Interesting comments on the confrontation between Ashkenazi and Sephardim to the video of Alexei Menyailov, in which he talks about the general passion of world leaders for ethnology, which the Rockefeller family has been doing for several generations, studying African sorcerers, and Stalin, comprehending shamanic art in "ethnographic expeditions", where he was sent at public expense by the tsarist government.

A cup of kiddush on a veil on a tombstone is a Jewish soul. The grave of Stalin's mother in Tbilisi and the Jewish cemetery in Brooklyn

Was it only a hobby that united the Jew Dzhugashvili and the Jew Rockefeller? As you know, Shekel-gruber, who brought the German goyim to the war, is the son of Rothschild, and Dzhuga-shvili, who brought the Russians, is possibly the son of Rockefeller. Sephardic Rockefeller and Ashkenazi Rothschild competed. Similarly, as in Little Russia, Porshenko, aka Valtsman, and Strelkov, aka Girkin, both do the same thing.

Menyailov correctly places Stalin and Rockefeller side by side. Some family roots. One hobby. Both have a pentagram. They worked together, so to speak, formed a collective brain, maybe they were in the same five, a pentagram, although Rockefeller has it upside down. The commander of the five was Rockefeller.

In the revolution of 1917, the interests of the Rockefeller group, which included Stalin, clashed with the interests of the Rothschild group, which included the Shell oil company. The result of the revolution was the displacement of the Rothschilds, including Shell, from the Russian Soviet oil business in favor of the Rockefeller group. Rockefeller received processing of Baku oil in Batumi oil pipeline - attention! - BAKU-BATUMI-BATUM (does it remind you of anything?), created the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry and under its auspices American companies received gigantic concessions ... from the hands of Trotsky, who became the head of the concession committee. Rockefeller also provided financial transactions, and the United States became the main trading partner of the USSR.

What happened in March-May 1937? It is clear that this is some critical point! And here's what: he fell ill and on May 23, 1937, the world's first dollar billionaire (trillionaire in modern terms) John Davison Rockefeller died, Stalin turned out to be free of certain obligations, which, it is possible, dragged on for him, probably from the time of the Baku strikes in 1903, in the organization of which Stalin took part and which, as it is authentically known, was financed by Rockefeller, who was denied by the tsarist government at one time to participate in the oil affairs of Baku. In 1903, riots organized by Rockefeller broke out in Baku, during which, first of all, towers and oil refineries of the Rothschilds were burned. Stalin was one of the organizers of these uprisings. And so, almost without a doubt, he had certain obligations to Rockefeller.

Stalin worked for Rockefeller, and for this cause he carried out subversive revolutionary activities against the Russian Empire and our people, organizing strikes and sabotage in the Baku oil fields. Who used whom - Rockefeller's Stalin or vice versa - everyone decides for himself, but usually the one who pays the money takes advantage.
This is such a hobby for goods-looking Dzhugashvili and Rockefeller. Here is such a merchandising five led by Rockefeller until 1937.

There are a huge number of signs of Stalin's Jewish origin. One of them, "by mother". Kato's father was a Jewish junk dealer in the mountains of Kutaisi. Proof that Stalin's mother, Ekaterina (Keke) Georgievna Dzhugashvili, is Jewish on her grave. Tombstone - a cup of kiddush. So not an Ossetian for sure, but possibly an Ossetian Jewess. After all, in every nation, two nations.

Rockefeller of Anglo-German-Scottish-Irish Jews. The first well-known Rockefeller in the family is a fraudster who sold counterfeit medicines. Unlike the Ashkenazi Rothschilds, the generic business of the Rockefellers is usury. It was their "wise men" who formulated the usurious doctrine of Deuteronomy-Isaiah. It was they who ruled the Old and New Testament up and down the way they needed, so that the current generations of people would take root in the brains that usury is not theft, but a respectable business. And by the way, Jesus in the temple overturned the shops of money changers, but not usurers. This is what the "wise men" of the Sephardim wanted.
Propaganda goods-we are looking for capitalism Menyailov understandable. Comrade - from the word "look for goods." Therefore, Rockefeller is a respected person, as great as Dzhugashvili (the criminal nickname Stalin), but they were connected not only by a hobby. Also joint activities.

A shoemaker is a Jewish profession, and in general Georgians are a tribe of Jews, their language is called Kartvelian (kaGtavili).
The same big noses and eyelids.

"qwesdfff" does not correctly translate the meaning of Hebraism comrade, which consists of three bases: tov - good, ar - earth and ish man (man). Semantic translation - countryman, land.

And this is the grave of Brezhnev's mother (Mazelova's maiden name, from Hebrew mazl - fate. Mazl tov - good luck).

The American historian, Stanford University professor Anthony Sutton, in his book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, proved that the Bolsheviks came to power with the money of several of the largest American banks. Why did the "sharks of capitalism" need such investments? What were you trying for?

To begin with, we must remember who on our side controlled the financial flows of the revolution. Historians unanimously name the name of Stalin. Therefore, it was he, and not Lenin, who was driving force coup. Grigory Uratadze, a member of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia, who was in the same cell with Iosif Dzhugashvili, claims in his book Memoirs of a Georgian Social Democrat that he "was the chief financier of the Russian Bolshevik center."

Stalin was engaged in organizational and technical activities and finances, says the biographer of Joseph Vissarionovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Ostrovsky.
- Soviet schoolchildren were told a romantic version of how Stalin robbed banks and capitalists. It wasn't quite like that. In 1901-1907, he provided invaluable assistance to John Rockefeller Sr., the owner of the Standard Oil Company, which produced oil in the United States.


The main competitors of Standard Oil at that time were oil companies controlled by the Anglo-French Rothschild dynasty, which monopoly exported oil from Baku. It was vital for the Rockefellers to reduce or even stop the shipment of oil from Russia. And then Baku unexpectedly became a "hotbed of revolution in the Caspian." Stalin organized one strike after another at the enterprises owned by the Rothschilds and other oil producers.

As a result of his activities, two-thirds of the oil rigs were destroyed, and exports fell to zero. On the other hand, Standard Oil, taking advantage of the unrest in Russia, successfully returned markets for American kerosene that had already been lost in the fight against Russian oil. Connections with the Bolshevik underground came in handy for the Rockefellers when their personal interests in Russia coincided with US state interests.

Wall Street tycoons sought to make the dollar the main world currency. It is now the Federal Reserve System (FRS) issuing unsecured green notes, and buys on them at any point the globe anything. But it was not always so. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dollar had almost no circulation outside the country. The world currencies were the British pound sterling and the French franc. The American bankers were faced with the task of discrediting them.

... smashed the Baku oil fields of the ROTHSCHILDS on the instructions of the ROCKEFELLERS

And what do we see? In 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created, and in 1914, the First World War. Germany committed aggression against France, Great Britain and their allies, including Russia.

Germany in this case acted in the interests of Washington. Usually little attention is paid to this, but in late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, the financial systems of the USA and Germany were very closely interconnected. For example, the large American banks Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Goldman Sachs, and Lehman Brothers were all founded and run by immigrants from Germany.

The initiator of the creation and Vice-Chairman of the Fed was a German emigrant Paul Warburg. At the same time, his brother Max Warburg headed the largest German bank M. M. Warburg & Co. In addition, Max was an adviser to Emperor Wilhelm II, and it is known that it was he who persuaded him to war. The operation did not go very well. The American bankers did not take into account that Great Britain and France greatly outnumbered Germany in terms of the amount of resources that were drawn from the colonies.

By that time, these colonies literally stood like a bone across the American throat. For the United States, prohibitive trade barriers were set up there. In addition, it was impossible to trade with them for dollars. Therefore, it was necessary to urgently begin the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed peoples. Preferably by someone else. At that time, the United States still did not dare to declare itself the only sowers of the "correct" democracy.

Banker William THOMPSON was the shadow leader of both the February and October revolutions.

Bank approves coup loan

It was decided to involve Russia in solving the problem. Revolutionary fermentation, fueled by all the participants in the war, was just going on there. The Americans only needed to lead the process, bring their people to power, and then direct the resulting resource to the destruction of the slave colonial system.

The Bolsheviks immediately have several additional financial channels. Yakov Sverdlov is preparing a revolution in Russia, and his brother Veniamin goes to the USA and somehow very quickly creates his own bank there. Leon Trotsky is a revolutionary in exile, and his uncle Abram Zhivotovsky turns into a successful banker with international connections in his homeland. Vyacheslav Menzhinsky - Bolshevik and future People's Commissar for Finance of the RSFSR, his brother Alexander is a major financier associated with the United States.

He arranges the revolutionary brother Slava, who is hiding abroad from the tsarist secret police, in the international branch of the Lyon Credit Bank. There is still talk that Lenin made the revolution with German money. But no one thought about how Germany, which was waging a difficult war, had extra gold to sponsor the Bolsheviks. She occupied them in the United States, which received insane profits from supplies to warring states.

The German banker Max Warburg took them from the brothers Paul and Felix, who controlled the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. bank. The American bankers also had their own people in the tsarist government. For example, Minister of Finance Petr Bark. With his lobbying, on January 2, 1917, the first branch of the American National City Bank was opened in Petrograd. His first client was Mikhail Tereshchenko, a 30-year-old Kyiv sugar refiner, who received a $100,000 loan ($5 million at the current exchange rate).

Tereshchenko immediately spent this money on February revolution, after which he became the Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government. New power immediately declared an amnesty for all political emigrants. Leon Trotsky is returning from New York to Russia on the ship Christiania.

On the way, in the port of the Canadian city of Halifax, he was detained at customs. Trotsky was found to have $10,000 (at the current exchange rate, $500,000). Canadian police have never seen so much cash. However, they failed to understand this story. Trotsky was asked to be released by people from the administration of President Woodrow Wilson.

Boris REINSTEIN oversaw the Soviet government in the name and on behalf of the United States. It is believed that it was at his request during the purges of 1937 that the investigators did not force the arrested to recognize themselves as American spies.

Kerensky received $2 million

To understand the importance of what was happening in Russia for the United States, we note the following fact: from July 26 to December 4, 1917, one of the the most important people at the Fed, business partner of John Rockefeller, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, William Thompson. He went to Russia, already having all the appearances and passwords for a meeting with John's old friend, Comrade Stalin.

With his arrival in the Bolshevik Party, great personnel changes began. While Lenin was wandering around abroad, Stalin and Trotsky came to the fore. Both on the same day first entered the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), and then became members of the Military Revolutionary Center. Professor Anthony Sutton gives specific data that William Thompson gave $1 million to the Bolsheviks and $2 million to Alexander Kerensky.

It should be borne in mind that one million of those dollars is about 50 million today. Having received the money, Alexander Fedorovich did everything in his power to lose power. The historian believes that Lenin and Kerensky actually played on the same team, because their fathers were considered best friends.

Kerensky's father was the director of the gymnasium where the young Volodya Ulyanov studied, and even illegally gave him gold medal at the end of the course, although he had a four in the certificate. It is clear that without preparatory activities Kerensky to weaken Russian state structures no October revolution would have been possible in principle. And so, during the storming of the Winter Palace, only six people died. Power itself fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks.

Removed almost all the gold

The hour of reckoning has come after civil war. As part of the New Economic Policy, Leon Trotsky gave American companies the right to unlimited exploitation of the raw materials deposits of the Caucasus. And during the 10 years of the existence of the NEP, the Americans annually exported up to 90 percent of all mined minerals.

But the bulk of Wall Street's money was earned in the usual way. At the suggestion of Leon Trotsky, the international branch of the State Bank of the USSR included such American banks as Kuhn, Loeb & Co, Guaranty Trust, Chase National, and others who had previously appeared in financing the October Revolution. On behalf of the State Bank, they supervised all foreign monetary transactions of the Soviet government.

The currency for the export of raw materials went to the State Bank of the USSR, which, in turn, transferred money to deposit accounts in the United States in the same banks whose firms exported this raw material. Thus, the exploitation of raw materials in Russia cost nothing to Wall Street businessmen, but the profit was such that until now the leading banks of America refuse to provide data on their income relating to the 20s and early 30s.

Estonia and Latvia became customs "windows" through which gold poured abroad. It was exported in tons under the brand of a fictitious "locomotive order". Having headed the People's Commissariat for Communications for a short time, Leon Trotsky concluded an agreement with the Swedish company Nydqvist and Holm for the purchase of 1,000 steam locomotives for 200 million gold rubles. Having received the money, which is about a quarter of the country's gold reserves, the Swedes shipped us only 36 locomotives.

The Soviet magazine The Economist wrote about the oddities of the "locomotive business" in 1922. The article expressed bewilderment at such a strange way of managing. After reading the article, Lenin asked Felix Dzerzhinsky to close the journal.

This Soviet caricature of French colonialism was happily printed by the Washington newspapers.

For such financial transactions with foreign circles, Roskombank was created in 1922, later transformed into Vnesheconombank. It was headed by a business partner of Trotsky's uncle, the banker Abram Zhivotovsky, the Swedish banker Olof Aschberg. In his free time from pumping Soviet gold, he was engaged in collecting Russian icons, a collection of which he subsequently took out of Soviet Union by special permission of Anatoly Lunacharsky.

A well-known friend of the Soviet government, an American businessman Armand Hammer, also took out antiques, paintings, sculptures from the Leningrad Hermitage in boxes. In particular, he bought Faberge eggs at bargain prices and resold them in the West. Without officially maintaining diplomatic relations with the young Bolshevik Russia, the sponsors of the revolution communicated with the country's leadership through liaisons.

According to Anthony Sutton, Boris Reinstein, an emigrant who had lived in the United States for 32 years, returned to Petrograd together with William Thompson in 1917. He was Thompson's translator, and when he left, he immediately took the place of Lenin's personal secretary and head of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda. Apparently, he was left as a liaison. Later, Reinstein transferred to the apparatus of the Comintern, which gave him the opportunity to freely travel abroad. However, he will travel to the USA only once in June 1922.

A matter of special importance required his direct presence at the "headquarters". Having received detailed instructions, he returns and supervises the "Commission for the preparation of a project for the improvement of federal relations between the RSFSR and other fraternal republics", that is, the process of preparing for the creation of the USSR. As a result, in place of a single Russian Empire an alliance was built from national republics artificially created by the Bolsheviks.

Moreover, all Soviet Constitutions, from the first to the last, allowed the union republics to freely secede from the USSR, thereby legitimizing the possibility of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Americans planted a bomb, which was supposed to explode after the created state coped with the task of destabilizing European regimes, to lower the ratings of the franc and pound sterling, and also achieve the independence of the colonies from the mother countries.

The fight against European colonialism was for a long time the only point of contact between Soviet and American diplomacy. On this issue, we expressed a common point of view even at the height of the cold war.

Samokhin Maxim

The United States received the largest profit from the Great October Revolution

The American historian, Stanford University professor Anthony Sutton, in his book Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, proved that the Bolsheviks came to power with the money of several of the largest American banks. Why " sharks of capitalism"required such an investment? What were you trying for?

To begin with, we must remember who on our side controlled the financial flows of the revolution. Historians unanimously name the name Stalin. Therefore, it is he, and not Lenin was the driving force behind the revolution.

Member of the Constituent Assembly of Georgia Grigory Uratadze sitting with Joseph Dzhugashvili in one cell, in his book "Memoirs of a Georgian Social Democrat" claims that he "was the main financier of the Russian Bolshevik center."

Stalin was engaged in organizational and technical activities and finances, says the biographer of Joseph Vissarionovich, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Ostrovsky. - Soviet schoolchildren were told a romantic version of how Stalin robbed banks and capitalists. It wasn't quite like that. In 1901-1907 he provided invaluable assistance John Rockefeller Sr., the owner of Standard Oil, which produced oil in the United States.


The main competitors of Standard Oil were then considered controlled by the Anglo-French dynasty Rothschild oil companies that monopoly exported oil from Baku. It was vital for the Rockefellers to reduce or even stop the shipment of oil from Russia. And then Baku unexpectedly became a "hotbed of revolution in the Caspian." Stalin organized one strike after another at the enterprises owned by the Rothschilds and other oil producers. As a result of his activities, two-thirds of the oil rigs were destroyed, and exports fell to zero. On the other hand, Standard Oil, taking advantage of the unrest in Russia, successfully returned markets for American kerosene that had already been lost in the fight against Russian oil.

Connections with the Bolshevik underground came in handy for the Rockefellers when their personal interests in Russia coincided with US state interests. Wall Street tycoons sought to make the dollar the main world currency. It is now the Federal Reserve System (FRS) issuing unsecured green notes, and buys anything with them anywhere in the world. But it was not always so. At the beginning of the 20th century, the dollar had almost no circulation outside the country. The world currencies were the British pound sterling and the French franc. The American bankers were faced with the task of discrediting them.

... smashed the Baku oil fields of the ROTHSCHILDS on the instructions of the ROCKEFELLERS

And what do we see? In 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created, and in 1914, the First World War began in Europe. Germany committed aggression against France, Great Britain and their allies, including Russia.

Germany in this case acted in the interests of Washington. This is usually little noticed, but in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the financial systems of the United States and Germany were very closely interconnected. For example, the large American banks Kuhn, Loeb & Co., Goldman Sachs, and Lehman Brothers were all founded and run by immigrants from Germany.

The initiator of the creation and vice-chairman of the Fed was a German emigrant Paul Warburg. At the same time, his brother Max Warburg headed the largest German bank "M. M. Warburg & Co. In addition, Max was an adviser to the emperor Wilhelm II, and it is known that it was he who persuaded him to war.

The operation did not go very well. The American bankers did not take into account that Great Britain and France greatly outnumbered Germany in terms of the amount of resources that were drawn from the colonies. By that time, these colonies literally stood like a bone across the American throat. For the United States, prohibitive trade barriers were set up there. In addition, it was impossible to trade with them for dollars. Therefore, it was necessary to urgently begin the struggle for the freedom of the oppressed peoples. Preferably by someone else. At that time, the United States still did not dare to declare itself the only sowers of the "correct" democracy.

Banker William THOMPSON was the shadow leader of both the February and October revolutions.

Bank approves coup loan

It was decided to involve Russia in solving the problem. Revolutionary fermentation, fueled by all the participants in the war, was just going on there. The Americans only needed to lead the process, bring their people to power, and then direct the resulting resource to the destruction of the slave colonial system.

The Bolsheviks immediately have several additional financial channels. Yakov Sverdlov he is preparing a revolution in Russia, and his brother Benjamin goes to the USA and somehow very quickly creates his own bank there. Leon Trotsky- a revolutionary in exile, and his uncle Abram Zhivotovsky turns at home into a successful banker with international connections. Vyacheslav Menzhinsky- Bolshevik and future People's Commissar for Finance of the RSFSR, his brother Alexander is a major financier associated with the United States. He arranges the revolutionary brother Slava, who is hiding abroad from the tsarist secret police, in the international branch of the Lyon Credit Bank.

There is still talk that Lenin made a revolution with German money. But no one thought about how Germany, which was waging a difficult war, had extra gold to sponsor the Bolsheviks. She occupied them in the United States, which received insane profits from supplies to warring states. The German banker Max Warburg took them from the brothers Paul and Felix, who controlled the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. bank.

The American bankers also had their own people in the tsarist government. For example, the Minister of Finance Petr Bark. With his lobbying, on January 2, 1917, the first branch of the American National City Bank was opened in Petrograd. His first client was a 30-year-old Kyiv sugar factory Mikhail Tereshchenko, who received a loan of $ 100 thousand (at the current rate - $ 5 million). Tereshchenko immediately spent this money on the February Revolution, after which he became Minister of Finance and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government.

The new government immediately announced an amnesty for all political emigrants. Leon Trotsky is returning from New York to Russia on the ship Christiania. On the way, in the port of the Canadian city of Halifax, he was detained at customs. Trotsky was found to have $10,000 (at the current exchange rate, $500,000). Canadian police have never seen so much cash. However, they failed to understand this story. Trotsky was asked to release people from the presidential administration Woodrow Wilson.

Boris REINSTEIN oversaw the Soviet government in the name and on behalf of the United States. It is believed that it was at his request during the purges of 1937 that the investigators did not force the arrested to recognize themselves as American spies.

Kerensky received $2million

To understand the importance of what was happening in Russia for the United States, we note the following fact: from July 26 to December 4, 1917, one of the most important people in the Fed, a business partner of John Rockefeller, director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was in Petrograd William Thompson. He went to Russia, already having all the appearances and passwords for a meeting with John's old friend, Comrade Stalin.

With his arrival in the Bolshevik Party, great personnel changes began. While Lenin was wandering around abroad, Stalin and Trotsky came to the fore. Both on the same day first entered the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b), and then became members of the Military Revolutionary Center.

Professor Anthony Sutton cites specific data that William Thompson transferred $ 1 million to the Bolsheviks, and Alexander Kerensky - $2 million. It should be borne in mind that one million of those dollars is about 50 million today.

Having received the money, Alexander Fedorovich did everything in his power to lose power. The historian believes that Lenin and Kerensky actually played on the same team, because their fathers were considered best friends. Kerensky's father was the director of the gymnasium where the young Volodya Ulyanov, and even illegally gave him a gold medal at the end of the course, although he had a four in his certificate. It is quite obvious that without Kerensky's preparatory work to weaken the Russian state structures, no October revolution would have been possible in principle. And so, during the storming of the Winter Palace, only six people died. Power itself fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks.

Removed almost all the gold

The hour of reckoning came after the Civil War. As part of the New Economic Policy, Leon Trotsky gave American companies the right to unlimited exploitation of the raw materials deposits of the Caucasus. And during the 10 years of the existence of the NEP, the Americans annually exported up to 90 percent of all mined minerals.

But the bulk of Wall Street's money was earned in the usual way. At the suggestion of Leon Trotsky, the international branch of the State Bank of the USSR included such American banks as Kuhn, Loeb & Co, Guaranty Trust, Chase National, and others who had previously appeared in financing the October Revolution. On behalf of the State Bank, they supervised all foreign monetary transactions of the Soviet government.

The currency for the export of raw materials went to the State Bank of the USSR, which, in turn, transferred money to deposit accounts in the United States in the same banks whose firms exported this raw material. Thus, the exploitation of raw materials in Russia cost nothing to Wall Street businessmen, but the profit was such that until now the leading banks of America refuse to provide data on their income relating to the 20s and early 30s.

Estonia and Latvia became customs "windows" through which gold poured abroad. It was exported in tons under the brand of a fictitious "locomotive order".

Having headed the People's Commissariat for Communications for a short time, Leon Trotsky concluded an agreement with the Swedish company Nydqvist and Holm for the purchase of 1,000 steam locomotives for 200 million gold rubles. Having received the money, which is about a quarter of the country's gold reserves, the Swedes shipped us only 36 locomotives. The Soviet magazine The Economist wrote about the oddities of the "locomotive business" in 1922. The article expressed bewilderment at such a strange way of managing. After reading the article, Lenin asked Felix Dzerzhinsky cover the magazine.

This Soviet caricature of French colonialism was happily printed by the Washington newspapers.

For such financial transactions with foreign circles, Roskombank was created in 1922, later transformed into Vnesheconombank. It was headed by a business partner of Trotsky's uncle, the banker Abram Zhivotovsky, a Swedish banker Olof Aschberg. In his free time from pumping Soviet gold, he was engaged in collecting Russian icons, a collection of which he subsequently took out of the Soviet Union with special permission. Anatoly Lunacharsky.

Famous friend of the Soviet government, American businessman Armand Hammer also took out antiques, paintings, sculptures from the Leningrad Hermitage in boxes. In particular, he bought eggs at bargain prices Faberge and resold them in the West.

Without officially maintaining diplomatic relations with the young Bolshevik Russia, the sponsors of the revolution communicated with the country's leadership through liaisons. According to Anthony Sutton, together with William Thompson in 1917, an emigrant who had lived in the USA for 32 years returned to Petrograd. Boris Reinstein. He was Thompson's translator, and when he left, he immediately took the place of Lenin's personal secretary and head of the Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda. Apparently, he was left as a liaison.

Later, Reinstein transferred to the apparatus of the Comintern, which gave him the opportunity to freely travel abroad. However, he will travel to the USA only once in June 1922. A matter of special importance required his direct presence at the "headquarters". Having received detailed instructions, he returns and supervises the "Commission for the preparation of a project for the improvement of federal relations between the RSFSR and other fraternal republics", that is, the process of preparing for the creation of the USSR.

As a result, a union of national republics artificially created by the Bolsheviks was built on the site of the united Russian Empire. Moreover, all Soviet Constitutions, from the first to the last, allowed the union republics to freely secede from the USSR, thereby legitimizing the possibility of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Americans planted a bomb, which was supposed to explode after the created state coped with the task of destabilizing European regimes, to lower the ratings of the franc and pound sterling, and also achieve the independence of the colonies from the mother countries.

The fight against European colonialism was for a long time the only point of contact between Soviet and American diplomacy. On this issue, we expressed a common point of view even at the height of the cold war.

What riddles did Joseph Stalin leave behind.

Date of Birth

Date of birth of Joseph Stalin - point of contention his biography. The choice is between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878. The second date is indicated by an extract from the metric book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, which refers to the birth of the son of Joseph to the parents of Vissarion Ivanovich Dzhugashvili and his wife Ekaterina Georgievna (maiden name - Geladze).

Stalin's change of the true date of his birth can be explained both by pragmatic and esoteric reasons. On the pragmatic side, the change in the year of birth was due to the fact that celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the "leader" in 1928 was very inappropriate: the year turned out to be incredibly difficult and managed to contain everything from the expulsion of Trotsky to peasant riots. But the change of birthday cannot be explained by anything other than esotericism. There is a version that Gurdjieff, with whom Stalin studied at the same seminary, influenced Stalin to change the date of his birth. The rectification of the date allowed Stalin to take and hold power.

Why - Stalin?

For more than half a century, our country was ruled by people under pseudonyms. It can be assumed that this is due to the fact that the Soviet leaders came out of underground cells and tsarist hard labor, but if you start to figure it out, it turns out that each of the revolutionaries had his own reasons for changing his name. What were the reasons for changing the name of Joseph Dzhugashvili?

Throughout his life, Stalin had three dozen pseudonyms. At the same time, it is significant that Joseph Vissarionovich did not make secrets from his surname. Who now remembers Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld and Wallach (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Dzhugashvili-Stalin are well known. Stalin chose the pseudonym quite deliberately. According to William Pokhlebkin, who devoted the work "The Great Pseudonym" to this issue, several factors coincided when choosing a pseudonym. The real source for choosing a pseudonym was the surname of a liberal journalist, at first close to the populists, and then to the Socialist-Revolutionaries, Yevgeny Stefanovich Stalinsky, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and the translator into Russian of Sh. Rustaveli's poem - "The Knight in the Panther's Skin." Stalin was very fond of this poem.

What did you read?

Contrary to the popular belief that of the entire revolutionary cohort, Stalin was almost the simplest, "from the plow", he was very educated. Do not forget about his studies in the seminary. Stalin could read Plato in the original, and this already says a lot. He had a huge library. He looked through most of his books, and read many carefully. Some have been read several times. Stalin read books, as a rule, with a pencil, and most often with several colored pencils. Numerous notes, underlining, passages of phrases, comments in the margins eloquently indicate that Stalin read literature with great attention, and the image of "his boyfriend" for the proletariat was only an image.

Stalin and Matrona

There is a legend that on the eve of the battle for Moscow in 1941, Joseph Stalin secretly visited Blessed Matrona. Allegedly, the old woman blessed the head of the country, and soon the Germans were driven back from Moscow. It is interesting that this meeting is captured in the hallmarks of several hagiographic icons of St. Matrona.

Stalin and oil

One of the most contentious issues regarding Stalin's personality and his successful political career is his association with the oil magnates and, in particular, with the Rockefellers and Standard oil. The fact that the oil companies were one of the "customers" of the Russian revolution is no longer a secret with seven seals today, but the role of Stalin in organizing the riots in Baku, when the oil rigs of the Rothschilds were deliberately burned, is still not clear. The theme of the relationship between Stalin and the Rockefellers is an endless field for conspiracy theories, but the fact that Stalin until a certain time depended on Western money is unambiguous.


With the filing of Stalin, the five-pointed star became the official symbol of the USSR. Stalin knew that the pentagram has a very powerful energy potential and is one of the most powerful symbols. The swastika, the cult of which was very strong in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, could also become a symbol of the USSR. The swastika was depicted on the "Kerenki", swastikas were painted on the wall of the Ipatiev House by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna before being shot, but the Bolsheviks settled on a five-pointed star almost by Stalin's sole decision. The history of the 20th century will yet show that the “star” is stronger than the “swastika” ... The stars also shone over the Kremlin, replacing the double-headed eagles, and economic activity the state was determined by five-year plans.

Stalin's prediction

Stalin was well aware of his importance. He once said: "I know that after my death they will put a lot of garbage on my grave, but the wind of history will mercilessly dispel it!" Charles de Gaulle beautifully said about Stalin: "Stalin has not gone into the past. Stalin has dissolved into the future."

Somehow I already wrote that I found a correlation between the activities of Rockefeller, the Revolution and the activities of Stalin.

The general outline is this: Russia, or rather, the Rothschild family, as the main owners of Baku oil, has become Rockefeller's main competitor in the oil market. Rockefeller made the first entry into the tank at the end of the 19th century. He was unsuccessful. The second call was made by him in 1902. But the tsar, firmly tied to the banks of Rothschild, again rocked Rockefeller hard and did not give him anything. In 1903, riots organized by Rockefeller broke out in Baku, during which, first of all, towers and oil refineries of the Rothschilds were burned. Stalin was one of the organizers of these uprisings. And so, almost without a doubt, he had certain obligations to Rockefeller. Armand Hammer was also a Rockefeller emissary. Another "American" revolutionary branch began with Schiff and rested on Trotsky. Leaving aside revolutionary years, it can be stated that the victory of the revolution in Russia was, first of all, the victory of American capital over European capital. Rockefeller and his team got a lot in post-revolutionary Russia. Rockefeller became the organizer of the Soviet-American trade commission. He and his people received concessions in the USSR, a market for industrial construction, and so on.

Purely comparing the time of the beginning of the purge of the NKVD with world events made me think that Stalin, using Rockefeller against the European capital of the Rothschilds, Nobiles, Dreyfuses, etc., ESSENTIALLY OWNED THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE AS A (half) COLONY, FOR THEY CONTROL THE EXPORT FLOWS , immediately after his death, he began to get rid of the Rockefeller agents in the NKVD when Rockefeller died.

So, one detail came out that I did not know. But I foresaw!

You can accurately name the start date of the purge in 1937 - This is Stalin's opening speech - attention! - May 21, 1937 in the NKVD, in which he stated that the NKVD and the NKVD intelligence network were inundated with SPIES ... of Germany, Japan, Poland, etc. It is striking that he did not say a word about "American spies" ... and such silence is costly, especially when you consider that Rockefeller died .. May 23!

It is highly unlikely that such synchronization of events is accidental. Moreover, my prediction about the connection between 1937 and the death of Rockefeller was made without knowing this fact. That is, this one historical fact- was, in fact, predicted by me in a sense "at the tip of a pen."

What follows from here?

1. Speaking about the revolutionary movement of the beginning of the century in Russia, instead of engaging in ideological nonsense, it is necessary to understand in the most detailed way the meaning of the competitive struggle on the territory of Russia and the sources of funding for certain forces. Deal with accounting accuracy: Who? When? How? What for? - For, Quid Prodest?

2. It is necessary to establish a connection between groups of security forces, including those in the NKVD and the army, and real external forces- not at the level of meaningless "states", but at the level of PERSONS.

3. It is necessary to deal with the presence / absence of a connection between such resonant murders as the murder of Kirov with the actions of external agents. So, for example, Kirov was, as you know, "Caucasian", participated in the overthrow of the Menshevik government in Georgia (February 1921), was the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. Actively participated in the creation of the Transcaucasian Federation, a member of the Central Executive Committee. Considering that "European business" was revolutionary ousted from Baku and Kirov's role in this process... In short, Pavel Peprvy was killed two weeks after he sent the Cossacks to India...

In other words, the revolution and the subsequent history of power in the USSR are increasingly acquiring the smell of oil.

In short, your word, Comrade Mauser.

PS. The place of the Nobels is interesting here. The point is. that Nobel has spudded the INTERNAL Russian market, and the Rothschilds controlled - EXTERNAL, immeasurably more promising. The attempt of the Nobels to compete with the Rothschilds failed. But what is even more interesting, the Rothschilds LEFT RUSSIA in 1912 gave birth to their oil assets "Royal Dutch Shell". And now everything is also interesting: for it was led by Henry Deterding, who was associated with Parvus and financed the development of a plan for the destruction of the USSR, by Ferdinand Foch and the head of the American mission in Berlin, Drizel (his assistant was the future CIA chief Allen Dulles). At a conference organized by Deterding in 1927, the "Hoffmann plan" was considered, which provided for the organization of the intervention of the armies of the countries Western Europe against the USSR.

P.P.S. I would like to remind those who have forgotten that "the process began" exactly three weeks after Andropov became Secretary of the Central Committee. It took only three weeks for Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank to open its representative office in Moscow ON RED SQUARE. In order to appreciate this diplomatic moment, it is enough to recall that it is no accident that the French embassy stands on the old Kaluga road, along which Napoleon retreated from Moscow.