Lesson of the world around GEF in grade 3

on the topic: "The Importance of the Sun for Life on Earth"

Textbook N.F. Vinogradova "The World Around". Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf" 2008.

primary school teacher: Ivanova Olga Viktorovna

MOU "Basic comprehensive school" r.p. Turki, Saratov region

Goals: give the concept of the Sun as a source of light and heat;

determine that the Sun is the center of the solar system;

talk about the importance of the Sun for life on Earth;

develop the ability to express their thoughts, prove, draw conclusions;

foster camaraderie, responsibility, cooperation in groups;

Lesson type : lesson - study,

Methods : problematic, partially exploratory, visual,reproductive, playful, critical thinking through reading and writing (Association,Insert. While reading the text, it is necessary to make notes in the margins, and after reading the text, fill in the table)

Equipment: book, presentation for the lesson

Skills:understand the need to comply with the rules of safe behavior, formulate the simplest conclusions based on the material studied, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions.Regulatory UUD:accept and maintain the learning task, plan the necessary actions, evaluate their achievements, be aware of the difficulties that arise, look for the causes and ways to overcome them.Cognitive UUD: understanding the information presented in the pictorial, model scheme, the implementation of comparison operations for solving educational problems, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.Communicative UUD:the ability to enter into an educational dialogue with a teacher, classmates, to participate in a general conversation, observing the rules of speech etiquette, to carry out joint activities, taking into account specific educational and cognitive tasks, the ability to build small monologues.Personal UUD: a positive attitude to learning, to cognitive activity, the desire to acquire new knowledge, to be aware of difficulties and strive to overcome them, the ability to self-evaluate their actions, deeds, interest and respect for nature.Subject UUD: the ability to find answers to the teacher's questions, based on models and illustrations, the enrichment of natural history, the assimilation of natural history concepts at a practical level.

Tasks: to organize the activities of children to get acquainted with the Sun, as the nearest star;

Contribute to the realization that the Earth cannot exist without sunlight and heat.

LESSON EQUIPMENT: text of a fairy tale about the moon and the sun, evaluation sheet, cards for group work, presentation.

I organizational moment.

Psychological mood of students.

Guys, I really want to tell you a fairy taleabout the sun and the moon.

Somehow the sun and the moon argued. They didn't even argue, they just fought.

Go away, - said the Sun to the Moon, why are you needed? You can't give people anything but a dull, matte glow. My iridescent and cheerful, sun glare gives the world and affection, and warmth, and life to all life on earth. Leave! The earth can live without your dark and dull light!

The moon was offended, and, of course, left. She hid behind a smoky mountain, deciding to spend her life in a whitish fog, so as not to disturb anyone with her unnecessary sparkle.

Eternal Eden of light and warmth reigned on earth. Trees began to bear fruit more often, delighting with unprecedented harvests. began to smell incredibly - captivatingly fragrant. Animals, birds, all living things around - played with a fantastic, incomparable range of colors and colors.

The shining idyll of eternally bright light on earth, of course, after a while, began to bring its own harm. Some trees and shrubs - began to die from the debilitating light. Many animals and birds could not find the long-awaited shade and coolness to escape from the scorching sun. And then, the stupid Sun found the Moon and said:

Forgive me, but not for the fact that I drove you away .... And not for the fact that I forbade you to come to earth in your turn ... Just forgive me that I did not love you before, for what you are eat....

Guys, what can you say about the main character of this fairy tale - the Sun?

(When the sun shines, we get in the mood,the sun gives life to our planet. However, sometimes the sun can burn our Earth very hard and then the drought begins).

Why does a person often call him "the sun", what is the reason for this?

(Man loves the sun very much)

How did you feel after listening to the story? Choose images that reflect your emotions.

- You already guessed whatWill we talk in class today?

That's right, today I will tell you about the Sun and its significance for life on Earth,

II. Repetition of what was learned earlier.

1. Frontal survey. (Reception "Brainstorm")

1. Which planet in the solar system is the largest?

2. What is the smallest planet in the solar system?

    Which planet has a flat luminous ring?

4. What celestial body is not a planet?

5. Does the temperature on the surface of the planets depend on the distance from the Sun?

2.Individual survey.

    The world from an astronomer's point of view.

    A natural celestial body that accompanies a planet.

    A red-hot cosmic body that radiates light and heat.

    The science of cosmic bodies.







III. Motivation of educational activity.

- What do you think, without which there can be no life on Earth?

Imagine that the Sun has disappeared from our sky, what will happen on Earth then? (Problem situation)

But whether this can happen, you will find out at the end of our lesson.

IV Setting the goal of the lesson.

Since ancient times, mysterious and distant, shrouded in veils of secrets, our daylight has attracted the attention of scientists. Today we will try to follow in the footsteps of scientists and answer some questions related to this mysterious celestial body.

What task shall we set for ourselves?

Could life exist if there were no solar heat and light?

Let's formulate the topic of the lesson "The Importance of the Sun for Life on Earth.

V. Organization of perception and comprehension of new information.

First of all, we need to understand what is the sun?

The sun is the mighty source of all life on Earth. Without sunlight and heat, not a single living being - neither man, nor animal, nor insect - could live.
Solar heat is the source of all work, or, as they say, energy, on Earth.

Within one minute, make in your notebooks all the associations to the word sun.

(holidays, heat, pancake, dandelion, luminary, summer, rest, hero)

Outcome : you all picked the right words.

Fizminutka: astronomical rhyme (in presentation)

Today in the lesson we will be researchers. We will find out why the seasons change on Earth. Consider the scheme of thermal zones of the earth. Why is there day and night on our planet?

Who are the researchers?

(these are the discoverers of new knowledge, these are experimenters, evidence miners)

- work in groups

Tell me, please, how did you spend this weekend? Riding a bike, sunbathing or in snowballs, sculpted a snowman? What clothes do you put on before going out?

It turns out that we do so many interesting things every day, based on the time of year. In the summer we relax in nature, in the fall we collect a herbarium from leaves, in the winter we go skating and skiing, and in the spring we throw off warm clothes and enjoy the gentle sun. Every season brings something different and new. Every season changes our way of life, view , affects walking and entertainment.

So, you are researchers, your task is to read the article and find the answer to the question: How does the seasons change. Remember the rules for working in groups.

We speak politely
call the interlocutor by name,
we speak in turn, without interrupting each other,
listening carefully
if it is not clear, ask the partner again,
expressing our opinion clearly
keep order on the desk,
respect the opinion of the interlocutor.

Children work with the article using technologyInsert.While reading the text, it is necessary to make notes in the margins, and after reading the text, fill in the table

(+) learned something new

I already knew, the material is familiar to me

(?) not very clear, I want to know more

(!) I do not agree with this

Task for the second group: Scheme of the thermal zones of the earth. Read in the textbook on page 17 about the equatorial belt and tell us why it is always warm there: both in winter and in summer.

Task for the third group: change of day and night

Experiment with a lamp and a globe. Pay attention to which side of the globe is lit and which is in shadow.

The report on the progress of the study will be entered in the table:The value of the Sun for life on Earth

Work on the table on the board. The report is made by the group leaders

change of seasons (1 group)

The Earth is in the Sun's orbit not directly, but at an angle, the Earth's axis and the Sun's orbit form an angle of 23 degrees 27 minutes. And it turns out that one hemisphere is always closer to the Sun, and the second is farther. Therefore, one is summer, and the other is winter.

thermal zones of the earth (group 2)

Due to the uneven heating of our planet by the Sun and the distribution on the earth's surface, the climates of the Earth are very differentEquatorial climate zone. This type of climate is characterized by the dominance of equatorial during the whole year. On the days of the spring (March 21) and autumn (September 21) equinoxes, the Sun stands at its zenith and strongly heats the Earth. The air temperature in this climatic zone is constant (+24-28°C).

change of day and night (3rd group)

Rotating around its imaginary axis, the Earth turns to the Sun on one side (here is day). At this time on the other side of the Earth is night

It is not clear at all - red color,

We must repeat it again - yellow,

Everything is easy and simple - green

Conclusion: The Sun is a mighty source of life on Earth. Without sunlight and heat, not a single living being, neither man nor animal, could live. The sun's heat is used to warm the earth's surface. Without this, our planet would freeze, it would be cold. When heated, the earth's surface gives off part of the heat to the air ocean surrounding it - the atmosphere.

VI . Consolidation of educational material.

Recall what we learned at the circle "I am a researcher"

We performed the following experiment: we planted garlic in two pots and placed the plants in different places: one in a dark closet, and the other on the windowsill. They were watered regularly. A few days later we compared them, it turned out that in a dark place the plant did not even germinate, but in a bright place it gave good shoots. This can be seen in the photo.

1.Differentiated independent work .

Game "Put in order the planets of the solar system"attached to lesson

2. Work in pairs:

Task number 15 in the workbook. "Conditions of Life on Earth"

Mutual verification.

Raise your hands, who managed to complete the task without errors? And who made a mistake?

3. The game "Solar objects". Creative task

- Try to answer the questions and justify your answer.

Ø What day of the week can be called sunny?

Ø Name the sunniest month of the year.

Ø The sunniest flower?

Ø The sunniest event in a person's life?

Ø The sunniest animal? Insect? Bird?

Ø The sunniest quality?

- teacher's word

For a very long time, people have considered the Sun holy and righteous. The sun warms the earth into which the grain is thrown, a green stalk stretches towards the sun, under the sun it turns into a spikelet of bread. Ancient man imagined the sun in the form of a fiery wheel that rolled from the sky. And the life of all living things depends on this solar path in the sky. The sun was revered by everyone - both children and adults. It was considered a sin to point a finger at the sun, to spit in the direction of the sun, to throw stones.

Many fairy tales, miracles, beliefs are connected with the Sun.

Children call the "sun" an insect (ladybug). When clouds appear in the sky, the ladybug was planted on the palm of your hand and said:

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window

Your kids are asking for candy!

If the ladybug rushes up, the sun will soon come out, and if it only spreads its wings a little, then the clouds will cover the sun.

Remember the beginning of our lesson.Life on Earth without the Sun is impossible: if the Sun stops shining, then green plants will die, since they cannot live without heat and light; animals and people will have nothing to eat. All living things will freeze from the unbearable cold. However, this will not happen, since the Sun is a star that radiates a lot of heat and light into space. Its diameter is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, but in the sky we see the Sun small, since the distance to it from the Earth is 150 million km. The temperature of the solar surface is 6000 degrees, and near the center - 15 million degrees. Scientists estimate that the Sun will shine for billions more http://konkurs.site/

The sun is a source of heat and light, without which the emergence and existence of life on our planet would be impossible. Without the Sun, there would be no green meadows, shady forests and rivers, flowering gardens, grain fields on Earth, neither man, nor animals, nor plants could exist.

The sun is the greatest thing that human eyes can see
Robert Davydov

The significance of the Sun for life on Earth has been felt by man since ancient times. But to primitive people the Sun seemed to be some kind of supernatural being. It was deified by almost all peoples of antiquity. Our ancestors, the Slavs, worshiped the god of the sun's rays - Yarila, and the ancient Romans had the god of the Sun - Apollo. Kings and princes, in order to exalt their power, tried to instill in people the idea of ​​their origin from the god of the Sun.

The sun contains a huge amount of energy. Only about one half of a billionth of this energy reaches the Earth. But it is thanks to her that the water cycle occurs on Earth, the winds blow, life has developed and is developing. However, there are downsides to this seemingly positive phenomenon. Holes in the ozone layer of the atmosphere, radiation devoid of at least minimal protection, all this causes certain inconveniences and serious problems that do not allow you to fully enjoy the benefits and benefits that the Sun can give. Premature aging of the skin, redness, burns of the skin and retina, unsightly spots, loss of consciousness during the so-called "sunstroke" and even an increased risk of getting cancer - all this can be caused by too much exposure to the Sun.

And yet, we need the sun in order to get the maximum anti-stress effect from sunbathing while lying on the beach, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, our skin produces vitamin D, which prevents calcium from being washed out of bones and teeth, protects the heart and blood vessels and prevents the occurrence of certain cancers. . Thanks to vitamin D, melanin is evenly distributed in the skin, and it gets an even tan.

American scientists have found that sunlight can help treat skin diseases by activating the immune system in the superficial layers of the skin. When exposed to sunlight, certain skin cells convert vitamin D3 into its active form, according to a new study. This triggers the migration of immune system T cells, which destroy infected cells and regulate other immune processes.

Sunlight stimulates the production of endorphins, "pleasure hormones", which is why sunlight is considered to be the best natural antidepressant. Its positive influence also extends to the sphere of interpersonal relationships: while the cold encourages us to "close", the sun, on the contrary, "opens" us in relation to the outside world, to those around us. It is for this reason that in the summer it is easier for us to make new contacts, make new friends.

In a word (or more than one), you need to know the measure in everything, and then the Sun, which is so necessary for us at any time of the day and year, will be an affectionate and reliable friend, giving us life and enjoying its sunbeams.

Target: to form an idea about the Sun, about the dependence of the life of plants, animals, people on solar heat and light; find out why the air temperature changes at different times of the day; learn to observe the height of the sun; continue to form love for the native nature, respect for the traditions of the Ukrainian people to honor the Sun.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season

It's all around ... (nature)

II. Repetition of what has been learned

1. Frontal survey. (Reception "Brainstorm")

1. And what is nature? Look out the window. What do you see there? (Trees, sky, clouds, rain, earth, etc.)

2. What belongs to inanimate nature?

3. What belongs to wildlife?

4. What objects of inanimate nature and wildlife do you have at home?

5. Name the objects that a person created using the gifts of nature?

6. Why is it necessary to protect, love and respect nature?

(At this time, one student at the blackboard performs the task: distribute pictures into two groups - wildlife and inanimate nature, in one of the pictures an object that does not belong to nature. How will the student solve this problem?)

What riddles about animate and inanimate nature did you manage to find?

2. Exercise "Forecaster".

Ø What season is it now?

Ø What date and month?

Ø What day is today?

Ø What is the state of the sky?

Ø Was there wind when you walked to school? What about precipitation?

III. Motivation of educational activity.

§ Guessing riddles, discussing them

Well, which one of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes? (Sun)

balloon, golden

Stopped over the river

Swinged over the water

And then he disappeared behind the forest. (The sun)

What do you think, without which there can be no life on Earth?

Imagine that the Sun has disappeared from our sky, what will happen on Earth then? (Problem situation)

But whether this can happen, you will find out at the end of our lesson.

IV. Message topic, lesson objectives

Have you already guessed what will be discussed in today's lesson?

That's right, today I will tell you about the Sun and its significance for life on Earth, how it heats during the day and how our ancestors treated the sun.

V. Learning new material

1. The game "Gifts of the Sun" (reception "Associative Bush")

On the board is a big sun. Children should name what the sun gives to the earth (warmth, light, energy, life, beauty, etc.). Write down all the words named by the children in the rays of the sun.

2. Reception "Brainstorm"

What do you know about the Sun?

What nature is the sun?

Is it necessary for wildlife?

What do we get from the sun?

What seasons do you know?

So, the Sun is the source of life on our planet. Life on Earth is impossible without the energy of the sun's rays.

Physical education minute

– Hands raised and shook

- These are the trees in the forest.

- Arms bent, brushes shaken

- The wind knocks down the dew

- To the sides of the hand

- Gently wave

- Birds fly to us

- How they sit down, we will also show

- Wings folded back.

3. Teacher's story with elements of conversation

1) Sun and animals (during the story, the teacher shows subject pictures)

M. Prishvin wrote: “Everything beautiful on Earth is from the Sun ...”

For the inhabitants of planet Earth, sunlight and heat are of great importance. The sun warms and illuminates the earth. Thanks to this, animals see the surrounding light.

Do all animals need sunlight?

And those animals that do not have eyes?

Do all animals need the heat of the sun?

The fact is that the sun's rays help to produce very useful substances in the body of animals - vitamins.

M. Zverev talks about how badgers take sunbaths: “A badger burrow is near a small clearing. As soon as the earth warms up, the badger pulls out all her cubs in the sun. Badgers in the clearing fuss for some time and fall asleep, warmed by the sun. As soon as a fresh breeze pulls, they begin to squeak with displeasure. Mama badger drags everyone into the hole. The wind subsides, again the badger has work: they pull the badgers one by one by the collar into the clearing.

Insects, snakes, and lizards love the warmth of the sun. From him they become mobile, fast.

G. Skrebitsky says: “You are walking along a forest edge or along a ditch. Carefully inspect each large stone. The stones are so warm in the bright sun that the hand is hot. Look: there is a lizard on the stone. She flattened her body, spread her paws wide, closed her eyes. She recently woke up from hibernation in an earthen burrow. I woke up and got out to bask in the sun. The lizard will warm up, become fast and agile, and start hunting. Beware of flies, slugs and other small animals!

Have you seen anything like this in the spring?

Is it possible to catch animals, take them home?

2) Sun and plants

Solar heat and light are necessary not only for animals, but also for plants.

They grow, bloom, give fruits and seeds in warm weather. Plants dormant in winter.

On a hot summer day, when the Sun burns mercilessly, animals can hide in the shade. Plants have nowhere to run and hide. So they cover their leaves with a thick layer of wax or white hairs, or twist the leaves. Wax and hairs protect leaves from burns.

While animals can live without sunlight in caves and underground, plants cannot live without sunlight.

Look at these two indoor flowers. Compare, one of them lacked sunlight. Tell me what it looks like.

Remember your walks on the street, did you have to move a large stone from the ground or lift a board from the grass that had lain there for a long time, do you remember how the plants looked under them? Tell us about your observations.

The thing is that the Sun helps the plant to eat. How does this happen?

Listen to a fairy tale about this: “Little wizards live in the leaves of plants - chlorophyll grains. They are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. Their color is bright green. And the leaves of plants are green because there are a lot of these chlorophyll grains. Early in the morning, as soon as the Sun stretches out its rays, wizards wake up - chlorophyll grains. And they immediately get to work.

The roots are ordered: "Roots, roots, take water from the earth." The stalks are given the command: "Stalk, stalk, supply water from the root to the leaves." The leaflet is punished: “Leaflet, leaflet, open the pores, give us air. Then the green wizards take the sun's rays. Rays mix water and carbon dioxide, which is taken from the air. And here is a miracle! Sugar and oxygen are formed from water and carbon dioxide. The roots, the stalk, the leaves, the fruits, and the seeds feed on sugar. They eat sugar and grow. Oxygen, which is necessary for everyone to breathe, chlorophyll grains give into the air. After all, they also need to pay off with air.

All day long, green wizards mix water and carbon dioxide with sunlight, nourishing plants and improving the air. The sun goes to bed, and it's time for the chlorophyll grains to rest. We must thank them for cleansing the air and feeding the plants.

And you think, before picking or spoiling a leaf of a plant, how many magic seeds you can destroy!

Children, did you like the story?

Why do plants need sunlight?

Conclusion: in nature, everything begins with the Sun, which sent its golden warm rays to the moist earth and awakened to life all the blades of grass, blades of grass, bushes and trees. Under this gentle warmth and light in the clean air, they grew and provided food for all herbivores. Those, in turn, gave food for small predators, which feed on large predatory animals and birds.

3) Sun and man

Today we talked a lot about the fact that both plants and animals need sunlight and warmth.

Are they necessary for a person?

For what?

Remember the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun"

What happened on Earth without the Sun?

Is life possible on Earth?

Fizminutka "The sun is a cloud"

VI. Generalization and systematization of knowledge

1. Conversation on drawings

On the board are drawings depicting the Sun at different times of the day.

What time of day is the sun hottest?

Why does it give little heat in the morning and evening?

Can you see the sun when the sky is overcast?

Why is it colder on a cloudy day?

What time of day is shown in each picture? Why do you think so?

How high is the sun above the earth during the day?

2. Work with the textbook (p. 37)

Which picture shows the evening, and which shows the morning?

3. The game "tic-tac-toe" (each child has a piece of paper in a cage)

oIn the morning and evening, the Sun is low above the earth and gives little heat.

oThe sun always heats the same.

oClouds trap the heat of the sun.

oWithout heat, seeds germinate, plants bloom, fruits ripen.

oAt noon, the sun rises high and gives more heat.

oThe sun is necessary for all living things.

4. Quiz

a.When is the day shorter, winter or summer?

b.If the sky is covered with clouds, is there a sun behind them?

c.If the sky is covered with clouds, does it shine?

d.What gives the Earth light and heat?

e.When does the sun get hotter: at noon, in the morning or in the evening?

5. Working in notebooks (p. 13)

Review the drawings. (Reading assignments and execution)

6. The game "Solar objects"

Try to answer the questions and justify your answer.

Ø What day of the week is sunny?

Ø Name the sunniest month of the year.

Ø The sunniest flower?

Ø The sunniest event in a person's life?

Ø The sunniest animal? Insect? Bird?

Ø The sunniest quality?

7. Teacher's story

For a very long time, people have considered the Sun holy and righteous. The sun warms the earth into which the grain is thrown, a green stalk stretches towards the sun, under the sun it turns into a spikelet of bread. Ancient man imagined the sun in the form of a fiery wheel that rolled from the sky. And the life of all living things depends on this solar path in the sky. The sun was revered by everyone - both children and adults. It was considered a sin to point a finger at the sun, to spit in the direction of the sun, to throw stones.

Many fairy tales, miracles, beliefs are connected with the Sun.

Children call the "sun" an insect (ladybug). When clouds appear in the sky, the ladybug was planted on the palm of your hand and said:

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window

Your kids are asking for candy!

If the ladybug rushes up, the sun will soon come out, and if it only spreads its wings a little, then the clouds will cover the sun.

The sunflower brought from distant sunny lands has become a symbol of Ukraine. People believed that this plant turns behind the sun all the time, because it is afraid that the luminary might get angry and leave the Earth forever.

Old people say: "As long as the golden star shines in pure blueness, until then the earthly paths will continue."

Consider the drawing in the textbook on p.37

Which is bigger - the Sun or our planet Earth?

Remember the beginning of our lesson. Life on Earth without the Sun is impossible: if the Sun stops shining, then green plants will die, since they cannot live without heat and light; animals and people will have nothing to eat. All living things will freeze from the unbearable cold. However, this will not happen, since the Sun is a star that radiates a lot of heat and light into space. Its diameter is 109 times the diameter of the Earth, but in the sky we see the Sun small, since the distance to it from the Earth is 150 million km. The temperature of the solar surface is 6000 degrees, and near the center - 15 million degrees. Scientists have calculated that the Sun will continue to shine for billions of years. So we have nothing to be afraid of.

VII. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

What topic did we study today?

Did you like the lesson?

Microphone game

- I'm Sunshine...

From the seventh floor, I can perfectly admire the sunrise. Due to the constant rush and bustle, unfortunately, there is not always enough time to observe the surrounding beauty. But the Sun not only gives us light and heat, the life of all creatures on Earth depends on this heavenly body.

The value of the Sun for life on Earth

The sun is a huge star that is closest to our planet. It has long been proven that both our lives and the existence of other living organisms directly depend on solar energy. And all the processes taking place on our planet are subject to its influence.

The sun influences the Earth's atmosphere, thanks to which we can observe various natural phenomena. That is, snow, rain and fog without the participation of solar energy could not appear. Animals and plants also exist thanks to the energy of the Sun. But without vegetation on the planet, we would not be able to breathe clean air. It is with the help of chlorophyll, located in green leaves and its interaction with the sun's rays, that the air is saturated with oxygen.

How does the sun affect a person

We all love the warmth and light of the sun's rays. After all, it is much more fun when the sun shines brightly outside the window. His energy helps:

  • improve the general condition of the body;
  • increase immunity;
  • improve metabolic processes.

But, besides this, the Sun can also negatively affect the human condition. If you have ever noticed a drastic change in, for example, a psychological state, then perhaps the reason lies in solar activity. All due to the fact that during solar storms the hormonal background of a person and his brain activity change.

People can react differently to an increase in solar activity. Some may experience increased irritability and aggression, while others may open their creative abilities. It is also believed that the development of various conflicts, diseases and situations associated with accidents occur precisely during increased solar exposure. During such periods, it is better to be careful.

The sun is our eternal engine, which will work for many more billions of years. It is known that only a small part (about one billionth) of the Sun's energy falls on our Earth. Nevertheless, this energy is enough to support life on Earth.

What the story says

Even before our era, people knew about the significance of the Sun for our planet. True, then no one imagined how much our planet depends on it. Residents of different states called the Sun in different ways: someone God, and someone holy power.

The positive side of the sun

The sun's rays perform many duties on our Earth, and the main ones are:

  • Photosynthesis process
  • The ideal temperature to sustain life

Photosynthesis is a process that takes place in plants. Every plant on Earth carries out this process without stopping, namely, it receives portions of rays from the Sun and, with their help, absorbs carbon dioxide and releases pure oxygen. Therefore, everything we breathe is the production of sunlight and plants.

Also, the sun's rays help maintain the temperature for the life of organisms. If the rays of the Sun did not fall on the Earth, then the planet would be hellishly cold and no organism could live even ten minutes.

And, of course, light. The sun illuminates our planet, and due to this, we see everything that happens around. Some would object: but at night the Sun does not shine, and everything is still visible, although not as well as during the day. There is a clear answer to this objection: at night our planet is illuminated by the Moon, and without the Sun, the Moon would not shine! That's right, the rays of the sun fall on the moon, and it, in turn, reflects these rays on our planet.

The negative side of the sun

What are the downsides of sunlight? None, except perhaps radiation rays, which in a few minutes can destroy the Earth. However, our planet is covered with an ozone layer, which protects it from the effects of solar radiation. Scientists suggest that the Earth's ozone layer will someday be destroyed, and all life on Earth will die, but this will not happen soon, perhaps after several billion years. Therefore, we can say that there are no negative sides to the sun's rays.