School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days before the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year.

After all, the holidays of 2017-2018 are not just days free from study, but also time filled with games, communication with peers, and family vacation trips.

The exact dates of the holidays are also important for parents, because many of them try to keep their child busy at this time, send them on an interesting trip or take a vacation at work.

During the 2017-2018 academic year, there will be fewer vacations at institutes, universities and other higher educational institutions, as students rest only in winter and summer. Each university appoints the exact vacation schedule for students depending on the dates of the sessions.

Winter holidays for students begin at the end of January and end in mid-February. In the summer, student vacation dates also depend on the session and practice, which is often scheduled for June, which means that you can go on vacation only in July.

Also, the practice can be postponed to August, and the holidays will begin as early as mid-June. It all depends on the particular university, therefore, in order to carefully plan your vacation, you need to clarify the data in the administration of the university. The only thing that can be said for sure is that the holidays should not be less than 6 weeks.

Traditionally, both for schoolchildren and employees of educational institutions, winter holidays start on December 24th. There may also be additional holidays for first grade students starting on February 18th.

It is worth noting that during the holidays, teachers must be present at work for a certain number of hours, while the vacation schedule itself is quite flexible. The fact is that the Ministry of Education only issues recommendations on the dates of the beginning and end of school holidays, while the final word will remain with the pedagogical council of the school.

Teachers are the most disadvantaged, because for them the winter holidays in Ukraine 2018 will last only a week, while for schoolchildren - as much as 16 days (from December 24 to January 8). As for university students and teachers, everything here is purely individual: in some institutions, holidays are no different from school ones, but at the same time there are universities in which the duration of the winter holidays is almost two months.

This step is taken by management in order to save money during the heating season. Students, as a rule, work out pairs in advance on Saturdays during the academic semester, so that they can then spend two whole months at home.

By the way, the idea of ​​introducing such a practice at school, when the 2017-2018 winter holidays begin for schoolchildren in Ukraine, has already been voiced more than once, which would help to significantly save on heating. Opponents of this initiative believe that schoolchildren will overwork too much, and, for example, no one will want to walk in the summer because of the abnormal heat.

There are quite a few reasons why the winter holidays in schools can be extended:

The temperature is too low (if the thermometer shows below 25 degrees below zero, then you can no longer go to school);
Cold in classrooms due to poor heating. Quite often there are situations when the school administration violates sanitary standards and forces teachers to work at temperatures below 18 degrees, but this is strictly prohibited;

​In a situation where more than a quarter of schoolchildren do not attend school due to a viral disease (ARVI). In this case, a quarantine is announced and the school closes indefinitely to prevent further spread of the disease.

In most cases, one week of quarantine will be enough, but, for example, during the swine flu epidemic in 2009, the quarantine lasted several months.

Holidays are a long-awaited time for any student. Many begin to want to take a break from the lessons from the first school days of the quarter. Schoolchildren are actively making plans for their free time, especially high school students who do not have much of it.

Parents do not lag behind - many of them try to take vacations during the holidays to spend time with their children. Therefore, it is important for many to know in advance what dates the holidays fall on.

Check out the school holiday schedule

Depending on the mode of operation of the school, vacations take place at different times, coinciding only on New Year's holidays.

Please select which education system your school is running.

How vacation dates are determined

The vacation calendar is determined by the Department of Education. However, there are some pitfalls here. In particular, the fact that the dates set are advisory.

That is, the administration of educational institutions has the right to independently adjust the vacation schedule in accordance with the curriculum or any other internal factors. At the same time, the changed dates should not shift more than two weeks from the official vacation dates.

Another reason for differences in vacation schedules is different forms of education. In some schools, they study traditionally in quarters, in others they switched to a more modern modular system - training in trimesters. Accordingly, the vacation schedule also differs, and the Department of Education gives separate recommendations on dates.

Question about one-time holidays

The liberties allowed in setting the vacation schedule is the reason that in Moscow, St. Petersburg and the regions they often do not take place simultaneously. The question of whether this is correct has been actively discussed lately. A one-time vacation would make it more convenient to hold various events for schoolchildren, including olympiads. True, no consensus has yet been reached, and, apparently, schools do not want to lose their privilege to determine the rest time for students themselves.

Holidays in institutions of secondary vocational education

  • Winter holidays: from December 30, 2019 to January 12, 2020.
  • Summer holidays: from June 29, 2020 to August 31, 2020.

Holidays in higher education institutions

  • Winter holidays: from January 25 to February 9, 2020.
  • Summer holidays: at least 35 days according to the approved schedule of the educational process.

In addition to planned holidays, classes at school can be

The most anticipated period in 2017 for all schoolchildren is the summer holidays. However, not only children, but also adults are waiting for them: we all dream of escaping somewhere in the warm month, relaxing, changing the situation. For the younger generation, changes of such a plan are also very welcome. Modern workloads at school do not allow you to feel the lightness and freedom inherent in childhood during the year. That is why the guys are looking forward to the summer season so much, so that they can walk, swim and sleep off for the rest of the nine months of study.

Holidays in the summer of 2017 - schedule

When will the summer holidays for schoolchildren come in 2017 in Russia? In this article, you will learn about the timing and schedule of vacations in the territory of the Russian Federation during the specified period.

It should be noted that summer holidays start from the last Friday of May - from the last bell at school. In 2017, the last training Friday falls on May 26th. Therefore, the summer holidays will begin the next day. Thus, the timing of the summer holidays in the Russian Federation - from May 27 to September 1, 2017 .

Who sets the dates for the summer holidays in 2017

Each educational institution in Russia reserves the right to change the timing of the start and end of the academic year, depending on its own characteristics. Traditionally, the academic year begins on September 1st, and most educational institutions not only in our country, but also in many other countries adhere to this date. It is noteworthy that September 1, 2017 falls on the last working day of the week - Friday. Few schools, lyceums and gymnasiums will decide to start classes on this particular date. Therefore, the summer holidays will most likely be extended by as much as three days, and classes will begin no earlier than September 4 - on Monday.

Recreation of schoolchildren during the summer holidays 2017

According to the rules established by Russian law, during the summer period, schoolchildren must rest for at least 90 calendar days.

Why was such a long period of time chosen specifically for the summer period, and not, say, winter, when it is especially cold, or spring, in which most diseases are exacerbated? The answer lies in antiquity, when decisions were only made about the construction of training time. In the days of church schools, initially the children studied all year round. But later it was noticed that in the summer, children attend school less often, because they spend a lot of time helping adults (previously, every person who could help in arranging life or working in the field was worth its weight in gold). Therefore, in order for children to be less distracted from the school process, at the time of the special activity of sowing work, as well as during the care of the crop and its collection, children were allowed not to attend school. Later, this period was called summer holidays and introduced to the level of the state norm, with which we are all familiar from childhood.

The first month of the next academic year in Russian schools is coming to an end. Schoolchildren managed to get involved in the educational process after the summer holidays, but many of them, of course, count the days until the next vacation. We will find out when the autumn holidays will be in the 2017-2018 academic year, is it possible to name the exact dates when the holidays will begin in the fall, what features there are in establishing the school holiday period.

Autumn holidays at school in 2017: what date do they start

Most Russian schools use the same system of organization of the academic year that existed in Soviet education. Four quarters: two before the new year and two after it, which are separated by autumn, winter and spring holidays. In such schools, respectively, the autumn holidays are the same.

Schoolchildren who study in educational institutions where a different system is used - the trimester system - have a rest twice in the autumn. The trimester divides the school year not into four parts, but into three, but at the same time, schoolchildren have not less vacations, but on the contrary, more. A week of rest bisects the trimester, and another week completes the trimester.

As for the date on which the autumn holidays begin in Russian schools in 2017, then, accordingly, the date depends on which system of organizing the educational process is used by a particular school.

Trimesters in schools are still rather an exception, there are relatively many such schools, except perhaps in Moscow. For most Russian schools, the traditional autumn holidays after the first quarter are more relevant.

As you can see, the dates are quite approximate, which is due to the fact that Russian legislation has not set school holidays from above for a long time. Usually everything is decided at the level of the region, city, sometimes even a particular school. For example, the Moscow Department of Education, by its order, established autumn holidays in schools for the period from October 29 to November 6, 2017. In St. Petersburg, the local education committee has set dates from October 30 to November 7.

Formally, the difference is not so great, but in fact, since October 29 is Sunday, schoolchildren in St. Petersburg will rest longer.

Approximately on the same dates, the autumn holidays will also take place in other Russian schools, the discrepancy is unlikely to be significant. As you can see, school holidays intersect with a three-day mini-vacation, which is in November and for adults in connection with the holiday of November 4th. Both adults and children will have a rest from 4 to 6 November. Parents will go to work on November 7, schoolchildren in some cases on the same day, in some cases a little later.

As for schools that use trimesters, then, as we noted a little higher, they will have autumn holidays twice.

The dates of the autumn holidays of the 2017-2018 academic year in such schools are as follows:

  • from 1 to 8 October,
  • from 5 to 12 November.

Thus, in schools where the organization of the educational process takes place on the basis of the trimester system, the second autumn holidays also fall on the November holidays.

For those parents or schoolchildren who care about the exact dates when school holidays begin and end at a particular school (for example, if you are planning a family vacation, adjusting your own vacation to your child’s vacation, etc.), it is best to contact your school’s website for more accurate information. If the school website does not contain such information, then you should contact the secretary, class teacher or other people who have official information on this. We can only give general information.

Every day, the time to go to school for your first call, for your first time, is inexorably approaching for future first graders and we are sure that they are all waiting for it with special impatience and excitement, like those high school students for whom this will be the last September 1 with the first call at their home school.

Everyone is waiting for this day, which will open a new stage in their life even for first-graders or future graduates, because for some it will open a new world, and for others it will complete the learning cycle and open the door to a completely different, already adult life.

September 1, 2017 - thousands of Russian schools will open their doors to more than one and a half million first-graders, as well as to millions of older students, including those for whom this will be the last September 1st at school, then a completely different one awaits them, already a more responsible life, where they will be more responsible for making decisions on their own, and waiting for them - universities, colleges, military service, work, family, and so on, that's what awaits them at the next stage of their life.

What date to school 2017 - September 1

As first-graders, tat and all other students of Russian schools are already interested in knowing when the days of rest will be, from what date and to what date, when they begin and end, what date they will go to school after a fun, but short rest, which is called school break.

Let's say right away that in the 2017 academic year, school holidays in the fall, winter (New Year's), spring and additional first graders, the dates and dates of their implementation will be developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, and already approved by each school independently, by its administration and taking into account local features.

School holidays 2017

Before moving on to the topic of the 2017 school holidays, when they start and go to school after the holidays in the fall, winter or spring - do not forget that you can be given homework for the rest days that you must complete. Come to school after the school holidays with fulfilled obligations, having received appropriate training in the lagging subjects of schooling. site/node/5648

Spend time on school holidays not only walking and having fun, but also for the benefit of yourself, so that your performance does not decrease after days of rest, but on the contrary, after the holidays you have added knowledge, because this is necessary, first of all, for yourself and no one else.

Usually, school autumn, winter or spring holidays coincide with those dates and terms that are generally accepted, and this will certainly be the case in the 2017 academic year, in all Russian schools, with rare exceptions.

Autumn holidays 2017 academic year

Numbers of autumn holidays (approximate) - October 28 (Saturday) - November 5 (Monday), 2017

What date to school after the autumn holidays - November 6

Winter holidays 2017 academic year

Winter break dates (approximate) - December 23 (Saturday), 2017 - January 9 (Tuesday), 2018

What date to school after the winter holidays - January 10

Additional holidays 2017 academic year

Additional holidays (for first graders) - February 17 (Saturday) - February 25 (Sunday), 2018

What date to school after additional holidays - February 26

Spring break 2017 academic year

Spring break dates (approximate) - March 24 (Saturday) to April 1 (Sunday), 2018

What date to school after spring break - April 2

As you already understood, the terms (dates) of school holidays are determined and approved by the administration of each individual Russian school, taking into account some local or regional characteristics, as well as natural, religious or some other reasons, independently develop and approve. site/node/5648

At the same time, almost all school institutions and other educational institutions of our vast country try not to deviate from the recommendations for holding school holidays, which are established and approved officially, on a par with the Russian Ministry of Education.

As you already understood, in some Russian schools, the period of school holidays may be shifted in terms, their beginning and end may differ from that established by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, which does not affect the training course, which is the same for everyone.

This is most often associated with the type of training that is conducted in a single school. In some educational institutions, students study in quarters, but there are a number of those where training takes place in trimesters.

School holidays for the quarters of 2017

Those students of Russian schools who study in quarters, every academic year, have a vacation on vacation at approximately the same time (with the exception of force majeure circumstances), namely:

The autumn holidays for schoolchildren last nine days (including two Saturdays and two Sundays), they begin on the last Saturday of October, and end a week later on the first Sunday in November.

Winter holidays for Russian schoolchildren last differently (usually two weeks), they usually begin on the last Saturday of December and last until January 9-12, depending on the fall of the holidays on the weekend, the New Year holidays also last differently.

Holidays in the spring (spring) continue like the autumn nine days and also with two Saturdays and two Sundays in March and April. Spring break begins on the last Saturday of March and ends a week later, on the first Sunday in April.

Summer holidays for also last differently in Russian schools, primarily depending on the classes - but officially the summer holidays begin on June 1 and continue until the last day of summer on August 31. High school students, of course, are limited in summer vacations, due to the need to pass school exams.

Additional school holidays for first grade students are also provided, they take place in the last month of winter. First graders have an extra week off from the third Saturday in February to the fourth Sunday of the same month. Due to their young age and our climatic conditions, they need more time to rest.

School holidays by trimesters 2017

Unlike training in quarters, the trimester type is a little simpler and more transparent. Schoolchildren with this type of education attend classes for five weeks, after which they have a week of rest in the form of school holidays. The exception is the winter holidays for the new year, which are standard for both types of training.

Period (dates) of the autumn holidays of 2017

We all studied and remember how difficult it is to get involved in school studies after a long summer vacation, we were looking forward to at least a short period of rest, which came at the end of the autumn month of October.

The school autumn holidays of the upcoming academic season of 2017, one might say the most expected, will come in the deciduous period of autumn, at the very end of October. For nine days (together with days off), a national holiday falls - Unity Day (November 4), so the rest time will lengthen and schoolchildren will go to study after the rest not on Monday, but on Tuesday November 7.

Number of vacations in autumn 2017 - 10 days

(including weekends and public holidays)

For those Russian schoolchildren who are trained not in quarters, but in a trimester type of education, one can say they are lucky, they will have vacations in the fall twice at once:

Approximately school holidays this fall of the coming 2017 for those Russian students who study in trimesters will take place for seven days (9 days with days off) - from October 9 to 15 and from November 20 to 26.

Period (dates) of winter holidays 2017

It is no secret that all Russian schoolchildren with a special mood and look forward to the arrival of the New Year and the onset of winter holidays, which are quite long on days of rest and are most loved by many of them.

After all, this is a fertile winter time, not only when Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden should come to visit with their congratulations and New Year's gifts, but also the opportunity to play snowballs, go sledding, skiing or skating, as well as take a break from lessons and the need to complete school hometasks.

Winter holidays in the coldest time of 2017 divide school education in half, into two parts. During this fertile period for all schoolchildren, they, together with adults, their parents or older brothers and sisters, spend rest days at home or go to visit their relatives grandparents, and for someone, dads and moms will arrange a surprise in the form of a small New Year's Eve. travel, for example, on an excursion to some country or a Russian city with ancient sights.

The duration of the winter holidays is the same in all Russian schools, for students in quarters and trisemesters, but it lasts differently, about two weeks, it all depends on whether the holidays fall on the weekend, which can shift the winter holidays.

The school New Year holidays of the upcoming school season of 2017 can be said to be the most beloved and long-awaited, and they will begin at the end of the first month of winter in December. In total, schoolchildren will rest for quite a few days in a row, if we count their beginning on December 23, 2017 and ending on January 9, 2018 (together with days off and taking into account the transfer).

The number of holidays in winter for the new year 2017 - 18 days

All Russian schools will start teaching on Tuesday 10 January 2018. By the way, our entire vast country goes to work on this January day (officially).

Additional holidays for first graders (first graders) in 2017

The first class will rest next winter for one more week, in the last month of winter, from the 17th (Saturday) to the 25th (Sunday) of February 2018.

Period(s) of spring break 2017

Next spring will complete the 2017 academic year and, as always, this is not the best time to gain knowledge, when everything is blooming and smelling, the sun is getting brighter, and it's getting warmer outside. In the spring, schoolchildren especially do not want to study, cram school science and attend classes.

In the spring, warm weather gradually sets in, there is only a mood to walk and chat, but there’s nothing to study, and after all, there are tests, tests, tests and exams ahead. Therefore, spring break is just in time, because it is a great opportunity to take a break from school lessons and assignments, gather your thoughts and gain strength before the "decisive battles", prepare for a responsible period, test and verification work, etc.

The spring break of the 2017 academic year will run from March 24 (Saturday) until April 1 (Sunday) 18. Educational school Russian institutions will start teaching schoolchildren on this day of Laughter, which is not a laughing matter for schoolchildren.

The number of holidays in the spring of 2017-2018 - 9 days

(including weekends and holidays and taking into account transfers)

For those Russian schoolchildren who study according to the trimester type of education, school holidays in the spring of 2017-2018 will take place from Saturday March 30 to Sunday April 8 inclusive (total 9 days).

Period (dates) of summer holidays 2017-2018

The period of school holidays for students of primary and secondary classes in the summer period of the year, lasting as much as 3 months, will begin the summer academic year 2017-2018 - from June 1 to the last day of summer on August 31.

As for school graduates after the academic year 2017-2018, they have a completely different schedule, they have an order of magnitude fewer days of rest - the first month of summer, this is the time for exams, preparation for practice, and those who graduated from school will be preparing for admission to university or college.

Schoolchildren of primary and secondary grades, as well as those who will be graduating in the next academic year - do not forget that summer school holidays are a wonderful period in your life. when you can relax, gain strength and so on.

But remember that September 1 will come anyway, it will certainly come and test your knowledge that you either lost over the summer or acquired something. Do not forget that summer holidays are needed not only for relaxation and fun, but also so that you can improve those subjects that had problems in the school year that ended.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the duration of school holidays in different European countries. Let's say right away that Russia, along with Ukraine and Turkey, are leaders in the total duration of rest days - they have 18 weeks of vacation. As for the European "outsiders", those countries that have the shortest holidays, here the "leaders" are Denmark - 11 weeks, as well as the Czech Republic, Macedonia and Northern Ireland - 12 weeks of school holidays per academic year.