We talked in detail about. Nevertheless, it is quite understandable that most of the questions arise about passing the USE among those who have already graduated from school - among graduates of previous years who wish to enter universities in 2019 and who need fresh USE results for this. How is the registration for the USE 2019 for graduates of previous years, how and where to apply to sign up for exams.

Are all graduates of previous years required to retake the exam

Not everyone. The results of the final certification are valid for four years, so if you took the exam in 2015-2018, while passing exams in those subjects that you need in 2019 for admission, and also if you are satisfied with the points obtained at the end of the exam, take the exam You do not need. Universities in your case are required to accept the results of exams from previous years.

But this is, of course, the ideal situation. In practice, there are quite a few graduates of past years entering universities who either took the USE much earlier or did not take such exams at all, because in their USE time hasn't actually appeared yet. Someone took exams in completely different subjects that he needs now in order to consciously enroll in one or another educational institution. Finally, someone could take the exam in a specialized subject last year or the year before, but did not score good marks for admission and took a break for better preparation.

In all such cases, you will have to take the unified state exams again.

How to enroll in the USE-2019 for a graduate of previous years - how and where to apply

In order to register for the USE-2019, you should submit an application to the educational authorities before February 1 inclusive. In each particular Russian city, it is worthwhile to specifically specify the addresses of the places of registration for the Unified State Examination, for this you need to call the local departments of education and any other similar organizations, which in different cases can be called differently. So, in Moscow, you can register for the USE 2019 at five addresses:

  • Teterinsky lane, house 2A, building 1;
  • Zelenograd, building 1128;
  • Semenovskaya Square, 4;
  • Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, house 47;
  • Aerodromnaya street, house 9.

All indicated Moscow registration places are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 with a break from 12:00 to 12:30.

In exceptional cases, apply for passing the exam possible after February 1, but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams. But for this there must be weighty good reasons: illness and other circumstances that you can confirm with documents.

What documents are needed to register for the USE 2019 for a graduate of previous years

In order to enroll in the USE 2019, a graduate of previous years will need to provide:

  1. The passport or other document that certifies his identity;
  2. SNILS(if there is);
  3. Original document of education(if such a document was received in a foreign country, a certified translation into Russian will be required).

For people with disabilities, you will also need certificate of disability or its certified copy. If there is a recommendation issued by the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, you must also attach a copy of it.

In addition to the fact that you will need to provide these documents, you will be asked to fill out an application for passing the exam, where, in particular, you will need to indicate the subjects that you want to take. Also, in accordance with the laws of Russia, you will need to sign a consent to the processing of your personal data.

Is it possible not to sign consent to the processing of personal data when applying for the exam

You have the right not to sign such consent if you do not want to. Just inform the employees of educational authorities about this right away - they will tell you how to fill out the application for passing the Unified State Examination correctly, indicating in the application your unwillingness to process your personal data.

If you are interested in what rules will be accepted in this case, your exams in Moscow, you can familiarize yourself with the relevant commission when taking exams. Other regions of Russia should also have similar documents with similar rules.

USE-2019 schedule for graduates of past years - when to take this or that exam

Graduates of previous years take the exam during the early stage. It takes place in March-April, so there is not much time left for preparation!

The schedule for the early wave of the exam for 2019 looks like this:

the date Items
March 20 (Wednesday) geography, literature
March 22 (Friday) Russian language
March 25 (Monday) history, chemistry
March 27 (Wednesday) foreign languages ​​( oral part)
March 29 (Friday) mathematics Base, Profile
April 1 (Monday) foreign languages ​​(written part), biology, physics
April 3 (Wednesday) social science, informatics and ICT
April 5 (Friday) reserve: geography, chemistry, informatics and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral part), history
April 8 (Monday) reserve: foreign languages ​​(written part), literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 10 (Wednesday) reserve: Russian language, mathematics Base, Profile


    Theoretically possible. But in practice, this is a very laborious process. In order to make appropriate changes to the unified database of USE participants, it is necessary to obtain a decision document from the state certification commission. There must be a good reason for this, supported by the relevant document. For example, a soldier who was in the army before February 1 can provide a demobilization document. Please note that in this case, you can apply for participation in the exam no later than 2 weeks before the exam.

    What do I do if I can't apply in person?

    Parents or legal representatives can apply for participation in the exam upon presentation of a certified power of attorney and the above documents.

    Which subjects are mandatory and which are optional?

    To obtain a certificate of school secondary education, it is necessary to take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. At the same time, mathematics can be basic and profile level. You can submit one or both of them. Why is this needed? The fact is that to obtain a certificate it is enough to pass basic mathematics, and for admission to universities where mathematics is required as an entrance test, the results of profile mathematics will be required. Thus, if you are going to continue your studies, for example, in the humanities or medical specialties, take basic mathematics. Although, if you are confident in your abilities and want to be more difficult, then you can also take a profile - with successful delivery You will still receive a certificate. Many graduates prefer to play it safe and apply for two levels at once. We have already prepared a special material on which math is better to choose, and described situations when it is better to take both at once. With him you can.

    All other USE subjects are optional and required for admission to universities. These are: physics, chemistry, history, social science, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), biology, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, German, French and Spanish), literature.

    How to choose elective items?

    In order to enter the university for the chosen specialty and get the profession of your dreams, you need to correctly determine the subjects for passing the exam. You can make the cherished choice quite quickly and accurately with the help of the Steps.Online portal services. About exactly how.

    Also on the portal Stepupi.Online there is an excellent service - “Search by USE subjects”, which allows you to search for a profession, specialty, university, and even a specific university program in those subjects that the applicant passes in the exams. In our special material how to do it.

Graduates of previous years who plan to take the unified state exam in the early and main period must apply before February 1 of each year. Graduates of previous years studying in educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, foreign citizens apply and register for the exam at the municipal or regional education authority, depending on the scheme approved in the region.

On February 1, the acceptance of applications for passing the exam in the early and main period ends.

Schoolchildren need not worry, the school will send an application for the choice of USE subjects for them. Until that time, they had to finally decide on the subjects in which they plan to take the exam.

But all the rest who want to pass the exam - from among graduates of past years, students of colleges and technical schools, receiving primary and secondary vocational education, as well as those who studied in foreign educational organizations must apply before February 1 at the point of application on one's own.

The application is submitted by the participant personally on the basis of an identity document, or by his parents (legal representatives) on the basis of a document proving their identity, or authorized persons on the basis of a document proving their identity and duly executed power of attorney.

Information on the place of application, as well as application forms, can be found on the websites of the authorized bodies shown in the table below - applications for passing the exam for those who are not assigned to the school.

Graduates of previous years, when applying, present the original documents on education ()

The application is submitted to the addresses that can be found on the website of the educational authorities of your region.

Graduates of previous years have the right to take the exam even if they have valid results USE past years.

USE after college

Getting average vocational education on the basis of 9 classes is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education. While studying at the college, students simultaneously master the school curriculum and after completing their studies school curriculum they are eligible to take the exam. Not all colleges are accredited for the educational program of secondary general education.

If the college is accredited, then the application for passing the exam must be submitted to the college itself. If the college or technical school does not have such accreditation - the application must be submitted together with graduates of previous years - at the application points designated by regional authorities.

To be admitted to the Unified State Examination, you need to obtain and submit a certificate from the college confirming the development of educational programs of secondary general education or the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current year.

Keep in mind that there are students different variants for passing the exam and entering the university:

  • they can take the exam after completing their school curriculum (while continuing to study at college),
  • they can also take the USE after graduating from college and receiving a diploma of primary or secondary vocational education (together with other graduates of previous years),
  • after graduating from some of the colleges, you can enter a university without an exam. We are talking about colleges at universities and colleges that have relevant agreements with universities. As a rule, the possibility of admission without the Unified State Examination is determined by the university itself and this decision is reviewed annually, as well as the list of colleges and other conditions for admission.

Foreign citizens

Graduates of foreign educational organizations to present the original documents on education. The document on education must be recognized on the territory of the Russian Federation as an equivalent to secondary general education. Additionally about.

Students of foreign educational organizations must submit a certificate confirming the completion of the development of educational programs of secondary general education in the current year.

Original documents issued in foreign language are presented with duly certified translation into Russian.

What to do if the application deadline is missed?

Everything is decided by the SEC, but only if there are good reasons.

After February 1, an application for participation in the USE by students, graduates of previous years, persons studying educational programs secondary vocational education, as well as students receiving secondary general education in foreign educational institutions, is accepted by decision of the SEC only if the applicant has good reasons (illness or other documented circumstances) no later than two weeks before the start of the exams.

Passing the unified state exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows you to receive a document on education, and for someone - the opportunity to successfully enter the desired university in the country. But, sometimes fate makes unexpected adjustments in a person’s life. So, in 2017, 3.4% of all USE participants could not overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. An even greater number failed to gain the scores required for admission to highly rated universities. What to do if I “flunked” the exam and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to retake the exam was granted only to persons who did not overcome the minimum threshold for compulsory subjects, on the passing of which the receipt of a certificate depends.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the possibility of retaking any subject submitted to the exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in Russian, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can only retake 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake an item twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason for that (documentary evidence is required) or if you wish (in order to increase the score, you can retake the exam next year).
  4. Graduates of previous years who took part in the preliminary or main session of the Unified State Exam-2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake in 2018, he can retake the exam in a year.

Dates for retaking the exam in 2018

In 2018, it will be possible to retake one of the USE subjects, which was not submitted the first time, twice:

  • 1 retake - in the summer on the reserve days indicated in the USE calendar;
  • 2 retake - in September 2018.

Thus, by increasing the score to the desired one by 1 attempt, you can have time to apply to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter the budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the issue of obtaining a document on education remains open. Although, many universities, in which there is a shortage of applicants for budget places, sometimes conduct an additional set in the autumn months.

The validity of the USE certificate 2018 is 4 years. This means that after passing the exam on the 3rd attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year according to the exam results already in hand.

The dates for the early, main and autumn sessions of the final exams in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 dated November 10, 2017 year, the full text of which can be viewed.

Transfer schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retakes)

06/22/18 (Friday)

geography, informatics and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social science

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all things

Autumn retake

09/04/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

07.09.18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

See the full GIA 2018 schedule on the official website ege.edu.ru

Who will be eligible to retake the exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, the retake of any subject of the exam is possible in such cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for an exam for a good reason (documentary evidence is required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: poor health of the examinee, state of emergency at the site conducting the exam and etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (not through the fault of the examinee).

A weighty reason for non-attendance means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a certificate from a doctor), a car accident, death of a close relative and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retake the exam- a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. You will not be able to use the second attempt if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for a gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The result of the exam will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when the facts of violation of the rules are revealed after watching the archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of previous years gaining a score below the minimum level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing an exam without a valid reason (overslept, forgot, stuck in a traffic jam…)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, not cheat sheets or modern technical means. Prepare well for your exam and don't let anxiety get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transfer is not possible in 2018

If it so happened that you got into that small percentage of graduates who could not successfully pass the exam on three attempts or missed one of the USE exams without good reason, do not lose heart and even more so panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019 you will only have to take the exam, the result of which turned out to be unsatisfactory or does not suit you.

In many European countries and the United States has such a thing as a “gap year”, or “break year”. Many graduates take a breather before entering the university.

How can you make good use of this time?

  1. consider choosing a profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn some money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failing an exam doesn't put an end to your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this unfortunate misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success.

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person tempers character and acquires life wisdom!

Registration of those wishing to pass the exam can be carried out either by the Ministry of Education of the subject of the Russian Federation, or by the Department of Education of the city, district, depending on the procedure for passing the unified state exam in a particular region. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify which educational authority is responsible for registering exam participants in your place of residence. You also need to know that during the state exam, 2 waves of passing are distinguished: the main one, which is held from May to June, and the additional one, held in July.

main wave

In order to pass the exam in regular time, you need to write an appropriate application no later than March 1 of the current year, in which you need to indicate the list of subjects to be passed. Graduates of the current year apply to those educational institutions where they this moment are being trained. Graduates of previous years apply to the local department of education. After the application for passing the exam has been submitted, it is necessary to receive a special pass for the exam by May 10. Graduates of the current years receive this document in the same place where they submitted the application, i.e. at your educational institution. Accordingly, the rest of those who wish to pass the exam receive a pass at the Department of Education.

When you receive a pass, make sure that it contains all the necessary entries:
- list of subjects to be passed;
- location of the examination point;
- date, time of the state exam;
- codes of the educational institution and the location of the exam.

In addition, in addition to the pass, it is necessary to take documents with the rules for conducting the exam, filling out forms, on arrival at the place where the exam is taken. These documents should be carefully read in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

Additional wave

In extra time, graduates of previous years, as well as graduates of the current year who did not have the opportunity to take part in the USE in regular time, have the right to take the unified state exam. In order to pass the exam in the additional wave, you need to apply from June 20th to July 4th. The application must be submitted either to the secondary school or to the university, depending on which educational institution You are trying to get on the results of passing the exam. Exam participants receive a pass in the same place where they wrote the application. As a rule, this document is issued immediately after writing the application. In addition, remember that documents with information, instructions for passing the exam at the venue are not required to issue, so take care of this in advance at home.