For every person is of great importance. He begins to hear him immediately after the name and does not part with him until the end of his life. What is the correct name for a child? Is it possible to invent names ourselves, and what do existing options mean?

We call the child according to the saints

In church tradition, there are several options for the "correct" naming.

  • The child is called the name of the saint, who, according to the church calendar, is honored on the birthday itself. In this case, Evgenia's name day and her birthday will coincide.
  • The name is given on the eighth day, you can call the baby the name of the saint who is honored then.
  • Baptism usually takes place on the 40th day, and you can name the child after the saint who is mentioned on the day of baptism.

All methods are associated with certain dates, but you can also focus on your own desires. If a person likes some kind of saint, nothing prevents you from naming the baby in his honor

Are there many saints with the same name?

Usually one name corresponds to several saints at once. People who were named in honor of a saint were themselves also righteous, were glorified as saints. For example, Xenia of Petersburg was named after an ancient princess, and then she herself also became a saint. Now everyone knows that the memory of Blessed Xenia, that is, a saint, has been added to the church calendar, and children can also be named in her honor. In the church calendar, almost any male name, except for the most exotic ones, is presented more than once. For example, Eugene's name day according to the church calendar (male name) is celebrated six times a year. This, of course, does not mean that one person should celebrate the name day six times. Just glorified six saints with this name.

Evgenia's name day is January 6, right before Christmas. How should birthdays be celebrated? For any believer, this is a spiritual holiday. People try to visit the temple on this day, thank God and take communion. At home, as a rule, friends gather and congratulate the birthday man. Evgenia's name day in this sense is located somewhat unsuccessfully: this is the day before. In this case, it is inappropriate to arrange a noisy holiday.

Evgenia's name day is January 6, right on Christmas Eve, on the day Therefore, Zhenechka is usually congratulated already on Christmas itself.

But in the case when there is no fasting, name days are celebrated like a regular birthday. This is a noisy children's holiday, however, without a cake and candles, because age does not increase.

And if the birthday and name day are on the same day?

In the case when the baby was named according to the holy calendar, the birthday and name day of the name of Eugene will coincide. But even in this case, the holiday will have to be postponed: on Christmas Eve it is completely unacceptable. Evgenia's name day in this case is transferred to Christmas itself or a day later. However, you can take communion on a name day without any pomp, modestly.

On this day, it would be right to remember the saint, after whom the child is named, and read his life. Indeed, it is precisely his saint that a person quite often imitates, even if he does not suspect it.

Evgenia is a Greek name that translates into Russian as "noble". This form is the female version of the name Eugene. In fact, about thirty years ago, the name was more common in cities, but now it has become common in the village.


The type of Evgenia is extremely difficult to determine, but at the same time a woman can charm and prick at the same time. In some cases, actions are taken at random. Especially in youth, a hot temperament is felt. Unfortunately, in some situations, a woman falls into serious situations, finding a way out of which is almost impossible.


Evgenia seeks to establish contacts with the outside world. She has a developed imagination, in which a touch of extravagance is felt. At the same time, Eugenia strives to make subordinates out of all her slaves. The girl strives to take over even her parents. In nature, passion and indefatigability are felt. At the same time, the development of the imagination should be noted. There are no self-restraint mechanisms, and the sense of approaching danger is also not developed. For this reason, after Evgenia starts any activity, she practically cannot stop. This tactic of behavior often leads to falling into the abyss and serious situations.


Eugenia has a certain confidence that she has enough experience and perfect knowledge of life, so she can rely on common sense. Hard work allows you to achieve initial success. For active advancement in the direction of interest, a woman will have to show increased efficiency.


Evgenia has an unstable morality. Due to the fact that there is a similar trait in the character, a woman strives to get exactly what she wants. At the same time, Evgenia is ready to help her fellow people in the most difficult moments of their lives, excluding any self-pity. All means and methods can be used to provide assistance. Especially close people can count on support.

Features of the implementation of talents in society, development prospects.

Evgenia strives to ensure that everything is constantly in motion. She can practice medicine and paramedicine, travel frequently, and be particularly willing to travel, no matter how long. Evgenia is distinguished by the ability to quickly and easily adapt to the current situation. No matter what life obstacles she has to face, the resilience of character is shown. Unfortunately, a woman can be influenced by other people.

Talents and character traits allow you to try the potential for the position of director of an educational institution, lawyer, physician, secretary. In addition, Evgenia can be a good housewife who will regularly take care of household chores and keep the house in perfect condition.

Positive and negative character traits.

Eugenia is noble and honest. These positive character traits contribute to the successful search for a large number of friends who can be sure that they will definitely be supported. Evgenia is ready to be a true friend, because she appreciates the relationship in which she is needed. Close people may not worry about problems, because any evil is eliminated.

Eugenia cannot be patient with lies. In addition, she seeks to avoid any lies. Evgenia always strives for justice and equality of people in relationships, in social activities. A woman respects the interests of others as well as her own.

Among the negative character traits, it is necessary to note an increased level of anxiety and the ability to search for secret dangers. An analysis of the actions that were committed by other people suggests the possibility of avoiding dangerous and risky situations caused by envious people, but at the same time, one must understand that a woman’s character flaws can independently lead to certain difficulties and dangers.

Character features.

The girl in the character feels calm and even. She is ready to spend a long time alone, enjoying the tranquility and games. Eugenia can learn to read, draw... Developed imagination and creative inclinations contribute to the ability to invent a variety of stories. In childhood, interest is also shown in active games, but at the same time, special enthusiasm is not shown.

At school, Evgenia is doing well at school. She always shows a desire to gain knowledge and is ready to ask various interesting questions related to the lessons. For intensive replenishment of knowledge, the girl reads a large number of books. The desire for curiosity and the ability to absorb a large amount of knowledge allows her to lay the foundation for a successful education and valuable knowledge. Among the worthy abilities, it should be noted that there is no risk that the girl will be constantly distracted by foreign objects.

Eugenia does not have any conflicts with her parents and behaves obediently, but it is extremely difficult to get along with her peers. At the same time, the girl will definitely have friends whom she can support. Eugenia is ready to come to the aid of her comrades, forgetting about herself. If an equal attitude is not traced in communication, serious grievances appear.

In adult life, Evgenia is ready to win over and at the same time keep a distance. The ability to be offended, to show stubbornness can be traced in the character. In some situations, a woman hides her true attitude towards her interlocutor. In order to soften the situation and eliminate the conflict, sanity and amazing restraint of character are manifested.

Evgenia is ready to become a real specialist. Confidence in the accumulated knowledge helps in career advancement. Despite the amazing successes, modesty is shown. Evgenia does not want overwhelming success and recognition, but she wants to be irreplaceable. Non-standard thinking and readiness for development, punctuality and responsibility help in the work. Such character traits and inclinations lead to the opportunity to become a teacher, lawyer, physician, referent, director of a cultural organization. Hard work allows you to achieve the desired heights.

Eugenia can participate in social activities, showing reliability and fidelity to principles, striving for economy, a reasonable approach to all matters. It is interesting to note that even old things manage to find a worthy use.

There is a strict attitude towards men. In communication, Evgenia often avoids talking a lot. There is a certain sarcasm in the wit. Only true love can make the character soft and feminine. Evgenia communicates with older men who are ready to conquer with tact, a developed intellectual. Evgenia is ready to be a good housewife and surprise her chosen one with delicious dishes. In addition, a woman will be able to get along with her mother-in-law. Children will be brought up in a certain severity, which will allow them to lay worthy life principles.

We choose a profession.

Evgenia does not want power, but at the same time she is ready to honestly fulfill her own obligations. In the field of pedagogy, it is possible to achieve amazing success.


Evgenia strives for a prosperous life and understands that she must rely on herself.

Love and family relationships.

For the beloved man, Evgenia is ready to give her life and at the same time she knows how to feel his wishes. A woman shows a special attitude towards her chosen one, being sure that he is right. At the same time, betrayal and deception cannot be forgiven.


Evgenia has a risk of poor eyesight, a weak nervous system. This needs to be dealt with from childhood. In communication, it is necessary to avoid raising the tone, which can lead to irritation, anger, and even a nervous breakdown. Many girls who have this name are allergic, including sweets. Eugene needs to be taught to a healthy lifestyle and sports to strengthen immunity, maintain the spirit, ideal physical shape. This has a lot to do with lifelong potential.

When, according to the church calendar, is Evgenia's name day:

January 6 - Eugenia of Rome, virgin, martyr, ascetic in male form; July 31 - Eugenia Serbskaya, princess.

Evgenia is not like the others, she seems to live in her own fantasy world and is far from reality. She is comfortable being alone. Zhenya can spend hours doing useless work, simply because she so wanted to. He studies well, is drawn to new knowledge, shows interest in everything.

Adult Eugenia loses her childish lightness and becomes capricious, stubborn, quarrelsome and prone to resentment. It is no longer possible to joke with her, as before, she takes everything personally and is offended for a long time. Also in her character there is some conflict. To create a conflict for her is a matter of a few minutes. He chooses a man who is calm and reserved. Such a man will be able to compensate for her restlessness and emotionality.

Fate: A woman with this name is passionate, with a great imagination and completely unaware of the concept of self-restraint. Usually a woman with this name has a good intellect and excellent artistic taste.

Day of Angel Eugenia

From the ancient Greek language - noble, sacrificing (sacrifice yourself). It is possible that this is a Slavic version of the Greek name Iphigenia - in Greek mythology, the daughter of King Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Eugenia (Zhenya, among the Poles - Genya) has been religious since childhood, that is, she is interested in stories about the other world, about saints, about Jesus Christ, etc.

It is interesting that at the same time she does not have any mystical fear or special admiration for them. Zhenya treats them as ordinary people who live a different life, in a different, real world for them (and for her). And this world is interesting to her.

Eugenia can invent her own stories about them, make this or that saint the hero of the fairy tales of her own world, in which he helps people, in particular herself, and she helps him. Such an attitude towards religion, especially trusting, Zhenya will carry through his whole life. However, this does not prevent her from being keenly interested in real life - what is happening on the street, on the river, who lives in a hole under an oak tree, etc.

She is always bruised, scratched, with skinned knees - she also likes to climb trees from above, because it is better to see further. The main problem in the morning is how to run away from home, and for the whole day. At school, Zhenya studies well - almost an excellent student (in any subject). She goes in for sports, dances, in a drama club - and everywhere she needs to be ahead of the “locomotive smoke”.

In his youth, oddly enough, Zhenya is often shy. It seems to her that her legs are longer (or shorter) than everyone else. She does not know what to do with her hands, which are still scratched. Despite the fact that she reads a lot, it is sometimes difficult for her to express her thoughts accurately. But this happens only during the transitional period. At the age of 18-19, Zhenya is on the rise again - she goes in for sports (parachute, rowing, sail, bicycle), around her there is a crowd of fans who are afraid that she will fall, break, drown, etc. In marriage, Eugene is not always happy. Often the husband tries to curb her nature, to settle down. If such “taming” takes place carefully, gradually, and most importantly - without irritation and noise, then everything will be fine. Otherwise, the breakup of the family is inevitable.

The most favorable period of life for Eugenia begins at the age of 35. At this time, she is a confident, elegant (even with a modest wardrobe), moderately reasonable, moderately eccentric (for charm) woman. She can make a good specialist, and of any profile. She achieves good success when she does what she loves, for example, medicine, advocacy, art history, journalism, agronomy, animal husbandry (some Evgenias are very fond of animals).

You can always safely rely on her. Eugene will not let you down, will not deceive - she will not be allowed to do this by her innate, as already mentioned above, inner religiosity, which is based on strict observance of the ten commandments.

Eugene Name Day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 6 - Eugenia of Rome, prmts., virgin. [ascetic in male form]
  • January 18 - Evgenia (Domozhirova), mts. /novomuch./
  • August 1 - Eugenia Serbskaya, princess
  • September 12 - Eugenia Serbskaya, princess

The name Eugene, whose Angel Day falls on different days of the year, is beautiful and popular among Russian people. If you name your son that, do not forget to look at the calendar when the child has a name day.

In Rus', the day of the Angel of a person has always been celebrated on a special scale. The whole family prepared for this event in advance: they baked pies, cooked mead, made gifts. In the evening, the birthday man went to church for confession, and in the morning, if possible, he took communion, he always kissed the icon of his divine patron, put candles in front of it and other images of saints, and then went home. All the relatives were already waiting for him there. Godparents, friends, acquaintances were invited to the festive table - everyone who knew and loved the hero of the occasion.

There are more than two thousand saints officially recognized by the Orthodox Church. People often do not know when to answer their Angel day, because many of God's saints have the same name. In this case, it must be remembered that the patron is always one, and he may have several days of memory. For example, the finding of relics, the day of glorification in the guise of saints, etc. can be celebrated. You need to navigate by the date of your birthday and look for God's saint, whose memory stands next to or after this event. Thus, Eugene, whose day of the Angel happens many times a year, must know exactly when the church celebrates the memory of his saint.

How is Angel Day related to choosing a name for a child?

Believers try at baptism to give such a name to the child, which is in the Orthodox calendar. In Rus', this ceremony was performed on the eighth day from the birth of the baby. He could receive a name in honor of the saint whose memory the church honors on the day of the child's baptism. In another case, the parents have already chosen a heavenly patron for their baby, and God's saint will not necessarily be remembered on this day. The celebration of the saint may be, for example, in a month. Let's say little Eugene, whose Angel's Day, judging by the number of God's saints, can be almost all year round, will definitely not be deprived of a heavenly patron.

Of course, at present, young parents can give any name they like to their child (sometimes it is not even in the calendar). Children are named after grandparents, close relatives and best friends. However, now Orthodox Old Russian names are just coming into fashion, which are given to babies in honor of saints so that they have strong patrons. The name Eugene, whose Angel Day happens almost every month of the year (according to the number of saints), is also quite popular in our time.

The origin of the name and its characteristics

Many people try to always celebrate the day of the Angel of the name. Eugene is translated from Greek as "noble". Since childhood, the boy has been distinguished by industriousness, but if an obstacle arises in his way, he may get scared and not finish what he started. Already an adult young man is often rescued by innate stubbornness and the desire to achieve his goal at any cost. Growing up, Eugene becomes a sweet and good-natured person in communication. His excessive ardor is able to inspire others to do something, and is often a talented organizer. His intuition is at its best.

Sometimes Zhenya is very picky towards others, but this can be explained by the fact that he is demanding of himself. In science and technology, he will have no equal, but it is difficult for Evgeny to concentrate his attention on one thing for a long time. He likes the feeling of adrenaline in the blood, so Zhenya often takes risks without thinking about the consequences. He has a light disposition. This is the whole of Eugene, whose Angel Day can serve as an excellent occasion for friendly gatherings with friends. Zhenya easily falls in love and looks for more care and warmth in women than external beauty. Eugene rarely goes into conflict and mostly prefers to maintain peace in the family. Little kids love him.

Celebration dates

When does Angela Eugene celebrate his day, what date? In fact, there are many saints with this name. We list some of them:

  • Eugene of Trebizond was martyred for Christ (February 3).
  • Eugene of Vifinsky refers to the saints (February 25).
  • Eugene of Antioch (Mauritanian) was a presbyter, is a holy martyr (March 4).
  • Eugene of Chersonesus was in the rank of bishop, also a holy martyr (March 20).
  • Yevgeny Melitinsky died a martyr (November 20).
  • Eugene of Sebaste was a soldier, he was tortured during the persecution of Christians (December 26).

Thus, parents can give the child the name Eugene, name day, whose Angel's Day falls mainly in autumn and winter.

Own name for each person is of great importance. He begins to hear him immediately after the name and does not part with him until the end of his life. What is the correct name for a child? Is it possible to invent names ourselves, and what do existing options mean?

In church tradition, there are several options for the "correct" naming.

  • The child is called the name of the saint, who, according to the church calendar, is honored on the birthday itself. In this case, Evgenia's name day and her birthday will coincide.
  • The name is given on the eighth day, you can call the baby the name of the saint who is honored then.
  • Baptism usually takes place on the 40th day, and you can name the child after the saint who is mentioned on the day of baptism.

All methods are associated with certain dates, but you can also focus on your own desires. If a person likes some kind of saint, nothing prevents you from naming the baby in his honor

Are there many saints with the same name?

Usually one name corresponds to several saints at once. People who were named in honor of a saint were themselves also righteous, were glorified as saints. For example, Xenia of Petersburg was named after an ancient princess, and then she herself also became a saint. Now everyone knows that the memory of Blessed Xenia on February 6, that is, a saint has been added to the church calendar, and children can also be named in her honor. In the church calendar, almost any male name, except for the most exotic ones, is presented more than once. For example, Eugene's name day according to the church calendar (male name) is celebrated six times a year. This, of course, does not mean that one person should celebrate the name day six times. Just glorified six saints with this name.

Evgenia's name day is January 6, right before Christmas. How should birthdays be celebrated? For any believer, this is a spiritual holiday. People try to visit the temple on this day, thank God and take communion. At home, as a rule, friends gather and congratulate the birthday man. Evgenia's name day in this sense is located somewhat unsuccessfully: this is the day on the eve of Orthodox Christmas. Arranging a noisy holiday in this case is inappropriate.

Eugenia's name day is January 6, right on Christmas Eve, on the day of strict fasting. Therefore, Zhenya is usually congratulated on Christmas itself.

But in the case when there is no fasting, name days are celebrated like a regular birthday. This is a noisy children's holiday, however, without a cake and candles, because age does not increase.

And if the birthday and name day are on the same day?

In the case when the baby was named according to the holy calendar, the birthday and name day of the name of Eugene will coincide. But even in this case, the holiday will have to be postponed: on Christmas Eve it is completely unacceptable. Evgenia's name day in this case is transferred to Christmas itself or a day later. However, you can take communion on a name day without any pomp, modestly.

On this day, it would be right to remember the saint, after whom the child is named, and read his life. Indeed, it is precisely his saint that a person quite often imitates, even if he does not suspect it.