Residents of Vladivostok were alarmed by a message about a threat to children sent out the day before via messengers, mainly Whatsapp. Some people go to city schools and give students drugs under the guise of sweets. After trying the “goodies”, the children are allegedly admitted to hospitals in a serious condition.

To the editor " Komsomolskaya Pravda"- Vladivostok" frightened parents sent screenshots with alarming messages. From the first lines, the author of the text asks parents to have a conversation with their children. After that, they talk about a dangerous drug that is distributed in the schools of the city.

New drug in schools... Please pass this on even if you don't have kids in school. Parents should be aware of this drug. This is a new drug known as "strawberry". There is a type of crystal that looks like strawberry pop rock (candy that fizzes and melts in your mouth). It also smells like strawberries and is distributed to children in schoolyards. They call it “strawberries,” the text notes (text and spelling retained).

The following story tells how one child ate such a candy and was taken to the hospital in a serious condition. Moreover, you can find a dangerous ingredient in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherries, grapes and oranges.

Komsomolskaya Pravda asked the press service of the Vladivostok Internal Affairs Directorate for a comment and submitted a request to verify this information. At the same time, the police noted that such reports often become false. For example, in 2015, there was also a mailing that they were distributing dubious dragees near one of the schools in the city. The delicacy, according to the text, contained psychotropic substances. Subsequently federal Service Drug Control Administration did not confirm information about narcotic chewing gum.

If you dig on the Internet in search of the truth, you can immediately find information about the "strawberry" drug. There are other Russian-language sources that have traveled quite a long way to Vladivostok: first from Belarus, and before that - Ukraine. Moreover, in the first country, the text was even put on paper and handed out to schools. The Belarusian police carried out a check on this message back in 2014, but they did not unearth anything from it.

Moreover, information miners even found the very first text that appeared in in social networks. It was published on the Facebook page by the former deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Marina Stavniychuk. However, he had previously appeared in the messengers of local residents.

As it turned out, the primary source of information is a similar message from the United States. The text exactly repeats the mailing list for the frightened parents of Vladivostok, only on English language. And the first such record appeared in 2007.

So far, our parents have not expressed much concern about this record. If you comment on what is happening, then it is important to understand one thing. Even if this is false information, then never forget to warn your children about the danger. It is impossible for schoolchildren to take sweets from the hands of incomprehensible people and try these "sweets". This is just an occasion to once again remind the younger generation about safety, - commented the President of the VladMama Foundation Olga Romanova.

Strawberries are often referred to as garden strawberries, but they are actually two different types genus "Strawberry". And the full name of the strawberries that we all adore so much is Garden Strawberries. Strawberries can grow not only in gardens, but also in the forest. Its beneficial properties have been known for a very long time, as Hippocrates mentioned in his works. The name "strawberry" comes from the old Russian word "club", which means a ball.

History of strawberries

This plant has appeared since the time of grapes and apple trees due to the crossing of two types of strawberries. Now it is one of the most common crops among gardeners. East Asia is considered the birthplace of strawberries, from where they scattered around the globe. The legend says that back in the 16th century, the officer Frezier brought from America, which at that time was conquered by the Spaniards, a strawberry bush. This bush in the botanical garden of France pollinated a plant of one of the strawberry species. Thus, the strawberry known to us appeared. But historians and botanists refute the fact of pollination and give a different development of events after the bush got into the garden. They say that the plant grew for a very long time and bloomed for about 150 years, and only then, in the second half of the 19th century, the virgin strawberry accidentally pollinated the bush. The year of birth of strawberries is considered to be 1766.

The benefits of strawberries

  • has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure and nerve impulses, prevents and fights depression, strengthens bones and teeth
  • serves as a preventive measure against strokes
  • forms hemoglobin and red blood cells
  • contains vitamins of group C, due to which immunity is strengthened and connective tissues are restored
  • contains vitamins of group E, which serve as an aging retarder and prevention of cancer
  • contains folic acid, which strengthens blood vessels
  • vitamins of group A promote cell renewal, improve vision and smooth the skin
  • antibacterial and antipyretic
  • contains fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the body
  • useful during pregnancy and for children (if there is no allergy)

Harm of strawberries

  • contains a lot of fruit acids, which are prohibited in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers)
  • not recommended for people who wear dentures and complain of pain in the gums
  • rotten strawberries can be poisonous
  • purchased strawberries often contain substances harmful to the body (nitrates, hormones)
  • strawberries brought from the US or China can be genetically engineered, which negatively affects human health
  • may cause an allergic reaction

Little known facts about strawberries

  1. Berries help with headaches, joint pain and fever due to the elements in the composition, which are similar in their actions to aspirin.
  2. Madame Tallien, an acquaintance of Napoleon, filled the bath with strawberries so that her skin would shine and retain its elasticity.
  3. Strawberries strengthen the immune system.
  4. Strawberries are the only berry whose seeds are not inside, but outside.
  5. Recorded the largest berry weighing 231 grams in the US. But it was sour and watery.
  6. There is a real $1.5 million meal in New Orleans. The price is so high because the strawberry is adorned with a large diamond.
  7. Due to the presence of zinc in the composition of the berries, they are considered an aphrodisiac, which is equated to Viagra. In France, newlyweds prepare strawberry soup before their wedding night.
  8. The taste of berries is combined with meat and dairy products.
  9. Berries are allowed to be consumed by people with diabetes, tk. they have no sugar. There is even a strawberry diet.
  10. Strawberries contain B vitamins, which are useful for disorders of the nervous system.
  11. Strawberries are used to make masks for facial skin, because. they contain copper. The juice from the berries fights acne and blemishes, and helps to narrow the pores.
  12. Strawberry juice serves as a teeth whitener and removes bad breath.
  13. Strawberries improve blood circulation and metabolism, increase efficiency.
  14. Belgium is famous for its strawberry museum.

APPEARANCE: around 2007, USA

autumn-2017 - appearance on the Russian-language Internet ("thanks" to anonymous translators)

Background box for fall 2018: in the current hypostasis of a fake, pay attention to the phrases that are repeated in meaning, already pointing to the senseless copying of reposts: "Information has been received from the Department of Education. Very serious and important! Dear parents, a message from an employee of the Kirov Territorial Department of Education Dubinina E.A. Please take it seriously". Mentioned for the first time in a fake in February 2018 Dubinina Elena Alexandrovna works as a leading specialist of the Kirov Territorial Administration of the Education Department of the Administration Volgograd - Reader, do you at least live in Volgograd? Not? Or maybe you don’t have the Kirovsky district either? Well, this is in addition to the fact that she, of course, did not distribute anything :-)

Previous description of the fake:

There is no way, no way, that citizens can learn to think critically, at least on the example of analogies - as soon as everyone forgot about the panic because of the "chewing gum with heroin handed out at schools" in 2014 and 2016, they were replaced by "crystals with the taste of strawberries, which are called strawberries ".

Well, let's take a look:

what is emphasized here - we will say a little later :-)

At the beginning of the search, we were brought to Belarus, where, according to the current tradition, as in Russia, the most "concerned" citizens brought the information to a physical medium, after which the photo of this medium returned to the Internet to warm up the initial information with an "official notice":

As you understand, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus surprisingly denied the existence of such cases on the territory of the republic.

Further, our path lay through the dating of publications on the territory of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet and the same picture was discovered there - "everyone warned everyone." Parents Kyiv schools began to sound the alarm in connection with the spread of information that unknown people are beginning to distribute the drug "strawberry" among students. In general, the Department of Education and Science heard such news for the first time, and turned to journalists and parents with a request to provide them with all the information received about the "strawberry". The Kyiv police scratched their heads in bewilderment and could not really answer the question about the distribution of drugs among the students of the capital's school.

There was also something more interesting - analysis using a neural network revealed that the first information about the "strawberry" appeared October 11 on the page of Marina Stavniychuk, former Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine. However, a day later, the post was removed from her page:

However, this text appeared in parent chats before it was published by Marina Stavniychuk. In addition, gross errors in the text and the form of presentation seemed very strange to reasonable Ukrainians, just like us (you give us Russian as a help in investigations), which, as we promised at the very beginning - a little later. Previously, the text was also distributed by parents of children from Bila Tserkva and Kyiv.

Well, now ... we begin the session of the mass return of the mozgoff to its place and the restoration of your critical thinking :-)

Nightmare! The drug mafia has again taken a loss and a terrible risk and distributes a deadly potion at schools, and even so sophisticated - not just, you know, with the taste of strawberries, "which they call strawberries", but also "SUPPLIED IN CHOCOLATE, PEANUT BUTTER, KOLA , CHERRY, GRAPE and ORANGE".

Now we just want to draw your attention to the specifics of writing phrases:

Schools are very scary at the moment that we all need to knowDo you all know how scary it is in schools right now? do not know?

The kid ate it thinking it was candy -is that something

This drug also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape and orange.- dear citizens, have you carefully read THIS? Do not go to the store, do not buy chocolate, cola, cherries, grapes and oranges - the drug mafia has found a direct way to your stomach and the stomachs of your children. Well, do you really understand now, after a giggle, that they meant not food, but "tasteful"?

What do the underlined phrases have in common? Where did you see this? Don't remember? But what about advertising Chinese socks like " good stuff for dressing on two legs"?

Well, guessed why the text for a normal Russian-speaking person feels somehow... "inverted-clumsily"? it ELECTRONIC TRANSLATION OF A FOREIGN LANGUAGE.

This is not the first time we have encountered a situation that a fake is "ne Russian". So in this case, we carried out a reverse translation of some unique phrases into English and went to see "what happened" - here is the original for you ... word for word coinciding with the Russian translation:

By the way! Let's pause for a second and say that this bike was included in the English-language collection "WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT?" or, if you prefer, "WHAT ELSE IS THERE?" , or "THAT IS THERE WILL BE?", describing all urban legends and "horror stories", as well as their modifications over time, where the authors explore the very phenomenon of rumors, legends and fictions:

Section about "our topic" - "Strawberry-speed panic"


"crystal-strawberry chronicles"

on this topic, without understanding, the comrades of South Africans "fell for it":

we even know what this Madame Monica would answer to the question "in which schools it was handed out" - the answer would be well known to us - "well, I read it on the Internet ..."

2016 Australia Youth Site

The first Strawberry Quick entry we can find is from 2007, when a school principal in the US apparently issued a warning about "baby meth," which is also included in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherries, grapes, and oranges. . It has since been disabled on media and social media and user forums (in Australia and overseas).

In 2012, Strawberry Quick was the subject internet scam, which issued a drug warning fake hospital.

Interestingly, the drug itself was extremely shadowy, as there were no reported drug additions associated with the 2007 claims (and few reports of anyone actually trying to use it on user forums). We haven't had any reports of "Speed ​​Strawberries" working with AOD youth on the YoDAA affiliate network, although normal colored amphetamines are the norm.

The statement alleges that the meth crystal is disguised as sweets or candy and given to unsuspecting children in schools. But Benoni police spokesman Lt. Nomsa Skele said the police had no such cases in the area. The City Times was unable to trace the originator of the message or find any evidence that the drug was being passed on to local schoolchildren. South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction (Sanka) Clara Monnakgotla said Strawberry Quick isn't exactly new. "We heard about it years ago, but we haven't heard anything about it lately," she said.

Electronic translation from English:

A recent warning issued by Karachi City School warned parents of the threat of Strawberry Quick candy, which is said to be a disguise for the intoxicating methamphetamine drug.

The letter says: " There is a type crystal meph that looks like Strawberry Pop Rocks ( candy that fizzes and pops into your mouth). It smells like strawberries, and it's handed out to kids in schoolyards. They call it "Strawberry Meter or Strawberry Quick.

Warning about the effects of drugs disguised as candy letters, children swallow it thinking it's candy, and rushed to hospitals in appalling conditions. It also comes in chocolate, peanut butter, cola, cherry, grape, and orange flavors.

Familiar turns?

And the same activity of "warning" as we have:

The publication also devoted an article to this topic, which states:

District Police Criminal Division Chief Keith Borrell told the Taranyaki Daily News yesterday that the information was a hoax. "We want to reassure the public that there is no evidence of this Strawberry Quik methamphetamine and that it is being distributed to children," Borrell said. He said that the hoax first appeared in New Zealand in 2010 and resurfaced in August last year.

"This is unsubstantiated and there has been no evidence of flavored methamphetamine and that it is aimed at delivering to young children." Borrell urged everyone to report the sale and supply of illegal drugs to immediately contact the police or Crimestoppers. Carr also said that since then the schools have been directed?? police press releases that debunked the "strawberry" myth. “We will explain this in our next newsletter,” he said.

(website screenshot)

But we liked the article (correction of the electronic translation is minimal):

Incidentally, meph use among eighth graders has been falling since the survey started asking about it in 1999, according to a study sponsored by Monitoring the Future (PDF).

"I don't know, did you ever visit Snopes?" - Sheriff Shelley Klein Randy Crookow said, referring to, a site that serves as the city's world-watching star. The "candy" email ends with contact information for "Special Agent Todd W. Colman" of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. verified the agent using the number in the email. The Snopes researchers released the same voice message we heard on the phone Tuesday.

“You called Special Agent Todd Coleman with the US Department of Homeland Security. If you are calling regarding crystal metame information, this information is false and inaccurate. It was not widespread. Otherwise, please leave a message. "

It is true that some drug dealers sell colored versions of crystal methamphetamine. Assuming sweetened versions of the drug might be there to hook kids was harder to test, according to the website.

Kryukov is also president of the Iowa Sheriffs and Deputies Association. He is unaware of any candy condiments that are sold in Iowa. He also believes that the concept may have been "invented" in urban areas. He said that he receives about a dozen fake emails every week.

“We found out about this a year ago,” Krukov said, pointing out some real issues. "We're seeing meta-ice, cocaine and, of course, marijuana - we're seeing an increase in that stuff."

But much of that is coming from across the Iowa border -- this year, deputies only discovered seven meth labs in Clay County. While reporting practices may vary, Crook's estimate estimates that household methamphetamine use has dropped by 70 percent in the state of Iowa. The restriction on the sale of certain cold medicines in Iowa is one reason. Agribusiness has also installed locks on anhydrous ammonia tanks. Both steps disable a key ingredient in the methamphetamine recipe.

The senators' statement said the DEA and the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy issued warnings about the flavored methamphetamine trend. The claim that the drug is actually sold in flavored versions is "the subject of some controversy," as Snopes does.

“Allegations of seizures of the flavored meter could be based solely on a pronounced appearance, and not on its actual taste," the website's author wrote.

Kryukov was also skeptical of the urgency expressed in the email campaign.

“Every day in America, 13,000 children use marijuana for the first time - every day in America. So yeah... you should know about it," Krukov said of candy care. “But parents should be aware of the period of drug use. Not only are these illegal drugs, but we also worry about pharmaceuticals at the pharmacy or insult old paint or whipped cream. What it means: If people want to move up, I think they're going to, but communication is still the best policy for your family.

Well, here is the "source" of this long-term strawberry-strawberry panic, and it is worth noting that it was originally about something else - about new form sales of OPIATES - and this only concerned the first decade of our century in a number of US cities, but not in Kyiv, Minsk, Tagil, Tyumen, Moscow and others - and as we saw from the previous article - "flavored amphetamine" did not receive any distribution, because . it, apparently, was not there, at least the Drug Enforcement Agency did not seize anything of the kind:

Something called "cheese" is killing children. In August 2005, no one had even heard of it - so much so that when the school district police officer first saw the bag with this drug, he thought it was a fake. Now officials understand that "cheese" is too real; at least 21 children have overdosed on it.

Cheese is a combination of black tar-heroin and crushed Tylenol PM tablets, and hits of it sell for a dollar or two. Like any type of heroin, cheese is highly addictive and deadly. If that's not enough to scare you, this is it: made especially for kids.

"Traditionally, heroin will be an adult drug for adults," says Dallas Independent School District Superintendent Jeremy Libbe. “Black tar heroin is cooked on a spoon, mixed with a liquid and injected. Needles. Few kids dream of needles, so if you want to sell heroin to kids, you need to come up with an alternative.”

And that's exactly what drug dealers in the Dallas area have done - they've come up with a form to offer and give it a seemingly good name: "cheese." Cheese consumers, if they don't die, eventually switch to using a needle. And if they try to get rid of cheese, users have terrible physical and mental symptoms cancellation. So, of course, it's best to never start. As for meth, anyone who's seen a junkie, with their shabby skin and rotting teeth, knows what a "Strawberry Quick" is.

Maggie Lineback is a producer on FOX News.

Citizens, don't be upset, there, even some sheriffs in the state of Mississippi fell for this thing and still scare the people in their territory:

electronic transfer: - original US media investigation



It's also good to remember:

  • story
  • story

Strawberries are a tasty and healthy berry. In the article you will learn everything about the best varieties of strawberries, how to properly collect and grow them in the garden. And also a lot interesting facts about strawberries

Garden strawberries are the most common berry crop not only in Russia, but also in the world. It perfectly adapts to various weather conditions, annually gives high yields, simply breeds with a mustache. Before it, only honeysuckle ripens in the middle lane, losing to this sweet fragrant berry in terms of taste and fertility. The sweetest varieties of strawberries contain more than 10% sugars and are a favorite children's treat. With the right choice for growing species of this bright red berry crop, you can enjoy fresh fruits from the second decade of June to early September, and make jams, compotes and juices for the whole year.


What is the difference between strawberries and strawberries. Name confusion.

In the European part of Russia, the culture is called strawberries, in Siberia it is called victoria, and small wild berries growing in the forest are universally considered strawberries. What is the correct name for this beautiful berry?

About 50 species of strawberries are known in the world, living in America, Asia and Europe. The most famous of them are: forest, virgin, garden strawberries or pineapple, Chilean, nutmeg or strawberries. These are herbaceous perennials belonging to the genus Fragaria L of the Rose family.

All cultivated varieties are called garden strawberries, which appeared as a result of spontaneous selection of virgin strawberries from Chilean. Fans in garden plots sometimes grow nutmeg strawberries, which, despite their excellent sweet taste and spicy aroma, have not received widespread due to low yield and demanding care.


Useful properties of strawberries

Garden strawberries contain up to 120 mg% vitamin C and 1.3% citric, salicylic and other acids. Berries perfectly quench thirst, increase appetite. They contain lime and phosphorus salts, pectin, iron, essential oil, phytoncides and tannins.

Fresh fruits are useful for heart disease, gout, anemia, problems with the gallbladder and bladder. Berries and jam are added to tea for colds. Strawberries are used to make skin masks that have a rejuvenating effect. The roots have hemostatic, diuretic, astringent properties.

Strawberries have been used in medicine since ancient times in different countries. Modern healers still include it in health diets. Records have come down to us that the famous botanist from Sweden, Carl Linnaeus, was able to completely recover from gout by eating these healthy berries in large quantities.

The sweetest and most productive varieties of traditional garden strawberries

Strawberries are one of the fastest growing crops. It blooms a month after the start of the growing season and after another 30 days it bears fruit. In the Moscow region, the first berries ripen after June 15-20. Stretch a pleasant period when you can eat fresh healthy fruits simply by planting bushes of various ripening periods on the beds.

Beauty of Zagorye

Mid-early dessert variety with large fruits - the first ones usually weigh 30-35 g, the rest 7-14 g. The shape of the strawberry is elongated, resembling a cone. Berries of excellent taste, rich red hue, with a delicate nutmeg smell, sweet, melting in your mouth, juicy. Yields are regular, resistance to negative t 0 is not bad.

Varieties of garden strawberries “Sudarushka”

A fairly early variety, bred by the botanist Alexandrova G.D. Differs in record high productivity, more than 1 kg from a bush. The main disadvantage is that in rainy years the berries rot, but the rest of the crop usually still outnumbers other types of strawberries.

Strawberries are large: 34-38 g - the first fruits, 12-14 g - ripened later. Strawberries of uneven, slightly pointed geometry, red-orange. The pulp is very fragrant, slightly friable, filled with juice, sweet and sour.


Strawberry, variety “Festival”

Culture of average term of maturing. Relatively resistant to sawfly and spider mites. Not afraid of frost, but does not like winters with little snow. The yield is plentiful almost every year. The berries are oval, classic for the type of geometry, red, large, bright, grow up to 35 grams. The pulp is dense, sweet, the taste is harmonious.


Strawberry variety “Relay”

A variety of medium consumption grade, bred by I.V. Popova. Differs in the increased resistance to diseases, is not afraid of frosts. The yield is very high.

The berries that ripened first are large, grow up to 35-38 g. The shape is blunt-conical, leveled, the color is red. The taste is excellent, sweet and sour, with a hint of nutmeg, characteristic only for this plant.


Variety of garden strawberries “Zenga Zengana”

A late variety bred by scientists from Germany. Resists nematode, powdery mildew, spotting. Handles our winters well. The berries are beautiful, dark red in color, fragrant, with a pleasant sourness. They make a very tasty jam. The main advantage is regular high yields (up to 1.2 kg of a plant) and fruits that do not deteriorate for a long time, compared with berries of other varieties.


Varieties of the best remontant strawberries

Remontant is the ability of a berry to bloom, and, accordingly, to bear fruit several (usually 2-5) times during a productive season. This important feature was adopted by test breeders and brought out remontant strawberries, which bring berries until September frosts. Cultivated varieties are divided into 2 groups.

  1. Small-fruited. The berries are small, the average weight is 7-9 g. They yield crops 3-4 times over the summer. At the time of ripening, they are completely strewn with strawberries and look very decorative.
  2. Large-fruited. The fruits weigh slightly less than the berries of traditional garden strawberries. Most varieties bear fruit twice per season: in late June - early July, and in late August - early September. Usually repeated fruiting is more abundant than the first.

The main disadvantage of remontant strawberries is that they are a bit fresh, less fragrant and soft than regular varieties. But it has denser pulp, thanks to which the berries are stored longer, it is sweet, and many species have been bred that do not give whiskers, which makes it easier to care for the bushes. Among remontant strawberries there are also many tasty and fragrant varieties.



Culture can be grown not only on the street, but also on the loggia, or at home on the window. The bush bears fruit continuously, from the onset of heat to the first frost. The berries are small, elongated or round-conical, weighing 3-5 g. Ripe fruits have a dark red color, a delicate aroma and a harmonious sour-sweet taste. The yield is 500 g per plant.

Baron Solemacher

One of the most productive small-fruited varieties. Received in Germany in 1935. Not afraid of frost, pests, gives consistently high yields annually. The berries are bright red, slightly elongated, sweet, with dense pulp. The bushes bear fruit all summer and are literally strewn with strawberries. For the season they give about 600 g of fruit.


Moscow delicacy, strawberry

A large-fruited variety of Dutch origin. Not afraid of frost and drought. Ripens early. The culture already in the 1st year gives up to 800 g of fruits per season, bears fruit from the 2nd decade of June until the first frost.

On average, berries weigh 15 g, some specimens grow up to 35 g. The fruits are red, conical in shape with a blunt rounded end. Pulp with a delicate soft aroma, juicy, pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Agrotechnics of garden strawberries

The optimal time for planting is August, work is completed no later than September 5th. For the bushes, beds are prepared, oriented from north to south, located in well-warmed, sunlit areas of the garden. Most of all, strawberries are suitable for medium loams with a neutral reaction. Lime must be added to acidic substrates.

Before planting the crop, the bed is dug up, complex mineral and organic fertilizer is applied, and leveled with a rake. After these events, landing is started no earlier than 7-10 days later. Plants are placed according to a single-line or multi-line scheme. The optimal distance between the bushes is 10 cm.

So that the seedlings do not get sick and do not become infected with a strawberry mite, before starting work, the bed can be shed with a hot pink (medium saturation) solution of potassium permanganate. After planting the bushes, water the plants with the same solution, cooled to a temperature of 45-48 0 C.

Strawberries feel best in mixed plantings with onions, parsley or garlic, which repel pests from the berry, disinfect the soil, and partially distract slugs and mice.


How to pick strawberries?

Strawberries and wild strawberries have very delicate fruits, so they are picked carefully so that they lie in the refrigerator for at least a week. To do this, you must follow the following rules.

  • Berries must be collected immediately in the container in which it will be stored. When pouring from container to container, more than 7% of the crop is damaged.
  • The best containers for strawberries are flat wooden boxes, small birch bark boxes or shallow baskets in which the upper berries will not press on the lower fruits. Plastic trays are not suitable, strawberries do not “breathe” in them and instantly deteriorate.
  • Strawberries are removed from the bush only with the stalk, it is better to leave the tail longer.
  • The crop is harvested in dry weather. If it rains constantly, the collected berries are laid out on paper, dried, and only then neatly folded into boxes.

Important! Strawberries are harvested as soon as they turn completely red. Fruits with green tips have not yet gained enough sugar, and dark berries that hang for an extra 1-2 days quickly become soft and deteriorate.


Interesting facts, beliefs and legends about strawberries

Around the scarlet berry, shaped like a heart, and the taste of nectar, interesting legends simply could not help but arise. Here is some of them.

  • 3 dried strawberry leaves were hung over the entrance to the house. It was believed that it brings happiness.
  • For the first time, the fruits were brought to Europe as a gift to the English queen from Chile in the Middle Ages. At first, strawberries were called that - the royal berry.
  • In the Roman Empire, for their red color and shape resembling a heart, strawberries were considered the berry of the goddess of love, Venus. It was believed that if the fruit is cut into 2 equal parts and eaten at the same time by a couple in love, then they will be together for the rest of their lives.


And these are the facts about strawberries:

  • Today, at the annual Wimbledon tennis tournament, during the break between matches, spectators traditionally eat the freshest strawberries and cream grown in the vicinity of London.
  • The composition of strawberries includes aromatic substances, the smell of which improves mood and gives vigor to the body.
  • Eating 150 g of fruits a day can relieve stress and get rid of negative emotions.


Royal berry is available to everyone!

In the Middle Ages, strawberries were the favorite fruit of many royalty. She was adored by the French kings, the English ruler Henry VIII, Spanish nobility. According to rumors, in Russia, the first to start growing a large fragrant berry in his Izmailovo gardens was the autocrat Alexei Mikhailovich. The peasants were content with small forest fruits.

Today, every gardener can grow this royal dessert on his plot. The sweetest varieties of garden strawberries are available to any connoisseur of this beautiful elegant berry. It is important to make the right choice in order to enjoy the great taste of frozen fruits, wonderful jam and sweet compote all year round.

VIDEO: The best varieties of garden strawberries (strawberries)