Communication is what runs our world. And it is also one of the most important skills to master. Whether you want to be more relaxed with other people or want to be better at expressing your ideas at work, here are some tips to help you get there.

Watch your body language

Tell the interlocutor that you are glad to see him, and cross your arms over your chest? Or say that you are listening to him carefully, and you are stuck on the phone? If this is about you, then you should definitely take care of your body language. Our gestures influence our conversation just as much, if not more so, than our words. Learn to control your gestures. Some on Lifehacker can help you with this.

"Uh", "mmm" - not the most best words in order to carry on a conversation. You try to get rid of awkward pauses with their help, but you only make it worse. Start by tracking these words to get rid of them once and for all. These pauses are much less noticeable than you think.

Prepare some topics for conversation

Situations when you need to exchange a few words with a person happen often. And it’s good if you are naturally sociable and do not suffer from isolation. If it’s difficult to come up with a topic for conversation, use the following topics for conversation:

  1. A family.
  2. Profession.
  3. Entertainment, hobby.
  4. Dreams.

These topics make up the FORD method (family, occupation, recreation, dreams). Ask the interlocutor about it, and your small conversation will turn into an interesting conversation.

Tell a story

Just don't say that you have a boring life and there is not a single interesting history. Sometimes stories that seem ordinary to us can make a splash. It will help you improve your storytelling skills.

Don't be afraid to ask questions

Ask the interlocutor about his plans for the summer, about work, about children. In the end, put yourself in his place and think about what question you would like to hear. Come up with? Feel free to ask.

Also, don't be afraid to ask again if you don't hear something. This is much better than saying “uh huh” and then realizing that you were asked about your favorite movie.

Do not be distructed

We know how much you love your smartphone, but don't let your interlocutor know about it. It seems to me that there is nothing worse when, during your story, the interlocutor is stuck in a smartphone. Once again, put yourself in the place of the interlocutor and understand that the smartphone will wait.

Remember your audience

The audience may be different. These could be your co-workers, your child's friends from kindergarten or friends at a party. One thing is for sure: the style of your speech should be different in all three cases. You will not wield complex words to convey your message to children. And also you will not grimace and amuse your employees at work. Choose the style that suits your audience.

Be clear

Do not pour excess water during a conversation. At this point, you need to know the measure. On the one hand, epithets, descriptions and various metaphors can beautify your speech and make it more interesting. On the other hand, excessive length will make your conversation muddy and incomprehensible to the interlocutor. Therefore, be moderately clear, precise and concise.

Empathize and put yourself in the other person's shoes

If you try to put yourself in the place of the interlocutor, then you can already say in advance that you understand how to behave in a conversation. This technique will make the conversation more relaxed and remove the awkwardness that often occurs when your points of view do not agree.


Nothing could be more important than this. Listening, really listening, is not the easiest task, but the effort spent on mastering it will pay off with interest. And if you meet the same listening person, your conversation will definitely become interesting.

We all know the art of communication, which means that each of us has our own methods to make the conversation more interesting. Share them in the comments!


A person who has to speak in public needs to resolutely fight against all kinds of speech defects. If you have them, do not hesitate to contact a speech therapist, despite your adult age. The opinion that these specialists work only with children is fundamentally erroneous.

The lecturer's voice, sounding on one note, does not paint. Often the speaker does not notice the monotony of speech. Record it with a tape recorder or computer, and then listen to it. If you speak in a monotone, you will immediately notice it. Be sure to learn how to change the tone of your voice from the beginning to the end of a sentence, depending on whether it is affirmative or interrogative.

Correctly coordinate words within a sentence, even if it is complex.

If you don't know the meaning of a word, either learn it or refrain from using the word. Never take liberties in the use of phraseological units. Before using any of them, find out how it sounds exactly. Also, don't use adjectives in relation to nouns that don't fit them.

Improvement colloquial speech impossible without taking into account the experience of others. Read and listen to well-written texts, and you won’t notice how you start speaking better.

Finally, never read text from a sheet of paper, laptop screen, phone. Make a short presentation plan to look into it occasionally, and remember the rest. Before the lecture, be sure to conduct a rehearsal to be sure that you remember everything well.

Competent intelligible speech with a well-trained voice is a prerequisite for the success of a person in a public profession: a journalist, teacher, leader of any level. Yes, and many others will not hurt to work on their diction and literacy.


First of all, you need to learn how to pronounce words correctly. For example, a common mistake is to pronounce the word "museum" as "museum". In common words, the consonant is pronounced softly, but in scientific terms and highly specialized words, for example, in the word "grotesque", the consonant remains firm.

The combination of the sounds "h" and "n" is usually pronounced like that. However, in some areas you can often hear the old pronunciation (not "birdhouse", but "birdhouse"). This is vernacular and nothing more.

When constructing a speech, it is important that it be easy and clear to pronounce. It should not be heaps of hard-to-pronounce words, participle turns, speech should be rhythmic, long words alternate with short ones. It is much easier to perceive speech in which vowels and consonants are evenly distributed. Get rid of obscure words, meaningless expressions in your speech.

No wonder they say that it is better to think and say than to say without thinking. Few people manage to control their speech without deliberation. To develop this property in yourself, you need to expand your horizons and develop erudition. Various word games, brainstorming, quizzes contribute to this.

Rid your speech of unnecessary emotions. This does not mean at all that you need to pronounce words like a robot. Excessive emotionality subconsciously causes rejection in the listener. At the same time, try to make your words more expressive. To do this, you need to learn how to place accents, changing the tone and timbre of the voice. Practice on poetry. Do it hypertrophied, deliberately highlighting all semantic pauses, words that carry the main meaning of the sentence. Remember how in school you drew a sentence diagram, indicating with an arrow whether to raise your voice or lower it.

Learn to control your breathing when speaking. You should have time to rest during the pause. Singing helps a lot in this regard. Contact an experienced vocal teacher. Your arrival will not surprise him at all, because many public people regularly take vocal lessons to free themselves from clamps, develop the depth of their voice and the ability to control it.

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Modern laptops have a very high performance potential. Of course, their price is also high. In case you want to get the most out of your computer, but still have a budget laptop, you should pay attention to parameters such as performance and temperature in order to. Follow a few simple steps and you can really improve work laptop.


Get rid of those processes that turn on at autorun and then run in the background. You still rarely use them and hardly remember them, but they have a significant impact on your system. Use the Loonies Admint program to clean autorun from unnecessary programs, as well as to disable programs that you do not need in this moment. Also, you can use File Explorer to disable processes.

Disable all visual effects of your shell operating system. They serve solely for aesthetic purposes, very rarely they are functionally useful, while they take up most of the computer's RAM. By getting rid of them, you can save a certain amount of resources that you can use for applications and programs.

Use the cooling pad for laptop. The problem with most laptops is that they heat up, regardless of where they are placed - on a soft or hard surface. By using a cooling pad, you will reduce the temperature of your computer by at least twenty percent, which will positively affect its performance.

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One of the key points in the development of the child is the full possession of speech. There are rules for every age. If the baby does not speak well, do not despair, there are special exercises that you can do to “talk a silent person”.

You will need

  • Puzzles, mosaics, plasticine, children's books


Ask the child questions, clarify what exactly he wanted to say. Do not fulfill the desires of the baby, guessing them by gestures, otherwise he will not be motivated to put his thoughts into words. Don't imitate baby talk. The child must hear competent speech and learn the correct pronunciation.

For small silent children, games that develop fine motor skills are very useful to improve speech. Constructors, puzzles, mosaics, plasticine modeling - these exciting activities have a positive effect on the development of a child's speech. Do finger gymnastics for your baby: massage each finger, accompanying the exercise with funny poems (thief magpie).

Read books to your child as often as possible. Children's reading should be varied: poems, fairy tales, stories, children's encyclopedias. This will expand vocabulary child and make speech more expressive. Discuss what you have read and ask them to retell the story in their own words. Such reading will become conscious and bring the greatest benefit!

Learn by heart poems, songs and tongue twisters. Such activities train memory, improve diction, and also help the child learn to speak clearly and beautifully. There are special verses for the development of speech, read and repeat them with your child.

For problems with pronunciation, there are simple exercises that will help improve children's speech. It is enough to do them for 5-10 minutes a day. Ask your child to do the following:
- lick the upper lip with the tongue;
- click your tongue like a horse clatters its hooves;
- open your mouth wide and touch your upper teeth with your tongue.
As a result, the mobility of the speech organs will improve and the frenulum will stretch.

If the speech problems are severe enough that the child barely speaks or does not pronounce most of the sounds, seek help from a speech therapist. The specialist will examine the child and select an individual training program for him.


Pay attention to the children's diet. Do not get carried away with soft food, for proper diction, the tongue and jaw of the child must be well developed. Add apples and other hard fruits to the menu: active chewing will help strengthen the jaws, and the child's speech quality will noticeably improve.

You will need


You can start with the simplest: instead of words, memorize whole phrases and repeat them out loud. Such an exercise will be useful for those who are just starting to learn the language. If you learn words separately, then you may find yourself in a difficult situation, since in practice it will take you time to think about how to make a sentence with the learned words. At the initial stage, you can memorize phrases that you will often use in Everyday life, for example, useful phrases for talking on the phone. Having learned whole phrases, it will be much easier for you to communicate in English, because you will not need to think about how to connect words together, you will immediately use phrases.

In order to learn how to speak, you also need to listen to a lot of English speech. After all, in real life if you are chatting with someone foreign language It is very important to understand the interlocutor. If you don't understand it, how can you answer it? Watching movies and listening to the radio, you will memorize the correct pronunciation of words and get used to English speech. Try to choose films or shows where you can hear native English speakers.

Another way to improve your own speaking is to read. English Literature aloud. In this case, you will not need to think about how to compose sentences, but focus on pronunciation of words and setting the correct intonation in sentences. You can memorize poems in English and recite them out loud to yourself in front of a mirror. You can also try reading first and then retelling short texts and stories. If you forget any words when retelling, try to use others, try to explain everything in your own words.

Finally, you can use various Internet resources to practice spoken English. There are quite a few different sites where you can find an interlocutor who is a native speaker of English and practice speaking. If you are practicing with a native speaker, be sure to ask them to correct your mistakes, so you will quickly learn to speak proper English. To learn to speak English at the native level, you need to practice a lot. Try to study regularly, spending at least 30 minutes a day practicing speaking.

Communication is our tool to connect with the world. Through conversation, we convey our thoughts to other people and try to understand the words they said. But, unfortunately, not every person is given the opportunity to reach people's hearts with the help of speech. To improve your communication skills and feel at ease in society, you need to know only five simple rules.

Your life story is more interesting than you think

To win over people, you need to open yourself to them. The best way is to tell about yourself. There is no need to express ourselves in general phrases that we are taught to talk about ourselves in English lessons. Think of a funny or unusual story in your life. Start telling and you yourself will not notice how you remember another and another. Of course, you shouldn’t delve into the depths and turn your life inside out, but a couple of examples from personal experience not prevent.

A good listener is worth its weight in gold

Don't be afraid to ask questions. Most people love to have their life taken care of. If you don't know where to start, ask questions that you yourself would like to hear. Plans for the summer, work, family. Even the most traveled topics can be very important for your interlocutor. Do not forget that the most important thing in communication, especially if you ask questions, is the ability to listen. Do not treat the interlocutor with discontent about his constant whining, do not be distracted by checking SMS on your phone, do not switch the subject. Let the interlocutor speak, having carefully listened to him, and you will win the trust of one more person.

Different audience - different terms

Always be mindful of who surrounds you at the moment. If you are at a corporate party, then you should not go into the details of your personal life. At meetings with friends, do not delve into stories about work. At a formal meeting, forget about your desires, speak only on the topic. Choose the style of your communication based on the environment.

Body language as a direct key to success

Don't forget about body language, which can say a lot about you. If you say that you are ready for a frank conversation, and you yourself cross your legs and arms on your chest, the interlocutor may misunderstand you and even be offended. Gestures can sometimes say more than words, so it's worth reading the literature to help you learn how to use body and words in conjunction.

Excellent knowledge of English grammar and a solid vocabulary does not guarantee ease of communication. Moreover, people often experience a psychological barrier and cannot start a conversation. Exactly colloquial is necessary for communication in the first place, and it is quite possible to increase its level on your own.

You will need

  • - the Internet;
  • - television;
  • - books;
  • - press.


Chat with native speakers via Skype. You can find friends on the Internet, or team up with those who want to learn Russian. Have daily conversations, first in one language, then in another. So you can improve your level of spoken English absolutely free of charge, as well as find good friends abroad.

Register on an English-language Internet forum dedicated to topics of interest to you. Just read the posts first. Try to understand all unfamiliar words, draw conclusions regarding the manner of presentation of thoughts, understand abbreviations, set expressions, slang. When most of the information becomes clear to you, start writing yourself.

Everyone understands that a person who knows how to pronounce a speech competently makes a favorable impression. He is more successful and achieves his goals more easily. That is why many people have a question: how to develop competent speech?

You want to listen to a beautiful speech endlessly, but from an illiterate speech you want to close your ears and run as quickly as possible.

People with developed intellect and in essence interesting personalities However, not everyone knows how to express their feelings, thoughts and emotions in words.

Well-delivered speech is not a natural gift, it must be trained. Even without intending to become a professional speaker, these skills will come in handy in everyday life.

There are some rules that help improve the quality of speech:

How to develop literate speech - a few simple ways

1) Read literature on various topics: magazines, books, newspapers. Re-read the Russian classics, and read slowly, thinking about each sentence. So you will learn how to correctly build words in sentences and increase your vocabulary.

2) Try to eliminate the following words from your vocabulary:“in general”, “well”, “as it were”, “damn”, “well, this”, etc. Do not express strong emotions in conversation. Use simple phrases and take your time.

3) Be sure to follow the pace of speech. Monotonous conversation causes a feeling of boredom. At certain moments, pause, slightly highlight emotions.

4) To develop literate speech, use various metaphors during a conversation., proverbs, comparisons. This will give liveliness to your speech. Humor, to joke in an appropriate situation, is never out of place.

5) To train your speech, you need to have a wide range of communication. In the absence of such, a TV or radio will do. Try to imitate your favorite TV presenter: repeat his phrases, copy intonation.

6) As an exercise, you can apply following method: you need to take some household item, and try to describe it on literary language. Gradually increase the duration of the workout and complicate the topic. At first, this process will cause you obvious difficulties, but each time it will become easier. This kind of training will allow you to quickly learn to quickly select the most appropriate words in a short time and you will be able to talk about this common subject for an hour without repeating a phrase already spoken.

And so, gradually answering the question: “How to develop competent speech?” and gradually replenishing your vocabulary, applying the acquired knowledge in colloquial speech, you will understand that you have finally gained power over words, and now they will serve you.

You need to get information everywhere: from articles, books, newspapers, the Internet. Learn the meaning of words unknown to you, practice correct pronunciation.

A few months later, after this kind of training, you will not have problems with expressing your thoughts in a conversation. You can easily in plain language explain the essence of complex things.

Beautiful, correct speech is a necessary attribute of a successful man. Why is it so important to develop speech for an adult if he has certain problems with it? Maybe not bother and continue to communicate at the same level? It is better, of course, to improve your skills. I'll explain why.

Firstly, with correct, confident speech, efficiency in communication immediately increases. It becomes easier to negotiate with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

Secondly, in a pickup truck, this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you do it."

How to develop correct and beautiful speech for an adult

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing to do is visit a speech therapist. With the help of a doctor, you can quickly correct the situation in better side. He will give recommendations on how to work on correcting speech.

If you do not have obvious defects, then you can enroll in a school of oratory. They teach you how to speak and speak confidently in public, to interest the audience so that people listen to you with enthusiasm. Of course, it costs money, and often tangible. But in the end, you will rise to a new level in life, and the fees for these courses will be beaten off more than once. Such schools operate in most major cities.

How to develop good speech

In order to develop competent speech, you will have to work hard. You can take the first steps yourself:

Reading fiction . An extremely useful lesson in which you learn the correct and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new vocabulary, a subtle sense of humor and much more. After a conscious reading of several books, you can already feel a certain result.

Watching Public Speaking famous people . Choose the person who impresses you the most in terms of beauty and literacy of speech. This may be a politician, a business coach or a person of any other profession related to publicity. Watch recordings of his performances, memorize the moments you liked and impressed most. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home workout:

In addition to the above tips, you can perform specific exercises at home that will help you in oratory. Important conditions for successful development are methodicalness, diligence and awareness of what you are doing at the moment.

#1 Reading tongue twisters. Where do without them. One of the most productive and popular exercises for the development of speech, which has a positive effect on articulation. To get started, choose a few tongue twisters to work out different sounds. Each tongue twister should be carefully worked on, bringing its pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading aloud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedy, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and sentences with correct intonation and expression.

#4 Keyword story. To do this, write out a few words that are not related to each other, and use them to come up with a short story on the go. This exercise develops logical thinking and ingenuity.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose a topic, throw in a short conversation plan. The purpose of this exercise is the ability to competently conduct a conversation, captivate your interlocutor, acquire persuasion skills in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the rest of the article, are the tip of the iceberg. But even with the help of this information, you got the basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you complete the exercises above, then your communication skills will improve markedly.