Oriental medicine has been accumulating knowledge and methods of positive impact on the body for centuries. Some methods can be used daily.

You should always smile sincerely and fill your heart with love. Such a pleasant, painless and free way is a prophylactic for absolutely all diseases. In moments when a person is angry or depressed, our body releases poisons. But as soon as a person becomes happy and smiles wholeheartedly, the body produces a healing substance.

Of course, it is very difficult to immediately evaluate the result of an inner smile, without taking into account the correctness and completeness of mastering the technique. But when you master it and perform it regularly, it will become an integral part of your life. Together with a smile, you settle peace and tranquility in your heart, which is simply necessary in our turbulent time.

Say as little as possible. Do not spray and constantly have nothing to “talk about”. Carefully choose information for prying ears, what, when and how to say. The right word is the most valuable.

Worry as little as possible and act as much as possible. Thinking about the past or the future only increases anxiety, which creates stress. It is better to concentrate on the present, for this you do not need to master any techniques.

Many people from the East use meditation for any illness. During such an exercise, you do not need to concentrate on what you are doing to get rid of the disease. On the contrary, you must fully concentrate on the implementation of this exercise.

For full-fledged male health, it is necessary to slightly limit sexual life. With frequent ejaculation of the seed, the supply of Qi decreases and the ability to concentrate significantly deteriorates.

The head must be treated with great respect, it must always remain the temple of the soul. It is from there that all organs are controlled. We all remember the admonition "keep your head cold and your feet warm". That is why it is necessary to avoid all kinds of unnecessary information in the head, which can provoke some discomfort and even illness. With a large flow of negative information, blood pressure can rise.

Today we live a hectic life. It has become a habit for many to end the work day with a headache or with pressure that builds up both around and inside you, and something needs to be done.

All you have to do is do nothing! You have to learn when a difficult situation arises (whatever it is) to not let it suck you in. For this you need to smile. Through such a simple action, the world changes, and what threatened to be a big nuisance never becomes one.

At first, it can be very difficult to evaluate the results of the Inner Smile, let alone master its technique completely and correctly, but over time, if you practice it often enough, it will become an integral part of your life.

1. Remember to always smile sincerely with your eyes and fill your heart with love.

This is the prevention of all diseases. When you are sad, angry, depressed, crying or nervous, your organs release poisons. But if you're happy and smiling, they produce like honey healing liquid.

2. Talk less

Talk less; choose carefully what to say, when and how to say it. The right word is the most valuable.

3. Worry less and act more

Think less about the future and the past, as it is they that give cause for concern, and anxiety breeds stress. Instead, try to concentrate whenever you can.

Concentration comes by itself, without special techniques, - with the development of the ability to help and forgive.

4. Develop the power of the mind

In many oriental languages, including Chinese, the concepts of "mind" and "heart" are expressed in one word. After reaching the point where you are no longer bothered by personal ambition, when you can forget about yourself and develop your heart, you have the means to be freed from disease.

When you are sick and meditate, do not think that you are doing this to get rid of the disease. Just focus on doing the exercise and everything else will fall away by itself.

5. Control your sex drive and don't let it control you.

Limit your sex life. Too frequent ejaculation will severely decrease your Qi supply and impair your ability to concentrate.

The mind excites what comes to it through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose - that is, the senses.

6. Respect your head and keep your feet warm

Treat your head with the utmost respect. Consider it the temple of God and the mind. Consider it as the temple of the soul, from where all the vital organs are controlled.

There is a rule that is important to follow:

"Keep your head cold and your feet warm."

In this way, you will certainly avoid the accumulation of too much energy in the head, which can make you feel uncomfortable or even sick.

  • If too much energy goes to the head, blood pressure can rise.
  • By diverting energy to the feet, you can lower the pressure.
  • Keeping your feet warm will prevent a heart attack.
  • Rub your feet and warm them up. And after that, always collect energy in the navel, which should also be warm.

7. Keep your neck warm

There are many blood vessels and nerves in the neck that run towards (or away from) a very important part of your body - the head. Therefore, she also needs to pay great attention: make sure that she is warm; not to be tense; smile at her.

  • Try not to use your feelings too much.
  • Do not look or listen too hard or for too long. If the sense organs are overactive, disease can occur.
  • By indulging yourself in eating and drinking too much, you destroy your health.
  • To make life longer and avoid illness, do the saliva swallowing exercise many times a day.
  • Do not go out into the wind after swimming or when you are sweating.
  • Develop divine qualities in yourself, and in time you will set foot on the path of immortality.

8. Wisdom in nutrition

  • Do not overeat so that you do not have to sit or lie down for too long after a meal, as this will certainly shorten your life.
  • Get up from the table shortly before full saturation and then take a light walk; never eat before bed.
  • Eat less, but more often. So you will ensure good digestion and will not overload the 5 important organs.
  • When eating, eat hot dishes first, then warm ones; if there is no cold food, drink some cold water.
  • Before eating, you should always take a light breath and swallow some air.
  • Eat more spicy foods in spring, more sour foods in summer, more bitter foods in autumn, and less salty foods in winter, but don't overdo it.
  • In general, food cooked on the stove is better than raw food, and eating little is better than eating a lot.
  • If you have eaten too much, do not drink a lot of water and do not swallow it quickly.
  • Indigestion occurs when you eat to full satiety after being hungry for a long time.
  • Do not eat raw fruits on an empty stomach because they warm the organs above the diaphragm.
  • Too many raw vegetables can damage healthy skin tone.

9. Practice moderation

Walking too long damages the ligaments; too long sitting harms the muscles; too long standing damages the bones; lying too long is harmful vital energy; too long contemplation harms the blood.

Anger, sadness, regrets and melancholy are harmful, as is too much joy or pleasure. Suffering is harmful; abstaining from sexual relations is harmful; it's bad to worry. In short, it is harmful not to observe moderation.

10. Joy Increases Qi

  • Great joy - great Qi. Great sadness stops the flow of Qi.
  • You can deplete the reserves of vital energy by too active sex life.
  • To swallow saliva means to increase its essential energy. If it is not swallowed, it loses its power.
  • When you are sick, do not lie with your head to the north.
  • If immediately after waking up you start talking a lot, then you lose your vital energy.

11. Seasons and health care

  • In winter, keep your feet warm and your head cool. In spring and autumn, let your head and feet feel cool.
  • If you are sick and sweating, do not drink cold water, as this destroys the heart and stomach.
  • In spring and summer, lie down with your head to the east, and in autumn and winter - to the west.
  • Sleep on your side with your knees bent. This will increase your vital energy.
  • Go to bed early and get up early in summer and autumn; go to bed early and wake up late in winter; in the spring, go to bed while it's light and get up early.
  • At dawn, at noon, after dinner, at dusk and at midnight, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth seven times. It will prolong your life and strengthen your bones, teeth, muscles, nails and hair.

from the Mystery of the Universe

Oriental medicine tips for every day

1. Remember to always smile sincerely with your eyes and fill your heart with love. This is the prevention of all diseases.

When you are sad, angry, depressed, crying or nervous, your organs secrete poisons; but if you are happy and smiling, they produce a honey-like healing fluid.

It's no secret that today we live some kind of hectic life. For many, it has become customary to end the working day with a headache. With the pressure that is building up both around and within you, something needs to be done.

Oddly enough, all you have to do is do nothing. You just have to learn when a difficult situation arises - whatever it is - not to let it suck you in.

For this you need to smile. Through such a simple action, the world changes, and what threatened to be a big nuisance never becomes one.

At first, it can be very difficult to evaluate the results of the Inner Smile, let alone master its technique completely and correctly, but over time, if you do it often enough, it will become an integral part of your life.

Wherever you are, whether you are standing, walking or sitting, smile, relax, fill your heart with love and let the waves of love flood your entire body.

It's so simple and so useful. Just put peace and love in your heart, smile more often - and all your troubles will melt like ice under the sun.

2. Talk less; choose carefully what to say and when and how to say it. The word spoken appropriately is the most valuable; Silence preserves Qi.

3. Worry less and act more

Think less about the future and the past, as it is they that give cause for concern, and anxiety breeds stress.

Instead, try to concentrate whenever you can - remember that concentration comes by itself, without much technique - while developing the ability to help and forgive.

4. Develop the power of the mind

Taoist techniques include the development of creative and mental power.

In many oriental languages, including Chinese, the concepts of "mind" and "heart" are expressed in one word.

After reaching the point where you are no longer bothered by personal ambitions, when you can forget about yourself and develop your heart, you have the means of releasing diseases.

When you are sick and meditate, do not think that you are doing this in order to get rid of the disease. Just focus on doing the exercise and everything else will fall away by itself.

5. Control your sex drive and don't let it control you.

Limit your sex life. Too frequent ejaculation will severely decrease your Qi supply and impair your ability to concentrate.

The mind excites what comes to it through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose - that is, the senses.

When we read books in our youth that increase sexual desire, we are not yet ready to take it right, in a way that does not waste our energy. Therefore, it is better to focus on daily activities and avoid "distractions" of this kind.

6. Respect your head and keep your feet warm

Treat your head with the utmost respect. Consider it the temple of God and the mind. Consider it as the temple of the soul, from where all the vital organs are controlled.

There is a rule that is important to follow: "Keep your head cold and your feet warm." In this way, you will surely avoid the accumulation of too much energy in the head, which can make you feel uncomfortable or even sick.

If too much energy goes to the head, blood pressure can rise. By diverting energy to your feet, you can lower your blood pressure, and by keeping your feet warm, you can prevent a heart attack.

So rub your feet and warm them up. And after that, always collect energy in the navel, which should also be warm.

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1. Remember to always smile sincerely with your eyes and fill your heart with love. This is the prevention of all diseases.
When you are sad, angry, depressed, crying or nervous, your organs release poisons. But if you are happy and smiling, they produce a honey-like healing fluid.
It's no secret that today we live some kind of hectic life. For many, it has become customary to end the working day with a headache. With the pressure that is building up both around and within you, something needs to be done.
All you have to do is do nothing. You just have to learn when a difficult situation arises - whatever it is - not to let it suck you in. For this you need to smile. Through such a simple action, the world changes, and what threatened to be a big nuisance never becomes one.

At first, it can be very difficult to evaluate the results of the Inner Smile, let alone master its technique completely and correctly, but over time, if you do it often enough, it will become an integral part of your life.
Wherever you are, whether you are standing, walking or sitting, smile, relax, fill your heart with love and let the waves of love flood your entire body.
It's so simple and so useful. Just put peace and love in your heart, smile more often - and all your troubles will melt like ice under the sun.

2. Talk less
Talk less; choose carefully what to say and when and how to say it. The right word is the most valuable.

3. Worry less and act more
Think less about the future and the past, as it is they that give cause for concern, and anxiety breeds stress.
Instead, try to concentrate whenever you can - remember that concentration comes by itself, without much technique - while developing the ability to help and forgive.

4. Develop the power of the mind
In many oriental languages, including Chinese, the concepts of "mind" and "heart" are expressed in one word.
After reaching the point where you are no longer bothered by personal ambitions, when you can forget about yourself and develop your heart, you have the means of releasing diseases.
When you are sick and meditate, do not think that you are doing this in order to get rid of the disease. Just focus on doing the exercise and everything else will fall away by itself.

5. Control your sex drive and don't let it control you.
Limit your sex life. Too frequent ejaculation will severely decrease your Qi supply and impair your ability to concentrate.
The mind excites what comes to it through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose - that is, the senses.
When we read books in our youth that increase sexual desire, we are not yet ready to take it right, in a way that does not waste our energy. Therefore, it is better to focus on daily activities and avoid this kind of "distraction".

6. Respect your head and keep your feet warm
Treat your head with the utmost respect. Consider it the temple of God and the mind. Consider it as the temple of the soul, from where all the vital organs are controlled.
There is a rule that is important to follow: "Keep your head cold and your feet warm." In this way, you will surely avoid the accumulation of too much energy in the head, which can make you feel uncomfortable or even sick.
If too much energy goes to the head, blood pressure can rise. By diverting energy to your feet, you can lower your blood pressure, and by keeping your feet warm, you can prevent a heart attack.
So rub your feet and warm them up. And after that, always collect energy in the navel, which should also be warm.

7. Keep your neck warm
There are many blood vessels and nerves in the neck that run towards (or away from) a very important part of your body - the head. Therefore, she also needs to pay a lot of attention: make sure that she is warm, that she is not tense, smile at her.
Try not to use your feelings too much. Do not look or listen too hard or for too long. If the sense organs are overactive, disease can occur.
By indulging yourself in eating and drinking too much, you destroy your health.
To last longer and avoid illness, do the saliva swallowing exercise many times a day.
Do not go out into the wind after swimming or when you are sweating.
Replace your body's impure Chi with pure energy by doing the Microcosmic Orbit Meditation and opening all 32 channels.
Develop divine qualities in yourself, and over time you will step onto the path of immortality.

8. Wisdom in nutrition
Do not overeat so that you do not have to sit or lie down for too long after a meal, as this will surely shorten your life.
Get up from the table shortly before full saturation and then take a light walk; never eat before bed.
Eat less, but more often. This will ensure good digestion and will not overload the five important organs.
When eating, eat hot dishes first, then warm ones; if there is no cold food, drink some cold water. Before eating, you should always take a light breath and swallow some air.
Eat more spicy foods in spring, more sour foods in summer, more bitter foods in autumn, and less salty foods in winter, but don't overdo it.
In general, food cooked on the stove is better than raw food, and eating little is better than eating a lot.
If you have eaten too much, do not drink a lot of water and do not swallow it quickly.
Indigestion occurs when you eat to full satiety after being hungry for a long time.
Do not eat raw fruits on an empty stomach because they warm the organs above the diaphragm.
Too many raw vegetables can damage healthy skin tone.

9. Practice moderation
Walking too long damages the ligaments; too long sitting harms the muscles; too long standing damages the bones; lying too long harms the vital energy; too long contemplation harms the blood.
Anger, sadness, regrets and melancholy are harmful, as is too much joy or pleasure. Suffering is harmful; abstaining from sexual relations is harmful;
it's bad to worry. In short, it is harmful not to observe moderation.

10. Joy Increases Qi
Great joy - great Qi. Great sadness stops the flow of Qi.
You can deplete the reserves of vital energy by too active sex life.
To swallow saliva means to increase its essential energy. If it is not swallowed, it loses its power.
When you are sick, do not lie with your head to the north.
If immediately after waking up you start talking a lot, then you lose your vital energy.

11. Seasons and health care
In winter, keep your feet warm and your head cool. In spring and autumn, let your head and feet feel cool.
If you are sick and sweating, do not drink cold water, as this destroys the heart and stomach.
In spring and summer, lie down with your head to the east, and in autumn and winter - to the west.
Sleep on your side with your knees bent. This will increase your vital energy.
Go to bed early and get up early in summer and autumn; go to bed early and wake up late in winter; in the spring, go to bed while it's light and get up early.
At dawn, at noon, after dinner, at dusk and at midnight, brush your teeth and rinse your mouth seven times; it will prolong your life and strengthen your bones, teeth, muscles, nails and hair.

1. Remember to always smile sincerely with your eyes and fill your heart with love. This is the prevention of all diseases.
- When you are sad, angry, depressed, crying or nervous, your organs secrete poisons; but if you are happy and smiling, they produce a honey-like healing fluid.
- It's no secret that today we live some hectic life. For many, it has become customary to end the working day with a headache. With the pressure that is building up both around and within you, something needs to be done.
“Oddly enough, all you have to do is do nothing. You just have to learn when a difficult situation arises - whatever it is - not to let it suck you in.
- For this you need to smile. Through such a simple action, the world changes, and what threatened to be a big nuisance never becomes one.
- At first, it can be very difficult to evaluate the results of the Inner Smile, let alone to fully and correctly master its technique, but over time, if you do it often enough, it will become an integral part of your life.
- Wherever you are, whether you are standing, walking or sitting, smile, relax, fill your heart with love and let the waves of love flood your entire body.
- It's so simple and so useful. Just put peace and love in your heart, smile more often - and all your troubles will melt like ice under the sun.

2. Talk less
Talk less; choose carefully what to say and when and how to say it. The word spoken appropriately is the most valuable; Silence preserves Qi.
3. Worry less and act more
- Think less about the future and the past, as they give cause for concern, and anxiety breeds stress.
- Instead, try to concentrate whenever you can - remember that concentration comes by itself, without special techniques - with the development of the ability to help and forgive.

4. Develop the power of the mind
- Taoist techniques include the development of creative and mental power.
- In many oriental languages, including Chinese, the concepts of "mind" and "heart" are expressed in one word.
- After reaching the point where you are no longer bothered by personal ambitions, when you can forget about yourself and develop your heart, you get the means to get rid of diseases.
- When you are sick and meditate, do not think that you are doing this in order to get rid of the disease. Just focus on doing the exercise and everything else will fall away by itself.

5. Control your sex drive and don't let it control you.
- Limit your sex life. Too frequent ejaculation will severely decrease your Qi supply and impair your ability to concentrate.
- The mind excites what comes to it through the eyes, ears, mouth, nose - that is, feelings.
- When we read books in our youth that increase sexual desire, we are not yet ready to take it right, so that our energy is not wasted. Therefore, it is better to focus on daily activities and avoid "distractions" of this kind.

6. Respect your head and keep your feet warm
- Treat your head with the greatest respect. Consider it the temple of God and the mind. Consider it as the temple of the soul, from where all the vital organs are controlled.
- There is a rule that is important to follow: "Keep your head cold and your feet warm." In this way, you will surely avoid the accumulation of too much energy in the head, which can make you feel uncomfortable or even sick.
- If too much energy goes to the head, blood pressure can rise. By diverting energy to your feet, you can lower your blood pressure, and by keeping your feet warm, you can prevent a heart attack.
- So rub your feet and warm them. And after that, always collect energy in the navel, which should also be warm.