The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance of tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are millions of soldiers whom the fascist leaders pushed against each other, but even more civilians who died under bombs, from disease and hunger. The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is the Day of Remembrance for tens of millions of people who perished as a result of a gigantic, inhuman experiment. These are the millions of soldiers that the fascist leaders pushed against each other, but even more civilians who died under the bombs, from disease and from hunger.

Only thanks to the strength and courage of the Russian soldiers who defended our homeland in the 40s of the 20th century, many of us received the right to live in a free countryOnly thanks to the strength and courage of the Russian soldiers who defended our homeland in the 40s of the 20th century , many of us have received the right to live in a free country Thanks to the deaths of many fathers, sons and husbands today in Russia everyone has the right to a decent and free life. Thanks to the deaths of many fathers, sons and husbands today in Russia everyone has the right to a decent and free life . This holiday was established in honor of those who, without thinking about their death, stood up to protect children and women, did not let the enemy into our lands and stopped fascist lawlessness. This holiday was established in honor of those who, without thinking about their death, became protection of children and women, did not let the enemy into our lands and stopped the fascist lawlessness.

Fascism is a phenomenon whose pernicious influence has been felt by many countries. And none of them benefited from fascist actions. Fascism is a phenomenon whose pernicious influence has been felt by many countries. And none of them benefited from fascist actions. Fascism is the most terrible ideology, because according to its canons a person is obliged to die only because the wrong blood flows in his veins. Nazism, turning into fascism, has become a real hell for many people from different countries of the world. Fascism is the most terrible ideology, because according to its canons a person is obliged to die only because the wrong blood flows in his veins. Nazism, turning into fascism, has become a real hell for many people from different countries of the world.

This holiday was established in 1962. From that moment on, it was decided to celebrate every second Sunday of September, because the Second World War began this month (September 1, 1939) and it ended in September (September 2, 1945). This holiday was established in 1962. From that moment on, it was decided to celebrate every second Sunday of September, because this month the Second World War began (September 1, 1939) and it ended in September (September 2, 1945).

The Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is celebrated in every country that directly took part in hostilities. This day passes under the sign of visiting soldiers' graves, monuments, memorials, laying wreaths and flowers. This is a tragic day that will remain in the memory of several generations for a long time. The Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism is celebrated in every country that directly took part in hostilities. This day passes under the sign of visiting soldiers' graves, monuments, memorials, laying wreaths and flowers. This is a tragic day that will remain in the memory of several generations for a long time.

Remember the history of your country, read it and be grateful to those who won you a bright future and a peaceful sky above your head. Remember the history of your country, read it and be grateful to those who won you a bright future and a peaceful sky above your head.

DAY OF FRIENDSHIP AND UNITY OF THE SLAVES On June 25, Slavs around the world celebrate the Day of Friendship and Unity. This date is most widely celebrated by three East Slavic countries - Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The Slavs are the largest linguistic and cultural community of the peoples of the world. The total number of Slavs in the world is 300 - 350 million people. There are Western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Kashubians and Lusatians), Southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins) and Eastern Slavs (Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians, Rusyns). Slavs make up the bulk of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro, they also live in all post-Soviet countries, Hungary, Greece, Germany, Austria, Italy, in the countries of America and in Australia. Most Slavs are Christians, with the exception of the Bosnians, who converted to Islam during the Ottoman rule over southern Europe. Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Russians - mostly Orthodox; Croats, Slovenes, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians are Catholics, there are many Orthodox among Ukrainians and Belarusians, but there are also Catholics and Uniates. In the second half of the 19th century, the Slavic peoples were part of three empires: Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. The only exceptions were Montenegrins and Lusatians. Montenegrins lived in a small independent state of Montenegro, and Lusatians lived in Germany. By the end of the 20th century, all Slavic peoples, except for the Russians (who, however, are considered a state-forming ethnic group) and the Lusatians living in modern Germany, received state independence. The idea of ​​the unity of the Slavic peoples goes deep into history, to the creation of a common written language by Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, who are revered both in Russia and in a number of other Slavic states. The joint celebration of the Days of Slavic Literature and Culture, which are associated with the honoring of the enlighteners Cyril and Methodius, helps to strengthen the ties of the Slavic peoples and preserve the spiritual community of the Eastern and Western Slavs. A great contribution to the unity of the Slavs is made by regional national-cultural associations. Thanks to their activities, the connection of times is not broken, original traditions, the centuries-old culture of the Slavic peoples, customs and rituals are transmitted from generation to generation, civil peace and harmony are strengthened. On the Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavs, cultural events are held in different countries aimed at reviving the traditions and cultures of our ancestors. On the border of the three Slavic republics at the Friendship monument, which is also called the "Three Sisters", since 1969, the Festival "Slavic Unity" has been held annually (on the coming Saturday to June 25). The festival program includes meetings of official delegations of the republics of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, participation of leading creative teams and performers, a fair of masters of arts and crafts.

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was established in 1962. It is celebrated on the second Sunday of September, since the first month of autumn falls on two main dates of the Second World War: the day it began and the day it ended.

The road home of the prisoners of the camp

The most terrible ideology is the one that makes a person guilty from birth only for the blood that flows in his veins. The ideology of Nazism brought destruction not only to those who opposed it, but also to those who gave rise to this ugly and terrible system. More than seventy years ago, the huge Nazi machine was stopped and destroyed. Over the years, people who experienced the atrocities of Hitler's terrorism are becoming less and less. The International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is a sign of remembrance for their torment and fortitude. For three years Belarus survived and fought under the Nazi occupation. Partisans and underground workers did not allow the invaders to feel like new masters on our land. Therefore, to pacify the freedom-loving people, numerous places of imprisonment and detention were created.

From the order of Wilhelm Keitel on the suppression of the "Communist insurrectionary movement".

"The Fuhrer's Headquarters.
№ 002060/41.
Top secret.

...2. The Führer ordered that the most drastic measures be used everywhere to suppress this movement in the shortest possible time. Only in such a way, which, as history shows, has been successfully used by great peoples in conquest, can peace be restored.

3. At the same time, one should be guided by the following provisions in one's actions:

... b) in order to nip these intrigues in the bud, the most severe measures should be taken immediately on the first occasion to establish the authority of the occupying authorities and prevent a further expansion of the movement. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in these territories human life is worthless and a frightening effect can only be achieved by extraordinary cruelty. As an atonement for the life of one German soldier in these cases, as a rule, the death penalty for 50 to 100 communists should be considered. The manner in which the sentence is carried out must further increase the deterrent effect.


From the order of the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler dated January 6, 1943:

“When carrying out operations against gangs, detain men, women, and children suspected of complicity in crimes. Send them as part of combined transports to the Lublin concentration camp (Majdanek. - Author) and Auschwitz.


From the main directive of Adolf Hitler dated April 27, 1943 No. 14 "Fight against banditry":

“The Russians are increasingly deploying the struggle through banditry.

According to available data, the gangs operating in the combat areas number about 80 thousand people, excluding numerous detachments in Western Ukraine, Belarus and the Baltic states.

At the place of death of people immediately after the liberation of the Ozarichi camp

Recently, gangs have caused serious damage to railway transport and agriculture, disrupted river rafting, and so on.

I order:

1. Consider the fight against banditry equivalent to military operations on the fronts.

...8. In the course of the fight against banditry, it is necessary to punish its accomplices mercilessly. Banditry is such an enemy that uses any means in the struggle, and only with the same means, with equal ferocity, can it be defeated.


The punitive actions "Cottbus", "Vulture", "Thunderstrike", "Winter Forest", "Panther", "Barbara", "Consecration of the Temple", "Dirlewanger", "Bamberg" and many others, carried out by the Nazis against the partisans, destroyed tens of thousands of civilians. Hundreds of villages were burned, women, children, old people died in the fire. Confirmation of this is the Khatyn memorial... Hundreds of thousands of people were tortured to death in Nazi concentration camps in the occupied territory of Belarus.

Feeling their powerlessness against the advancing troops of the Red Army, in March 1944, the German command created in the Polesie swamps, on the front line of defense, a human shield - the Ozarichi death camp.

German archival documents confirm that the highest Nazi ranks participated in the organization of the camp: Hitler himself; Wilhelm Keitel - Field Marshal General, Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command of the German Armed Forces; Field Marshal Ernst Busch, Commander of Army Group Center, and his staff; Colonel General Josef Harpe, commander of the 9th Army, and his staff; Lieutenant General Friedrich Hossbach, Hitler's former adjutant, commander of the LVI Panzer Corps; General of the Infantry Friedrich Wiese, commander of the XXXV Corps; General of the Infantry Friedrich Harley, commander of the LV Corps; artillery general Helmut Weidling, commander of a tank corps, and their headquarters, and 13 commanders of German divisions with their headquarters. Lieutenant General Johann Georg Richert, commander of the 35th Infantry Division, created the concentration camps Rudobelka, Dert in the zone of his deployment, Lieutenant General Ebergard von Kurovsky, commander of the 110th Infantry Division, the concentration camps Podosinnik, Ozarichi, Poroslishche, Mikul-Gorodok. ..

Memorial in Ozarichi

“On March 9, 1944, in Bobruisk, the Chief of Staff of the 9th Army, Lieutenant General Stedtke, and the Chief of Staff of the Logistics of the 9th Army, Colonel Werner Bodenstein, held a meeting with the chiefs of staff of the army corps with the participation of the security service. At the meeting, the order of March 8, 1944, “On sabotage”, which was subject to immediate execution, was announced - to deport the population to concentration camps. From German military documents: “The deportation of the civilian population to a specially designated zone (Ozarichi concentration camp. - Author) should be carried out under the leadership of the general command in the north of the XXXV and LV artillery corps exclusively by rail: stations Zhlobin, Krasny Bereg, Telusha, Bobruisk, Brozha , Ratmirovichi, Rudobelka. The evacuation of people from the southern regions should be carried out under the leadership of the general command of the LVI and XLI tank corps by road transport and horse-drawn platoons. “Responsibility for the operation is divided according to the following principle: the general command in the north of the XXXV and LV artillery corps - the capture of people and their delivery to the loading stations, the XLI and LVI tank corps - the delivery to the final camps. For the rear units of the troops of divisions and corps - a command to capture and escort people.

According to German archival documents, 47,461 people were gathered in the Ozarichi concentration camp. On March 19, 1944, the 65th Army released 33,480 people. But there was still a long and terrible road to the place of detention, where death lay in wait for people at every step. There was no one to place crosses at the burial of prisoners. But invisible crosses in human memory will ascend forever.

The Nuremberg International Military Tribunal qualified the actions committed by the Nazi Wehrmacht in the Ozarichi death camp as war crimes. The Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism is not only a mournful date. Behind it are concrete destinies and personal tragedies of thousands and thousands of people. Every second Sunday in September we should think about it again and feel their pain with our hearts.

Arkady SHKURAN, a former prisoner of the Ozarichi concentration camp, executive secretary of the Belarusian Union of Public Associations of Former Prisoners of Fascism "Echo of War".

The most tragic memorable date in the history of Russia is September 9, the Day of Remembrance for the victims of fascism in the Second World War, which is celebrated every year on the second Sunday in September. This is the memory of tens of millions of people who died as a result of the monstrous experiment of the Nazis. On September 9, they remember the soldiers, as well as civilians who died during the hostilities, as well as the millions of people who died in concentration camps from starvation or were tortured to death.

International Day of Remembrance for Victims of Fascism Established

In 1962, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was established, which is aimed at combating the ideology of recreating fascism. It is celebrated annually on the second Sunday in September. September became the date of the event for a reason. This month is associated with two important events that took place in the Second World War. A large-scale bloody war began on September 1, 1939 with the German attack on Poland, and on September 2, 1945 it ended. The war has engulfed almost the entire world. At that time, out of 73 states from around the world, 62 countries participated in the Second World War. Warfare took place on three continents and four oceans. The most tragic were the results of the war. According to historians, the total number of dead is from 50 to 55 million people, and at the front - 27 million people. Huge human losses were suffered by many countries, especially the USSR, China, Poland, Japan and Germany. The economies of these countries were seriously destroyed.

The Nazi invaders, who dreamed of world domination, started the Second World War. Adolf Hitler became the main ideologist and leader of the Nazis, who in 1933 headed the German government. His policy, which he pursued, was based on anti-Semitism and a particular xenophobia towards Jews, expressed in a negative attitude towards them due to religious and ethnic prejudices. Adolf Hitler became head of state in connection with the death of the President of Germany in 1934, after which the presidency was abolished. This allowed Hitler to start the bloodiest war in the history of mankind and capture other countries. Jews were subjected to mass persecution and then physical extermination as Hitler intended to completely exterminate the nation. The phenomenon became known as the Holocaust. A third of the Jewish population was exterminated worldwide. As well as persecution and physical extermination, a third of the Roma people, homosexuals, representatives of a religious sect, disabled people, mentally ill people were subjected to persecution.

Celebrating the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism today

The word "fascism" in translation from Italian means a bunch, association. The term refers to a political right-wing movement led by a dictator. Most countries around the world have felt the devastating impact of this phenomenon.

The ideology of fascism brought huge human losses and serious destruction both to the countries that opposed it and to the initiators themselves. The terrible fascist machine was stopped more than 50 years ago. Soldiers from various countries fought for victory and won. On this day, people from countries that took part in the Second World War visit monuments and memorials, cemeteries. In most countries, on the International Day of Remembrance of Fascism, a common, abandoned grave is looked after. On this day, all entertainment events and celebrations are canceled.

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Today, September 9, in many countries of the world, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is celebrated: people remember everyone who died mainly during the Second World War - the military, civilians, as well as those who died of starvation due to hostilities or was tortured to death in concentration camps.

The history of establishing a memorable date

International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was established in 1962. In particular, they pledged to celebrate it annually on the second Sunday of September. And not without reason, because it is this month that two important dates related to World War II fall - the day it began (September 1, 1939, Nazi Germany began its invasion of Poland) and the day it ended (September 2, 1945, the war ended with complete surrender Japan).

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What we remember and what we fight for

The main purpose of the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is to remind the terrible consequences of the fascist ideology through the events of the Second World War, as well as to prevent its revival in the world. To unite in order to resist neo-fascism is one of the slogans of this memorable day.

As you know, the Second World War was unleashed by the German fascists, who dreamed of world domination. Their leader and main ideologist was the Nazi Adolf Hitler, who viewed other peoples as an "inferior race" that must either be conquered and made slaves, or completely exterminated.

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Soon the war engulfed almost the entire world: 62 states out of 73 existing at that time took part in it - this is 80% of the world's population. In particular, military operations were conducted on the territory of 40 countries of three continents (Europe, Asia and Africa) and in the water space of all oceans.

The results of the Second World War were extremely tragic: the total human losses reached 60-65 million people, of which 27 million were killed on the fronts, many of them citizens of the USSR. China, Germany, Japan and Poland also suffered heavy casualties.

It is worth noting that the fighting was accompanied by colossal destruction, the destruction of tens of thousands of cities and villages, innumerable disasters of tens of millions of people, which led, among other things, to a great economic crisis.

Thus, the Second World War became evidence that the corresponding form of government of the dictatorial type does not carry anything but suffering. Not only to those to whom it is directed, but also to those who sing it.

How is it customary to celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the victims of fascism

In every country that took part in the Second World War, the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is notable for the cancellation of entertainment events and celebrations that fall on the corresponding date.

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In addition, people bring flowers to monuments and memorials to the victims of fascism, visit unmarked graves, and so on. For young people on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Fascism, meetings are held with veterans of the Second World War.