Hello, dear readers of the blog site. It’s probably not worth trying to understand all the words that the “next” generation uses when communicating, but some of them become so popular that they go beyond the environment where they were born. A little earlier, we already discussed similar slang words in publications on the topic, and much more.

Today I want to talk about another very commonly used word - hype. What is it, what does it mean, in what cases is it used, and what variations of its meaning exist (I must say, very different - from "hype" to a financial pyramid).

The very same word has already become so firmly established in youth slang and not only in it, that a bunch of words derived from it appeared (hype, hype, hype, etc.), which we will also talk about. But first things first.

Hype (hype) is a word from youth slang

As I mentioned above, the word "hype" has two different meanings and they are not strongly related to each other. The thing is that two different English words with different spellings in Russian are most often pronounced the same way.

  1. HYIP- this is not even a word, but an abbreviation for High Yield Investment Program - a highly profitable and allegedly high-risk investment project.
  2. Hype- hype, excitement, loud advertising, including deception, excitement (emotional), etc. Oh, how great and powerful the Russian language is, what English word it contains dozens of different analogues! Yes, and it is also important that the hype is bred around something or someone fashionable in this moment.

Despite the fact that I personally began to associate HYIP with HYIP (financial pyramid schemes) much earlier, it is the second option that is now the most popular.

Well, who cares to know about high-risk ways to make money? Units. But everyone could hear this word from famous bloggers or even read it in a note on a news site, and he has a natural question - “what is it?” Therefore, let's start with the meaning of the word "hype", which is related to youth slang, and for those who are interested in HYIP - a little lower I will devote a whole chapter.

Hype- the closest word to this in Russian (in my opinion) is hubbub(raise a noise or shout, yell), but it in itself, probably, is not understandable to everyone, so I gave explanations in brackets. The expression "inflate the hype" is very close in meaning to "raise the hubbub." It means here information noise most often in a positive direction (admiration sometimes reaching hysterics).

The word hype is most often used in relation to some media events covered in the media or the Internet (usually used in relation to something or someone fashionable Currently). Does it mean hype or hype, which is inflated (raised) around some event or person.

Tantrums often arise unjustifiably (from scratch - around an unremarkable object) and it is this situation that is intended to characterize the expression - "inexplicable but hype".

Remember what kind of hype (hustle, informational noise, excitement) was once raised around the game Pokemon Go (at that time, a fashionable hobby from small to large). You can also cite as an example tantrums about some newfangled gadget (such as a spinner), an application, a game, or some popular person. Yes, and any other fashion trends can turn into hype (for example, the Internet meme Zhdun).

What does hype and hype mean in simple words

hype- PR, actively advertise, promote, raise the popularity of something or someone, promote, inflate, raise a fuss around something (conduct viral marketing). hype- it means to become famous in something and somewhere (to make a splash).

Sometimes this word is also used as a synonym for “hang out”, have fun, rock out (light up), be in trend, ride on a fashionable wave. It already turns out that we hype ourselves in this way, i.e. make it fashionable (cool), make people talk about themselves, admire them, like them, etc. In this case, we apply the term, which is discussed in a separate note, given by reference.

The video of a popular video blogger called “Hypanem a little bit” gained 13 million views in three months (it turns out not badly so annealed):

Hype- this word just develops the second hypostasis of the verb "hype" (hype) and means fashionable, "located in the subject" (if applied to a person, not to a thing), popular, adored.

For example, the common expression "hype shit" means fashionable (cool) things (clothes) that should be in the wardrobe of any hype (following current youth fashion) teenager. For example, Gosha Rubchinsky was once a hype, but now other brands and styles that have ascended the Olympus of youth fashion have already been noted with this word.

HYIP is a financial project doomed to failure

So we got to the second meaning of the word HYIP, based on the abbreviation HYIP. It stands for High Yield Investment Program, which means highly profitable investment project.

Let's just say that no investments are made in such projects (in any case, super-high income has nothing to do with these investments). Although high incomes themselves are possible and a small part of the project participants manage to get them, but only by robbing the rest of the participants, who in the end are left with a nose.

Can you imagine an investment area where you could pay money borrowers (project participants) from 1%(and this is already about three, four thousand percent per annum) up to 50% of income daily depending on the type and life span of the HYIP. Is it possible to invest only in bottled water, but this is already beyond good and evil 🙂

Almost all HYIP projects are based on the so-called Ponzi scheme. This genius in 1920 organized the world's first pyramid scheme, which successfully collapsed in the same year, and its author went to jail. The essence of the Ponzi scheme is quite simple.

A company (project) is opened that accepts money from investors at a very high percentage. The main thing in such a scheme create a stir - raise the hype(this is where the first meaning of the word is meant) and get a vote of confidence by paying interest to the first investors from the money received from those who invested in the pyramid later.

HYIP project is closed, when the inflow of money from new investors ceases to cover the cost of paying interest to those who invested in the pyramid earlier. Although, at the request of the organizer, the scheme can be closed earlier in order to hit the jackpot and hide in the bushes in time. Therefore, the average life of a HYIP mainly depends on the amount of income that the project promises to its investors. The more income, the sooner the collapse will come.

Examples of HYIP projects - who and how makes money on it

There are three types of HYIP projects according to their life span:

  1. Fast - crazy incomes are offered (up to 50% daily with daily payments), but this miracle can die very quickly. The probability of burning out is higher than in roulette, but the prospect of hitting a huge jackpot throws many into this bottomless pool of deception.
  2. Medium duration - incomes in such a hype are more moderate (up to 3% daily), but such a project can also live much longer (six months, less often a year). Investments here are less risky, but also less profitable. Although you can easily lose everything, hitting the moment the bubble collapses.
  3. Long-playing - in order to last a long time, such a HYIP project should offer lower interest rates and increase the payment period from daily to weekly. In this case, according to the law of the pyramid, it can exist for much longer (for years), if external forces do not intervene.

With the development of the Internet, HYIP projects are experiencing a second youth. In the offline world, few people will now lead, because everyone is still fresh in the memory of the scammers from MMM, Khoper-Invest, Chara and other HYIPs of the 90s of the last century (in Russia). But on the Internet, HYIP successfully thrive masquerading as cloud mining of cryptocurrency (), under various financial games, under PAMMs or under very original schemes.

For example, a few years ago in Russia they implemented a very original HYIP for iPhone delivery from abroad. They offered to get this hype gadget at a price significantly lower than the market price. Those who did not believe were dissuaded by the happy owners of the latest devices () bought for ridiculous money.

Naturally, the money of those who ordered the iPhone later covered the difference in price. The scheme lasted until the release of the next version of the iPhone, and when a cloud of money was collected for their purchase (some ordered dozens in order to make money on resale), everything suddenly ended. The HYIP closed (bursted), taking with it the money of thousands of the "smartest" inhabitants of Runet.

As you understand, do not be in HYIP projects opportunities to earn (a lot and immediately), there would not have been so many people who wanted to participate in them. There are people who, knowing in advance about the nature of hype (in fact), try to profit from them by investing in the early stages in order to have time to jump out in time and take the money (throwing the rest of the losers together with the organizers).

For such “players”, there are even special online services where the status of the most popular hype projects at the moment is monitored so that they can jump off the train flying into the abyss in time. Another question is that no one guarantees the real usefulness of such services, but they exist and network "gentlemen" of luck use them.

Research work on the topic:


Done by 8th grade student

MBOU secondary school with. Stepanovka

Artemiev Vadim

scientific adviser

Russian teacher and

Literature by A.P. Artemyev


1. Introduction………………………………………………............................. ...............................3

2. The history of the existence of slang……………………….................................................... .....................four

3. Slang as a mirror of life…………………………................................................ ..............................5

4. Youth slang……………………………................................................... .................................

4.1 Slang of students of MBOU secondary school in the village of Stepanovka………........................................... ............................................... 6

4.2. Classification of slang taking into account semantics .................................................... .................7

4.3. Ways and methods of obtaining slang…………………………………………………………………………………… ...........................eight

5. Conclusion ............................................... ................................................. .....................................9


Application................................................. ................................................. .........................eleven

1. Introduction

Youth slang is not imposed on anyone, it simply exists. And in order to be included in the youth community, to become “one of them” in it, a young person must not only be fashionable for his age, but also speak the language characteristic of him. age group, namely to own and use youth slang.

I chose this topic because its relevance is obvious. Youth slang is a special form of language. It does not remain constant. With the change of one fashionable phenomenon to another, old words are forgotten, they are replaced by others. This process is very fast. If in any other slang a word can exist for decades, then in youth slang only over the past decade of rapid world progress an incredible number of words have appeared and gone down in history. But there are also things that have not undergone special changes. But their slang designations do not remain unchanged. There is a process of generational change, and those words that seemed fashionable and funny five to seven years ago now look outdated. Fashion changes, trends in society change, some words just get boring.

The purpose of my work is to identify the reasons for the use of youth slang, its interaction with the literary language. To understand how the consciousness of young people, their value and moral guidelines are reflected through this linguistic layer. Track the origins of slang, varieties.

The relevance of the problem lies in the fact that youth slang is one of the components of the process of language development, its replenishment, its diversity. Without knowing this layer of vocabulary, it is impossible to have a complete understanding of the language as a developing phenomenon.

2. The history of the emergence of slang.

Slang is the same as jargon. This is an option colloquial speech(including expressively colored elements of this speech), which does not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as is clear from its nomination itself, but by social, temporal, and spatial limits. It exists among urban student youth and individual more or less closed reference groups.

Like all social dialects, it is only a lexicon that feeds on the juices of the national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, three stormy waves in the development of youth slang have been noted. The first dates back to the 20s, when the revolution and Civil War, having destroyed the structure of society to the ground, gave rise to an army of homeless children, and the speech of teenagers and youth students, who were not separated from homeless children by impenetrable partitions, was colored with many "thieves" words.

The second wave falls on the 50s, when "dudes" took to the streets and dance floors of cities.

The emergence of the third wave is not associated with the era of turbulent events, but with a period of stagnation, when the suffocating atmosphere of public life in the 70s and 80s gave rise to various informal youth movements and “hippie” young people created their own “systemic” slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology.

3. Slang is like a mirror of life.

Slang reflects the lifestyle of the speech community that gave birth to it. The most developed semantic fields are “Man”, “Appearance”, “Clothes”, “Housing”, “Leisure” (party, music, smoking,).

You can get some evidence of the evolution of the youth language. For example, “chicks”, “dudes”, “girls” have become a thing of the past. Now young people call girls "chicks". If a young man is wealthy, well-dressed (“packed”, “pretend”), has a car (“wheelbarrow”), then they say about him: “Well, you’re just an ace”, as well as “cool” or “serious”. Young people are "increased steepness", but there are also "twisted", i.e. not very "cool". In the light of the foregoing, it is worth quoting, probably now a fashionable saying: “Only eggs are cooler than you, only stars are higher than you.” When talking about each other, young people refer to themselves as "dudes". If a company gathers, it is called a "get-together" or "session".

Each new phenomenon should receive its verbal designation, its name. And since almost all of them (with rare exceptions) appear in America, Europe, then naturally we get it in the dominant English language. Russians use original terms, but the lack of a sufficiently standardized translation has led to a trend towards so much youth slang.

Many words are quite cumbersome and inconvenient in daily use. Therefore, there is a powerful tendency to reduce, simplify words.

4. Youth slang

4.1 Slang students MBOU secondary school s.Stepanovka

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon. Therefore, this topic interested me. In this work, I decided to identify the reason for the use of youth slang, its interaction with the literary language. I tried to show the ways and means of obtaining slang, classified it taking into account semantics. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among students in grades 9-11. They had to answer the following questions:

    What do you think is slang: illiteracy or the desire to be visible in society?

    Give examples of slang that you use in your speech.

Most of the respondents, 45 people, believe that slang is the desire to be visible in society. 6 schoolchildren believe that slang is illiteracy, and seven offered their own version.

The formation of a dictionary, the so-called "systemic" slang, occurs due to the same sources and means that are characteristic of the language in general and Russian in particular. Having studied the speech of students in our school, I came to the conclusion that borrowings are rare. Examples of borrowings: flat (eng. " flat") - apartment, loaves (eng. " button") - keyboard buttons, kopf (German " kopf") - head. Basically, all slangs of Russian origin, but with a different meaning: grandmas - money, a nerd - too diligent, a goblin - an old-fashioned person, a woodpecker - a scammer, a cupcake - a person of no benefit, twix - deuce, garlic - an honest person.

Morphological methods of formation are also presented. The following words are formed in a suffixal way: double (-yak-) - deuce, discar (ar-) disco, birthday (- yuh-) - birthday. Truncation examples: teacher, computer-computer, clave-keyboard, etc.

The survey results are shown in charts and a dictionary. (See Applications).

4.2 Classification of youth slang according to meaning

Based on semantics, three types of slang can be distinguished:

    Emotional words and expressions. This includes, first of all, lexemes used in jargon only as emotional exclamations. Emotives like cool, fly away, plague, etc. . The same group includes phrases: "full atas", "full paragraph" .. Emotional units expressing generally positive emotions: cool, high. The meaning of the above emotives can be conveyed by the words "good", "excellent". Emotional units expressing generally negative emotions: gloom, in a meanness, Bobik is dead. The meaning of these emotives is reduced to the meaning of "bad", "terrible".

    Words and expressions with emotional meaning. These emotional units are characterized by the fact that, while functioning in speech, they not only express emotional condition speaker, but also name the emotion he is experiencing. This, first of all, includes verbs like: baldet, get high, trudge. Phraseological combinations: precipitate and others. It should be noted that, as in the previous case, the emotions experienced are not expressed specifically, but in the most general view as a state of psychological comfort or, conversely, discomfort. This group of emotional units includes emotives, which, from a formal point of view, are combinations of nouns with a preposition (such as buzz, scrap, joint, etc.), already mentioned in the first group.

    Emotional speeches. In their form, they are similar to incentive constructions that have "the meaning of an expression of will addressed to the interlocutor", but unlike these constructions, emotional speeches do not at all suggest immediate execution by the addressee of the speaker's will, especially since from a logical point of view this would be absurd ("go you feed the hedgehogs", "go to the stump", "go vacuum the desert").

4.3 Ways and means of obtaining slang

The formation of the dictionary of the so-called "systemic" slang occurs due to the same sources and means that are characteristic of the language in general and Russian in particular.

Foreign-language borrowings, and almost exclusively English-language borrowings.

1) Tracing paper (full borrowing)

2) Semi-tracing paper (borrowing the basis)

1. Tracing paper

This method of education includes borrowings that are not grammatically mastered by the Russian language. In this case, the word is borrowed entirely with its pronunciation, spelling and meaning. Such borrowings are subject to assimilation. Each sound in the borrowed word is replaced by the corresponding sound in Russian in accordance with phonetic laws. These words seem foreign in pronunciation and spelling, they correspond to all norms of English language. For example, kopf - head (from German), flat - apartment (English "Flat").

2. Half tracing

When a term is transferred from English to Russian, the latter adjusts the accepted word to the norms not only of its phonetics, as in the previous group, but also of spelling with grammar. During grammatical assimilation, the English term comes at the disposal of Russian grammar, obeying its rules. The words of this group are formed as follows. Derivative models of the Russian language are added to the original English basis by certain methods. These include, first of all, the diminutive - affectionate suffixes of nouns -ik, -k (a), -ok and others, there is also a suffix -yuk, which is characteristic of vernacular in Russian. For example: "bezdnik" - birthday, soap (comp.) - e-mail, e-mail, e-mail (from English mail), shersherit - search. In accordance with the fact that one of the reasons for the need for slang is the reduction of long professionalisms, there is such a technique as the technique of univerbization (reduction of a phrase to one word). A fairly large number of words in this group came from various abbreviations, names of various protocols, firms. Derivatives from various readings of these abbreviations fell into Russian slang. In this way, many words have appeared.

In terms of productivity, non-morphological methods of education are in the first place:

Changing the meaning of an existing word: paragraph - "the end of something", botanist - "too diligent, boring student, garlic -" an honest person.

Morphological methods of education:

Truncation (abbreviation of words). For example: person-person, computer-computer, reparation-rehearsal

Suffixal: birthday (-yuh-) - "birthday", diskar (-ar-) - "disco"

5. Conclusion

Slang in Russian is a kind of "outlet". The survey showed that slang helps to stand out in society. In order to be included in the youth community, to become “one of them” in it, a young person needs not only to be fashionable by age, but also to speak the language characteristic of his age group, namely, to own and use youth slang.

After examining the speech of students in our school, I came to the conclusion that borrowing is poorly represented in the slang of schoolchildren. Basically, all slang is of Russian origin, but with a different meaning. For example: “fuck off” - leave, “fly away” - the highest class. There are many words that have related meanings. For example: "small fry" - small children, "kapets" - everything is gone. There are abbreviated words, such as: "dirik" - director, "classwoman" - classroom teacher. In the colloquial speech of students, I would single out the following words of English origin: “hawa” - to have, “gerla” - gerl, “cool” - class, “mel” - male, “step” - step, “hair” - hair, “ dance" - dance, "boyfriend" - boyfriend, "trink" - drink. These words make up a small part of school slang.

The main methods of education: full borrowing, partial borrowing, truncation, suffix.

It seems that youth slang should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other slang systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates into literary language and stay there for many years.


Annex 1. What is slang? Illiteracy or the desire to be visible in society?

The diagram was compiled on the basis of a survey of students in grades 9-11 of the MBOU secondary school in the village of Stepanovka

Appendix 2

Dictionary of youth slang based on a survey of students in grades 9-11 MBOU Secondary School v. Stepanovka

paragraph - the end of something

ascetic - constantly working person

ICQ - a program for messaging over the network

grandmother - money

buttons - keyboard buttons

head - head

bezdnik - birthday

nerd - too diligent, boring student

brutally unusual

all in a bunch - excellent

to be surprised - to be surprised

goblin - old fashioned man

double - double

dynamite - deceive


birthday - birthday

dubak - cold

woodpecker - scammer

no brainer - very obvious

grub - food

chill - change the subject, forget

gate - mouth, jaw

buzz - pleasure

cupcake - a person who is not useful

clave - keyboard

cool - good

mower - a thousand rubles

cool - great

lafa - happiness

mobile - mobile phone

darkness is bad

soap - email

soap dish - cheap camera

bummer - the destruction of any plans

hostel - hostel

in parallel - indifferent, all the same

steam - think

on foot - on foot

get a pair - get a deuce

teacher - teacher

pyatkhatnik - five hundred rubles

real - expresses agreement

turnip - rehearsal

respect - a sign of complete approval

parents - parents

wheelbarrow - car


cart - denunciation

telly - TV

pipe - telephone

party - party

flying - good

uni – university

teacher - teacher

flat - apartment

eat - eat

havchik - food

freebie - rest

hut - house

teapot - an inexperienced user of any technique. AT last years this word is so entrenched in the language that it even got into the titles of books (“Internet for Dummies”) and took shape in the form of a sign attached by freshly baked drivers to the rear windows of their cars.

person - person

garlic is an honest person

chick - girl

plague - excellent

to shy away - to be afraid

shoelaces in a glass - parents at home

to be afraid - to be afraid

7. References:

1. S.I. Ozhegov. Dictionary Russian language.

2.Universal dictionary of the Russian language.

Types of jargon: army jargon, journalistic jargon, computer slang, gaming jargon, network jargon, slang jargon, Fidonet jargon, youth slang, amateur radio jargon, junkie slang, football junkie slang, criminal jargon, Fenya.

Let's consider some of them.

> youth slang

For example, youth slang.

Youth slang, examples of words of which we will give below, is replenished every year. Perhaps the most voluminous collection of "corrupted" words is youth slang. Their vocabulary mainly consists of words and phrases borrowed from foreign language. Foreign speech in the Russian version has reached such a distribution due to its widespread use. Therefore, modern youth slang is more and more similar to the speech of an American with a Russian accent. The most commonly used examples of youth slang are as follows:

· Freebie, hack-work - free of charge, irresponsibly.

· Beautiful - well done.

· Chop loot, catch the jackpot - earn money, sometimes illegally.

· Sniffed - understood, and sometimes in the meaning of "flew away" - left, fled.

· To hit the road - to run after something.

· To storm, kumarit, to be carried away - to be under the influence of narcotic substances.

· Bratella, bro - brother, peer.

· Sausage, hang out - dance, go to clubs and parties.

· Rodaki - parents.

Dad, grandfather - dad, father.

These words of youth slang are familiar to almost every one of us, as they have firmly entered our vocabulary due to their prevalence and recognition.

Statistics show that slang is inherent in young people from 12 to 22 years old. When young people enter an adult conscious life, they stop actively using slang expressions.

Girlfriends from the 2010s make plans for the evening:

“It’s not possible to walk today, the weather is just kapets, it’s raining all day and it’s cold! Therefore, go to the clubhouse, I think. Just don’t ask to take a DSLR, it’s heavy in shock. I’ll take a soap dish, stop taking pictures for us. , don't take it. He may be a carbon monoxide dude, but it's painfully wild when he drinks. Everything, as soon as I'm at your stop, I'll throw off the beggar, otherwise there is no money on the phone. Get out there right away. "

> Criminal jargon

Criminal jargon can be defined as a natural phenomenon that reflects the specifics of the criminal subculture, the degree of organization and professionalization of the criminal environment.

The reasons for the emergence of criminal (thieves') jargon, according to Yu. Dubyanin, a prominent expert in the criminal subculture, lie primarily in the perverted psychology of criminals - recidivists, the essence of which is characterized by a peculiarity of their personality. Artificially creating and instilling in themselves and those around them an opinion about their exclusivity, devotion, extraordinaryness and superiority over others, they contribute to the spread of the opinion about the supposedly real decency of criminal authorities.

Criminal jargon (fenya, thieves music, etc.) is in constant development. Currently, there are more than 15,000 words and phrases in it. Depending on the region, the meanings of individual words may not match. The main part of it is thieves' or prison jargon. Jargon of pimps and prostitutes, drug addicts, minors, etc. stand out as its constituent parts.

Most researchers believe that the thieves' jargon is based on the language of the ofenes (peddlers) - small merchants who walked around the country and sold goods, so to speak, consumer goods: linen, icons, jewelry, certain types products, etc.

Many researchers believe that in the process of developing the thieves' (criminal) jargon, it absorbed a significant number of words from the jargon of sailors, beggars, etc.

Why was criminal jargon invented and exists? First of all, it is intended to encrypt messages so that the uninitiated cannot understand what in question or would have misunderstood.

One of the functions of criminal jargon is to identify persons sent by law enforcement agencies. Usually, persons posing as thieves in law, other major authorities or simply introduced into the criminal environment to perform some task successfully fail the language "exam".

Criminal jargon also provides the inner life of the criminal community associated with entertainment, sexual life, work, etc.

It should be noted that criminal jargon spreads very quickly among minors. The reason for this is its expressiveness, imagery, mystery, etc.

Many words and phrases have long and firmly entered the everyday language and are no longer perceived as vocabulary related to criminal jargon. For example, practically not a single newspaper article can do without a capacious slang word "lawlessness". The expressions “put against the wall” (sentence to capital punishment), “tower” (execution), “cop, garbage” (police officer), “snitch” (informant), etc. have become familiar.

At present, no one, of course, speaks completely in criminal jargon, and no one knows how. Another thing is that the speech of criminals, and not only criminals, is often "diluted" to a greater or lesser extent with vocabulary from criminal jargon. Quite often it is used in prison lyrics, for example:

Mas heeling - zyryu kent, and after him the cop winds. "Two on the side, - I shout, - Kiryukha!" God sent, the ripples are coming down.

We fell into a chaise and we rushed to the ban. It was a lucky night - 2 corners were rolled off: moldings, kempel, prokhoria. Our Kali is a good man, he paid off a little pennies. Having thought this way and that, we went to the tavern. Garbage tied us up, we tied it up.


I walk - I see a friend who is being followed by a policeman. “Friend, there is a policeman nearby,” I shout. God sent us a taxi, which we got into. And we went to the station. The night was successful. 2 suitcases were stolen: clothes, hats, shoes. The buyer of stolen goods is a great man, he paid with money. On reflection, we went to a restaurant. There we were detained by the police. On this we stopped stealing.

The fight against criminal jargon, as experience shows, is ineffective due to, as already noted, its capacity, expressiveness, accuracy, irony and other factors. Coercive measures are especially ineffective - punishments for the use of slang words.