"Broad-shouldered" is a name of ancient Greek origin.

Name and character

As a child, Plato is an active, agile, stubborn and pugnacious boy. He thinks extraordinary, asks interesting questions, studies well at school. Parents need to direct his energy in the right direction - challenge him. Plato will accept it with delight and do everything right.

Adult Plato is delicate, gentle, disinterested, and at the same time independent and prudent. He is kind, always ready to help people, has a rare charm and a quick mind. He sees the meaning of his life in work - here he is independent, active, patient and very hardworking. Plato does not tolerate someone standing behind his back and giving instructions. He needs his own business, he always strives for independence.

Plato does not have many close friends; he is an uncommunicative person. He is hospitable, but rarely visits himself. You may not get married for a long time, but one day it happens. Over time, Plato may withdraw into his affairs and pay insufficient attention to his wife. As often happens in such cases, the marriage does not collapse only because of the children.

The origin of the name Plato is Greek, in translation it means "broad-shouldered." The meaning of Plato's name comes from the Greek word "platus", which translates similarly. There is such a fact that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato was so named precisely for the "oblique fathom in the shoulders." The name is widely used in Europe. In its original form, it can be found in Russia, Greece, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Spain. And in other countries, modified variations of the name are used, such as Tosha, Platonya, Platosha, Tokha. It was from the male version that the female version of the name, Platonida, was created. Often among Orthodox bishops one could meet bearers of the name Platon, which also means "broad". The name is equally well revered in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

The meaning of the name Plato in the life of a child

For a boy, the meaning of the name Plato gives an ambiguous fate. The determining factor is the nature of the child. A boy named Plato is forever endowed with his own opinion, he sincerely believes that everything around him should correspond to him. If something does not coincide with his vision of the situation, he begins to show stubbornness and constantly argues.

Parents should make every effort to develop a sense of tolerance in him, which will help in the future to find a common language when dealing with people. Plato, the meaning of the name lies in the obedience of the boy. He is always ready to listen and fulfill the requests of his parents, he understands them perfectly. When communicating with other children of the same age, he may have difficulty. He treats his classmates as competitors, always trying to surpass and overtake them in everything. His sociability is at a fairly high level, but very often he encounters difficulty in defending his own rightness.

The name of the boy Plato has a strong energy. He is gifted with intellectual abilities, he usually has many talents, he is distinguished by resourcefulness. This child seeks to express his own opinion on every occasion. A bright personality can easily become a hero, rise in the eyes of his peers, but at any moment he can stumble and fall from this height. This will not be an obstacle for him. Having a great will, Plato will gain strength and begin to build his path to success again.

The meaning of the name Plato for a boy means good health, which cannot be said about the physique. Not always the meaning of the name Plato "broad-shouldered" can be seen in practice.

The kid grows too independent. He does not perceive objections and raised tones. You can influence this boy if you choose the tactics of talking with a calm, friendly tone. If you supplement it with tenderness and affection, then it turns into the sweetest and most obedient child. This approach should definitely be taken into account by parents.

The kid will always delight his parents with his genuine curiosity and new interesting discoveries. The meaning and fate of the name Plato for the boy are preparing high achievements in sports.

The nature of the name

The nature of the name Plato changes greatly with age. And he turns a headstrong child into a calm man who makes informed decisions. Such a character trait of the name Plato as stubbornness begins to appear less often. But perseverance is more pronounced, as well as the desire to achieve the goal. Activity remains at a high level, but it is no longer as bright as before.

The man is distinguished by his prudence, he still does not want to compromise. Especially when they try to force them on him. Growing up, Plato becomes more demanding of his friends. He carefully filters the circle of friends, becomes closed and rather modest.

Plato instantly perceives any information and immediately processes it in his head, so it is easy for him to solve any issues. Sometimes in a huge flow of information, because of the main points, he does not notice the little things and may not attach importance to them.

The opinion of others does not matter to him. If he is passionate about something, he just lives and does it. He is always ready to help people. This is a very hospitable host who is always happy to visit friends, but he goes to visit very rarely.

Personal life

The meaning of the name and the fate of Plato in his amorousness. At first, his soulmate will be very happy that she got such an attentive and caring man. He fulfills any of her whims, fills up with gifts, renders all kinds of attention.

Usually a man marries once. Some consider his nature to be impulsive, but he himself is gifted with great wisdom. For the sake of the family, he is ready to go to great lengths. But a man decides to have children already at a more conscious age. It is important for him to initially be able to stand firmly on his feet, save a lot of money, build a career, and only after that devote time to children and taking care of them. A wife will always provide her husband with mutual support if she feels it from him.

They always have a lot of friends with children at home, this family strives to create a festive atmosphere always and everywhere. They love to spend time together, go on trips, travel. Friends are always surprised by the well-being and happiness present in their family. But the secret of such a relationship is very simple - mutual respect and the desire to make your chosen one happy. Plato - the meaning of the name of this man allows you to exalt the best features of your woman and be condescending to her shortcomings.

But over the years spent in marriage, his behavior can change greatly. An exemplary family man can turn into a sharp and rude man. He will not show a drop of diplomacy, care and tenderness. Often, he and the people around him are interested in the question - why did he get married at all. Without a twinge of conscience, he can be rude with his family and take out negative emotions on them. But what cannot be taken away from him is the love for his own children. He can think over the issue of marriage for a very long time, until some girl unfamiliar to him decides for him, sealing their marriage with joint children.

Career and business

Platon Zakharchuk (footballer)

The character of the name Plato, whose meaning is "broad-shouldered", in his work is very often carried away by his own thoughts, closing himself from others. He is characterized as an active and independent worker. Over time, he increasingly clearly recognizes his desire for independence. Tired of working for someone, he often leaves to open his own business. It is difficult for him when someone leads him and gives instructions. Therefore, in response, he can often speak sharply. Hard work and patience, which means the name Plato, help a man to succeed.

His eternal desire to speak can become the basis for choosing a future profession. He really likes to convey information to a wide range of people and observe their reaction to his words from the outside. Therefore, success may well await him if he decides to become a lecturer, teacher, orator, journalist, tour guide. But this guy does not aspire to make a brilliant career. He devotes more time to developing his own talent, which is noticeable to everyone.

In his professional field, he will not look for like-minded people and choose partners. This is a lone person. He does not care at all how his colleagues or superiors will react to his next achievements. He is always appreciated in the team and is interested in his opinion. He can realize himself in the exact sciences, as well as creativity, psychology and philosophy.

By the origin of the name Plato, financial success does not shine for a person at an early age, he is predetermined by fate a little later. A person must achieve everything on his own without outside help from family, friends or relatives.

The secret of the name Plato

The secret of the name Plato is his susceptibility to flattery. This is his weak point, where he is vulnerable. An experienced manipulator, having chosen the right approach to flattery, can easily turn Plato into a puppet in the wrong hands. The same thing happens to him when people show him a kind and affectionate attitude. This person should always be aware of such weakness, be careful in choosing an environment.
Astrological Compatibility:

  • planet - the Sun;
  • zodiac constellation - lion;
  • totem animal - lion;
  • shade - golden;
  • suitable plant - peony, from trees - cedar;
  • talisman stone - diamond.


A favorable marriage is possible with girls named Lilia, Margarita, Maria, Inga, Vera, Angela, Lydia, Tatyana, Yulia, Svetlana, Polina, Olesya, Natalya, Nadezhda.

You should not count on Plato's strong relationship with Irina, Marina, Maria, Olga, Sofia, Tamara, Yana, Ulyana.

Plato is an active, pugnacious and stubborn boy. He has a lot of energy, and parents need to direct it in the right direction in time. Little Plato is developed beyond his years, loves the company of elders and asks interesting questions. He studies well at school, has a non-standard way of thinking. This is a lively and charming child.

Plato is always ready to help, advise or console. He has few close friends, but he is a kind and hospitable person, he makes gifts with pleasure. For Plato, independence and independence are important, he does not like being given instructions. At work, he does not dream of higher positions, but he approaches the matter responsibly, knows how to understand the details and give valuable advice, for which he is respected by both colleagues and superiors. All Platos are a little philosophers and know how to have a beneficial effect on people.

Plato marries late. Since he tends to move away and withdraw into himself, a happy marriage with him is possible only under the condition of a truly strong attachment. The family in his life often fades into the background, and work comes first. In marriage, Plato also does not tolerate coercion. Only affection and persuasion can make him do something.

Fate: That rise, then fall. An independent personality, always "leading", but not "followed", has a great influence on people.

Angel Plato Day

The name Plato was derived from the Greek word "platus". Thus, in translation, the meaning of the name Plato is “broad-shouldered”, “wide”. By the way, it is known that the ancient Greek philosopher Plato received this name precisely for his "oblique fathom in his shoulders." In Europe, the name Plato is quite common. It is used unchanged in Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Belarus. Also in other countries, variants of Platosh, Platon, Toch, Tosh can be used. On behalf of Plato, a female version of the name Platonides was formed. Very often the name Plato was borne by Orthodox bishops.

Platon Name day according to the Church Calendar

  • January 14 - Plato (Kulbush), schmch., Bishop, Revel / Novomuch. /
  • April 18 - Plato of Studius, confessor, hegumen
  • May 5 - Platon Jovanovich, Banyaluksky, Hieromartyr, Bishop
  • August 9 - Plato (Gornykh), schmch., Priest / novomuch. /
  • August 15 - Plato (Kolegov), schmch., Hierom / novomuch. /
  • December 1 - Plato of Ancyra, martyr.

The name Plato is a name of Greek origin, and it came into Russian culture along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Translated from Greek the name Plato (Πλάτων) means "broad-shouldered". The name also has a female form - Platonis. This name is revered in both the Orthodox and Catholic churches.

The meaning of the name Plato for a child

Little Plato is an active, mischievous and completely restless child. It is also worth noting curiosity bordering on curiosity. His craving for new knowledge is good, but often leads him to various dangers. Parents should teach him at least moderate accuracy. The boy is very sociable and has many friends. He easily finds his place in the new team. Plato is also endowed with a persistent character, which often manifests itself in the form of stubbornness. All these character traits make Plato difficult to educate. However, as they grow older, the problems will almost completely disappear, and the positive aspects of character will become stronger.

Plato studies for the most part well. His curiosity and good memory allow him to master almost any material with ease. But Plato rarely uses perseverance for learning. Unfortunately for Plato, education rarely becomes a goal that can mobilize him. True, there are some items for which he is still ready to make extra efforts.

If we talk about the health of the child, then it can be called strong. He gets sick less often than other children, although he endures the painful condition more severely. The boy has a fairly high vitality. He can successfully go in for sports and achieve great success in this field.

Abbreviated name Plato

Payment, Payment, Platokha, Tonya, Tokha, Tosha, Toshka.

Diminutive names

Platonchik, Platonochka, Platonushka, Platonya, Platosha, Platonka, Platonka, Toshenka, Toshechka.

Patronymic of children

Platonovich and Platonovna, and the colloquial form of the male patronymic is Platonych.

Name Plato in English

There is no name Plato in English, which means you need to use the transliteration of the name Platon.

Name Plato for passport- PLATON.

Translation of the name Plato into other languages

in Belarusian - Plato
in Greek - Πλάτων
Spanish - Plato
in Italian - Platone
in Portuguese - Platão
in Ukrainian - Plato
in Czech - Platon

Church name Plato(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Plato.

Characteristics of the name Plato

As an adult, Plato changes a lot. His character becomes more calm and balanced. Less and less he shows stubbornness, but perseverance in achieving the goal is manifested more and more often. At the same time, its activity remains high, although not as violent as before. Plato is a rather prudent man. He does not like to make compromises that are forced on him. Another difference with childhood is the presence of friends. If in childhood Plato has a huge number of comrades, then the adult Plato is more reserved and modest. He limits his social circle and is very picky in this matter.

In Plato's work, his love of conversation becomes in demand. Plato loves to be listened to and this often becomes his job. He can be a teacher, guide, journalist, etc. Often Plato achieves great success in his work, although he does not suffer from special careerism. Usually this is due to his talent, which is noticeable even to a non-professional.

Unfortunately, Plato's behavior in the family can hardly be called exemplary. Unfortunately at home, Plato is rather harsh and does not have at least a little diplomacy. Also, he can not be called a caring or gentle man. Sometimes the question arises, why did he actually get married. Probably it also occurs with the owner of the name. However, what cannot be taken away from Plato is his feelings for his children. It is by looking at his relationship to them that the confidence appears that Plato can definitely love.

The secret of the name Plato

The secret of Plato can be called his susceptibility to flattery. He is very vulnerable in this regard. Plato turns into a weak-willed doll in the hands of others, if he is flattered in the right way. The same can be said for a gentle, kind attitude. He just melts before our eyes. He needs to be careful and remember this weakness of his.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- A lion.

Name color- Golden.

Tree- Cedar.

Plant- Peony.

Stone- Diamond.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Plato

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the name Plato means "mighty", "shouldered".

In childhood, Plato is very active and stubborn. Often he fights with other boys, hooligans, which causes problems for his parents.

He is well developed mentally and physically, it is interesting to communicate and make friends with him. Plato will help any of his friends, if necessary, share the last thing he has, always comfort and give practical advice.

As he gets older, the owner of this name turns into a strong independent man. He will do everything possible not to depend on anyone, to provide for himself and his future family.

Plato rarely achieves a high position at work or becomes a leader, but he earns enough so that loved ones do not need anything.

In relations with the fair sex, this man is a little cold. He is used to deciding everything on his own, therefore Plato does not seek to share his thoughts and feelings with his wife.

The family for the owner of the name in question is not in the first place, much more important for him is work, a favorite thing, respect from his superiors.

Congratulations for Plato on his name day in verse

A role model, you are our dear Plato!
He knows for sure - everything in the world will be the way he wants!
We wish Plato not to forget about the family,
And do not lose your beloved, faithful friends in the bustle!

To the gentle sounds of crystal ringing, I want to congratulate Plato today!
I want to wish you true friends, because it’s more fun to go through life with them!
I want to wish serene love - pure, mutual, affectionate, tender!
I want my wishes to come true, so that happiness remains with you for life!

SMS congratulations to Plato on his name day

Be a wise and good person
Don't hide your smile if you're doing good!
I wish you, Plato, success,
To never meet evil in life!

Dear Plato! On this festive day, I sincerely want to wish you to remain as strong, courageous and independent! The doors of your house are always open for guests, so let joy, happiness and love be the most frequent guests in your life!