher: Similar disputes are being waged over the end of the Civil War.

In a broad sense, it ended only in the 30s. XX century, when the large fighting forces of the Russian emigration were basically defeated and disorganized by the actions of the Soviet special services. A number of historians also consider it necessary to include in the concept of "civil war" both collectivization in the USSR, and mass repressions of the 20-40s.

However, mostscientists limit the Civil War to the end of front-line hostilities. In the European part of Russia, this happened in November 1920, with the evacuation of the army of P. N. Wrangel from the Crimea. As for Siberia and the Far East, the battles there went on much longer. The last stronghold of the Whites in the Far East fell in the fall of 1922.

Teacher: Guys, we need to solve another problem-cognitive task: to determine why the Reds defeated the Whites and the Greens

Reasons for the defeat of the white movement in the Civil War.
The Whites did not put forward a single political and economic program capable of uniting all the opponents of Bolshevism. Disunity, lack of a leader. An inflexible position on the issue of the future structure of Russia, a fanatical commitment to the slogan of a united and indivisible Russia.
“Our cause is lost. It's a shame to tears ... "N, Lvov.
Reasons for the victory of the Reds in the Civil War.
The presence of an undisputed leader. The Bolsheviks were able to mobilize all the resources, show unity and solidarity, which were supported not only ideologically, but also by violent methods. Carrying out an agrarian policy that takes into account the longstanding demands of the peasantry. The central position, which gave tangible military-strategic advantages.
“We not only held out, but also won” V.I. Lenin

Results and consequences of the Civil War
The victory of the Bolshevik Party and the establishment of Soviet power throughout the country The defeat of the White armies and interventionist troops The defeat of political parties that oppose the Bolsheviks The strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the one-party government
Economic and social
Spiritual and moral
Huge human losses Destruction of industry, transport, communications Huge unemployment Falling living standards of all sectors of society Hunger, disease, loss of housing and property
The split of the population into two warring camps - fratricidal war The habit of violence and terror The rupture of the historical and spiritual traditions of society Huge emigration from the country The tragedy of entire social strata driven out of their country or from a new society

Lessons from the Civil War.
Civil war is a most terrible disaster, a terrible national tragedy; The highest value is not ideas, but human lives; There can be no winners in a civil war; It is necessary to promote the spread of readiness for compromise in society, to get rid of intransigence towards opponents in every possible way.


Lesson grades

Watching a video clip

Poems of the late 19th-early 20th century poet Maximilian Voloshin

We will honor the memory of those who died during the Civil War with a moment of silence.


Homework: & 17, repeat & 15-16

Creative task to choose from:

Write an essay on the topic ""Lessons of the Civil War"

Fill out the questionnaire "My attitude to the Civil War"


1. During the October Revolution you:

  • Would take part in the events, taking the side of the Bolsheviks ________________________________________________
  • Most likely, they would begin to help the Provisional Government _______________________________________________
  • Would be supporters of the monarchy

2.During the years of the civil war, you:

  • Would you stand in the ranks of the "Reds" _________________________________
  • Would join the "whites" _______________________________
  • Would be close to the ideas and actions of Makhno ___________________

3. Both during the revolution and during the civil war:

  • Maintain neutrality ___________________________________
  • Would you prefer to emigrate from the country _________________________________________________________
  • Would you choose a different path?

History lesson in grade 9 11/19/2015


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Some rose from the underground, From exiles, factories, mines, Poisoned by the dark will And the bitter smoke of cities. Others from the ranks of the military, Destroyed nests of nobles, Where the fathers and brothers of the slain were escorted to the churchyard. And here and there between the rows One and the same voice sounds: "Whoever is not for us is against us There are no indifferent ones: the truth is with us."

And I stand alone between them In the roaring flame and smoke And with all my strength I pray for both of them. Maximilian Voloshin.

The purpose of the lesson: to find out the prerequisites and features of the Civil War in Russia, to consider the alignment of opposing forces in a civil conflict, their social composition and political orientations, to determine the consequences for the fate of the country in the 20th century;

A civil war is an armed struggle between citizens of the same state.

Three colors of civil war. white red green

White Like the knights of the Varangians, To gather Russia together, Goes to battle with a tricolor flag Without fear of death, our army. She is not afraid of deprivation on her way, Delirium of bloody fears is ridiculous, She brings us rebirth In the radiance of joyful victories! F. Kasatkin-Rostovsky

Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak - Russian military and political figure, admiral, participant Russo-Japanese War. During the First World War, he commanded the mine division of the Baltic Fleet, the Black Sea Fleet, St. George Knight. The leader of the White movement in the east of the country, the Supreme Ruler.

Anton Ivanovich Denikin Achieved the greatest military and political results among all the leaders of the White movement, commander of the Volunteer Army, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia

Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel - Russian military leader, participant in the Russo-Japanese and World War I, one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea and Poland

Kornilov L.G. N.N. Yudenich M.V. Alekseev

Formation of the White Movement The White movement took shape in November 1917. in the south of Russia in Novocherkassk by creating military officer formations. The formation of the Volunteer Army was started by Generals M.V. Alekseev and L.G. Kornilov. This army marked the beginning of the white movement. April 17, 1918 near Yekaterinburg, the commander of the Volunteer Army, General L.G., was killed. Kornilov. General A.I. took command. Denikin.

The social composition of the white movement Deprived of power and property landowners, the bourgeoisie; Cossacks (often fought on two fronts); Part of the officer corps of the Russian army; Clergy; Part of the workers and peasants; A significant part of the intelligentsia. The White camp was heterogeneous. It included monarchists and liberals, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and an open military dictatorship, people of ideas and people without definite political convictions, but they were all against Soviet power.

Denikin's program: Destruction of the Bolshevik anarchy and establishment of a legal order in the country; Restoration of a united and indivisible Russia; Convening a people's assembly on the basis of universal suffrage; Democratization of power through the establishment of regional autonomy and broad local self-government; Guarantee of complete civil liberty and freedom of religion; Implementation of land reform; The introduction of labor legislation, the protection of workers from exploitation by the state and capital. Kolchak's program contained similar measures.

The agrarian program of the leaders of the white movement Provided for "reservation of their rights to the land by the owners", "landlords could transfer part of their land to the peasants for a ransom" Provided for the restriction of large landownership, an increase in the land plots of the middle peasants, "the former owners retained up to 600 acres" Denikin Wrangel Kolchak Provided for the allocation of land to landless and land-poor peasants, the return of the seized lands to their owners, the final solution of the land issue by the national assembly.

Lenin (Ulyanov) Vladimir Ilyich (1870-1924). At the age of 17, he was expelled from Kazan University for participating in student unrest and exiled. In 1888 joined a Marxist circle. In 1891 he passed the exams for the course of the Faculty of Law. After the II Congress, he became the leader of the Bolsheviks. He wrote a number of major philosophical and economic works, created the theory of imperialism as the highest and last stage of capitalism, after which socialism will come. During the First World War, he advocated turning it into a civil one, which, in his opinion, should lead to a revolutionary replacement of capitalism by the dictatorship of the proletariat. He was one of the organizers of the October Revolution, then the head of state. Red Leader

Social base of the Reds Workers of the central industrial region; A significant part of the peasantry; Part of the officer corps of the Russian army; officialdom; part of the intelligentsia.

Red Army January 15, 1918 the decree of the Council of People's Commissars proclaimed the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, and on January 29, 1918. Decree on the organization of the Red Fleet was adopted. In July 1918 Decree on universal conscription of the male population between the ages of 18 and 40 was published. If during the volunteer period up to 300 thousand fought in the ranks of the Red Army. people, then by the end of 1918 - over 1 million, and in the fall of 1920 - already over 5 million.

Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze - revolutionary, Soviet statesman and military leader, one of the largest military leaders of the Red Army during the Civil War, military theorist.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Tukhachevsky - Soviet military leader, commander of the Red Army during the Civil War. The command of the Soviet units on the Eastern Front, the commander of the Caucasian Front, the commander of the Western Front - this is the battle path of the legendary hero of the Civil War

Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov Russian revolutionary, military leader, statesman and party leader, one of the first Marshals of the Soviet Union During the civil war he fought in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea, against Makhno's detachments in Ukraine

Semyon Semenovich Budyonny Soviet military leader, legendary hero of the Civil War, Marshal of the Soviet Union, three times Hero of the Soviet Union

Under the conditions of the Civil War, Budyonny's First Cavalry Army made it possible to carry out deep breakthroughs on the Southern Front, which changed the strategic situation.

Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, head of a division of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and the Civil War. Cavalier of three St. George's crosses and one medal. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner

The legendary figure of the Civil War in Russia, the people's commander, self-taught, advanced to high command posts due to his own abilities in the absence of a special military education. Fought on the Eastern Front.

The policy of "war communism" An attempt to directly transition to "communist production and distribution" (V.I. Lenin), the economic policy of the Bolsheviks during the civil war.

The origins of the policy of "war communism" War Communist doctrine Martial law necessary to regulate economic processes. The new system must be radically different from the old one. Absence of commodity-money relations, property, state-commune.

The main features of "war communism" Nationalization of all industry Super-centralization of industrial management Introduction of surplus appropriation Prohibition of private trade, curtailment of commodity-money relations, in-kind wages for workers and employees and its equalization, free public services Universal labor service

Nestor Ivanovich Makhno N.I. Makhno was exiled to hard labor under the tsar. Returning in 1917 to his native village of Gulyai-Pole, he expelled the administration of the Provisional Government with a detachment of peasants and in September 1917. actually established Soviet power. In the summer of 1918 Nestor Makhno led the movement of the peasantry in the southern and central regions of Ukraine against the Austro-German troops, Hetman Skoropadsky, the White Guard, and attempts by anyone to restore landownership. In 1918-1919. The Makhnovists were in favor of "free" Soviets, against the dictates of the central government, the policy of "war communism".

Program of the Greens Struggle against the policy of "War Communism"; Protecting the village from the city; The elimination of the exploitation of the peasantry by anyone, the true, and not formal, transfer to the peasants of the rights to the land and its fruits; Destruction of the dictatorship of the proletariat; Removal of the Communist Party from power and transfer of power to non-party councils in volosts, cities and provinces; Carrying out the "third social revolution" with the aim of overthrowing the Bolsheviks and establishing a truly people's power.

In general, the insurrectionary movement in Russia was doomed, partisan detachments could not resist regular military units for a long time.

Intervention is the forcible intervention of foreign states in the internal affairs of a country.

The desire of foreign states to prevent the "spread" of the socialist revolution throughout the world. Prevention of economic losses (the consequences of the nationalization of property, the refusal of the Soviet government to pay royal debts, etc.), the seizure of geographical zones of influence. Weakening of Russia 14 states: England, France, USA, Japan, etc. Targets of the interventionists:

Background of the Civil War in Russia The Russian Revolution from the very beginning carried the threat of a Civil War because it divided society into warring forces. The revolutionary process developed under the conditions of a world war. The poverty of the broad masses, the weakness of democratic culture.

Causes of the Civil War. 1. The struggle of the bourgeoisie and landowners for power against those who came to power in October 1917. Bolsheviks. 2. The collapse of the democratic alternative after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly. 3. Removal from the leadership of the country of other political parties. 4.Confiscation of landowners' lands and nationalization of industrial enterprises.

Historian M.A. Osorgin: during the years of the Civil War, “two fraternal armies stood wall against wall and each had its own truth and its own honor ... there were heroes here and there, and many pure hearts, and sacrifices, and deeds, and fierce brutality and fear, and strength and weakness, dull despair. It would be too simple for history if the truth was one and fought only with falsehood: but there were and fought among themselves two truths and two honors - and the battlefield was littered with the corpses of the best and most honest .. ”

TERROR - The policy of intimidation, the suppression of political opponents by violent means up to physical destruction

Terror "white" and "red" * Injury of V.I. Lenin * Murder of Uritsky * Execution of the royal family * Decree on red terror

The execution of the royal family

Policy of intimidation, suppression of political opponents by violent methods up to physical destruction

Disputes about the beginning of the civil war I. May 1917 - November 1920 II. October 25, 1917-1922 III. February 1917-1924 The question of the periodization of the civil war is debatable. There are several points of view on this issue:

When did the civil war start? Monarchists considered the beginning of the civil war in the spring of 1917. The liberals attributed the beginning of the civil war to the October uprising of the Bolsheviks. The Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks associated the outbreak of the civil war with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and the conclusion of the Brest Peace, i.e. the refusal of the Bolsheviks to share power with the socialist and democratic parties.

Many historians point to November-December 1917 - the formation of the Volunteer Army on the Don and its first military operations.

Causes of the defeat of the white movement in the Civil War. The Whites did not put forward a single political and economic program capable of uniting all the opponents of Bolshevism. Disunity, lack of a leader. Inflexible position on the issue of the future structure of Russia, fanatical adherence to the slogan of a united and indivisible Russia. “Our cause is lost. It's a shame to tears ... "Nikolay Lvov.

Reasons for the victory of the Reds in the Civil War. The presence of an undisputed leader. The Bolsheviks were able to mobilize all the resources, show unity and solidarity, which were supported not only ideologically, but also by violent methods. Carrying out an agrarian policy that takes into account the longstanding demands of the peasantry. The central position, which gave tangible military-strategic advantages. “We not only held out, but also won” V.I. Lenin

Outcomes and consequences of the Civil War The victory of the Bolshevik Party and the establishment of Soviet power throughout the country The defeat of the White armies and interventionist troops The defeat of political parties opposed to the Bolsheviks The strengthening of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the one-party government Political Economic and social Spiritual and moral Huge human losses - 13 million people Destruction of industry , transport, communications Huge unemployment Falling living standards of all sectors of society Hunger, illness, loss of housing and property 7 million street children Split of the population into two warring camps - fratricidal war Habit of violence and terror Breaking of the historical and spiritual traditions of society Huge emigration from the country Tragedy entire social strata driven out of their country

Lessons from the Civil War. Civil war is a most terrible disaster, a terrible national tragedy; The highest value is not ideas, but human lives; There can be no winners in a civil war; It is necessary to promote the spread of readiness for compromise in society, to get rid of intransigence towards opponents in every possible way. All lie side by side - Do not dilute the boundary. Look: soldier! Where is yours, where is someone else's? Was white - became Red: Blood stained. Was red - White became: Death turned white. M. Tsvetaeva.

Homework: & 17 repeat & 15-16 Creative task to choose from: Write an essay on the topic “Lessons of the Civil War” Fill out the questionnaire “My attitude to the Civil War” (in the booklet)

Questionnaire 1.During the October Revolution, you: Would you have taken part in the events, taking the side of the Bolsheviks ______________________________________________________ Most likely, you would have helped the Provisional Government______________ Would you have been supporters of the monarchy _________________________________________ “Whites” _______________________________________ Would be close to the ideas and actions of Makhno ____________________________ 3. Both during the revolution and during the civil war: Would observe neutrality ________________________________________________ Would prefer to emigrate from the country ________________________________ Would choose a different path _______________________________________________

From the blood shed in battles, From the dust turned to dust, From the torments of executed generations, From the souls baptized in blood, From hateful love, From crimes, frenzy - Righteous Russia will arise. Maximilian Voloshin

Bibliography. Internet resources: www. / . T.V. Koval. "History of Russia in the 20th century." summary of lessons for a teacher of history.M. "Vlados-press" 2001 "Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Historian" m.1997. V.V. Kirillov, M.N. Chernova "Pure-by-hour methodical developments and scenarios of lessons for the course" History of Russia 19-20 centuries "M. "CGO" 2000. M. Voloshin "Favorites". Minsk 1993 P. A. Shevotsukov "Pages of the history of civil history" M. 1992 V.V. Shulgin "Days. 1920 "M. 1989. Rodina magazine No. 10-1990 "Teaching history and social studies at school" No. 6-2002





Methodical development

history lesson

"Civil War in Russia"


Artemov V.V., Lubchenkov Yu.N., History.: textbook for students. institutions of secondary vocational education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2016

Designed by:

Abramenkov Alexander Vasilievich, teacher of social disciplines, State Budgetary Educational Institution "Mlynsky College of Agrotechnologies", branch in Zhukovka

Subject: Russian Civil War

The purpose of the lesson: To intensify the cognitive activity of students, improve their general educational level and broaden their horizons. Show the depth of the tragedy of the Russian people, plunged into a fratricidal war, identify the causes of the Civil War, form an idea of ​​​​the reasons for the victory of the Reds and the defeat of the White movement.

Lesson objectives:

- Identify and characterize the political, socio-economic and national contradictions that led to the Civil War in Russia.

Bring students to conclusions about the results and consequences of the Civil War.

- Continue to develop the ability to analyze historical documents.

Develop the ability to analyze and argue their own position and formulate conclusions.

To educate citizenship, orient students to humanistic and democratic values.

Lesson type : combined.

Type of lesson : lesson- presentation

Forms of organization of work : frontal work with a group

Basic concepts : Civil war, KOMUCH, intervention, war communism, requisitioning, nationalization.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, handout (text of documents), media projector, presentation, screen, portraits of the ideologists of the white and red movements, wall map "Civil War in Russia in 1918-1920"

Educational equipment : Artemov V.V., Lubchenkov Yu.N., History.: textbook for students. institutions of secondary vocational education. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy" 2016.

Main dates and events:

01/18/1918 first meeting of the Constituent Assembly in Petrograd

3/3/1918 signing of the Brest peace treaty

May 25, 1918 the transition of the Czechoslovak Legion to the side of the opponents of the Soviet regime

06/11/1918 education in the villages of committees of the poor

07/10/1918 adoption of the first Constitution of the RSFSR

04/28/1919 the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army against the forces of A.V. Kolchak

July 3, 1919 signing of the Moscow Directive by General A. Denikin m

11/17/1920 The Red Army completely occupies the Crimea

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment

II.Checking homework

III. Studying new material

    Causes and features of the Civil War in Russia.

    Time frame of the Civil War.

    War "inside democracy".

    Reds against whites.

    "War Communism" and its consequences.

    Results and consequences of the Civil War.


V. Grading.

VI. Homework.

During the classes

I.Organizing time. Greetings

II. Checking homework.

In the last lesson, we studied the topic: “The coming of the Bolsheviks to power in Russia. October 1917. Let's do a background check.

A) Checking d \ z consists of a written task: 1) - individual work with cards for weak students (level A tasks) on the topic: "The coming of the Bolsheviks to power." 2) - individual work with contour maps "Russia in the First World War in 1917", a - task 1 on the map, b - task on map 2.

Students complete tasks.

B) Frontal survey of students:

1. What are the causes of the October Revolution?

2. What was the balance of political forces onIICongress of Soviets?

3. Menshevik N.N. Sukhanov, in his "Notes on the Revolution", somewhat ironically, describes the controversy that unfolded between the Bolsheviks and the Social Revolutionaries after the Second Congress of Soviets:

“The Socialist-Revolutionaries shouted: a good Marxist who poisoned us for 15 years for our petty-bourgeois and unscientific attitude from the height of his greatness and who carried out our program as soon as he seized power! And Lenin snapped: a good party that had to be driven out of power in order to carry out its program!”

1. What document is referred to in the above passage?

2. For what purpose did the Bolsheviks appropriate the Socialist-Revolutionary program?

3. What were the main requirements of this program?

4. Why were the first legislative acts of the Bolsheviks the Decree on Peace and Land?

5. Why did the Bolsheviks first convene and then dissolve the Constituent Assembly?

6. When was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk signed? What are its conditions?

7. What were the first activities of the Soviet government in the field of economics?

The students answer the teacher's questions.

III. Learning new material.

Motivation for a new theme.Slide #1

Today we will talk about a fratricidal war unprecedented in world history in terms of the intensity and scale of class battles, the depth and fury of human passions. War in itself is terrible, terrible for a person, and even more so if it is a civil war. 98 years later, looking back, we ask ourselves the question: what do we know about her, about the civilian. It turns out not so much. History still has many unknown pages.

Statement of the problem task.

The purpose of our lesson- to identify the causes of the civil war, its features, participants, identify the stages and solve the problem-cognitive task - to find out the reasons for the victory of the "Reds" and the defeat of the "Whites".

The 1917 revolution marked the beginning of the Civil War, one of the bloodiest pages in Russian history. The country split into reds and whites, friends and foes.

Human values ​​such as mercy, tolerance, humanism, morality are relegated to the background, giving way to the principle - whoever is not with us is against us. The Civil War is the greatest tragedy in the history of our country. This struggle took on the most extreme forms, bringing with it mutual cruelty, terror, and irreconcilable malice.

During the lesson, you will have to give your own answer to the following questions:

    Why did the Reds win?

    Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values?

    What do the results of the Civil War teach?

    Determine the consequences of the war for the fate of our country.

    Causes and features of the Civil War:

What is a Civil War?

slide number 2

Writing in a notebook

Civil War- this is an armed struggle within the country between different social groups.

We will meet with such a term as intervention.

Intervention- aggressive intervention of one or more states, mostly armed, in the internal affairs of a country.

Let's find out the reasons why foreign countries intervened in the course of the Civil War.

Discussion of the task in a group (in pairs)

The teacher completes the student's response. slide number 3

Causes of the Civil. Writing in a notebook

    Exacerbation of social contradictions in Russian society that have accumulated over decades and even centuries.

    Dissolution of the Constituent Assembly and the establishment of a one-party political system.

    The conclusion of the Brest Peace, the loss of a vast territory of the country.

    Extraordinary decrees on the organization of grain procurements.

    The total nationalization of enterprises, the decline of industry, unemployment, hunger, the Bolsheviks ban on the free sale of bread.

    The policy of the leading political parties "the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks", which failed to stabilize the situation after the overthrow of the autocracy.

slide number 4

Features of the Civil War.

    A long, bloody war unfolded over a vast territory.

    The society lacked political traditions of peaceful resolution of social contradictions.

    In the public mind, the value of human life has fallen to the lowest mark of "a man with a gun."

Fact. On February 18, 1918, Pravda wrote “All of Russia is divided into two irreconcilable camps - into Bolsheviks and non-Bolsheviks”


Based on the causes of the Civil War, is it possible to determine which social strata participated in the war? Name them. Determine who supported the Reds, who supported the Whites?

Red. Broad social base. They knew well the psychology of the people, they offered what the people craved. (Land - to peasants, etc.)

The teacher adds. The White camp was extremely heterogeneous. There were monarchists and liberals, supporters of the Constituent Assembly and open military dictatorship. A significant part of the intelligentsia turned out to be in the ranks of the white movement.

Fact. Until now, there is an opinion that capitalists and landowners went to the White Army. However, among the participants in the transition of the Volunteer Army from the Don to the Kuban in the winter-spring of 1918, half were wartime officers "remember who became officers in 1916-1917." Of the senior officers, considering 36 generals, only 6% were landowners, there were no capitalists at all, 21% of hereditary nobles, 39% of the children of officers and personal nobles, the rest came from bourgeois, peasants, petty officials, soldiers. General M.V. Alekseev came from soldiers' children, General L.G. Kornilov was the son of a Cossack.

So, we see that a significant part of the white movement was made up of people who were not personally connected with the interests of the owners. The tragedy of these people lies precisely in the fact that their interests objectively coincided with the interests of the exploiting strata, with the desire to return the old Russia with their usual way of life, which was rejected by the masses.

Slide number 5: "program of the white movement" Kolchak, Wrangel, Denikin.

(Worksheet with program)

Question: Which point of the Whites' program, in your opinion, could attract and which could repel the peasantry?

Interview between teacher and students.

    Timeframe of the Civil War

Historians give different dates for the beginning and end of the Civil War in Russia.

Question: When do you think the Civil War began in Russia?

Interview with students.

Some historians believe that its first acts were the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in October. Most give a different date - November-December 1917 - the formation of the Volunteer Army on the Don and its first military operations. The same debate is going on about the end of the Civil War.

However, most scholars limit the Civil War to the end of front-line hostilities. In the European part of Russia, this happened in November 1920 with the evacuation of Wrangel's army from the Crimea. As for Siberia and D / V, the battles there went on much longer. The last stronghold of the whites fell in the autumn of 1920.

We will take the textbook periodization of the Civil War:

    October 1917 - spring 1918

    May 1918 - autumn 1918 - the "democratic period" of the Civil War

    Autumn 1918-1920 - military confrontation between the red and white armies

    1921-1922 - the defeat of the white movement and the suppression of peasant revolts by the Bolsheviks. The end of the struggle in the Far East.

Slide number 6. Civil War posters.

Questions: Analyze what was dear to the Reds and to the Whites.

Interview with students.

    War "inside democracy". Reds against whites.

Assignment: pp. 327-332. Map number 4. Complete the chronological table.

Slide number 7

Periods of the Civil War in Russia

Main events and participants of the Civil War in Russia

The results of the war.

General characteristics of the period

Man at war. How was his fate. Let's watch presentations about those who believed in the ideas of the Reds and gave their lives for them and about those who believed in the ideas of the White movement.

Presentations about the military leaders of the Civil War: M. Tukhachevsky, A. Denikin, S. Budyonny, V. Kappel.

    War Communism and its consequences.

Any movement that came to or aspired to power must determine its socio-economic policy. The white movement took advantage of the old one - and lost. The social and economic policy of the Bolsheviks was "war communism".

Exercise. Your task is to determine the essence of War Communism (group work)

After discussion, write in a notebook.

nationalization of industry. It is carried out in order to put under the control of the Soviet government all production, which should ensure the victory of the Red Army.

The introduction of surplus appropriation, i.e. the seizure of all surplus grain from the peasants in excess of the norms established by the state.

Teacher: The food dictatorship caused a sharply negative reaction from the peasantry. It was she who expanded the social base of the counter-revolution. Oddly enough, the whites helped, they began to introduce the old agrarian order in the territories they occupied, and the peasantry again swung towards Soviet power.

Wages in "kind" form with basic necessities, the introduction of labor service.

Cancellation of free trade, products were distributed by the state, money was devalued (Black Market)

Cancellation of rent, utilities, newspapers, communications.

Consequences of the policy of War Communism.

In the context of the crisis in the country, this policy helped the new government to survive, but it leads to the curtailment of democracy and the establishment of party dictatorship.

There is a gradual usurpation of power by the Bolsheviks, the foundations of the administrative-command system in the USSR are being laid.

5. Results and consequences of the Civil War.

1. Red win. What ensured the victory of the Reds?

Support of the majority of the population;

An attempt by the "white" movement to restore landlordism pushed the peasants to the Bolsheviks;

The Bolsheviks in a short time were able to create a combat-ready disciplined army;

The "white" movement did not have unity, there was no single administration, there was no single center, there was disintegration in the army;

Mass action of the proletariat abroad "Hands off Russia".

2. Destruction of oppositional anti-Soviet forces.

3. Preservation of the integrity of Russia.

Consequences of the Civil War.

    From the autumn of 1917 -1922. loss of almost 13 million people, 2 million - went into exile.

    Colossal damage has been done to the Russian economy. The amount of damage in 1922 ranged from 40 to 50 billion rubles. gold rubles, which exceeded a quarter of the pre-war wealth of the country.

    Industrial production fell seven times. Reduction of sown areas (67% of the pre-war level).

    A break with the legacy of the past.

The curtailment of democracy and the establishment of a rigid one-party dictatorship in the country;

Planting a new proletarian culture and a new ideology;

Fight with the church;

The continued split of society into “us” and “them”.

Each side considered itself absolutely right. The Whites claimed to be representatives of the national cause, fought and died for the great Russia and its interests as they understood them. The Bolsheviks were convinced that they were the spokesmen for the interests of all working people, fighters against oppression and exploitation, for the speedy and final liberation not only of their own people, but of the whole world.

Interview between teacher and students.

Questions: What is the tragedy of the Civil War? Is it possible to determine the winner in the Civil War from the standpoint of universal values? What is the main lesson of the Civil War?

Teacher. The main lesson of the Civil War is the rejection of instilling intolerance, of clashes between different strata of society, of violence and arbitrariness as a method of state building.

Today we are building a rule of law state and a civil society. Your wishes to modern politicians.

Slide number 8.

"The fate of Russia is infinitely dearer than the fate of classes and parties, doctrines and teachings."

N. Berdyaev

“There can be no victory in the Civil War - in any case, it will be a victory over universal principles”

M. Voloshin


    I realized that...

    I learned…

    I managed…

    I was surprised...

    Lesson taught me for life...

    I wanted…

V. Grading.


Section 85.86.

1. Kolchak, Yudenich, Denikin, Frunze, Kamenev, Wrangel, Makhno, Antonov

Indicate the lifetime of the historical figure (up to a decade). Name the main directions of its activity and give them a brief description. State the results of this activity.

The documents

From Admiral Kolchak's statement on the political program of the government

[The territory of democratic Russia -

territory of the Russian Empire]

“2) […] Russia at the present time is and subsequently can only be a democratic state, in which all questions relating to changes in territorial boundaries and international relations must be ratified by a representative body.

[Poland and Finland]

3) Recognizing the creation of a united Polish state as a natural and just consequence of the great war, the Government considers itself entitled to confirm the independence of Poland, declared by the Russian Provisional Government of 1917, all the statements and obligations of which we have accepted. Already now we are ready to recognize the actually existing Finnish government, providing it with complete independence in the internal structure and administration of Finland. The final decision on the question of Finland belongs to the Constituent Assembly.

[Baltic states, Caucasus, Turkestan]

4) We are willingly ready now to prepare decisions related to the fate of national groups: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Caucasian and Transcaspian peoples, and we count on a speedy solution of these questions, since the Government is already ensuring the autonomous rights of nationalities. The limits and character of the autonomies must, of course, be determined separately each time. In the event of difficulties in resolving these questions, the Government will gladly take advantage of the peaceful cooperation of the League of Nations.


5) The above principle of ratification of agreements by the Constituent Assembly, of course, must also be applied to the question of Bessarabia. […]

From the declaration of the Ministry of Agriculture of the government of A.V. Kolchak

Land grabs must stop. In order to fully satisfy all strata of the population in their land demands in various parts of a vast state, where in places there are the most diverse forms of land ownership and land use, it is required, taking into account all the local land and household characteristics of the various nationalities inhabiting the country, to develop a land law that meets the interests of their labor elements. This law will be sanctioned by the All-Russian Constituent or National Assembly.

“The Volunteer Army has set itself the task of recreating a United Great Power Russia. Hence - the murmur of centrifugal forces and local sick ambitions.

A volunteer army cannot, even if temporarily, go into bondage to foreigners, and even more so throw chains on the future free course of the Russian state ship. Hence the murmuring and threats from outside.

The volunteer army, making its way of the cross, wants to rely on all state-minded circles of the population. It cannot become an instrument of any political party or public organization. Then it would not be the Russian State Army. Hence - the displeasure of the intolerant and the political struggle around the estate of the army. But if certain traditions live in the ranks of the army, it will never become the executioner of someone else's thought and conscience. She says frankly and honestly: be you right, be you left, but love our tormented Motherland and help us save it.

In the same way, attacking with all its might against the corrupters of the people, the soul and the plunderers of the people's property, the Volunteer Army is a stranger to the social and class struggle. In the difficult painful situation in which we live, when only shreds are left of Russia, this is not the time to solve social problems. And parts of the Russian state cannot build Russian life, each in its own way.

Therefore, those ranks of the Volunteer Army, on whom fate has placed a heavy burden of administration, will by no means break the basic legislation. Their role is to create only such an environment in which it would be possible to live and breathe tolerably, tolerably until the All-Russian legislative institutions, representing the mind and conscience of the Russian people, direct their life along a new direction - towards light and truth.

Denikin. "Essays on the Russian Troubles", vol. III, pp. 262, 263.

Declaration of General Denikin on the land issue. 1919

I consider it necessary to indicate the principles that should form the basis of these rules and regulations:

one). Ensuring the interests of the working population.

2). Creation and strengthening of stable small and medium-sized farms at the expense of state and privately owned lands.

3). Retention of the owners of their rights to the land. At the same time, in each individual locality, the amount of land that can be retained in the hands of the former owners must be determined, and the procedure for the transfer of the rest of the privately owned land to land-poor land must be established. These transitions can be made by voluntary agreements or by compulsory expropriation, but always for a fee.

ORDER of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia (P. Wrangel)


Government communication on the land issue

In a difficult time of great turmoil, in the hard days of bloody clashes, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia decided to issue his significant "Order on the Land." Worked out in the harsh conditions of a military camp, issued under unheard of difficult economic conditions, this Order, of course, cannot bring with it general satisfaction. The land question has disturbed and tormented the Russian people for too long for any resolution of it to be able to fundamentally reconcile the often conflicting interests and calm down the passions that have long flared up to the end. But it was no longer possible to delay the solution of this issue, and on May 25 this hopelessly tangled knot was cut.

The essence of the land reform, proclaimed in the order of the Commander-in-Chief on land, is simple. It can be expressed in a few words: land - to the owners working on it. This guiding thought of the order is based on two main aspirations: to protect all land use, as it has been established to date, from violations, violence and seizures, and to transfer to the working owners of the land suitable for farming land, state-owned and privately owned.

The order is meant to create in the countryside a firm land order and security of life, so that the owner working on the land does not suffer from encroachments in the present and from uncertainty in the future.

Establishing a general provision on the alienation of lands in favor of the owners working on them, the Order first of all determines the necessary exemptions from this provision, prompted both by the requirements of justice and by considerations of public benefit. For the former owners, part of their possessions is retained, but the size of this part is not fixed in advance, but in a separate locality is the subject of judgment of the volost and county land institutions, which are most familiar with local economic conditions. In this respect, government power belongs only to the approval of the decisions of local institutions in accordance with the benefit of the state.

All allotment lands, lands acquired with the assistance of the Peasant Land Bank and not exceeding the established size of plots allocated for cuts and farms according to land management laws, parish allotments, estates and highly cultivated plots (gardens, vineyards) are recognized as free from alienation and subject to return to legal owners. , irrigated crops, etc.), lands belonging to agricultural experienced scientists and educational institutions and schools, plots under industrial establishments (factories, plants, etc.), as well as all kinds of possessions in general, not exceeding certain sizes.

All expropriated lands are assigned to the owners who are currently cultivating them in the amount established by local land institutions, but these institutions cannot reduce farms already established below the standards of the Peasant Bank. In accordance with the distribution made in this way, acts are drawn up on securing land for ownership, similar to the previous documents on the amicable demarcation of common dachas. These acts are for indisputable possession. On the basis of them, serf documents are issued, after payment to the State of the full value of the land by the new owners.

The lands, although without immediate demarcation, are transferred to the eternal hereditary property of each owner. Such an order of land use will most of all ensure good farming. This establishes the fundamental difference between the land reform now being carried out and any experiments of a communist nature, so hated by the Russian peasantry.

Land is alienated not for nothing, but for payment to the State of its cost. This is another important aspect of the new land rules, which distinguishes them from the impracticable and unjust promises of gratuitous and universal allotment. Such a transfer of land ensures its transition to real, stable owners, and not to any person who is greedy for gratuitousness and alien to the earth.

Lesson Objectives : - indicate the causes, occasion, results of the Civil War;

Name the chronological framework, the opposing sides of the war;

Highlight the main stages of the war;

To reveal the features of the Civil War in Russia;

Tell about the policy of "war communism": the essence, goals, meaning.

Formed competencies - OK 1 - 6.

Plan - lesson summary:

1. Civil War is a war on the territory of one state, between

its citizens.

2. Chronological framework of the war:1918 - 1921

3. Participants (opposing sides):

White Guards Red Guards.

(landlords, capitalists...) (workers, peasants, soldiers....).

Representatives of different social strata were both in the camp of the Reds and

among whites.

4. Causes of the civil war: white sought to restore the old

pre-revolutionary orderred advocated the establishment of new

public relations, wanted to defend the gains of the revolution

October 1917

5. Reason: rebellion of the soldiers of the Czechoslovak Corps (after the refusal of the soldiers

participate in IWorld War II on the side of Austria-Hungary, corps

was heading home through the Russian Far East having received support

white soldiers of the corps overthrew Soviet power from the Volga to the Pacific


6. Features of the war: Russian Civil Warmerged with

foreign intervention , i.e. the Whites were supported


7. The main stages and events of the Civil War ( Working with the Map ).

I stage (mid-1918 - 1919).

(Eastern front - areas of the Volga, the Urals).

White advances in three directions:

- Admiral A.V. Kolchak rushes to the Urals to the Volga (in February 1920 it was broken

troops Kamenev) ;

Coming in the southA.I.Denikin ;

- Yudenich moves to Petrograd from the Baltic (November 1919

defeat of Yudenich's troops).

II stage (July 1919 - March 1920).

(Southern Front - Don River, North Caucasus, Ukraine).

A.I. Denikin's attack on Moscow (from Kyiv to Tsaritsyn), failures

near Orel and Voronezh.

I-I Cavalry Army Budyonny S.M. . forced the whites to retreat to the Crimea.

Denikin handed over command of the remaining armyBaron Wrangel.

III stage (September - November 1921).

To fight Wrangel, the Southern Front was formed (commander

Frunze M.V. ).

Defeat of Wrangel. The assault on Perekop. The southern front has been liquidated.

With a rout Wrangel The Civil War is over.

IV stage (spring 1921).

Poland (Pilsudski) began hostilities against Soviet power.

Formed 2 fronts: Western (Tukhachevsky ) and Southwestern

(Egorov ).

The Red Army approached Warsaw, where they suffered a crushing


March 1921 in Riga was signed the peace between Russia and Poland.

8. Results of the Civil War: red victory who managed to defend

conquest of the revolution.

9. The policy of "war communism":

a) "War Communism" - a series of emergency measuresin the area of

economy, introduced during the Civil War.

The transition to the policy of "war communism" was carried out gradually, with

summer 1918

b) The essence of the policy: to rebuild the life of the country on a military footing, to ensure

front with everything you need.

c) Purpose of the policy: - protection and restoration of Soviet power;

The desire to end the war;

Building the foundations of a new society.

G) Policy activities:

- surplus appropriation - this is the obligatory surrender by the peasants to the state

all surplus agricultural products to provide for starving citizens

and army food.

January 1919 - a decree on the introduction of surplus appropriation (only for bread).

In 1920 - a surplus for potatoes, vegetables and other agricultural products.

Lenin's principle of surplus appropriation: "From the poor - nothing, from the middle peasant -

moderately, from the fist - a lot.

- Equal distribution of food.

Products were distributed according to the class norm. There was a principle

"Who does not work shall not eat".

- Ban on free (private) trade.

Under war conditions, private trade led to speculation,

black (underground markets) appeared.

- Introduction of cashless payments.

The war caused a sharp drop in the value of money (inflation).

Instead of grain, it was supposed to give the peasants industrial

products. But soon the goods ran out, and the state's need for bread

forced the food detachments to take from the peasants not only surpluses, moreover

at any price. Grain was taken even from the poor.

The reaction of the peasants to the surplus appropriation: riots, but the bulk

peasants tolerated this measure.

Food orders - food detachments created from workers, with

the purpose of seizing surplus agricultural products from peasants.

- Nationalization of all industry (large, medium,


All nationalized enterprises were controlledVSNKh (Higher

Advice National economy).

Nationalization - transfer of property under state control.

History of the origin of the term "war communism".

The policies of "war communism" are measures based on which

communism arises, involving an abundance of material goods,

absent during the Civil War, so the indicated

measures were the result of devastation - hence the term "military".

Lesson topic: "Civil War in Russia (1918 - 1921)".

Controlled competencies - OK 1 - 6

Independent work

1. Complete the table using the lesson outline:

"Main Stages of the Civil War in Russia (1918 - 1921)".


stage framework

Characteristics of stage events

2. Write down the basic concepts of the topic and

give them definitions:

civil war, "war communism", nationalization,

intervention, surplus appropriation, Supreme Council of National Economy, food detachments.

3. Write down in a notebook the names of the commanders of the white units and

red armies

(at least four names in each of the directions).

Unit commanders

whites red

1. ............................... 1...................................

2. .............................. 2. ................................. 3.................................. 3....................................

4. ............................... 4....................................

4. From the listed activities, select the letters under which

measures related to the policy of "war communism" are indicated:

a) tax in kind; b) denationalization of industry; c) freedom of trade;

d) surplus appropriation; e) introduction of non-monetary settlements; e) leveling at

distribution of products; g) nationalization of all industry;

h) prohibition of private trade.

Homework .

5. Prepare a report on personalities "Biographical facts from

life...." (optional):

Kolchak A.V.; Denikin A.I.; Chapaev V.I.; Yudenich; Wrangel;

Frunze M.V.; Budyonny S.M.; Tukhachevsky.

Good new day, dear site users!

The Civil War is certainly one of the most difficult events of the Soviet period. No wonder the days of this war in his diary entries, Ivan Bunin calls "cursed." Internal conflicts, the decline of the economy, the arbitrariness of the ruling party - all this greatly weakened the country and provoked strong foreign powers to take advantage of this situation in their interests.

Now let's take a closer look at this time.

Beginning of the Civil War

There is no consensus among historians on this issue. Some believe that the conflict began immediately after the revolution, that is, in October 1917. Others argue that the origin of the war should be attributed to the spring of 1918, when the intervention began and a strong opposition to the Soviet regime formed. There is also no consensus on who is the initiator of this fratricidal war: the leaders of the Bolshevik Party or the former upper classes of society who lost their influence and property as a result of the revolution.

Causes of the Civil War

  • The nationalization of land and industry aroused the discontent of those from whom this property was taken away, and turned the landlords and the bourgeoisie against Soviet power.
  • The methods of the government to transform society did not correspond to the goals set when the Bolsheviks came to power, which alienated the Cossacks, kulaks, middle peasants and the democratic bourgeoisie
  • The promised "dictatorship of the proletariat" actually turned out to be a dictatorship of one government agency- Central Committee. The Decrees "On the Arrest of the Leaders of the Civil War" (November 1917) and on the "Red Terror" issued by him legally gave the Bolsheviks a free hand for the physical extermination of the opposition. This was the reason for the entry of the Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and anarchists into the Civil War.
  • Also, the Civil War was accompanied by active foreign intervention. Neighboring states financially and politically helped to crack down on the Bolsheviks in order to return the confiscated property of foreigners and prevent wide use revolution. But at the same time, they, seeing that the country was "bursting at the seams", wanted to grab a "tidbit" for themselves.

1st stage of the Civil War

In 1918, anti-Soviet pockets were formed.

In the spring of 1918 foreign intervention began.

In May 1918, an uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps took place. The military overthrew Soviet power in the Volga region and Siberia. Then, in Samara, Ufa and Omsk, the power of the Cadets, Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks was briefly established, whose goal was to return to the Constituent Assembly.

In the summer of 1918, a large-scale movement against the Bolsheviks, led by the Social Revolutionaries, unfolded in Central Russia. But it ended up only in an unsuccessful attempt to overthrow the Soviet government in Moscow and activate the protection of Bolshevik power by strengthening the power of the Red Army.

The Red Army began its offensive in September 1918. In three months, she restored the power of the Soviets in the Volga and Ural regions.

Culmination of the Civil War

The end of 1918 - the beginning of 1919 - the period in which the White movement reached its peak.

Admiral A.V. Kolchak, seeking to unite with the army of General Miller for the subsequent joint offensive against Moscow, began military operations in the Urals. But the Red Army stopped their advance.

In 1919, the White Guards planned a joint strike from different directions: south (Denikin), east (Kolchak) and west (Yudenich). But he was not destined to come true.

In March 1919, Kolchak was stopped and moved to Siberia, where, in turn, the partisans and peasants supported the Bolsheviks to restore their power.

Both attempts at Yudenich's Petrograd Offensive ended in failure.

In July 1919, Denikin, having captured Ukraine, moved to Moscow, occupying Kursk, Orel and Voronezh along the way. But soon the Southern Front of the Red Army was created against such a strong enemy, which, with the support of N.I. Makhno defeated Denikin's army.

In 1919, the interventionists liberated the territories of Russia they had occupied.

End of the Civil War

In 1920, the Bolsheviks faced two main tasks: the defeat of Wrangel in the south and the resolution of the issue of establishing borders with Poland.

The Bolsheviks recognized the independence of Poland, but the Polish government made too great territorial demands. The dispute could not be resolved through diplomacy, and Poland seized Belarus and Ukraine in May. For resistance, the Red Army was sent there under the command of Tukhachevsky. The confrontation was defeated, and the Soviet-Polish war ended with the Peace of Riga in March 1921, signed on more favorable terms for the enemy: Western Belarus and Western Ukraine were ceded to Poland.

To destroy the army of Wrangel, the Southern Front was created under the leadership of M.V. Frunze. At the end of October 1920, Wrangel was defeated in Northern Tavria and was driven back to the Crimea. After the Red Army captured Perekop and captured the Crimea. In November 1920, the Civil War actually ended with the victory of the Bolsheviks.

Reasons for the victory of the Bolsheviks

  • The anti-Soviet forces sought to return to the previous order, to cancel the Decree on Land, which turned against them most of the population - the peasants.
  • There was no unity among the opponents of Soviet power. They all acted in isolation, which made them more vulnerable to the well-organized Red Army.
  • The Bolsheviks united all the forces of the country to create a single military camp and a powerful Red Army
  • The Bolsheviks had a single program understandable to the common people under the slogan of restoring justice and social equality.
  • The Bolsheviks had the support of the largest segment of the population - the peasantry.

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