All student material payments in Russia were regulated back in 2007. The order of the Ministry of Education provides for several types of them: from standard to those appointed under certain conditions. Social scholarship attracts special attention. The payment of this scholarship is due to a number of persons employed in the educational process on a budgetary basis in the 2019-2020 academic period. The intended purpose of these funds is special material support and equalization of property status among students.

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Who is entitled to a social scholarship

Social support is intended for certain categories of students.

  1. A significant group of such recipients are orphans.
  2. It also includes students who do not have sources of material support. Provided that their parents do not support them financially.
  3. Another category of beneficiaries is the disabled. Here, due to the physical condition, the student is limited in receiving income.
  4. Military personnel who served under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in the state guard, in the FSB, the National Guard or similar specials. units for at least three years.
  5. Those students who received a disability during the service.
  6. Students from families whose income does not exceed 10,328 rubles per member. This standard is set for 2019.
  7. Students who have lost a breadwinner or parent during their education.
  8. Chernobyl victims or persons exposed to radiation.
  9. Persons who receive any type of social payments: pensions, benefits, compensations, benefits for housing and communal services, subsidies, material assistance, which was assigned to the OSZN.

The administration of the educational institution can expand this list, based on its capabilities. Many institutions have introduced guardian payments or material assistance under certain conditions. The main requirement that the applicant must meet is the minimum level of real income.

Who is assigned a state social scholarship

Those persons who do not have a sufficient subsistence level can apply for a state scholarship. In such a situation, there may be:

  • families with loss of a breadwinner;
  • a student who lives with a single parent;
  • young spouses-students;
  • a social stipend will be paid if at least one of the student's parents is a disabled person of the first or second group.

Note! Only full-time students are eligible for scholarships. If they study under a contract or at the correspondence department, then they will not be able to receive a scholarship. It is assumed that in this case they themselves can work and receive a salary.

It is important to note that not the best performance does not deprive the right to receive social benefits. But it is only for full-time students of the budgetary department who do not have “tails” for sessions.

What documents are needed for registration of social. scholarships

The procedure for applying for and receiving a scholarship traditionally begins with the collection of a certain package of documents. What documents are needed to receive a scholarship?

The basis for the appointment of this scholarship is the provision at the place of study of a certificate obtained from the territorial bodies of social protection. For its manufacture is presented:

  • passport with registration and its copy of the passport;
  • birth certificate and place of registration;
  • photocopy of student card;
  • statement;
  • certificate from the place of study, indicating the place, course and form of study;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • statements of real income of each family member;
  • documents certifying the grounds for the appointment of a social scholarship. For example, medical reports, certificates of assignment of disability of 1 or 2 groups, etc.

See here a sample application for the payment of social scholarships:

For low-income citizens, a certificate of family composition is submitted, which can be obtained from the Criminal Code / HOA at the place of registration. It is obligatory to provide data on family income for the last quarterly period (for working parents - these are certificates from employers, for retired parents - data from the pension fund). The package is supplemented with a document confirming the right to receive such a special payment (on disability or other reason). The legislation provides for a two-week period for consideration of the submitted documents.

The registration procedure can be completed at the MFC or on the State Services portal.

The amount of the social scholarship for students in 2019

  1. Students of secondary specialized educational institutions, technical schools, colleges, vocational schools can count on 856 rubles monthly.
  2. Students of universities, master's and doctoral studies - the amount of the scholarship will be almost 2500 rubles.

Although the level of academic performance does not affect the very possibility of receiving a scholarship payment, it has a positive effect on its size: good students and excellent students of the first two courses become applicants for additional payment.

According to the new rules, this category of payments will be indexed at 4% this year.

Important! The amounts of social stipends given here are the lower limit. This is the minimum threshold set by the state for 2019-2020.

The actual amount of social scholarships depends on the educational institution itself. Some of them have funds that are designed to provide scholarships to their students. Also, some students who prove themselves on the good side may qualify for grants.

The procedure for assigning social scholarships to students

It should be noted that each application for a social scholarship is considered on an individual basis. All personal characteristics of the student, the specific case and the reasons for the scholarship are taken into account. Usually a commission is appointed, which decides on payments to a particular student.

Attention! Scholarships are not paid to residents, graduate students, assistant trainees.

When awarding scholarships, decisions may be made to increase the scholarship rate per month. This benefit usually extends to:

  • 1st and 2nd year students;
  • students in full-time and budget form of education;
  • students in rare specialties;
  • demonstrated excellent and good knowledge;
  • students in the bachelor's program or in demanded specialties.

In this case, financial assistance will be 6307 rubles. In some areas, a district coefficient is added to this amount.

Scholarship payment deadline

The scholarship is valid for one academic year. If during this year's period a student has exam debt or has provided false information about their property status, payments will be suspended. Based on the results of the audit, confirmed information about the distortion of the data presented may form the basis for initiating a criminal case. For previous periods, even if the student was eligible for social assistance measures, but did not declare them, payments are not made.

It should be borne in mind that any changes in the circumstances for which the social payment was assigned must be brought to the attention of the management of the educational institution.

Watch the video on how to qualify for the scholarship:

How to get a social scholarship through the MFC

Here you can apply for a scholarship. To do this, you need to pre-register at the MFC, closest to your place of residence. Then:

  • bring all the collected documents;
  • fill out the application form for the payment of a social scholarship. All of it will be given to you by an employee of the MFC center at the reception;
  • the original documents must be reviewed by the employee and returned to you at the time of admission.

Processing time 10 days.

The scholarship for students in 2017 is issued to all students of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. This year, there was an acute question of whether student payments would be increased. Annually, funding is calculated for students, they change depending on what needs the population has for the current year. In 2017, an increase in the scholarship is also expected.

As the latest official information shows, this year these payments grow by 5.9%, in the future - by 4.8%, and in two years - 4.5%, which means that over the course of three years there will be an increase due to indexation, that will not worsen the situation of the people.

Based on the percentages presented above, the minimum rate for students in Russian higher educational institutions is calculated as follows: at the moment - 1419 rubles, next year - 1487 rubles, and in two years - 1554 rubles.

Innovations in 2017

As the practice of other countries shows, this is state funding. In addition to the basic payments, which do not always fully satisfy all the needs of young people, there is an opportunity to receive additional incentives for active participation in the life of the university.

Last year, the State Duma introduced a bill, with the help of which the deputies plan to equalize the minimum amount of funding for students according to the minimum wage, while the minimum wage rate for the beginning of the summer is planned to be increased to 7,800 rubles. After the adoption of the bill, students will increase living expenses in relation to scholarships.


In the Russian Federation, more than one scholarship is currently being paid, there are four types of public funding in total, which differ in rate, payment scheme:

  • State academic payments;
  • Academic bonuses.
  • Social assistance to the poor;
  • Rewards and bonuses for certain types.

State Academic Scholarship

To receive this type of scholarship, it is necessary to receive positive marks (if there are no negative marks in the record book, the student will receive more) and participate in holidays, performances and activities of the institution.

To date, in 2017, the minimum amount of these payments is 1,340 rubles for those who receive higher education and 487 rubles if a person receives a specialized secondary education. You can get a maximum of 6 thousand rubles together with all allowances. If a person studies in graduate school, he receives 2600 rubles, doctoral studies - up to 10 thousand rubles.

The management of the educational institution issues increased payments only to excellent students who participate in the active life of the university. The amount of these payments is determined by the institution depending on many criteria. At the moment, payments are 5 - 7 thousand rubles for an ordinary student, 11 - 14 thousand for a graduate student.

There is a separate type of payment -. The scholarship is received by students from large families, with disabilities, without the care of their father and mother, who suffered in the aftermath of the fight against the Chernobyl accident, participating in hostilities.

  • students from large families;
  • with a disability;
  • who suffered in the aftermath of the fight against the Chernobyl accident;
  • participating in hostilities.
A person can independently apply to the administration for help if his family does not receive income above the minimum, this is considered low-income. This documentation is updated every year.

The social scholarship is terminated in accruals if the person does not pass the session, fails the exams, with unsatisfactory grades, if it is not lower than three, social payments do not change. In addition to social benefits, it is possible to receive other scholarships in parallel, this also does not affect the total amount.


The President's Scholarship is granted only to those students who have chosen a specialty that is considered favorable for the economic condition of the state. Postgraduate students who study in the country can receive no more than three hundred scholarships. Each year, these accruals are made for up to three years.

Students who achieve merit during their studies qualify for the accrual of Presidential funding. The receipt of these payments goes through the development of student development plans, from which the Russian Federation benefits.

The main requirements for the accrual of presidential funding are:

  • full-time education;
  • for the whole year, 50% of the grades in the gradebook must be above 4;
  • receiving awards and accolades in scientific activities that help the development of the economy and science;
  • intellectual property that benefits the scientific activities of the state.

A student who receives presidential funding can, with the help of a university, study in some European countries. Those who study at an accredited state educational institution have the opportunity to receive government payments.

To this end, the pedagogical council of the university or college nominates among the available candidates (with a full-time department on a budgetary basis) who are in the 2nd year (if it is a higher education institution) and the 3rd year (if it is a university). From graduate school, a person is admitted to candidacy from the 2nd year.

The procedure for registration depends on the basis on which the student plans to receive a scholarship. For students who belong to the categories of orphans or children left without parental care, or persons from among them, the grounds may be documents from the registry office or court decisions.

For students with disabilities - a certificate from the bodies of medical and social expertise. Documents must be submitted to the dean's office, accounting department, trade union committee, department of extracurricular or social work - in different universities, different departments deal with scholarship issues.

Documentation. The most difficult procedure for obtaining scholarships is for students who receive state social assistance. They need to assemble the following kit:

  1. Get a certificate from the university stating that this citizen is a student, and about the amount in which he receives a scholarship.
  2. Contact the place of residence and take a certificate of family composition.
  3. Collect documents on the income of all family members from paragraph 2.
  4. With a set of documents, contact the MFC or the social security authority at the place of residence. For example, it can be a department, department of social protection, department of the Ministry of Social Policy.
  5. Get a document that will confirm the registration of social assistance.
  6. The specified document on receipt of state social assistance must be referred to the relevant specialized structural unit of your educational institution.

Where to apply. The poor, in order to obtain a document on the appointment of state social assistance, apply to the MFC or the local department of social protection at the student's place of residence. Then they go to the dean's office with this document. Students of other categories immediately go to the structural unit of the university, which is responsible for awarding scholarships.

The educational organization must accept the application from the student in any case - it has no right to refer to the "deadlines for accepting applications" or other reasons. Applications from students must be accepted on any working day, including during the period of intermediate certification or holidays.

The amount of the social scholarship

Social scholarship is ordinary and increased. The basic size of the social scholarship is 809 R for secondary vocational education and 2,227 R for higher education.

The educational organization determines the specific amount of the social scholarship within the framework of its scholarship fund. On average, this size for students who study under higher education programs is 2700-3000 R. In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in which a district coefficient is established, the indicated amounts are multiplied by this coefficient.

The size of the social scholarship may change if the number of students who receive this payment has changed significantly in one direction or another. But in any case, the scholarship cannot be lower than the minimum amount established by law.

If a student is in the 1st or 2nd year of a university under a bachelor's or specialist's program, receives a social scholarship and at the same time studies for grades no lower than “good”, he will receive a social scholarship in an increased amount. At the same time, in the first semester, 1st year students do not have the right to this payment - it is assigned only after the first session. This opportunity does not apply to undergraduate students.

The state does not determine the exact amount of the increased social stipend. Universities set their own rates. At the same time, the amount of academic and increased social scholarships should not be less than in Russia as a whole. The cost of living is taken for the fourth quarter of the year that preceded the year the scholarship fund was formed at the university.

Calculation example increased social scholarship for the spring semester of the 2019/20 academic year. Suppose a university has a scholarship fund in 2019. So, to calculate the minimum amount of academic and increased scholarships for the first semester, they will take the cost of living for the fourth quarter of 2018 - 10,213 R.

If in January 2020 a student passed the winter session at least “good”, the entire next semester will receive at least 10,213 R - this is the sum of academic and increased social scholarships. If at the university the academic scholarship is 1484 R, then the increased social scholarship will be 8729 R.

There is another similar case. If a student is under 20 years old and has only one parent, who is a disabled person of the 1st group, such a student can receive an increased scholarship if they pass the session with grades no lower than “good”.

Terms of receipt

The social scholarship is appointed from the day when the student brings the document according to which he is entitled to the scholarship. Students who have applied for state social assistance are assigned a scholarship for a year from the date of issuance of a certificate of receipt of state social assistance from the social protection authority. If the certificate was issued in January, and the student brought it only in September, then a new certificate will be required in January of the next year.

Social scholarship is appointed from the date of submission of documents, in the first month of payment - in proportion to the days. For example, if in an educational organization the scholarship is 2700 R, and the student provided a certificate on September 11, then for September he will receive a scholarship only for the period from September 11 to September 30, that is, 2700 × (20/30) = 1800 R.

Students of all other categories are paid a social stipend while their foundation is in effect. If the documents are open-ended, they will pay until the end of the training.

Payment procedure

The social stipend is paid once a month. This payment does not depend on academic performance in any way, it is paid to triple students and even if the student has a debt in one or more subjects. The social stipend continues to be paid during academic leave, maternity leave, and parental leave.

The procedure for applying for a scholarship may differ in different regions, but the targeted character in matters of social support for students remains the same.

Everyone who receives a payment must carefully monitor the deadlines for documents. For example, if the certificate has expired, it will take some time to reissue the documents. The scholarship will be re-assigned only from the date when the student submits a new certificate to the educational organization, and there will be no recalculation for the “lost” time.

If there are controversial issues - the terms of payment are violated or the application is not accepted, you can always contact the student self-government bodies - for example, the trade union committee of students at your university. For student self-government bodies, questions about the size and correctness of the scholarship, as well as how the rights of socially unprotected categories of students are respected, are a priority.


Art. 36 of the Federal Law on Education states:

5. State social scholarship is also assigned to students who have received state social assistance. The state social scholarship is assigned to the specified category of students from the date of submission to the organization carrying out educational activities, a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance, for one year from the date of assignment of the specified state social assistance.

Accordingly, if you have the right to state social assistance, then you are entitled to receive this type of scholarship.

The right to receive state social assistance is in accordance with

Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999 (as amended on December 19, 2016) “On State Social Assistance” (as amended and supplemented, effective from January 1, 2017)

Article 7. Recipients of state social assistance
Recipients of state social assistance may be low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by this Federal Law, who, for reasons beyond their control, have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.
The procedure for determining the subsistence level for a low-income family or a low-income single citizen is established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account the subsistence levels established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.
If the subsistence minimums are not established in the subject of the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimums established by the Government of the Russian Federation are used.

Article 8. Procedure for assigning state social assistance

1. State social assistance, including on the basis of a social contract, is appointed by the decision of the social protection authority of the population at the place of residence or place of stay of a poor family or a poor citizen living alone.
1.1. Information on the appointment of a low-income family or a low-income single citizen of state social assistance is provided by the body of social protection of the population at the interdepartmental request of the body authorized to provide state or municipal services, in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. State social assistance, including on the basis of a social contract, is assigned according to the form of an electronic document or in writing to the social protection authorities at the place of residence or place of stay or through a multifunctional center, a citizen’s application on his own behalf (for low-income citizens living alone ) or on behalf of his family or (except in cases of state social assistance on the basis of a social contract) an application of a guardian, trustee or other legal representative of a citizen, which indicates information about the composition of the family, income and property belonging to him (his family) on the right of ownership , as well as information on the receipt of state social assistance in the form of the provision of social services in accordance with Chapter 2 of this Federal Law.
The information provided by the applicant can be confirmed by means of an additional check (commission examination) carried out by the body of social protection of the population independently.
Organizations are responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the documents issued by them, in accordance with the law.
The procedure for assigning state social assistance provided at the expense of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the form of a social contract, is established by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
3. Notification of the appointment of state social assistance or the refusal to assign it must be sent in writing to the applicant by the social protection authority at the place of residence or place of stay of the applicant no later than 10 days after the applicant's application and submission of the necessary documents. If it is necessary to conduct an additional verification (commission examination) by the social protection agency of the information provided by the applicant on the income of the family (of a single citizen), this agency must give a preliminary response within the specified period with a notification of such verification. In such a case, the final answer must be given to the applicant no later than 30 days after the submission of the application.
4. The procedure for calculating the average per capita income and accounting for income, including income from property owned by right of ownership, is established by federal law, and prior to its adoption - by the Government of the Russian Federation.