", "update". It is applicable to any field: to science, medicine, education. In Western European countries, the concept of "pedagogical innovation" has been studied since the late 50s, in Russia the public began to show interest in them in the early 90s.

Modern education does not meet the needs of the information society. Schools do not develop basic competencies, they do not teach students to learn and make discoveries. The system is still focused on "transferring" knowledge, rather than teaching them how to search.

This creates a need for education reformation, transition to a new system, active introduction of pedagogical innovations.

Pedagogical innovation: essence and goals

Pedagogical innovation is the process of developing, implementing, testing and evaluating innovations in education that help achieve goals effectively.

Among themselves: the educational process changes over time, the labor market makes new demands on future employees, and training is being transformed, adjusted to new goals, to achieve which new pedagogical methods, techniques and methods are needed.

Innovations in education help to achieve the following goals:

  • Humanization, democratization of the educational process;
  • Intensification of cognitive activity of students;
  • Improving the efficiency of the organization of educational and educational work;
  • Modifications of educational material in terms of methodology and didactics.

New approaches that are actively introduced into the pedagogical process help to achieve the goals set. They are the basis for the development of new methods and techniques of work in educational institutions.

Innovative approaches in modern education

A learning approach is a basic principle, a set of requirements and goals, which is the basis for new technologies.

The requirement of modern education is not to give students as much knowledge as possible, but to teach them to learn on their own, not only to know, but also to be able to operate with the information received.

Pedagogical innovation is based on two key approaches:

  • A student-centered approach implies the orientation of the educational process to the personality of each pupil/student. Modern pedagogy must take into account the unique experience and character of each student, develop his individuality and talents. The implementation of this approach includes reliance on the principles of choice (students can choose the areas they want to pursue), trust (lack of authoritarian pressure from teachers), creativity and success, subjectivity, individuality;
  • The competence-based approach is new for the Russian school. He focuses on the result of learning, while the result is not a body of knowledge, but a set of skills, the student's ability to solve problems, conflicts, and act in different situations.

It doesn't matter how much the student knows. More importantly, his ability to respond to change, be flexible, manage emotions and be able to choose the right information. This innovation requires a radical revision of the education system, reforming the principles of assessment and organization of education.

Based on these approaches, teachers and methodologists develop innovative pedagogical technologies - a set of techniques, methods and methods for transferring knowledge and assessment, which are being introduced into educational institutions.

New pedagogical technologies in the education system

Modern pedagogy offers such innovative pedagogical technologies.

Project work

Project work is a type of activity that helps to develop the creative abilities of students, to form in them the skills of working in a team. The purpose of the projects is to update and use in practice, to expand and deepen the acquired knowledge. Work on the project can take place individually, in pairs or in microgroups, it involves the solution of a problem, the search for optimal solutions.

Schools actively use the integration of disciplines in projects, for example, they offer students to explore the interdisciplinary connections of language and literature, mathematics and chemistry, history and biology.

This innovation forms and develops complex thinking, the ability to analyze, establish connections and create new ideas, to see a holistic picture of the world.

gaming technology

Playrooms perform several functions: entertaining, therapeutic, diagnostic, social. During the game, students are engaged in free developmental activities, enjoying and effecting not only the result, but also the process.

In the educational process, the game is used as an element of a wider technology, part of the lesson or extracurricular activities. The pedagogical game has a clearly formulated goal, which is presented in the form of a game task, all participants in the game obey pre-prepared and announced rules.

Distance learning

Distance learning is an innovation that is being actively implemented in European countries and the USA. Courses are created on specially designed sites, which include lecture cycles, assignments, a schedule of face-to-face consultations with teaching. Students organize their own time and discipline themselves for self-study.

There are several sites where schools and universities offer various courses in the public domain (“Universarium”, “Lectorium”, from foreign ones - “Coursera”). Schools and universities are developing their own information resources that help students and teachers interact and share experiences outside the walls of educational institutions.

Interactive technologies

Interactive technologies are methods that help teachers and students switch places. Interacting in groups, working on information, students discover new opportunities for self-learning. This is a whole complex of methods and techniques of work aimed at creating an activity in which students interact with each other, work on solving a common problem.

Interactive technologies are implemented through seminars, debates, problematic lectures, discussions in schools, where students can present their thoughts, learn to argue their opinion.


Portfolio helps to evaluate the dynamics of learning outcomes. It can be used to visualize educational achievements and discoveries. This innovation is implemented through such ways of accumulating information: electronic portfolios, “achievement folders”, “growth diaries”. They record all developments, projects, collect materials that confirm participation in projects, discussions, and the results of creative activity.

These technologies are used in a complex way, taking into account the main approaches. When choosing a technology, method and method of work, teachers take into account the personal characteristics of students, their inclinations and needs.

Federal Agency for Education FGOU VPO

"Amur Humanitarian-Pedagogical State University"

Department of Pedagogy and Innovative Educational Technologies

Course work

By discipline: "Pedagogical technologies"

Topic: "Innovative pedagogical technologies

Completed by: 3rd year student of FTiD

Groups PO-33

Eremin Alexey Konstantinovich

Checked by: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of PiIOT

Ponkratenko Galina Fedorovna



1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.3 Innovative educational institutions

1.2 Modern innovative technologies in pedagogy

1.2.1 Interactive learning technologies

1.2.2 Project based learning technologies

1.2.3 Computer technology

2. Chapter: Practical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

2.1 Innovative trends in vocational education

2.1.1 World experience in vocational education innovation

2.1.2 Innovations in vocational education in Russia

2.2 Innovative pedagogical technologies at the legislative level

2.3 Innovative pedagogical activity in the capital


Bibliographic list


Development is an integral part of any human activity. Accumulating experience, improving methods, methods of action, expanding their mental capabilities, a person thereby constantly develops.

The same process is applicable to any human activity, including pedagogical. At different stages of its development, society presented more and more new standards, requirements for the labor force. This necessitated the development of the education system.

One of the means of such development is innovative technologies, i.e. these are fundamentally new ways, methods of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activity.

The problem of innovative technologies has been and continues to be dealt with by a large number of talented scientists and teachers. Among them, V.I. Andreev, I.P. Podlasy, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences K.K. Kolin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences V.V. Shapkin, V.D. Simonenko, V.A. Slastyonin and others. All of them have made an invaluable contribution to the development of innovation processes in Russia.

The object of study of this course work is the process of development of education as an integral pedagogical system, and the subject of study is innovative pedagogical technologies, as an integral part of the object of study.

The purpose of the course work is to identify the types, difficulties, methods of introducing innovative technologies, as well as their specificity in the Russian Federation.

1. Chapter: Theoretical approaches to the problem of innovative pedagogical technologies

1.1 Pedagogical innovation

1.1.1 Essence, classification and directions of pedagogical innovations

The scientific innovations that drive progress cover all areas of human knowledge. There are socio-economic, organizational and managerial, technical and technological innovations. One of the varieties of social innovations are pedagogical innovations.

Pedagogical innovation is an innovation in the field of pedagogy, a purposeful progressive change that introduces stable elements (innovations) into the educational environment that improve the characteristics of both its individual components and the educational system itself as a whole.

Pedagogical innovations can be carried out both at the expense of the educational system's own resources (intensive development path), and by attracting additional capacities (investments) - new funds, equipment, technologies, capital investments, etc. (extensive development path).

The combination of intensive and extensive ways of development of pedagogical systems allows the implementation of the so-called "integrated innovations", which are built at the junction of diverse, multi-level pedagogical subsystems and their components. Integrated innovations do not usually appear as far-fetched, purely "external" activities, but are conscious transformations that come from deep needs and knowledge of the system. By reinforcing the "bottlenecks" with the latest technologies, it is possible to increase the overall efficiency of the pedagogical system.

The main directions and objects of innovative transformations in pedagogy are:

Development of concepts and strategies for the development of education and educational institutions;

Updating the content of education; change and development of new technologies of training and education;

Improving the management of educational institutions and the education system as a whole;

Improving the training of teaching staff and improving their qualifications;

Designing new models of the educational process;

Ensuring the psychological, environmental safety of students, the development of health-saving teaching technologies;

Ensuring the success of education and upbringing, monitoring the educational process and the development of students;

Development of textbooks and teaching aids of a new generation, etc.

Innovation can take place at various levels. The highest level includes innovations that affect the entire pedagogical system.

Progressive innovations arise on a scientific basis and help move practice forward. A fundamentally new and important direction has emerged in pedagogical science - the theory of innovations and innovative processes. Reforms in education are a system of innovations aimed at fundamentally transforming and improving the functioning, development and self-development of educational institutions and their management system.

1.1.2 Technologies and conditions for the implementation of innovative processes

Pedagogical innovations are carried out according to a certain algorithm. P.I. Pidkasty identifies ten stages in the development and implementation of pedagogical innovations:

1. Development of a criterion apparatus and meters of the state of the pedagogical system to be reformed. At this stage, you need to identify the need for innovation.

2. A comprehensive check and assessment of the quality of the pedagogical system to determine the need for its reform using special tools.

All components of the pedagogical system should be subject to examination. As a result, it should be precisely established what needs to be reformed as obsolete, inefficient, irrational.

3. Search for samples of pedagogical solutions that are proactive and can be used to model innovations. Based on the analysis of the bank of advanced pedagogical technologies, it is necessary to find material from which new pedagogical constructions can be created.

4. A comprehensive analysis of scientific developments containing a creative solution to current pedagogical problems (information from the Internet may be useful).

5. Designing an innovative model of the pedagogical system as a whole or its individual parts. An innovation project is created with specific specified properties that differ from traditional options.

6. Performing reform integration. At this stage, it is necessary to personalize tasks, determine those responsible, means of solving problems, and establish forms of control.

7. Elaboration of the practical implementation of the well-known law of labor change. Before introducing an innovation into practice, it is necessary to accurately calculate its practical significance and effectiveness.

8. Building an algorithm for introducing innovations into practice. In pedagogy, similar generalized algorithms have been developed. They include such actions as analysis of practice to search for areas to be updated or replaced, modeling innovation based on the analysis of experience and scientific data, developing an experiment program, monitoring its results, introducing the necessary adjustments, and final control.

9. Introduction to the professional vocabulary of new concepts or rethinking of the old professional vocabulary. When developing terminology for its implementation in practice, they are guided by the principles of dialectical logic, reflection theory, etc.

10. Protection of pedagogical innovation from pseudo-innovators. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of expediency and justification of innovations. History shows that sometimes great efforts, material resources, social and intellectual forces are expended on unnecessary and even harmful transformations. The damage from this can be irreparable, so false pedagogical innovation should not be allowed. As pseudo-innovations that only imitate innovative activity, the following examples can be given: formal change of signboards of educational institutions; presenting the renovated old as fundamentally new; turning into an absolute and copying the creative method of any innovative teacher without its creative processing, etc.

However, there are real barriers to innovation processes. IN AND. Andreev identifies the following of them:

The conservatism of a certain part of the teachers (the conservatism of the administration of educational institutions and educational bodies is especially dangerous);

Blindly following the tradition of the type: "We are doing well anyway";

Lack of the necessary teaching staff and financial resources to support and stimulate pedagogical innovations, especially for experimental teachers;

One of the main priorities and values ​​in our country has always been considered to receive a quality education. At present, there is a wide potential of human capabilities and desires. Thus, education does not stand still, but modernizes its achievements, focusing on a personal approach in the process of learning activities. Innovative technologies in education are becoming quite a common part of the educational process.

In education, innovative technologies are new ways and methods of interaction between teachers and students that ensure the effective achievement of the result of pedagogical activity.

Now many people are hearing such concepts as " interactive technologies and methods", " innovation", " multimedia educational materials" and many others. Words at first glance are complex and unknown, but on the other hand they have a similar meaning. And the thing is that a modern school at this stage of education must meet certain requirements. This mainly concerns the equipment in classrooms with computers, projectors, that is, information resources.

There are various pedagogical innovations in school education, and each institution uses its most “established” or traditional innovative technologies in education - examples are given below.

Innovative pedagogical technologies: examples

But not only the introduction of information and communication technologies determines the progress of the educational process. These technologies also determine productive work and success in production activities.

Positive aspects of innovative technologies in the educational process

Innovative processes in education have their advantages:

  • Firstly, they awaken students' motivation for cognitive activity, especially for design.
  • Secondly, it is noted that the use of such training creates a more comfortable psychological climate for the student, in particular, relieves tension when communicating with the teacher.
  • Thirdly, a creative space is open for the child, thanks to which the number of high-quality and interesting works increases.
  • Fourthly, informatization stimulates not only students, but also attracts teachers to a greater extent due to the increase in labor productivity and culture.

Innovative activity of the teacher

A large amount of educational work is entrusted to the shoulders of the teacher, and especially the class teacher. The innovative activity of the teacher allows the educational process to be carried out more qualitatively and diversified.

Technologies provide invaluable assistance in documentary work, preparation of presentation lessons, in organizing parent meetings and cooperation with the family, it occupies a special place, since the award material (diplomas of winners, diplomas, etc.) is the result of effective work. To this end, institutions are monitoring diagnostics and making adjustments to the general work plan that are important for the high-quality assimilation of the curriculum by students.

For students, teachers organize individual classes in early learning of a foreign language, and pre-profile training for graduates is introduced.

Having become numerous, innovative learning technologies allow the head of the institution to have a choice. Now the director himself has the right to decide, after conducting a general analysis and assessment, which innovative technology will help the institution achieve fruitful and successful work in pedagogical activity.

Thus, a whole system of scientific research is being formed, the transfer of experience of teachers and even entire pedagogical teams, which contribute to the fact that innovative activity in education is spreading and expanding.

Innovations in school education - video

Zemskova Nadezhda Alexandrovna
Types of innovative technologies in education

Types of innovative technologies

Lately in education Increasingly, the question of the use in working with children is being raised. innovative technologies. The teacher today faces new challenges and new opportunities open up, taking into account their application.

innovative activity is a special kind of pedagogical activity. - Innovation define new methods, forms, means, technologies, used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.

Innovative technologies- this is a system of methods, ways, methods of teaching, educational means aimed at achieving a positive result due to dynamic changes in the personal development of the child in modern conditions. The use of modern educational technologies provides flexibility educational process, increases the cognitive interest of students, creative activity.

There are the following innovative educational technologies:

Health saving technologies: their main goal is the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it.

Forms of work: gymnastics (morning, eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, finger and dynamic gymnastics); physical education classes; sports holidays; physical education minutes between classes, dynamic pauses; walks.

Project activity: creation of problematic activity, which is carried out by students together with the teacher. The knowledge that students receive in the course of working on the project becomes their personal property and is firmly fixed in the system of knowledge about the world around them. The main goal of the project method is the development of a free creative personality, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activities of children.

Projects vary: by number of participants (individual, pair, group, frontal); by duration (short-term, medium-term, long-term); by priority method (research, creative, informational, gaming); by topic (patriotic, ecological, social).

Information and communication technologies are used most often. Children are drawn to acquiring computer skills. With the help of exciting programs for teaching reading and mathematics, it is possible to interest children in the development of memory and logic. "sciences". The computer has a number of significant advantages over the classical lesson. Animated pictures flashing on the screen attract the child, allow you to concentrate. With the help of computer programs, it becomes possible to simulate various life situations. Depending on the abilities of the child, the program can be tailored specifically for him, that is, to focus on his individual development. In this case, the use of computer technologies becomes especially expedient, as it provides information in an attractive way, which not only speeds up memorization, but also makes it meaningful and long-term.

Examples of lesson forms: lesson-visualization - the presentation of the content is accompanied by a presentation; practical lesson in the form of a presentation - presentation of the results of project or research activities using specialized software.

Tasks of teachers: keep up with the times, become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in the choice of computer programs, to form the foundations of the information culture of his personality, to improve the professional level of teachers and the competence of parents.

Cognitive research activity: the main goal is to create an experimental activity, in which the student is an active participant. The direct participation of students in the course of the experiment allows him to personally see the process and the results of his activities. When organizing this technologies students are offered a problematic task that can be solved by researching something or conducting experiments.

Methods and reception organization of this activity is: conversations; observations; modeling; fixing the results.

Learner-Centered technology is technology that put the personality of the student at the center of the educational system, providing comfortable, conflict-free, safe conditions for development. Provides for the preparation of individual educational programs corresponding to the needs and abilities of each individual student. The purpose of this technologies- the creation of democratic partner humanistic relations between the child and the teacher, as well as the provision of conditions for the development of the personality of students.

gaming technology where play helps learning. Practice shows that classes using game situations contribute to the emergence of active cognitive interest. In such classes there are elements of creativity and free choice. The ability to work in a group develops. when the achievement of the goal depends on the personal efforts of each. At the same time, games have many cognitive, educational functions.

Application innovative pedagogical technologies contributes:

– professional development of teachers;

– application of pedagogical experience and its systematization;

– quality improvement education;

– improving the quality of education and upbringing;

- the use of computers technologies students for learning purposes.

Related publications:

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Essence and varieties of innovative educational technologies

Definition 1

Innovative educational technology is a methodology for organizing educational activities that involves the use of some new or qualitative improvement of existing methods and means to increase the efficiency of the educational process and create conditions for educational activities that best meet current trends in the socio-economic development of society.

Innovative activity in education involves complex activities focused on the emergence of innovations in the educational sphere. These innovations can be methods and techniques for organizing the educational process, resources used in the process of education and training, scientific theories and concepts.

Innovations develop through the use of research activities aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge, some kind of discovery, invention. In addition, the emergence of innovations can be the result of design work, during which instrumental and technological knowledge is developed, reflecting the possibility of implementing practical actions, based on existing scientific theories and concepts. Thus, innovative projects are created, which subsequently lead to the emergence of new technologies.

Innovations also develop in the process of educational activities. In the learning process, the development of theoretical and practical knowledge of students takes place, which can then be applied in various areas of practical life associated with the creation of innovations.

Innovative educational technologies are based on three main components:

  1. Modern, well-built content, the foundation of which is competencies in professional activities that meet the current realities of entrepreneurial activity. the content includes a variety of multimedia materials transmitted through modern means of communication.
  2. Application of modern, innovative methods in teaching. Such methods should be focused on developing the competencies of the future professional, involving students in active learning and practical activities, and showing initiative in the process of learning. Passive assimilation of curricula is excluded.
  3. Availability of modern infrastructure in the educational process. It should be based on information, technological, organizational and communication components that help to apply new forms and methods of education, in particular distance learning.

Innovative technologies in education are used on the basis of the application of certain approaches in teaching i.e. principles that include requirements and targets that are the foundation for the development of new technologies.

All innovations in the pedagogical sphere are based on their clear compliance with the current stage of the socio-economic development of society. At present, they should be focused on the development of students' independence, the formation of their abilities for self-learning and self-development, conscious, and not mechanical assimilation of curricula.

Innovative technologies in the educational sphere are constantly developing and their range is expanding. The following main groups of technologies can be distinguished:

  1. Information and communication technologies or ICT in the field of subject education. The use of these technologies is associated with the development of the information society and the active introduction of information tools in all spheres of life. Such technologies are aimed at informatization of students' consciousness. The educational programs include new subjects that are focused on the study of computer science, information processes and ICT. The teaching process is also actively informatized to help improve the information culture of the teaching staff and students;
  2. Person-oriented technologies. These technologies are aimed at placing the individual in a priority position in education and upbringing. The entire educational process is focused specifically on the development of the personality, taking into account its individuality and features of development.
  3. Information and analytical supply of the educational process. The use of this group of technologies is focused on the study of the development of each student, class, parallel, educational institution, their adequate assessment;
  4. Monitoring of intellectual development. Technologies are based on the use of graphs, a testing system, new assessment methods that allow you to track the dynamics of the development of individual students and the quality of education in general;
  5. Educational technologies. The learning process cannot be divorced from education. Therefore, new methods are being introduced to develop a personality, its main qualities;
  6. Didactic technologies. They are the main factor in the development of an educational institution. Such technologies are based on a set of techniques and tools, including the use of traditional and innovative technologies: independent work with educational literature, the use of audiovisual, multimedia tools, differentiated teaching methods.

Figure 1. Innovative educational technologies. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

Basic technologies of student-centered learning

These technologies put the personality of the child at the head of the educational process. His individual qualities are taken into account, and the teacher directs his skills to the organization of education, according to the specific needs of the student.

Among the technologies of personality-oriented learning, the following can be distinguished:

  • Technology of multi-level education. According to this technology, it is supposed to build the educational process depending on the ability to assimilate the material by each student, i.e. each student is given time to master the program, which is required for him and corresponds to his capabilities. So, the basic core of the curriculum is productively assimilated.
  • The technology of collective mutual learning. This technology involves the association of students into groups consisting of at least two people who have psychological compatibility. They may have different levels of intellectual development, but they complete tasks by helping each other and, thereby, developing each other. This forms logical thinking, a sense of responsibility, adequate self-esteem, helps to emancipate students.
  • collaboration technology. This technology involves the association of students in small teams and training in them. Learning should take place jointly, with awareness of each other's successes and failures. Education is built on the basis of setting a single goal and objectives, the obligatory responsibility of each student and ensuring equal conditions for the effective assimilation of cognitive information.