This healing technique is simply called the tapping technique. It is just as easy to use. Find out what this technique is, how and when it can be applied. We do tapping according to the scheme, passing each zone for 1 minute, tapping large zones with a fist and small zones with fingers.

This tapping technique is truly a healing tool that is used to clear any kind of emotional tension in our mind and body. It combines modern psychology and the principles of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing system, to help release stress and emotional conflict of any kind.

What we are doing is tapping certain acupuncture points along the meridians of the body with our fingertips while working on our own problem, specific stress or emotional tension. The goal is to restore the normal functioning of the energy system by stimulating certain energy points.

The tapping technique works with any kind of emotional stress - anxiety, fears, guilt, all kinds of addictions, limiting beliefs that prevent people from creating a successful, prosperous life, as well as physical pain and illness. Any problem that has an emotional basis can be healed with this method.

The fact is that emotions affect every area of ​​our lives. In the process of tapping, we stimulate and excite our nervous system, and we raise hidden deep feelings, subconscious beliefs and programs to the surface and free ourselves from them. It turns out that, using the tapping technique, we solve the problem at its very root.

If we delve into explaining how this technique works, it is important to say this. Every problem in a person's life begins with energy level. When we heal, clear the energy system with the tapping technique, we are removing the problem at its root. In addition, the tapping technique breaks the neural connections in the brain that caused a particular painful reaction or behavior when faced with a traumatic past experience. As a result of this, a person ceases to react painfully to what used to hurt him.

The body is cleared of traumatic blocks and rejuvenation begins.

Patting different parts of the body is an easy way to improve health and prolong life. it improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and joints and increases resistance to disease.

The tapping technique includes the following exercises

Patting on the surface of the head and neck area

Standing or sitting (back straight on a chair), head upright, looking forward, relaxation of the whole body. Raise your hands up and pat your palms on the surface of the head and neck: with the left palm - on the left, with the right - on the right side. First, pat on the neck, moving along the forehead, then in reverse direction. Repeat 5-8 times. This exercise helps to remove and prevent headaches, dizziness, strengthen memory.

Patting on the chest and neck area

Stand up straight, relax. With your palms half-clenched into a fist, pat: with the left on the right chest area, with the right - on the left area. First from top to bottom, then from bottom to top. 200 times on each side. Then start patting on the back area: with the left hand half-clenched into a fist on the left side of the back, with the right hand on the right. 100 times on each side. This exercise improves blood circulation and promotes the treatment of respiratory and vascular diseases.

Patting on the shoulder area

Sitting (back straight) or standing, pat your right shoulder with your left hand and vice versa. 100 times with each hand. Reduces pain in the shoulder area.

Slapping hands on feet

Tap your right hand on your left leg, your left hand on your right leg. 100-200 times for each. Improves blood circulation in the legs and reduces pain in the hands. Exercise is best done while sitting. When patting your left leg, place your right foot on a small stool so that the muscles of your left leg are completely relaxed. Clap with both hands going down from the hips to the calves and up from the calves to the thighs 200 times. Then switch to the other leg. Also 200 times.

Finally, tap and massage this point on both hands.

Pay attention to the following points

When patting, the body should be completely relaxed, breathing natural, thoughts calm.

The strength of the cotton is uniform, can be gradually increased. The number of pats should be determined by your state of health, but not too small.

Follow the indicated directions of movement: do not allow accidental pats here and there.

Patting can be combined with walking at a slow pace.

Top 20 Best Tapping Affirmations for Women! How to activate the hormonal, lymphatic system and blood circulation? You will be helped in this by daily tapping of the whole body: organs, bones. Circulation can be effectively aided by tapping the bones.

What happens when bones are tapped?

It is in the bones that blood cells are produced.

Today, at an on-site training in India, we are engaged in relieving fatigue from the body, energizing, activating the hormonal, immune and lymphatic systems.

It is believed that any pathological process is based on impaired functioning of nerve fibers and microcirculation disorders. Venous and lymphatic stagnation, oxygen starvation of cells, accumulation of metabolic products in them develop.

The reasons for these changes can be varied. When exposed to internal organs through massage, tapping, pressure, lymph and blood circulation is restored and their work is normalized.

This method was patented in Russia by A. Ogulov. Also, the method of tapping bones - one of the effective massage techniques was developed specifically for diabetics by Meyer Schneider. I use tapping techniques in my work with clients, at the same time I use the methods of manual therapy of the whole body. You can also try the tapping method.

Tapping the bones

Tap all the bones you can get your hands on and set up at least three sessions a week for yourself with the help of a friend or doctor. Tapping the bones is the most effective massage technique for diabetics.

The easiest way is to tap the tibia of the lower leg along the entire length from the knee to the foot and skull (with the exception of the temporal part). It will be more pleasant for you to go through this procedure if someone else is doing the tapping, and you will lie in a dark room, completely relaxed. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

A word of caution for diabetics: When you get massaged, your blood sugar levels can drop, as it does during exercise of any kind, even though you are passive. Have fruit juice or fruit handy during your massage session.

Any bone that is so close to the surface that it can be felt should be tapped: vertebrae, ribs, fingers, wrists, arms to the elbow, elbows, shoulders, skull - but not its temporal part, jaw, feet, ankles, shins, knees and sacrum. In short, wherever you feel the bone.

Learn more about the structure of your skeleton and the location of the bones. After all, for example, your throat may be very tight, and some muscles may seem as hard as bones, and they should not be tapped. For example, there are no bones on the sides of your neck, although you will feel that you have groped them.

Tapping is a massage

This type of massage is a light, steady, fast (about three beats per second to give you an idea) tapping with the tips of all five fingers, with the wrist relaxed and the strokes feeling fluid. Tap for a long time, drum in a fast, constant rhythm, changing hands. This tapping of the bones increases blood circulation and helps bone repair.

If your thigh muscles are not particularly weak, you can tap them with a loosely clenched fist, and the vibration from such tapping will reach the thigh bone, while relaxing the thigh muscles. You can do the same with your hand. If you can feel part of the humerus, tap it with your fingertips, otherwise tap the strong muscles of the arm and shoulder with a loosely clenched fist.

Don't tap too hard, as you may injure the bone, and don't tap too lightly, as the tapping will have no effect: the tapping should not be pleasant to the fingers, nor to the one who is tapped. You will be amazed at how much a person can relax after being subjected to bone tapping.

Tapping of the scalp

This exercise will be especially effective if you are tired but need some more work. It will give you strength, energize and help relieve stress. You can do this exercise at any time and in any position.

1. Clench your hands into fists and tap the entire surface of your head with soft movements with your knuckles, comparing sounds in different places. As for the speed and intensity with which you will do this, then here you need to be guided only by your feelings and completely rely on them.

Performing this exercise, you will immediately notice that at some points when tapping, pain may occur, which then disappear.

Try to first tap the entire surface of the scalp, paying attention to the places where you feel pain, and then go back to the areas where you felt pain and work them one or more times. You will notice that the pain gradually subsides.

Keep tapping until you feel like you've had enough.

It is very useful to tap the face along the massage lines with your fingers, like a drum roll - this technique is called "finger shower" and is key in my facial rejuvenation practices.

Tapping the head in a horizontal position

You will need: a floor covered with a carpet; rolled towel or small flat pillow.

This exercise is performed in the supine position on the floor, covered with a carpet. Lie on your back. Bend your knees slightly. Put your hands behind your head (behind your ears) and support it as if it were a foreign object, a "dead weight".

1. Raise your head slightly with your hands, and then quickly release it, taking your hands away and letting your head fall to the floor on a small flat pillow or rolled up towel.

2. You can repeat this movement as many times as you see fit and possible. Then turn your head from side to side. Breathing should be even and relaxing.

Note: Don't raise your head too high because you could get a concussion!

The advantage of this exercise is that if performed in a coordinated manner, it helps to relax deep-seated muscles that cannot be worked out with massage and which are often in a state of static contraction. “Returning” the scalp “to life” is the surest way to get rid of migraines.

"Butting" with a wall

This exercise is intended for people who already have some experience with this kind of exercise. You can perform it against a wooden or cork wall (or a door, provided that it is locked).

You can also do this exercise with a partner using their head, and then it will turn into fun fun for you. (However, I must warn you that the force of hitting your head against the wall or against your partner's head is entirely on your conscience).

1. Starting from the hardest part of the skull - from the top of the head - carefully, gently hit your head against the wall (hard surface), each time substituting a different part of the skull for impact, and watch what sensations you will experience when hitting one or another part .

2. Do not repeat the blow to the same place, especially if you experience pain. The sensations should be mostly pleasant, the blows should be soft, but there should be no pain at all.

Positive affirmations when tapping

It's no secret that the body tends to follow the mind. At an on-site training in India by Inna Nefedovskaya, the participants and I conducted the practice of pronouncing affirmations while tapping. Positive affirmations are designed to increase your chances of achieving the desired favorable changes when using tapping techniques.

Dear Lady! Dear readers and clients! Try this magical action and you will see what a powerful potential it has!

The main rule is to tap the meridian points

When you tap meridian points, you are doing so to change the flow of energy through those meridians. Of course, you want these changes to be positive in nature.

By adding affirmations to this practice, you can increase the positive impact on the flow of energy in your body. This will give you an extraordinary result, whatever aspect of holistic healing you are striving for, the likelihood of achieving it is increased.

Use tapping techniques with the sole purpose of achieving the desired result. It is logical that you would also benefit from speeding up the healing process, because this will help you realize the desired changes in your mental and physical state.

Top 20 Best Tapping Affirmations for Women

  1. I am a woman and proud of it!
  2. I am beautiful and feminine!
  3. My heart is open to love!
  4. I can take care of myself!
  5. I have a cute personality!
  6. Feminine energy overwhelms me!
  7. I radiate happiness, joy and love!
  8. I am the one and only!
  9. I am strong and free!
  10. Men bow before me!
  11. I am grateful to the Creator for the fact that I am a woman!
  12. I take care of myself and appreciate myself!
  13. My family is my pride!
  14. I am young, slim and sexy!
  15. I look at life with confidence and optimism!
  16. My female power knows no bounds!
  17. I am a magnet for great relationships!
  18. I love my body and always take care of it!
  19. I have the best man in the world!
  20. I am the happiest woman in the world!

Also for this technique, you can apply any positive affirmations aimed at beauty, youth and health. I wish you success.

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Greetings from India, Inna Nefedovskaya

Here is a description of the tapping method that Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra are delighted with. The tapping method is a very simple and extremely effective way to improve brain function and quickly relieve stress. Anton Moguchiy discovered this method on his own, having personally tested it and described it in detail. This method literally creates a miracle: the rhythmic tapping of active points on the body has an amazing effect on health and mental state. After tapping, the brain works better, additional energy appears, and the negative disappears. And therefore, problems are solved as soon as possible without the help of psychologists and psychoanalysts. There is no need to be afraid of mistakes or study for a long time - tapping has no contraindications, which means that the method is available to absolutely everyone who wants to live a quiet life without tears and shocks.

A series: Book-simulator for your brain

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by the LitRes company.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

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© Mighty A., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

I have known about tapping for a long time, I even use some tricks. But that with its help you can change your life so drastically, it was a discovery for me. And it does work!

Natalia, Vorkuta

Simple exercises help me to recover after a working day. A few tricks while driving home from work - and there is energy, and strength, and mood. Ideal to harmonize body and soul.

Olga, Tver

Only a week of practice has passed, and I feel 10 years younger. I made a list of exercises on my own, learned how to perform them. The main thing is not to be lazy. But tapping does an excellent job with this - there is so much energy that you forget about laziness forever, the main thing is to set a goal.

Valentina, Novorossiysk

I knew about tapping only as a method that helps to get rid of physical pain. Although, doing some exercises, I noticed that I mentally begin to feel better. And when I found out that whole books were written about this, I realized that I was not mistaken in my observations. And let me tell you - life has become much easier!

Ulyana, Eagle

Each new book by Anton the Mighty is a discovery for me! Pleasant and welcome. I read, I do, I enjoy the result. Thank you!

Anna, Moscow


Renew your mind - renew your life

Healing "finger rain" and the possibilities of our mind

For many years I have been researching the capabilities of the human brain and, of course, I am looking for various techniques and techniques to activate our mental capacity, more complete use of the potential of the mind, keeping the intellect in good shape, restoring efficiency. My practice has shown that as one of these methods, a simple head massage has proven itself very well, the essence of which is tapping the fingers of both hands over the entire surface from the forehead to the back of the head (also known as “finger rain”). The method is simple, but its effects are sometimes simply amazing: this massage not only helped to get rid of a headache, but also quickly relieved fatigue, stress, restored strength in a matter of minutes, clarified the mind and even improved mood. Moreover, sometimes a massage session made it possible to instantly throw off the burden of severe psychological problems, calm down, get rid of anger, resentment and other negative emotions, which immediately had a positive effect on intellectual performance. Moreover, all these effects increased, as a rule, from session to session.

The fact that massage has a relaxing and soothing effect is understandable. But he also brought the emotional and psychological sphere back to normal. It was no secret to me that intellectual abilities are connected with our emotional state. It is clear that in a state of stress, the brain works worse. But the problem is not only stress as such. Even if you are in this moment calm, and once in the past received a serious psychological trauma, it continues to affect you to this day, although this is not always noticeable to the naked eye. The brain remembers this, moreover, a part of the brain seems to be blocked by this injury. This means that our ability to perceive and analyze information is reduced, and we can no longer learn and remember what used to be easy. Our reaction to the world around us also suffers, we run the risk of making a mistake or making the wrong decision at a crucial moment. No wonder - the blocked part of the brain seems to be turned off from life, it is simply insensitive to what is happening around!

Most likely, the deterioration of intellectual abilities with age occurs in many people not because of age as such, but because of negative emotions, experiences, and mental trauma accumulated over a previous life. You may have forgotten about them - but the brain remembers and is not able to work in full force!

Therefore, noticing that a simple “finger rain” tends to pull out the “splinters” of negative emotions and past unwanted experiences that are “stuck” in the conscious and subconscious, I decided to study this method deeper and find out what are the reasons for such an amazing effect and what is its mechanism. actions. In addition, I wanted to somehow improve this method in order to enhance its effect, because, in my opinion, although it was noticeable, it was rather weak.

My search and research led me to in-depth study two seemingly unrelated disciplines: reflexology and body-oriented psychotherapy.

The first is the direction of oriental medicine, the second is western. But the contradiction between them is only visible: in fact, both sciences are based on the idea of ​​a person as a single system, where the body, mind and soul are closely interconnected. Why, by touching the body, acting on certain points on it or making certain movements, we can heal our emotions, get rid of mental trauma, become stronger and more successful? Because the body reflects our emotional condition, and stress, and psychological trauma, and even thoughts and feelings. Moreover, this connection is both direct and reverse: by working with emotions, we can get rid of body diseases, but by acting directly on the body, we also affect emotions and our internal state as a whole!

Oriental medicine explains this relationship by the fact that energy circulates in our body, which is the connecting substance between the body and mind, emotions, soul. Western psychotherapy has also recently begun to talk about energy fullness or exhaustion, about emotional blocks, that is, blocking of energy in the body, which indicates the common essence of these two approaches. After all, both reflexology and body-oriented therapy, in fact, pursue the same goal - the restoration of normal energy balance in the body. As a result, it becomes possible solution any problem: from healing headaches and other illnesses to getting rid of stress and depression, overcoming bad luck, getting out of difficult situations. When everything is in order with our energy, when the body, mind and soul are free from energy blocks, we acquire abilities never seen before - our brain begins to work much better. Thanks to this, we discover new opportunities for ourselves, become healthier, more successful and even richer!

Ancient wisdom of the East plus achievements modern science

What was my surprise when, continuing my research, I discovered that in the world there already exists a method that combines both the Eastern and Western approaches, and this method is tapping active points. Having got acquainted with the method closer, I realized: this is exactly what I was looking for! Then I developed several research programs for the method in practice. Studied the effect on different points and sequences of points for solving various psychological problems. The results were inspiring! Exactly those methods and sequences of tapping on active points were found that ideally heal specific problems, blocking the mind - whether it be fears, depression, post-traumatic state, despondency, apathy, or simply obsession with negative attitudes.

Now that the method has been thoroughly studied by me, tested and tested in practice, I am happy to offer it to readers. After all, it, among other things, is no more complicated than the very “finger rain”, although it is dozens of times more effective and accessible for independent development by each person.

Combining the best and most effective techniques of reflexology and body-oriented therapy, the method of tapping active points at the same time has a number of noticeable advantages:

This method is very easy to apply;

This method allows you to very quickly, literally in a few minutes, cope even with difficult problems both physical and emotional;

This method is available for use at any time, because each of us always has a tool for work with us - these are our hands;

This method has no contraindications;

This method is absolutely painless, you do not use tools like needles for reflexology and other items and independently control the intensity of exposure;

When applying this method, mistakes are not terrible - even if you do something wrong at first, nothing terrible will happen.

Fingers and consciousness - two magical tools given to us by nature

Unlike reflexology, the tapping method focuses not so much on the physiological and energetic as on the psychological component of healing - that is why we are talking about its capabilities in solving serious psychological problems that interfere with our happiness, success, and prosperity. This is not only the impact of the fingers, but also the impact of consciousness, which together gives amazing results!

And unlike the methods of Western medicine, tapping affects special active points of the body - those areas where there is an increased concentration of receptors, that is, cells responsible for establishing relationships between different levels organism.

By influencing such a point, we can influence both the problem area, directing energy there, and the work of the brain, which gives the command to restore the broken harmony.

This includes the whole organism at all levels, from cellular to energy!

By changing our energy, we change our destiny!

Tapping active points is a relatively young method, but its origins must be sought in ancient times. The simplest massages - tapping the back of the head, it turns out, were used by ancient healers to excite vitality, concentrate thinking in responsible moments among officials, pundits and schoolchildren. This is where the very “finger rain” for a sore head originates from! Our neurologists, psychologists and psychotherapists, reflexologists today also confirm: this method stimulates the nervous system, activates thinking, and also “pulls out” deep emotions, unwanted subconscious attitudes to the surface, while destroying the negativity accumulated over the years, creating painful, unwanted programs both for the body so for the mind and soul.

After just a few sessions, you will feel a surge of strength, and most importantly, emotional freedom from various traumatic and limiting factors.

This can only be compared with a new birth. Without old traumas and stresses, without fears and complexes that interfere with life, with new strength and faith in yourself, you can really start building your life the way you want to see it again.

It seems so simple that sometimes it raises doubts: is it true, and can this method work like this? We just still know very little about ourselves and about the capabilities of our body. But the body is arranged and more complex and wiser than we sometimes think. He looks like something musical instrument. After all, no one sits down at the piano without knowing musical notation. The piano simply “will not come to life” and will not show its capabilities if there is no competent musician nearby. Knowing the active points of your body is a kind of “notation” of your body, which will help literally revive it, make it “sound” in a completely new way. But what we are - such is our life. Changing ourselves, our energy, emotions, thoughts, attitudes, we change our destiny. Yes, it's actually very simple. Try it and you will see that it works!

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The following excerpt from the book We train the brain by tapping. Secrets of neurosurgeons and shamans (Anton Moguchiy, 2016) provided by our book partner -

Angry, offended, annoyed, ashamed, afraid ... for a person, these feelings seem to be natural, who doesn’t have it. When negative feelings and emotions accumulate, become unexpressed, they become destructive.

If you haven't heard of the meridian tapping technique, look it up online or watch an American documentary directed by Nicholas Polizzi "The Emotional Freedom Technique - A Remedy for All Occasions."

This method was invented in the early 80s by an American psychologist, Dr. Roger Callaghan., and in the 90s, the American Gary Craig improved it and created the Emotional Release Technique (EFT). The main thing is that a person can apply it anywhere.

The meridian tapping technique works with any kind of emotional stress. are anxiety, fears, guilt, all kinds of addictions, limiting beliefs that prevent people from creating a successful and prosperous life, as well as physical pain and illness. Any problem that has an emotional basis can be healed with this method.

The technique of tapping meridian points is practically acupuncture, which is also based on the same meridians. Just like tapping, acupuncture achieves its effect by stimulating energy meridians. human body. But, unlike acupuncture, tapping does not require the use of needles! "Acupuncture without needles" is one of the important advantages of the tapping method or, as it is also called, the emotional release technique.

How will the meridian tapping method help?

  • Tapping will help you relax
  • Tapping will ease the pain
  • Tapping will reduce stress levels
  • Tapping can help break bad habits
  • Tapping will teach you how to overcome your fears and phobias
  • Tapping will remove the influence of childhood memories

Description of tapping technique

Determine as specifically as possible what worries you, scares you, saddens you, annoys you, for example, at work. And then rate the strength of your feelings and emotions on a 10-point scale. 0 means that this is not a problem for you at all, a score of 10 means that you are beside yourself. Now start tapping on the karate point on the edge of your palm and repeat only one of the phrases: “I get so tired at work. So much tension. It squeezes all the juice out of me. I feel exhausted. The stress at work binds me and worries me.

By stimulating the point, we are released, we release the negative from ourselves. If a negative feeling sits inside, an emotion, it means a block in your body. The truth is that in this case, the very pronunciation of feelings and tapping on the dots does not produce even more negativity, but rather relieves. The more clearly and specifically you define the problem in a short phrase, the better.

Now continue tapping in a circle, starting from the point at the beginning of the eyebrow, and say what you feel, moving to the next point with each new phrase.

If in the process of tapping your emotions intensify, it means that up to this point you have suppressed them in yourself, did not recognize them. So keep tapping and you will see these emotions begin to fade as you amplify.

Tapping itself is similar to how we vigorously type on the keyboard or lightly drum on the table. The points should be tapped in a circle (see the figure), while speaking aloud certain phrases and sentences. At this stage, it is very important to call a spade a spade, turn off any censorship, and simply, clearly and out loud speak about how you feel.

If your stress or problem has settled far in the depths of your soul, it is better to turn to specialists in the field of psychotherapy.

Health ecology: This technique is simply called the tapping technique. It is just as easy to use

A phenomenally simple technique that will literally help you heal any area of ​​your life. Isn't that a bold statement? No, not too much, just right. I checked.

This technique is simply called the tapping technique. It is just as easy to use. Today I will tell you about what this technique is, how and when it can be applied. In the following articles, we will look at how the tapping technique can be used to heal certain specific aspects of life.

This technique is truly a healing tool that is used to clear any kind of emotional tension in our mind and body. It combines modern psychology and the principles of acupuncture, an ancient Chinese healing system, to help release stress and emotional conflict of any kind.

What we are doing is tapping certain acupuncture points along the meridians of the body with our fingertips while working on our own problem, specific stress or emotional tension. The goal is to restore the normal functioning of the energy system by stimulating certain energy points.

The tapping technique works with any kind of emotional stress - anxiety, fears, guilt, all kinds of addictions, limiting beliefs that prevent people from creating a successful, prosperous life, as well as physical pain and illness. Any problem that has an emotional basis can be healed with this method.

The fact is that emotions affect every area of ​​our lives. In the process of tapping, we stimulate and excite our nervous system, and bring to the surface hidden deep feelings, subconscious beliefs and programs and release them. It turns out that, using the tapping technique, we solve the problem at its very root.

If we delve into explaining how this technique works, it is important to say this. Any problem in human life begins at the energy level. When we heal, clear the energy system with the tapping technique, we are removing the problem at its root.

In addition, the tapping technique breaks the neural connections in the brain that caused a particular painful reaction or behavior when faced with a traumatic past experience. As a result of this, a person ceases to react painfully to what used to hurt him.

The tapping method has its origins in the 80s, and the very first version of it was called "thought field therapy" or the technique of the American psychologist Dr. Roger Callaghan (TFT). And in the 90s, the American Gary Craig improved the method of Dr. Calagan and created the Emotional Release Technique (EFT), which guarantees the release of negative emotions that have sometimes accumulated over many years, and contributes to the improvement of the personality and the achievement of desired goals.

This is a very simple technique that has no negative side effects and can be used by anyone anywhere. That is why today this technique is so popular in the world, it is improved and adapted to heal completely different areas of life, including relationships, finances, physical health, personal development.

Description of tapping technique.

The technique has two main features - it is the concentration on the problem and the tapping of certain acupuncture points on the body. Tapping is most conveniently carried out with two fingers of any hand - as you wish. You can even tap with both hands at the same time.

You should tap the dots in a circle, at the same time pronouncing aloud certain phrases and sentences. You can see the points that should be tapped in the image.

Tapping begins from a point at the beginning of the eyebrow, then the corner of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, in the center of the chin, a point on the collarbone (2-3 cm from the center to the right or left - it doesn’t matter), a point under the arm (4 fingers from the armpit down) and we finish the circle with a point on the top of the head, where the crown is in children.

The tapping process also includes a point located on the edge of the palm (the so-called karate point). How many times you will hit the dot - it doesn't matter, do it several times. Tapping itself is similar to how we vigorously type on the keyboard or lightly drum on the table.

The very first, very important step is to clearly define the problem.. The more clearly and specifically you define the problem, the better. The second step is to rate on a scale of 1 to 10 the intensity of the unpleasant emotion when you think about the problem. It is important for us to know where we are, where we start.

After that comes the stage that we call the “main statement”. At this stage, while tapping on the karate point on the edge of the palm, you say the problem out loud several times in this format: “despite the fact that I have this problem (I am afraid of an interview, spiders, I am sure that money is evil ... and so on), I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

Perhaps this phrase will seem strange and inappropriate to you, perhaps you do not agree with this statement ... But it is important for you to say this even if it is not true. This statement does not mean that the problem does not exist. This means that the problem exists, but you still love and accept yourself. Accept and love not the problem, but yourself, as you really are, with all your features. Even if you feel that it is not true yet, saying the phrase “despite the fact that I have this problem, I deeply and completely love and accept myself, everything, with all my features” works wonders.

This is an incredibly important step. People tend not to allow themselves to experience negative emotions, they suppress them inside and do not admit them to themselves. And if they confess, then after this they begin self-flagellation, self-accusation, they do not love themselves and do not accept.

With this statement, you share the negative emotion and self-love. Cutlets in one direction, flies in the other. You allow yourself to feel whatever you feel, even if it's negative heavy feelings. And yet you accept the fact that everything is fine with you, you deserve love and acceptance in any case.

After that, you start tapping in a circle and at the same time say phrases that remind you of the problem itself, of the negative situation that describes it. At this stage, it is very important to call a spade a spade, turn off any censorship, and simply, clearly and out loud speak about how you feel. And it is very good if negative feelings intensify.

We do this specifically in order to free ourselves, to let go of the negative. After all, if you have this feeling, this emotion, then because you don’t say it out loud, it doesn’t disappear anywhere, it remains a block in the body. Therefore, at this stage, it is important for you to simply acknowledge out loud what you feel: “Yes, I am angry, yes, I am afraid, I am scared, yes, I am offended.”

There are people who are afraid to say out loud what they feel. There are two such aspects to this: the first is that these people are simply deceiving themselves. They do not want to admit to themselves that they feel all these negative feelings. Because they subconsciously believe that only a “bad” person, unworthy of love, can feel negative feelings. And they are, as it were, "good." They think that if they don't talk about a feeling or emotion out loud, then it doesn't exist. This is self-deception.

The second aspect is that we are all very well-read and we know that we need to think positively, that words and thoughts have power. And we are afraid to attract even more negativity into our lives, allegedly because we will pronounce these feelings out loud.

But the truth is that in this case, the very pronunciation of feelings does not produce even more negativity. This negativity already exists inside a person, even if a person is stubbornly silent and does not admit it to himself. These feelings, emotions, limiting beliefs already exist in a person and subconsciously control his life, health, and behavior. And, unfortunately, they also affect the people around them. And now it is very important for us to pull all this out of ourselves, pull it out of the subconscious, because we can heal and free ourselves only from what we see and recognize.

Many people who say only positive things are actually often just denying and not acknowledging their other side, pretending that it does not exist. Of course, from non-recognition, it does not disappear anywhere. Instead of shutting yourself off from the negativity in yourself, I offer to recognize it and get rid of it. The fact is that it is normal to experience a whole range of feelings - from positive to negative.

It is normal and natural to be angry, angry, offended, annoyed, ashamed, afraid. Any negative emotion is born in a person in order for him to change the situation. To change the situation, negative emotion, first of all, must be noticed, heard. Feelings and emotions become destructive only when they are not expressed. When we see them, recognize them, we can free ourselves from them and be healed.

Let's move on to a specific example. For the first simple test, I suggest you tapping the emotions and feelings associated with the stress that many people experience at work - in communication with management, customers, suppliers, employees.

Determine as specifically as possible what worries you, scares you, saddens you, annoys you at work. And then rate the strength of your feelings and emotions on a 10-point scale. 0 means that this is not a problem for you at all, a score of 10 means that you are beside yourself with feelings and emotions overwhelmed by you. If the score is below 6, I suggest choosing a different situation so that there is something to work with effectively.

Now start tapping on the karate point on the edge of your palm and repeat the phrase: “Despite the fact that I experience a lot of stress at work, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I experience a lot of stress at work, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I experience a lot of stress at work, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Now continue tapping in circles, starting at the dot at the beginning of the eyebrow, and just talk about how you feel, moving to the next dot with each new phrase.

  • This stress at work bothers me
  • This stress at work really bothers me
  • This stress at work has been bothering me for a long time.
  • I get so tired at work
  • So much tension
  • It squeezes all the juice out of me
  • I feel exhausted
  • The stress at work binds me and worries me

… Continue in your own words… Do a few rounds, tap a few circles…

Now take a deep breath and again remember the situation at work and evaluate it on a scale of 1 to 10. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. It doesn't matter, the technique works anyway. The main thing is that you stirred up your feelings and emotions now.

If in the process of tapping your emotions intensify, it means that up to this point you have suppressed them in yourself, did not recognize them, closed from them. So keep tapping and you will see these emotions begin to fade as you amplify. I suggest that you continue this tapping until you feel that the intensity of emotions has dropped to 0 points. published