The first Russian natural scientist of world significance, a poet who became the founder of the modern Russian language, an artist, historian, champion of the development of national science and culture, who was practically illiterate until the age of 9. You can easily name it. (Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.)

The afternoon sun rises from the other side of the horizon, with predictable consequences for flora and fauna. That's how you could compare the Antarctic map without multi-year ice, because it is far from being multi-year. Map of Piri Reis and others. The three days of darkness are due to the stoppage of rotation, which is much longer than the night in the middle of which the shifting of the earth's crust occurs. Several witnesses of the night spoke of the vault of heaven, the stars that fall on the horizon, but on the other side of the planet the day will be three days, and the stop time can take place at any time, so a certain area of ​​​​the Earth may experience sunset, "dawn", etc. . within three days, depending on the circumstances.

This is a Russian physicist, the creator of the hydrogen bomb. Like many scientists who imagine the catastrophic consequences of their terrible developments, he advocated a ban on tests nuclear weapons. A prominent public figure, he saw the further development of mankind only in uniting the efforts of countries in the fight against global issues, opposed the entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan, for which he was deprived of all government awards. The European Parliament established an award for humanitarian work in the field of human rights, named after him. Who is this scientist, academician and public figure - human rights activist? (Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov.)

The event is sudden and despite the warning signs and the perception of the abnormality of that day or night that does not end, people are unlikely to succeed in finding a safe haven, then the pope, who survived and visited his city, Rome, will find nothing but ruins and corpses. like every other city in the world. Far from buildings, caves, natural landscapes, shelters can be found, but only a few can quickly reach them when needed.

The sudden slip of the earth's crust is also near the poles, so patches of icy soil can become temperate, and hot zones can freeze suddenly within days. Let's think about the temperature of less than 70 degrees of area in the composition of Siberia and Antarctica. This temperature can freeze immediately mammoth, which we saw at the end of the 18th century, perfectly preserved, the animal died of suffocation caused by frost.

The most famous Russian general practitioner, one of the founders of the clinic of internal diseases as a scientific discipline in Russia, the founder of the largest school of Russian clinicians. A well-known Moscow hospital is named after him, as well as an infectious disease. (Sergey Petrovich Botkin.)

In some areas, like Siberia, the climate is frozen, while in others, like the Sahara, the climate has become dull, where it was at first jungle. This is evidenced, for example, by corrosion caused by the deposition of calcareous rocks of the Sphinx. Finally, as the Destroyer approaches Earth, it becomes an electric arc between the two planets, i.e. the electricity accumulated in the Earth's ionosphere is dumped into the Destroyer, which is actually surrounded by a cloud of purple red iron debris, which are magnetized during this energy transfer and arranged orthogonally so that there is a huge red cross in the sky, and such a phenomenon recently occurred in the sun that fell in a gigantic space of red and bluish tongues, its poles for a length many times equal to the sun itself.

The great Russian biologist, from 1931 to 1940 he was the president of the All-Russian Geographical Society, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the founder of the modern theory of the biological foundations of selection and the theory of the centers of origin of cultivated plants, who was repressed in Stalin's times for his commitment to genetics. (Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov.)

It can no longer be denied that the earth has been subjected to these cyclical huge catastrophes, and it is not necessary to cover our eyes to see the terrible signs that have taken place that should have been prepared for this appointment with a cosmic destiny. But no one accepted the signs and even the smallest prophecies.

With the exception of our secrets, the Elite leaders, the Cabal, they took this information seriously because they had it from concrete evidence, that is, from aliens. However, things were not as they thought. They followed the revelations and developed three alternatives and pursued them until today. On our backs, making us slaves, working to provide them with the resources to strengthen their security, giving up the fate of all mankind.

The name of this Russian scientist of the 19th century should be well known to young chemists, for he is the founder of the Russian scientific school organic chemistry. Thanks to his discoveries (the reaction for obtaining aromatic amines), synthetic dyes, fragrances, and medicines are now being produced. Who is this famous chemist? (Nikolai Nikolaevich Zimin.)

To speak to criminals is to say little, there is no description suitable to describe them. Briefly, the three alternatives involved the construction of underground shelters where one could take shelter at the arrival of this event, wipe out a large part of the population with disease and discomfort so that people could not escape. Even by launching a nuclear war in the north of the planet, given that the fall of autumn did not affect the south, they built military bases in Falkland, New Zealand, Australia, etc.

They then gave birth to an Iraqi military invasion both to control the power source and to seal off the esoteric passages in the area, which they recognized from the aliens. Another "enterprise" was the creation of a giant space program, not NASA. This program was developed with the help of aliens with whom they made a covenant and who promised to help them during and after the event.

Name of the founder of the complex modern sciences about the Earth, geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiogeology, hydrogeology, etc., his theories are named, which served as the basis for the formation of the modern scientific picture of the world, for example, the doctrine of the biosphere, living matter and the evolution of the biosphere into the noosphere, the doctrine of the relationship between nature and society, which influenced the formation modern ecological consciousness. The Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry is also named in his honor. Russian Academy Sciences. Who is this great Russian scientist? (Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky.)

The chemical engines they used to power the rockets were Russian-made and date back at least 30 years. The first cosmonaut was Russian in the late 800s "Konstantin Siolkovsky". Among the various reconnaissance space stations that were launched into space were also a pair of Stereo satellites with which they could follow the Evolution of the Destroyer.

A true spatial interconnection program has produced exploration of the Moon, Mars, other planets, and other solar system. On Mars it whole city land, next to one of the poles. However, they were wrong, they were deceived, their extraterrestrial friends played a double game.

The most famous Russian physicist of the 20th century, the founder of the Soviet physical school, a pioneer in semiconductor research, who experimentally proved the existence of ionic permeability in crystals, he made a great contribution to the use of semiconductors. His students were such great physicists as A.P. Aleksandrov, P.L. Kapitsa, G.V. Kurdyumov, I.V. Kurchatov and many others. Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of many government awards and prizes, corresponding member of world academies and universities. Died in 1960. (Abram Fedorovich Ioffe.)

Other events then contributed to the complete defeat of this criminal organization, as my readers of this site know. In the following article, what actually happened, how the prophecies are shocked, and how the physical salvation of mankind led these criminals to a stroke of grace.

Appendix 2 shows what happened around the establishment of the Majesty's Committee. While some were talking about the temple, the beautiful stones, and the devotions that shied away from it, he said, "There will be days when of all you admire, there will not be a stone upon a stone that will not be destroyed." They asked him: "Master, when will this happen and what will be the sign that this will happen?"

In 1889, the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences named the first woman to be awarded the title of Corresponding Member, which was awarded to her for her great achievements in the field of mathematics. In addition to the main works on mathematical analysis, mechanics and astronomy, she also owns novels: "The Nihilist", "Memories of Childhood". What was the name of this talented woman? (Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya.)

He replied: Do not let yourself be deceived. Many will be under my name, saying "I am" and "The time is near"; don't follow them. When you hear about wars and revolutions, don't be afraid. First of all, it must happen sooner, but this is not the end. But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its devastation is at hand. Then those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, those who are in the city depart from it, and those who are in the country do not return to the city; they will be days of vengeance, for all that has been written has been done.

There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars, and on the earth, the longing of people who are striving for the wave of the sea and waves, while people will die of fear and expectation of what will happen on earth. Islamic eschatology is devoted to those aspects that, in the system of Muslim values ​​and beliefs, relate to what is the fate of mankind after death and resurrection, desired by Allah on the Day of Judgment.

The name of this great scientist and designer of the 20th century is associated with flights and ballistic missiles, and the first artificial satellites of the Earth, and the first manned flight in history, the first exit to outer space. Without a doubt, we can say that, along with Tsiolkovsky, he became the father of Russian cosmonautics. Who is this great person? (Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.)

Even in Islam, the time of the end has an unknown date, which only Allah knows mercifully, and this was not even known to the Prophet Muhammad. These shoots do not give dates, but, for example, the Hopi Indians give signs: "iron snake", the appearance of a communicative web, "columns of fire and smoke" in distant countries where the white man will wage war. The final sign, signifying the end of this quest, was the appearance of a "blue star" and red star katzins.

The Hopi prophecies announce that "in a great flooded or rushing place" in the heavens there will be a great collapse or astronomical effect. He will appear as a blue star, and the Earth will become a cool desert land of sand, mountain and cold water. Then the white people will fight with other people in their lands, with those who have the wisdom of their presence.

This academician, Russian physicist, three times Hero Soviet Union, became the organizer and leader of work on atomic science and technology. Under his direct supervision, the first domestic cyclotron was built, mine protection of ships was developed, the first nuclear reactor in Europe was created, the first in the USSR atomic bomb, the world's first thermonuclear bomb. Who is this tamer of the “peaceful and non-peaceful” atom? (Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov.)

Norse mythology has the eschatological culmination of Ragnarok, "the twilight of the gods", Thor's battle against Thor's obscure ice of Loki and a giant brother, even "marked by columns of fire and smoke". And we saw in a great light what God is: Something like people in the mirror, when they pass in front of the "bishop dressed in white", we had the assumption that it was the Holy Father. Several other bishops, priests, religious and religious climbs up a steep mountain, on top of which was a large cross of rough logs, as if it were a cork with bark; The Holy Father, before coming to you, crossed the great dilapidated city, trembling with a trembling step, suffering from sorrow and pain, praying for the bodies of the corpses that he met on his journey; on the top of the mountain, kneeling at the foot of the Grand Cross, was killed by a group of soldiers firing several shots and arrows, as well as priests of bishops, religious and religious and various centuries-old people, men and women of different classes and positions.

To the Great Patriotic war in the sky, the fascists were smashed by fighters created by a Russian aircraft designer, major general of the aviation engineering service, who later developed a number of jet aircraft. To give a hint of the name of this great Russian designer, we will give one of the names of the LAGG-3 fighters he created. (Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin.)

Under the two crosses there were two Angels with a crystal water pipe in their hand, in which they collected the blood of the martyrs, and with it they sprinkled the souls who approached God. A founder of the Salesians and prestigious thaumaturges, he was gifted with great paranormal powers and was often enlightened by prophetic dreams, punctuated as an example of two examples of reconciliation between Italy and the Holy See and one that describes the various phases in which the Vatican Council actually took place.

Ungrateful Rome, effeminate Rome; Excellent Rome. My law is still trampled on. Woe to you if my law is still in vain for you. There will be perversions among the learned and the ignorant. Your blood and the blood of your children will wash away the stains you make to the law of God. However, Bashera writes: Rome, like Paris, will be destroyed, and dozens of prophecies will be agreed on this subject, but the destruction will not be immediate, immediate.

The discovery of this Russian mathematician, published in 1826, did not receive recognition from his contemporaries, but made a revolution in the idea of ​​the nature of space. Who is this scientist who influenced the further development of mathematics in general? (Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.)

Don Bosco saw a boat with the Pope and Christians in the stormy sea, and many ships fought. The Pope then sees two pillars in the sea to which he has attached himself: the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin. A nun in Dresden wrote of a terrible and vile prophetic dream he had in Rome: "I had just fallen asleep when a hand took me and lifted me up, and someone else - they made a covenant with Satan."

He flees somewhere in the unknown, and after a short pause he will die a violent death. All this must happen in great tribulation in Rome. So, this is Fatima's third secret? And yet, it may be enough for all Christians to know that if there is a message that the oceans will inject entire parts of the world and millions of people will die for another minute, there is no need to publish this secret message anymore.

versatile scientist late XIX beginning of the 20th century. But he is known to the world, first of all, as the author of fundamental research in chemistry, chemical technology (which is worth one industrial method of fractional separation of oil), one of the types of smokeless powder and very interesting system, which every schoolchild has seen ... Who is this scientist, and what system in question? (Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, Mendeleev's periodic table.)

So get ready as Great Tribulation is coming, so that it will not be so like the beginning of the world until that day, and that there will be no more. I'll tell you, this younger generation will not pass before this happens. The torments of the revolution will join other punishments such as plague and famine. There will be three days of darkness, this will be the last stage. Then a great cross will appear in Heaven, the triumph of the Church will be such that all misfortunes will soon be forgotten. France will be punished for the first time and will be the first to stand up.

I will come to the sinful world with a terrible thunderous roar on a cold winter night. Underground magnetic currents will be destroyed, causing cataclysms, earthquakes, floods. And people will understand less and less, except for the true disciples. Anemic intensive cultivation fields depleted of scientific fertilizers will no longer be produced.

This famous Russian biologist and pathologist of the 19th century, one of the founders of immunology, the creator of a series of works devoted to the epidemiology of many diseases, paid great attention to the problem of aging, believing that old age, like any disease, can be treated. The founder of the Russian school of microbiologists and immunologists, he worked in Paris for many years. Streets and hospitals in many cities carry his name in Russia. Who is this great scientist? (Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov.)

Supersonic aircraft, developed under the guidance of this aircraft designer, were and are in service with our army. This is a galaxy of MIG fighters, on which 55 world records were set at one time. Who is this design engineer? (Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan.)

The most famous biologist-breeder, our fellow countryman, the author of many varieties of fruit and berry crops, who developed methods for their selection. Yes, those who are engaged in the cultivation or cultivation of horticultural crops are often called his name, or rather, his surname. (Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin.)

When we talk about instincts, we remember a person with whom everything conditional and unconditional in our life is connected. He is the founder of the largest physiological school of our time, his studies of nervous activity had a huge impact on the development of physiology, medicine, psychology and pedagogy. Now you can easily name this scientist. (Ivan Petrovich Pavlov.)

Do you know the person whose name is associated with the creation of a radio receiver and, in general, the principle of wireless transmission of information? Here are his words: “I am proud that I was born Russian. And if not contemporaries, then perhaps our descendants will understand how great my devotion to our homeland is and how happy I am that a new means of communication has been opened not abroad, but in Russia. (Alexander Stepanovich Popov.) Great Russian aircraft designer, colonel general, designer of famous Russian aircraft, including the first passenger jet. On his machines 28 unique flights were made, one of which was the flight of V.P. Chkalov and M.M. Gromov across the North Pole to the USA. And until now, airliners bearing the name of their creator carry passengers and cargo to distant points in Russia and many countries of the world. (Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.)

He is considered the founder of world cosmonautics. As a child, having lost his hearing, he was independently engaged in his education, worked until the end of his days as a teacher of physics and mathematics in Kaluga. It was he who first substantiated the possibility of using rockets for interplanetary communications, found a number of important engineering solutions for the design of rockets and liquid rocket engine. And he also developed the so-called "cosmic philosophy", the ideas of which formed the basis of Russian cosmism. Who is this inventor? (Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.)

These two serf breeders Demidovs, father and son, became the first designers of steam engines, of which they produced more than 20 during their activities. And in 1834 the first steam locomotive was created. Now you can easily name the names of famous Russian inventors who for a long time remained serfs of the Demidovs. (Efim Alekseevich and Miron Efimovich Cherepanovs.)

In Paris, in 1878, the World Exhibition was held, at which the lighting system, called "Russian light", was demonstrated. Do you know the great Russian electrical engineer to whom we owe this invention and the use of the electric light bulb? (Pavel Nikolaevich Yablochkov.)

This scientist made a huge contribution to the development of Earth science. He concluded that the largest part of solar radiation is absorbed by the oceans. This energy is spent mainly on the evaporation of water, causing its circulation. Therefore, the oceans, huge reservoirs of heat and moisture, play a gigantic role in shaping the Earth's climate. Along with the American scientist M.F. Mori, he became the founder of the doctrine of the interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere. (Emil Khristianovich Lenz.)

Russian physicist and engineer, member of the Royal Society of London (1929), member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1939), Hero of Socialist Labor (1945, 1974). Proceedings in physics magnetic phenomena, physics and technology of low temperatures, quantum physics condensed state, electronics and plasma physics. In developed a pulsed method for creating superstrong magnetic fields. In 1934 he invented and built a machine for the adiabatic cooling of helium. In 1937 he discovered the superfluidity of liquid helium. In 1939 gave a new method of liquefying air using a cycle low pressure and a highly efficient turboexpander. Nobel Prize(1978). USSR State Prize (1941, 1943). gold medal them. Lomonosov Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1959). Medals of Faraday (England, 1943), Franklin (USA, 1944), Niels Bohr (Denmark, 1965), Rutherford (England, 1966), Kamerling-Onnes (Netherlands, 1968). (Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa.)

Russian physicist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1741). He laid the foundation for the research of electricity in Russia, introduced its quantitative measurements. Together with M. V. Lomonosov, he studied atmospheric electricity. During the experiment, he died from a lightning strike. (Georg Richman.)

He owns the discovery of the electric arc, a number of studies on electrical conductivity solids, liquids and gases, as well as the electrification of bodies. He discovered the dependence of the current strength on the cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor, designed original instruments for studying the electric discharge in gases. (Vasily Vladimirovich Petrov.)

The following message was published about the discovery of this scientist: “The professor of physics at Moscow University informs the public about the results of his first research related to the pressure of light ... The scientist managed to create a device with which you can measure it, and the result of the first experiments is consistent with the prediction of the theory ... ". (Pyotr Nikolaevich Lebedev.)

Russian physicist. Obtained a curve for the magnetization of iron (1872), systematically investigated external photoelectric effect(), discovered the first law of the photoelectric effect. Investigated the gas discharge, critical situation and others. Founded (1874) a physical laboratory at Moscow University. (Alexander Grigorievich Stoletov.)

In 1864, an artillery officer developed a project for an aircraft with a triangular wing and a "calorific spirit gun", that is, the simplest jet engine! That's because how far the inventor looked, almost a hundred years ahead, in our time! (Nikolai Afanasyevich Teleshov)

SPACE QUIZ for grades 7-9

1. Name the Russian scientist, the founder of astronautics.(K.E. Tsiolkovsky)

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857 - 1935) - a teacher from Kaluga, who knew physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics well. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocket technology, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications with the help of rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him insane. The scientist was able to outline the path by which humanity went into space.

2. Inventor of the first Soviet spacecraft.(Sergei Pavlovich Korolev)

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev (1906 -1966) - Russian scientist and designer. Under his leadership, ballistic and geophysical rockets, the first artificial satellites of the Earth, the first spacecraft were created, on which, for the first time in history, a man's space flight and man's exit into space were made.

3. In what year did the first manned flight into space take place?(April 12, 1961)

4. The first person to conquer the starry sky.(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)

5. How long did Yu.A. Gagarin?(108 min = 1 h 48 min)

6. What was the name spaceship Yu.A. Gagarin?("East")

7. The world's first female astronaut.(Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova)

8. Who was the first to go into outer space?(Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov)

9. Who was the first person to walk on the surface of the moon?(Neil Armstrong)

On July 20, 1969, American astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin, and Michael Collins landed on the moon in the Apollo 11 spacecraft. And the next day, Armstrong and Aldrin left the ship on the surface of the moon, the first of them was Armstrong. A total of 12 astronauts have landed on the moon.

10. What are the names of Russian and American space shuttles?("Buran", "Shuttle")

"SPACE SHUTTLE" (eng. Space Shuttle - space shuttle) is a reusable manned transport spacecraft of the United States. First flight with astronauts - April 1981. By 1992, 5 orbital stages were built - "Columbia", "Challenger", "Discovery", "Atlantis", "Endever".

"BURAN" is a reusable aerospace ship. Made according to the aircraft scheme of the "tailless" type with a low-lying double-swept wing. The launch of the ship using the carrier rocket "Energy", descent and landing on the "airplane" mode. The first unmanned flight with automatic landing on November 15, 1988.

11. What is the name of the American launch vehicle that crashed on January 28, 1986 - it exploded 74 seconds after launch? ("Challenger")

12. In what year was the launch of the first artificial satellite Earth?(October 4, 1957)

13. What was the name of the self-propelled vehicle that traveled on the surface of the moon?("Lunokhod")

"Lunokhod" - an automatic or controlled device for working and moving on the surface of the Moon. The first automatic lunar self-propelled vehicle controlled from the Earth was the Soviet Lunokhod-1 (1970), and the first controlled lunar self-propelled vehicle was the American Lunokhod Rover (1971).

13. When and by whom were telescope observations made for the first time? Galileo Galilei, 1610

14. What determines the color of a star? Her temperature.

15. Name the planets of the solar system.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

16. Name the nearest star. Sun.

17. In what constellation is the North Star located? In Ursa Minor

18. What is the most bright Star night sky? Sirius.

19. Who discovered the laws of planetary motion? Johannes Kepler.

20. What event is the celebration of Cosmonautics Day dedicated to?

April 12, 1961, the flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.