First, some features of the language. You need to know them in order to read the phrases below correctly.

In Bulgarian, the letter "u" is read as "shte". The letter "b" in most cases is read as a short "s". The letter "e" in most cases is read as "e". "O" at the end of words is read as a cross between "o" and "y". In fact, that's all. It should also be remembered that there are no cases in Bulgarian. Nominative only. Keep this in mind when substituting words. So let's go!

1. Hello / Goodbye! - Hello good Bye!
2. Good morning/Good day/Good evening! - Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening!
3. Thanks/Pray! - Thank you / Please!
4. Sorry (Sorry)! - Sorry!
5. Don't take it apart. - I do not understand.
6. Praying, you speak in a funny way! - Please talk slower!
7. Repeat, praying! - Please repeat!
8. How are you? - What is your name?
9. Az se kazwam ... - My name is ...
10. We will know a lot about you. - Nice to meet you.
11. How ste (si)? - How are you (you) doing?
12. Can you help me? - Can you help me?
13. Where is se namira ... (restaurant, museum, wanted, beach)? - Where is… (restaurant, museum, hotel, beach)?
14. How da stigna to?.. - How to get to?…
15. How is it? - What is it called (with an indication of the subject)?
16. Kolko struva tova? - How much does it cost?
17. Could you please? - May I ask you?
18. Az sm from Moscow. - I am from Moscow.
19. How are you? - What is this?
20. Gladen - I am hungry.
21. Studeno mi e. - I'm cold.
22. Feelings of myself are worse. - I feel bad.
23. I couldn't for pity. - Unfortunately I can not.
24. How many hours? - What time is it now?
25. Can I have a menu? - May I have a menu?
26. Day, Yesterday, Morning. - Today, yesterday, tomorrow.
27. Chaka a little! - Wait a bit!
28. Do you speak Russian? - Do you speak Russian?
29. Az speaking Bulgarian is small. - I speak Bulgarian a little.
30. Where can I buy? - Where can I buy?
31. A lot of skjpo e! - It is very expensive!
32. (Not) Hareswam tova! - I do not like it!
33. Claims and exchange (euro, dollars, rubles). - I want to exchange (euro, dollars, rubles).
34. What is the exchange rate for (euro, dollar, mark) day? - What is the exchange rate (euro, dollar, marks) today?
35. Can I zakarate ... (to wanted, to a restaurant, to a tosi address)? - Can you take me ... (to the hotel, to the restaurant, at this address)?
36. Praying, spread the fat! - Stop the car here, please!
37. How much do you have to? - How much do I have to pay?
38. Give me one ticket to Plovdiv, please! - Give me one ticket to Plovdiv!
39. Who cares about Varna? - When does the train leave for Varna?
40. Is it possible to sweep? - May I get the bill?
41. For me, tryabva ... - I need ...
42. Could you have a repentance (for a ritual, for a supper)? - Can I invite you (for lunch, dinner)?
43. Claims one masa for two. - I would like a table for two.
44. I agree with you. - Agree.
45. Vsichko badass! - Best wishes!
46. ​​Honors Born Den! - Happy birthday!
47. Honors the holiday! - Happy Holidays!
48. Nice day! - Have a good day!
49. Nice evening! - Good evening!
50. Where could the doctor's intention be? - Where can I find a doctor?

Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook: how to explain yourself in an unfamiliar country. Popular phrases and expressions for travelers.

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Bulgarian is very similar to Russian and other Slavic languages. About 9 million people speak this language, and Cyrillic is used in writing. In Bulgarian, many words are similar in sound to Russian, but in meaning they will be different. In Russian, “bride”, and in Bulgarian “bun”, “awesome” will sound like “fearful”, “cruel” will not always mean “ruthless”, but is used in the sense of “cool”, “flock” is not a bird, and “room”, well, the word “right” often causes a misunderstanding, since in Bulgarian it sounds like “straight”, so be careful when asking for directions.

In the Bulgarian language, the particle “whether” is always used in the question (Would you like tea?, Is it for Natasha?). This is a mandatory form in the language, otherwise you may not be understood if you want to ask something.

Greetings, common expressions

Good morningGood Morning
Good afternoonDobr den
Good eveningDobr evening
How are you (you) doing?How is si (ste)?
OK, thank youThanks, good
GoodbyeSee you soon
Till tomorrowUntil the morning
Hope to see you againNadiavam behold, what else can we say
All the best!Vsichko bad!
What is your (your) name?How is it kazvash (kazvat)?
My name is...Kazwam se...
Very nice!Much mi e nice!
Where do you live (do you live)?Where do you live (live)?
In Moscow (Sofia)To Moscow (Sofia)
Where are you (you) from?From where si (ste)?
I am from Russia (Bulgaria)From Rusiya (Bulgaria) sm
Where do you work (do you work)?Where do you work (work)?
CertainlyParse it
It is not trueNot sure
Help (help) meHelp (help) me
Could you show/give/tell me?Have we been shown / given / shown to Bikhta ...?
Give it to me pleaseGive (those) mi tova, pray
Thank youThanks to
Thank you very muchThanks a lot
I owe you a lotA lot of rent (vi) is due (a)
How many?Kolko?
Do you speak (do you speak) Russian/Bulgarian/English?Do you speak (speak) Russian/Bulgarian/English?
I don't understand(not) understand
Does anyone here speak Russian?Do you speak Russian?
Speak (speak) a little slowerSpeak (speak) a little funny

Transport, in the city

Train StationGara (iron gara)
Bus stationAutogara
Luggage storageWardrobe
hand luggageRuchen luggage
Cash registerCasa
First gradeFirst class
Second classSecond class
Economy classIcon class
How do we get to...?How can we reach...?
You need to take a tram (trolley bus, bus)Tryabva and take the tram (trolleybus, bus)
Are you getting off?Do you lick?
How much is the ticket to...?How much is the ticket to ...?
I need one ticket to...Tryabva mi ticket to...
When does the train leave?Who is the trouble?
When does the train arrive at...?When did you put on a vlakt in ...?
From which platform does the train leave...?From some Kolovoz trgva vlakt?
Is the train late?Did you cover up the cloud?
Enter exitEntry/exit
Open/ClosedOpened / closed
free/busyFree / reserved
Toward / away from yourselfDrapni / boutni
Forbiddentaken away
I'm looking for...Trsya...
Railway stationGarata
Where is the bus stop located?Where is the alcohol on the bus?
I'm lost (lost)Ruined this


Do you have rooms available?Do you have free flocks?
Everything is busyVsichko e zato
I want to book a roomI'm looking for a flock
How long are you going to stay here?How long will you stay?
What number do you need?What flock are you looking for?
Room for oneSingle flock
Room for twodouble flock
With bathFrom van
with showerFrom the shower
One night (one week)For one night (week)
How much is this number?Kolko struva tazi flock?
Where is my room?Where are the flocks?
Please wake me up at 7 o'clockWill you please me at 7 o'clock, pray
Please order a taxi for 8 hoursAko offend, spoil my taxi in 8 hours

Days of the week, months

SundayA week

Restaurant, shop

Chicken soupsoup loaf
Vegetable soupGradinarska supa
Chickens, chickPile, cocos
Ice creamSladoled
White wineByalo wine
Red wineRed wine
BeerBira (beer)
anisette vodkaMastic
Fruit juicefruit juice
Glass of waterBowl of water
How much do I need to pay?How much tryabva yes paying?
vegetarian dishVegetarian dish
Children's menuChildren's menu
Butcher shopMesarnitsa
dairy storemilkweed
Candy storesweet box
BakeryBread products
Household goods storeDomakinski consume
Hairdressing salon, beauty salonHygiene services

Numbers and numbers

One hundredOne hundred

Speech irregularities

Old womanWoman
YogurtKissel Mlyako
spicy for the tasteLute
GunA gun

You have finally bought the long-awaited tour to Bulgaria! Now, in addition to packing your bags, you need to learn at least a few key words in order to convey your idea in Bulgarian. The main words - Thank you, Please, Hello, How much does it cost - should be in the lexicon. Undoubtedly, one can agree on the fingers in Bulgaria, but civilization has advanced further.

We have selected the main phrases and expressions of the Russian-Bulgarian phrasebook. Some of the words will seem funny to you. Yes, their roots are Slavic, and we would also say, yes, the influence of other peoples took our language in the other direction. But, nevertheless, our languages ​​are very similar.

Most used words and expressions in Bulgarian

Good afternoon - Dobyr den!
Good morning! - Good Morning!
Good evening! - Dobyr evening!
Good night! - Leka nosht!
Ask! - Pray!
Yes, thank you! - Yes, thanks to you!
What time is it now? - How many hours?
I don't understand you - I can't understand you.
Please, give me ... - Pray, give me ...
Tell me, please ... - Please, tell me ...
Speak slower - Speak funny
sorry - sorry
Goodbye! - Goodbye!
Today - Dnes
Yesterday - Yesterday
Day before yesterday - Day before yesterday
Tomorrow - Morning
The Day After Tomorrow - Suddenly
In the morning - Sutrin
Noon - Lunch
Evening - Evening

Here is my passport - These are my passports
Documents for the car - Documents for kolata
I want to exchange money
How many kilometers to.. ? – How far is it to…?
Cigarettes - Cigars
Customs - Mitnica
Toll - Mito
Right - Vdyasno
Left - Left

Path - Kolovoz
Window (in the institution) - Giche
Porter - Nosach
Baggage - Baggage
One ticket for... - One ticket for...
When does the train leave? - When is trygva vlakyt?
Sleeping car – Sleeping car
Perron – Peron
Buffet - Buffet
Login - Login
Men (men's toilet) – Myzhe
Women (women's toilet) - Zhenya

I ask for a single room with a bath (no bath)
What floor? - Which floor?
A room is booked for me - Imam is a flock
Please wake me up at… hours! - Pray, you will come to me at ... an hour!
Please bring breakfast to your room! - Pray, bring a snack to the flock of mi!
Please put this laundry in the wash! - Pray, give me white for prana!
Please call a taxi! - Please, call a taxi!
Please key! - Please, the key!

Petrol station - Petrol station
Parking place - Myasto for parkirane
I beg you, pour me ... liters of gasoline - Pray, give mi ... liters of gasoline
Please change your oil! - Please, change the oil!
I ask you to clean and wash the car! - Please, clean and grind the kolata!
Please help me troubleshoot! - Pray, help me, the imam is hurt!
I want to go to... - Iskam to otida to...

Waiter - Kelner
Breakfast - Snack
Lunch - Lunch
Dinner - Supper
Snack - Presentation
Chicken Soup - Soup Pileshka
Vegetable soup – Gradinarska supa
Omelet - Omelet
Fish - Riba
Hens, chicken - Kokoschki, pile
Tomatoes - Domati
Mushrooms - Gybi
Spinach - Spanak
Apricots - Caissia
Peaches – Praskovi
Orange - Portocal
Grapes – Grozde
Cherry - Cheresh
Strawberries - Berries
Raspberry – Malini
Apples - Apples
Pears - Pears
Plums – Plums
Watermelon - Dinya
Melon - Pypesh
Potato - Potato
Language - Ezik
Meat - Meso
Veal – Teleshko
Pork - Pork
Lamb – Agnieszko
Ice cream – Sladoled
Pancakes – Palachinki
Bun – Kifla
White wine - White wine
Red wine – Red wine
Beer – Bira (beer)
Anise vodka - Mastic
Fruit juice – Fruit juice
Glass of water – Bowl of water
Carbonated water - Gaziran water
Milk - Mlyako
Tea - Tea
Coffee - Coffee
Cake - Cake
How much do I need to pay? - How much shaking and paying?

Butcher Shop - Mesarnitsa
Dairy shop – Mlekarnitsa
Cafe-confectionery - Sladkarnitsa
Bakery – Bread products
Household goods store - Domakinski potrebi
Hairdresser, beauty parlor - hygiene services

doctor - physician
Dentist - Zybolekar
Children's doctor - Children's doctor
Internal Diseases
Gynecologist – Gynecologist
Surgeon - Surgeon
Head, stomach, heart - Head, stoma, raw
Nose, throat, ears - Nose, throat, ears
I have pain in ... - Imam Bolki in ...
I ask you to notify the embassy ... - Please, notify the embassy ...

Do you have a remedy for...? - Do you have a remedy against ...?
Headache - Headache
Cough - Cough
Toothache - Zybobol
Burn - Izgaryan

Square - Ploshtad
Street - Street
Crossroads, alley - Krystopyt, bastard street
Parallel - Comfortable
Museum - museum
Taxi, Tram, bus – Taxi, tram, bus
Park - Park

One - One
Two - Two
Three - Three
Four- Four
Five - Pet
Six - Six
Seven - Sedem
Eight - Osem
Nine - Devet
Ten - Deset
Eleven - United
Twelve - Dvanadeset
Thirteen - Trinadeset
Twenty - Twenty
Hundred - Hundred
One hundred and thirty - One hundred and trideset
two hundred - two hundred
Five hundred - Petstotin
Thousand - Khilyada
First - Purvi
Second - Second
Third - Thirds
Fourth - Fourth
Eleventh - United
Twenty-third - Twenty and thirds
One hundred and twelfth - One hundred and twelve

Monday – Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Row
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - petyk
Saturday - Sybota
Sunday - Week
January - Januari
February - February
March – March
April - April
May – May
June - Uni
July - Yuli
August - August
September - Septemvri
October - Octomvri
November - Noemvri
December - Dekemvri
Year - Year
Quarter - Trimesechie
Season - Season

Have a nice conversation!

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Reviews about Bulgaria

Today, August 22, 2019, tourists from Bulgaria, a man and a woman, using the entertainment "flying by parachute behind a boat on a rope" broke away from the boat and flew on an uncontrolled parachute at high altitude towards the forest and mountains!!! Miraculously fell and did not crash, remained alive! Bruises and abrasions... The cable came off the boat! And if there were children on this "walk"? No one here monitors the quality of the equipment when providing these extreme services. It was in Sozopol, the boat took away those who wanted to "fly" from the Kavatsi beach. Then they flew for a long time ... fortunately there was a wind ... without wind, the parachute would have folded at a height and they would have collapsed to the ground like a stone ...
Kirill, 42, Moscow

I rested with my daughter in Balchik in August. I was struck by the dishonesty of the local population. Everywhere they hang out, the waiters are boors, they immediately take 1 or 2 leos from the building, the bill, of course, they always round up. give change 1leo. In shops, buses, everywhere change is given incorrectly.
Tatyana, Minsk, 41 years old

The sea is gentle. The air is very warm. We speak Russian. The food is delicious. Fruits and vegetables are ripe and juicy. Pure pleasure! Rest costs the amount that you live at home for the same period, but all products are real and of high quality. For lovers of jamon and parmesan - expanse! They do exist! At pre-crisis prices, which is amazing! I recommend!
Mira, 59 years old, Moscow

I visited Bulgaria for the first time. Of course, Bulgaria cannot be compared with the beauty of exotic islands such as the Canaries or Madeira, for such money the rest is quite acceptable. Bulgarians are hospitable people, and this is reflected both in the service and in the general atmosphere at the resort and at the hotel. I was in Bulgaria in September, there were few tourists, I was able to enjoy the tranquility and the warm sea.
Anton. 32 years old, Saratov

A friend advised me to go to Bulgaria. She said that the Bulgarians are temperamental men, you won’t be left without a romance. I wanted to see this miracle. Didn't regret it. The holiday was great, made a lot of friends. I advise you to go to Bulgaria in June, I liked it in June, not so hot and not so many people on the beach.
Nelya. 27 years old, Bryansk

But what to do if there is absolutely no time at work and at home, there is not a drop of free time to study the Bulgarian language ???

If you are the owner of a phone based on Android you can download a voice translator from Bulgarian to Russian by going here.

There is a great solution for quickly learning Bulgarian for tourists, you don’t even have to learn all these phrases and don’t take textbooks, but just open our website and look at all the necessary set of words – a simple solution! You can download GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE BULGARIAN LANGUAGE a good book for beginners.

Bulgarian language - a short phrasebook for tourists

Bulgarian language phrasebook - animal names

And what to hide? Bulgarian is very similar to Russian and the first time, staying in Bulgaria, it even seems that they “stole” (in the good sense of the word) our entire speech. However, no, it's not like that! Everything is completely different, Bulgarian words differ from ours in form, and it should also be remembered that Bulgarian borrowings are from: Ukrainian, French, Turkish, Greek and Italian. The basis is still the well-known old Slavic root, so do not be too surprised if you hear such obsolete words (which are found only in Christian texts with prayers and crosswords) such as: brow, eye, seer, mistress, restaurant, stared, shoes, child etc.

bulgarian phrasebook - old slavic alphabet

True, one important detail should be taken into account: the Bulgarian language has a different grammar than Russian, as well as other stresses in words. This is where the difference ends, I guess.

There is no letter in Bulgarian: Yo, Y and E.

Letter S sometimes pronounced with a letter AND.

The letter E in Bulgarian is replaced by the letter E (good - reads like dobre).

Letter Kommersant does not mean hardness, but sounds like: A, Y or average between A and U.

Bulgarian language phrasebook. The modern Bulgarian alphabet is without three Russian letters: Y, Yo and E.

Let's move on to direct practice, i.e. to the study of words and phrases of the Bulgarian language ...

Words for everyday use and for communication in Bulgarian
Good morning Good Morning
Good afternoon dobr den
Good evening good evening
good night / evening leka night/ evening
Goodbye dovidane / chao / sbog
how are you / how are you? how ste / how si?
good / okay good
Thank you thanks / merci
Please pray / command
Sorry sorry/sorry
Not really not at all
a lot / few a lot / a little
not good not good
can/can't can/can't
Certainly sorting it out
with pleasure with pleasure
How old are you for a hundred years
me ... years, years az sm on ... godini
where do you live? where do you live?
I don't understand I don't understand
Why? why?
what is your name? how do you say?
happy Birthday honors the born den
where is the hotel situated? where did you want Namira?
railway station gara
bank jar
stop spirit
restaurant restaurant
Addressing people in Bulgarian
mistress mistress
young woman mistress
mister mister
mother father T-shirt / bascha
daughter son daughter / son
sister brother sister brother
grandmother grandfather grandmother / uncle
wife (woman) / husband (man) wife / husband
girl boy momiche / momche
Days of the week in Bulgarian
a week week
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday in a row
Thursday Thursday
Friday petk
Saturday Saturday
Sunday a week
weekday / day off delinquent / soil den

If gathered in public institutions, then ...

If you went to a Bulgarian store, then ... phrases for questions
do you have / do you have? do you mean?
Want to buy suit and buy
what is the price? how long is the string?
expensive / not expensive (cheap) skjpo e / not e skjpo
can you try on? can i try it?
please, give me please let me
In a Bulgarian restaurant - basic phrases and formulas
Menu, please menuo, please
what do you recommend to us? how do you distort?
what it is? how is it / how is it?
do you have good Bulgarian wine? Do you have a good Bulgarian wine?
I want one bottle Iskam single bottle
Red & White hearty / red
ask for a bill smetka, pray
salad / soup salad / soup
pork swine meso
veal teleshko meso
shashlik shishcheta
fish riba
bread abyss
water water
tomatoes domati
cucumbers beautiful
pepper piper / ingots
mushrooms gbi
potato potatoes
apples apples
pears crash
grape bunch
strawberry berries
apricots kaisii
peaches praskovi
grill scara
salt Sol
vinegar ocet
sugar sugar
yogurt sour milky

Bulgarian numerals

One edno
Two Two
Three Three
Four Chetiri
Five pet
Six Pole
Seven Sedeem
Eight Osem
Nine Devet
Ten Deset
Twenty Twentyset
Thirty Trideset
Fourty fourrideset
Fifty Petdeset
Sixty Sixdeset
Seventy Sememdeset
Eighty Osemdeset
Ninety Devetdeset
One hundred One hundred
Thousand Hilyada

Correct pronunciation of words and stress in Bulgarian

There are no special rules for stress and pronunciation of letters in Bulgarian, which sometimes explains different dialects and accents.

Thank you! - thanks to!
Sorry - sorry
I'm sorry - sootYawam
Welcome! - kindly reached (m.p.) reached (female) reached (pl.)
Hello! - hello!
Hello! - hello!
Hello! — hello!
Good morning! - Good Morning!
Good afternoon — dobar den!
Good evening! — good evening!
Good night! — leka nosht!
Goodbye! - doIzhdane!
Bye! — chao!
Good luck! — kasmet!
Be kind - akO obIchate
Yes Yes
Not no
What? - pray?
Mister... - Mister...
Mrs... - Mrs...
I do not understand - I will not understand
What is your/what is your name? - how is kazvash / kazvate? (unit/pl)
My name is ... - kazvam se ...

Merry Christmas! - fun koleda!
Happy Birthday! - honors the born!

Congratulations! - congratulations!

Give me a ticket to ... - I'm looking for an udin ticket to ...
What is the price? — How many strUva?
I'll take it - take it
Where is…? - where is namira ...?
Can you show on the map? - Have we been shown to Kartat by the bikhte?

Bulgarian language phrasebook - for a tourist or please don't confuse!

Bulgarian phrasebook. Bulgarian language interesting facts - do not confuse these words!
Bulgarian phrasebook. Bulgarian language interesting facts - do not confuse these similar words!
Bulgarian phrasebook. Bulgarian language interesting facts - do not confuse these similar words! They have a different meaning!
Bulgarian language phrasebook - fake words with a different meaning
Bulgarian language phrasebook - words with different meanings

Bulgarian Phrase Books

Well, if you want to talk yes, just a little, a little in Bulgarian so that you are at least a little understood, at the proper level and respected by the Bulgarians and Macedonians, you can use the tutorials that are offered below. You can easily learn a couple of phrases to go to a store and a restaurant, to a disco or just get to know each other without problems and embarrassment.