« Physics - Grade 10 "

Remember the definition of gravity. Can she disappear?

As we know, gravity is the force with which the Earth attracts a body located on its surface or near this surface.

body weight called the force with which this body acts on a horizontal support or stretches the suspension.

Anything heavier than air falls. Water flows into the valleys, bubbles of boiling water rise to the surface. This balance of power creates compensation for them, Gaida adds. This constant force that blows over all things on Earth is often a factor in interference in Scientific research. In order to be able to optimize, for example, an aluminum alloy, it is necessary to know exactly the parameters of the material. However, gravity prevents them from being set at will. Also, to understand the game of reactions, from simple physical processes to complex biological systems, it is important to “turn off” gravity.

Weight is not a force of some specific nature. This name is given to a particular case of the manifestation of the force of elasticity.

The weight acts directly on the cup of the spring balance and stretches the spring; under the action of this force, the balance arm rotates.
Let us explain what has been said with a simple example.

Figuring out what happens to a person, plant, material or drug in the absence of gravity is essential. There are only two effective ways weightlessness simulation: either leave the atmosphere or perform parabolic flights inside it.

Some of the exemplary projects are German cooperation with Russia. For example, when studying plasma crystals, German and Russian scientists first performed them in spatial conditions. An absolute novelty considering that space research in the Center Kingdom are under military jurisdiction.

Let body A be on a horizontal support B (Fig. 3.9), which can serve as a weighing pan.
We denote the force of gravity by , and the force of pressure of the body on the support (weight) - by 1 .
The modulus of the reaction force of the support is equal to the modulus of weight 1 according to Newton's third law.

The force is directed in the direction opposite to the weight 1
The reaction force of the support is applied not to the support, but to the body on it.

The scientists who experiment here on parabolic flights will do the same in Shengzu. But how does the lack of gravity feel? A question that is on almost everyone's lips. She waited for them to sit on the floor and say that she only pressed on her legs and back.

I was surprised by how you feel. And before we can understand it, we will move on to a new phase. It was impossible to rationally distinguish between movements, what was happening to others, what was happening in my environment. The feeling of going from being weighed twice to not feeling any weight is not so amazing anymore. On the surface of the earth, we have no shortage of gravity. Here, in parabolic flights, we live 22 seconds without gravity. For 22 seconds we feel how much light can be human.

While gravity is due to the interaction of the body with the Earth, weight 1 appears as a result of a completely different interaction - the interaction of body A and support B.
Therefore, weight has features that significantly distinguish it from gravity.

The most important feature of the weight is that its value depends on the acceleration with which the support is moving.

Parabolic flights were conceived to train astronauts who are about to leave Earth. Parabolic flights are also advancing industrial and medical research. Live in adverse conditions and some physical questions Action of sea pressure Action of anti-gravity Tuareg: life in the desert Extreme cold: life on the fly, flying cheap in a hot air balloon, is it physically possible? Life without gravity Life without friction Man in space.

Confirmation that a person can live and work on Earth was obtained from the first space flights of the sixties. But how long can one live in zero gravity if the body has not suffered permanent damage? This question remains unanswered.

When bodies are transferred from the pole to the equator, their weight changes, since due to the daily rotation of the Earth, the balance with the body has centripetal acceleration at the equator.
According to Newton's second law for a body located at the equator, we have

where N is the reaction force of the support, equal to the weight of the body.

Can a person live and work in space? The answer, clear and simple, has already been given to the first space flights, and undoubtedly yes. In fact, the first Soyuz and Mercury flights showed that a person can move freely through space, performing very complex maneuvers.

Modern space missions, and even more so the future, still need a man to discover the great secrets of the universe. But how long can a person stay in space without harming his body? And after long periods of weightlessness, a person can return to Earth and live normally in it?

At the pole body weight equal to strength gravity. Obviously, the weight of the body is greater at the pole than at the equator.

Let's take a simpler case.
Let the body be on a cup of spring balances in an elevator moving with acceleration .
According to Newton's second law

Let us direct the coordinate axis OY of the reference system associated with the Earth vertically downwards.
Let us write the equation of motion of the body in projection onto this axis:

These questions have not yet been answered, because long and complex experiments are needed to understand how the human body behaves in space. This will be the subject of research for many space flights. Human Beings in Space: Space is a very hostile place for humans. lack of air and atmospheric pressure can kill a person in seconds. Temperatures are impressive: close absolute zero in the shadow of the planet and a few hundred degrees under direct solar action.

In the absence of atmospheric protection, cosmic radiation can be deadly. Achieved in recent decades scientific and technological achievements made it possible to develop a large number of elements that protect a person during flights outside the atmosphere. Biologists, doctors, physicists, engineers and meteorologists have worked and continuously worked to improve the quality of life of astronauts and avoid risks during their time in space.

ma y = F y + N y.

If the acceleration is directed downwards, then, expressing the projections of the vectors in terms of their modules, we obtain ma = F - N. Since N = F 1, then ma = F - F 1 .
From this it is clear that only at a = 0 the weight is equal to the force with which the body is attracted to the Earth (F 1 = F). If a ≠ 0, then F 1 \u003d F - ma \u003d m (g - a).

The weight of the body depends on the acceleration with which the support is moving, and the appearance of this acceleration is equivalent to a change in acceleration free fall.
If, for example, the elevator is made to fall freely, i.e., a = g, then F 1 = m(g - g) = 0, the body is in a state of weightlessness.

Although it has always been believed that gravity is necessary for normal development human life, the effects caused by weightlessness were much more dangerous than expected. Osteoporosis, muscle atrophy with severe respiratory diseases in the cardiovascular system, a decrease in the number of red blood cells, among other changes, forced specialists to design events for the crews. In addition, permanent space stations include periodic replacements of their crew so as not to expose them to excessive situations with prolonged weightlessness.

The onset of a state of weightlessness for bodies means that the bodies do not put pressure on the support and, therefore, the reaction force of the support does not act on them, they move only under the influence of the force of attraction to the Earth.

Is the nature of weightlessness the same for bodies in an elevator and for bodies in a satellite?

The mechanical essence of weightlessness lies in the fact that in a frame of reference moving relative to the Earth with free fall acceleration, all phenomena that are caused by gravity on Earth disappear.

The absence of gravity, the magnitude of which is related to the mass of bodies, implies an atypical situation that creates an infinity of disturbances in the body of astronauts. Due to gravity, fluids are attracted to the legs and distributed correctly throughout the body. However, in space, the blood that should irrigate the lower limbs is redistributed in the head and chest and causes a characteristic swelling of the faces of astronauts at the beginning of the flight. There is a reaction of the body to the redistribution of fluids. To adapt to the new situation, water is eliminated, followed by a decrease in body volume.

Experiments were repeatedly carried out in which a state of weightlessness was created. For example, an airplane accelerates and, starting from a certain moment, moves strictly along a parabola, the one that would be in the absence of air.

At the same time, unusual phenomena are observed in the cockpit: the pendulum freezes in a deflected position, the water splashed out of the glass hangs in the air like a large spherical drop, and next to it all other objects freeze, as if suspended on invisible threads, regardless of their mass and shape.

Going back, the reverse situation occurs; therefore, by reducing irrigation in the upper body, astronauts may experience dizziness and fainting. The weight ratio in space is meaningless. A balance would be completely useless aboard a spaceship.

It is possible to assess whether a person is obese or thin, but it is not possible to determine their weight. When astronauts swim inside a ship, muscle atrophy eventually occurs. To counteract this effect, the crew must do daily exercise and wear suits with strong elasticity in the joint area to force movement.

The same thing happens in the cockpit of a spacecraft as it moves in orbit.
On the high altitude there is almost no air above the Earth, so it is not necessary to compensate for its resistance by the operation of the engines.
And the flight lasts not a minute, but many days.

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The state of weightlessness is realized, for example, in an elevator that falls freely in the Earth's gravitational field, or in a spacecraft moving with an idle engine in a gravitational field. This condition is typical for artificial satellites and orbital space stations. In weightlessness, the effect on mechanical system the gravitational field is compensated by the forces of inertia.

Balance. In the first days of the journey, about half of the crew suffers from "space sickness", which manifests itself with vomiting, headaches and sweating. These are the confusion effects that weightlessness causes in the vestibular system, the balance organ located in the inner ear.

Power. Contrary to what you might think, astronauts need a lot of calories per day because they use a lot of energy for the simplest things. But besides including a lot of calories, the space diet is balanced differently from the Earth diet. For example, it is important that it contains a high percentage of calcium, since this element, which forms bones, is gradually lost in space. The same happens with red blood cells, which is partially counteracted by an iron-rich diet.

The state of weightlessness occurs when only the force of gravity acts on the body, so it moves with the acceleration of free fall. In this case, a person has no internal (muscle) tension and therefore he does not feel his weight.

The state of weightlessness is realized, for example, in an elevator that falls freely in the Earth's gravitational field, or in a spacecraft moving with an idle engine in a gravitational field. This state is typical for artificial satellites and orbital space stations. In weightlessness, the action of the gravitational field on the mechanical system is compensated by the forces of inertia.

The mechanics of eating and drinking are also different. Food must be introduced into the mouth very carefully; Once there, weightlessness no longer matters. Drinking can be more difficult. You can't serve drinks with glasses because the surface tension of liquids causes them to stay inside their container and if agitated they will float like balloons. In any case, everything is decided with the help of straw.

Other important physiological issues that must be considered in spatial colonization involve the replenishment of oxygen and other nutrients that must somehow be maintained for months or years on a spacecraft; with the danger of radiation and, finally, with heat or cold, as well as with barometric pressure, which can cause spatial decompression.

The state of weightlessness is observed in an airplane or a spacecraft when moving with free fall acceleration, regardless of the direction and value of the modulus of their movement speed. Out of the earth's atmosphere when turned off jet engines only force acts on the spacecraft gravity. Under the influence of this force, the spacecraft and all the bodies in it move with the same acceleration; therefore, the phenomenon of weightlessness is observed in the ship.

Let's put it this way: one thing is the power of the weight, and the other thing is the feeling of the weight. The force of gravity that brings the Earth to the ship and its crew, weight, provides the centripetal force needed to keep them in orbital motion. Without the power to hold them, the astronauts have no sense of weight and are in a state of apparent weightlessness, just like in free fall.

Exercise and Rest Astronauts remain motionless most of the time. In the absence of gravity, the body floats in the cockpit and each movement requires very little effort, which saves energy but at the same time prevents basic physical exercise. One of the teams created to solve this problem, for weapons exercises, is similar to spring extensions. Astronauts also use electric bicycles, which require the same amount of effort as a cyclist on Earth.

The state of weightlessness is achieved in free flight. And a satellite in orbit, and a free-flying stone, and a jumping person are in a state of weightlessness. A weight suspended from a thread is in free flight without weight and therefore does not pull on the thread. It is easy to manufacture a device that makes it possible to observe the state of weightlessness.

In addition to activities, rest must be guaranteed. To rest, the astronaut covers his eyes with a mask, thereby avoiding the discomfort of light, natural or artificial. During the flight, information about the physical states of the astronauts is transmitted to Earth; The doctor analyzes the data and indicates the treatment.

If the excitement caused by the flight does not allow him to sleep, the astronaut can use sleeping pills. The spacecraft has a well-equipped pharmacy for any emergency and for the most common ailments. Astronauts are trained to perform short and long rest shifts as required by mission.

Weightlessness occurs in ballistic missiles) and spaceships after the engines stopped working and the rocket or spacecraft left the dense layers of the atmosphere. Initially, under the action of the thrust force of jet engines (see § 124), directed upwards, the rocket or ship moves with a large acceleration a and picks up vertical speed.

For seven hours and 55 minutes, Tamara Jerningan and Danielle Barry went for a walk. For a long 1 it was not an ordinary walk, because both were Discovery astronauts, and the walk was done at an altitude of 386 thousand meters. The goal was to place two small cranes on the International Space Station, to which Discovery has been attached since last Saturday. Jerningan and Barry were escorted by five other companions, three Americans, Canadians and Russians, from inside the ship.

Weightlessness is an experience that can cause discomfort for human body. But after the first strike, there are also very funny situations. Observing how atomic or molecular structures form in different materials, how liquids behave, or how combustion changes in a weightless environment are just some of the topics on this big agenda.

The state of weightlessness can be achieved in various ways, although it is (voluntarily or involuntarily) associated with astronauts floating in the cockpit of a spacecraft.

Why the state of weightlessness on board the orbital station testifies to the proportionality of the force of gravity to the mass of attracted bodies.

We define the state of weightlessness as follows: the body Q is in weightlessness if the resultant of all internal forces applied to any element selected in the body is zero.

In the state of weightlessness and on the paths to this state of stability, the general picture of the behavior of the fluid changes completely due to a change in the relationship between the forces surface tension and inertial forces.

In the state of weightlessness, all points of the body have equal accelerations.

In a state of weightlessness, a body under the action of weight forces maintains a state of equilibrium or rest inside the spacecraft with respect to the coordinate system associated with spaceship. It is clear that in this case the particles of the body are freed from interactions and move relatively approximately inertial system reference together with the ship as free material points.

In the state of weightlessness, the rotor axis, under the condition (7.9.13), describes in the bearings a linear two-lane conical surface. In this mode, edge contacts of pins and bearings occur, as a result of which the bearings are flared from the side of their outer end surfaces.

In a state of weightlessness, the forces of interaction between bodies acquire significant significance, which under normal conditions play a secondary role because of their smallness in comparison with weight.