As you know, the autumn draft 2019 will begin in October, so men from 18 to 27 years old can soon receive a summons to appear at the recruiting station. What does a conscript need to know and be able to do, what to expect from the draft board, how to get a deferment? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

Term of service in the army in 2019–2020

Before each new call to the public, there are many rumors that the term of service in the army will be extended to 1 year 8 months, and sometimes up to two years. But you definitely shouldn't believe the rumors. It is best to trust the current legislation, which states that the recruits of 2019 will have to repay their debt to the Motherland for twelve months.

When does the fall 2019 military draft start?

In 2019, the beginning of the autumn conscription falls on October, with the exception of the Far North, where the conscription will begin on the first of November.

In view of this, any conscript has protection from the draft board until October 1st. When receiving a summons at an unspecified time, you should not be scared, most likely, the military registration and enlistment office employees just want to clarify some data that is missing.

When does the fall recruitment end?

Important! They can call for a medical examination and call for service directly during this period of time. Cases of violation of the recruitment procedure by the commission are extremely rare, but nevertheless, if the deadlines are violated, the conscript has the right to challenge this in court, which, according to the law, will be on his side in such a situation.

How many conscripts will leave to serve in the fall

The number of conscripts depends on the conscription plan, which is personally approved by the President of the Russian Federation. Taking into account these figures, military registration and enlistment offices draw up lists of conscripts, according to which summons are sent out after a while.

If we look at the statistics, it can be noted that the number of recruits is decreasing every year. Last year, more than 623,000 people received subpoenas, 75% of whom received a reprieve. That is, only 152,000 people were called up. For comparison, in 2009, the draft recruited 300,000 military personnel, and in 2011 - 218,000. For the past few years, this number has fluctuated around 150,000, therefore, this year it will remain unchanged.

The question arises by itself: why did the number of recruits decrease by half compared to 2009? There are several reasons for this. The fact is that now the majority of conscripts are children of the 90s. At that harsh time, very few families risked having a second child, as it was very difficult to support even one. In simple words, this can be described as a demographic failure. Another positive reason is the development of contract service. Today, conscripts face a difficult choice: serve a year of military service for free, or two years on a contract, receiving considerable financial support.

Exceptions to the terms of the autumn call

The autumn conscription begins on the first of October, not for everyone. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for exceptions in the terms of the autumn conscription for the following groups:

  • inhabitants of the Far North. The beginning of the call for men of this region begins a month later - on the first of November;
  • villagers. In connection with the harvesting and sowing of the crop, the military registration and enlistment office may slightly delay the draft of this population group. However, for this you need to have documents confirming the fact that such work has been carried out. This may be a work book, an employment contract, and the like;
  • young teachers are completely exempted from the autumn draft due to the beginning of the school year. But this delay is temporary, and during the spring draft they will still have to repay their debt to the Motherland.

Innovations in the army in 2019

Officially, there are absolutely no innovations for this year. But not everyone knows about the innovations that have been introduced in recent years. Those who think that military personnel are still wrapping footcloths around their feet are deeply mistaken.

Recently, soldiers have been officially allowed to use mobile phones on weekends, and sometimes more often.

In recent years, military personnel have been given a new type of uniform, which is popularly called the "office" one.

Among other innovations, it is worth noting that each fighter is fully provided with bath accessories, which are issued along with a travel bag - a men's cosmetic bag.

Autumn call 2019 for university graduates

For those who have recently graduated from a higher educational institution and received a diploma, the Russian army offers special conditions - contract service. Instead of a year of military service, it is proposed to serve two, but on special conditions that have a number of positive factors. The most significant of them is a good (in relation to military service) financial security. Also, employees under the contract have the right to live outside the military unit, that is, to leave its limits after 17:00 and return back at 6:00, except for the days of carrying outfits.

Recently, scientific companies have been introduced on the territory of Russia. Today there are only 12 of them, and 600 soldiers from all over the country are serving there. In other words, only 0.2% of recruits have a chance to get into such a unit, and the competition reaches 25 people per place. The conditions for serving in such units are much better than in ordinary ones, so those who really consider themselves worthy to serve in a scientific company should definitely try to pass the selection.

The activities of the territorial conscription commission

The territorial commission accepts personal information about the conscript provided by him, as well as by the medical commission. Analyzing these data, a decision is made to grant a deferment, transfer the conscript to an alternative civilian service, or about the unsuitability of a person for military service.

It will be useful for everyone to study the specifics of the work of the draft commission, since everything related to the draft depends on its decision. In case of any illegal actions, the decision of the commission can be easily appealed to higher authorities.

Future conscripts, of course, should delve into the study of legislation in advance, with regard to conscription, so that their rights are not infringed.

Recently, many scammers have divorced who offer money to help evade service. You should definitely not give in to the temptation, since in most cases it is illegal, and in doing so, you can not only lose money, but also receive more severe punishment, up to a prison term. No wonder they say that military service makes a man out of a boy, so draft evasion is most often unjustified. Successful service!

Military conscription is carried out in order to attract citizens to the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Call-up activities are carried out by the Ministry of Defense annually in spring and autumn. Recruits are recruited into the army to ensure the country's mobilization reserve in the future. In 2020, young people will receive subpoenas for the same recruitment periods as in 2019.

Will there be a call in 2020?

For many years there has been a rumor about a mercenary army, where they will serve exclusively on a contract basis. In this case, the urgent call will be abolished. In fact, this will not happen in the near future. In 2020, young people will receive summons for military service. Also will not be extended.

Conscription plans

The Ministry of Defense determines the number of conscripts for each individual call. In, as a rule, mass recruitment into the ranks of the Russian army is carried out. This happens at the expense of students who did not pass the second session. In this case, the student loses the opportunity to take advantage of the delay and undergoes a medical examination. This year, innovations are not expected either in terms of the terms of the call (its schedule remains the same), or in the duration of the service.

Conscription Order 2020

The 2020 draft campaign will take place within the same calendar framework as in previous years. The terms of service and temporary boundaries of the draft period, determined by the law of the Russian Federation "On military duty and military service", will not be changed. So, in the spring, young people from 18 to 27 will receive summons to the military commissariat for the period from April 1 to July 15, from October 1 to the end of December.

Special categories of conscripts

Conscription dates are not the same for all citizens.

1. Citizens living in the Far North are called up a month later - in the spring from May 1, and in the fall from November 1. These include those who live in regions equivalent to the conditions of the Far North. The call ends for these categories of citizens at the same time as for everyone.

2. Teachers receive agendas only during spring recruiting events from May 1 to July 15. They are not called up in autumn.

3. Villagers employed in the sowing field get the opportunity to complete agricultural work. For them, the call begins from October 15 to December 31. In the spring, young villagers are not subject to conscription.

Who will be drafted into the army in 2020?

The federal law "On Military Duties and Military Service" clearly defines the categories of people who are obliged to serve in the army, who have the right to defer their service, and those who are finally exempt from conscription.

Young people aged 18-27 are citizens. A number of provisions of the law provide for the cases in which it is possible to be released from the army temporarily or permanently.

1. Postponement. Pupils and students can resort to this right for the duration of their studies, citizens with category G for health, as well as citizens who have good reasons for family reasons.

2. Medical indicators. The restriction in the service awaits those who are assigned . Full exemption from military duty is guaranteed by.

3. An academic degree makes it possible to get rid of the army.

4. Criminal record. Term and contract service is not possible if there is an unexpunged conviction. The same applies to outstanding convictions.

5.Kinship relationships. A young man will not be called if he is the son or brother of the deceased in military service or during training camps.

6. Age. At the age of 27 years + 1 day, a citizen becomes unconscripted by age.

How is the recruiting process going?

When the call to the army is read, summons are handed to male citizens who have reached the draft age. On the specified date, by the appointed time, you must appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the specified address. The conscript passes the military medical commission.

According to the results of the inspection, a decision is made on the assignment. Based on this, the young man is recognized as fit or unfit for the army. If at the same time he does not have the right to a delay, then the young man receives a summons, and he is taken to the army on the days indicated on the agenda. After some time, he is sent to the duty station.

It is important to know: if you come earlier or later than the deadline for recruiting events, then the results of the inspection will be invalid, and the actions of the military enlistment office employees will be illegal.

Also, subpoenas that come to citizens who have are considered illegal. This is stated in the Decree "On approval of the regulation on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service." Clause 7 states that citizens with a delay do not pass a military medical commission.

Legal support

If the draft board violates the rights of the draftee, then you can resort to the help of an experienced lawyer. Our law firm provides comprehensive assistance to conscripts and represents their interests in court in resolving disputes with the military registration and enlistment office.

Conscription for military service in the Russian Federation takes place in two stages, which are traditionally called autumn and spring conscription. In this article, we will tell you when the call begins and ends, who can be called up for military service, and also consider situations that allow you to get a deferment or exemption from service. This information may be useful to anyone who wants to know until what date the military registration and enlistment office can send subpoenas, how the 2020 draft is different, and what to do if a person does not want to serve in the Russian army.

Conscription Campaign 2020

During the draft, every young person is required to undergo a medical examination at the military commissariat. After that, a meeting of the draft board is convened, where, based on the results of the medical board, a decision is made on whether the young man can serve in the army. If a conscript has any serious illnesses during the examination, he may be sent for an additional examination. If he is completely healthy, he will be given a summons to be sent to the troops to serve.

Who is to be called?

Article No. 22 of Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998 "On military duty and military service" specifies all categories of citizens who are subject to conscription into the army. Young men aged 18 to 27 who are registered with the military and are not in the reserve fall under the draft. Therefore, after the age of 18, any citizen can receive a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. But this does not mean that when called up, every young man will definitely get to serve in the army.

Enlistment age in 2020

In 2020, the draft age remains the same. The beginning of the draft age is 18 years. From this moment on, the military registration and enlistment office has every right to send summonses to the conscript to undergo a medical examination. You can not ignore them, as this is a violation of the law. As for the upper limit of the draft age, after the age of 27 a person can no longer be recruited to serve in the Russian army.

spring call

An exception for the terms of the spring call-up in 2020 is made for:

  • Citizens living in certain areas of the Far North. They are called up for military service only from May 1 to July 15.
  • Citizens living in rural areas and directly employed in sowing work - they are not called up for spring conscription.

autumn call

An exception for the terms of the autumn call in 2020 is made for:

  • Citizens living in certain areas of the Far North. For them, the recruitment period begins on November 1 and ends on December 31.
  • Citizens living in rural areas and directly employed in harvesting work - they are subject to conscription from October 15 to December 31.
  • Employees of educational institutions - they are not called up for the autumn draft. This is due to the fact that recruiting events coincide with the beginning of the academic year.

The call is not the end

There were a lot of questions about military conscription in 2019. Let's take a look at all the most important issues: the terms of conscription, the grounds for deferrals and release. The most frequent questions were responsibility for evasion of military service (administrative and criminal), the method of conscription (appearance at the military enlistment office without a summons), and the latest news on the issue of conscription. Let's figure it all out!

Terms of conscription in the army in 2019: when does the conscription begin and end

The provisions on the terms of conscription into the army in 2019 (as well as many years before) are contained in the federal law "On military duty and military service." Spring draft in 2019 starts on April 1 and ends on July 15. The fall call in 2019 is planned to start on October 1 and end on December 31.

These terms change only for residents of agricultural settlements (for them, the spring draft is canceled altogether), educators and residents of the Far North are called up from May 1.

The service life is the same - 1 year. Men aged 18 to 27 are drafted into the army without deferrals or exemptions. Nothing has changed from this position.

Initially, I did not want to touch on the moral side of the issue of the procedure for “returning a debt to the motherland”, but the experts gave me food for thought ...

How is the recruitment process carried out?

If you do not have a deferment from conscription, or even exemption from military service, then at the age of 17 you are required to register for military service (usually these events are organized by the school, and much earlier than reaching the age of 17), and at 18, upon receipt of the relevant summons, you will appear to the military office.

  1. First, you receive a summons to pass the VVK. It establishes the category of your fitness for military service. There are 5 of them: A, B, C, D, D, there are also subgroups.
  2. Next, they hand over a document on the appearance at a meeting of the draft board, where the issue of further service, or on granting a deferral / release, will be decided.
  3. When the category of suitability is established, the order of service is determined, the conscript is handed another subpoena, which will oblige him to come to the training camp with things to be sent to the place of service. Well, that's all. Yu in the army nau (You are in the army now).

Categories of fitness for military service

Category A. This category is assigned if the conscript is fit without restrictions. Though the Airborne Forces, even in the special forces, even where. Basically, people with this category are sent to serve in the air force, marines, and navy.

A1. The conscript does not have any diseases at all that can interfere with military service.

A2. The conscript had an injury or a serious illness, but it does not interfere with the service.

B2. Most often, with this category of fitness for military service, they serve in the navy and tank troops.

B3. Internal troops, missile troops, the crew of infantry fighting vehicles.

B4. There are already some serious obstacles to serving in the army, and serving with this category is most often sent to guard military facilities, to radio engineering units and other units where good health is not needed.

Category B. This category of fitness for military service is assigned if the conscript does not go to the army on conscription. It is not easy to get it, because there must be quite good reasons for health. The guys who are assigned this category are recognized as partially fit for military service.

Usually people with this category are given a military ID and credited to the reserve. In peacetime, they are not called up at all, but in wartime they are called up, but in the 2nd turn.

Category G. Temporary unfitness for military service. Traditionally associated with temporary difficulties in military service, which may pass over time. For example, broken limbs or obesity.

Sometimes this category is written out instead of category B. In this case, you have to constantly go through draft boards, although by law they are entitled to exemption from military service. No, but what if they get better?

Category D. Young men with this category are completely exempted from military service. Appropriate marks are put in the passport and military ID. To obtain this category of fitness for military service, there must be very serious health problems. For example, HIV infection, acute form of tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, complete hearing loss.

Who will not be drafted into the army in 2019: grounds for release and deferment from conscription

Young men who are classified in categories C and D are traditionally exempted from conscription, category D owners are likely to receive another deferment (welcome in six months or a year, maybe you will recover).

However, not only for health reasons, you can get an exemption from military service or a deferment. There are other reasons as well.

If you are a student or scientist...

People with a scientific degree are not called up to the army: candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences, students of full-time departments of higher education and postgraduate studies are not called up.

If you are a government employee...

Deputies and employees in the law enforcement system are not called up for military service. By the way, a great reason to become a deputy. As far as law enforcement is concerned, there is a nuance. Without undergoing compulsory military service in the army, they will not be accepted there, except in cases where a person graduates from a departmental university and enters the service immediately upon graduation. Again, in this case, only one deferment is granted for those who enter after school. Former students of technical schools, who, after graduation, decide to enter departmental universities, are at risk of joining the army during their studies. Such is the practice. Alas…

If you perform important social functions...

Single fathers, guardians or men with two or more children are exempt from military service.

In some cases, deferment from military service is issued. Reasons for this:

  • Caring for a sick relative.
  • Having a disabled child under 3 years of age.
  • Wife is more than 26 weeks pregnant.

Also, people with an outstanding criminal record and those under investigation are not called up to the army. But these are already some too radical ways to get away from the army ...

What's up with army draft dodgers in 2019? Responsibility for non-appearance at the military registration and enlistment office

Now let's look at the questions of those who were interested in draft dodgers and sanctions for attempts (sometimes very successful) to "slope" from the army. In 2017, over 150,000 dodgers were counted across Russia.

In what cases does administrative liability arise for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on the agenda? In the event that you received it, signed for it, but did not come. They can be held administratively or criminally liable. Everything depends on the specific circumstances.

In what cases does administrative liability arise for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office?

Usually the basis for liability is the non-appearance of the draftee on the agenda. In this case, apply Article 21.5. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure by citizens to fulfill military registration obligations”. This offense is committed if you first received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and decided to ignore it, and it does not matter what the nature of the summons itself was - to appear, to pass the military military command, or to be sent to a duty station.

They can also be attracted for the fact that you do not provide important data for the military registration and enlistment office - a change in the place of residence, marital status, education, place of work, etc. They can also be sued for damaging documents. This is Art. 21.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. The sanctions are the same.

Evasion of the appearance on the agenda, or failure to report relevant data to the military enlistment office falls under Article 21.5 - a fine of 100 to 500 rubles.

In what cases is there criminal liability for failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office?

Everything is more serious here. If you have already been brought to administrative responsibility, handed a new summons, and you also ignored it, then even criminal liability may come. Here one should build on the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 03, 2008 No. 3, according to which criminal punishment should be applied if the conscript repeatedly fails to appear on the summons to the military enlistment office for several conscriptions in a row, refuses to accept subpoenas against signature and in generally trying

This act falls under Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Evasion of military and alternative civilian service”. There is already a fine of up to 200,000 rubles, they can even impose imprisonment of up to 2 years.

The practice of applying Art. 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

In practice, criminal punishment is imposed quite rarely, because many children manage to avoid criminal punishment altogether through active repentance: they come to the military registration and enlistment office on their own, fall at the feet of the military commissar and express thoughts about an irresistible desire to serve in the army.

If real punishments are prescribed, then traditionally they include a fine of 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. The reason for such loyalty is the presence of extenuating circumstances. If they are not, then they may well impose a fine of 60-70,000 rubles.

The conscription in the Russian Federation is held twice a year: in the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons. The timing of each campaign is established by Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 "On military duty and military service."

Citizens subject to conscription for military service

The categories of citizens who are subject to conscription for military service are defined by Article 22 of the said Federal Law. He, in particular, determines that conscription activities can be implemented in relation to young people who are aged 18 to 27 and are citizens of the Russian Federation. At the same time, a prerequisite for their assignment to the service is that they do not have the right to receive a deferment or exemption from it.

In turn, a complete list of grounds on which a young person may be entitled to a deferment or exemption from military service is given in Articles 23 and 24 of the Law on Military Duty and Military Service. For example, a young person studying at a higher education institution who has certain diseases or other reasons mentioned in these articles may be eligible for a deferment.

Spring/Summer Call Dates

The period of the draft campaign in the spring-summer period is established by Article 25 of the said regulatory legal act. It specifies that young people can be assigned to military service from 1 April to 15 July each year. At the same time, before the start of each campaign, the President of the Russian Federation issues a special decree in which he confirms the timing of the campaign and establishes the so-called "conscription plan" - the number of young people who should be called up as part of the campaign. The autumn-winter draft campaign is implemented in a similar way, which for the majority of recruits takes place from October 1 to December 31 of each year.

Special categories of conscripts

At the same time, the current legislation identifies several special categories of conscripts who can be sent to the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation only in certain periods of time. For example, teachers who are active employees of educational institutions are sent to serve only as part of the spring-summer conscription, and not on a general basis, but from May 1 to July 15. In the same period, a spring conscription is held for residents of the Far North and territories equated to them in status.

The latter category has the right to shortened periods of recruitment activities in the autumn period: they can be called up from November 1 to December 31. But rural residents who are direct participants in sowing and harvesting work are subject to assignment only in autumn and winter: from October 15 to December 31.