Abstract directly educational activities

Through the social world

"We are future students"

Purpose: formation of cognitive interest in the learning process at school.

Lesson progress:

Game-greeting "Kind word".

Children sit in a circle on chairs. Each in turn says kind words to the neighbor sitting on the right (left). Condition: the speaker looks into the eyes of the one to whom he speaks kind words

The teacher makes a riddle.

Guys, listen and guess the riddle:

In this establishment

Everyone has been through.

Doubles, geniuses

Marks received.

Artists studied here

Singers, gunners.

I will go there too

And all my friends. (School)

How did you guess that this is a school? What associations do you have with the word school? What do you guys think, what will we talk about in our lesson? (about school).

That's right, our lesson will be devoted to the school

You will be going to school soon. If children go to school for the first time, what are they called?(First graders)

What are the students carrying behind their backs? (backpack or knapsack) What do schoolchildren have in their briefcases, backpacks? (Pencil case, textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, eraser, colored paper, ruler)

How to name these objects in one word? (School supplies)

Exercise "What is in the briefcase ..."

Children sit on the floor in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to one of the children and names an object, for example: a pen, a notebook, a brick, felt-tip pens, an iron, a sandwich, a textbook, a flower, a pyramid, a pencil, a diary. If, according to the child, this item should be in the briefcase, he catches the ball, if not, there is no need to catch the ball.

Quiet-loud exercise

The teacher pronounces unfinished sentences, for example: “in the lesson you are talking ...” The task of the children is to shout: “Loudly!” - or whisper: "Quiet."

At recess you talk...

In class, you answer...

You greet the teacher...

In class, you ask your neighbor for a pen...

Want to check if you are ready for school? I've got assignments for you. They will be difficult but interesting. The first task for future students. Be careful.

The architect of the district announced a competition for the construction of the best house. Let's build it from geometric shapes (children build)
- What geometric shapes do your houses consist of? (triangles, squares, rectangles)
- Count how many triangles are in your house? (children's answers)
- How many squares? How many rectangles? (children's answers)

Game "Two-two-four".

Game progress:

Music is playing, children are dancing. The music stops, the teacher says the number. Children stand in circles according to the number.

Now we will rest.physical education minute.

I'll go to school in the fall, (Children walk in place)

I will find my friends there. (Stretch your arms forward, squeeze and unclench your fingers in a fist)

I will be such a scientist, (Head turns to the right, to the left)

But I won’t forget my garden (“They hug” themselves and raise their hands up)


- I will give you riddles, and you will find riddles on the table.

1. I'm in a line, I'm in a cage
I'm looking forward to a good mark.
I am silent in class
I want to be excellent.

2. In this narrow box
Anything for the soul
Pens, erasers, sharpener,
And colored pencils.
(pencil case)

3. Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.

4. How boring, brothers,
Riding on someone else's back.
Here the tenants are paper
All are terribly important.

5. Guess what the thing is
Sharp beak, not a bird
With this beak she
Sows-sows seeds
Not in the field, not in the garden
On the sheets of your notebook.
(a pen)

The next challenge is intelligence.

The planet we live on...

A large domestic animal that gives milk ...

Tools used to unscrew and tighten screws ...

Why is it necessary to go to school?

Who lends books to the library?

Who flies into space?

When does school start?

How many wings do birds have?

How many paws does a cat have?

Which is taller, tree or grass?

Which hand has more fingers, left or right?

Dynamic pause.

If you like it, then do it... (2 finger snaps)
If you like it, then do it ... (2 hand claps)
If you like it, then do it ... (2 claps on the knees)
If you like it, then do it ... (2 stomp)
If you like it, then show others
If you like it, then do it... (repeat all together)

Now listen to the poem and help complete it:
I will say the word HIGH
And you answer ... (low),
I will say the word FAR,
And you will answer ... (close),
I'll tell you the word coward,
Answer - ... (brave),
Now BEGINNING I will say
And you will answer ... (end)

Today we checked if you are ready for school. Now I see that you will make real students.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 9 "Sun" of a combined type"

Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo region

Abstract of directly educational activities in the speech therapy group preparatory to school “We are future schoolchildren!”


teacher - speech therapist Kozlovskaya G.D.

Prokopyevsk 2013

Summary of the final directly - educational activities, taking into account the integration of the educational areas "Communication", "Health", "Music", "Socialization" in the form of KVN on the topic "We are future schoolchildren!" in preparatory school speech therapy group

Target: demonstrate the level of readiness of pupils for school




    the degree of formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis on the material of words of various syllabic structures; ("Communication")

    the level of development of coherent speech based on the retelling of the text with the inventing of subsequent events using grammatically correct and logically complete sentences;

    the degree of mastering the skill of reading; ("Communication")

    the level of development of speech, auditory, visual and motor memory; ("Communication")

    formation of spatio-temporal orientations on oneself; ("Communication")

    development of language sense. ("Communication")

2. Reveal the level of formation of the moral-volitional sphere: fostering a sense of responsibility and mutual assistance. ("Socialization")

3. Demonstrate the development of the motor sphere, emotional reactions, the ability to combine movement and music. ("Health", "Music")

3. Assess the degree of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities and the ability to use them in self-development. ("Socialization")

Materials and equipment:

emblems of the Pochemuchek and Iskorok teams, a map of the city of Sounds and Letters, the inscription “KVN is ... Great! Interesting friendly! Difficult!.. Excellent”, signal cards of green and blue colors, twelve cards with pictures for composing words from the first sounds, two cards with words for highlighting an extra word, twelve cards with assignments (“Literacy” competition), a sound scheme for the word “school ”, cubes with the letters A, Z, B, U, K, A (2 each), items for laying out an obstacle course, a certificate and a diploma, nominal keys.

Methodical methods:

conversation, explanation, reading, did. exercises, did. games, guessing riddles, guidance in examining and analyzing subject pictures, story - reasoning.

The group is festively decorated. On the central wall - the city of Sounds and Letters, the inscription “KVN is ... Great! Interesting friendly! Difficult! Excellent!”, sounders.

Children enter to the music of V. Shainsky "Together it's fun to walk."

Introductory speech by a speech therapist.

Friends! We traveled for a long time around the city of Sounds and Letters of the wonderful country ABC.

Getting acquainted with the sounds and letters of our native Russian language, we made words from sounds, wrote them, read them, and solved puzzles with them.

In our classes, we learned to think, retell, compose stories. We did this not only in kindergarten, but also at home with mom, dad, grandparents. Here are our wonderful speech therapy notebooks, where “Clever”, “Well done”, “Keep it up!”, “I rejoice with you in success”, etc. Many of you have already received the title of “Future Schoolgirl” or “Future Schoolgirl” .

I invite you to take part in the KVN called "We are future schoolchildren!" - a competition of cheerful and resourceful people, where each participant must show their literacy and ingenuity, and together - show solidarity, comradely support and friendship.

    What is KVN? Read. (Refer to the central wall).

Today everyone has to earn their own talisman - a name key (a key with the first letter of his name), which will help you discover the secrets of literacy already at school.

So, teams take part in KVN

    "Sparkles", the captain of the team ...

    (Pay attention to team emblems)

    Why, team captain...

I represent the jury, which will evaluate the performance of competitive tasks.

(It is proposed by a jury consisting of the head, parents from both teams, a teacher - a speech therapist of another group).

Another important condition: in case of difficulty in completing the task, you can ask a friend for help - raise a green card, an adult - raise a blue card.

Referee-educators work with each team.

Team greeting



“We have a simple motto, friends!

Burn yourself, set others on fire,

Be ahead and period!


We are the guys "Why".

This is not white-handed for you,

Explore everything, find out everything

Do not look for easy paths!

Greeting another team

"Sparks" - "Why"

"Who does not burn, that smokes the sky!"

"Why" - "Sparks

« Your little porridge ate,

To defeat ours!

Jury welcome


"May your eyes be as sharp as this needle."


"And the conscience is clear, like this water."

(Team greetings are not scored.

Show the teams places, but the teams do not take places, since the next competition requires discussion.)

1 competitive task - blitz - tournament "Do you know the secrets of literacy?"

Exercise. Clearly, clearly, coherently and quickly answer the questions posed.

The time for discussion is one second, the answer is given by one person or group (the captain decides on the form of the answer, he is also responsible for the clarity of the team's work).

The jury evaluates the team's response to each question:

    1 point - complete, correct and quick answer;

    0.5 points - answer with comments;

    0.5 points - help from the other team.

1.- Remember the motto of the speech therapy group.

" One child.

Who wants to talk

He must speak

Everything is correct and clear

Sounds to make it clear.


We will talk

And we will speak

Everything is correct and clear

By sounds, so that it is clear.

Tell a poem about the vowels and consonants of the Russian language.

2.- How many vowels are there in Russian? Name them.

And how many vowels?

What are consonant sounds? Give examples.

3. -Remember the rule of division into syllables.

How to recognize a voiced consonant?

How many vowels are in the word

So many syllables

Everyone knows it

From kindergarten.

4.- Highlight the first sound in the team name. Tell everything you know about him.


(Teams take seats at the tables)

2 contest task "Riddles from our friends - sounders."

Exercise. According to the first sounds of words - pictures, make a new word. Write the resulting word in capital letters.

Each team member receives a card with pictures.

A participant who independently composed a new word receives 1 point - a blue chip.

The one who made the word with the help - 0.5 points and a white chip.

At the end, the total number of chip points is calculated. The winner of this competition is the team that independently, correctly and more will compose new words.

Referees deal cards


    fishing rod, plane;

dog, cloud, hammer;

fur coat, duck, mask;

shovel, duck, knives, pineapple;

cow, duck, bag, grass;

sledge, bus, scissors, whale, needle;

goose, cancer, donkey, car;

needle, doll, rocket, watermelon.

    knives, vegetables, plane;

fish, pineapple, cat;

mouse, vegetables, plane, tank;

rocket, duck, cat, bus;

needle, tie, rocket, watermelon;

doll, aquarium, cone, bus.

At the end of the work, the participant calls a new word. The referee evaluates the independence of work.

Chip counting and the jury's word.

3 contest task. Captains competition.

It is necessary to decipher the word according to the sound scheme of the word. Name the word by sounds.

Two hints are given in the form of puzzles (by the first sounds of words - pictures, compose a word (1) and mentally add the lower halves of the letters of this word (2).

Independent, fast and correct execution is estimated at 1 point,

with the help - 0.5 points.

Word: school

Pictures: ball, doll, donkey, lamp, aquarium;

cone, pencil, donkey, onion, watermelon.

Letters: W, K, O, L, A

4 competitive task "School riddles - explainers."

"There's still a game for you,

I'll start the verse now

I'll start and you finish

Add in unison."

    1. The letters are all from A to Z on the pages ... ( primer).

    2. Each student must take with him to school ... ( a diary).


    1.Who will color your album?

Well, of course,…( pencil).

    2. So that suddenly he does not disappear,

We will take it to ... ( pencil case).

    1. To have a place to write,

At school, we need ... ( notebook).

    2. To be smart adults and kids ,

Read more good ... (books).

This game is not judged .

Exercise. Each team is given a word card. You need to read four words, name an extra word. Explain why it is redundant.

(Words are laid out on an easel)

The time for discussion is 1 minute. The team is represented by one or two people. The activity and participation of each member of the team is important, this should be taken into account by the captain.

Highest score - one point for the most complete and sensible explanation;

0.5 points - for the answer with comments.

An interesting addition of the team is worth another 0.5 points.

The words:

pen book

pencil primer

chalk tutorial

board desk

Sample answers:

    1. Here the word “board” is superfluous, because a pen, pencil and chalk are writing accessories, that is, what we write with. A board is an object on which we write.

    2. A book, a primer and a textbook are the subjects from which we get knowledge.

And the desk is school furniture, it is superfluous.

The word of the jury for summing up the results of 3 and 4 competitions. General Account Announcement

5 contest task "We are dreamers!"

Exercise. First, each team needs to carefully listen to part of the story, then dream up and come up with their own interesting, dynamic end to the story.

I invite parents to take part in this competition. They, too, can present their version of the story, helping the selected team.

The story is judged from beginning to end.

1 point the team receives for an independent story with a logical, interesting ending;

0.5 points the team receives for the story presented with the help of questions, explanations.

0.5 points the team receives additionally for the story compiled by the parents.

    Team "Sparks"

Who? (According to E. Permyak)

Somehow two girls argued about which of them would be the best student.

    I will be the best student, - said one of the girls, - because

My mom already bought me a briefcase.

    No, I'll be the best student, said another girl. I already have

there is a briefcase, and a pencil case with handles, and a new dress.

The girls decided to ask their girlfriend who of them would be the best student at school. They came to visit her, and she reads the primer.

    What do you think their friend said to them? Continue your story.

    I have no time. I still have to read a whole page in the primer.

    Why, said the girls.

    And then, so as not to turn out to be a bad student, - said the girl.)

    Team "Why"

What are hands for? (E. Permyak)

Petya and grandfather were great friends. They talked about everything.

The grandfather of his grandson once asked:

    And why, Petenka, do people need hands?

    To play ball, - answered Petya.

    And for what?

    To pet the cat.

    And for what?

    How would you respond in Petya's place? Continue your story.

(The whole evening Petya answered grandfather. He answered correctly. Only he was small and judged all other people by his own hands, and not by the working hands that all life, the whole wide world is supported by.)

(After the presentation of the stories of the children, the answers of the parents are listened to.)

An exercise to liberate and create a positive emotional mood.

To the music of F. Chopin "Spring Waltz", the children stand in a circle, raise their hands up (fingers are connected together), then lower them. Then they hold hands, stand on their toes and, without separating their hands, raise them up. After that, slowly lowering their hands, squat down and close their eyes. By

At the end of the music, the children open their eyes, smile and go to their seats.

6 competitive task "Literacy"

"Let's go with you

Let's play with words.

And do it faster!”

All team members participate. Each participant receives a card with a task.

2. Complete the task.

3. The performance of the task is monitored by the referee - educators.

1 point - blue chip point colors are received by the participant who independently composed a new word.

The one who made the word with - 0.5 points and a white chip.

At the end, the total number of chip points is calculated. The winner of this competition is the team that independently completes the tasks correctly.


    Determine the position of the given sound (S, Z, R, L) in the word(beginning, middle, end). Mark with a pencil.

(Where does the C sound live in the word "airplane"?)

    Determine the position of the given sound (P, L, S, Z) in words. Put the pictures on the corresponding diagrams.

(Name the word with the sound C, where is C at the beginning?)

    Choose the appropriate scheme for the word "banana", "castle".

(What is the number that corresponds to the scheme of the word "banana" "lock"?)

    Choose the extra word bus, aquarium, watermelon, boat). Pay attention to the first sounds.

Choose the extra word (onion, crayfish, beetle, bus). Pay attention to the latest sounds.

(name the extra word)

    How many syllables in a word rocket, dog)?

    Guess the puzzles (water, Vova).

    Change letters to words so as the numbers suggest. Write down the word.

(What is the new word?)

The word of the jury for summing up the results of 5 and 6 competitions. General account announcement.

7 contest task. Game - relay race “The word crumbled. Who will put the word together faster?

Exercise. Each team is offered cubes with letters with the word "alphabet". The letters crumbled. The word "alphabet" must be added. In turn, overcoming obstacles, put the letter near the hoop, touch the first person in the column and stand last. The highest mark is one point for a quickly and correctly assembled word. The captain stands last and has the right to correct the mistake.


    jump over the bags;

    snake around the skittles

The word of the jury for this competition.

In the meantime, the jury is deliberating and identifying the team - the winner, we will turn into connoisseurs.

    What is the name of our city?

    Why is it called the "black pearl of Kuzbass"?

    What significant date is our city celebrating this year?

I present to your attention Tatyana Sycheva, a diploma winner of the City of Joy reading competition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the glorious city of Prokopyevsk. She will read by heart the poem "City of Miners" by Natalia Miller.

City of miners

I have been in love with my city since birth.

He shines like a pearl.

His warmth warmed the whole country,

And for me, there is no better place.

The city of Prokopyevsk - Pride of Siberia,

Coal is famous all over the world.

Let my song fly over Russia

Love in it and pride rings.

Live my city, grow up and in breadth,

I am proud that you are always young,

You glorified Siberia with your coal.

My Prokopyevsk is a hardworking city.

Miner's work has always been honorable.

Children follow the miners with delight.

There are other cities in the world

But my Prokopievsk is the best in the world.

Final word of the speech therapist

My friends! Today we passed the test with dignity, demonstrating our literacy and ingenuity, comradely support and friendship in the competition of cheerful and resourceful people.

The floor for summing up is given to the jury. (A diploma is awarded for the first place and a diploma to the participating team.

Each child is given a talisman - a key with the first letter of his name with the wishes of success and good luck in school life, further success for those who still remain in the garden).

Good luck, future schoolchildren, because very soon you will say “Goodbye, child! Hello school!


1 Volkovskaya T. N., Yusupova G. Kh. Psychological assistance to preschool children with general underdevelopment of speech. – M.: Knigolyub, 2004. – 104 p.

2. Low prices. Over 9100 educational programs. State diploma for courses, retraining and vocational training. Certificate for participation in webinars. Free webinars. License.

    The children sit on the carpet.


    - We listen to the riddle:
    Not a bush, but with leaves,
    Not a shirt, but sewn
    Not a person, but tells.
    (I take out the book).

    For you, this book has Entertaining puzzles»

    Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha
    Fluffy the cat, Druzhok the dog.
    How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (1)


    Vadim found 9 mushrooms,

    And then another.
    You answer the question:
    How many mushrooms did he bring?

    What season is it now?
    - If today is Thursday, what about tomorrow?
    - If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil ...?

    How many months in a year?
    - Name the spring months.
    How many ears do three mice have?
    How many ends do two sticks have?
    - If sister older brother then brother...?



    (I take out a pencil case)
    - What is this zippered wallet? Maybe it's for money? (children's answers)


    Open your notebooks, look at the assignment.
    If you find it difficult, raise the red signal.
    (During independent work I give landing instructions: “Even the briefcase frowned, because you do not take care of your health. "Sit down, please."


    - Who got this - the same image, raise the green signal cards.
    - I am very glad that the green signal cards have been raised. This means that all the tasks were completed correctly.
    - What does it look like?
    - Think about how you can finish the image so that it looks like a portrait of our guest.
    Dear briefcase, do you like your portrait?
    Guys, the briefcase says that he really likes the portrait, and he really liked you, real future schoolchildren.
    I am very happy for you today, you did all the tasks correctly, although they were not easy.


    What did you study today?
    - What did you especially like? What was difficult? And now I invite you to evaluate your work. Anyone who believes that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him take an asterisk, and whoever believes that he did not succeed in everything today - let him take a flag. (Children make their choice).

View document content
"Summary of OOD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations" We are future schoolchildren ""

Synopsis of GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations"We are future students"

Compiled by: teacher senior group Bodrova M.F., MBDOU kindergarten of a combined type, Achinsk, 2014

- To consolidate knowledge of numbers, mathematical signs. To systematize and expand knowledge about the school, to form a positive motivation to study at school through a specific situation. Promote development logical thinking through solving entertaining problems, involuntary attention with the help of a game technique. To consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes. To consolidate the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage. Contribute to the development of friendly relations, communication skills.
Preliminary work with children: guessing riddles, solving logical problems, individual lessons, conducting graphic dictations with children.
Demo material: Briefcase with school supplies.
(on one side with a sad expression, and on the other with a cheerful expression), cards with numbers
Handout: notebooks for each child, pencils, signal cards

Used methods and technologies: motivational mood, surprise mlment, elements of TRIZ-technologies, problem-search method and socio-game technologies.
Course progress.

    Organizing time.

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see
All my friends got up.
We'll go right now
Now let's go to the left
Let's gather in the center of the circle
And we'll all be back.
Smile, wink,
And we'll start playing again.

(Children do the exercises in accordance with the text).

II. Main part


Guys, it will take quite a bit of time, and you will become schoolchildren.
When will it happen? (Answers of children).


Now, in kindergarten, we talk a lot about school. And at school, you will probably remember kindergarten.
Let's think and say how kindergarten differs from school:
- In kindergarten, children sleep, but at school?
- In kindergarten, lunch, the nanny brings to the group, but at school?
- Do children go to kindergarten with handbags, or maybe without them, but is it necessary to go to school?
- They don't give grades in kindergarten, but at school?

Well done guys, I'm glad you know so much about the school.
An unusual guest came to our kindergarten.

And what kind of guest is this, you will find out if you guess the riddle:
The girl, the boy,
It contains notebooks, books,
Pen, brush, album,
There is no place for dolls in it!

Of course, this is a school bag!
(showing the children a school bag with a sad face painted on it)
Here he is! Oh, what is this? How do you think our guest is feeling? Why do you think so?

- Dear briefcase, why are you so sad? (the briefcase "whispers" in the teacher's ear). Everything is clear, there was a problem with the portfolio. He cannot find his master. Guys, what do you think, is it possible in such a difficult situation leave him alone? Let's cheer up our guest and show him that we also want to become schoolchildren. Dear briefcase, can I open you?
(I open my briefcase)


- Guys, listen to the riddle about what I will be the first to get out of the briefcase.
I am in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on me
Can you draw
What is me? (Notebook).

You also have notebooks on the tables, sit down at the tables, take them. Look at the first page of the notebook? What task do you think the briefcase has prepared for us? (children make guesses)

That's right, you need to cross out the numbers with a red pencil, and mathematical signs with green. (Children do the task).
- Well done guys, everyone coped with the difficult task.
What is left unmarked? ( Geometric figures) List them. (Answers of children).


Look, guys, even the briefcase smiled, he is also happy with your success.
(The bell rings).

- The guys at school call the students to the lesson and to the break. What do students do during recess? (Answers of children). And we will rest a little.

Physical education:
We work with our hands
We fly under the clouds
Hands down and hands up
We fly faster than anyone (They wave their arms like wings).
So that the legs do not hurt,
1- sit down, 2- sit down,
3, 4, 5 and 6
Together we walk together (walking in place)
And then we sit down (sit down at the tables)
Although the charge is short,
We rested a bit.

See what else is in the portfolio. (I take out the numbers). Why are they here, do you think? Please take one number each, look carefully at the numbers and tell us what groups we can divide them into? (Even - odd, large - small, red - blue, etc.) Let's decide on what basis we will divide into groups? (Children speak out and are divided into two groups).

- Teachers at school are very fond of order. Look in the portfolio are the numbers, they are messed up, let's put them in order.

The game "Stand in order"


Our guest prepared for us "Geometric figures". Here they are in front of you. Let's take a look at them. (Children look at the figures). The portfolio has prepared difficult questions for you and let each group agree among themselves how you will answer them. Someone will answer alone, or in turn. (Children offer their own options). For each correct answer, the team will receive a chip.


    How many figures have no corners?

    How many red figures?

    How many triangles?

    How many small figures?

    What is the name of the single figure?

    How many non-yellow figures?

    On what basis can all figures be divided?

    How many groups can these figures be divided into by color? Which?

    How many groups can these shapes be divided into? Which?

The children sit on the carpet.


Want to know what else is in the portfolio?
- We listen to the riddle:
Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but tells.
(I take out the book).

Of course, there are books in the portfolio. Schoolchildren learn from them and they are called textbooks. Repeat this word.
For you, this book has Entertaining puzzles». Do you want to show ingenuity and ingenuity? Then we listen very carefully.

Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha
Fluffy the cat, Druzhok the dog.
How many grandchildren does the grandmother have? (1)

4 birds are sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows? (2)

Vadim found 9 mushrooms,

And then another.
You answer the question:
How many mushrooms did he bring?

What season is it now?
- If today is Thursday, what about tomorrow?
- If the ruler is longer than the pencil, then the pencil ...?

If the table is taller than the chair, then the chair...?

If the road is wider than the path, then the path ...?

How many months in a year?
- Name the spring months.
How many ears do three mice have?
How many ends do two sticks have?
- If the sister is older than the brother, then the brother...?


Want to find out which team has earned the most chips? (chips are counted).

Guys, do you want to see what else the schoolchildren have in their portfolio?
(I take out a pencil case)
- What is this zippered wallet? Maybe it's for money? (children's answers)

Well done, of course - this is a pencil case. A pencil case is a very convenient and necessary thing. What would happen if there were no pencil case?

To complete the next task, we will also need a simple pencil and a checkered notebook. Please take your seats. But before we complete the task, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger game "In our group"

In front of you is a piece of paper with numbers on it. By connecting the numbers in order, we will find out who it is. And my guest and I will see how you can work independently.
Open your notebooks, look at the assignment.
If you find it difficult, raise the red signal.
(During independent work, I give a landing instruction: “Even the briefcase frowned because you do not take care of your health. “Please sit down correctly”).


See what image should have been, you will succeed.

(Children compare their picture with the picture on the board)
- Who got this - the same image, raise the green signal cards.
- I am very glad that the green signal cards have been raised. This means that all the tasks were completed correctly.
- What does it look like?
- Think about how you can finish the image so that it looks like a portrait of our guest.
Dear briefcase, do you like your portrait?
Guys, the briefcase says that he really likes the portrait, and he really liked you, real future schoolchildren.
I am very happy for you today, you did all the tasks correctly, although they were not easy.


What did you study today?
- What did you especially like? What was difficult? And now I invite you to evaluate your work. Anyone who believes that he has completely coped with the tasks - let him take an asterisk, and whoever believes that not everything worked out for him today - let him take a flag. (Children make their choice).

Model of the educational process in the senior group preschool age
Theme of the week: “We are future schoolchildren / Favorite kindergarten”
Main goal: To form primary ideas and a positive attitude towards the learning process at school (subjects, lessons,
grades, school supplies). Continue to acquaint with the kindergarten as the closest social environment of the child.
Work with parents on the theme of the week: Questioning "Information about children and parents." Making the parent corner to the new
academic year. Parent meeting "Raising children of the sixth year of life"
Final event: Mini-project "Our favorite kindergarten". Entertainment "September 1"
directly educational
Acquaintance with the environment
the world
1Theme: Kindergarten
Purpose: To give an idea about kindergarten
how about an institution where they "grow"
children, about employees of D\S
Source: Dybina, p. 28
2 Theme: Journey into the past
pens and pencils
Purpose: to develop interest in the past
Source: Dybina, "What was
to…”, from 88
Game activity
D / I "Pick up the color and shade"
C / R "Shop" (purchase of school
D / I "Who can't do without them"
R / I "Counting Sticks"
R / I "Guess where the sound comes from"
Topic: Properties of objects»
Purpose: To form skill
identify and compare properties
objects, find a common property
groups of items. Source:
Peterson L.G. p16
Speech development:
1. Theme: Narrative based

appearance of toys
Source: Ushakova st 46
teach children to describe
Types of activities and activities/
Forms of organizing children's activities
Communicative activity
Cognitive research activity
Conversation "Rules of Conduct"
Stories from the experience of children "How
older brother was going to
Conversation "Day of Knowledge"
Guessing and making riddles
on the topic "I take with me to school"
Writing a story about the school
Examining illustrations and pictures on the topic
"We are future students"
Consideration of illustrations on the topic: “Rules
Excursion to the school for the holiday "First of September"
Talk about toys in kindergarten
"In the world of toys" (development of purposeful
attention, memory, thinking)
Conversation "What is good and what is bad."
Experience "The sun dries things."
D / I "Earth, water, fire."
D / I "What is superfluous?".
Tour of the kindergarten.
A conversation about the origin of the book and about careful
handling her.
Conversation "Our group", "There are many in kindergarten
boys and girls", "On careful attitude to
toys and books
Consideration of plot pictures "Kindergarten",
"Children are playing..."
Perception of artistic
literature and folklore
Reading and memorizing poems about
school, teacher, first graders
Labor activity
constructive activity
Collective work in a group
Group duty
Canteen duty
Topic: "Vans and trucks bring groceries to
Purpose: To consolidate the idea that products
delivered to kindergarten by different means of transport,
clarify its components. Continue
analyze samples of buildings, highlight the main

parts of machines, their spatial arrangement,
additional details. Encourage builds machines
on the same basis.
Hearing and singing songs about
school and students
Visual activity
motor activity
Exhibition of joint creativity of children
and parents on the topic "Knowledge Day"
Drawing on the theme "School
Making bookmarks, attributes for
role-playing games on the topic "School"
Creation of collections of school
Miniproject "Our favorite children's
Drawing "My friends".
Stencils "Toys in kindergarten"
The game "Find the same objects and
color them"
Drawing "My Kindergarten"
morning exercises
Gymnastics awakening "Good
P / I "Who was named, he catches"
MP / I “Season, month, days
Articulation gymnastics
Didactic pause
Awakening gymnastics
Security Conversations
Why in a group
there must be order."
2. "Safety in
our group,
3. "Open doors,
it is dangerous! ",
4. "Height is dangerous
for life".
Conversation "How to
cross the street".
D / and "What lies where",
"Each thing has its own
Subject: We are pupils
senior group
Purpose: to provide an opportunity to experience
pride in being older
Source: Gerbova st 26
Preparing for literacy:
Lesson 1
children about the word

Larisa Klopova
Conversation "We are future schoolchildren"

Conversation: " We - future schoolchildren".

caregiver: Guys, do you know what day it is today?

caregiver: That's right - September 1st. Today children, your brothers and sisters went to school to the ceremonial line. Elegant, beautiful, bouquets of flowers.

Guys, it's started. academic year. And next year you will also go to school. ,

Why do you think children should go to school?

Children: AT school we will learn to read, write, count, we will learn a lot of interesting things about our country, about our native nature, about the life of children different peoples, about different countries about seas and oceans, and much more.

caregiver: AT school You will gain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Guys, we are also engaged in children's garden: drawing, sculpting, designing different buildings, counting, learning to pronounce sounds correctly.

In the classroom, we must be attentive, assiduous, listen carefully to the teacher in the classroom, not be distracted, not talk to our comrades.

Guys, now listen and guess riddle:

Everyone has been in this establishment.

Losers, geniuses received marks.

Artists, singers, gunners studied here.

I go there and all my friends.

Children: School.

caregiver: Guys, how did you guess what it is school?

Children's answers.

What associations do you have with the word school?

(portfolio, textbooks, notebooks, pen, etc.)

Soon you will go to school. If the children go to school for the first time what are they called?

First graders.

What is carried behind pupils?

Children: backpack or knapsack, briefcase.

Sun: What is at schoolchildren in briefcases, backpacks?

Children: pencil case, textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, eraser, colored paper, ruler.

What is one word for these items?

Children: shkvitsa olny with accessories.

Sun: Well done guys, you know what to take with you to school.

And now, guys, let's play with you.


AT I will go to school in the fall(children walk in place)

I'll find my friends there (stretch your arms forward, squeeze and unclench your fingers in a fist)

I'm such a scientist will(head turns right, left)

But your garden is not forget("hug" themselves and raise their hands up).

Sun: Guys, and now I suggest you listen to proverbs about the benefits of knowledge, the need to learn.

1. Good to teach who listens.

3. It's never too late to learn.

Guys, listen to another proverb and tell me how you understand:

The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning.

Children's answers.

Guys, now I see that you have learned to speak beautifully and explain your answers. You will need this in school.

And now, guys, please watch the puppet show as Barsik went to school.

Related publications:

The group spent leisure time dedicated to the birthday of the army - February 23. Children read poems, glorifying strength and power Russian army. Boys.

Authors: Kashirina E. V. and Parusova O. I. We thought for a long time how to spend this holiday so that it would be fun and everyone could participate. These children.

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OO Cognition-FEMP with integration of OO Development of speech ( preparatory group) Participants: children of the seventh year of life Purpose: Ability to hold visual.

KVN "Future railwaymen" PLAN - SUMMARY of a lesson in preparatory school speech therapy group MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 19 of the combined type of the city of Kanash on cognitive.

On the eve of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, we talked with the children of our group on the topic of space, looked at illustrations about space, and studied.

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