This news, like a butt on the head, shook the whole republic. Andrey Yurkin returned to Mordovia from the Ryazan strict regime colony, where he spent the last five years. The maniac spent the previous ten years of imprisonment in a prison in Tatarstan.

They spared no one

The history of the bloody adventures of former police officer Andrei Yurkin and his two accomplices, Lavrushkin and Kostin, began at the dawn of the 90s of the last century. Five murders of young women swept through Saransk one after another. The criminals hunted down their victims in dark alleys, attacked them, raped them, took away all valuables and disappeared. At first, no one believed that a sexual maniac had wound up in little Saransk. But the killings continued. New victims were found at abandoned construction sites and forest plantations. And everywhere was the same handwriting.

I still remember the day when my wife did not return home, - says the husband of Natalya Radaikina, strangled by Yurkin. - At first I thought that after work she went to her mother. But then my mother-in-law came running to me. We searched for her until three in the morning. Then we went to a familiar fortune teller. She said that Natasha was at the construction site. We walked around all the nearby sites. On one of them, we noticed her bag, then we saw Natalia's clothes, then her body. They, the bastards, ripped the earrings out of her ears right out of the meat.

Yurkin and his accomplices were nevertheless found out by the Republican law enforcement officers. Their trial was accompanied by unprecedented excitement. The policemen seriously feared that the relatives of the murdered women would commit lynching.

He was sentenced to death

Valery Lavrushkin and Alexander Kostin received ten and six years in prison, respectively. They were found guilty of complicity in the murders. Andrey Yurkin got it to the fullest. On July 22, 1996, the Supreme Court of Mordovia sentenced him to death. But they did not begin to shoot him - a moratorium imposed on the death penalty arrived in time by decree of the then President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. It was in his name that Andrei Yurkin wrote a petition for pardon. In it he asked to be released, claimed that he did not kill the victims, that his accomplices did it for him.

Fifteen years ... Then it seemed like a lot. And now people who knew Yurkin cannot believe that the term of imprisonment has already expired, that Yurkin is clean before the law and people.

For fifteen years, we, as taxpayers, have transferred funds to keep the killer of our daughters and wives in prison! they exclaim. - Is it fair? He ruined our whole lives.

It really is. For example, Viktor Radaikin never came to his senses after the murder of his wife.

She is still in my dreams, - says the man.

The father of another woman killed by Yurkin went mad after the trial and soon died.

The house where the maniac lives

Andrey Yurkin returned to his native village of Staroe Kachaevo, Bolsheignatovsky district of Mordovia. Now he lives in his father's house and carefully hides from journalists.

He told me that he was going to leave forever for Moscow or St. Petersburg, - says the head of the local police Ivan Bochkarev. - True, he still needs to get a passport. So far, he only has a certificate of release in his hands.

» Saransk women, according to folk myths, a cruel rapist and murderer, finally arrested! It turned out to be a 29-year-old resident of the Ruzaevsky district, Yakov Paramanov. While the police were looking for a serial robber, a jewelry hunter, the residents of the capital of Mordovia became so alarmed that they were afraid to leave the house, they frightened themselves and their children with scary stories and threats. The situation became so tense that the cruel torturer and the murderer were noticed simultaneously in different parts of the city, and almost everywhere he left "traces" - the murdered and raped girls. No one saw these "traces", but rumors about them spread rapidly through social networks.

But as it turned out, while the women were "tracking" the route of the ubiquitous maniac, he was no longer in Mordovia. A few days after the last robbery - in October of this year, Yakov Paramonov fled to the Moscow region, some sources claim that he was not alone, but together with his legal wife. The other day he was detained in one of the city of Serpukhov.


So far, Yakov Paramonov is charged with one fact of robbery. Around midnight on October 6, he robbed a 24-year-old resident of the capital of Mordovia. He took off her gold chain, bracelet, rings, dropped the pendant at the scene. The victim estimated the damage at 85 thousand rubles. However, it is worth recognizing that in this case a crime infringing on sexual freedom was also committed. However, there is no talk of rape, let alone bloody violence. The investigation of these two criminal cases is carried out by the Oktyabrsky Interdistrict Investigation Department.

Law enforcement officers are investigating Paramonov's involvement in a series of robberies that were committed in Saransk from June to October this year. During this time, five residents of Saransk suffered, after meeting with the "maniac" they also lost their gold jewelry, there were no statements of violent acts from them. Numerous examinations are now being carried out, including forensic, biological and psychiatric.

Criminal biography

28-year-old Yakov Paramonov has a solid criminal biography behind him. Apparently, he had problems with the law from a young age - since 2004, he has about seven to eight convictions, eight years spent behind bars. His "track record" includes robberies, numerous thefts and attempted thefts, robberies.

Paramonov served his last term more than a year ago, at the same time he met his future wife, the couple officially formalized the relationship and, according to unofficial data, the serial robber moved to his wife in an apartment on Sevastopolskaya Street.
The head of the family did not have a permanent job. He was interrupted by odd jobs - he worked at a construction site, at a meat processing plant. Apparently, they also lived on the proceeds from the sale of stolen jewelry, which Paramonov, according to unofficial data, handed over to the city's pawnshops. It is not known how much the robber got.

As soon as passions around the maniac began to flare up on the Internet, Yakov Paramonov from Saransk left for the Moscow region and settled with his wife's acquaintances. Some sources claim that his wife was leaving with him, according to others, she was in the city all this time.

Employees of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Mordovia received operational information about the identity and whereabouts of the suspect. The operatives unexpectedly raided the Serpukhov apartment, according to some information, the suspect was sleeping at that moment. Paramonov was taken to Mordovia, and last week, by decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court, he was taken into custody.
It is known that Yakov Paramonov refused to testify, using Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Employees of the Republican Ministry of Internal Affairs appeal to the residents of Mordovia: if you have suffered from the actions of this person, please report to the police by phone: 47-77-71 or 102.

The Perm maniac operating in Saransk received money, valuables and sex from the victims

In the Leninsky District Court, a 23-year-old native of the Perm Territory, Alexei Ivanov, was sentenced. He was accused of a series of attacks on residents of the capital of the republic last fall. At night, he lay in wait for late girls, attacked them, beat them, took away money and valuables, and also forced them to satisfy their sexual fantasies.

The process in this high-profile case was closed, since the crimes committed affected the sexual integrity of the victims. Ivanov was answerable before the law under three articles of the Criminal Code at once: “Violent acts of a sexual nature”, “Attempted rape” and “Robbery” - in three episodes.

Last autumn, the police of Saransk began to receive applications from young girls aged 20 to 26 one after another. They claimed that they were victims of a maniac who beat them, took away money, gold jewelry and phones, and then also forced them to have sex. All three attacks were committed in the very center of Saransk with a difference of one to two weeks. The maniac made all his sorties on Sundays, when the hands of the clock showed well after midnight.

The detectives suggested that a series of attacks on women in Saransk were the work of the same criminal. The handwriting of the raider's crimes was too similar. For involvement in the attacks, the police checked a large number of people, mostly previously convicted of similar crimes. It took the Saransk police almost a month to figure out and detain the suspect.

The sex raider turned out to be Alexey Ivanov, a fitter from the Bertal enterprise, who arrived in Saransk with his comrades from the Perm Territory. Young people earned money by doing installation work in various cities of Russia. The Perm brigade had a chance to work in the capital of Mordovia. During the day, hardworking coven workers worked hard on their conscience, and on weekends they rested with a bottle or two of alcohol. Just after such fun gatherings, the Permian was drawn to exploits. In a rented apartment, the police found gold jewelry stolen from the victims, mobile phones and other valuables from Ivanov. Ivanov even managed to give one gold chain to his girlfriend, who came to visit Alexei in Saransk.

Ivanov's track record includes several convictions for robberies. The last time Themis showed him favor and released him on parole. As it turned out, in vain, Alexei did not stop robbing, moreover, he also began to rape. Immediately after the arrest, he was arrested and, at the request of the investigator, was taken into custody. Employees carefully checked Ivanov for involvement in other crimes, because they believed that a much larger number of women could become victims of the Perm maniac, but there were no more episodes in the case.

In court, Ivanov pleaded guilty to three episodes of attacks on Saransk girls. The first happened on October 14th. According to Ivanov, late at night he refueled with alcohol and went for a walk around Saransk. It was 4:30 am on the clock when the Permian maniac spotted a lonely girl. That night, a friend saw her off, when about 300 meters remained to her house, the couple said goodbye. The girl approached house number 96 along Kommunisticheskaya Street, at that moment Ivanov emerged from the darkness, grabbed her by the neck from behind and dragged her into the garage by force. There, the robber threatened the victim with violence, took away her money - about 2 thousand rubles - and a mobile phone worth 22 thousand. Ivanov, for warning, hit the victim on the head several times, then quickly retreated.

Exactly two weeks passed, and Ivanov went hunting again. This time he had fun until two in the morning, drinking beer in the entertainment complex "Polar Bear". At 2.30 he left the club and went for a walk around the city at night. At house number 7a in the alley, the Summer assembler ambushed his next victim. The maniac again attacked the late girl from behind and dragged her to the nearest garages.

So that the young lady would not try to resist, Alexei beat her on the head with his fists. After such treatment, the unfortunate woman gave the phone, rings and money at the first request of the robber. However, this seemed to him not enough, the raider ordered to give him oral pleasure. The girl, fearing for her life, obeyed. Ivanov did not like it when the victim bit him while satisfying a sexual whim, then he hit her in the face with his knee with all his might. The maniac got everything he wanted and hurried away.

The victim could not get over the shock for a long time, a woman brought her to law enforcement officers. In the morning, she was driving through Saransk and accidentally saw a beaten girl on the street, put her in a car and took her to the duty unit.

The next outing of the sexually aggressive raider also happened on the weekend - November 4th. That night, Ivanov was tipsy again, he spent the whole night with friends in the bath, and closer to 6 in the morning he went to look for a new victim. Walking along Lenin Avenue, he noticed how a car stopped at house number 27. A guy got out of the car, opened the passenger door, helped the girl out of it, said goodbye to her and left. As soon as she entered the yard, the “Permian hunter” overtook the victim and, using his favorite technique, grabbed the girl by the neck and dragged her to the nearest garages.

“Quickly give everything of value!” - demanded Ivanov and hit his captive twice on the head. But this time the maniac was opposed by a person of not timid ten, she desperately resisted and did not want to give anything to the robber. But the forces were unequal, angry Ivanov began to furiously beat the girl. The victim had to part with a phone, a gold chain and a sapphire and diamond ring (worth about 33,000 rubles in total). Having received material satisfaction, the bastard also wanted sexual. Ivanov tried to rape the girl, but was again rebuffed. Then the furious Permian grabbed the victim by the hair and began to beat her head against the garage wall. The girl went limp and collapsed unconscious on the ground. Ivanov was drunk and, apparently, considered that he had sent the girl to the next world. But the victim miraculously survived. Doctors diagnosed her with a serious concussion.

In court, Alexei Ivanov asked to consider his case in a special manner, without a judicial investigation. He fully admitted his guilt and, according to him, repented. Before the verdict, he asked for forgiveness from his victims for what he had done.

Anastasia Bazaeva, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Leninsky district, asked the court to sentence Aleksey Ivanov to 8 years in prison. As a result, the defendant was found guilty of robbery, sexual assault and attempted rape and, taking into account the previous parole, was sentenced to 5 years and 3 months in a strict regime colony.

Before the residents of Saransk had time to breathe a sigh of relief about the detention of the "maniacs" and, as Andrei Yurkin, the most famous rapist and murderer of Mordovia, reminded himself of himself. In 1996, he narrowly escaped the death penalty and was sentenced to 15 years in prison for five murders and several rapes. Having been released in 2009, he restored documents in his native village of Staroe Kachaevo, Bolsheignatovsky district, and then, it would seem, disappeared forever in Moscow. But, as it turned out, last year Yurkin was seen in the Makarov Monastery.

According to some information, Andrey Yurkin worked at the stable of the Makarovsky Monastery. But the servants of the monastery do not recall such a citizen ... “The last time I saw him was three years ago, - says the head of the Bolsheignatovsky District Department of Internal Affairs Ivan Bochkarev. - Andrey arrived in a Toyota Camry and was in excellent physical shape. Now, as far as is known, he lives in the Moscow region. Engaged in private transportation from the cold storage facility. It happens in Stary Kachaev once every two or three months. Here he had a sister, and his parents died long ago. Yurkin leads a normal life. A few years ago, he stopped reporting on his movements to the department of internal affairs. And about the monastery for the first time I hear. With a beard, you say? No, I have never seen him like this, although ... everything can be ... "

According to C, Yurkin was seen working at this stable in Makarovka

Andrey Yurkin has worked in the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs since 1992. He guarded various objects, including the Saransk brewery. Lived in a hostel on Transportnaya street. His wife and son often went to Bolshoe Ignatovo. Yurkin attended a gym located in one of the local hostels - pumped muscles. According to eyewitnesses, he had excellent results -  while lying down he squeezed a barbell of 120 kg! The 24-year-old policeman began attacking young women in August 1994. He tore off their jewelry, took money and clothes. Then he took 16-year-old Valery Lavrushkin as his partner, whom he met in a rocking chair. They robbed the first "joint" victim and beat him half to death. Others were raped and robbed. The stolen gold items and things were divided among themselves, and then resold. Yurkin gave part of the booty to his wife ... Another of his partners was 34-year-old Andrei Kostin, who also liked to work out in the gym. According to law enforcement officers, the accomplices committed the first murder on November 1, 1994. Their victim was 24-year-old Natalya Yakushkina, who was returning home late in the evening along Studencheskaya Street from her friend. She was beaten and robbed. But the girl made a mistake - ​looked into Yurkin’s eyes and said: “I remember you and your friends!” Natalya was strangled with her own scarf. The dead body was dragged to the garages, covered with snow, branches and debris. The next day, Yakushkin was put on the wanted list, but was found only on March 7. Later, Yurkin told the investigation that it was he who took the life of Natalya. “I liked killing,” confessed the maniac. After that, he began to go "hunting" with a piece of clothesline.

On December 24, Yurkin and Lavrushkin drove 19-year-old Svetlana Marochkina to Ruzaevka. On the way, we suddenly turned towards the village of Zykovo. Near an unfinished warehouse, a companion was raped and then killed. On January 25, Elena Popazova, a 21-year-old resident of Ulyanovsk, who came to take a session at a pedagogical institute, became a victim of the villains. A meeting on Gagarin Street with a tall guy and his teenage friend turned out to be fatal. According to Yurkin, he offered the girl a drink. It is still not known whether she voluntarily agreed to go with new acquaintances to the territory of the building of the pedagogical institute under construction, or not. The victim was raped, and then the policeman put a noose around her neck. The booty was a fur coat, boots, a watch and a hat. The body was buried in the snow. Popazova was put on the federal wanted list. But on an abandoned site, she was discovered only on March 7 ... The fourth murder took place in the village of Dobrovolny on February 23, 1995. The attackers attacked 34-year-old Orbita worker Natalya Radaykina, who was returning home from the store. They took it to a construction site. The woman begged her not to touch, talking about two small children. She herself took off and gave away the gold jewelry and the jacket. But the killers were ruthless. Having dealt with the victim, they took out milk from her bag and drank it. The package was left next to the corpse. Radaikina was discovered two days later. On February 27, not far from the hostel on Ulyanov Street, Galina Budnikova was found dead. The criminals took off her leather jacket, hat and watch...

Natalia Yakushkina

Svetlana Marochkina

Elena Popazova

Galina Budnikova

Natalya Radaykina

All the murders were committed in places that Yurkin often visited. This put the police on his trail. On March 2, 1995, the maniac was detained. After that, Yurkin handed over his accomplice Lavrushkin. During a search in his house, Radaikina's earrings were confiscated...

The trial of the bloodiest villain of Mordovia and his partners began on December 6, 1995. During the proceedings, 26 criminal episodes were considered. On July 22 next year, the Supreme Court of Mordovia sentenced the maniac to death. Hearing the verdict, he wept. Lavrushkin received 10 years of captivity, Kostin - 6. But the main defendant was lucky: Russian President Boris Yeltsin imposed a moratorium on capital punishment. On March 10, 1999, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, recognizing Yurkin's guilt as proven, “issued” him 15 years in prison ... In the colony, he did not stop doing his favorite bodybuilding and was released in excellent physical shape ...

Dmitry Nikolaevich Balakin(February 24, 1985, Ruzaevka, Mordovian ASSR, USSR) - Russian serial killer. Found guilty of murdering 3 people, rape and robbery and sentenced to life in prison.


Born in the city of Ruzaevka, Ruzaevsky district, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. He was the second child in the family, he had 2 brothers. In his youth, he was distinguished by aggressiveness, in high school he was engaged in taking money first from weaker classmates and elementary school students, and then from passers-by. From 2000 to 2002, he was prosecuted 4 times, but being a minor, he always got off with only warnings and suspended sentences. In 2003, in the hope of getting rid of problems with law enforcement agencies, the family moved to Nizhny Novgorod. However, even there Balakin did not calm down and a few days after the move he committed a robbery attack on 2 women on the street, stealing valuables. For this he was arrested by the police. The court sentenced him to 2 years in prison. However, in the second half of 2004, he was released early for good behavior. For some time he lived with his mother and brothers in Nizhny Novgorod, but in March 2005 he returned to Saransk. For some time he worked as a night watchman at a construction site, then got a job as a car mechanic. There he met 30-year-old Elena Arkhipova, who had a son, and soon they began to cohabit. Neighbors were characterized positively.


On September 1, 2005, in the city of Saransk, Balakin met a 20-year-old student Kristina Fedyakina, who was returning home late at night, and volunteered to walk her home, to which she agreed. Just a few meters from the entrance of the girl, Balakin dragged her by force into a bush, where he raped her. The shocked girl after sexual intercourse with a calm step went to the house. Balakin, in his own words, felt an unprecedented physical and emotional upsurge. He caught up with his victim, dragged him back into the bushes, where he raped him again, and then strangled him with the harnesses of a handbag. After that, he took a purse, a mobile phone, as well as all jewelry and valuables from her bag, and disappeared. On the evening of September 8, 2005, at the store, Balakin met a student, Ekaterina Tarasova, whom he offered to see, to which she also gave her consent. In the first deserted place, he raped her and strangled her with the harnesses of a lady's handbag, after which he took her purse, earrings, a gold pectoral cross, a ring from her hand and disappeared. 2 weeks later, on September 22, 2005, Dmitry Balakin met another student, Yulia Lanchina, with whom he spent several hours visiting a cafe and a club, after which he saw her off, and raped her a few meters from the house, strangled her with a lace from her own sneaker , took the earrings and 2 rings and left the crime scene. He gave most of the things stolen from the victims to his common-law wife, Elena Arkhipova.

On September 24, 2005, Dmitry Balakin stole a car from the car service where he worked in order to “ride”, but lost control and crashed into a pole at high speed. The maniac, who received many fractures, spent 6 months in the hospital, so the series of murders and attacks temporarily stopped. At the end of March 2006, Balakin left the hospital with a disability, he began to limp heavily on his left leg. In early April 2006, Balakin again went on the "hunt". This time, Elena Sosnina, chosen as the victim, resisted Balakin, who tried to rape her, and she managed to escape, and the limping Balakin, unable to catch up with her, took the wallet and mobile phone from the bag left by the victim and disappeared. Soon Sosnina turned to the police. The criminal hid the phone in the apartment of his cohabitant Arkhipova. Soon, she found the phone, inserted her SIM card there and made a call. Having calculated the place where it comes from, police officers arrived at Arkhipova's apartment. Initially, Arkhipova tried to disown the investigators and said that she allegedly bought a phone from an unfamiliar man for 3,000 rubles, but soon admitted that her 21-year-old roommate Dmitry Balakin brought the phone, however, she did not know where he could be.