The Constitution is the main document of the country, the foundation of the executive and legislative power.

This important document spells out all the rights and obligations of the citizens of the country and the direction of development of the state. This document has a rather long history.

Constitution of the Russian Federation

The Constitution of Russia can rightfully be called the core of the entire state legal system. Thanks to this document, the content and meaning of all adopted laws are determined. The first Constitution in our state appeared in 1924. Since then, the document has undergone many changes and amendments.

In 1990, our Constitution was able to survive two political crises without losing its significance and dignity. Its predecessors were the Constitution of the RSFSR and the Soviet Union, which was adopted in 1924, securing the position of socialism in the country.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the most important document of the state standard, which ensures full-fledged democratic development. Almost every action of the President of the country is carried out in accordance with this document. Every citizen of the country must clearly comply with all the requirements and obligations prescribed in the document, because this is a state law. Every Russian should know what date December 12 is, what holiday is customary to celebrate in Russia.

Appearance of the main document of the country

The Russian constitution looks very impressive. The coat of arms of our country - a two-headed eagle - is located on the red binding, and the name is written in gold letters on the cover of the document. But this is the appearance of only one copy, or rather the original, stored within the walls of the Kremlin.

Only three heads of our state had a chance to touch the Constitution: Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. An expensive edition is used only for the solemn inauguration of the president.

Constitution Day in the USSR

In the Soviet Union, the Constitution was adopted in 1924, on January 31st. This was the impetus for the victory of socialism in the country. The formation of the USSR was actually enshrined in this document. The composition of the state now rightfully included all the union republics.

After 12 years, in 1936, the "Stalinist" Constitution was adopted. It spelled out not only the main social and political issues that needed to be resolved, but also indicated information about the proclamation of the end of the most important stage in the formation of socialism on the territory of the Soviet Union. Until 1977, Constitution Day was celebrated on December 5th.

The "Stalinist" document was replaced by the Constitution, finalized by Brezhnev. Otherwise, this document was called "stagnant", because its action lasted for a long 16 years.

Constitution Day is now

Right now, December 12 is the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. After all, it was on this day that this declaration was officially adopted. At that time, Russian President Yeltsin Boris Nikolayevich approved this day as a day off for all state organizations.

Many people are now wondering whether December 12 is a day off or not. Unfortunately no. In 2004, deputies of the State Duma made minor amendments to the Labor Code and the holiday calendar.

According to the new rules, this day is not considered a day off, now it is just a memorable date glorifying the main state law.

Celebration traditions

Despite the fact that December 12 is not considered a day off, what holiday in Russia goes unnoticed? So Constitution Day is widely celebrated. Festive or solemn meetings are held in the State Duma, meetings are held in all state organizations: schools, kindergartens, factories, hospitals, etc.

In educational institutions, they conduct extracurricular classes in jurisprudence, in which children study the main provisions and fundamental laws of the Constitution of the modern Russian state.

Every Russian should be proud that on December 12 the country praises the main state document - the Constitution of Russia. We hope that this article helped answer the question about the significance of such a date as December 12, what holiday is celebrated in Russia on this day, and most importantly, how.

Established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 19, 1994. In 2005, the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation was included in the list of memorable dates in Russia.

The Constitution is the fundamental law of the state, which proclaims and guarantees the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, determines the foundations of the social system, the form of government and territorial structure, as well as the foundations of the organization of central and local authorities.

It was adopted in a referendum held on December 12, 1993. The plebiscite was attended by 58.2 million people (54.8% of those included in the voting lists). 32.9 million voters (58.4%) voted for the adoption of the Constitution. The Basic Law officially entered into force on the day of its publication - December 25, 1993.

The first Constitution in our country appeared on July 10, 1918. In 1925, the new Constitution of the RSFSR was put into effect. After 11 years, in 1936, a new one was adopted, the so-called "Stalinist". The last Constitution of the USSR, which was in force until the collapse of the Union, entered into force in 1978.

38 years ago (1979) the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU officially decided to send Soviet troops into Afghanistan.

After the overthrow of the monarchy in Afghanistan in 1973, a civil war broke out in the country. In 1978, the People's Democratic Party came to power. Attempts by the new leadership of the country to carry out reforms, as well as

foreign interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, led to a new round of civil war. By 1979, the situation became so complicated that the government of Afghanistan turned to the USSR with a request to send military units to the country.

The decision to provide military assistance to the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan was adopted on the basis of the Soviet-Afghan Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation, signed on December 5, 1978.

The first units of the Soviet army entered Afghanistan on December 25, 1979. For 10 years of the presence of the USSR in the country, about 620 thousand officers, ensigns, sergeants and soldiers passed military service here, of which 546 thousand were direct participants in hostilities. Nearly 15,000 Soviet servicemen were killed, dozens went missing, and almost 54,000 were injured. The last soldier left Afghanistan on February 15, 1989.

145 years ago (1872) the Museum of Applied Knowledge (now the Polytechnic Museum) was opened in Moscow.

It was established by decree of Emperor Alexander II in October 1870. The following year, 500 thousand rubles were allocated from the state treasury to create a museum and build a building for it.

The basis of the Museum of Applied Knowledge was the exhibits of the Polytechnic Exhibition, which was held in Moscow from June to October 1872 and was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Emperor Peter I. On December 12, 1872, the museum received its first visitors in a temporary building on Prechistenka Street. In 1907, a permanent building for the museum was built on New Square.

In the middle of the 20th century, the Polytechnic Museum became the center of not only scientific knowledge, but also the main cultural and educational platform. Poets and writers performed here, in particular Robert Rozhdestvensky, Bulat Okudzhava and other representatives of the Sixties movement.

The Polytechnic Museum is one of the largest technical museums in Russia. Its funds contain more than 200 thousand museum items, and the Central Polytechnic Library, which is part of the museum, has more than 3 million books and publications.

In 2013, the building of the Polytechnic Museum was closed for reconstruction, which is planned to be completed by 2019. But the museum continues to work: in pavilion No. 26 at VDNKh, a new exposition of the museum "Russia does it itself" was opened, in the Technopolis "Moscow" on the territory of the former AZLK in Tekstilshchiki housed museum funds and the Polytechnic Library, and in the ZIL Cultural Center there are a lecture hall and scientific laboratories for children.

200 years ago (1817) the grand opening of the Moscow Manege took place.

It was erected by order of Alexander I in honor of the fifth anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812. The building was built according to the project of engineer Augustine Betancourt by a special staff of engineers and architects subordinate to the chief inspector of hydraulic and earthworks in Moscow, Major General Lev Carbonier. Initially, the building was called "exercirgauz" (house for military exercises) and was intended for training cavalry troops.

Since 1831, concerts and folk festivals have been held in the Manezh, and later - concerts and balls. After the October Revolution, a government garage was placed in the building. In 1957 it was converted into the Central Exhibition Hall.

In March 2004, the Manege building was seriously damaged by fire. It was restored by the studio of the architect Pavel Andreev from the Mosproekt-2 bureau.

Holidays are very popular in Russia, because this is an occasion to get together with loved ones, and this is an additional day off. They love it very much. But they don’t always know what, in fact, we are celebrating? For example, what is the holiday in Russia? Let's figure it out.

history of the holiday

Therefore, the correct answer to the question: “December 12 - what holiday in Russia?” Will be Constitution Day.

This document established the fact that Russia is a democratic state in which human rights and freedoms are valued and respected.

On the day when the main document turned 20 years old (this happened in 2013), the President of the Russian Federation announced that the elderly, women who are expecting or already have children who have committed a non-violent crime, are given the opportunity for amnesty.

Constitution Day exists not only in the Russian Federation. It is celebrated in all countries where this important document is in force. It is celebrated in Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Denmark, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Norway, Panama, the Seychelles, the USA, Tajikistan, Ukraine, Uruguay and Japan.

In Japan, on this day, you can visit the Parliament building, the country arranges lectures on the significance of the document for the state.

The subjects of the Russian Federation also have their days of the Constitution. Bashkortostan, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Tatarstan and Chuvashia celebrate them.

What happened before?

The question arises by itself: what, before there was no Constitution in our country? It was, only it was The first version was adopted in 1936, it took place on December 5th. And until 1977, this day was a holiday.

Then, on October 7, a new document was adopted, which was called the "Constitution of Developed Socialism", and the celebration was moved to another date. It was decided to continue the tradition of celebrating, established back in Soviet times, in the Russian Federation.

December 12 is a holiday in Russia. Are we resting or not?

In 1994, this day was set as a day off by the corresponding document. And so it was until, in December 2004, amendments were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which made significant changes to the country's holiday calendar. Since 2005, December 12 (a holiday in Russia) is no longer a day off. This is more of a holiday than a day of remembrance. In many countries of the former Soviet Union, it continues to be a day off, but, for example, in the USA it is not a day off.

According to sociologists, the fact of canceling the day off had a negative impact on public opinion. Less than half of Russian citizens believe that the Constitution can really protect them.

Importance of the Constitution

This document is of great importance for the country. So big that this question is studied even at school. And the Decree of the President, issued in 1994, confirms this idea. And, of course, children should know the answer to the question: December 12 - what holiday in Russia?

The constitution is a complex and voluminous document. Respect for the state and the law in general begins with respect for the main document.

Why is it necessary to study it? Knowledge of the Constitution enables every person permanently residing in the country to feel not a stranger, but a citizen who has not only obligations to the state, but also rights.

On the one hand, the Constitution protects citizens from the permissiveness of the Government. The corresponding sections of the document define the sphere of activity not only of the President, but also of the Parliament and the Government. The authority is limited to what is stated in this document and cannot be extended further.

On the other hand, the Constitution recognizes and also protects the rights and freedoms of every citizen of the country. In order for people to be able to remember this, a holiday was established on December 12 in Russia, which used to be nothing more than an additional day off for many, and now goes completely unnoticed if they are not reminded of it on TV or radio.

Being a citizen means having not only some rights, but also guarantees that these rights will be respected. Guarantees are given to a person by the state. Now you know the answer to the question: December 12 - what holiday in Russia?

The list of holidays in Russia on December 12, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays December 12

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation

Russian Constitution Day 2018 is celebrated on December 12. This is a memorable date for the Russian Federation. The holiday is not declared an official holiday in the country. In 2018, it takes place for the 25th time. All citizens of the Russian Federation participate in the celebrations.

The holiday is dedicated to the adoption of the basic law of the Russian Federation. Constitution Day is of particular importance for the legislators who created the document, the participants in voting for it, political and public figures who stood at the origins of Russian statehood and the legal structure of the country.

history of the holiday

Constitution Day is dedicated to the events of December 12, 1993, when, after long confrontations, hearings and discussions at various levels, the country's basic law was adopted by popular vote.

The holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin dated September 19, 1994 No. 1926 “On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation” and enshrined in the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ “On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia”. December 12 was declared a public holiday and a day off.

On December 24, 2004, the State Duma amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which December 12 became a working day, starting from 2005. The Constitution Day of Russia was excluded from the list of public holidays and included among the memorable dates.

Holiday traditions

On this day, ceremonial meetings are held at the state level. Outstanding figures of law are awarded with medals, certificates of honor and memorable gifts.

The streets of settlements are decorated with state flags and banners.

Associations of lawyers and lawyers organize scientific and practical conferences, seminars, where they discuss amendments to the fundamental law of the Russian Federation, regulations, industry problems and ways to solve them.

Educational institutions hold thematic class hours, law lessons, where students learn the main provisions of the Constitution of the country, competitions of drawings and posters are organized.

Museums are preparing thematic exhibitions of photographs and documents. Public movements arrange actions, handing out leaflets with quotations from articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Competitions are held in athletics, mini-football, judo. Holiday concerts are held in cultural institutions.

Radio stations and television broadcast programs dedicated to the Day of the adoption of the fundamental law of the country. Frames of the historical chronicle are shown, memoirs of political figures are heard.

Paramon Winter indicator

The national holiday "Paramon Winter Indicator" is celebrated on December 12 (according to the old style - November 29). In the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of honoring the memory of the martyr Paramon of Bithyn. Other names of the holiday: "Paramon", "Paramon Day", "Zornik". According to the Julian calendar, Paramonov's day fell at the end of November and was used to guess the weather in December.

Paramon lived at the beginning of the III century under the emperor Decius. In the eastern regions, ruled by the prince of Bithynia Aquian, many Christians were captured by the pagans. They were imprisoned and betrayed to all sorts of tortures, forced to renounce their faith in Christ, sacrificing to idols. Paramon found out about this and openly spoke out against the cruelty of the ruler. As punishment for this, he was beheaded along with the rest of the martyrs.

In Rus', Paramon was nicknamed the Winter Indicator because it was possible to predict the weather for the whole of December from his day. “Morning is red - to be clear in December,” people noticed. If there was a blizzard, then such weather could last until St. Nicholas Winter (December 19). The crimson dawn foreshadowed strong winds.

On this day, our ancestors, clearing the roofs of snow "caps", said: "Paramon has come - the snow is out of the roof." Interestingly, this had to be done with a broom or a broom, but in no case with a shovel - so that the roof would not leak. The broom in Rus' has always been treated with great respect, attributed to it special properties. For example, revenge in one hut with different brooms was not allowed. It was believed that in this case, wealth will disperse in the corners.

By December 12, winter usually came into its own, and Father Frost reigned around. According to legend, Lady Winter herself put on a bearskin on Paramon and went out to people. She walked along the streets and rooftops, knocked on windows and chimneys to wake up the oversleeping housewives. In the winter morning, although it is difficult to get up, it is necessary. There are a lot of things to do in the morning - to melt the stove, cook porridge, wake up the family and feed them hot.

I also had to do homework in the evening. People believed that if Winter, looking out the window, saw a lazy and negligent person, then he would send a cold and a fever, or even completely freeze him. In the evening, the men carpenter or repaired agricultural implements, the women spun and knitted. And young unmarried girls found time to tell fortunes about their betrothed and future wedding, and they did it unnoticed by the household.

On the snow that day, forecasts for next year were made:

"Winter without snow - no bread"; "The snow is deep - the year is good"; “A lot of snow - a lot of bread, water will spill - there will be hay”; "Snow for the earth-nurse - a warm casing."

On this page you will learn about the significant dates of the winter day on December 12, what famous people were born on this December day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs and Orthodox holidays of this day, public holidays of different countries from around the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them is remembered for something, December 12 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays of famous people, as well as holidays and folk tales. You and I must always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the twelfth of December left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as who was born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the twelfth winter December day December 12, what events and memorable dates he was marked with and what he remembered, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, just interesting to know.

Who was born on December 12 (twelfth)

Gustave Flaubert (French Gustave Flaubert; December 12, 1821, Rouen - May 8, 1880, Croisset) - French realist prose writer, considered one of the largest European writers of the XIX century. He worked a lot on the style of his works, putting forward the theory of the "exact word" (le mot juste). He is best known as the author of Madame Bovary (1856).

Fyodor Filippovich Konyukhov. Born on December 12, 1951 in the village of Chkalovo, Zaporozhye region. Russian traveler, writer, artist, priest of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Polina Yanovna Iodis. She was born on December 12, 1978 in Moscow. Russian singer, sportswoman, former soloist of the pop group "Brilliant".

Vitaly Methodievich Solomin. Born December 12, 1941 in Chita - died May 27, 2002 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1992).

Francis Albert Sinatra (Eng. Francis Albert Sinatra: December 12, 1915, Hoboken, New Jersey - May 14, 1998, Los Angeles) is an American actor, singer (crooner) and showman. Nine times he became the winner of the Grammy Award. He was famous for the romantic style of singing songs and the "velvet" timbre of his voice.

Klara Borisovna Novikova (née Herzer; December 12, 1946, Kyiv) is a Soviet and Russian pop artist, comedian. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992), People's Artist of Russia (1997). Member of the Public Council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

Leonid Fyodorovich Bykov. Born on December 12, 1928 in the village of Znamenka, Slavyansk region, Donetsk region - died on April 11, 1979, near the village of Dymer near Kiev. Soviet actor, director, screenwriter. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1965). People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR (1974).

Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov (Kyrgyz. Chyngyz Torokulovich Aitmatov) (December 12, 1928, Sheker village, Kyrgyzstan - June 10, 2008, Nuremberg, Germany) - Kyrgyz Soviet writer who wrote in Kyrgyz and Russian, People's Writer of the Kyrgyz SSR (1974), Hero of the Socialist Labor (1978).

Sergei Svetlakov (12/12/1977 [Yekaterinburg]) - Kvnshchik, star of "Our Russia";

Anatoly Alyabyev (12/12/1951 [Arkhangelsk region]) - Soviet athlete (biathlon), Honored Master of Sports;

Vladimir Shainsky (December 12, 1925 [Kyiv]) - Soviet composer;

Isaac Kaplan (12/12/1924 [Moscow] - 05/19/1997 [St. Petersburg]) - Soviet and Russian film artist. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996);

Natalya Malysheva (12/12/1921 - 02/04/2012) - Soviet designer of rocket engines, later - nun Adrian;

Gulsum Abdrakhmanova (12/12/1917 - 10/07/1970 [Semipalatinsk]) - Kazakh and Soviet actress, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1964; Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR since 1944);

Lev Karsavin (12/12/1882 [St. Petersburg] - 07/20/1952 [settlement Abez (Komi ASSR)]) - Russian religious philosopher and historian;

Gerd Rundstedt (12/12/1875 [Aschersleben, Prussia] - 02/24/1953 [Hannover, Lower Saxony]) - German field marshal during the Second World War;

Cao Kun (12/12/1862 [Tianjin] - 05/15/1938 [Tianjin]) - 8th President of China;

Alexander Ypsilanti (12/12/1792 [Constantinople] - 01/31/1828 [Vienna]) - leader of the Greek Revolution, Russian general;

Maria Louise (12/12/1791 [Vienna] - 12/17/1847 [Parma]) - the second wife of Napoleon I, daughter of the Austrian Emperor Franz I;

Nikolay Karamzin (12/12/1766 [Mikhailovka village] - 06/03/1826 [Petersburg]) was a Russian writer, publicist and historian.

Dates December 12

Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Ground Forces

Kazakhstan - Day of Customs Officers

In Turkmenistan - Neutrality Day

Kenya celebrates - Independence Day or Republic Day

In Mexico - Day of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

In Kyrgyzstan - Day of National Literature

According to the folk calendar, this is Paramon

On this day:

in 1398, the great conqueror Timur carried out a mass genocide of the Hindus; on that day, about one hundred thousand prisoners were massacred in the prisons of India

Stefan Batory died in 1586, governor from the country of vampires, who became the king of Poland and Lithuania

in 1787, the state of Pennsylvania ratified the US constitution, becoming the second in a row in this new state of the New World

India changed its capital in 1911 to Delhi instead of Calcutta.

in 1917, a major railway disaster in France - 700 soldiers returning home from the front found their fate near the Belgian Saint-Michel-de Maurienne

Douglas Fernbecks, American silent film actor, died in 1939

in 1991, the RSFSR withdrew its deputies from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and denounced the union treaty

Heydar Aliyev, the first president of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan, died in 2003

Switzerland joined the Schengen area in 2008.

Events December 12

The state of Pennsylvania, perhaps the "most democratic state" in the United States, is not for nothing that the state motto is the words: "Virtue, freedom and independence." The state was the first among the North American states to pass a law on the emancipation of slaves.

It was one of the original twelve founding states of the United States of America and adopted the US Declaration of Independence without hesitation. And December 12, 1787 and the Constitution of the new state.

On December 12, 1905, the so-called Novorossiysk Republic was formed, the coup self-education of which was based on the proletarians, peasants and rebellious Cossacks. The ideology of this pseudo-state was based on the fight against the autocratic state system existing at that time and on the path of building socialism.

This utopian formation lasted exactly two weeks (December 12 - 26, 1905). The government troops sent to Novorossiysk to suppress the rebellion crushed the uprising literally in one day. The organizers and instigators of the putsch were severely punished, and legitimate power was restored in the city.

The transfer of the capital to Delhi was announced by the Indian emperor George V. The capital of India was transferred several times from one city to another, and only in 1911, it was finally decided that Delhi would still remain the capital of India. If you look at the map of India, you can see how Delhi seems to dominate the entire country.

The city is located in the center of the northern part of the state, at the crossroads of important cultural, economic and transport routes. Since ancient times, it has developed a kind of metropolitan tradition and the elite of society. And most importantly, all the states of India perceive Delhi as the capital of all states, and not of any ethnically isolated territory.

Signs December 12 - the day of Paramon Zimoukatel

In the church on December 12, the memory of Saint Paramon, who suffered for the faith along with 370 other martyrs in the year 250, is venerated. As you know, Paramon was imprisoned by pagans, who forced him to renounce the Christian doctrine.

It was Paramon who initially stood up for the righteous Christians, against whom mass persecutions were organized. As a result, he was tortured and then beheaded along with the rest of those arrested.

In Rus', Paramon was called the Winter Indicator, since it was on this day that it was possible to predict the weather for the near future. Also on the morning of December 12, brooms or brooms were taken to clear the roofs of snow caps. It was impossible to use a shovel for these purposes, signs explained that this was done so that the roof would not leak.

By the way, it is interesting that in Rus' there was a special attitude to the broom, magical properties were attributed to it. It was impossible to take revenge in one hut with different brooms - this was a sign that was exactly observed. It was also impossible to keep a broom under the stove - the food would go bad.

By December 12, the weather was set quite cold, and people believed that at that time Winter was wandering in a bearskin through the streets and even rooftops, waking up women early in the morning to heat stoves and cook food, because it was very difficult to get up in the morning.

There was another interesting sign: on the day of December 12, it was necessary to feed chickens with buckwheat only from the right sleeve - so they would start laying earlier. In addition, a nail was driven into the lower log into the western wall of the bathhouse so that the building would be strong and no one in the family would get sick.

They said that on December 12 it was necessary to borrow something from the neighbors: bread, eggs, butter, etc. So you can attract good luck for the next year.

On December 12, girl fortune-telling was distributed, there were also signs associated with this day. So, the girls kneaded the dough on river water, for which they approached the reservoir 3 times and brought water in their mouths. When they scooped up water, they looked at what fell into their hands.

Pebbles predict marriage with a builder, land - with a grain grower, fish - with a fisherman. The pastries were then placed on the bench, and the girls brought their roosters. Whose rooster tastes the bread first, that girl will play the wedding first.

Folk omens December 12

The snow covered the valleys on Paramon - the blizzard will be revenge for another week

We hope you enjoyed reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read. Agree, it is useful to know the history of events and dates, and also those of famous people who were born today, on the twelfth December day of winter December 12, what mark this person left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world with you.

We are also sure that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with the help of them, you can check in practice the authenticity and veracity of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and deeds, read more necessary, important, useful, interesting and informative - reading expands your horizons and develops imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

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December 12, what events in the world history of science and culture are famous and interesting for this day?

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What is the national day of December 12 according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with the day of December 12? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

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Events of the day 12 December 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 12, 2029, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twelfth of December of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day 12 December 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of December 12, 2030, find out who was born from famous people, folk signs and other things that you need, it is important and useful to learn about the twelfth of December of the month of the thirtieth year.