, is a mandatory exam for graduates of the 11th grade. Statistically, it is the hardest.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with general information about the exam and start preparing right away. The 2019 exam is no different from last year - this applies to both the basic and profile options.

Basic level of the exam

This option is suitable for graduates in two cases if:

  1. no need for mathematics to enter a university;
  2. are not going to continue their studies after graduation.

If there is a column with the subject “mathematics” in your chosen specialty, then the basic level is not your option.

Basic exam assessment

The formula for converting primary scores into test scores is updated every year and becomes known after the early period USE. The order of Rosobrnadzor has already been issued, which officially fixed the compliance of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the basic exam in mathematics at least for a three, you need to score 12 primary points. This is equivalent to the correct completion of any 12 tasks. Maximum primary score – 20.

Basic Exam Structure

In 2019, the Foundation Level Math test consists of 20 items with a short answer, which is an integer, or the final decimal, or a sequence of numbers. You must either calculate the answer or choose one of the options offered.

Profile level of the USE

This exam in 2019 is no different from USE of the past of the year.

It is the profile level that graduates must take to enter universities, because in the vast majority of specialties mathematics is indicated as the main subject for admission.

Profile test assessment

There is nothing specific here: as usual, you collect primary scores, which are then transferred to test scores. And already on a 100-point system, you can determine the mark for the exam.

In order for the exam to be simply counted, it is enough to score 6 primary points. To do this, you need to solve at least 6 tasks of part 1. The maximum primary score is 32.

Profile test structure

In 2019, the USE test in mathematics profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.

  • Part 1: 8 tasks (1-8) of the basic level of complexity with a short answer.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (9-12) advanced level difficulty with a short answer and 7 tasks (13–19) of advanced and high levels Difficulties with a detailed answer.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the exam in mathematics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests are designed and approved to prepare for USE Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official versions of the exam are being developed.
  • Check out with basic formulas for preparing for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before proceeding with the demo and test options.

The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE figures

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty<
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 21
2010 21 43,35 864 708 6,1 160 240
2011 24 47,49 738 746 4,9 205 240
2012 24 44,6 831 068 7,5 56 240
2013 24 48,7 803 741 6,2 538 240
2014 20 46,4 240
2015 27 45,4 235
2016 27 235
2017 27 235

, is a mandatory exam for graduates of the 11th grade. Statistically, it is the hardest.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the general information about the exam and start preparing right away. The 2019 exam is no different from last year - this applies to both the basic and profile options.

Basic level of the exam

This option is suitable for graduates in two cases if:

  1. no need for mathematics to enter a university;
  2. are not going to continue their studies after graduation.

If there is a column with the subject “mathematics” in your chosen specialty, then the basic level is not your option.

Basic exam assessment

The formula for converting primary scores into test scores is updated every year and becomes known after the early USE period. The order of Rosobrnadzor has already been issued, which officially fixed the compliance of primary and test scores in all subjects for 2019.

According to the order, in order to pass the basic exam in mathematics at least for a three, you need to score 12 primary points. This is equivalent to the correct completion of any 12 tasks. The maximum primary score is 20.

Basic Exam Structure

In 2019, the Foundation Level Math Test consists of 20 short answer questions, which is an integer, or a final decimal, or a sequence of digits. You must either calculate the answer or choose one of the options offered.

Profile level of the USE

This USE in 2019 is no different from the USE of last year.

It is the profile level that graduates must take to enter universities, because in the vast majority of specialties mathematics is indicated as the main subject for admission.

Profile test assessment

There is nothing specific here: as usual, you collect primary scores, which are then transferred to test scores. And already on a 100-point system, you can determine the mark for the exam.

In order for the exam to be simply counted, it is enough to score 6 primary points. To do this, you need to solve at least 6 tasks of part 1. The maximum primary score is 32.

Profile test structure

In 2019, the USE test in mathematics at the profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks.

  • Part 1: 8 tasks (1-8) of the basic level of complexity with a short answer.
  • Part 2: 4 tasks (9–12) of an increased difficulty level with a short answer and 7 tasks (13–19) of an increased and high difficulty level with a detailed answer.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the exam in mathematics, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests are developed and approved for preparation for the exam Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official versions of the exam are being developed.
  • Check out with basic formulas for preparing for the exam, they will help refresh your memory before proceeding with the demo and test options.

The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE figures

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty<
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 21
2010 21 43,35 864 708 6,1 160 240
2011 24 47,49 738 746 4,9 205 240
2012 24 44,6 831 068 7,5 56 240
2013 24 48,7 803 741 6,2 538 240
2014 20 46,4 240
2015 27 45,4 235
2016 27 235
2017 27 235

The division of the Unified State Examination in Mathematics into basic and profile levels has improved the results of the capital's schoolchildren, reports the Moscow City News Agency with reference to the head of the Federal Commission for Developers of Control Measurement Materials (KIM) of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, director of the Moscow Center for Pedagogical Excellence, Ivan Yashchenko .

“It is already clear that, in general, the results of the guys have improved, and this is very noticeable in the wake of an honest exam. Now we can say that the figures that we have, they really reflect the level of knowledge of the guys,” said Yashchenko.

According to him, thanks to the division of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, the psychological burden on graduates has significantly decreased.

“It is very important that it was done very gently for the graduate, if someone did not understand something, then they can pass both mathematics. If you mistakenly chose profile mathematics, confusing it with basic mathematics, and got a “two” for it, then you could choose a level for a retake. This ceases to create a feeling of mathematical inferiority in the student,” the director emphasized.

Since 2015, the USE in mathematics has been divided into two levels - basic and specialized. The basic exam is taken by graduates who go to specialties where mathematics is not a core subject or do not plan to enter universities. The profile exam is intended for those graduates for whom mathematics is one of the university entrance exams.

The basic USE includes 20 tasks and is evaluated on a five-point scale.

The profile exam consists of two parts and contains 21 tasks. Of these, nine are basic level, the rest are advanced and high. At the same time, 14 tasks require a short form from the student in the form of a number, fraction, and so on, in seven, a detailed solution is required. To pass the exam, you must score at least 27 points out of 100. Four hours are allotted to complete the tasks.

At the end of July, the press center of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science reported that the Scientific and Methodological Council for Mathematics, established at the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, recognized the effective division of the unified state exam in mathematics into basic and specialized levels.

Two exams are mandatory for all graduates: Russian language and mathematics. The possibility of passing the exam in mathematics at the basic or profile level was introduced in 2015 at the suggestion of the Association of Teachers and Educators.

In total, more than 500 thousand people took the exam in mathematics this year.

Successful passing of the basic level exam allows participants to apply to those universities where mathematics is not in the list of entrance examinations, and the profile level - to universities where mathematics is included in the list.

In Russia, the USE serves both as a final exam at school and an entrance exam to a university. The USE in Russian language and mathematics are mandatory for obtaining a certificate of graduation from a Russian school, and from 2020 it is also planned to introduce a foreign language into the number of compulsory subjects for graduates.

The modernization of school education is associated with the emergence of specialized education in general education schools, the allocation of basic and specialized levels in the content of subject areas, and increased accessibility in obtaining secondary and higher education. The division into basic and profile levels is a good opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge, abilities and skills.

The terms "basic" and "profile" level are most often found at the senior level of basic general (complete) education. We can talk about the curriculum, the content of work programs, the level of assimilation of the subjects studied, the unified state exam.

The basic level is required when studying any subject area included in the curriculum at the senior level of education. It is believed that if a student learns a subject at a basic level, then he has a solid "three". The basic level is quite simple in content and is designed for the average student. As for the unified state exam, the basic level is not developed in all subject areas. For example, in mathematics there is a division into basic and specialized levels, but the Russian language does not imply such a division.

In addition, basic-level mathematics at the USE is assessed on the traditional five-point scale and does not provide for transfer to a 100-point scale, while mathematics at the profile level is assessed on a 100-point scale. There are also differences in the time allotted for completing USE tasks - at the basic level, 180 minutes, and at the profile level 235 minutes.

So the base level is different:

  • Ease of content.
  • The minimum number of hours devoted to the study of the subject.
  • A must for every student.

Consequently, the graduate has the opportunity to choose which level to take for the exam - basic or profile.

Unlike the base profile level is more difficult, multifaceted, requiring the student to have serious, in-depth preparation in the subject being studied. He aims the graduate to choose a further profession, a higher educational institution. The set of basic and profile items depends on the chosen profile. For example, at the chemical-biological profile, subjects such as social science, history, physics are studied at the basic level, and chemistry, biology and mathematics are studied at the profile level.

Core subjects tend to have more hours in the curriculum than core subjects. For example, in the socio-economic profile, 3 or more hours a week are allotted for the study of social science, and 1 hour per week is provided for the study of social science at a basic level in the curriculum.

The advantages of the profile level can be considered:

  • Deep subject matter.
  • A large number of hours to study subjects of this level.
  • Focus on the future profession.

Unfortunately, not all students are motivated to seriously study subjects at the profile level, and they opt for basic subjects. And many of them do not have the ability to master the chosen profiles.

Considering the complexity of the profile level, it is necessary to develop requirements for the selection of schoolchildren for admission to the 10th grade. Which subject to choose to study at the basic or profile level depends on the student, on what subjects he needs to enter a higher educational institution.

It would be very good if the student had the opportunity to independently form an individual educational route, determining a set of basic and specialized subjects for study at the senior level of education. However, the set of subjects in specialized classes is strictly regulated by the curriculum and does not fully meet the needs of schoolchildren in studying the desired subjects that are not included in the list of specialized ones. For example, English is now in demand in any field, and it is possible to study it in depth only within the framework of the humanitarian profile. I would like to believe that the federal state educational standard of the new generation will provide students with the opportunity for more free choice in the preparation of an individual curriculum. Accordingly, this will contribute to improving the quality of education.