Probably, many have repeatedly heard such a name as the Volga region. It is not at all surprising, since this geographical area has a large territory and occupies an important place in the life of the whole country. Large cities of the Volga region are also leaders in many respects. Industry and economy in the area are well developed. The article will talk in detail about the largest settlements of the Volga region, their location, economy and other important points.

Volga region: general information

First you need to get to know the area better. If we define the Volga region, then we can say that it includes the territories adjacent to the Volga River. They have long been inhabited, since the river was considered an important transport and trade route. Most of the Volga region consists of a flat terrain. Lowlands and small hilly areas are often found here. The climate of these places is temperate continental, and in some places continental. The weather here is not too severe, but the winter is quite cold. Summer in this area is warm, the average temperature in July is usually +22-25 ˚ WITH.

Large cities of the Volga region are of particular interest. Now this area is densely populated. Industry, agriculture, and the transport system are actively developing here. The peculiarity of the location of large cities of the Volga region is largely associated with an advantageous position in terms of economy and geography. Since ancient times, settlements mainly appeared near major trade routes (in this case, near the Volga).

The most important cities in the area

So, we got a little acquainted with the Volga region itself. Now it is worth talking about its settlements. The largest cities in the Volga region are Kazan, Samara and Volgograd. They have a population of over 1 million people. These cities have become real industrial centers, at the moment they continue to develop actively. Do not deprive attention of other large cities of the Volga region. Among them, it is necessary to mention Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Penza, Astrakhan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Many are also interested in the question of what is the largest city in the Volga region. At the moment, Kazan is such a settlement. Now it is worth considering in more detail the most important cities in this region.


So, you need to learn more about this wonderful city. It is located in the Republic of Tatarstan and is its center. It is interesting that a rather large port operates here, where a constant cargo turnover is carried out. The city is known throughout the country and occupies an important place in the field of economy, science, politics and culture.

Kazan is a very ancient city. Its foundation, according to some sources, dates back to 1005. Thus, it becomes clear that the city has a truly ancient history. Initially, a fortress was formed here. However, already in the 13th century, Kazan began to actively develop and grow. Gradually, it turned into an important center within the Golden Horde. And already in the XV century, it became the central city to which even Moscow paid tribute. However, Ivan the Terrible took this city, all resistance was crushed. Thus, Kazan became part of the Russian state.

Now Kazan is a million-plus city, in 2016 its population was 1,216,965 people. It is also a major industrial center. Mechanical engineering, light industry, as well as chemical and petrochemical industries are widely developed here.


Many are wondering which settlement is in second place in size. We have already found out that Kazan is the largest city in the Volga region. The next settlement is Samara. It also occupies an important place in the Volga economic space. As of 2016, the population of the city is about 1,170,910 people.

At first there was a fortress here. It was founded in 1586. The main purpose of such a building was to control movement along the Volga and prevent raids by nomads and other enemies along the waterways. Samara has a rich history. For example, in the XVII-XVIII centuries the city became the center of a peasant uprising. At one time, he was even captured by troops subordinate to Stepan Razin. In the middle of the 19th century, the Samara province was created. Thus, this settlement also became its center. At that time, the population in these places increased markedly.

For a long time, since 1935, the city had a different name - Kuibyshev. However, in 1991 it was decided to return it to its former name. Of particular interest is the fact that the longest embankment in our country is located here. Another record - the city has the tallest station building in all of Europe.

As for the economic component of the city, it is mostly represented by various industries. The most developed here are mechanical engineering and metalworking. Also in the city there are many food industry enterprises.


Another large city in the Volga region is Volgograd. This settlement also plays an important role in the economic, cultural, scientific and other spheres of the entire region. The population of the city in 2016 was 1,016,137 people. This figure indicates that this is indeed a large settlement.

The history of these places is rich in various events. It appeared, like many other cities of the Volga region, next to the trade route that ran along the Volga. These lands were under the rule of the Golden Horde for a long time. However, from the beginning of the 15th century, it broke up into several separate khanates. Gradually, the Moscow principality was able to defeat them. The first mention of the city (then called Tsaritsyn) dates back to 1579. The city survived a large number of defeats and each time was restored. For example, in 1607, when the government was recognized in Tsaritsyn, the city was taken by storm on the orders of Vasily Shuisky. Peasant uprisings also took place here in the middle of the 17th century.

From the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century, the city actively developed in the industrial sector and gradually became the center of the entire region. Now the most developed here are defense production, mechanical engineering and metallurgy.


A city like Saratov is also worth mentioning. It is also a major economic component of the Volga region. Its population in 2016 is 843,460 people. Interestingly, this settlement is one of the 20 largest cities in the country, but it is not a million-plus city.

Refers to 1590. Then a fortress was built here. Previously, settlements of the Golden Horde were located here. Already in the 18th century, the city became a major center where trade was organized. At the beginning of the 20th century, Saratov became the largest in terms of the number of inhabitants.

Thus, not only the largest city of the Volga region was considered, but also other large-scale settlements. We got acquainted with their history and various interesting facts about them.

The Volga region is one of the largest geographical objects of the Russian Federation. It is located along the banks of the Volga River. The economy is well developed here. A navigable river, railway lines crossing the Volga region up and down provide local residents with everything necessary for a full-fledged existence. There is access to the sea along the Volga, which also favorably affects the economic and geographical position of the region.

The Volga region is famous for its mineral reserves. Among them are especially appreciated:

  • oil;
  • sulfur;
  • salt.

In addition, there are enough raw materials for the manufacture of high-quality building materials.

The population of the Volga region

The Volga region is a multinational region. The history of the formation of the modern population began many centuries ago. The original inhabitants were Mari, Chuvash and Mordovians. Over time, other peoples also migrated here.

Today, the Volga region is the most populated and developed. The annual population growth is due to the active migration of people from other areas. Thanks to rich resources, the issue of employment is not so acute here. The main part of the population occupies the capitals of the national republics and large industrial cities, where unemployment is practically excluded.

Now the structure of the population of the Volga region is mainly Russians and Tatars. Some of the most populated cities are Volgograd, Saratov, Samara and Kazan.

The indicator of the standard of living of the population of the Volga region is low. Now the main priority task and goal for the Volga region is to improve the living conditions of local citizens.

Industry of the Volga region

The Volga region is known to many as the center of the machine-building industry. Mechanical engineering in the Volga region includes the production of a wide range of equipment and machines, for example, cars, machine tools, computers and devices, bearings, electrical products, motors for special equipment, etc.

An important place in this industry is given to the production of aircraft, trucks and cars, buses and trolleybuses, ships, as well as bicycles and other small vehicles.

Samara and Saratov specialize mainly in the aviation industry, which dates back to the war. Now the factories of these cities produce turbojet aircraft.

The oil industry is developing in connection with the needs of the local population. Mechanical engineering and the production of equipment and parts are in great demand among residents of nearby regions.

Due to the rich mineral resources such as oil and gas, there are several gas and oil refineries in the Volga region. The leading regions for oil production are the Republic of Tatarstan and Samara.

The Volga, Nizhnekamsk, Volgograd and Saratov regions are distinguished among others by the productive operation of the largest hydroelectric power plants.

Agriculture of the Volga region

The agro-industrial complex of the Volga region is effectively developing to this day. Favorable climatic conditions and soft fertile soil make the Volga region the main supplier of grain crops throughout almost all of Russia. Wheat, rice, millet, corn and buckwheat are grown here. In addition, vegetables and melons, such as tomatoes and watermelons, grow well on the soils of the Volga region.

The warm humid climate promotes good growth of rice, barley, sunflower and other moisture and light-loving crops.

Numerous winter pastures contribute to the active development of animal husbandry. Thanks to this, the Volga region supplies the Russian regions not only with grain and vegetables, but also with wool, meat and milk. The most common animals on local farms are pigs and sheep. Birds are raised here mainly for their down. For the further expansion of livestock farms, the inhabitants of the rural areas of the Volga region face important tasks:

  • improvement and expansion of fields for growing fodder crops necessary for livestock;
  • increase and improvement of farms and paddocks;
  • landscaping and moistening of natural areas where animals graze.

Residents of the coastal regions of the Volga region are effectively engaged in fishing. This type of activity is especially relevant in the Astrakhan region. Here, special attention is paid to the cleanliness of reservoirs. To this end, all industrial enterprises, plants and factories are under careful control. New treatment facilities are being built at a fast pace and existing ones are being improved. Currently, plants and factories are being built for the processing, breeding and keeping of fish, especially the sturgeon family.

Due to the variety of grain crops and sunflowers, there are many oil mills in the Volga region. The largest of them are located in the Saratov and Volgograd regions.

Most of the content of the granaries is sent to the milling of flour. Some of the largest and most developed flour and cereal enterprises are located on the territory of Samara, Saratov and Volgograd.

This activity brings a significant profit to the entire Volga region, which makes it possible to raise the standard of living of the population from year to year.

Posted Sun, 15/01/2017 - 08:41 by Cap

Volga. It is difficult to find another such toponym that would be so strongly associated with Russia. Russian megacities and small cozy towns have found a place for themselves on the banks of this amazing river. Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Astrakhan, Volgograd - these are the main places you can visit during a cruise on the Volga.

Hundreds of large and small towns are combined along the banks of the Volga into one region - the Volga region. The Volga region today has every chance of becoming a landmark place on the tourist map of Russia. Even now, a cruise on the Volga is an exceptionally popular tourist service for those wishing to admire the beauties of the Volga.

A mixture of cultures, peoples, religions and different traditions! The beautiful Kremlin, churches and monasteries interspersed with mosques and minarets. The old corners of this ancient city are preserved.

The city attracts many visitors and tourists.

The Kazan Kremlin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The city has a registered brand "the third capital of Russia". Unofficially and semi-officially, it is called the "capital of Russian federalism" and "the capital of all the Tatars of the world."

In 2005, the millennium of Kazan was celebrated.

The length of the city from north to south is 29 km, from west to east - 31 km. The city in the western, central and southwestern parts overlooks the Volga River for about 15 km. In Kazan, there is one bridge across the Volga - at the extreme western border of the city.

The Kazanka River flows from northeast to west through the middle of the city and divides Kazan into two parts comparable in territory - the historical one to the south of the river and the newer beyond the river to the north. The two parts of the city are connected by five dams and bridges, as well as a subway line.

The relief of the city is flat and hilly.

In the central part of the city there are low-lying plains Zabulache, Predkabanye, Zakabanye, the elevated plain Arskoye Pole and separate hills stand out - the Kremlin (Kremlin-Universitetsky), Marusovsky, Fedoseevsky, First and Second Mountains, Ametyevo, Novo-Tatarskaya Sloboda, etc. In the direction of southeast and east, the territory of the city as a whole gradually rises, and large residential areas of Gorki, Azino, as well as Nagorny, Derbyshki are located at isoheights of 20-40 meters and higher than part of the historical center, southwestern regions and Zarechye. Zilantova Gora stands out in the District, as well as hills of settlements in the north of the city. In different places there are ravines and similar local elongated depressions in the terrain.

The territory of the city is characterized by a very significant proportion of water surfaces. A strip of a part of the Volga water area more than 2 km wide (along the western border of the city), as well as a predominantly shallow end and a new mouth of the Kazanka River about 1.5 km wide (completely inside the city) were formed when the Kuibyshev reservoir appeared in the middle of the 20th century instead of many times more narrow natural widths of rivers.

Kazan is one of the largest cultural centers of Russia, preserving the classical achievements, and also contributing to the development of modern, avant-garde trends in many areas of culture. The capital of Tatarstan is traditionally called "multicultural", meaning the mutually beneficial enrichment of the peacefully coexisting Russian and Tatar cultures. With the support of UNESCO, the world's first Institute for the Culture of Peace was established in Kazan.


Kazan annually hosts international festivals of Shalyapinsky’s opera, Nurievsky’s ballet, Rachmaninovsky’s classical music, Kazan Autumn open air opera, Concordia contemporary music, Creation of the World folk and rock music, literary Aksyonov Fest, and Muslim cinema. "Golden Minbar" (since 2010 - Kazan International Muslim Film Festival), role-playing games "Zilantcon", numerous festivals and competitions at the federal and republican level. The only Kazan film studio in the Volga region operates in the city.

Starting from the 9th century, there was a gradual peaceful colonial movement of the Slavs along the upper Volga to the lands inhabited by the Finno-Ugric peoples. By the end of the 11th century, Rus' owned the entire upper Volga almost to the mouth of the Oka. The borders of the Volga Bulgaria began a little lower, and the right bank of the Volga up to the mouth of the Sura was inhabited by the Erzya. At the same time, Gorodets was the “last” Slavic city on the Volga until 1221.

In 1221, Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich, at the confluence of the Volga and Oka, founded a stronghold for the defense of the borders of the Vladimir principality from the Moksha, Erzi, Mari and Volga Bulgars called Novgorod of the Nizovsky land (the Novgorodians called the Vladimir principality the Nizovsky land) - later this name was transformed into Nizhny Novgorod , and remained in the imperial title until 1917.


There are more than 600 unique historical, architectural and cultural monuments in the city. The main one is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. Until 2010, Nizhny Novgorod had the status of a historical settlement, however, by Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 2010 N 418/339, the city was deprived of this status.

In total, there are about two hundred cultural institutions of regional and municipal significance in Nizhny Novgorod. Among these institutions are 13 theaters, 5 concert halls, 97 libraries, 17 cinemas, 25 children's clubs, 8 museums, the digital Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium, 8 enterprises that ensure the functioning of parks.

There are three academic theaters in Nizhny Novgorod (drama, opera and ballet named after A. S. Pushkin and a puppet theater), theaters of comedy, a young spectator, etc.

There are 3 regional and 92 public municipal libraries in Nizhny Novgorod. There are also libraries at organizations, educational institutions and enterprises of the city.


One of the largest is the Nizhny Novgorod State Regional Universal Scientific Library. V. I. Lenin, opened in 1861. A legal information center has been established on its basis.

On the territory of the city there is a museum of A. M. Gorky, which includes the Literary Museum; the scene of the autobiographical story "Childhood" Kashirin's House; a museum-apartment in which work was carried out on several works of the writer. The city also houses the only museum in Russia of N. A. Dobrolyubov in the former apartment building of the Dobrolyubov family, as well as a house-museum in the wing of the Dobrolyubov estate, where the critic spent his childhood and youth; Museum of A. S. Pushkin; museum-apartment of A. D. Sakharov, Russian Museum of Photography.

A rare cruise along the Volga is not complete without a visit to the South Russian river port in Astrakhan. Astrakhan is a famous city in the south of Russia, one of the largest and most interesting places on the Volga.

Astrakhan is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Astrakhan region, 1500 km southeast of Moscow. The city is located on 11 islands of the Caspian lowland, in the upper part of the Volga delta.

There are about 38 bridges in the city. The main part of the city is located on the left bank of the Volga, about 20% of the city's inhabitants live on the right bank.

Both parts of the city are connected by two bridges across the Volga.

The total area of ​​the city is about 500 km². The length of the city along the Volga is 45 km. On two coasts it is over 45 km. The city is divided into 4 administrative districts; in the future, due to the large area of ​​its districts, comparable to the Moscow districts, it is planned to be divided into 7 administrative districts. Astrakhan is assigned to the same time zone as Moscow, although local real time is ahead of Moscow by 42 minutes. The flight time to Moscow is a little over 2 hours, up to 7 flights fly daily, the train to Moscow takes from 27.5 hours (No. 85/86 Makhachkala-Moscow) and more (including fast branded train No. as well as transit trains to Baku.

Up to 5 trains leave Moscow for Astrakhan daily. By bus from Astrakhan to Moscow can be reached in about 24 hours. Traveling along the Volga by boat takes 8 days to Moscow (with stops in the cities). Astrakhan has 21 large and small ports, 15 shipbuilding and ship repair yards.

the building of the former Azov-Don Bank, and now the building of the State Bank of Russia for the Astrakhan Region, 1910, architect Fyodor Ivanovich Lidval

Gubin's mansion, late 19th century;

the hipped tower of the fence of the Transfiguration Monastery (beginning of the 18th century) with inserts of polychrome tiles;

Demidov Compound (XVII-XVIII centuries); Church of St. John Chrysostom (1763; “octagon on a quadrangle” with rich sculptural decoration; rebuilt in the 19th century);

cathedral of st. Vladimir, 1895-1904 (in Soviet times, the building housed a bus station, in 1999 the temple was transferred to the Orthodox Church);

house of the Astrakhan Cossack army, 1906 (architect V. B. Valkovsky); cinema "October" with a unique winter garden-arboretum;

Indian trading compound; wooden houses in the "Russian" or "Ropetov" style;

Regional Scientific Library named after N. K. Krupskaya;

Swan Lake in the city center;

White Mosque; Black Mosque; Red Mosque; Persian mosque;

Monument to the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Fragi Monument to Kurmangazy

Illuminated tower of the Astrakhan television center

On the right bank of the Volga between Kostroma and Kineshma, a small town nestled - Plyos. He knew the days of the highest rise of his fame - and experienced the streaks of complete oblivion.
Plyos was known not only here, but also in the West. It was the time (80-90s) when Plyos accidentally entered the history of art and became, as it were, the spokesman for the sentiments of a part of the Russian intelligentsia. This, however, will be discussed in more detail below.
Plyos, first of all, is beautiful. The beauty of Plyos is special, original and multifaceted. The stretch is beautiful as a whole, like an amazing panorama, beautiful in every detail, in every bend, in every nook and cranny. Walking through the hills of the city, you come across new and new effects that amaze and enchant you.

Almost four and a half centuries ago, the son of Ivan the Terrible, Tsar Fedor Ioannovich, decided to protect himself from foreign surprises of a military format and began to build up the Volga with fortress cities. This is how Samara and Tsaritsyn (Volgograd) appeared. And in 1590 between these two cities, Saratov was erected by the princely hand of Grigory Zasekin.

This city received many harsh lessons - it burned down several times, it was rebuilt, it was ruined by Pugachev, it was plundered by Kalmyks and Kubans ... It was tested by the diabolical power of Russian history, which was rarely merciful to its latitudes.

But the times of aggression and chaos died down. Legality was strengthened, the city began to rebuild. Schools, hospitals, printing houses, theatres, cathedrals, offices - Saratov was filled with its infrastructure, philosophy, great geniuses. The merchant center of the Volga region developed rapidly, carving many victories on the massive plates of personal biography. And now the emotional outcry in Griboedov's play has ceased to have any basis.
in which the thirst for activity boils like hot lead. Here is one of the best universities in the country, offering an innovative education, and at the same time, carefully preserving its research heritage. In total, there are more than a dozen higher educational institutions in the city.

The streets of the central part of the city enthusiastically represent all the diversity of architectural styles and forms of old Russia. From 17th century cathedrals to neo-Gothic and Art Nouveau. From the Stalinist baroque to the configurations of modern fantasies. Behind the windows of each house are hidden mystical stories about time and fate, which so often change the real course of things.

Museum spheres absorb real masterpieces of art. There is always a chance to admire the finest work of French masters on Sèvres porcelain of the 18th century. The best collection of paintings and drawings in the country by A.P. Bogolyubova has long attracted lovers of fine art. As well as the works of world-famous masters: V.E. Borisov-Musatov, P.N. Kuznetsova, K.S. Petrov-Vodkin.

You can talk about the natural beauty of the Saratov region for a very long time. But only by feeling its invisible atmosphere of peace, you can fully indulge in spiritual rest. Saratov.

Upper Volga (from the source to the mouth of the Oka) - Tver, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions;

Middle Volga (from the right tributary of the Sura to the southern edge of the Samara Luka) - Chuvashia, Mari El, Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions;

The Lower Volga (from the confluence of the Kama [officially, but not hydrologically] to the Caspian Sea) - the Republic of Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd regions, the Republic of Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region.

After the construction of the Kuibyshev reservoir, the boundary between the middle and lower Volga is usually considered to be the Zhigulevskaya HPP upstream of Samara.


Almost all regional and capital cities located on the Volga are major centers of educational tourism: Kostroma with the magnificent Ipatiev Monastery; rapidly developing Nizhny Novgorod with a complex of buildings of the medieval Kremlin, with a unique monument to Valery Chkalov and a permanent exhibition of Russian weapons produced during the war years; the capital of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, where everyone will be shown a monument and a house-museum to the legendary V. I. Chapaev; ancient Kazan, the capital of now sovereign Tataria; the birthplace of the organizer-inspirer of the October Revolution, V. I. Lenin, is the city of Ulyanovsk, where the largest memorial and museum complex still operates.

Tourists will also remember the magnificent embankments of Samara, the longest pedestrian street in Russia in Saratov, and the well-preserved Astrakhan Kremlin. It is impossible to walk past the majestic monument to the Motherland on Sapun Gora in the hero city of Volgograd without heart trepidation.

There are many places in the Volga region associated with the names of I. A. Goncharov, N. G. Chernyshevsky, A. M. Gorky, I. I. Shishkin, A. D. Sakharov and other prominent people of the Russian state.

Geographic Information

Volga basin

The Volga originates on the Valdai Upland (at an altitude of 228 m), flows into the Caspian Sea. The mouth lies 28 m below sea level. The total fall is 256 m. The Volga is the world's largest river of internal flow, that is, it does not flow into the oceans.

The river system of the Volga basin includes 151 thousand watercourses with a total length of 574 thousand km. The Volga receives about 200 tributaries. The left tributaries are more numerous and more abundant than the right ones. There are no significant tributaries after Kamyshin.

The Volga basin occupies about 1/3 of the European territory of Russia and extends from the Valdai and Central Russian Uplands in the west to the Urals in the east. The main, feeding part of the Volga drainage area, from the source to the cities of Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan, is located in the forest zone, the middle part of the basin to the cities of Samara and Saratov is in the forest-steppe zone, the lower part is in the steppe zone to Volgograd, and to the south - in the semi-desert zone . It is customary to divide the Volga into 3 parts: the upper Volga - from the source to the mouth of the Oka, the middle Volga - from the confluence of the Oka to the mouth of the Kama, and the lower Volga - from the confluence of the Kama to the mouth.

The source of the Volga is the key near the village of Volgoverkhovye in the Tver region. In the upper reaches, within the Valdai Upland, the Volga passes through small lakes - Small and Big Verkhity, then through a system of large lakes known as the Upper Volga lakes: Sterzh, Vselug, Peno and Volgo, united in the so-called Upper Volga reservoir.


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The Volga economic region occupies a territory that is located along the Volga coast. The advantage of its location is associated with access to the Caspian Sea. Thanks to the Volga and the Volga-Baltic route, a water route appears here, allowing you to get to the Baltic Sea. The presence of the Volga-Don Canal creates an opportunity for access to the Azov and Black Seas. The area passes through latitudinal railway lines, which allow delivering people and goods to the regions of the Center, Ukraine, as well as to the Urals and Siberia.

Given that the Volga region occupies an advantageous geographical position, this has a positive effect on the development of its economic complex. The key role here is assigned to such branches of market specialization as oil and coal, as well as gas and chemical industries. The Volga region is of great importance in providing the country with such products as synthetic rubber, synthetic resins, plastics and fibers.

The Volga economic region in its structure is represented by such subjects as Ulyanovsk, Saratov, Samara, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Penza regions. It also includes two republics - Tatarstan and Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch.

Volga economic region: characteristics

A feature of this region is a fairly diverse natural resource potential. In the north, the Volga region is represented by forests, but if you move in a southeast direction, you can find yourself in the semi-desert subzone. The main area of ​​the region is occupied by steppes. Most of its territory falls on the Volga valley, which in the southern part is replaced by the Caspian lowland. An important role here is given to the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain, which was formed from river sediments and has good conditions for agriculture.

The territorial structure of the district's economy, as well as the peculiarities of settlement, are largely associated with the presence of the Volga, which acts as a key transport artery and the axis of settlement. The vast majority of large cities located on the territory of the region are river ports.

Population of the Volga economic region

With an average population density of 31.5 people. per 1 km2, the Volga region has a number of areas with the highest level of population. We are talking about the regions located in the Volga valley - Samara, Ulyanovsk regions and Tatarstan. The reverse situation is observed in the Republic of Kalmykia, where the population density does not exceed 4 people. per 1 km2.

A feature of the population of this region is a rather diverse ethnic composition. Within it, the largest share falls on Russians, in addition to whom there are quite a lot of representatives of Tatars and Kalmyks. Along with them, among the inhabitants there are Bashkirs, Chuvashs and Kazakhs. Of particular relevance in recent years is the problem of the revival of the autonomy of the Volga Germans, who, against their will, had to leave the Volga region and go to the eastern regions.

Territorial organization of the economy

If we consider the territorial structure of the Volga region, then it includes three subdistricts, which are distinguished by a special development of the economy and specialization:

  1. Middle Volga,
  2. Privolzhsky subdistrict,
  3. Lower Volga.

The Middle Volga region includes Tatarstan and Samara region. This area is the leader in the Volga region in terms of the development of such areas as the oil, oil refining industry and mechanical engineering. Within this territory there are many largest cities, among which are the millionaire cities - Samara and Kazan.

The composition of the Volga subdistrict is represented by such regions as the Penza and Ulyanovsk regions. Such areas as mechanical engineering, light industry, food industry and agriculture have reached the highest level of development here. Among the cities, Ulyanovsk and Penza are especially worth highlighting.

Among the most developed areas of the Lower Volga region, it is worth highlighting mechanical engineering, chemical and food industries. At the same time, the region is distinguished by a high level of agricultural development. First of all, this concerns grain farming, beef cattle breeding and sheep breeding. The production of rice, vegetables and gourds, as well as fisheries, also gives good results. Most of the enterprises are concentrated in Volgograd, which had to be restored after the end of the Great Patriotic War.

"Test: Volga region The Volga region includes subjects: 2 republics and 6 regions 12 regions 1 region 2 regions and 7 republics 2 ..."

Test: Volga region

The Volga region includes the following subjects:

2 republics and 6 regions

12 regions

1 region 2 territories and 7 republics

2 republics and three regions

Determine the subject of the Russian Federation that is not part of the Volga region:

Republic of Bashkortostan

Samara Region

Penza region

Republic of Tatarstan

Determine the cities of the Volga region, the population of which exceeded 1 million people:

Astrakhan, Kazan, Elista

Volgograd, Kazan, Samara

Samara, Astrakhan, Elista

Penza, Ulyanovsk, Saratov

Which statement about the climate of the Volga region is not true:

Droughts and dry winds often occur in the south of the Volga region

On the territory of the Volga region, max.

8. Volga economic region

t (and) +44 degrees

The humidity coefficient of the Volga region varies from excessive in the north (Republic of Tatarstan) to insufficient in the south (Astrakhan region and the Republic of Kalmykia)

The Volga economic region is strongly elongated from north to south, therefore it is located in two climatic zones - temperate and subtropical

In the Volga region lives:

22 million people

17 million people

55 million people

19 million people

Which statement about the population of the Volga region is true:

High rates of natural and mechanical population growth are observed in the Volga region

Adherents of all three world religions live on the territory of the Volga region. Most of the population of the Republic of Kalmykia are Buddhists, the Republic of Tatarstan is Muslim, in 6 regions there are Christians

The highest population density of the Volga region is observed in the south of the region - the territory of the Astrakhan region and the Republic of Kalmykia

The Volga region has excellent conditions for the development of agriculture, so the level of urbanization is low - 56%

The leading branch of specialization of the Volga region is:

mechanical engineering


Chemical industry

The main problem of the Volga region is:

The problem of shortage of labor resources

Volga pollution problem

The problem of ethnic conflicts

The problem of depletion of natural resources

Which statements about the specialization of the Volga region are true:

The Volga region is called the automotive workshop of Russia, where 80% of cars and 20% of trucks are produced.

The Volga region is distinguished by the high development of the fuel industry, where more than 50% of Russian oil is produced.

The most powerful nuclear power plant in Russia, the Balakovo NPP, is located in the Volga region.

In the Volga region there is a high concentration of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises.

Numerous hydroelectric power plants have been built on the Volga, including the most powerful in Russia, the Volzhskaya hydroelectric power station.

In the Volga region there is a high concentration of automotive enterprises. Set the correspondence: plant - center

Naberezhnye Chelny



B) AvtoVAZ

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Africa Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Its area is 30.3 million km2, the population is 1.200 million. Most of the mainland is located in the Northern Hemisphere. The region includes 55 countries. There are several options for dividing Africa into regions. There are 5 regions: North: coast ... "

Economic and geographical characteristics of the Volga economic region of Russia.

The Volga economic region includes: the Republic of Kalmykia - the capital of Khalmg Tangch (Elista), the Republic of Tatarstan - the capital of Kazan, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions. The total area of ​​the district is 536.4 thousand km2.

The Volga economic region is located along the Volga - from its confluence with the river. Kamoy to the coast of the Caspian Sea (length from north to south 1500 km) and occupies a little more than 3.2% of the territory, where 11.5% of the population of Russia lives. The area is located within the middle and lower parts of the Volga-Kama river basin, in the relief of which the high right bank of the Volga (the Volga Upland, in the south turning into the Ergeni ridge) and the flat left bank stand out. The territory of the Lower Volga region is occupied by the Caspian lowland, which descends below ocean level in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain and the Volga delta to a mark of 27 m at the edge of the Caspian Sea.

The economic and geographical position of the Volga region is exceptionally advantageous. In the west, the region borders on the highly developed Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth and North Caucasian economic regions, in the east - on the Urals and Kazakhstan. A dense network of rail and road transport routes contributes to the establishment of wide inter-district production networks in the Volga region, which is more open to the west and east (towards the main direction of the country's economic ties). Therefore, the vast majority of cargo transportation goes through this territory.

The Volga-Kama river route gives access to the Caspian, Azov, Black, Baltic, White seas. The presence of rich oil and gas deposits, the use of pipelines passing through this area confirms the advantageous economic and geographical position of the area.

The Volga region is crossed by latitudinal railway lines that provide links with the regions of the Center, Ukraine, the Urals and Siberia. The main branches of market specialization of the Volga region are the oil and oil refining industry, gas and chemical industries. Power industry is developed in the region. At the same time, the Volga region is the main region for catching valuable sturgeon fish, one of the most important regions for growing grain crops, sunflower, mustard, vegetable and melon crops, and a major supplier of wool and meat.

The Volga region is located on the East European Plain. Its natural conditions are very diverse and generally favorable for the national economy. Convenient geographical location, rather high population, rich minerals and water resources contribute to high growth rates of industrial production and agriculture. Fertile soils in most of the region. The abundance of heat and sun make it possible to grow here almost all crops of the temperate zone, such as winter and spring wheat, sunflower, beets, gourds and rice.

Volga economic region

Fertile conditions contributed to the development of grazing livestock here. The peculiarity of natural conditions in the territory of the Volga region also influenced the distribution of the productive forces of the region. Until now, the Right Bank has been better developed and economically more developed than the Trans-Volga region. The right bank was populated earlier and more densely, larger cities arose here, and a transport network was formed.

The composition of the vegetation of the Volga region is determined by the position of its territory in the forest-steppe, steppe, semi-desert zones. The northern part of the forest-steppe zone was covered in the past by dense broad-leaved forests dominated by oak and linden. In the southern forest-steppe, forest tracts interspersed with expanses of meadow steppes. The semi-desert zone is characterized by steppe vegetation with a predominance of wormwood.

The water resources of the Volga region are very large, but extremely unevenly distributed over its territory. Most of the water resources are confined to the Volga and Kama. After the regulation of their flow, the rivers turned into a chain of lake-type reservoirs. In its natural form, the Volga has been preserved only in the area from the dam of the Volgograd hydroelectric complex to the Caspian Sea, but its water content here has significantly decreased.

The regulation of the flow of the Volga and Kama has significantly changed the use of these rivers. In an average year in terms of water content, hydroelectric facilities provide the production of over 30 billion kWh of electrical energy.

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The company "POVOLZHIA NEFT" was registered on August 19, 2002, the registrar is the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for the KIROVSKY district of SARATOV. Full name — LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "NEFT POVOLZHIA". The company is located at: 410005, SARATOV, st. VOLSKAYA, 91, floor 8. The main activity is: "Production of crude oil and petroleum (associated) gas". The legal entity is also registered in such OKVED categories as: "Retail trade in motor fuel", "Production of crude oil and petroleum (associated) gas; extraction of fractions from petroleum (associated) gas", "Production of industrial gases". The main branch of the company: "Prospecting and exploration of oil and gas fields by geophysical methods". The position of the head of the company is the CEO.

Volga region

Legal form (OPF) - limited liability companies. Type of ownership - joint private and foreign ownership.