Undergraduate- This is a higher education, confirmed by a bachelor's degree.

Bachelor is academic degree, which is awarded to persons who have completed the relevant educational program at the university.

In Russia, as well as others participating in the Bologna Process, a bachelor's degree is a form of completed higher education that allows a person to work in a relevant position. Education at this level should not be less than 4 years. After the end of the term of study, state examinations and the defense of the final work are held, after which a diploma is issued on conferring a degree.

Possible for a bachelor's degree admission immediately after high school or college, with an appropriate certificate of general secondary education. In fact, this is the first level of higher education. The difference from the specialty is quite serious, it implies the acquisition of knowledge in a narrower field, while the bachelor's degree provides more extensive knowledge in the specialty, general basic information in all branches of science related to the chosen direction.

Undergraduate and graduate These are two completely different levels of education. After receiving a bachelor's degree, it is possible to enter, where it will be possible to deepen your knowledge in the specialty. The question of whether it is necessary to continue training can only be answered by the applicant himself. If there is a desire to engage in teaching or research activities, then such training is necessary. However, studying for a bachelor's degree has its own characteristics.

Advantages of a bachelor's degree:

  • Definitely say what is better in the conditions of Russian reality specialty or a bachelor's degree, quite difficult. However, for the recognition of a diploma abroad, it is much more profitable to be a bachelor, since this level is understandable and accepted in all countries of Europe and the USA.

What is best for a student? If further scientific activity, it is better to choose a bachelor's degree. In any case, the specialty in Russia has been abolished.

  • A bachelor's degree implies a shorter period of study than a specialist, which means that students will be able to start working earlier.
  • Opportunity to quickly change profession. This degree allows you to complete training in another specialty in one year.
  • Admission and study in the master's program for a bachelor's degree is free, as it is a continuation of higher education. For a specialist, training in a master's program is paid.

Cons of a bachelor's degree:

  • It is possible that the general level of education will deteriorate, since there is very little time for studying.
  • The development of appropriate programs is a very big expense for the university and the budget of the Ministry of Education.

Types of bachelor's degree

There are two main types of undergraduate studies: applied and academic.

Applied Bachelor includes educational programs that allow you to master not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills for work. The purpose of the applied baccalaureate is to open up opportunities for students to start working after their studies without prior internship. At the end of the training, along with a diploma, a qualification category is assigned.

Academic undergraduate, on the contrary, trains theorists rather than practitioners. Programs of this level are necessary to prepare people for research activities of a theoretical nature. Upon graduation, only a bachelor's degree diploma is issued.

Undergraduate studies in other countries

The bachelor's degree is recognized in all countries participating in the Bologna Agreement, including Europe and the USA. The agreement implies a unified educational standard in all countries that have adopted it.

International Baccalaureate- this is a completed higher education that does not require further education, so most students stop there. In different countries, the terms of training specialists differ, but usually they are compressed in 4–6 years, only medical areas require more serious study in 5–7 years.

After receiving the appropriate degree, the graduate has the right to start working in the specialty.

AT USA Russian students can enroll in a bachelor's program immediately after receiving a certificate.

In countries Western Europe this is a little more difficult, since the confirmation of secondary education is more confusing.

One of the main features of a bachelor's degree in the United States is the ability to complete it ahead of the documentary deadline by increasing the number of subjects studied per semester. Academic plan it is rather blurry. In addition, a student with a bachelor's degree has the right to continue his studies not only in the magistracy, but also immediately in the doctoral program, which is impossible in Russia. At the same time, the difference in the level of education is quite noticeable.

Europe allows you to get a bachelor's degree a little faster, from 3 years. But at the same time, there are more serious requirements for applicants: it is possible to pass exams and it is mandatory to provide a language certificate. Of course, in almost all universities in Europe there is education in the language, but it is paid, and in order to receive free education, you must know the language of the host country perfectly.

More and more we hear about programs "Applied Baccalaureate" and at the same time about the complete lack of understanding of this term.

This issue is well covered in an interview with Igor Remorenko, Director of the Department of State Policy in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science (Izvestia newspaper).

« Applied Bachelor” - this is the name of the training program for students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, starting this year.

It is expected that students, after studying for four years in this program, will become good practitioners and at the same time have theoretical training at the higher education level. That is, a kind of hybrid of a technical school and an institute is being created, in which, in four years, students will become full-fledged specialists. Igor Remorenko, director of the department of state policy in the field of education of the Ministry of Education and Science, tells what this program is.

Izvestia: Igor Mikhailovich, an experiment on the introduction of an applied bachelor's degree is now beginning. Tell us what it is and where did the idea come from?

Igor Remorenko: The idea of ​​the experiment appeared about five years ago. There were several reasons. Firstly, about 70% of children who graduate from secondary specialized educational institutions then enter a university, striving to get a higher education. Sometimes they do it not even because of the need for additional education but because of the status. It turns out that at first they study at a secondary specialized educational institution for four years, and then for another three or four years, or even five years, if we talk about two-level education, at a university. At the same time, say, in some regions, graduates pedagogical schools are quoted higher than graduates of pedagogical universities. While the former, instead of working and building a career, following fashion, are forced to receive higher education. It turns out that for a sufficiently large category of people, the period of study is unreasonably extended, and all because of the formal status of a specialist with a higher education.

Second - some professions last years become significantly more difficult. And if earlier there were enough technical skills, now it is also necessary to know the theoretical basis, the fundamental principles. For example, in metallurgy, the technological process becomes more complicated, because of which it is necessary not only to be able to perform specific actions at each stage, but also to understand how the whole process works in order to make the right choice between one or another action at the right time. And as specialties become more complex, the training of specialists is approaching the level of higher education. These two circumstances necessitated the experiment. High-tech specialties were selected, and it was decided to give students the opportunity to receive a full-fledged, I emphasize, higher education. All this is done with the cooperation of secondary and higher educational institutions.

Q: What specific specialties were classified as high-tech?

Remorenko: Metallurgy, mechanical engineering, material processing, and in these training courses elements of nanotechnology appear, which makes the subjects even more difficult. Then computer science and computer technology, where you need to understand programming trends, new directions. Further, economics and management, where you need to be able to engage in financial planning, and not just be an accountant. Energy, pedagogy and a number of other specialties are also included in this list. That is, specialists graduating within the framework of the applied bachelor's program should not only have competence in a particular area, but also be able to manage technological processes and understand business processes.

When selecting the areas in which the experiment will go, we, firstly, looked at which industries and the corresponding areas of training have established themselves as high-tech. Secondly, the departments sent us their proposals, explaining in which particular specialties they were interested. And thirdly, the transition to new educational standards allows you to see what kind of competencies students need and how they relate to what schools can provide. It is important that these new competencies are correlated specifically with higher education.

Q: On what basis were educational institutions selected to participate in the program?

Remorenko: A competition was announced among educational institutions wishing to take part in the program. Each of the institutions formalized the program of the experiment, substantiated their actions and intentions. After an expert analysis of the programs, the competition commission selected thirty institutions, now, perhaps, another nineteen will be added to them. The experiment will run for four years. Students participating in it will graduate with a bachelor's degree.

Q: When will the experiment start?

Remorenko: We can say that it has already begun. Applicants will apply this summer. Now we are preparing documents, recommendations, preparing questions and answers for educational institutions. We explain, for example, that applicants to an educational institution must be informed about the start of an experiment on such and such an educational program.

I: After the usual, many continue to study further, entering the magistracy. For students in the applied baccalaureate program, will this be no problem?

Remorenko: Applied bachelor's programs are based primarily on the needs of practical activities in production, rather than on the needs research work. Therefore, it is, in fact, applied. But I must say that the magistracy is not always research. There are master's programs where a person simply masters some serious technologies for their practical application. For example, real estate law, where a narrow segment is studied in great detail. A very practical item. And in this sense, there will be no restrictions for bachelors when entering a master's program.

Q: And for those who decide to do research work?

Remorenko: And it is quite possible. After graduating from the bachelor's degree, it will be necessary to pass an exam for studying in the master's program.

Q: What is the specificity of the applied bachelor's degree? More practical training suggests, in theory, that the student should devote a very significant part of the time to getting to know the production process. Where will he do it? In enterprises?

Remorenko: In different ways. Of course, mastering technology is more important here than in conventional undergraduate programs. Now often on the basis of the educational institutions themselves there are so-called "training grounds" where you can study this or that practical activity. In addition, in advanced technical educational institutions, as a rule, a fairly large proportion of those who come from enterprises. They get a new specialty, higher education, improve their skills. And they have the opportunity to quickly master modern equipment in their production. If there is no polygon, and the students came "from the street", then contracts will be concluded with enterprises.

Q: Will the applied bachelor's degree be free?

Remorenko: We are conducting this experiment for budgetary funds, and it has nothing to do with the number of places for state employees in other departments of educational institutions.

Q: And what result, in your opinion, will mean that the experiment was a success?

Remorenko: Firstly, this is an assessment of the quality of training by the employer. They are expected to participate in expert and examination committees, evaluating how suitable new specialists are for them. Secondly, we will evaluate the extent to which such programs can be implemented in the entire network of colleges, and not just in a few dozen specially selected ones. It may turn out that out of the selected 30-40 educational institutions, ten are capable of giving a good education within this program, while others do not. But if the majority is capable, employers are satisfied, and students become interested and promising in such programs, then the applied bachelor's degree has a great future.

Q: And what is the future?

Remorenko: According to today's data, 15-20% of Russia will be able to give a diploma of higher education based on the results of training in applied bachelor's programs.

Q: What gives educational institutions themselves participation in the experiment?

Remorenko: Gives the status of a participant in the experiment, which allows you to use some additional features when positioning your programs to the consumer. Simply put, an educational institution can add to its list of taught specialties applied bachelor's degree. After all, as a rule, every good institution is now striving to enter the market and find an employer who would place orders with him to improve the skills of their specialists, especially for secondary vocational education. The crisis showed it. Quite a few organizations improved the skills of their welders, builders, etc. Participation in the experiment is an additional factor that positively works on the image of an educational institution.

I: In Russia, they are traditionally proud of a good and extensive basic education, based on which a person can choose different areas of activity. Wouldn't it turn out that the applied bachelor's degree, with its applied focus, will significantly narrow the scope of education?

Remorenko: All over the world there is a process of reducing the number of areas of training. It's the same with us. Education, on the contrary, is becoming more universal. For example, the data show that the larger and more general the name of a specialty sounds, the more children with high USE scores go there. That is, say, the technical operation and maintenance of electrical and electromechanical equipment will attract fewer applicants than mechanical engineering technologies. Indeed, in the second case, the guys have more opportunities to find something to their liking among a large set of profiles. In recent years, out of five hundred areas of training, we have made three hundred. And a number of areas of training have moved into profiles. For example, the processing of metals by pressure. That is, he will be able to process pressure, but in a different way - no. This direction turns into a profile, and the guys enter a more general metal processing, starting to specialize in the third year.

Q: Will the applied bachelor's degree programs contain subjects that are not directly related to the chosen specialty, but which allow laying the foundation for a fundamental education?

Remorenko: Such items certainly appear. They will be added to the programs of the secondary special education so that such education is a full-fledged higher education. But what disciplines and in what quantity - this remains to be seen in the course of the experiment. Experimental educational programs will be created.

Q: Will there be any public commissions that will monitor the experiment?

Remorenko: A competitive commission has been created to select educational institutions, and it will follow. It includes representatives of the Public Chamber, regions, associations of employers and other organizations.

The division into academic and applied baccalaureate appeared in Russia relatively recently - in 2009. This decision was proposed by the Ministry of Education and Science as an experiment to diversify the training of specialists at the first level of higher education. From this moment on, undergraduate students of Russian universities can master some professions in a practice-oriented and theoretical direction.

Types of bachelor's degree

Despite the fact that the educational experiment has been going on for almost ten years, not all applicants understand how the applied bachelor's degree differs from the academic one, so there are doubts whether it is worth enrolling in it and whether the diploma will be valued after graduation. Let's figure it out.


The main goal of the academic bachelor's degree is to give students deep theoretical knowledge in a specific area of ​​professional activity, to prepare them for research work. Choosing any of its programs upon admission, the applicant can focus on continuing their studies in their specialty and obtaining a master's degree.

Academic bachelor's degree is a classic version of higher education.


According to the idea of ​​the Ministry of Education and Science, applied bachelor's degree is a curriculum aimed at practical professional training. The basis of this level was a combination of the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education, aimed at mastering the utilitarian aspects of industrial specialties, and higher education standards, focused on deep theoretical training.

The task of an applied bachelor's degree is to ensure that, along with a diploma of graduation from an institute or university, a graduate receives an exhaustive comprehensive set of not only knowledge, but also the skills necessary to start working in a specialty without additional internships.

If we are talking about technical areas, then graduates with an applied bachelor's degree are positioned as high-level professionals - engineers with valuable worker skills. In the learning process, the main emphasis is on work experience, which contributes to an increase in the demand for young professionals in the labor market. According to the plans of the Ministry of Education and Science, by 2020, about 30% of university graduates will receive an applied bachelor's degree.

Directions and specialties

You can get an applied bachelor's degree in 60 areas, among which there are such popular ones among applicants as:

  • jurisprudence;
  • management;
  • tourism;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • hotel business;
  • architecture;
  • sociology;
  • choreography;
  • informatics and computer engineering;
  • economy.
A complete list of areas for preparing an applied bachelor's degree:

Since 2015, another applied bachelor's program in the specialty "" has been tested. But in 2018, admission to it stops.

What is the difference

Education in the programs of applied and academic bachelor's degree has the same duration - 4 years. Upon graduation, graduates receive equivalent diplomas of higher education, but practitioners are additionally issued a document on SVE if the study was organized on the basis of a college or technical school. There are several other fundamental differences.

Differences between applied and academic bachelor's degree:

During the first semesters, academic and applied bachelors study according to the same program. This allows students to prioritize and make informed choices about perspectives.

It is assumed that, having mastered the four-year program of a practice-oriented bachelor's degree, students will become valuable engineering, technical, social workers with fundamental theoretical training of higher education. The shortage of such specialists is now evident, and their demand is beyond doubt. Therefore, it is up to the applicant to decide what is better - applied or academic bachelor's degree, practice or theory - based on their own ideas about how a career should develop after graduation.

P.S. In March 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science, by amending Order No. 1061, approved a new list of specialties and areas of higher education training, indicating the qualifications that university graduates receive. The words “academic” and “applied” bachelor are excluded from it.

In the previous version, it was proposed to make entries in university diplomas with the specification of an academic or applied bachelor's degree graduated from a graduate.

In the current version of the order, bachelors have been unified.

The editors could not find a specific document officially announcing the end of the experiment with dividing bachelors into applied and academic students. But the leading universities of the country are already correcting the wording on their websites.

It is impossible to go to the page of the Faculty of Applied Baccalaureate of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

And in an interview with Nezavisimaya Gazeta in January 2017, Olga Vasilyeva, Minister of the then unified Ministry of Education and Science, noted:

“Applied bachelor's degree is also controversial. Today there is no consensus about the need for its widespread introduction. For example, for teachers.

In 2019, Olga Yuryevna no longer decides the fate of higher education (she headed the Ministry of Education, which oversees kindergartens, schools and colleges), but in an interview she did not voice her own point of view. And in the law on education there is not a single mention of an applied or academic bachelor's degree, so, most likely, the experiment, if not completed, then entered the stage of suspended animation.

In accordance with the current legislation, there are several levels of higher education:

  • postgraduate studies;
  • magistracy;
  • academic and applied bachelor's degree.

What is the difference?

In accordance with the federal state standards of higher education, which came into force in September 2014, the bachelor now has the opportunity to qualify for an academic or applied bachelor. Thus, in addition to the until recently traditional academic qualification, the so-called applied bachelor's degree has also appeared, in connection with which many people still do not know what this qualification is and what are the main differences between them.

Features of the academic form of education

Until recently, many doubted that by enrolling in the "bachelor's" form of study, it is possible, in principle, to obtain an interesting diploma of higher education. Today, many are already asking another question: “What to choose - an academic bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree?” But first of all, it is worth considering what it generally exists for. given form learning.


Bachelor's degree is a form of higher education that has traditionally existed in Europe, as well as the United States and other developed countries. In the advanced countries of Asia, it was accepted only at the end of the last century, while Russia decided to join the Bologna Convention, as well as to commit itself to a complete transition to this education system in 2003. It is for this reason that since 2011 the more traditional for our country form of education such as “specialist” has practically been replaced by a new one, and the list of professions where it remains is constantly shrinking.


The question of what applied baccalaureate means in itself began to appear relatively recently, when a decree was issued in 2009 to start an experiment aimed at developing a similar form of education in various educational institutions.

This form of education has a base in the form of various educational programs of higher education, which are primarily focused on obtaining extremely serious theoretical training in combination with secondary specialized education programs aimed at providing students with practical skills directly at work. However, since 2014 with the introduction new form learning, many have wondered what it means to apply and academic bachelor's degree.

Who is a bachelor?

A bachelor is a graduate of a broad profile university, that is, he is provided with a complete base of all the skills and knowledge that a person with a higher education should have, including both fundamental training and various humanitarian disciplines.

However, some highly specialized subjects taught to specialists exclusively in the fifth year, the bachelor will not study at all, because he can already get all these skills and knowledge directly at the enterprise, that is, working in a specific position. It is far from a secret that the specific training offered at the senior courses of modern universities often does not meet the demands put forward by employers, as a result of which, in the vast majority of cases, it is necessary to re-train on new equipment or production lines. From this point of view, there is a difference between an applied and an academic bachelor's degree, because in the first case, much more is provided. practical knowledge to every student.

At the same time, in accordance with the basic meaning of the academic form, it is sometimes better to get universal training and carefully master the basics before starting to work.

How does it help in the future?

Bachelors who have a good fundamental background behind them can successfully work in almost any engineering or economic areas, as a result of which they already receive a narrower specialized education in accordance with the needs of a particular enterprise or organization.

The new level system of training, present in modern universities, allows each person to choose the most optimal personal educational trajectory in accordance with their own life situation, as well as intellectual and financial capabilities or certain professional interests. Do not forget that after a person receives a diploma of higher education, and also acquires the qualification "bachelor", he has the opportunity to continue his studies in the magistracy.

How does he work?

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Science and Education, more than 50% of the total labor intensity educational program in this case, they are exclusively practical classes, which is significantly more compared to how the academic bachelor's program is conducted. In connection with this fact, it is definitely impossible to say which is better - applied or academic bachelor's degree, as they have their pros and cons.

Orientation to practice in this case is additionally expressed in the fact that bachelors are trained for certain enterprises of various industries, as a result of which, in the process of compiling and further implementing the educational program, the wishes of specific employers will also be taken into account. The program used in the applied type of bachelor's program has a standard development period of four years, during which students are provided with practical training that is oriented towards practice and is typical for various educational institutions of secondary specialized education. At the same time, professional theoretical training is provided, for which the academic bachelor's degree is famous. Thus, considering what is better - applied or academic bachelor's degree, first of all, it is worth starting from the student's goals, as well as the field of activity that interests him.

Why is this needed?

Some professions have become much more complicated over the past few years, and if earlier it was customary to require exclusively technical skills from mid-level specialists, in our time you also need to have a significant theoretical base. In the overwhelming majority of cases, all kinds of colleges or technical schools do not provide an opportunity to provide training for specialists at this level, while university graduates who have received a good academic base for several years have little experience in real production conditions. That is why, thinking about what is better - a bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree, many choose the second option, since it was introduced as a new qualitative level of existing higher education.

It was created with the aim of combining the efforts of the secondary professional and high school adopting only the most important forms of theoretical and practical training. We continue to consider applied bachelor's and bachelor's programs. Their differences lie in the fact that in the applied form, along with a diploma of higher education, the student receives the maximum of skills and knowledge that are required to start working in their specialty without the need for any additional internships.

How does this happen?

In the same way as in the case of the standard form of education, after the training, the graduate is awarded a diploma and a bachelor's degree. In what else are applied bachelor's and bachelor's programs different? Their differences lie in the fact that in the applied form the student is provided with a certain qualification category for any specific or several different professions.

Thus, an applied bachelor is a specialized educational qualification provided to those students who have fully completed the program top level education at the undergraduate level. At the same time, understanding what is better - a bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree, it should be noted that in the applied form after graduation, the student has the competence to solve all kinds of technological problems in various socio-economic areas, and can begin professional activity immediately after graduation. The only difference in this case is a much larger amount of practical training, in connection with which the student is given the qualification of a worker or a certain position of an employee in his chosen profile.

What are the benefits?

To this day, many do not understand what a bachelor's degree and an applied bachelor's degree are. What is the difference between them was described above, and then the advantages of the application form should be considered.

Of course, the main advantage is that the training of highly qualified specialists, focused primarily on practice, is provided. It is assumed that those students who can complete a four-year program of study in this form will ultimately be good practitioners with a good theoretical background, corresponding to higher education, and that is why many people think about what to choose - an academic bachelor's degree or an applied bachelor's degree.

It is in such specialists that all employers are interested today, who are actively involved in the development process curricula. It also distinguishes between undergraduate and applied undergraduate studies. What is the difference between these forms can also be expressed in the fact that in the latter case, a specialist is trained for a specific job using in-demand technologies and is almost guaranteed to have a job immediately after graduation.

Thus, for a particular employer, it is extremely important to have such a form of training, if he is ready to take part in the training of specialists, knows what kind of workers he needs for this moment and which ones may be needed in the long run.

What about science?

First of all, researchers often think about the difference between an applied bachelor's degree and a bachelor's degree. In this case, the possibility of further education is also provided, that is, if desired, the graduate can enter the magistracy in the future. However, the main difference from this point of view is that the applier must first of all go to the production for which he was prepared, and not to science.

Other differences

It is also worth noting a few other facts about the difference between an applied bachelor's degree and a bachelor's degree. The applied form of education completely eliminates the social gap that has formed between working professions, as well as the increased social status inherent in graduates of higher educational institutions. Approximately by 2018, more than 30% of university students will be enrolled in applied bachelor's programs, and at the same time, about 50% of secondary specialized education programs that exist today can be transformed into them.

What does an applied bachelor's degree mean for a modern student? This is an excellent prospect for students who are going to work in applied fields in the future.