Venerable Nestor the Chronicler was born in the 50s of the 11th century in Kyiv. As a young man he came to the Monk Theodosius (+ 1074, Comm. 3 May) and became a novice. The Monk Nestor was tonsured by the successor of the Monk Theodosius, hegumen Stefan. Under him, he was ordained a hierodeacon. His lofty spiritual life is evidenced by the fact that, among other venerable fathers, he participated in the exorcism of the demon from Nikita the hermit (later Saint of Novgorod, commemorated January 31), deceived into Jewish sophistication. The Monk Nestor deeply appreciated true knowledge, combined with humility and repentance. “There is great benefit from the teaching of the book,” he said, “books punish and teach us the way to repentance, because from the words of the book we gain wisdom and temperance. These are the rivers that water the universe, from which comes wisdom. There is incalculable depth in books, they console us in sorrow, they are the bridle of abstinence. If you diligently seek wisdom in books, you will gain great benefit for your soul. For he who reads books converses with God or holy men." In the monastery, the Monk Nestor carried out the obedience of a chronicler. In the 80s, he wrote "Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed martyrs Boris and Gleb" in connection with the transfer of their holy relics to Vyshgorod in 1072 (Comm. 2 May). In the 80s, the Monk Nestor compiled the life of the Monk Theodosius of the Caves, and in 1091, on the eve of the patronal feast of the Caves monastery, hegumen John instructed him to dig from the ground for transferring to the church the holy relics of the Monk Theodosius (commemorated the acquisition of August 14).

The main feat of the life of the Monk Nestor was the compilation of the Tale of Bygone Years by the years 1112-1113. “Behold the tales of bygone years, where did the Russian land come from, who in Kiev began first to reign, and where did the Russian land come from” - this is how the Monk Nestor defined the goal of his work from the first lines. An unusually wide range of sources (preceding Russian chronicles and legends, monastic records, Byzantine chronicles of John Malala and Georgy Amartol, various historical collections, stories of the elder boyar Jan Vyshatich, merchants, warriors, travelers), meaningful from a single, strictly ecclesiastical point of view, allowed St. Nestor to write the history of Russia as an integral part of world history, the history of the salvation of the human race.

The monk-patriot sets out the history of the Russian Church in the main moments of its historical formation. He speaks of the first mention of the Russian people in church sources - in 866, under the holy Patriarch Photius of Constantinople; tells about the creation of the Slavic charter by the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, about the Baptism of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga in Constantinople. The chronicle of St. Nestor has preserved for us the story of the first Orthodox church in Kiev (under the year 945), about the confessional feat of the holy Varangian martyrs (under the year 983), about the "test of faith" by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Vladimir (986) and the Baptism of Rus' (988) . We are indebted to the first Russian church historian for information about the first metropolitans of the Russian Church, about the emergence of the Pechersk monastery, about its founders and ascetics. The time of the Monk Nestor was not easy for the Russian land and the Russian Church. Rus' was tormented by princely civil strife, the steppe nomadic Polovtsy ravaged cities and villages with predatory raids, drove Russian people into slavery, burned churches and monasteries. The Monk Nestor was an eyewitness to the destruction of the Caves monastery in 1096. The chronicle provides a theological understanding of Russian history. The spiritual depth, historical fidelity and patriotism of The Tale of Bygone Years place it among the highest creations of world literature.

The Monk Nestor died about the year 1114, having bequeathed to the chronicler monks of the Caves the continuation of his great work. Hegumen Sylvester, who gave the Tale of Bygone Years a modern look, hegumen Moses Vydubitsky, who extended it until 1200, and finally, Abbot Lavrenty, who wrote in 1377 the oldest of the lists that have come down to us that have preserved the Tale of St. Nestor ( "Laurentian Chronicle"). The heir to the hagiographic tradition of the Caves ascetic was St. Simon, Bishop of Vladimir († 1226, Comm. 10 May), rescuer of the Kiev-Pechersk Paterik. Talking about the events connected with the life of the saints of God, St. Simon often refers, among other sources, to the Chronicles of St. Nestor.

Saint Nestor was buried in the Near Caves of Saint Anthony of the Caves. The Church also honors his memory together with the Cathedral of the Fathers Resting in the Near Caves on September 28 and on the 2nd Week of Great Lent, when the Council of all the Kiev-Pechersk Fathers is celebrated.

His work has been published many times. Recent scientific publications: "The Tale of Bygone Years", M.-L., 1950: "The Life of Theodosius of the Caves" - in the "Izbornik" (M., 1969; in parallel, the Old Russian text and a modern translation).

When you look at the image of the Monk Nestor - the chronicler, you are amazed at the incredible meekness of his gaze, the wisdom that comes from the eyes of the saint. The legendary chronicler was born in the 50s of the 11th century. The monk took tonsure at the Kiev-Pechersk monastery and rose to the rank of deacon. The ministry to which the Monk Nestor dedicated himself is the ministry of the chronicler. The goal of the venerable saint was to pass on the history of the Russian land to the descendants. In the annals, Nestor describes the formation of the Russian state, the lives of the saints, the history of Russian princes, as well as the beginning of the spread of the Christian faith in Rus'.

Nestor can be called the first church historian who gave a theological justification for Russian history. One of the most famous chronicles, preserved, thanks to the reverend, and which has come down to our days, is the Tale of Bygone Years. It is thanks to this chronicle that our contemporaries learned about the creation of a Slavic charter, the first Christian church built in Rus', about Princess Olga, the first Russian saint, and also about the baptism of Rus'. On the first pages of his famous work, Nestor wrote: "Behold the tales of bygone years, where did the Russian Land come from, who in Kiev began the first princedom and where did the Russian Land come from." The main purpose of creating the chronicle, for Nestor, was a description of the formation of the Russian state. According to our contemporaries, the monk achieved his goal. Until his death (October 27, 1114), Nestor painstakingly and tirelessly gave all his strength to the service he had chosen.

Nestor witnessed that difficult era for Rus', which left our contemporaries with a unique historical and literary document that captured the main historical events of our country. The invaluable historical information contained in the annals of St. Nestor has more than once helped modern scholars to unravel some of the mysteries of our history. It was for Nestor's contribution to the preservation of important historical moments, as well as for his patriotism and devoted service to the Lord, through the writing of chronicles, that the Russian Orthodox Church established a holiday in honor of the great chronicler, for his deeds are recognized as pleasing to God.

They buried the Monk Nestor, the chronicler, in the cave of the Caves Monastery. And to this day, the relics of the monk remain incorrupt. Until now, miracles of healing have been taking place on his grave. For the majority of our contemporaries, Saint Nestor remains the creator of The Tale of Bygone Years, a legendary chronicler whose name and deeds are known to us to this day. It is probably not easy for oneself to appoint the ministry of a chronicler, when your every word will be decisive for posterity. It was not easy for Nestor to realize his great responsibility to history. To be, just with your eyes, to tell the truth, not to confuse the facts, not to express your opinion, but only to tell the events as they really happened. This was the manifestation of the feat that Nestor accomplished for the glory of God, as well as for the glory of subsequent generations.

Pre-excellent Nestor Le-to-pi-setz was born in the 50s of the 11th century in Ki-e-ve, at the age of 17 he drank in Ki- e-in-Pe-cher-sky monastery. He was in a listen-to-no-one-pre-do-but-go Fe-o-do-siya. In-sheared took from the yoke-me-on Ste-fa-na, pre-em-no-ka Fe-o-do-siya. With one hundred lives, mo-lit-howling and listening-sha-ni-em, the young mover soon transcended even from the famous pe-blacks sky elders. He was consecrated in hiero-di-a-ko-na. About his spiritual life, he doesn’t say that he, among other good-fathers, participated in from-gna -ni be-sa from Ni-ki-you For-creative-ni-ka, in the wake of the New-born-ho-ho-ty-te-la (pa-meat 31 Jan-va-rya ), de-flattered-but-go into Jewish wisdom-stvo-va-nie. The pre-excellent Nestor is-la-is-with-a-hundred-vi-te-lem first-in-the-initial history of the-she-of-the-Father-of-stva, or le-to-pee-si, where he from-la-ga-et by year tells about the na-cha-le of the Russian land and the following co- be-ti-yah its is-to-ri until 1100. In addition to that, they na-pi-sa-but the life of the holy princes Bo-ri-sa and Gle-ba, “The Tale of the first Pe-cher-sky - move-no-kah "and so on.

Nestor reached deep old age and peace, but he died around 1114.

John Troparion to the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, Caves, in the Near Caves

Times and years of memorable deeds, / deeds and labors of the God-bearing fathers, / Nestor the Wise, writing, / you kindled with love to follow the footsteps of the original ones, / with them do not stop praying to Christ God, / / ​​save souls on shim.

Translation: The times and years of deeds worthy of memory, the exploits and labors of the fathers, Nestor the wise, describing, you burned with love to follow in the footsteps of these saints, with them do not stop praying to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion to the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, Caves, in the Near Caves

Like this disciple of God-bearing Theodosius / and the true life of that imitator, / the first of his honest relics to be a witness was able to be thou, / even with others holyly carried, / you inherited the Kingdom of Heaven with the same, / / ​​hedgehog receive also to us who honor you, pray to the Lord.

Translation: As a disciple of the God-bearing and a true imitator of his life, you were honored to be the first eyewitness of his revered ones, who, together with others, worthy of their holiness endured, you inherited the Kingdom of Heaven with them, which we, who honor you, pray to the Lord to receive.

Prayer to the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, Caves, in the Near Caves

Oh, reverend father, wise mentor and God-loving ascetic Nestor the Chronicler! Come with boldness to the throne of Eternal Glory, do not forget us sinners and unworthy, aggravated by storms of passions, and with your unceasing intercession protect our country, yours, and your relatives from all evils and sorrows. Establish our hearts in the Orthodox faith, teach your fatherland to love and remain strong in brotherly love. Guide us on the paths of salvation, and with your prayers, our intercessor, let us enter the eternal Kingdom of glory, praising the Lord and glorifying your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Monk Nestor the Chronicler of the Caves

Kondak 1

Chosen of God's cohabitant, otherwise honest and glorious chronicler, Father Reverend Nestor, accept our humble praises brought with love. But you, as if having great boldness in heaven, pray warmly for our country and its people, in order to deliver us from all evil, let us call you:

Ikos 1

Jealous of the angelic monastic life and despising the vanity of the perishable world, in your early youth you flowed, reverend father, to the monastery of the Pechersk city of Kiev, at the feet of its founders Anthony and Theodosius peacefully falling down and fervently praying for fellowship with the brethren. For this we cry out to you:

Rejoice, from your youth serve God lustily.

Rejoice, the good part of the morning of your life chosen.

Rejoice, forsaking the world and all its delights.

Rejoice, you who love the Lord with all your heart.

Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 2

Seeing the good will of your heart and foreseeing in you a vessel of grace of Christian virtues, the Monk Theodosius, with great joy, counted you among the brethren of his monastery and worthy of the monastic rank, tenderly singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

With a God-enlightened mind, thou didst love, God-wise Nestor, the teaching of the book and zealously devoting to this, like a hard-working bee, collecting the sweetest honey of wisdom and multiplying in your soul for salvation the treasure of unexpected knowledge. For this sake, thou hast appeared worthy of the praises of the Sith:

Rejoice, thou who acquired the wisdom of bookish enlightenment in youth.

Rejoice, you who are very diligent in collecting valuable beads.

Rejoice, having delighted in the honey of the knowledge of truth from youth.

Rejoice, you enriched yourself with an indestructible treasure wisely.

Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 3

Having received spiritual strength from your Lord, reverend, you undividedly devoted your life to Him, singing the good to the Giver of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having a spiritual gift from your Lord, you didn’t hide the talent given to you, like a negligent servant, but helping the Lord many times, you multiplied the virtues in your life, good and faithful servant, may the Creator of all kinds be glorified in you, the same we call you:

Rejoice, you did not hide the treasure of wisdom entrusted to you in the earth.

Rejoice, rich spiritually growing garden of virtues.

Rejoice, good gatherer of incorruptible wealth.

Rejoice, having found the bliss of the desired Paradise.

Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 4

Thou hast evaded the tempests of the passions of life, O servant of Christ, to the comforting haven of the holy monastery of Pechersk, having reached, even with the honest inhabitants of the sowing, Thou didst not cease to sing to thy Savior: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the soul-saving instruction from the God-bearing Theodosius and other honest fathers, given to you indiscriminately, you carefully followed this in your cave seclusion, by prayer, fasting and negligence for the flesh strengthened in the laborious ascetic life of a monastic. For this sake, now you hear the praises of the Sitz:

Rejoice, from youth into the darkness of the cave, for the sake of salvation, dwell.

Rejoice, you who by unceasing prayer protect yourself from the turmoil of life.

Rejoice, for in your ascetic labor you had the God-wise Theodosius as a mentor.

Rejoice, thou obediently heeded this instruction.

Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 5

Thou didst flow on the path of the gods, O glorious father, desiring nothing vain, but seeking the mountainous city, eternally seeking, unceasingly singing to the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing your tireless labors, directed to the salvation of the soul, and rejoicing fraternally about your success in the ascetic life of the monastic life, all the monks of the Pechersk monastery praise thee:
Rejoice, tireless worker, as if you were worthy of a good reward.
Rejoice, ascetic of good piety, as if you were not exhausted in your labors.
Rejoice, displaying an honest image of the monastic life of the brethren.
Rejoice, in humility and meekness of the soul, instruct everyone all the time.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 6

You have found the forerunner of the glory of the father, O worthy Nestor, the Russian country, having led away her past fate, you betrayed all the writings for the teaching, instruction and edification of the future generation, and having led God’s providence to the Slovene language, they will sing to their Good Provider: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thou hast exalted, like the luminous sun, in the Russ of the earth, God-blessed Father, the deepest darkness of ignorance, covering me from time immemorial, with your writings first illuminated thou, calling to the light of knowledge and knowledge of God, invoking thy companions, from them worthily received the chinese praise:
Rejoice, thou who dispelled the darkness of barbarian ignorance among our people with a radiance of wisdom.
Rejoice, having served as your chronicle for the enlightenment of the fatherland.
Rejoice, work diligently over this until the end of your belly.
Rejoice, prepare yourself for the work of writing with warm prayer.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 7

Although as a witness of a wondrous miracle to you, Father, reveal the Lord Almighty, inspire secretly to hegumen John of the Caves, may it be entrusted to you, together with others from the brethren, to dig up the body of your mentor, the Monk Theodosius, buried in the earth, ten years from this death, as an assurance of the grace of God , more evident on it. The same, having seen that in the tomb, the imperishable being and exuding great miracles, rejoicing, sang with the monks of the Pechersk miracles to the Creator of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Thou didst raise new labor for the benefit and teaching of Christians, Reverend Nestor, in order to write off the life of the great saint, the Monk Theodosius, who was also with God-bearing Anthony, the initiator of the charitable monastic life in the lands of Ruste and the builder of the monastery of Pechersk, having already become tired of the glorious kennel of the Studian, keep the commandment in her forever. The same and we, thankful being for such your unworthy care for us, unanimously glorify you, father, taco:
Rejoice, reverent speaker of the life of the Monk Theodosius.
Rejoice, zealous imitator of this in your labors.
Rejoice, consoling the faithful with your tale.
Rejoice, thou who didst lead many to the monastic feat.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 8

You were a wanderer and a stranger, Nestor, on earth, you don’t cling to temporary and corruptible existence, but directing your mind and heart to the bliss of the endless Fatherland of Heaven, where now from the Angels in joy you call: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All your life, God-loving Father, is dedicated to your Savior and your neighbors. With a pure heart, we accept the commandment of Christ, with love you have fulfilled the law of grace, to the best of your ability, working for the benefit of your brethren and glorifying the Lord you have Beloved. The same from Him, having improved the glorification in heaven, hear on earth those who bless you with these praises:
Rejoice, bright image of brotherly love and humility.
Rejoice, good mentor of diligence and patience.
Rejoice, jealous of the salvation of your neighbors.
Rejoice, praise from these is worthy of acceptance.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 9

You hated every carnal pleasure, Reverend Father Nestor, and you loved the monastic life, so also the Lord love you, glorify and grant us, like a fervent prayer book, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vitiy, with your more verbose, more brief words, glorified the land of our Fatherland, thou wiser mentor, from the Tale of Bygone Years: we took away from where the Russian land went, and with great filial love you loved. For this sake, the sons of Slovenian Russia in all generations and to this day praise thee, saying:
Rejoice, glorious rhetoricians in the simplicity of your word surpass.
Rejoice, enlightening us with the wisdom of your teaching with love.
Rejoice, faithful lover of the earthly Fatherland.
Rejoice, zealous zealot about the good of your land.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 10

Thou, O God-bearing One, chose the narrow and difficult path of salvation by will, and turned thy face in no way backwards, turn thy eyes to the luminous Sun of truth, Christ God, and glorify Him with a song of praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

With a wall of hope undoubted thou hast protected thy soul from every temptation and temptation, with strong faith knowing the fullness of the grace and mercy of thy Creator. For this reason, hear from us, unworthy and shattered by despair, this:
Rejoice, fragrant flower of virtue growing in the soul.
Rejoice, by the faith of the invisible, like the visible, desired and expected, as if they were, a true witness.
Rejoice, unslazy champion of Christian piety.
Rejoice, good strengthener and helper of those who are exhausted in painful doubt.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 11

Singing laudatory from the sons of the Russians according to the heritage of accepting, dear father, with your love do not stop interceding from all troubles and sorrows of our fatherly land, in it you will take out, the name of the Lord is glorified by the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With the light-beaming radiance of Divine love, wounded, most glorious chronicler, the images of sowing were revealed by the life of the passion-bearer of the holy noble brothers Boris the magnanimous and Gleb the meek, and to them subsequently, the virtues of brotherly love, love of the fatherland, humility and obedience gaining, but to you, the deeds of these writers of God-wise, we praise the sit:
Rejoice, for the grace of God rests upon you in abundance.
Rejoice, for we are wiser, the saints of God glorified you with love.
Rejoice, for the good of your land, your tireless prayer book.
Rejoice, lover of the fatherland and the seeker of wisdom of knowledge, everlasting helper.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 12

The grace-filled source of instruction of the God-pleasing ones was found in you, Father Nestor, by your life and writing off your whole affirm to march steadily in the footsteps of the One Lover of Man and our Savior God, calling Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your God-pleasing life, most glorious Nestor, with tenderness we glorify your labors and deeds, in the image of Christ the Savior you have greatly pleased, and we praise the wondrous gaze of God on you, in the incorruptibility of your relics until now. Honoring your peaceful and shameless death, we worship the unsearchable Providence of the Most High, who made you a partaker of His inexpressible glory in the villages of the righteous, from there, incline your ear to our voice, crying out to you:
Rejoice, intrigues, deceit and wickedness of the demonic torn apart.
Rejoice, thou who has risen unhindered in the heavenly abode with thy spirit.
Rejoice, in the darkness of your cave body rest imperishably until this day.
Rejoice, from your relics, generously give much help to those who honor you.
Rejoice, Nestor, the first chronicler of the Russian land.

Kondak 13

Oh, glorious servant of God, God-wise Father Nestor! Look with your love from the height of heaven to the sorrow and tears of your earthly brethren and beg the All-Merciful Lord to deliver the Russian land and its children from troubles and misfortunes, let us praise His philanthropy and His generosity, singing out: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


Oh, reverend father, wise mentor and God-loving ascetic Nestor the Chronicler! Come with boldness to the throne of Eternal Glory, do not forget us sinful and unworthy, aggravated by storms of passions, and with your unceasing intercession protect our country, your homeland, and your companions from all evils and sorrows. Establish our hearts in the Orthodox faith, teach your fatherland to love and stay strong in brotherly love. Lead us on the paths of salvation, and with your prayers, our intercessor, we will enter the eternal Kingdom of glory, praising the Lord and glorifying your intercession forever and ever. Amen.

Canon to the Monk Nestor the Chronicler of the Caves

Canto 1

Irmos: The faces of Israelites, with their wet feet the Pont Black and the wet depths drove away, the riders of the tristat enemies, seeing they are immersed in it, with joy I sing: we sing to our God, as if we were glorified.

Faces of monasticism, in the summer memory of the God-bearing father, flock diligently to the holy cave and, bowing with love to the relics of Nestor the all-wise, sing to God, as if gloriously glorified in His saints.

I am combined with the face of a monastic and on this day sing your memory daringly, help me, more than all the roughest, with your prayers, holy Nestor, God marvelously glorified in you.

Glory: The face of an angel was counted to be at least, the face of an angelic face in the flesh venerated thou, father, having learned from them the angelic life, thou ascended to a clever desire: we honor thee the same, as God marvelously glorified in you.

And now: The faces of the saints and the reverend father with the faces of the Angels are coming, glorify the Most Holy Word that gave birth to all the saints; glorify the Mother of God today and help us earthly, that from all wondrously glorified.

Canto 3

Irmos: The bow of the strong is weary, and the weak are girded with strength, for this sake my heart be established in the Lord.

The proposal of your mind be, like a bow is tense, father, living more in this deplorable vale, you had an ascent in your heart to God; and it hurts me, I lead my life in sorrow, Nestor, help me, praying for me, may my heart rejoice in the Lord.

Seventeen years old, in your mind you accepted your husband’s perfect age: you shone, like in senile gray hair, good deeds, and fix this in me, blessed, and my heart will rejoice in the Lord.

Glory: Purity and humility are deeply accepted to poverty, you flew up, holy, like krill, to the mountain of monastic virtues; from nowhere, seeing in the twinkling of an eye the transient image of this world, and moreover, put your heart into the love of God.

And now: The garden of purity, having given birth, with the fruit of this, to those who believe in Thee, be the Mother of God, nourished thou abundantly; and to me, who by faith bows to You, God-bred Virgin, let me not taste a little from this fruit, but my sad heart will rejoice.

Sedalen, voice 4

From the great father, he was guided into good morals and in his youth, all of God joined in, carnal lusts killed you with strong fasting, the spirit revived you with the hope of eternal blessings; Having lived like an angel on earth, now you are settling with Angels, we honor you, blessed Nestor.

Glory, and now:

I see terrible miracles, an unspeakable image in You, Most Pure Virgin, as if You conceived God and embraced the Unusual in Your womb, but what a mystery it is, I have not experienced it, moreover, I believe and with fear appease Thee, sing: Rejoice, God Incomprehensible spacious village.

Canto 4

Irmos: Hear thy glorious gaze, O Christ God, as if thou weret born of a Virgin, but deliver from flattery those who call: glory to thy power, Lord.

Hearing the glorious and marvelous on Mount Pechersk, Thou came there, reverend, and, seeing with fire and dew the descending grace of God at the beginning of the foundation of the church, still young, from the elders, Thou sang: glory to Thy power, Lord.

Creating the largest and most perfect tabernacle in your soul to the Holy Spirit, with a kind perception of the commandment from the God-bearing, the father gave to him, holy Nestor: those, as in the red chamber, come and make an abode in you, the Father with the Son and the Spirit.

Glory: Like a sweet milk, the teaching of the father of the God-bearing reception, you fulfilled the word in deed, blessed, and you were filled with the Most High Wisdom, even we are honored from your writings, we delight our souls with knowledge on these mountains of God's former grace.

And now: The sweet milk of repentance and the heavenly nectar of tenderness of the song to the love of those who bring you, give me, Pure Maiden, even though I am, obsessed with fear, driven by love, I bring Thee, Mistress, and I pray: sweeten my heart, Sweet Jesus Christ, my birth.

Canto 5

Irmos: From the light, the primordial light has been cut off, as if in the light of the deed they sing Thee, Christ, the Creator, guide our path in the Light of Yours.

Having moved away from the light of flattering love, you lusted with desire, Nestor, follow the great father in the footsteps, morals and teachings: give them to us too, and in the light of these deeds with your prayers direct our paths.

He is protected by deep humility, reverend, with the height of the vanity of the walking one, he overthrew the enemies, trampled thou with his feet; By your intercession to God, Father, give us humility and direct our steps in it.

Glory: Angelically your life ruled all of you, like an Angel of God, having a husband; by this, and to the diaconal degree, you were vouchsafed to govern your good procession in it, and our way to the shrine, Nestor, govern.

And now: The Path of the Birth of Life, the All-Holy Virgin, by the paths of the temptation of those who walk like the Merciful, you instruct on the paths of truth; and do not despise me, the Mistress, who is astray, but as if she gave birth to a Mentor to the astray, direct my path in the Light of His path.

Canto 6

Irmos: Whenever we grieve, cry to the Lord, and the God of my salvation hearkened to me.

In reverence and truth, ruling your rank, you have created the whole temple of the Holy Spirit, and, having entered the temple not made by hands, stand before the Throne of the Most High; and to me, who wants to be there, with your prayers, Father, help, I pray, the prayer book of my salvation.

The red garden of the Heavenly Maker was red when you were green, you were decorated with red deeds, good fruits, whose fragrance we now smell, you increased; I pray thee, blessed, give this gift to me from God my Savior.

Glory: From the labor of your exploits, the monk Nestor, having poured out many sweats, you have watered the field of your soul and, having grown the virtues of the class, now reap the handles, alive forever in Heavenly blood; in them also be me, pray to Christ my Savior.

And now: Sacred by the Spirit of the Father on the earth, holy, rejoice, for thou hast vegetated for us the blessed-leaved Tree; in the heat of my passions, scorched under the shade of onago, bring, Mistress, I pray to Thee as the Intercessor of my salvation.

Kontakion, voice 2

Like a disciple of the God-bearing Theodosius, a disciple and a true imitator of his life, the first honest witness of his relics, you were honored to be, even with others holily carried, inherited the Kingdom of Heaven with the same, and we, who honor you, pray to the Lord.

Canto 7

Irmos: Abraham sometimes in Babylon, the youths trampled the cave flame, crying out with songs: our fathers, God, blessed be Thou.

Following Abraham's footsteps, holy, by the fulfillment of the commandments you brought, as if he were Isaac, the mind of the Mistress is pure, for this sake, from this life, you passed into the earth, sharpening endless sweetness, where you pray to me, Nestor, the interlocutor of our God-bearing fathers.

Pass away from this passionate world, you have passed into a passionless world, where you live in peace with the sons of the world, and do not retreat from us, in this world, praying to your Creator, let us be partakers of you, singing: God, blessed be Thou.

Glory: Thou didst not divert thy heart into the words of slyness in this life of many turmoil, reverend, so that the air spirits of slyness passed serenely, to the Heavenly gates thou didst ripen: even open us with your prayers, and we sing with you: God, blessed be Thou .

And now: I deviated from the path of truth and do not walk my feet on the right path, but on the rapids of passions it is deceitful, I hurt my mold with the thorns of sin, both and temple, I flow to Your goodness and pray: Mistress, heal me, Thou art the healing of my soul .

Canto 8

Irmos: In Babylon, the youths of God are inflamed with jealousy, a tormentor and a flame, masculinely trample on punishment and, in the middle of the fire, cast down, irrigate, sing: bless all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Fortified by spiritual strength, thou hast flown, O God-wise, with the wings of thy virtues to the Heavenly Ones, and according to these years you live now, even if the summers are not impoverished, pray to them and us, singing: bless, all the works of the Lord, the Lord.

Thou hast passed from the house of the Mother of God, Nestor, to the House of God, the all-luminous Jerusalem, and, cohabiting as an Angel among the citizens of Heaven, intercede for us to be the same in your memory, singing the songs of the Lord.

Glory: The Trinity is One Essence: Father, and Son, and Holy Soul, One Kingdom, having strength and power, deliver us from the power of the prince of darkness, with the prayers of the God-bearing fathers of our Caves, with them and Nestor we bring Thee to prayer today, blessing Thee forever , Lord.

And now: the Throne of the Trinity, Mati Virgo, and the glory of the Trinitarian Deity will be taken out, praying for us sinners, and we will not lose Heavenly Glory, with the songs of Thee glorifying and from Thee the Born Lord.

Canto 9

Irmos: Thy Nativity appeared imperishably: God passed from Thy side, like a Carnivore, appearing on earth and living with people. Thee, Mother of God, we magnify everything.

Thou hast departed to the villages of the righteous, and in spirit stand before the Everlasting Light; look down on us, who live in the villages of the many-rebellious world, and help those who are in war, blessed Nestor, as we now magnify you with songs.

With them, you acquired love in a living body, with them, and departed in spirit, cohabiting, you are not excommunicated, as if your relics will show, Reverend, lying with the saints in the cave, with them appear for us praying to God, magnifying your memory.

Glory: The Lord loves mercy and truth, and you, most blessed, like Him, be a merciful intercessor for our salvation, but for your sake, we, having found grace, will not fall away from eternal glory, as we magnify your holy Assumption with songs.

And now: The Lord loves all your intercession, Most Pure Virgin, and accepts your prayers for the human race; pray also for us, Thy servants, the All-Tsaritsa, that we may obtain mercy on the Day of Judgment, I will take out to You as an Intercessor, bowing, magnifying.

July 22, 2011 Council of the Imperial Russian Historical Society came up with a public initiative to consider November 9 the day of the historian. It is symbolic that this date is the day of remembrance of St. Nestor the Chronicler- the only Russian historian who canonized saints. The personality of the Pechersk monk is remarkable in many respects. The Monk Nestor was born around 1056 in Kyiv. At the age of seventeen, he became a novice of the Kiev Caves Monastery. Providentially in the monastery of St. Theodosius imposes on Nestor the obedience of a chronicler.

For many years, the Monk Nestor labored in this field. From under his pen come such masterpieces of ancient Russian hagiography as the life of St. Theodosius of the Caves, "Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed martyrs Boris and Gleb." But the main work of the life of the monk was the "Tale of Bygone Years" - an extensive work on the history of the Russian state and the Church, compiled by him around 1113. It is noteworthy that the Monk Nestor used a fairly wide range of sources in his work. The author studied the historical archives of Rus', Byzantium, monastic chronicles, diaries of merchants and travelers.

First Russian historian we owe information about Baptism of Rus', about the creation of the Slavic charter by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, about the first metropolitans of the Russian Church, about the emergence of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery, about its founders and ascetics. The chronicle provides a theological understanding of Russian history. Spiritual depth, historical accuracy, the author's love for his native land place The Tale of Bygone Years in one of the prominent places in Russian historiography.

The monk passed away to God around the year 1114. Before his death, he bequeathed to the monks of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery to continue their historical work.

Many representatives of Russian historical science paid tribute to the author of The Tale of Bygone Years. So N. M. Karamzin, N. I. Kostomarov, V. O. Klyuchevsky used the chronicle heritage of St. Nestor as the basis for their works.

Noteworthy are the words of the famous Russian philologist D. S. Likhachev that The Tale of Bygone Years was “not just a collection of facts of Russian history and not just a historical and journalistic work related to the urgent, but transient tasks of Russian reality, but a whole literary set out history Rus'".

We hope that this momentous Russian history the day will become a point of unity for all who value our history, our cultural and spiritual heritage.

Information about events that took place in ancient times is contained in historical documents called chronicles. The latter were created by hand by people who worked as chroniclers. In Rus', the most famous of those who recorded what was happening can safely be called the Monk Nestor. The prefix to the name indicates the type of activity of this person, without which it is difficult for us to understand today who we are talking about: “Chronicler”. The Orthodox Church remembers the monk every year on November 9th.

monastic life

Born in the middle of the 11th century. Unfortunately, the exact time of his birth is unknown. But historians with all confidence can name the birthplace of the legendary Russian chronicler - he is the capital of modern Ukraine, Kyiv.

No information about the childhood and adolescence of Nestor has survived to this day. However, judging by the fact that at the age of 17 the saint entered the monastery as a novice, he was clearly brought up in the spirit of piety, in accordance with Christian canons. The monastery where young Nestor hid from the world was called Pechersk. This, as you might guess, is today's Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. At that time, the Monk Theodosius lived in the mentioned monastery. It was his disciple that the future saint became.

Nestor's monastic vows took place after the death of the teacher, whose place was taken by St. Stephany. The life of a novice lasted for a young servant of the Lord for three years. All because Theodosius decreed so. In the opinion of the monk, a person who arrives at the monastery must first pass a test. It consisted, firstly, in acquaintance with the monastic order and the way of monastic life; secondly, the fulfillment of a variety of assignments and work (actually, obedience). Only after successfully passing the above stages could the subject be tonsured a monk. It should be noted that at the first stage of stay in the Pechersk monastery, a person wore his own clothes, in which he appeared in the house of God. Becoming a novice, he changed it to a black outfit. And when he turned into a monk, a person put on a monastic robe.

The Monk Nestor took monastic vows not earlier than in 1078. He wrote that at that time love and mutual understanding reigned between the monk brothers in the Pechersk monastery. Everyone supported each other, the younger ones obeyed the elders and vice versa - the older ones took care of the younger ones. Each of the brethren was distinguished by some feat. One, for example, ate nothing but bread and water, another ate only roots and herbs, a third knelt in prayer for a long time, a fourth prayed at night without closing his eyes, and so on. It is clear that Nestor himself quickly developed spiritually in such an environment.

The reverend had many worthy character traits. One of them was the humility befitting a true monk. Nestor the Chronicler, mentioning his own person in his manuscripts, calls himself words that have an exclusively negative emotional connotation. Among them are the definitions of "sinful", "thin" (bad), "unreasonable", "rude", etc. This approach, to some extent, also helped him grow spiritually.

It is known that once the Monk Nestor the Chronicler took part in a prayer appeal to God with a request for the healing of a certain Nikita. This man was seduced by evil spirits. So, having prayed together with the brethren for the gift of recovery to the indicated individual, Nestor witnessed a real miracle - the unclean spirit left Nikita. This event refers to 1088.

Another time, in 1091, the saint received a commission from the abbot of the monastery, hegumen John, to find the location of the relics of the Monk Theodosius. Nestor the Chronicler approached this matter with all responsibility and the positive result of the search was not long in coming. Theodosius' body was discovered by him absolutely whole, incorruptible.

writing activity

Nestor the Chronicler, as already mentioned earlier, became famous for leaving us a legacy of many historical manuscripts. These are real literary monuments. Among them, the Tale of Bygone Years is the most famous. The original title of the literary work sounds like this: “Behold the tales of bygone years, where did the Russian land come from, who in Kiev began first to reign, and where did the Russian land come from.” The information necessary to compile such a great work, Nestor took from a variety of sources. These are the chronicles of the monastery, compiled by the monks, and the stories of people of various professions, and conversations with wise elders, and the chronicles of Byzantium, and earlier legends. This essay mentions many important events for us, which without this manuscript we would not have the slightest idea today.

From The Tale of Bygone Years, we learn about the emergence of Slavic writing, about the conversion of Princess Olga to the Christian faith, about the construction of the first Orthodox church in the capital city of Kievan Rus, about the baptism of our vast Motherland by the Holy Prince Vladimir-Yasno Solnyshko. Nestor the chronicler was interested in continuing his work, and instructed the monks of the Caves monastery to carry out this after his death. The monks did not disobey the will of the monk. So, hegumen Moses recorded in the "Tale" the events that took place before 1200, the abbot of the monastery Lavrenty extended Nestor's work until 1377, and hegumen Sylvester gave it a modern form. Therefore, historians agreed that The Tale of Bygone Years is more a collective work than an individual one.

One of the first works of Nestor the Chronicler is the life of Boris and Gleb, the holy Russian princes. He also wrote the biography of the Monk Theodosius of the Caves. There is no more valuable monument of ancient Russian writing than this work. This has been acknowledged by many historians. This essay is not only impeccable in style, style and quality of presentation, it is also imbued with unconditional love for the mentor, and at the same time is instructive, instructive in nature.

Death and Glory

The servant of the Lord Nestor left this mortal world around 1114. His body was interred in the Near Caves of the Kiev Caves Monastery. In 1826, a copper plate with gilding appeared over the burial place of the saint, on which the name of the monk lying there appeared. 80s of the last century were marked by the study of the remains of St. Nestor the Chronicler by scientists and forensic experts. The result of this work was the production of a bust of the saint.