Orthodox calendar - modern view

On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church celebrates its saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom.

In 1992, the secular authorities of the city of Murom decided to combine City Day with the Day of glorification of the faithful couple Peter and Fevronia.

The ROC MP supported this initiative of the authorities and the Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal said on this occasion:

“It is with the prayers of God's saints Peter and Fevronia that the city of Murom stands. Murom wonderworkers before the Lord's Throne prayed and interceded for you and me.

So that we deeply realize the main goal of our life purpose in this world ... It is not materiality that elevates a person, but his purity, mercy and love.

But in 2008, Peter and Fevronia were remembered in the Moscow Kremlin.

The wife of the newly elected President of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Medvedeva, visiting Murom in July 2008, supported the initiative of the Murom authorities to introduce a new holiday in Russia, which should become an alternative to the European Valentine's Day.

Literally, Svetlana Medvedeva said that the holiday will be celebrated on July 8. “We will hold it in line with Russian traditions. The emblem of the holiday can be made a camomile - a real Russian flower.

But who are Peter and Fevronya? And actually why did the Russian Orthodox Church MP suddenly recognize them as saints, and in modern Russia their biography "Life" is taken as a model for educating the younger generation?

Church tradition identifies Peter and Fevronia (David and Euphrosyne - the names they took during monastic tonsure) with the Murom prince David Yuryevich (Georgievich) and his wife.

David Yurievich is repeatedly mentioned in chronicles.

Chronicles report that in 1203/04, Prince Vladimir Yuryevich of Murom died, and his brother Prince David (Peter) Yuryevich remained on the throne:

« In the summer of 6711 ... Volodimer Gurgevich Prince of Murom reposed in the same summer.. In the Resurrection Chronicle: "In the summer of 6712 ... and staying on Murom, his brother Prince David Yuryevich." According to the life of St. book. Peter (David) accepted the Murom princely table after the death of his brother Prince Paul (who, apparently, was called Vladimir before baptism).

The chronicles recorded for us, under the year 1187, the stay of the Murom prince David (Peter) Yuryevich in Vladimir in connection with the marriage of the daughter of the Grand Duke Vsevolod the Big Nest, as well as some military feats of the holy prince David (Peter).

Thus, in 1196 the Murom princes Vladimir (Paul) and David (Peter) participated in the campaign of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest against Chernigov, and in 1207/08 the Murom prince David (Peter) came to the aid of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Georgievich in his campaign against Ryazan land:

“In the summer of 6715 ... And then he sent ... and, and Murom after David ... The great prince came a hundred near the city of Pronsk ... commanded to strike at arms day and night near the city and raise the shelves along the gates ... David and Muromtsi have the third gate."

In 1213, Saint Prince David (Peter) took part in the campaign of St. Grand Duke of Vladimir Georgy Vsevolodovich to Rostov:

“In the summer of 6721 ... Kostyantin began again to plot against his brother, Georgy was captured by his brother ... and David of Murom went to Rostov.”

In 1216, the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipetsk, also on the side of St. Grand Duke Georgy Vsevolodovich: “In the summer of 6724 ... And I beat the strength of the strongmen of Muromtsi and Brodnitsa and Gorodchane and all the power of the Suzdal land ... Yaroslav was a hundred with his regiments with Murom ...”.

Under the year 1220, the chronicles left us a mention of the two sons of the saints, Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia - Prince Yuri Davidovich and Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, as well as their grandson - Prince Oleg Yuryevich. The son and grandson of the holy prince of Murom David (Peter) participated together with the Suzdal army in a military campaign against the Volga-Kama Bulgars:

“In the summer of 6728 ... sent to the Prince of Murom, ordering them to send their sons, and David sent his son Svyatoslav, and Yury Olga ... Svyatoslav ordered his regiments: Rostov on the right hand, and Pereslavskaya on the left, and himself a hundred with Murom princes in the midst."

Probably, in this military campaign, the grandson of St. book. David (Petra) - the young prince Oleg Yuryevich died, because his name is no longer mentioned in historical sources.

The year 1224 brought severe trials for Rus' - from the battle on the river. Kalka began the invasion of the territory of the specific principalities of the first Tatar hordes, and clouds of the Tatar-Mongol yoke began to thicken over Russia.

The 25-year reign of Prince David (Peter) Yuryevich and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne) came to an end.

The princely couple, feeling the weakening of their physical strength, decides to take monastic vows in order to work even more diligently through fasting and prayers for the salvation of their souls.

However, reliable information about the place of tonsure of St. Peter is not available.

The death of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia followed on the same day and hour during the Easter Week, which fell on April 1227/28.

Chronicles supplement this narrative with the fact that a few days before this, their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who was probably also buried in the princely tomb):

“In the summer of 6736. The son of Davydov of Murom died in the month of April, the holy week is idle. The same week, Davyd Muromsky himself reposed in black and skim.

The death of the holy princes of Murom fell on the years of archpastoral service in Murom by Bishop of Murom and Ryazan Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) (1225-†1239), who, probably, took their tonsure into monasticism, naming the princess by the same name with his monastic name, and also, presumably , made a church burial of the princely couple.

As the "Life" narrates, compiled 350 years later than his death, despite the fact that the initial burial of the crowned schema-bearers took place - one in the cathedral, and the second - in the Exaltation of the Cross Monastery, the bodies of St. book. David (Peter) and his wife, Princess Fevronia (Euphrosinia), were miraculously found the next day by the townspeople in a single coffin, prepared by the prince and princess during their lifetime in the cathedral church, which was named after the holy martyrs Boris and Gleb and was located in the "old the upper city."

After several unsuccessful attempts by the townspeople to separate the faithful spouses, their holy bodies were buried with honors in a single coffin in the crypt of the Borisoglebskaya Cathedral Church.

As you can see, the usual story in Rus' is that a prince without a principality, Peter, fell ill with a skin disease, marries an obscure Russian girl Fevronya, a resident of the neighboring Ryazan principality, who managed to cure him with folk remedies.

They live in marriage for a long time, had children and possibly grandchildren, after 25–30 years, they die on the same day.

Nothing miraculous happens, except that after death an unknown force or unknown people join their bodies in one grave? Is this the reason for recognizing them as saints?

But before proceeding further, for the sake of searching for the truth, the author draws the reader's attention to the fact that not all historians agree that the "Tale" and "Life" are talking about Prince Peter (David) who ruled from (1204- 1228) and claim that the prototype of Peter was Prince Peter of Murom, who lived at the beginning of the 14th century, and was the ancestor of the boyars Ovtsyn and Volodimerov.

Returning to the question of why Peter and Euphrosyne became saints, it must be said that neither historians nor the church have an unequivocal answer to this question.

If you nevertheless adhere to a scientific approach, based on data preserved in various historical sources, then you can be convinced that the veneration of the Murom saints - spouses, among the Moscow nobility began long before their church glorification at church councils of 1547/49.

Already at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, services were held for Saints Peter and Fevronia, as evidenced by two manuscripts dating back to that time.

The exaltation of Peter and Fevronia, according to the author, was primarily due to the fact that, starting from the end of the 14th century, Murom played a very prominent role in the history of the Moscow grand ducal family.

In 1392, the Moscow prince Vasily Dmitrievich, son of Dmitry Donskoy, received a label for the possession of this city, which served as an outpost of Russian lands in the east, from the Great Khan.

From that moment on, Murom became a city belonging to the Moscow principality.

During the struggle of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily (Dark) with representatives of another branch of the descendants of Dmitry Donskoy for the grand throne in 1446, the boyars Ryapolovsky took Vasily's children, Ivan and Yuri, to Murom, saving them from the persecution of Dmitry Shemyaka.

The archbishop of Ryazan, Jonah, took the princely children from Murom, receiving them in the Nativity Cathedral “on his stole” so that no one would do them any harm. From that time, even before their canonization, Peter and Fevronia became the patrons of the Moscow royal house.

In 1523, the son of Ivan III - Grand Duke Vasily III - granted the Murom cathedral church a plot of arable land. Princes, as a rule, gave such gifts to the temple as a remembrance of the souls of “relatives” buried in it.

Ivan the Terrible - the son of Vasily III, in 1549, before the Kazan campaign, visited two ancient cities - Vladimir and Murom. Both in Murom and in Vladimir, he prayed at the tombs of his illustrious ancestors, asking them for prayerful help in a difficult military enterprise.

In Vladimir, he visited the Nativity Monastery, where the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky were buried. In the ancient Assumption Cathedral, he prayed at the tombs of Andrei Bogolyubsky and other holy Vladimir princes.

From Vladimir, Tsar Ivan went to Murom and here he prayed in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin to the "great miracle workers" Peter and Fevronia. All these saints subsequently found their place in the painting of the Kremlin Archangel Cathedral in Moscow - the grand ducal tomb.

The rapid spread of the veneration of the Murom saints was facilitated by one significant event that preceded the campaign against Kazan.

Ivan began his Kazan campaign in 1552 by visiting Kolomna, following the example of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, to pray for victory in the ancient temples of the famous city. When the tsar was in Kolomna, a message came from near Tula that the troops of the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray had approached the walls of the city.

Ivan was forced, in view of the formidable and unexpected danger, to abandon his plan for a while and oppose the Crimean Khan.

Further events in the annals are scheduled by day: on June 22 (according to the old style), the tsar approached Tula; On June 23, the assault began, and the Khan's troops took to flight; On June 24, with the news of the victory, the governors who were pursuing the enemy returned.

Official celebrations on the occasion of the victory over the Tatars took place, presumably, on June 25, that is, on the day when the church commemorates the holy royal relatives Peter and Fevronia.

This event played a significant role in the formation of the all-Russian veneration of the saints of Murom.

It was this that made the king see in them prayer books and assistants in military affairs (in the canon they are called “shield and fortress”).

In turn, the “unscheduled” victory over the Tatars near Tula was perceived as an omen of a successful outcome of the Kazan campaign, causing the tsar’s decision to go to Kazan through the ancient Murom to bring thanksgiving prayers to Peter and Fevronia.

In 1594, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich and Tsarina Irina (Godunova) placed a veil on the relics of the saints, sewn in the famous workshop of this queen. For a long time there was no heir in the royal family.

There were rumors about the barrenness of the queen and about her removal to the monastery. Tsaritsa Irina especially revered the holy princess Fevronia and prayed to the holy spouses for the gift of children.

Through the prayers of the Murom miracle workers, a long-awaited baby appeared in the royal family, as evidenced by an embroidered inscription on the cover: “By the command of the Blessed Sovereign Tsar and Grand Duke Theodore Ioannovich of All Rus' and his Blessed Queens and Grand Duchess Irina and their Blessed Princess Feodosia, this cover of summer was made 7102 (1594) "

In subsequent centuries, many eminent persons who visited Murom certainly worshiped the holy relics of Peter and Fevronia.

“During a trip in May 1722 from Kolomna to Nizhny Novgorod along the Oka, during the war with Persia, Peter I stopped in Murom to worship “the highly revered Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia, asking them for help in battle and victory, just as his ancestors - John III and IV - did during their campaigns against the Kazan Tatars" - recorded by one of the local historians.

In 1767, Empress Catherine II visited Murom while traveling through Murom from Nizhny Novgorod to Moscow. “In Murom, having received the news that the sovereign, the heir Pavel Petrovich, was very ill, the queen mother, with a feeling of parental grief, went to the cathedral, deigned to say to the dignitaries and the people: “We will pray for the heir.”

In the 1830s, Emperor Nicholas I and heir to the throne Alexander Nikolaevich (future Emperor Alexander II) prayed at the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia for the prosperity of their God-protected state.

The Day of Remembrance of the Murom miracle workers in pre-revolutionary times was one of the main ones.

So, it is unlikely that, here in 2008, by chance, the wife of the President of the Russian Federation, Svetlana Medvedeva, appeared!

But, with her idea of ​​​​introducing a new all-Russian holiday, which should become an alternative to the European Valentine's Day, there was a clear puncture.

For, as we noted, all Russian tsars prayed here for other purposes: “asking from them for help in battle and victory, just as his ancestors, John III and IV, did during their campaigns against the Kazan Tatars.”

As we noted above, the life of Prince Peter and Princess Efrosinya is reflected in two ancient Russian memos: “The Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” and a separate literary work “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”.

The author tried to translate the content of these documents, compiled more than 460–500 years ago, into the modern language, although not in the style of O. Buzina, adding, if necessary, to obscure places collected in folk legends and tales other facts on the same topic. It turned out to be a pretty interesting picture.

The first fairy tale about Peter and Fevronia

So, Prince Peter was the younger brother of Prince Pavel, who reigned in the city of Murom. In fact, as we know, the chronicles call him Vladimir.

Once in the family of Pavel, who was a passionate hunter, and was often absent from home, a misfortune happened - at the devil's obsession, a kite began to fly to his wife Marya.

And not a simple Serpent, but a womanizer, to say censorship!

The beginning is clearly fabulous, because only in fairy tales all the time, Snakes kidnap princesses and “red maidens”, that good fellows and the same princes fight with them, but it looks like this is a Russian fairy tale for adults!

But let's continue. Due to the intrigues of the Serpent, the woman succumbed to demonic power. If this is translated into modern language, then the Serpent seduced the princess, why be dark about it.

In the “Tale it is written that Princess Marya told her husband about everything. Why, the author of the story did this, is silent for the time being. But the Princess swore by oath that the Serpent always appeared to her in the guise of Prince Paul!

So Prince Pavel began to notice some kind of coolness in his wife.

What's wrong with you, Mary? Al did not love?

Love-love, my falcon! - Marya caresses, and her own voice, like a string in the wind, rings, trembles.

Can a faithful heart carry a heavy stone in itself? The princess could not stand it, fell at her husband's feet:

Execute, betrothed, your unfaithful wife! The filthy serpent led me into sin!

But the reaction of Prince Paul to the fact of the seduction of his wife by the Serpent is unusual. The prince thought about how he could drive the Snake away, but he couldn’t think of anything. However, the prince did not dare to fight personally with the Serpent, apparently he was not one of the Russian brave men!

There are two main versions of subsequent events.

Version one. And Prince Pavel said to his wife, obviously not trusting her to the end, like this:

Listen: as soon as he comes to you again, as soon as he starts a conversation, so you cunningly find out from him what kind of death he is afraid of.

If you manage to recognize this and tell us, then not only in the present century you will be freed from his evil breath and sniffling, and from all his abomination, which is shameful to talk about, but also in the next century you will propitiate the unfeigned Judge of Christ.

The wife, her husband's words, firmly put into her heart, deciding: “Good! So be it.”

One day, that terrible snake flies to her.

But why is it terrible? Women's saints, even Snakes are usually presented to "ladies" as written beauties!

The princess, having a good memory in her heart, (and what did she actually have to do, either give up the “criminal” connection with the “terrible” Serpent and die at the hands of the Serpent, or continue to twist love with the Serpent, but die at the hands of her husband.

True, there was also a third option - to get rid of her husband with the help of the Serpent, but in the ancient Russian primary sources this option is not considered, although in life it is the most likely!). Nevertheless, Princess Mary, having entered the role, continued to live with the Serpent and began to flatter him.

For a long time she praised him with reverence, and praising him so, she asked: a lot, they say, you know, but do you know the timing of your death, and what it will be, and why?

This same terrible seducer, deceived by the good deceit of a faithful wife (and what a lover will not do for his passion, in order to appear in her eyes a tough man, relaxing in her arms and not thinking that he reveals his secret, said: - “My death from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov's sword!

Reader for reference: Agrik in Rus' was called a fabulous hero, who possessed a myriad of weapons, among which was a treasure sword

The sword-treasurer is a self-cut- in Russian folklore and medieval book tradition, a wonderful weapon that ensures victory over enemies.

In the legend of Babylon - the city, the self-cutting sword is called "Aspid-serpent" and is endowed with the features of a werewolf (turns into a snake).

There is a common motif of searching for a sword hidden in the ground, immured in a wall, etc., associated with the idea of ​​a treasure (hoarder) or burial (a sword under the head of a killed hero.

Here Prince Pavel was completely at a loss: what does “death from Peter’s shoulder, from Agrikov’s sword” mean?

Version two. The enraged prince wanted to drive his wife out of the court, but changed his mind in time: after all, she accepted shame not by good agreement, but by crafty deceit. And he felt so sorry for his wife that tears welled up in his eyes:

Don't beat yourself up, my love. And I'm to blame for you.

What is your fault, then?

And that’s the fault, - the husband replies, - that I traded family affairs for hunting and fun. Read, we don’t see each other for days - for weeks ... It’s easier for two to think over one misfortune.

The heart feels: it is not easy to cope with the evil one, says Prince Pavel. He won't give up of his own free will. But would you try to recognize well what his death-destruction lies in?

So Pavel left to bait for hunting, but Marya remained in her room.

She sits and embroiders with silk. Suddenly the stove started shaking, the iron shutter bounced off to the side - the serpent zmeevich fell to the floor, turned into an amiable prince.

Hello my light! I yearned for you ... - he says, and affectionately takes the princess by the white hands.

Princess says:

And I'm glad for you.

Shall we go to the bedroom? Shouldn't we lie down on a soft feather bed?

I'm not well today, my joy! Nauseous and it breaks in the lower back. Haven't I taken it from you?

The serpent rejoiced:

Maybe you will have a son? My heir will be grafted on the Christian throne!

Marya decided to oil the snake, she says:

I see: your curls are messed up. Let me go over them with a comb!

The fake prince put the fair-haired head of Marya on her knees. The princess began to bow with a frequent comb and slowly ask:

Where do you live, live, my stray falcon?

Far away, the snake laughs. - Behind the Erdan River!

I heard from one old woman: as if an immortal serpent lives in the world.

The uninvited guest became proud:

I am that immortal serpent!

Will you live forever? Will you survive me, little orphan?

This is how fate wills it. I also have one weakness.

Marya began to torture the snake and tortured it.

- If I am destined to fall, - the serpent says, - then from Peter's shoulder, from Agrikov's sword.

Is this sword easy to find?

The kite did not open, it rests.

No, my dear, about this secret secret I won’t even let it slip in my head.

One thing confused him: he did not know what kind of Agrikov's sword it was and where to get it.

Prince Peter had a custom: to go to churches, looking for solitude. Outside the city in the women's monastery stood the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross. The prince came there to pray alone.

Then a certain baby appeared to him (in a convent?) and said:

Prince! Do you want me to show you Agric's sword?

He, remembering his desire, exclaimed:

Show me! I want to see him!

The child tells him:

Follow me.

And he showed him a well in the altar wall between the stones, where the sword lay. Blessed Prince Peter took that sword and from that day began to look for the right time to kill the snake.

Every day he went to bow to his brother and daughter-in-law.

So, having greeted his brother, he went to the princess's chambers and there he saw her sitting with her husband.

What is it? - Prince Peter asked the servant on the way back. - How did my brother manage to overtake me and be the first to come to my wife's chambers? I didn't hesitate at all...

The servant answered him:

No, sir, your brother did not leave his chambers!

The prince understood everything then and marveled at the slyness of the crafty serpent. He returned to his brother and said:

Stay, brother, in your chambers, don't go anywhere, wait for me. Now I am going to fight with the serpent, but with God's help the evil one will be killed.

He took Agrikov's sword, went to his daughter-in-law, found there a snake that turned into a prince, and firmly assuring himself that something was not a brother, but a monster, struck him with a sword.

The serpent, having appeared in its true form, began to writhe, beat, and, before dying, splashed the prince with its blood.

And from that bad blood, scabs and ulcers went through the body of the prince, and the prince fell seriously ill. In his illness, he sought healing from doctors, but not a single one could help him.

Second version again: Princess Marya told her lawful husband about that conversation. The prince thought for a moment and said:

Maybe brother Peter will cope with the enemy?

And Prince Pavel told his younger brother about his misfortune. Peter tells him:

I will serve you brotherly service. Brotherly, Christian service. I won’t eat or drink, but I’ll bring this foreign trash out!

Peter prayed for the images of the saints and went to the Vozdvizhensky monastery, where Agrik the hero was buried. Approached the ancient grave and asked:

Agrik-Agrik, where is your treasure sword?

He has no answer. Peter waited, waited, and went home. The next day comes:

Agrik-Agrik, where is your miracle sword?

And again, he didn't get an answer.

On the third day Peter came:

Agrik-Agrik, respond! I am not looking for a sharp sword for a dashing cause ...

And you look in the nearest church. In the wall of the altar, in a secret well.

Pyotr Agrikov found the sword, hid it under the caftan, and carried his frisky feet to the princely court. And at that time the kite-flyer was visiting the princess: he sat and idled, sipped intoxicated brew from a silver bowl.

The fake prince became worried, began to sniff:

Fu, you! Fu, you! It smelled of Russian spirit. I feel: an unkind person is coming!

The princess saw her brother-in-law through the window, the snake calms Zmeevich:

Are you, immortal, afraid of the Russian spirit?

Peter entered the tower, prayed for the holy icons, and went into the red chamber.

Greetings, brother! - Peter says. How long have you been back from hunting?

And I didn't go! - the snake answers. - I was going to change my mind.

Peter understood who was in front of him, grabbed the cherished sword-treasurer and began to look after the stray bastard with all his Christian soul.

He cut the snake into small pieces and ordered the servants to scatter those pieces across the open field to feed the crows.

Everything would be fine, but Peter was splashed with black snake blood, and itchy, non-healing ulcers went all over his body.

According to modern researchers, Prince Peter fell ill leprosy. This disease is still considered incurable.

As you can see, if expressed in modern language, the script of the story, although it sins with obvious contradictions, but in both of its versions, as we see, is clearly created for a Hollywood production.

Here, as they would say, modern ufology contacts of the 6th kind take place! And the Serpent is a space alien, apparently a serpentoid civilization that preceded the human one.

The possible existence of a civilization of reptiles on Earth is directly indicated by the chapter of the Mahabharata - "The Burning of Serpents".

But let us return to Prince Peter and the misfortune that befell him.

Prince Peter heard that there were many skilled doctors in the Ryazan land, and he ordered that he be taken to the Ryazan borders, for he himself could not sit on a horse because of his great illness.

Arriving in the Ryazan land, he sent his household to look for doctors. A certain young man from the prince's entourage wandered in search of a village called Laskovo. It still exists on the territory of the Ryazan region.

The second fabulous story about Peter and Fevronya!

“He approached the first house, and, not met by anyone, entered the gate. She goes up to the porch - no one. He entered the chamber and sees a wonderful sight: a girl is sitting in the middle of the chamber, weaving a linen, and in front of her a tame hare is jumping.

The girl says:

It's bad for a house without ears and chambers without eyes!

The young man did not understand her words and asked:

Where is the owner? Does a male person live in this house?

The girl answers:

My father and mother went on loan to weep, and my brother went over his feet to follow death.

The young man was completely surprised:

What miracles do I see? You are sitting alone in the house, a hare is jumping in front of you, and you are saying strange words to me, and I cannot understand your words!

She answered:

Do you not understand this? You went into the house, found me untidy, and if we had a dog, he would have smelled you and barked. So it turns out that the dog is ears for the house. And if we had a small child, he would see you and tell me. A small child is for the chambers of the eyes.

About my parents, I said that they went to the funeral: now they are crying for the dead, and when they themselves pass away, they will cry for them; that's what "crying on loan" is.

My brother, like his father, lives by collecting wild honey in the forest, climbing trees. He climbs a tree - he watches his feet so as not to stumble and not be killed. This is what it means: “to follow death through the legs”.

The young man tells her:

I see you are reasonable!… Tell me your name.

She answers:

My name is Fevronia.

He tells her:

I am a servant of Prince Peter of Murom. We are looking for doctors for our prince, but we do not know anyone here. Can you tell me who we should contact? If that person heals the prince, he will receive expensive gifts.

She answers:

Bring your prince here. If he is kind in heart and humble in answers, he will be healthy!

The young man soon returned to the prince and told him everything that had happened. Blessed Prince Peter says:

Take me to that girl!

And they took him to the village of Laskovo, and forward the prince sent servants, ordering them to convey:

“Whoever wants to treat me, let him treat me and receive big gifts.”

The maiden Fevronia firmly said to the prince's servants:

I want to treat the prince, but I do not demand gifts from him. Tell him this: “If I don’t become his wife, why should I treat him then?”

The servant returned and relayed her words. Prince Peter did not want to take those words to heart, thinking:

“How can I, the prince, marry the daughter of a tree climber?”, but sent ambassadors to Fevronia:

Say that if there is medicine, then let him heal; and if she heals, I will take her as my wife.

The servants conveyed the prince's word in this way.

And here is how Fevronia treated Prince Peter.

She, taking a small vessel, scooped up bread leaven and, blowing on it, said:

Let them heat a bath for your prince, and let him anoint scabs and ulcers with this leaven in the bath, but let him leave one scab unanointed. And you will be healthy!

But Prince Peter, too, was not a fool, and despite the fact that he was preoccupied with the disease, having heard Fevronia's answer, he ordered the bath to be heated, but, wanting to test the girl, was she really as smart as the young man spoke of her, sent his servants to her with a small bunch of flax: with this message:

Let Fevronia, while I'm washing in the bath, make me a shirt and ports, and a towel from this linen.

Obviously, the prince did not want to marry Fevronia, setting her obviously unfulfillable additional conditions for marriage with him!

The servant brought her flax and conveyed the prince's words.

She tells him:

Climb on the stove, find a log there and bring it here.

He brought her a piece of wood. She, measuring with a span, says:

Cut out that much.

He cut. She says:

Take this to the prince and say: “While I am scratching the flax, let him make a loom out of this stump so that I have something to weave a linen on.”

The servant brought a stump of logs to the prince and said a girl's speech.

The prince was surprised at her answer.

It's time for the prince to go to the bath. By command of the maiden, he anointed all his scabs and ulcers with bread leaven, leaving only one scab.

And I left the bath feeling better. In the morning, all the scabs disappeared from his body, except for one, which, according to the maiden's words, he did not anoint.

And everyone was surprised at the speedy recovery.

But he did not want to take as a wife - a peasant, they say, family - but sent her rich gifts.

She did not accept those gifts.

Prince Peter went to Murom, in his fatherland, completely healthy, but there was a scab on him, not anointed by the command of a girl.

And from that scab, new ulcers began to diverge throughout the body already on the first day on the way to Murom.

And soon Peter was covered with many plagues, as before.

And again he returned to the girl for healing. He approached her house and with shame began to ask for a doctor. She, without being angry at all, said:

If he is my husband, I will heal him.

He then gave a firm word that he would take her as his wife. She healed him in the same way that we have already said.

He, having received healing, married her. So she became Princess Fevronia.

They came to their fatherland, the city of Murom, and lived in all piety, not violating a single one of God's commandments.

True, Fefronya badly parted with fellow countrymen. When they set off on their way back, the village girls and women laughed at the bride:

Our Fevronia did not become a little century-old while she was waiting for her betrothed!

Looks like she not only cured the prince, but turned away the eyes of the matchmakers!

The prince found a good empress in bast shoes - she has a rag kokoshnik, and pea earrings ...

Fevronia listened, listened and said in her hearts:

Do not grow more for Laskov, do not expand. The shorter the order, the less gossip.

And so it came true: for hundreds of years, Laskovo remained a village of six houses.

A little time has passed - Prince Pavel of this life departed, while the faithful Prince Peter, after his brother, became the sole autocrat of the city of Murom.

The boyars did not love Princess Fevronia, they were offended for their wives: she did not become a princess by her own kind, but for the sake of the Lord, glorifying her for a good life.

The third fairy tale about Peter and Fevronia.

“Here, one of the close ones came to the right-believing Prince Peter to complain about her: they say that every time it is indecent for the princess to get up from the table - she sweeps bread crumbs into her hand, as if hungry.

Blessed Prince Peter, wanting to test her, ordered the common table to be laid. When dinner was over, she, according to her custom, swept the crumbs into her palm.

Prince Peter caught her by the hand, opened her hand, and there was fragrant incense and incense. From that day on, he left her and never experienced it again.

After a long time, the boyars come to him and say in a rage:

We all want to serve you righteously and have you as an autocrat, but we don’t want to see Fevronia as a princess, and we don’t want her to rule as our wives.

If you want to remain an autocrat, take another princess.

Fevronia, having taken enough wealth, let her go where she wants!

The noble prince Peter, according to his custom, did not get angry at all, answered with humility:

Tell Fevronia. Let's hear what the answer is.

They, furious, filled with shamelessness and malicious intent, decided to establish a feast.

And they arranged it. And when they were already drunk, they began to make shameless speeches, like barking dogs. They said:

Empress Princess Fevronia! The whole city and all the boyars are turning to you: give us what we ask of you!

She says:

Take what you ask.

They spoke with one voice:

After all, madam, we all want Prince Peter to rule over us, but our wives do not want you to rule over them.

Take riches enough for yourself and go wherever you want!

She says:

I promised you that whatever you ask, accept. I'll tell you: give me what I ask of you.

They, out of malice, not foreseeing the future, said with an oath:

Whatever you ask, we will give without question!

She says:

I will not ask for anything, only my wife, Prince Peter!

They answer:

If he himself so wants, we will not object.

The enemy inspired them with the idea that if Prince Peter did not become, then they would elect a different autocrat, for each of the boyars kept in mind that he himself would become an autocrat.

Prince Peter did not attach his heart to his temporary autocracy, he remembered only the commandments of God, and walking according to His commandments he acted: he considered his reign to be nothing, if only not to go against the commandments of God.

The fourth fairy tale about Peter and Fevronia

“The wicked boyars gave them river boats - after all, a river called Okoyu flows near that city.

And the prince and the princess sailed on the boats along the river. There was a certain servant of the blessed Princess Fevronia on the ship, and his wife was placed on the same ship. That man received a thought from an evil demon and looked at the saint with a lustful desire.

She guessed the evil thought of her servant and rebuked him, saying:

Stand on the starboard side of the boat and draw water from the river.

He scooped. She told him to take a sip of that water. He took a sip. Then she says again:

Now get up from the port side and scoop up water again.

And again she commanded him to taste the water. He tried. Then she asks:

Is the water equal in taste or will it be sweeter from one side?

He answers:

What is here, what is there - the same water.

Here she says:

This is the same with the nature of a woman: what one has, the other has the same. Why are you, forgetting your wife, thinking about strangers?

That man understood that she had a gift of insight, and since then he was afraid to think evil of her.

Fifth fairy tale about Peter and Fevronia.

“Evening was approaching, we began to moor to the shore. Here the blessed prince Peter was overwhelmed with thoughts: “How will I continue to live, having left the autocracy by my own will?”

The marvelous Princess Fevronia answers him:

Do not grieve, prince: the merciful God, Creator and Provider of everything, will not leave us in poverty!

On the other side, they began to cook dinner for the blessed Prince Peter. The cook cut small trees and hung cauldrons on them. After supper, the holy princess Fevronia saw those trees, blessed them and said:

May they be great trees in the morning, with branches and leaves!

And so it happened. Waking up in the morning, they saw all the great trees with branches and leaves. And when the princely people already wanted to load their belongings onto the boats, the nobles came from the city of Murom with the words:

Lord Prince! From all the nobles, from the whole city, we came to you, but do not leave us orphans!

Return to your own country! Many nobles in the city died from the sword: everyone wanted to rule, and many killed each other.

Those who remained, with all the people, pray to you: lord prince!

Although they angered you, and annoyed you, and did not want Princess Fevronia to rule over our wives, but now we bow with all our households and our slaves: we call, and we love, and we pray - do not leave us, your servants!

And the blessed prince Peter and the blessed princess Fevronia returned to their city.

And they ruled in their city, walking in all the commandments and justifications of the Lord blamelessly, accepting prayers and doing mercy to all who exist under their power, like a child-loving father and mother.

For they had equal love for all, they did not love either pride or robbery, and they did not spare their perishable wealth, but grew rich in God. They were true shepherds of their city, not hirelings; they ruled the city, serving the truth, with meekness, and not with rage. Wanderers were received, the hungry were fed, the naked were clothed, the poor were delivered from misfortunes.

Sixth fairy tale about Peter and Fevronia

“When their reign was drawing to a close, they besought the Lord that they would die together at the same hour.

And they ordered to put them in one grave, so that two coffins lay in one stone, with only one partition between them.

They themselves, on the same day, put on monastic robes. And Prince Peter in the monastic rank was named David, while the venerable Princess Fevronia was named Euphrosyne.

At the same time, the Monk Fevronia, named Euphrosyne, sewed air with the faces of saints into the cathedral church of the Most Pure with her own hands. The Monk and Blessed Prince Peter, named David, sent to her to say: “Sister Euphrosyne!

I want to get away from the body, but I'm waiting for you so that we can resolve ourselves together.

She answered: “Wait, sir, until I breathe air into the holy church!” He again sends to her: “I cannot wait for you for a long time!”

And for the third time he sends: “I want to die already and I can’t wait for you!”

She was finishing work at that time, and did not have time to finish the robe of one saint, she only finished his face, but stuck a needle and tied the thread, and sent Peter to say that they would repose together.

And having prayed, the saints betrayed their souls in the hands of God in the month of July on the 25th day.

After their repose, people wanted to lay Blessed Peter in the city near the cathedral church of the Most Pure Theotokos, and Fevronia outside the city in a convent near the Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Life-Giving Cross, arguing as follows: “Since these saints were in the monastic rank, it means that they should not be next to lay the grave."

And so they did, but the common grave, carved in stone, which was located at the same cathedral church of the Most Pure, was left empty.

Waking up in the morning, people discovered that the separate coffins of the prince and princess were empty, while their holy bodies lay in a common grave near the church of the Virgin.

Foolish people, who did not give rest to Fevronia during her life, and after her honest death, they did not leave their custom: they again transferred them to different coffins and smashed them to different ends.

And again in the morning the saints were found in a common grave.

And people no longer dared to touch their holy bodies and left them where they themselves commanded: at the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, in the middle of the city, to which they were given for enlightenment and salvation; those who, with faith, venerate their holy relics, receive abundant healing.”

Interestingly, the legend told in the story of Peter and Fevronia has similar plots in Western European literature.

Researchers find much in common in the Russian story with the song about the battle of Sigurd with the snake Fafnar and about the union of this hero with the things of the maiden.

There is especially much in common in individual episodes and the storyline in the story of Tristan and Isolde, which gave opera and theatrical action known to the world.

And there is no reliable evidence of the holiness of Peter and Fephronia, giving the ROC MP the right to consider them nationwide Russian saints, in which they would believe and accept them as such, the modern population of the Russian Federation professing Orthodoxy is not currently available.

The discrepancies between the official "Life" and historically reliable data, the leadership of the ROC MP responsible for the canonization of saints, have not been eliminated.

The relics attributed to Peter and Feronia have not been studied by scientific methods, although there is evidence that the remains of their son may be in the shrine with the relics ...

Blessed Prince Peter, monastic David, and Princess Fevronia, monastic Euphrosyne, Murom

Blessed-faithful Prince Peter was the second son of Mu-rom-th prince Yuri Vla-di-mi-ro-vi-cha. He entered the Mu-rom pre-table in 1203. A few years before this, St. Peter got sick of a pro-ka-za, from which no one could cure him. In the dream-nom vi-de-nii of the prince-zyu, it would-lo open something that the daughter of a bee-lo-vo-yes could use it, bla-go-che-sti-va de -va Feb-ro-niya, peasant-ka de-rev-ni Las-ko-howl in the Ryazan land. Saint Peter sent his people to that village.

When the prince saw holy Feb-ro-niya, he loved her so much for her goodness, wisdom and kindness, that he made a vow to the same thread Xia on it after research. Holy Feb-ro-niya is-tse-li-la prince-zya and married him for her husband. Holy su-pru-gi carried love to each other through all experiences. The proud bo-yare does not want to have a prince-gi-nu from a simple rank and need-bo-wa-li so that the prince should leave her. St. Peter from-ka-za-sya, and su-pru-gov from-gna-whether. They are on a boat sailing along the Oka from their native city. Holy Feb-ro-niya under-der-zhi-va-la and comfort-sha-la of St. Peter. But soon the city of Mu-rum was overtaken by the wrath of God, and the people demanded that the prince return together with the holy Feb-ro-ni- to her.

Holy su-pru-gi pro-glory-we-we-we-we-che-sti-em and mi-lo-ser-di-em. They died on the same day and hour on June 25, 1228, having taken before this the mo-na-she-sky haircut with the names Da-vid and Ev-fro-si -tion. The bodies of the saints would be the same in the same coffin.

Saints Peter and Feb. Their-and-mi-lit-va-mi they down-dat heavenly blessings on those who are getting married.


Saint Peter of Murom

Davyd Yurievich(d. June 25, 1228) - Prince of Murom (1205-1228), son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom, grandson of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the first Grand Duke of Ryazan.

He ascended the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Vladimir. The Laurentian Chronicle reports this event under 1205, however, under the same year it reports on the campaign of the South Russian princes against the Polovtsy, the capture of Rurik Rostislavich by Roman Galitsky and the beginning of the reign of Rostislav Rurikovich in Kiev - events that took place in 1203-1204.

According to the life of St. Prince Peter (Davyd) assumed the princely throne after the death of his elder brother Prince Paul (possibly, the name of Vladimir in baptism).

From 1205 to 1228 Prince Peter was in the princely residence. Prince Peter took monastic vows here and died.

On the site of the Exaltation of the Cross Church of Murom was located, where supposedly St. Peter received the miraculous Agrikov sword to defeat the magician, and where later the holy princess Fevronia was tonsured. In 1998, a memorial cross was erected on the site of the cell of the holy Murom princess Fevronia in the unpreserved Holy Cross Monastery.

“He had a brother named Prince Peter. One day he called him to him and told him the words of the serpent, which he spoke to his wife. Prince Peter, having heard from his brother that the serpent named the culprit of his death, named after him, began to think, without hesitation and courageously, how to kill the serpent. But only one thing confused him: he did not know anything about Agric's sword.

In the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, a youth appears to Prince Peter and shows Agrikov's sword lying in a crevice in the altar wall. Peter used to go to churches, secluded. There was a Church of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross in a women's monastery outside the city. And Peter came to her alone to pray. And then a youth appeared to him, saying: “Prince, do you want me to show you Agrikov’s sword?” The prince, trying to fulfill his desire, said: “Yes, I will see! Where is he?" The boy said, "Follow me." And he showed him a well in the altar wall between the ceramides, in which the sword lay.

Prince Peter shows the sword to his brother and comes to bow to his daughter-in-law. The noble Prince Peter, taking that sword, came and told his brother about it. And from that day on, he began to look for an opportunity to kill the snake. Every day he went to his brother and his daughter-in-law to bow ... "

During his reign, he was focused on the policy of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, took the side of the Grand Duke of Vladimir, and then his son, in all significant campaigns and battles of that time.

So, in 1207, Davyd Yuryevich came to the aid of Vsevolod Yuryevich during his campaign against Ryazan land near Pronsk. Prince Pronsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich fled to Chernigov to his father-in-law Vsevolod Chermny. The inhabitants, led by Izyaslav - the cousin of Mikhail Vsevolodovich - defended the city for six weeks, waiting for help from Ryazan, but experienced an acute shortage of food and water. After an unsuccessful attempt to unblock the Ryazan strike, the city surrendered to the mercy of the winner. Izyaslav was released in peace, and instead Vsevolod gave Pronsk to his brother Oleg Vladimirovich, who was among the besiegers.
However, in the following year, 1208, having learned about self-will, Vsevolod took Pronsk from Oleg Vladimirovich and gave the city to Davyd Yuryevich Muromsky. In the same year, Oleg and his brothers drove Davyd out of Pronsk and gave him to Mikhail.

In 1213, Prince Davyd participated in the campaign of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against Rostov, in 1216 the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipitsa as part of the combined forces of Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Suzdal and some other destinies on the side of Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich against the united army of Novgorod , Pskov, Smolensk, Toropets, Rostov.
In 1220, Davyd sent his son Svyatoslav with an army to take part in a joint campaign with the people of Vladimir against the Volga Bulgarians.

The country residence of Prince David was in the Borisoglebsky Monastery, founded by the holy Prince Gleb.
According to legend, in 1228 Evdokia, the daughter of Prince David Georgievich of Murom and his wife Euphrosyne, known as Princes Peter and Fevronia, was tonsured.

“Dimitrievskaya Sloboda, near the Oka River, is located 120 versts from the provincial city of Vladimir and 5 from. In the old days, this settlement was inhabited by "Yamskaya hunters" and was called the Yamskaya Glyadyachaya Sloboda. The name "Looking Sloboda" is associated with a local legend. Once the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia were expelled by the Muromets; the exiles went down the river and, having come up to the place where the settlement now stands, looked back at the abandoned city.
/Historical and stratological description of churches and parishes of the Vladimir diocese. 1896 /

On February 14, the Catholic world celebrates St. Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day. In Rus', in the Orthodox world, they consider Love Day July 8(according to the new style) - the day of memory of Saints Peter and Fevronya.
In Moscow, the Central Archive stores a priceless book of the 16th century. "Great Menaion of Readings", or "Collection of Lives". There are such lines there: “The month of June on the 25th day. The Tale of the Life of the Holy Miracle Workers of Murom, the Blessed and Reverend Prince Peter, named David in monasticism, and his wife, the venerable Fevronia, named Euphrosyne in monasticism. With preface and praise.
Here is the story of this extraordinary love.

Anika sat down on a bench:
Here is the story of this extraordinary love.
It was dark in the prince's bedchamber. The windows in the wards are covered from the bright spring sun. In the red corner, lamps near the icon case with icons of the Mother of God and Christ were burning quietly. Yes, an inconspicuous monk in black read psalms a little audibly.

Anika... Anika, - Peter, the young prince of Murom, called from the bed in a weak voice. The door creaked, and the faithful servant, a hefty peasant Anika, bending his head under the lintel, immediately entered and froze.
"I'm tired, Anika," the prince spoke softly. “Tell me, why am I being punished like this?” All these scabs, ulcers all over the body - from snake venom? How many years incurable. In that battle, I not only saved my brother from the snake, but also our Murom. Or maybe he saved all Orthodox Rus' from the evil reptile.
Anika sat down on a bench:
- I, Prince, seems to have found you more doctors. There is such a village Laskavo in the Ryazan land. The old people say, maybe they will save you from the disease there.
Peter got up from the pillows. Looked hopefully.
- So why are you delaying? Collect carts! Let's go!

On the second day of the journey, splashing spring puddles with their hooves, the prince's horses finally stopped in a poor village, near an extreme, old hut. The gates were open. Anika quickly entered the room. And froze in surprise. A gray hare, already in a spring skin, jumped around the room. And behind the loom sat a girl with a blond braid to the waist.
- Tell me, girl, - Anika bowed, - where are your mother and father?
Without raising her head from her work, she humbly replied:
- Parents went to the neighbors on loan to cry. And the brother between his legs looks into the eyes of death.
Anika looked at the jumping hare and hesitated. He took pity on the beautiful but poor fool. And she suddenly raised a clear look at him and said:
- What a fool you are. Didn't knock. Caught me in the simplicity and untidy. And the parents of the neighbors of the deceased mourn. When death comes for them, the neighbors will cry. This is crying on loan. And my brother is a tree climber, a beekeeper in the forest. On a high tree takes honey. Looks through the eyes of death. My name is Fevronya. And I am a servant of Murom Prince Peter. The snake sprayed him with venom. From fierce ulcers, he was completely exhausted. If you cure it, it promises many gifts.
The girl stood up with her eyes downcast.
I don't need gifts. I only see one thing: he will be healthy if I become his wife. No, I can't heal. God will not give strength, - and stroked the hare that jumped nearby on its hind legs.
Here Anika was taken aback. I remembered the sign: a hare in a hut - for the wedding. He ran to his young prince. Taking him out of the wagon in his arms, ill and light, he still could not hide the strange details. Peter laughed irritably. Is it conceivable for a prince to marry the daughter of some tree climber? Even a healer. But in the hut, looking at the humble beauty Fevronya, he nevertheless kept silent shyly. And she, looking only at Anika, said:
- First of all, they ordered to heat the bath. And give your master a good bath there. And then rub it with this. But leave one scab on your shoulder. - And, scooping up sour kvass from a barrel, she handed the ladle to Anika.

In the bathhouse, after a hot bath, Anika rubbed the prince with sour from head to toe. And - about a miracle! - while the steamed Peter was resting on the bench, the ulcers on the body dried up and fell off. And the skin became white and clean.
Needless to say, with what joy the prince set off on the return journey, what strength he felt in his whole body, how easily he ran up the stairs to his mansions! He rushed to his elder brother Pavel with good news. But suddenly, before reaching the middle of the ward, he fell to the floor from terrible pain. Purulent ulcers in front of everyone began to cover his face, hands, body again.
At night, by the light of lamps and candles, he told his brother the details of the meeting. “Sin on you. She healed you, and you became proud, left by deceit, - Paul whispered to him in his hearts. - Remember the words of the apostle: “Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled. And he who humbles himself will be exalted." I beg you, go to this Fevronya. Repent before her and God. Get married. Maybe forgive. And maybe you'll be healed. You need repentance, not for her and not for God.”
Peter listened in silence, bowing his fair-haired head. Approaching the icons, he crossed himself. And he ordered Anika to send matchmakers to Laskavo to Fevronya in order to get engaged to her in the Solotchinsky Monastery in the summer on St. Peter's Day. The humble girl was not offended, she only said: “Bow to the master, but let him not prepare carriages, but sleighs.” Anika again mentally laughed at the strange girl. However, on June 29, such a snowfall began in the morning, such flakes fell from the sky, which covered the roads. And the sleigh prepared by Peter came in handy.

Standing in the church in front of the altar next to the bride, the prince was no longer ashamed of the chosen one. In Murom, Prince Pavel joyfully, to the sound of a bell, with the icon of the Mother of God, met the young at the prince's chambers. The servants, rejoicing, lined up in rows. “Counsel to you and love,” they shouted at the feast.
However, not everyone liked the young princess. Every now and then, slanders of portly boyar wives, bright local dandies, the first beauties of Murom, began to be heard. "Is this a princess? Just a dumb girl. There is no beauty. And thin. And pale. And not only pearls, she won’t wear a copper ring. ” But Peter did not seem to hear. As they say, treasure is useless when a husband and wife are on good terms. And the harmony in the new family was gradually, gently built by Fevronya herself.
The grief came unexpectedly. The elder brother Pavel died. And Peter officially became Prince of Murom. And Fevronya is a princess. The Chronicle emphasizes the fair and just Petrine rule. Not by generosity and wealth, but "by God's deeds," he noted and welcomed both the boyars and the servants. Regularly conducted both foreign affairs and trade. And often not without the advice of the wise mode of his beloved wife. Evil gossip spread. From the choir - to the chambers, from the houses - to the huts. Like, the princess does not like the well-born. The boyars do not like it, because it is a chernavka itself. Therefore, the prince began to oppress the boyars. That humiliation, then requisitions. Once, at a drunken male feast, at the princely meal, they began to cunningly blaspheme the princess. Especially fat boyar Danila.
- And for what you, Peter, young prince, so humiliated your throne? Or did you not find a noble bride? We are glad to serve you, but our wives, boyars, cannot bow to the village woman in any way.
And the frail Timofey Tarasyev also emerged from behind the boyars' brocaded backs:
“That is true, prince. When your princess is at a meal with our wives, you will not end up with shame. He collects crumbs from the table in the palm of his hand. Just hungry.
The boyars at the table laughed loudly and in unison. The prince's face flushed.
“Hey, I can swear,” Tarasyev crossed himself small. - Whom do you want to ask.
- Come on, Anika, let's go for the princess. Say the prince is calling for a meal.
With bated breath, the boyars watched as Fevronya, at the behest of the prince, sat down next to him and ate. As according to the village custom, without hiding, she collected bread crumbs in her palm. And then Peter, annoyed, abruptly grabbed her by the hand. He unclenched his fingers. She looked into his eyes knowingly. On her palm, as everyone sitting saw, lay not crumbs at all, but fragrant lumps of church incense ...
Well, Peter laughed at the boyars, who one after another threw out of the chambers. And he never tested his wife again. However, the more embittered boyars did not let up. And at the boyar duma they sternly decided: “If you, prince, want to be an autocrat, take another princess. And neither we nor our wives will submit to this. Let him take whatever he wants from the treasury and leave the city of Murom.
And the prince trembled. And he got lost. Bowed his head:
- Go, unkind ones. Ask the princess yourself. As she says, so be it.
Oh, how happy the boyars were! Soon, walkers were sent to the princely mansions. And they appeared before the princess. “The whole city, Mrs. Fevronya, demands that you give us the one we ask. You yourself take as much wealth as you need and leave!”
She stood calmly in front of them, impudent, well-fed, drunk.
- So be it. But you promise to give me what I ask.
“Whatever you say, take it without question,” the boyars rejoiced.
- And I will say, - the voice sounded more firmly, - that I need only my husband, Peter.
Through the open door, the nearby prince listened to all this.
- Well, - looking at each other, the arrogant guests did not lose their heads. - Take it. We are at the meeting of another, it is better to choose this one. Fortunately there is someone.
And then the prince could not stand it. Got up. Has entered. With anger, he looked at the boyars' red, sweaty faces with excitement. Met the loving eyes of his wife. Approaching, he gently put his arm around her shoulders. Quickly led away from the evil court.
Meanwhile, on the river bank, the boyar servants hastily prepared two plows for sailing, intending to finally escort the Ryazan know-it-all, Fevronya, who they dislike, beyond the Murom lands. And at the same time, to expel forever Prince Peter, who was strict and inconvenient for them for a long time.
The fresh night wind flaps the sails over Fevronya's head. Chilled, standing at the side, she listens to the oarlocks and pine masts creaking on the plows, how the water of the Oka quietly splashes, the rowers are talking. Where are they sailing? Which lands will receive the exiles? What kind of life (or death?) awaits them in an unknown distance?
For the night they landed on a shore. While Anika and her servants were putting up tents and unloading the ships, the prince sat down on a rock at some distance. And I thought bitterly. There was something. It's time to jump into the water. The wife approached with a light step. She gently wrapped her arms around her husband's neck. “Do not grieve, prince. Despondency is also a sin. God is merciful. We won’t be lost... Or don’t you believe?” She lifted him from the cold stone. She led her to the fire, in which, crackling, a fire was already dancing between two stakes driven into the ground for hanging a cauldron of water. “Will you believe in the mercy of God if in the morning these pegs become trees again?” The prince cheered up, laughed softly: “Oh, my fret, are you inventing everything?” The next morning they woke up from surprised cries. The cook, Anika and the servants crowded around the ashes from yesterday's fire. On either side of it stretched out two slender trees rustling with green foliage. “You see,” Fevronya affectionately touched her husband’s shoulder. I told you, God is merciful. And he gives to everyone - according to his faith.
Meanwhile, the boyars in Murom did not share power. They began to incite, slander, cunningly, ruthlessly kill each other. In addition, the city, until recently beautiful, carved, was attacked by fire without pity. Huge flashes of fire, as if in the hands of archangels, flew over the roofs of boyar houses and marketplaces. For everyone and everywhere, the question seemed to be: “Where did you put the legitimate Prince Peter with the princess? Do not return them to the throne - everyone and everything will be betrayed to fire and sword. And houses, and families, and your livestock ... "
And terror seized the city. There was a numbness. In less than three days, on the distant bank of the Oka, before the prince's tent, trembling and humiliated people in scorched clothes appeared. Among them are Timofey Tarasyev, and the belly boyar Danila. They fell on their faces, into the grass with miserable, sooty faces. Wept: “Forgive us, merciful one... Come back. Get rid of sin." The prince raised Tarasyev from the land. “Go in peace. Ask my princess. As she says, so be it." Fevronya came out of her tent. She listened without hesitation. "Go to your prince. If he wants to come back, then I will be with him. The Lord gave us two abilities. Remember and forget. Forget evil. And remember the good.
When the planes of Peter and Fevronya, gliding along the smooth surface of the Oka, returned to their native Murom, the whole city poured out to meet them on the green banks to the sound of bells.
And stretched, swam years. In princely and worldly affairs. In fasting and prayers. Meek Fevronya continued to "perform many miracles." She was like love itself. Constantly treated, healed people. She took care of the sick and orphans. She built houses of worship. Interceded for widows. Helped poor monasteries. Sometimes she loved to weave, as once in her youth. Yes, and Peter, in the clear light of her good soul, has changed a lot over the years. Historians consider the time of his reign to be calm and fertile.
However, old age crept up to these happy spouses. And in the temple, and in their room at the icon case, they increasingly asked God for happiness - to give them the opportunity to die in one day. They also wrote a will - not to separate their bodies even after death. To do this, at the prince's command, two coffins with a thin partition were carved in one stone.
Once the prince called the old princess to him and, seating him next to him, quietly took her thin hand. “Tell me, my beloved, if I take the monastic rank, will you also go to the monastery?” After a pause, the wife bowed deeply to her husband: “I have been thinking about this for a long time. Only your decision was waiting to get away from the world. To live closer to God. Among our worldly cares, rumors, temptations, it is impossible to achieve holiness and perfection. The prince continued her thought: "As John Chrysostom said, this is the same difference as between a quiet harbor and the sea, forever swayed by the wind."
Muromets did not understand this decision. They wondered how princely glory, wealth, honor could be exchanged for monasticism. After all, in the world you can pray to God. But Peter and Fevronya were firm. And they accepted monasticism at the same time. He was named in the Spassky Monastery by the name of David. She is in the women's Assumption Monastery - Euphrosyne.
It is a pity, it is not known from the annals what spiritual feats the spouses accomplished in the monastery, in the solitude of meager cells. However, it is not for nothing that they say: if in the world people fight demons like lambs, then the monks fight them “like with tigers.” So they lived for several years, not seeing each other, only knowing and feeling the beating of a loving native heart. But one warm July day, when Blessed Euphrosyne was in a narrow cell embroidering the face of the Mother of God on a coverlet for the church of the Most Holy Theotokos, there was a knock at the door, and an alarmed young monk quickly entered. “Sister, I am sent from your brother in Christ David. He told me to tell you that the time had come for his death. But he is waiting for you. To go to God together." The old woman interrupted for a minute: “I can’t go with him right away. Let him wait. I’ll finish it, so I’ll immediately go to him. ”
In his cell, in all black, with a cross on his chest, the gray-haired, thinner prince listened to the messenger with difficulty. Breathless, he whispered: “Hurry to my beloved sister. Let forgiveness come. I'm already leaving this life." The monk hurriedly ran to Fevronia: “Sister. Don't hesitate. Prince Peter is coming to an end. Begging for forgiveness." “Begged him, brother, to be patient, to wait for me a little minute. One stitch left to finish.
The monk ran all the way. And he found the prince a little alive. “Tell my Fevronia,” the dying man whispered, “that’s it, I’m leaving. There is no urine to wait." The poor envoy ran to Fevronya crying: “Your Prince Peter has passed away in peace. He has gone to eternal rest." The princess turned white as snow. She got up and, looking up at the Mother of God, crossed herself three times. Quietly, as if saying goodbye, she ran her hand over the unfinished sewing. She stuck a needle and, winding a thread around it, began to quietly depart to God ...

And the angels carried the holy souls of Peter and Fevronya into the bottomless sky. There, where was the One who gave them great and pure love for each other. This happened, as they say in the Menaion, in the summer of 1228 from the birth of Christ. On the 25th day of June.
After the funeral, the Murom boyars disregarded the will of the deceased. Remembering that it was impossible to bury monks together, they decided to bury Prince Peter in the city near the cathedral church. And the coffin of Fevronya was placed until morning in a suburban convent. However, the next morning, in mute horror, the priests and parishioners stood over the empty coffins in both churches. No one knew where the bodies of the newly deceased had gone. But the greatly frightened watchman of the Mother of God Church, who soon came running, fell at the feet of the bishop, confessed that he fell asleep at night and did not see who had secretly transferred the prince and princess to a common coffin. Indeed, as they wanted during their lifetime, they lay in the same stone coffin, covered with an unfinished Fevronya veil.
The boyars unanimously decided that these were faithful servants at night, secretly carried out the will of their masters. Again, separating the bodies, they took them to different churches, until the morning they closed the locks and bolts. The watchmen did not close their eyes in the night. And again, no one saw how the bodies of the holy elders again ended up in the same coffin.
So they buried them together. But since then, they began to notice: those who prayed to the holy relics received healing, harmony and love in the family. So it would be good for us to pray to the holy lovers who lived happily ever after and died on the same day.

The life of the righteous, which is supplemented by the available chronicle information, testifies that the death of the saints Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosyne) followed on the same day and hour during the Easter Week, which fell on April 1228
Chronicles supplement this fact with information that a few days before this, their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who, presumably, was also buried in the princely tomb).
The death of the holy Prince of Murom David with his wife and son fell during the service in Murom of Bishop of Murom and Ryazan Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) (1225-1239), who probably tonsured them into monasticism, giving the princess a monastic name of the same name with his own, and also, presumably, made a church burial of the princely couple.

Bartenev's scribe book 1636/37. reports: “In the city, the cathedral church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on three tops with a porch, a stone porch, (...) in the aisle of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul lie Murom wonderworkers - the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, covered with black cloth, and above the cancer - their an image with an act ... The structure of that cathedral church of blessed memory of the sovereign tsar and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of All Russia ... "
As follows from this description, the relics of Murom wonderworkers Peter and Fevronia rested in the Peter and Paul chapel (arranged in the right apse).

Cancer of Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia 1890s

Photographs of a massive cypress shrine made for the relics in 1797 have been preserved. Wooden Church of Peter and Fevronia stood next to the temple. In con. 18th century it was dismantled to make room for the construction of a three-tiered bell tower. Her pride was the bell weighing 1049 tons, about which they said: "The big bell from hell will ring out the soul." At the bell tower there was a warm Church of the Savior and a chapel built in 1814 in honor of the Murom Icon of the Mother of God.

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in Murom

Until 1921, the relics rested in the city's Nativity Cathedral (dismantled in 1939-1940). The cathedral was looted, some of the oldest icons and utensils were transferred to the local museum of local lore, the relics of the saints in 1921 were transported to the local museum, from where they were returned to the Holy Trinity Monastery in 1992.

Now the shrine with the relics of the saints is in the cathedral.

Holy Trinity Cathedral in Murom

Cancer with the relics of Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Monument "Union of love - a wise marriage." Sculptor Nikolai Shcherbakov. City of Murom.

The monument to Peter and Fevronia was erected in Murom on July 7, 2012 on Peasant Square, between the Holy Trinity Convent and the Annunciation Monastery.

The bas-relief of Peter and Fevronia was installed at the western monastery wall of the Transfiguration Monastery in Murom on July 8, 2008.

The All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the Year of the Family.
This holiday in Russia was established on the initiative of the deputies of the State Duma. The initiative to celebrate the Day of the Family is supported by all traditional religious organizations in Russia - after all, the idea of ​​celebrating the Day of the Family, love and fidelity has no confessional boundaries. Every religion has examples of family loyalty and love.

The idea of ​​the holiday arose several years ago among the inhabitants of the city of Murom (Vladimir region), where the relics of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia, patrons of Christian marriage, whose memory is celebrated on July 8, are buried.
Their lives embody the features that the traditional religions of Russia have always associated with the ideal of marriage, namely: piety, mutual love and fidelity, the performance of works of mercy and care for the various needs of their fellow citizens.
The new family holiday already has a medal, which will be awarded on July 8, and a very delicate symbol - a camomile. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it is so easy for him to walk - leaving the church calendar, he is ready to knock on every door. Family Day
Sergei Olkhovoi

Family - a burden or wings?
On the neck of the chain il flight?
The ability to make a fairy tale come true
In my opinion, the family gives.

You can build only for your beloved,
For my dear, I want to create.
It is not difficult to give yourself to her,
And from that be happy!

I spread all the troubles with my hands
And disperse the crows
I give her my victories,
Her guardian angel!

Let her children be more important for her,
It is clear - the future is in them,
For everything, the father in the family is responsible,
And joy divides into two.

She surrounds with care
She covers everyone with her wings.
We call her mom
We write and sing poems for her.

Family is the cell of the Universe,
His small brick!
You fulfill your calling
To the glory of your Family!

Prayers to the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Miracle Workers of Murom
Prayer one

Oh, the great saints of God and the miraculous miracle-workers of the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, intercessors and guardians, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: bring your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God and ask us from His goodness all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, prosperity in good deeds, peace of peace, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health and eternal salvation for souls and bodies. Intercede with the King of Heaven: His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow, crying out to Him day and night, may the many-sick cry be heard and may our belly be driven out of death. Ask the Church of the Saints and the entire power of Russia for peace, silence and well-being, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your fatherland, the city of Murom, and all the cities of Russia from all evil and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with might, overshadow the grace-filled action of your favorable prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered to you with tenderness, but wake up intercessors for us to the Lord and make us worthy of your holy help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven; let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

O saints of God, pious Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers for us sinners (name), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith right, good hope, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, prosperity in good deeds. And intercede for us with the King of Heaven a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.

Icon "Saints Peter and Fevronia"

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

David Yuryevich (d. April 2, 1228) - Prince of Murom (1203 / 1205-1228), son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich of Murom, grandson of Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the first Grand Duke of Ryazan. It is generally accepted that this particular prince and his wife are saints Peter and Fevronia canonized and revered by the Orthodox Church.

If David is the monastic name of Peter, then why does the chronicler always call this prince monastic?
(see http://promurom.ru/infom/annals.php)

The similar monastic name of Prince Alexander Nevsky (Aleksy) is not transferred by anyone to stories about his pre-monastic years and deeds.

Give me an example of a chronicle narrative about a prince who, at his death, took monastic vows, and the chronicler stubbornly cites all references to the pre-monastic life of this prince only with his monastic name. If even the author of the Life does not do this, then why should a chronicler do this?

The text of the Tale of Prince Peter is here

What does this have to do with the chronicle Prince David?

V. O. Klyuchevsky:
“The legend of Peter, under which, apparently, the Murom prince David Yuryevich, who died in monasticism in 1228, can be called a life neither in literary form, nor in the sources from which its content is drawn; in the history of ancient Russian hagiography, it is only significant as a monument that brightly illuminates the illegibility with which the ancient Russian scribes introduced images of folk poetic creativity into the circle of church-historical traditions ”(Klyuchevsky. Old Russian Lives of the Saints as a historical source. M., 1871, p. 287) .

in general about the story.

He ascended the princely throne after the death of his elder brother. Chronicles report that Prince Vladimir Yuryevich of Murom died in / year, and his brother Prince David (Peter) Yuryevich remained on the throne: "In the summer of 6711 ... The same summer, Volodimer Gurgeevich, Prince of Murom, reposed ". In the Resurrection Chronicle: "In the summer of 6712 ... and staying on Murom, his brother, Prince David Yuryevich." According to his life, St. Prince Peter (David) assumed the princely throne after the death of his elder brother, Prince Paul (who, probably, was called Vladimir before baptism). During his reign, he was focused on the politics of the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, sided with the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod Yuryevich (Georgievich), and then his son Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich, in all significant campaigns and battles of that time. So, in the city of Davyd Yuryevich came to the aid of Vsevolod Vsevolod Yuryevich (Georgievich) during his next campaign on the Ryazan land ("In the summer of 6715 ... And then he sent ... and Murom after David ... The great prince came a hundred near the city of Pronsk ... commanded to strike at arms day and night near the hail and raise regiments along the gates ... David and Muromtsi the third gate"). Prince Pronsky Mikhail Vsevolodovich fled to Chernigov to his father-in-law Vsevolod Chermny. The inhabitants, led by Izyaslav, cousin of Mikhail Vsevolodovich, defended the city for six weeks, waiting for help from Ryazan, but experiencing an acute shortage of food and water, not receiving help from Ryazan, surrendered to the mercy of the winner. Izyaslav was released in peace, and instead Vsevolod gave Pronsk to Oleg Vladimirovich, who was among the besiegers. However, the following year, having learned about self-will, Vsevolod took Pronsk from Oleg Vladimirovich and planted Davyd Yuryevich Muromsky there. In the same year, Oleg with his brothers and Mikhail Vsevolodovich drove Davyd out of Pronsk and gave him to Mikhail. In the city, Prince Davyd participated in the campaign of Grand Duke Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich to Rostov ("In the summer of 6721 ... Start Kostyantin again plotting against his brother, Georgy was slaughtered by his brother ... and David of Murom went to Rostov") . In the year, the Murom squad took part in the Battle of Lipitsa as part of the combined forces of Vladimir, Pereyaslavl, Brodov, Murom, Suzdal and some other destinies, on the side of Grand Duke Yuri (George) Vsevolodovich against the combined troops of Novgorod, Pskov, Smolensk, Toropets, Rostov ("In summer 6724 ... And byahu half a strong Velmy Muromtsi and Brodnitsy and Gorodchane and all the power of the Suzdal land ... Yaroslav was a hundred with his regiments with Murom. ..").


Spouse: Princess Fevronia (St. Euphrosyne) (? - 25.6.1228)

  • Evdokia Davydovna - wife of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich.
  • Yuri Davydovich Muromsky (d.)
  • Svyatoslav Davydovich Murovsky (d.)

Death and canonization

Shortly before his death, David Yurievich and his wife took the monastic rank with the names David and Euphrosyne. The life of the righteous, which is supplemented by the available chronicle information, testifies that the death of the saints Prince David (Peter) and Princess Fevronia followed on the same day and hour during the Easter Week, which fell on April 1228. The chronicles supplement this fact by the fact that a few days before this their youngest son, Prince Svyatoslav Davidovich, died (who, presumably, was also buried in the princely tomb): “In the summer of 6736, the son of Davydov of the Murom month of April died, an idle holy week. The same week, Davyd Muromsky himself reposed in black and skim. The death of the holy prince of Murom with his wife and son fell during the service in Murom of Bishop of Murom and Ryazan Euphrosynus I (Svyatogorets) (1225-1239), who probably tonsured them into monasticism, giving the princess a monastic name of the same name with his own, and also, presumably made a church burial of the princely couple. The holy prince and his wife were canonized at a church council in 1547. The day of veneration of the saints is June 25 (July 8). The indication of the chronicles that the death of the holy Prince Davyd (Peter) and Princess Fevronia (Euphrosinia) and their burial fell on Bright Week (April) 1228 raises the question of the discrepancy between the time of death and the date of veneration by the Russian Orthodox Church. Church liturgical practice knows two cases commemoration of the saints - on the day of their death and on the day of the transfer of their holy relics. In this regard, it can be assumed that the date of June 25 (July 8) is associated with the transfer of the relics of the holy prince and princess from the dilapidated Borisoglebsky Cathedral, to the newly built Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin, which already existed in the 15th century (renovated in the 16th century) on Voevodskaya mountain, where the relics were kept until the Soviet era.

At present, the shrine with the relics of the holy prince and princess is in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Convent (Murom).


  • Project Chronos.Genealogical tables.Rurikovichi.Murom princes
  • Saints Peter and Fevronia - patrons of the family: "City of Murom intercessor"
  • Russian line. Library of periodicals. Vsevolod Yurievich Big Nest

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